N SharifPsaie. I 'I1" "- - ' .- - .TTTT TREASURER'S SALE OF By virtue of a certain writ of Scire Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of i Carbon county, to me directed, there will be sold at public vendue or out cry, at the vTTr TA TT"TTC?7 T i fir I. Vuuni jiuuuii, in uiu uorougn 01 iuaucn Chunk, in the county of Carbon, Pennsylva nia, at 1U o'clock A. M. of WEDNESDAY, the 4th day of May, A. D. 1864, the follow ing described tracts, pieces or parcels of land, three ot which tracts oi land are situ ate partly in Carbon and partly in Monroe counties, and will be sold under the provi sion of Act of Assembly of the 13th June, A. D. 1S40, and the same are described as fol lows : No. 1. All that tract of land surveyed on a warrant to David Hartung, situate in Pcnn Forest township, Carbon county, bounded as follows: Beginning at a post, thence by land of Isaac Picrson north fitly four degrees east two hundred and fifty six perches to a post corner, thence south forty six degrees east one hundred and thirty perches to a spruce corner, thence south forty four de grees west sixty six perches to hemlock cor ner, thence south sixty degrees east forty five perches, thence south thirteen degrees east one hundred and four perches to a cor ner, thence south forty four degrees west two hundred and seventy eight and a half perches along a line of William Wood to a post corner, thence by land of A brain Schupp north forty six degrees west two hundred and sixty two perches to the place of be ginning, containing Four Hundred and Thirty-Nine and Three Fourths Acres. No. 2. All that certain other tract of land situate and surveyed on a warrant to Charles Evans, bounded as follows: Beginning a a stake corner, thence south sixty degrees east two hundred and nineteen perches to a post comer, thence along line ot M. Conrad north thirty degrees east to a post, thence south sixty degrees east five perches to a post, thence north thirty degrees cast fifty five perches to a post, thence along line ol David Evans north sixty degrees west two hundred ninety 'and a half perches, thence south ninety two and three fourths perches, thence soutli fifty degrees east aioug line of Thomas ilartman to a spruce corner, thence south lifsy nine degrees west one hundred and seventy six perches to a hemlock cor ner, thence south twenty nine degrees, west one hundred and two perciies to the place of beginning, containing Four Hundred Thir ty Six Acres I'lfly Perches and Allcrc itnee, . No. 3. Also one of her tract situate in Mon roe and Carbon counties surveyed on war rant to David Evans, and bounded as fid lows: Beginning at a corner, thence along the Hue of Charles Evans south sixty de grees e"ast two hundred anu ninety and a half perches to a corner, thence north thirty degrees east two hundred and thirty five perches to a stone corner, thence north sixty degrees west two hundred and sixtv eifjht perches to a corner, thence south sixty de grees west along line nf Michael Kreidcr one hundred and fifty eight perches to a cor ner (pine), l?erce south one hundred and thirteen-perthes to the place of beginning, containing Four Hundred and Thirty Nine Acres and One Hundred and Fowiccn Perches and allowance, of which last de scribed tract of land two hundr-d acres are situate in the county of Monroe and the res idue in the county of Carbon. No. 4. Also one othr tract situate in Penn Forrest township, Carbon counu, sur veyed on warrant to Msthias Conrad, and hounded as follows: Beginning at a post corner of Charles Evans, iher.cc by Slid Evans north thirty degrees to a corner, thence south sixty degrees east along line of George Lcsher two hundred and fifty perch es to a post corner of David Bieckley, thence south thirty degrees west to a post cornor of said Bleckley, thence north sixty degrees west two hundred and fifty perches to the beginning, containing Four Hundred and Forty Acres and allowance. No. i. A4?o'a part of another tract, situ ate in tine said township and county, sur veyed on warrant granted to David Bleck ley, the whole tract being bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a post in the line of Thomas Ilartman, thence by the same south sixty degrees east one hundred and seventy five perches to a stone corner, thence nortii thirty degrees east thirty perches to n post! corner, ! hence bv Jacob Everiv south sixtv j degrees cast one hundred and seven tv six! perches to a post corner, thence south thirty: degrees east one hundred and twenty six perches io a stone corner, ihenca west by J. Eyerly four hundred and five perches to a corner of M. Conrad, thence by same north thirty degrees east to the-place of beginning, out of which lias been taken and the same is hereby reserved, fifty four acres and one hundred and forly eight perches, strict mea sures, to include John Burgers improve ments on south side of said tract, and leav ing in the same which is herein designed tdl be conveyed, Three Hundred and Eighty Two Acres and allowance, of which last a- bove described tract of jand two hundred a cres are situate in Monroe county and the residue m Caroon counlv. No. G. Also a part of another tract sur veyed on warrant to Daniel Hartung, "bound ed as follows : Beginning at a post, thence northwest by part ot the same tract one hun dred and forty four perches to a post, thence northeast sixty perches to a post in. line ofi Charlotte Buckner, thence northeast by same ninety six perches to a stone corner, thence southeast one hundred and ten per ches to a stone corner, thence northeast one hundred and thirteen perches to a post, thence southeast one hundred and fifty four perches to a post, thence southwest one hun dred perches to a post, thence south thirty nix- degrees east ten perches to a post, thence southwest by Michael ivreider one hundred and lyrsety two perches to a beach corner, thence northwest one hundred sixty two perches to' a spruce corner, thence southwest thirty four perches to a beac&teorner, thence northwest twenty three perches to a post, thence southwest to a spruce corner, thence northwest nine and a half perches to the be cinning, the last five courses being by land jn the name of "William Wood, containing Three Hundred and Severity Six Acres .nd allowance, more or Jess, of which last jiUove described tract of land twenty acres ire situate in Carbon county and the residue in Monroe county. The whole quantity contained in the se' cral above described tracts intended to lie sold being TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN ACRES AND ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY $E,VE.N PERCHES aud allowance, and the same being- unimproved timber land. . Seized and taken in execution as the nroncrtv of Isaac Lewis and John .l. Ever hart. CHARLES PACKER, Sheriff: Sheriff's office, April 7, 1864. 3t. In Monroe CGimty. Notice i3 hereby given,'that agreeably to an Act of General Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 13th day of March, 3S15, entitled an "Act to amend the act entitled an act directing the mode of selling Unseated Lands for taxes and for oth er purposes, and of an Act passed the 13th day of March, 1817, a further supplement to an Act to amend the act entitled an act di recting the mode of selling Unseated Lands for taxes and other purposes by the act of Gen eral Assembly passed the 9th day of March in the year of our Lord 1847, entitled an act in relation to the sales of Unseated Lands in the several counties of this Commonwealth, the following tracts of land will be sold at public vendue on thel3lh day of June, being the St.'i:i;stS H3islay. o? JJisise Kexl at the Court House in Stroudsburg, in the county of Monroe, for arrearages of taxes due, and the costs accrued on each lot respectively. For Years 1862 and 1563. ?sirrSS, No. Warrantee. Acres. Per 109 Baker John H. 150 10 201 Banwl John (part) 90 2S9 Brqdheud Ann 405 290 Brodhead Thomas 427 294 Brodhead Alexander 208 314 Brown Daniel 393 315 Bodhead Samuel (part) ISO 109 Cardiff Jacob (partf 3uU 242 Casebeer Solomon 308 Chapman Joseph 310 Chambers Moses 319 Chapman Joseph 320 Cottinger Garret (part)300 Q3 Dills Abraham 190 107Dcnnison Alexander (pt)200. 214 Duncan John 334 21 3 Duncan David 441 219 Dyson James (part 191 260 Dills David Jr. 291 Depue Samuel 137 Ford Standish 212 Fudge James (part) 139 Graisburg Joseph 13S Gibbons Isaac 110 Graisburg James Griscom Samuel E. (pt) 25 Griscom Samuel E. (pt) 10 Griscom Samuel E.(pi) 75 305 Gordon Charles 403 323 Healon Joseph 138 130 293 Hailer Frederick 270 20 120 Huff Solomon (part) 21G Jones Charles 20G Lomax David (part) 295 Lockhart John 70 60 80 15 417 112 200 402 200 1G 84 G2 14 415 10 405 100 300 41 2S8 153 300 70 2G0 113 300 113 50 53 11 148 100 239 370 180 301 402 355 104 305 211 150 113 350 150 347 24 303 154 01 91 48 40 393 403 374 437 213 25 23 88 Martin John 133 Moore Patrick 222 Murray John 297 McNair Solomon 216 McGaw Michael 310 Nethermark Lucas 202 Roup George W. 33G Reed Rachel 106 Scavoncy Thomas 205 Smith Jonathan B. 213 Shafinor Solomon 392 Smith Elizabeth 304 Sandman Christopher 317 Smith Rachel 251 Tyson David 312 Utt Jacob (part) 343 Van Gordon Gysbert 313 Van Campen Rachel 221 Wells William 237 Weaver Philip 311 Wolberham Jonathan 31S Wilkinson Joseph and Lacy John Borver Oilman 256 Heckman Adam (part) 250 Morgan Sarah (part) 230 Peach Peter (part) . 81 Pratt George (part) Rees Rachel Recs Siinuel (part) biiupp Philip (part) 421 GO 111 404 111 343 72 39G. 23 411 54 103 Shupp Peter 31G 445 133 2S9 2G0 80 126 220 120 408 97 403 200 433 340 438 403 432 143 207 415 412 212 403' 68 97 90 BLANK MORTGAGES For sale at this Office Arndt Thomas 193 Biles Henry 224 Burrows Henry 244 Bell William (part) 210 Craig Jonn 225 Cutinigiiam Gustavus 246 Cameron William 199 Depue Aaron 213 Depue Daniel 212 F-u-ige James (part) 22o i razor ISaloro (pari) 205 Guiltner Francis 415 10 231 Guiltner Tobias 412 72 1 63 Hester John 212 15 191 Ilembt Jacob 408 99 231 Horn Abraham 406 334 233 Hagle Peter 403 97 242 Harvey Samuel 400 75 247 Harvey Mary (part) ' 325 200 Lennox David (part) 200 211 Lee Thomas 231 02 207 Murdock John 433 103 222 Murray Sarah (part) 220 238 Meeker Samuel 213 33 243 McCullough John 411 80 227 Pratt Henry 421 40 223 Polk Robert 328 40 192 Reeder Absalom 407 127 397 Biggs Philip (part) 258 97 221 Reese Jane - 440 80 222 Reese Daniel 433 70 223 Reese Sarah 439 118 241 Ross David 409 8 245 Robert Isaac (part) 203 153 Sid man Eliza 170. 64 355 -Sidrrian fsaac 400 150 219 Swartvvovd Moses (pt) 318 140 229 Shannon William' 328 48 232 Shaw Jlichard 408 98 214 Taggart John- 399 122 23G Vanuxen James 433 70' 208 Wood Thomas 427 18 209 Ward Hannah- 411 51 226 Ward Joseph .411 51 Willing Richard (part) 50 220 Wheeler Daniel 3QS 10 It! red Township. Lattermore William 395 150 Levers Isaac 403 86 - Hamilton Township. Cox Tench (part) 300 Cox John (part) 800 Johnson Elizabeth (pt) 200 Levers George (part) 300 Levers George 380 72 Levers Elizabeth 415 96' Moo're John (part) 300 Prall Thomas- (part) 150. Thompson James (part)l 00 100 Yararmer Clary (part; w Vararmer Samuel (pt) 100 JPackson Toxvnship, Barnet John (part) 150 Coates Lindsev 427 22 Delong John 406 Tax. 8 75 4 90 17 05 18 10 8S9 17 00 7 32 22 50 17 70 8 75 17 30 8 75 12 66 8 24 18 20 17 00 2250 22 50 17 29 17 21 17 CO 14 12 12 85 33 50 12 86 1 01 96 2 51 17 00 6 42 11 50 5 01 4 63 13 58 7 64 7 92 17 00 24 43 15 22 7 00 13 14 9 67 8 75 27 74 16 04 16 50 16 75 17 09 16 15' 13 84 9 57 17 61 17 19 19 75 23 98 17 43 GOO S70 8 70 784 4 19 13 50 16 50 6 40 7 72 510 11 72 31 69 20 91 7 27 7 82 22 81 33 69 26 85 5 99 30 54 21 50 33 93 10 99 21 29 21 22 33 69 21 30 33 05 10 70 17 00 19 8) 8 90 13 34 42 71 38 05 25 56 31 69 14 13 34 16 : 33 98 34 04 31 75 10 77 9 17 15 80 16 69 33 94 31 39 40-97 22 80 32 62 21 45 21 45 3 56 31 70 4-72 4 79 5 07 5 07 3 55 5 07 6 19 6 83 507 2 99 2 02 6 60 2 02 6 92 17 30 17 50 (50 (8 35 (12 (!5 238 57 (53 104 195 G7 (il 188 13G 104 112 124 74 CS 87 315 330 320 79 100 181 323 334 323 335 80 332 180 81 330 338 318 19 15 Gwinner Frederick (pt)251 Kromer Wm. (part) 150 Logan Mary 402 Lisley Peter (part) 200 Logan John (part) 295 Roup William 415 Sitgreaves Samuel (pt) 80 108 Starbird John (port) 200 Smith Elizabeth (part) 440 95 Tyson, Joseph 435 108 M.. Sittiihfiuid. Uarclay James 480 Bunnell Katy 424 Barclay John 400 Coolbuugh Susan part 358 Hortmon Richard 207 Hartuug Daniel 402 Howey Bowdawine pt. 100 Jayne "William. 400 Jayne Mary 339 Lewis Richard part 23G Ogden Sarah part 100 Ogdcn Ann part 300 Packer Wm. 150 Sanders John 402 Stucker Margaret 150 Paradise? Gibbons Isaac part 200 Humphreys Isaac pt. 121 Ilooglin John 400 Lee Joseph 401 Nicholas Wm. 444 "Welsh Rogers 400 Pocono. Gwiuncr Frederick 174 Krr John 200 Morris James 167 Nicholas John Jr. 429 Paul Thomas 435 Smiley David 342 Smith Elizabeth part 290 Shoemaker William' 423 Smith Frances J. part 320 Price. 80 55 40 70 155 8 13 120 113 350 14 30 4S 100 137 16 18 94 150 Bunnel Benjamin 439 Bowlinger Frederick 327 Brodhead Samuel part ls-0 Eenslr AVilliam 422 Cottinger Garret part 13S IiufTEncAS 343 Harrison William 140 Harrison William part 220 licaton Joseph 184 HortonTabithu, 422 J ones John 437 Jayne Anna 413 Place Philip 409 Place James 390 llustor Thomas part 180 Van Camp Abraham Winnings Jacob 422 Wright Robert 128 Wilkinson Joseph 103 Ross. Johnson James part 373 Levers Sarah 438 Snsilhftcid. Barnliill John part 100 Chalouer John part 50 Gordon John 407 Horn Benjamin part 200 Stroud. Brodhead Garret part GO Prawl Thomas part 130 Tooyhansiali. Albert?on Garret Albcrlsoii Garret Alloway William Barry .John Blukely John Btokely Daniel Brodhead Luke Beohm & Shinier Beck Frederick Beohm Philip Brodhead Samuel 30 23 80 4 100 14 146 350 150 120- 125 11 58 6 80 17 39 8 90 11 75 17 92 3 84 8 90 18 98 18 76 8" 7 4 8 65 8 20 7 43 4 48 8 21 4 35 8 20 8 20 4 9G 2 43 2 43 G 18 8 20 3 37 1G 70 10 37 32 93 32 93 3G 44 25 39 5 32 11 50 5 10 12 30 12 40 10 72 8 46 6 27 9 30 17 58 13 22 7 00 16 95 5 85 13 8 7 78 9 84 9 52 16 06 1G 54 16 60 11 23 14 95 8 G7 17 01 16 77 4 28 3 28 Berry Simon' Cox Jacob par Conrad Mary part Cox Joseph part Cox Jonathan part Cox Mary pail Cox Rebecca Cox WUHam part Conrad Deborah Dyer Joseph Dyer Sarah Engle Jacob part Evans Charles Engle William Fish John Fifh William Gibbon? Aoel-pari Howell Samuel liart'man Thomas Hart man Jacob Hartung Elizabeth Hartuug John D. part Harvey Mary part irwin Robert Lane William Lane Mary Lyons Peter Long Rebecca McCullough John Rec3 Daniul 227 101 439 82 434 200 419 307 439 100 304 422 225' 239 208 200 162 440 350 250 404 200 50 200 150 403 3G3 226 433 438 395 439 264 78 433 430 438 424 162 424 400 21 154 107 51 108 50 19 17 109 27 120 120 1H 21 59 10 24 GO 102 70 129 84 70 112 87 PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, The Xar$;ctnii! Cheapen 5ioc!i ever offered sat this City. CHASIXE W. S KAN, Wholesale Dealer IN 1882 it is made the duty of all persons, part- bvehct and German 'Baskets, Wood and 'utmM KcYeiine. ANNUAL TAXES FOR 1864. The attention of tax-payers is hereby call ed to the provisions of the United States Ex cise Law relative to the assessment of an nual taxes. By the sixth section of the act of July 1, nerships, firms, associations, or cornorations. made liable to any annual duty, license, or tax, on or before the first Monday of May in each ijcar, to make u list or return to the Assistant Assessor of the District where lo cated of the amount of annual income, the articles or objects charged with a special tax, and the business or occupation liable to. pay any license. Willoio Ware, Notions, Brushes, Oil Cloths,, Cotton Laps, Wadding; &c., &c, &c. No. 223 Market-Street, below Second, (north side,) PHILADELPHIA. The subscriber has just opened an entire ly new nna complete stock of poods oi the o Every nersnn who sh.-ill fnJi to mnt-o eh best quality and description, to which he return by the day specified will be liable to w,ou( respectfully call the attention of Mer- thc best information which he can obtain: chanr8d Dealers, who wish to find a good and in such case the Assessor is required to arli, theaPfr Cash. add fifty per centum to the amount of the , c s,ods wiM1 bouSht for Nett Cash, items of such list. at 11,0 real'y reduced prices consequent up- Every person who shall deliver to an As- P.on l!ie. stringency of the times, and believing essor anv talso or frnmlniont h-et r u,e "nimble sixpence" to be belter than the ment, with intent to evade the valuation or enumeration required by law, is subject to a firm nf fi'r tinnHrorl Irvllnro. o .,',7 ; the list will be made out by the Assessor or ahV.ays " : f IlMl-KUl , U.UU 11UII1 IJIU ViUUilUUil and enumeration so made there can be no ap peal. Payment of. the annua taxes. exc'eDt those for licenses, will not be demanded until the thirtieth day of June. Ihe appropriate -blanks on which to make return, and all necessary information, will be furnished by John N. Stokes. Stroudsbunr. Asst. Assessor for Div. No. 9, composed of c0jj, uuuuusuuig xurougn, curomi, rocono, Uool baugh, and Paradise Tsns.: bv John ATnrsh. Fennersville P. O., Asst. Assessor for Div. No. 10, composed of Hamilton, Chestnuthill, "slow shilling," ihey are now offered to the public at prices that defy competition. 'Pl- rM ; 1 ... -tun imimmi area low or the n runes Delaware, laclcRwaima & Western RAIL ROAD. it sir. -rTr posed of Middle Smithficld, Smithfield, Price. and Barrett Townships. llie returns should be delivered on or be fore the first day of May, 1864. SAMUEL OLIVER, U. S. Assessor, 11th Dist. of Pcnna. Easton, March 25, 1864. 4 5 99 72- 85 2S 50 52 Rox or Regg Philip pt. 150- K ogers James 411 Shoemaker Samuel 36G Kidman Isaac 440 Ktewart James 400 81 Sliarpless John- 491 111 Serman Isaac . 421 110 Stewart Cluu-les 200 Rharpless Joseph 424 Shaw Richard 315 Taylor Elizabeth part 150 Wild Adam 438 Wilson William part 200 Able Jacob 405 barnet William 407 Caldwvli David 400 Cox Joseph art , 209 6Tox Benjamin 439 Cox Jonathan part 238 80 Creamer Jacob 393 59 Caldwell Daniel 408 121 Durham Edward 40' 40 Evans Charles part 239 24 Ehno Conrad part 375 40 Elms George 438 48 Eyerly Jacob 408 50 Eyerly Jacob 400 SO Evans David part 200 Foulke Benjamin part 253 135 Horselield & McCarty 76 Ilartman Thomas 401 28 Lesley I'eVir part 224 98 Logan Alexander 427 40 Lcsher George part 275 McCarty Benjamin - 351 130 Purdy William 438 70 Paschall Thomas 400 Rees Hannah 400 l'C llyan James 40G 3tees Derrick part 110 Rees Samuel 415 Slice John 4t)3 39 Shupp Peter part 240 Sterner Henry 439 '8a Shupp Philip - 150 Sitgrcavc. Samuel part 200 Shaw Richard" 399. 56- S7 03 14 G9 G 80 28 50 5 62 27 85 13 10 26 85 19 80 32 00 6 80 19 62 24 64 14 GG 15 50 14 08 13 10 15 79 35 21 27 44 16 25 32 00 13 10 7 14 15 53 19 64 2G 45 26 14 7 71 27 75 28 81 25 36 32 00 17 50 5 38 38 30 28 39 28 39 27 48 10 G5 32 00 25 70 9 95 26 37 5 63 28 22 25 70 30 40 38 80 13 10 27 18 20 84 13 10 25 70 28 06 13 11 all kinds and finalities Toy Pails, Salt and Sujiar Boxes', Half bushel, aud Peck Measures, Well Buck ets, Towel Rollers, Patent head smd straight clothes pins, wash boards, . TYoodcn Mop Handles, Grain Scoops, Toy Wheel narrows, Coin Brooms,-every vartcty of shoe, paint, scrub, and sweeping brushes, &c. es brushes, baskets, willow and ratan chairs, skirt rataus, bird cages, clothes lines, hed cords, skirt cords, tie yarns, twine of all kinds, together with a lame assortment of notions and fancy goods Koss, .CilclreU, i'olk, Tobyhanna, and Jackson r7 rnn , r m ? Tsg, by Geo.!, I.e,,i &pcnlnotMi,ls P. O., Asst. Assessor for Div. No. 11. com- 'pi, .i n . i c , "v;ou "uuua uiu uti uuw unu carciimv se- lected, and are offered at prices that cannoi fail to attract attention. Buyers will invariably find it to their own interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. OOParticular attention given to packing goods for shipment, so as to prevent damage or excessive charges for freight. Ururucrs by mail promptly attended to. CHARLES W. DEAN. 223 Market-si., north side, below 2nd, Phila. For Siats, Itficc, Eoachcs, Ants, Bed B;5;js, Mollis :ss Fcces, Wool- cms, & Biisecls oil I?l;iiils, Eowis, Animals, S;c. Put up in 25c. 50c. and 1,00 Boxes, Bot tles, and Flasks. 3 and 5 sizes for Ho tels, Public Institutions, &c. ''Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous Jo the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." 0CrSold Wholesale in all large cities. 05Sold by all Druggists and Retailers ev erywhere. OOHlBeware!!! of all worthless imitations. OOSee that Costar's" name is on each Box, Bottle and Flask, before you buy. OCTAddress HENRY R. COSTAR. W. HOLLTNSHEAD, Wholesale & Retail Agent, Stroudsburg, Pa. March 24, 1864. 6m. THE PASSENGER TRAIN Leaves GREAT BEND at 7,40 a. m. hftcf tbe arrival at 0.30 a. m. of the Cincinnati Express from the West, connecting at Scran ton, where it arrives at 30.10 a. m. with a' train on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad, lor Pittston, Wyoming Valley? Kingion and Wilkes-B.irre. and by Omni bus with the Delaware and Hndson Railroad at Providence, for Olyghant and Carbondale. At Hope Station this train connects by om nibus with the Belviderc, Delaware Rail road for Phillipshorg, Trenton and Philadel phia. At New Hampton Junction, where it arrives at 2.25 p. ni., the same train connects with Trains on the Central R. R. of N. J. for Elizabeth, Newark and New York, Eas ton, Bethlehem, A'llentown, iMauch Chunk, Reading and llnrrisbiirg. Passengers by this train arrive in NewN York at 5.30, in Philadelphia-S.C0, and in iiurrisburg ntS.20" in. The Country Safe ! The subscriber would respectfully uotify January 28, 1864 the public that he has now for sale at his Ware Rooms (old stand) Stroudsburg, a new and splendid lot of new and fashionab c fur niture, such as For the Fruit, Flower and Kitchen Garden 1861 THE 1SG4 Gardener's Monthly, W. G. P. BRINCKLOE, Publisher. Office : 23 Mrttf SixtJi Street, PMla. TERMS 81 50 A YEAS; EDITKD BY TIIOIAS 3IEEIIAN THE MONTHLY CONTENTS ARE Hints Flower Garden and Pleasure Ground ; Fruit Garden : Vegetable Garden Window Gardening-. Communications Embracing the view of the best writers on Horticulture, Arbori culture, and Rural Affairs. Editorial Giving the Editor's views on the important Horticultural improvements. Scraps and Queries New Fruits New Plants Domestic and Foreign In telligence Foreign Correspondence Horticultural Notices. With each Department handsomely, illus trated. These general features will be retained, and the publisher pledges himself that no la bor or expense shall be spared to render the 'succeeding issues of the Magazine every way worthy, ol the favor with which his previous efforts have been amply rewarded. Send lor a specimen. The subscriber lakes this method of infor ming his many friends, and the public gene rally, that he has returned from the cities, with a large lot of ' Ready Made Clothing, of the latest styles, consisting of COATS of all kinds and qualities, PANTS of various styles of goods, and ' VESTS of every grade. From his present stock he is satisfied thai he can meet the demand of every taste and "rig out", in a manner hitherto unapproach ed, the man with the single dollar, or the" possessor of thousands. He has also laid in, and will keep on handT an elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, . consisting of Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Vestings, Notions, Jlosiery, &c, &c, all of which ho will sell very cheap. lie has also a splendid lot of at prices varying from 50 cents to 86 each : the latest styles; of Mantillas, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c, &c, and all at prices surpri singly low. P- S. Clothing made to order at short no tice and warranted. CALF and SHEEP SKINS taken in ex change for Goods at cash prices. The public are invited to call as he :3 de termined to sell his goods cheaper than tho' cheapest. NICHOLAS RUSTER, Stroudsburg, Slay 12, 1859. tf. I 1 which he will dispose of cheap for cash orj ready pay. lie has also on hand a choice lot of Qili Tilouldijig'g, which he is prepared to make up in frames to order, or dispose of as purchasers may rc- nnirn. w. The undertaking business promptly at- number. A First Class Farmers Magazine for Penna 1804 THE PENNSYLVANIA 1864 FARMER & GARDNER, DEVOTED to AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, AND RURAL AFFAIRS. edited and published by WgeS. S. laTOMSCg', & Co., Ho. 52 North 6th Street, Philadelphia. TERMS ; ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. The Sixth volume commences with January tended to as usual. MORRIS SMILEY. Stroudsburg, Pa., Feb. 26, 1864. .tf. Bargains at Private Sale; Complete setts of Parlor, Bedroom, and Kitchen furniture. Sundry Farming, Car penter, and. Blacksmith Tools. One truck Wagon and Harness. Apply at this Office. March 17, 1864. Having obtained the services of eminent and practical Agriculturists, Horticulturists, Stock Breeders and Bee Keepers, we confi dently offer the Current Volume as one of the best ever issued, for originality, practi cal thought and reliable information. Send for a specimen. January 28, 1864, ESlSsS: r . ii... i "u-L-- his office next doot to Dr. S Walton, where he is fully prepared to treat ;he natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt ituic artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in the latest and most improved manner. Most: nersons know the danger and folly of trust ing their worli to tire ignorant as well as' the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he it liable to have some failures out of a number of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distancef' it is frequently put ofi' until it is too late to save the tooth or teeth as it mav be, other wise the inconvenience and trouble of going so far. Hence the necessity of obtaining the1 services of a dentist near home. All worlr warranted. Stroudsburg, March 27, 1862. GLEN WOOD illafhcuiUilca! & Classical Schools Thestibseriuer, having taken jie establish- ment heretofore occupied by the ivev. H. S. Howell, is prepared to receive boarding and' day scholari. The studies pursued in this Institution comprise all the branches of a thorough Matii omatieal and Classical Course. Young men desirous of qualifying them-' selves for teaching, will do well to call be- fore engaging elsewhere. Address personally, or by letter, SAM'L ALSOP, Principal. Del Water Gap, 3rd mo. 20. roeeries am Slarilware. Sayiop David 415 Baylor Amos 409 135 Wilson William part 224 64 Wildman John 438 10 Waters Natbauicl 410 31 GEORGE EABLE, Treasurer. March 17, 18C4. IS 20 18 20 18 20 9 74 20 55 10 81 lfi 72 18 20 18 20 11 12 16 71 19 95 18 20 18 20 9 18 20 3 80 18 20 9 94 18 20 10 81 12 30 19 95 24 10 21 10 18 20 G 98 15 94 18 20 11 12 18 20 G 51 9 35 18 20 9 50 24 (51 13 59 22 01 18 20 LEWIS D. TAIL. GEOUGE D. STROUD YAH and STR0UB. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, - Have removed their OfTlce to No. 703 Sun- som Stieet, Match 17, IP64 PSsi!:iIEiIii;j MADISON HOUSE. M. & T. P. "WATSON, (livery stable attached) & 39 North 2d st, between Market and Ardli, nilLAD jilt1 n r a j rA Fobruary 20, 18G3, ly. ml 7 The Subscriber informs the public that he has opened the most extensive in the County, consisting of very fine and common COFFEE, SUGARS, And a large assortment of TEAS, stt MOLASSES, Iffii Unisons, Salt Fish, and hundreds Ejll of other articles commonly kept XJU in a Grocery Store. ALSO, A large stock of UAR.D WARE, The subscriber has niade arrana;drh'euts in the cities which enables him. to pro cure any article in his line of business on short notice- All persons are kindly invited fo call PHILADELPHIA I i : t i, ui...-, lwn. win. Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary a uai mi, u atuo. uuiu and Sexual Systems new and reliable treat nient in Reports ol the HOWAllU ASSU chasp- elsewhere, All kinds of Grain and Produce pur- CIATION Sent by mail in scaled letter chased by tho subscriber lor winch the envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. highest Market price will be-paid in ex- ,SK1LLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Associa- change for goods. tion, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadel phia, Pa. December 17, 1863.--ly. A Car load of the White Coal Oil' which has given such general satisfaction, jdst re ceived at Hollingshead's Drug Store. Warranted almost free from smell, and to burn longer than any other in Market, W. HOLLINSHEAD. Stroudsburg, Feb. 4, 1864. STEPHEN HOLMES, ATTORNEY AT LAW SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, STEOUDSBTJRG, PENH A. fff; Willi S. S. Dreher, Es. Store next door to tiro Irrdintf Queen Hotel. BAllNKT MANSFIELD. tStroudfibnrg, April 2, 18G3. fCfJaaics', asul Paper JKSaaiger, Will nttend to. and nronntlv execute, n N. B. Special attention paid to the filing ordcra with which ho mav be favored. Fron of Pension papers, and the collection of back kjg on experience in the various branches pay'l -anil bounties of soldiers. Stroudsburg, Uct. u, jlboz. BLxlNK DEEDS fWsalp at this Office of his business, he feels confident of rend cr inir entire satisfaction in his work. He may be found at his shop, on Simpson street, Stroudsburg, Pa.. Patronage respectfully. eolicitodv March 20,186 Having changed my base of operations,' being located in the New Brick store oppo site the Post ofSce, -supplied with a new stock of Hats, Caps, and Furs, I am now". prepared to sell goods m mv line, at prices to' suit all. Jf you want a nice fashionable Hat Or Cap, come to Pnuli and you will find it- Store on Lhzabeth St.. opposite the Post? Office. Stroudsbunr. Pa. JAMES A. PAUL!. N. B. The highest cash prices3 paid fdr' all kinds of Furs. December 24, 18G3. AND MACHINE SHOP, The undersigned having completed his new Foundry sunt ilac-hine Shop would re spectfully fnform his old- frioii'Js, and tho public generally, that he .uly prepared to iill all orders in hislinc with promptness, and' in a style superior even to what he was able to do in the old establishment destroyed by the flood. Having a full assortment of pat terns made ot tho best material, he is pre- pared to supply ail demands tor Mill Work, Bark frills, Plow Cast rags and Sash ucighis, STEAM ENGINES, MACHINE WO'RK &c., &c. Being an experienced? workman himself, end employing none but Uio best hands and tho best material, tho public may rest assured that all work coming from his shop will bo fully equal, if not superior, to. that produced hy any other establfehKent in tho country. The new Foundry and Ma chine Shop is located on Walton street, near Elizabeth street, in tli borough of Stroudss burg, where the orders of old friends as well as new one are solicited. Orders from a., distance may ho addressed, per mail, to . P. LANDERS,. Stroudsburg, Monroe Qo.uJ?3-' September iin, lesiw. BLANK LEASES For Saiu at this Qf