The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, October 24, 1861, Image 3

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    Pennsylvania Troops for the West.
The destination of most of the volun
teer regiments
of Pennsylvania will pro-
Vert It is already stated
that a new brigade, under
bablj be tbc W
in Pittsburg
ccs of nrtilli'rv from Erie, aud a eavalrv
compauy from Philadelphia, called the
Nolcy Guards. The l!orty filth regi
mom, onoer w. eiso, u oracrea to
the Wet also, and other regiments will
nrocccd asranidlv as no-eible in the
same dire:tiou. Probably ns m an
-i .... - -
euuay i v qui n?, win do sent to iveutucKy
as to iMiouri. Heretofore most of the
Pennsylvania regiments bare been em
ployed along the lino of tbc Potomac,
from Wnliacjsport down to Alexandria
The force there being t-ufficient, we arc
very glad to learn that the new regi
racnt arc to bo sent westward. There
is a grcata work to be done in Ken-
lucky, Missouri, and along thu Missisip-
pi, as there is in Virginia, and the gal-
iant soldiers ot rcunsylvania win rc -
joico to litit alon.-iue ot ttieir V estern
brctficru Hi tlelcuce ot tbe Union. It i
evident that the (joveruuient is de-
iuuj.uiu iu uuu lut uiujj vi iuu nt3i
put on as fine a footing a that of the Po-
touuc, and will endeavor to nave such
reiormi mtroduct'd as have been mtro-
duccd by GrfO. McCicllan MllCC bis arri-
; U'-hinuton n .!.; R
... ..... w. u, - . -
rciary amcrou ro vir.1101 cccretary
Cameron to bt. Louis probably has refer-
t'uee to this, aud tbe ordering ot Penu
bjl.unia troops to the We,t, that
it is deteranned to have a very Ur,e ur
uiy in A.entacUy and lUissouil. Hula
dclphiu Bulletin.
October Elections
Pennsylvania this year elected, only
R.-pentative., part of a Senate, Judges
in t-ouu1 di.-tricts. and loc'il otficer. The
new Senate is Republican or "People's"
by nearly three to one, the Uou-e ditto
J J '
Dy a smaii ujajurnj. iae i eanyivauia
ii pi.. ii ...
t-oldiers m tbe Union armies were entitled
to vote a if at home, and the uou-returu
of their votes leave manv local results in
Ohio elected a Uuiou War State Tick
et by some 50.U00 majority David Ted
(Democrat) Governor. It t but justice
to his Democratic opponeut, Ii J. Jefcclt,
to aav that be also declared Liuihelf for a
vigorous prosecution of the war. The
c r
uew Legislature will of course be strong
ly "Union," though pntty equally divi
ded as to political antecedents
Iowa ba- ic eh;eted Gov. Kirk wood and
Chief Ju.-tice Lowe (Republican-) with a
Republican to take Col. Curtis's place in
Congress, (Hou-e.) The Legislature is
understood to be also Republican.
Minnesota has rc tlecU-d Gov. Ramsey
(Republican) and gone Republican gener
ully by a heavy majority.
In all ease", we believe the vote is liabt
Biiltimorc City ha choteu Unionists to
al! her Muuieipti! Uouucil- (half elected
this year ) The fieccseiduists did not see
St to content.
From Seccsaia wo learn that .Georgia
ias rc elected Josenh E jjiown Goier-
nor bv from 5 000 to 10 000 majority.
Ho ii a treat stickler for State Right.
and, though a
cc.-sioutst, obeys
Davis oulv wbeu be sees fit
The jjreat Naval Expedition so
Ion talKeu ot appears to nsve at ast
n . , ,
ot afloat, iiirht immense ves-els left
rT , " . . , ,
Acw lork on Saturday eibt more fol-
lowed on Sunday, and by Wednesday
half a dozen in addition steamed out of
tbe hart or. The "id Rhode I.-labd Regi
ment ani 500 of Col. Serrill's Sapper.
aud Miner.- took passage in tbe Expedi
tion. The tea-els arc to rendezvous at
Annapolis and Foit Monroe. At the
former place it h believed that about 15
000 troon-i Hill o on board the tran-
ports, and the whole Expedition willgie
employment to 25,0U0 mea.
The ultimate destination of tho Expc
dition is known but to tho Government
and Gt?n. Scott, andeveu when the fleet
rails, tbo General in command of tho
troops will probably receive Bealed dis
patches, which he will be instructed to
open when in a certain latitude.
Tho utmost care has beeu taken to in
sure tbo success of this Expedition, and
we are tafe iu asuerting that when the
blow is struck the effect upon the South
wiil be terrible.
Wc may add to the above that nearly
1,000 horsfs accompany the Expedition,
thst 15,000 spades were put on board
one of the vessels, and that a vast body
of laborers have leen engaged for ser
vice in this cutcrprizc. Evidently, cu
treuchmeuts tre to be built somewhere,
aud it is not unlikely, fiom the number
of horses employed, that plenty of artille
ry h to be brought iuto u-e.
There is a general hope that Charles
ton is the point aimed at. Nothing would
give greater satisfaction than to. see that
city subjected to merited eba-tisctneut,
becnuse there the great conspiracy origin
ated, which ii now blinking cur Union to
its centre.
A Hbble Example.
Gen. S. L. Williams, an old gentleman
living a mile from Mount Sterling, K-y ,
came iu on Wednesday and enrolled bis
name as a Uuion volunteer in a compa
ny being raised. Me is seventy two years
old! 13 e says he has not lou to live
anyhow, that he has htrcugth enough to
pull a trigger and destroy his couutry'b
enemies, and that if he thould be killed,
it was consolation enough for him to
think that the bullet ho received took but
little of his time while perhaps it Baved
the life of some young mau who would
be of more value to his country.
Cannot be Arrested.
13y a recent decicton made in Erie
county, Pa., Judge Mason holds that an
enlisted soldier cannot ba arrested for any
debt or contract during his term of service.
New Orleans Blockaded.
A dispatch from Now Orleans on the
(l K.ehmond Examiner)
tells of one of the most important achieve-
of tbe war -o for. Q bus ,t cmbra-
command the whole nve of tb.-m, and
uow bave the Vinccum. Wafer Witch,
auu oll,tir vc.-kcis-oi tnc hiuhoiod 10 pro
i" . " V
10 lc"& tuan a wcoK wm COIDtuaD(1 aU
K tbc mouths-, parses or entrances to and
fr0a) tbe Mi-ifippi river. Once prompt
I 1 , H n I f thiG rnrk n Inn.) tr 1 1 1 tili.nlnfnln
i J ; - . . -"W""-J
comro. iue oumu.uu.cai ion o. ixew wr
leans with the t-oa, as completely as
nr .nnni rnn fM . I,... . f
could accompli-h that object.
A Vast Gold Field.
A recent arrival from California brines
intelligence of the discovery of an "El
Dorado" of immense estt-nt It hccm
hardly credible that old should csist in
UUcb onantities on the w--tern part of
our continent; but from what h already
known, wo feel confident that the mine
ral wealth of our "tjreat west,'' when that
vasi rcuiou is lainy ueveionco. Will DC
found to esoced the mot sanguine expec-
tattoos. 1 he hubioined paranrauh con
tains the last report of gold discoveries
"Tin (nrrnsrnndcnt of tiio HJlns
hc......:. j ... l
uWflucw fajS ma uccoDsiraieu do
jond Ul.-r utc that tbe whole region of
country embraced between the Cascade.-
nud Rocky Mountains is one vat gold
field, and only require, development to
revolutionize that entire coast An area
of y.L'OO .square miles had beeu sufSeieot
ly pro-pectcd to establish the exitcnce
of tho minoril ftvnrcu-Sr.r V.vnlnrin ,
parties have been G 1 1 1 ti tr out for the Elk
couuty and Bitter Root Valley.'
The First Secessinoist.
Absalom wa the first distiuuihcd so-
eesouist in the world, lie ou Jit to in-
I .
Miiiff t lie ncnnin in toni.iin iron: iinrui I
duce tho people to recede from David,
aud he hucaredtd for a time. This trai
tor wa arrc.-ted and hung on an oak in
the wood of Epbraim, and afterward
i -ii . t i m . n.i
nurieu ueucain a neap or stones. l
attempt to break up the jjovernmcnt of
j-ruei was nat down hv a mihfarv lorof
aud tho union of r.rihns hnnnile nrn -
r J J
scriPri .1 ft llnfK mm hi to mor-.
Isbould co iuto a brown study of tbe fate
I e l .. I I. : . . I . i . 1.1
P1 " pou 10 iuai- some jl-
Ii.;... i.i.. ...... ii.
phraim may hold the title to a wood-lol
iu Vir;iuia, convenient. There is no
man in tho country wbom the people ot
,h' Noitheru StUes have a great desire
to ee elevated to a b:th po-ition than
Jeff Daii. He is fi ted to occupy any
high )ost.
A Curious Conscience,
One of the editors of the New York
Observer, who is now rusticating in the
conutry down Eat,' relate the followiu-'
M his letter to that paper :
'I heard-of a man the othor day who
uad a curious conscience on me sunjeci.
It was iJr. Jonc wbo Iive-J down in tbc
hollow. His neighbor John-on, whose
hay wa-( all id. saw that a large quantity
of Jones' crop was down, and looked vo
7 "Ee rain, U" went over on oun-
dav, toward noon, to adise htm to et it
in, and to offer the whole force of hie
men to help. Jones and all his boys
were gone; nobody was at home but Jones'
wife; and be i-aid
that her husband
. , . ,
thought no good ever cace of
0 A , . . ,, .
bund ay, and t,o he and the bo
..t o a r l:
working on
boys had gone
to the Sound a fi-hiu.
When red hot hhot is fired, the ord
nance u-ed is derated to the po-ition de-
sires Uclore tbe eun is abetted, ice
powder in tbc gun u kept from explosion
. . -
by means of tbo wadding. Retween the
p!oMVc substance and the heated ma.s
.1 l r i, rr!. I
8rt luire lat:l,, ol Mau? i"a"llw
i.i. . l. :.. j iL. .i :. . i
lUCttau i urji lue oeeouu la vei, auu
upon the powder a dry piece rcst. I he
ball is di-cbarged soon after being placed
in the cannon.
CSA fellow cbarscd with Mealinz a
hoe, was discharged upon being
prosed that the article taken was an axe.
The matter was a regular ho ax.
n)eath of Thomas Wildey.
Baltimore, Oct. 19. The venerable
Thomas Wildey, the founder ot Odd Fel-
i i. : .. . K .. i..u ...
lo'.YMjm, uieu ui uiMuniucutc iu mta
this morning very suddenly.
A Pittsburg paper says "the girls in
ome prts of Peansylyauta arc so hard
up for husbands, that they sometimes take
up with lawyers and priuters. -
SggrTbat htetliug patriot, John J.
Crittenden, notwithstanding his advanced
ae, was the first to join the Frankfort
Home Guard, as a private, aud bas de
clared his inteution to go into cai-p and
remain iu service until every rebel is driv
en from the soil of Kentucky.
A Soldier with an Unpatriotic "Wife.
A husband, with a loving wife, volun
teered in Capt. Dorau'ts Syracuse Compa
ny a few days ago. On Sunday ho visit
ed his spouse at home, a few miles from
camp. She tried iu vain by cajolery to
seduce him from his duty to his country,
and failing, she took a razor to bedwith
her, and when her protector was fast a
sleep, made a vigorous attempt to inca
pacitate him from tcnicc by cutting off
tbc forefinger of his right hand. The
husbaud is more determined to fiht now
than ever, and avows his intention not to
visit homo again till he "goes for good,"
after tho war is over.
C"The Adams Express Company
will transport to tbo ncarei-t quartermas
ters free of charge all tbo blankets, &c,
which patriotic citizens may present to
the army of the United States, in accord
ance with the invitations of Quartermas
ter Mejgfl.
2few York Markets.
Wednesday, Oct. 23, 1861.
the 00Bipri,e 8 7oo bbU at g5
$5 au for Superfine State and Western
GRAIN Wheat; nales of 170,000
bushels, consibtiOii ot "Jl.tjOO bu-.h. Chiea
co bprinir at Si 1 5aSl 1?: 17.200 do It a
o: e. it..M ,
cjoc Spring at Si 17aSl 5:1.400 do
Milwaukie Club at SI 17Sl 20$ live
ales of 6,700 buh. at 78a79o. for State
Uat 4u43o. for We-tern. and 43a4:Uu
nrri. nf ,,,, V.",.
a . . ci r , . , Kf ' ,
- " O" ---
tern mixed.
PROVISIONS Pork; the sale arc
(550 bbls., at SlAalo 50 for Mess, aud
S'J 67810 for Prime
Celebrated JPessasiie Ei I Is.
Prepared from apresriplionof Sir J.Clarke
M. D. Physiciun Extraordinary lo the
'PHIS well known medicine is no imposition, but
sure anu.saieicmcuy wr reaniB uuuculties una
0bst,uctions. from aav cause whatever: and aIthonBl;
a powerful remedy, it coiiiains nothing hurtful to the
constitution.' To married ladies ii is peculiarly suited
11 a short time, bring on the monil.iy perlcJ
tionofthe heutt. hysterics and w lutes, these Pills will
eci:t-acure when all other means have failed; andal
t,10"2h a Powerful remedy, do not con.ain i.on, ealo
niel, antimony, or anything huttful to the constitution
Full directions in the pamphlet mound each package
ulncli should be carefully preserved.
For full pnrticulais, get a pamphlet, free, of tne
N.B. SI 00 and fi Doslnzc stnmn.-: cno.lncnil tn nnv
authorized Agent, will insure a bottle, eontaingOO pills
b-v return mail. Forsalc m
lull' ll l5.fll ... T . mrni T x' r
J. N. DURl.INC, Agfnt
On ihc 20th inst.. at the residence of Ad
am Custard, in Hamilton township, by the
,, . c, .P ,. TT . , ,
it us and
i t : . s f . ri i n::i i . l .rr i m-
"llss vt.Sou, uo'.o 01 j achbon, moil-
-" i
In this borough, on the 15th inst., Jlary
E , wili of William K. Ilaviland, and daugh
ti.r 0f Robert and Aurora Bovs, aged 24 years,
h month, and 23 days.
Postage Stamps.
The new btyle of Potae Stamps issued
by the PotoSco DepartmtMit. having been
received at the . Po?t Unico at StrouJs
bur, Mouroe Co., Pa. The uudersigncd,
Postmaster at said office, pursuant to
instruction from the Postmaster Gener
al. hdreby k'ivcs" notice that the old htamp.s
m ue nxcuiu u pajmuui ui psic,
or in exenange lor new stamps, ac saio
offico for six day -from tho date hereof
At the espiratiou ol ttiat time old -tamps
or stamped envelopes will no longer t e
1 tt&VDVLi& CsUUUUIi, r. iU
btroudsburg, Oct 24, lt6l.
Postage StaiUDS.
Pursuant to instructions from tho Post
minlnr firniurn T luirphv oii'P nntlKi' th:.t"
jjflve reccjvc(j nuw 0f Postage
Stomps, and am prepared to exchauge
them for Stamps of the old tasuc for a
period of sis Says from the dote hereof.
After that time old Stamps will not be
received in Davmcut of no-taee at th
----- r J r -
Postmaster at Tannersville, Pa
October 25th, IsOl.
B ri
The subscriber respectfully begs leave
to notify the citizens of Stroudsburg aud
vicinity, that ho has opeued a new meat
MARKET, iu the Brick Block building,
tormcriy occupieu as a nobiaurani, unru
door above the Post Office, where be in
tends keeping a t all times for sale a choice
stock of Fresh Meats in eanon, to wit :
-r. r -r i t .i. J T i. r.
I5i?ei, jjaniD, rors ana i ouitry. lie
wi a0 have on baud at all times, Earns
Sail Pork, Com Beef, and iu their seasou
Fresh Fib, Clams aud Oystersf,
by the wholesale
public will find this to be a place for gen
eral marketing, where the best Uoas,
Steaks, Boiling pieces, &c, &c , can be
had at any time, and at very low prices.
A trial of our cstablihment is respectful
ly solicited, as I am catisGod all will go
away determined to call again.
JOHN II. CONNER, Proprietor.
Stroudsburg, Oct. 21, ISOl.-tf.
Remaining in the Post Office, at Strouds
burg, Pa., October 1, 18G1.
Bush, Win- M. Leavenworth, E. T.
Charles, Mr. Miller, John
Culvereon, Joseph 2 Milier, Samuel
Cwick, Sarah E. Miller, Michael
Coleman, Louisa M. Metzgar, Ferditmndo
Oornhlazer, Surah Miller. George
Furenhow, Jane Smith, Levi
Golorth. Lizzie 2 Smith, Peter T.
Gould, Jane S.
Geddes, Jas. Jr.
Heller, M.
Heller &, Quick
Sharer,' Henry D.
Storm, Jerome
Schmidt, Wm.
Sayro. George
Tyler, Miss E. K.
Ivey, Elizabeth
James, Rev Wm. M. White, Win. S.
Kene, Jas. IL Yelter, Andrew B. ,
Lockwood, Polly
07" Persons calling forany of the above
letters, will plpaso say advertised.
For sale at this Office
(Ss. m
&&&-$Xsl&&. LETTER
AL JFizfrg$tZ& PATENT.
urt Sale.
By virtue of an alias order of sale, i
-tied nn. f ft.., n... i n . r '
lucuiuuiiua juur O il niirrn
bounty, theto will be exposed to nnhlip
, vuv, ,, uauMigLuu noiei, in otroudn
nurg, on
Tuesday, the 22d of November
next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon il.,
following Real E-tate, late of Samuel
i rice, deceased, to wit :
A fortnin f.. . .
w..ull. iuiiii, lues-u-ie, tenement or
tract of laud, bituate in Barrett town-hip
Monroe County, PenusyUania. adjoining
lands of Perry Price, James Palmer aud
others, containing
SeveBifiy-Tw Acres,
more or less, being part of a larger tract
of land known as Pen us Manor, about
fifty asres are cleared, aud in a good stati
of cultivation; the balance of the traet i.
well timbered. The improvements an
one two btory
u hy do fet. aud one Framo Barn, at
by 45 feet There is an apple orchard o!
choice fiuit upou the tract, audan ex
cellent prlug of water near the houe.
Brodhcad's Creek posses through tin
premises. The property is Mtuated ot
tho btato road, from Stroudsburg
Covcvillc to Salem, in Wayne County
j-erms. one tuird of the purchase man
ey to be paid upon day of sale, the bal
nee in two equal annual payments: to hi
secured upon the premises by bond and
PETER SEES. Executor.
Barrett township, Oct. 24, ISfil.
rer or tne iwmiroe Uouuty Mutual Fire In
surunneCompany,in account with thesaiin.
for the year coiiinieucin-r with the fir?!
luouuay ot beptetliher, lcuO, and endtlli
iuu same uay in, 13 it. I)R
To n mount ol premiums, fees, &c., roceivec
on Mi policies of insurance issued durin
ll)e year, ftf S
To amount of taxes rnroivni? ?nriniT
the year, on Gower duplicate.
8 50
31 g:
To amount of tuxes received durin
the year, on Baker duplicate,
o amount of taxes collected by suit
on old duplicates,
5 52
To amount of Assessment laid tn
pay liases ol Stephen D. Kittler,
and Brown &. Morgan,
lo(Hi nil:
d.ii. uue ireas r on tb-.s statement. in :t'i
fx t . fn . .
$2520 44
By balance'dite the Treasurer at the last set
tlement, as per statement.
By amount of taxes yet unpaid in
tbe Kistier, and the Brown &,
Morgan duplicate, S104 b2
By amount paid to Brown
!i Aiorgan,in fjllofloss 41G GG
By a mount paid Stephen
Kistler, in full of loss, 1470 34
By am'nt of Ciimmis:;ions
on S2195 OS, received, 41 17
By am'nt ot Commissions
on 81687 00, paid out, 30 33
Officers, and Managers of Co.
y amount paid Slogdell
Stokes, President, $15 00
y am'l p'd J. Depue La
bar, man.igcr, 1 day,
3 lllh
4 -37-h
4 37
Jy an.'L paid It. b'. Sta
ples, man igcr, 5 days,
By am't p:iid S. L. Drake,
manager, 7 days,
By am't paid G Auracher,
manager, 7 day.-;
By am'l paid J. lvuecht,
manager, 5 days,
3 12
By ain't p'd Win. K. Hav-
lund, manager, 10 days
6 25 k
By am'l paid T. Schoch,
manager, G days,
O '-.1
o to
By am't paid S. IS. Dreher,
manager, 4 days,
2 60
By am't p'd T. V. Rhodes,
manager, 1 day,
By am'l paid Win. K. Ha-
vi la nd, Seer y, lees on
27 policies,' issued during
the year, 27 00
By ain't paid G. Auracher,
I rea&urer costs,
1 85
By am't paid Churles Pe
ters, as committee,
Printing and Postage.
By am't paid T. Schock,
tcr printing,
5 25
By am'nt paid John De
Young, for printing,
20 00
18 43
3 00
1 G2JI
1 87
1 67
By 'am'nt paid John De
Young, for postage,
By am't paid Wm. K. Ha-
viland, Seer y. inciden
tal expenses, pens, pa
per, postage, tSic,
JIisi ellancous It:ms.
By am't paid Samuel flfe
lick, for stationary,
By am't paid Henry Shoe
maker, Clias. S. Detrick
and A. Reeves Jackson,
holding election, 1661.
By am'tpaid Win. K. Ha
viland, Sccr'y, for ma
king tin una I statement,
ami attending board of
66 6S
f- . i
0 oi
By am't of commissions for receiv
ing and paying out $129 63
By am't due Treasurer, intercs-ton
tim't. paid Robert Brown, 334
80, for eight months,
4 86k
13 39
JSJ520 44
Wn, the undersigned, Auditors appointed
to audit and adjust the account of Gudlteh
Auracher, Esq., Treasurer of the jtfburoe
County jUutuul Fire Insurance Company, for
the year commencing firht ilfuiidny of Sep
tember, 1860, and ending first ATonduy ol
September, 1861, do certify that we have ex
amined the books, papers and vouchers, of the
said Treasurer, and find them to he correct,
and to correspond with the account herein
stated ; upon which settlement we find the
balance due tostiid Treasurer, from the Com
pany, to he one hundred and five dollars and
thirty-nine cents.
Witness our hands, Sept. 17, 1861. .
J. DEPUE LABAR, S Auditors.
Stroudsburg, Oct. 17, 1601. 13
For sale at this Office
Or pJians Co
Arc curing the Sick to an extent never
before known of any Medicine.
JULES HAUCL, E.q., tlifl well known perfumer, of
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, wlwso choice ' products
are found at almost every toilet, says :
"I am happy to say of your Catihrtic Pills, that t
have found them a better f.tmiiy medicine, for common
use, than any other within my knowledge. Many of my
friend have realized marked benefits from them, and co
incide with me in belicvin-: that thoy possess extraordinary
virtues for driving otit diseases and curing tho sick. They
aro not only effectual, but safe and pleasant to be taken
qualities which "must mafco them valued by tho public,
when they are known."
The veneratilo Chancellor WARDLAW writes from Bal
timore, 15th April, 1851:.
"Dr. J. C. Aver Sir: I have taken vonr Pills with
great benefit, for tho listlessucss, languor, loss of appetite,
and Bilious headache, which has of late vears overtaken
me in the spring. A few do.-es of your Tills cured me. I
havo used your Cherry Pectoral manv years in my family
for coughs and colds with unfailing ?uece. You mako
medicines which cure : and t feel it a pleasure to commend
you for the good you hare done and are doing."
JOILY F. BEATTY, Esq., Sec. of tho I'enn. Railroad Co.,
says :
" Pa. Jt. R. Ojfice, Philadelphia, Dee. 13, 1S53.
"Sir: I take pleasure in adding mv testimony to the
efficacy of your medicines, having derived very material
benefit from tho use of both your Pectoral and" Cathartic
Pills. I am never without them in my family, nor shall I
ever consent to bo, while my menus will procure them."
Tho widely renowned S. S. STEVENS, M. D., of Wcnt
worth, N. II., writes :
" Having ued your Catiiaktic Pills in mr practice, I
certify from experience th-tt they aro an invaluable purga
tive. In case-i'of disordered functions of the liver, causing
headache, indigestion, costivvne!-s, and the great variety
of diseases that follow, they are a mrcr reincdv than any
other. In "all cases where a purgative remedy fs required,
1 confidently recommend these Pills to the public, as
superior to any other I have e.ver found. Thev arc suro
in their operation, and perfectly safe iiiialifies wl.iri.
mako them an invaluablo aniclo fur public use. I havo
lor many years Known your Uhemj Pectoral as the best
Cough medicine iu the world : and these Pills am in m,
wise inferior to that admirable preparation for tho treat
ment of diseases."
"Acton. .Ve., JVur. 25, 1853.
"Dr. J. C. Ayer Dear Sir: I havo been nfllieteil frnm
my birth with scrofula iu its worst fi.ini, and now, after
twenty years' trial, and an untold of amount of suffering,
have been completely cured in a few weeks bv your Pills.
Willi what feelings of rejoicing I write can only be
imagined when vou realize wh.n'f h.tvo sntfcrpil mwl hmv
" Ne-vor until now have I been free from ihis loathanmn
disease in some shane. At times it attacked mi- ews. and
made me almost blind, beides the unendurable pain ; at
others it settled in the scalp of my head, and detrovvd my
hair, and has kept me partly bald all mv davs: sometimes
it cami. out in my face, and kept it for months a raw s-ore.
"About nine weeks ago I commenced taking your Ca
artic Pills, and now am entirely free from tho coninlaint.
I thartic Pills, and now am (entirely free from tho complaint.
Mv PVPS nm ivpll int. ulriri t-i f'ttr rnwl l.t.. .......
Lv ! menced a hoalthy growth ; all of which makes mo feel
aireaay a new person.
" Hoping this statement may be the means of cunveving
information that shall do good to others, 1 am, with every
sentiment of gratitude, Yours. &c,
" I have known the above named .Maria Ricker from
her childhood, and her statement is strictly - rue.
Overseer of tho Portsmouth Manufacturing Co."
Capt. JOEL PRATT, of the ship Marion, writes from
Boston, 20ih April, 1854:
"Your Pills have curod mo from a bilious attack which
arose from derangement of tho Liver, which had become
very serious. I had failed of any relief by my Physician,
and from every remedy I could try; but a few doses of
Until Til I J l.n.'.t fH!ll..lnnli. .nct....l ..... ... 1..1.1. 1
given them to my children for worms, with the bot ef-
lects. l iiey were promptly cured. I recommended them
to a friend for costiveiuss, -shirh had troubled him for
' ...rtn.I.n . li .nl.l ... .. a .1 I 1 I ... , iic miiu ihc ... ic. u.ij.s mvy iiau curcu mm.
You make the best medicine iu tho world; and I am free
to say so."
Read this from the distinguished Solicitor of tho Supreme
Court, whose brilliant abilities havo made him well
known, not only in this hut Uie neighborinz States.
".Vhc Orleans, Sthjjpril, 1854.
"Sir: I havo great satisfaction in assuring you that
myself and family havo been very much beiu filed by your
medicines. My wife was cured, two yean since, of a so
vere and dangerous cough, by your Pectoral,
and since then has enjoyed perfect Iie.iltli. My children
have several times been cured from attacks of'the Influ
enza and Croup by it. It is an invaluable remedy for
these complaints. Your Cathartic Pills have entirely
cured ine from a dyspepsia and costiveness, which has
grown upon me for some years, indeed, this euro is
much more important, from the fact that I had failed to
get relief from the best- Physicians which this section of
the country affords, and from any of the numerous reme
dies I had taken.
"You seem to us, Doctor, like a providential blesing
to our family, and you may well suppose we are not un
mindful of it. Yours respectfully,
" Senate Chamber, Ohio, April 5th, 1S54.
" Dr. J. C. Ater Honored Sir: I have made a thor
ough trial of the Cathartic Pills, left mo by your agent,
and havo been cured by them.oftho dreadful Rheumatism
under which he found me suffering. The first do-e re
lieved me, and a few subsequent do-es hae entirely
removed the disease. I feel iu better health now than for
eonie years before, which I attribute entirely to the effects
of your Cathartic Pills. Yours with great respect,
The above are all from persons who are publicly known
where they reside, and who would not make these state
ments without a thorough conviction that they were truo.
Prepared by DR. J. C. AYES & CO.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mas3.
Jjoni ii. Otiou but. tj Ja- iN Dur
ling, and iojio-hoad & D trick.
1M A TtfQfW
Xos. ST & 8:3 Berth Srcoad Street,
Ahove iSarkst, Philadelphia,
tjjo The (ubhcriberti (formerly of the
Barley Sueaf Hotel.) have
JilliULleascd the above named well estab
lished staud, aud from former experience
and a determination to be uurumittiug iu
as-iduity to mako our guesttf welcome
and comfortable, e?peciuily solicit not on
ly our former eu.itomers, hut the public
in general, to patroni.-e our establUhmeut.
Our accommodations btinj more conve
nient nnd extensive, we can furnish com
forts to our pattons, not formerly in our
power, and at equally reasonable prices.
There bein? a well- furuiahed JaESTAU
RANT and OCttStabling attached, w con
fidently hope for an increased public pat
ronage. M. WATSON,
October 3. 1861. 3m.
$30 EE WARD.
The above reward will be paid for the
delivery of Peter W. Shafer, a member
of Company F. 4th Regiment, P. 11. V. C.
33d lte. P. V. U. S. Army, at Camp
Pitrpont, Fairfax county, Virginia. Said
P. W. Shafer, (of Hamilton t-p., Monroe
Co. Pa.) deserted at Camp Hale, Balti
more City, M J., on or about 26th August
last, lie is about niui teen years of ago 5
feet 1 1 inch--s iu height, complexion light,
eyes blue, hair dark bron.
G. 13 KELLER, Captain.
Company L 4th R-gt P. 11 Y. 0.
33d Rejit P. R; V U.S. Army.
Qeo. D. Hoffebd, 0. S.
Camp Piermont, Va. Oct. 10, ISO I.
wanted for cash at Lewis
Doster's Moravian Woolen Mills, Betb-
lchcm, Pa.
Bethlehem, Oct. 8, 1801. -It.
Stuoudsbuugii, Oct. 17, 1861.
Tho auuual election for Directors ol
thia Bank will bo held at the Banking
louse on Monday the 18th day of No
vember uext, between the hours of 10 o'
clock A. M., and 2 o'clock, P. M.
Tho annual meetiug of Stockholders
wilJ bo held, at tbe same plaae ou Tues
day, Nov. 5, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
J. II. STROUD, Cashier.
October 17, 1.801,
OPERATE hy tlieir powerf-il inatiencc on the
ltitental viseer?t to j.urify the blood and stimu
late it mto healthy action. Thev remove the
obstructions of thest.,m.ii, bowels, fiver, and other
organs of the body, ami, by restorins their irregular
act:ou to bealth, c.rrce' whernr th-y exist, such
deraiittcinniits as are the, ftrst e.iuses of disease.
An extensive trial of their virtues, by Professors.,.
Physicians, and raticnts, has shown enrre nf flrm-
j gerous diseases almost beyond belief, were they not
substantiated by persons of such cxnlted position
! and character as to forbid the .suspicion of untruth,
j Their certifir-ntes are published in my Amcriciur
j Almanac, whieh the Agents below named are-
plensc-l to furnish free to all inquiring.
Annexed we give Direedom for their use in the
complaints which they, ho re been found to cure.
Foa Costivkxkss. Take one or two Pills, or
; such quantity as to yentlr move the bowels. Cos
tiveness is frequently the aggravatinc; cause of, ami the cure of one complaint is the cure
of both. No pen-on can feel well while under a
: costive hab.t of body. Hence it should be, as it
, can be, promptly relieved.
i Poll IY8Pkpsia, which is sometimes the cause
of Costiveness, and idwavs uncomfortable, take mild ;rom one to four to stimulate the stomach
uui m i ti in ioiit 10
and liver into h;dthy action,
the hcirtbum, bodybtmi, a-nl
They will do it. and
id anuJiurn of drsren?itt
will rapidly di-jappear. When it has gone, don't
forget what cured j-ju.
lor a Fot'L Stomach, or Morbid Inaction of ' tha
Bowels, which produces Renoral depression of the
spims ana ua ncmn, takclrom four to eight riili
at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity
ar..l -.t.-nngth i3 restored to the system,
j Foit Nkuvocsxess. Sick IIbauachs, Xacsra,
Pain in the, Stomachy Hacc, or Side, take from four
to eight pill" on going to bod. If thev do not oper
ate sufliciently, take'niore the next day until they
do. These complaints will be swept out from the
system. Don't we ir these and their kindred dis
orders because your stomach is foul.
Foil Scnovt-LA,, aud all Diseases
of the Skin, take the Pills freely and frequently, to
keep the bowels open. The eruptions will renci;
ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Manv
dreadful ulcers and sores have been healed up by
the purging and purifying effect of these Tills and
some disgusting diseases which .seemed to saturate
the whole systom have completely yielded t.. their
influence, 'leaving the sufferer in perfect health.
Patients! your duty to society forbids that you
should parade yourself around" the world covered
with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any
of the unclean diseases of the skin, because your
system wants cleansing.
To Puiufy the Uldod, they are the best tnedir
cine ever discovered. They should be taken freely
and frequently, and the impurities whieh sow the'
seeds of incurable diseases will l,e swept out of the
system like chaff before the wind. By this propertv
tiiey do as much good in preventing sickness as bv
the remarkable cures which they arc making every
Livkii Complaint, Jaundice, and at Bilihti.t
Affections, arise from sonic derangement either
torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the Liver.
Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render
it unfit for digestion. This is disastrous to the
health, and the constitution is frequently under
mined by no other cau-e. Indigestion is the symp
tom. Obstruction of the duct which empties the
bile into the stomach causes the bile to overflow
into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a
long and dangerous train of evils. Costiveneis, or
alternately costiveness and diarrhuja, prevail.
Feverish symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness,
restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in
ability to sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness ;
sometimes there is severe pain in the side ; the skin
and the white of the eyes become a greenish .rellow;
the stomach acid; the bowels sore to the touch ;
the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever,
which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious
diarrhoea," dysentery, &c. A medium dose of three
or four Pills taken at night, followed by two or three
in the morning, and repeated a few d.-.ys,will remove
the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to suffer
such pains when you can cure them far 25 cents.
IliiEUXATiSM, Gout, and alt Inflammatory Fe
vers, arc rapidly cured by the purifying effects of4
these Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which
they afford to the vital principal of Life. For these
and all kindred complaints they should be taken in
mild doses, to move the bowels gently, butfrcelr.
As a DlJfjfKit Pill, this is both agreeable, and
useful. No Pill can be made more pleasant to take,
and certainly none has been made more effectual to -the
purpose for which a dinner pill is employed.
DR. J. G. AYEB & CO.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
. Sold in Stroud- t.r.-, by llulhnthead and
Delrick, and Jduif.-. N. Durling.
October 3d led. ly. .
Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves.!!!:
Mrs. Clark Horn, respectfully-announ;
ces to the public, that during her - b'u-band.-i
absence iu defence of oncof Jthe
best overnmeuta on ecrth, sho will 'dis
pose of bis extensive stock of
oIt, I:ir!jr, uar-Ruuiii, and
nt prices which will axtoni.-h tho most c
eonomical. She will ulso dispose of an
cxtt'n"vc lot, and an almost cudless va
varii ty of Tin Ware for the mere cost of
Auy per.ion havinp; the .a-h can proT
cure cither Stoves or Tin Ware far below
the mnnufacturors ea-h prices.
Call at the old Stand jd door belo.w;
John N. Stokca' Store.
Stroudsburg, Sept. 19, 1861. ,
Contiuues in so.-iion during the months
of September. October and November.
Boarding and day scholars received at
any time. Youiij men wisbiuij to quali
fy theme-elves for teaching received oh tho
mot liberal terms.
Rev. II. S. HOWELL. Principal. .
Del. Water Gap, August 22, 1861.
Office on Elizabeth street, -forui crJfeo.
oupicd by Win, Davis, Esq.