The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, May 02, 1861, Image 1

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    gp Njg&sSsks&a Pj ssig Willis ila $B0s EM Mw&z
ScDotcfc tcr Ipolitics, literature, Qlgricitlturc, Srimrc, illoraiiii), anijnierd jJntclliacncc.
VOL 20.
NO. 15
doUti-s and iq-iHrtcr, half yearly mid if not paid be
THnT5 Turn fin Hit rr nnrfinnnniin n .1 t-nnrr Ttt n
lore in; eau oi inc year, i wi uuiinrN .uiu
No ner Uscouiintied until allarrcaiagesatcpaid,
oxrcpl at llic option of the Editni.
!C7.V lverttsements of onefqtmre (ten lines) or less,
one or three insertions, $ I 00. Each additional iiiser-
ton.23 cents. Longer ones in proportion.
lluvinq n seneritl assortment of large, plain and or
n unenUl Type, w c arc prepared to execute every dc
scnption ot circular?, Hill Heads, Notes. Rlank Keccints,
at this office.
War Movements in Philadelphia.
Rivals in Patriotism-Our City Blazivg
-r 7 - Trr T -
with Zeal Armies of Women Regi
ments of Muses Business Traitors.
Philadelphia, April 23, 1S61.
Pennsylvania has for once eclipsed
New-Yorkl In this contest for tho prizo
of self-.tacriOcing patriotism which now
prevails aujon tfce States, you can ccn-
Jrou!7 afford to listen and acknowledge
the fact.
Pennsylvania pacd the first
thorouyhcoin war bill,
.t.; . r. .u
Governor to call out any number of men,
andfiiving S5U0,0II0. New-York fo.,D1e,nK an"B- xncy oner 10 raise
lowed with 83,000,000 and 30,000 men
This was worthy of the great heart of
n,l c,n.,i
jNew-iorK. it eiectrineu a
us wc were fan!y outdone. But when
csumter was aisaiieu wc recoverea our e-
nia "to any amount, and to every extent,
to su-itaic the Go'ornmeut and put down
trea-on. There it stands upon the re
cord, wholly unsurpassed, overtopping c
ven glorious Ncv-York. Do what oth
ers mayt can any devotion to tbc Union
exceed this! Now this is not bravado.
Our whole population is ablaze with ea-
banks immediately off: red all the money !
T, .tf .nrif P.i.o :
oerness to see u realized. uur ctt? ;
zens tendered moucy in amount never
before offered, and I do believe that if
quilibrium, and our L-Uaturc, by unan- . lu lu-e "1,ufl 01 ""aorainary cx
imoos vote, tho whole Democracy fuMn- bu,Des lfa from being proa-
.u Q..t r t . 1 " trated, as men leared it would be. lho
Government were to offer $100,000,000 "n VonRe, mere is noi tae wnoe,a(o
of Treasury notes in Pennsylvania, small Jre.kdoKn this month that was confidont
ruonsh for general circulation, they would ' Preudscterd thre weoek9 "
be absorbed in les tb.n thirty daya.- duo tl!em r,ova thc S0,011 feJ S,ve UP
Our confidence in the Government is regarding laat eupcnded debt aa gone.
r .t j oomc of them have received remittances
firmer than it ever was, and every new.. , , " , ir , 7 "UJ,"oui"-
, .. i- !m bank notes of tho iiebel otates. but
development of it vieorous policy serves ' . ., . , '
.L m i -. brokers' wi 1 not touch them at any dts-
to strensthen it. I o such communities ' , , " , '
v , v i. r,ri p,. : count. Notes even of thc Border btates
asiNew-lork ana rennsyivacia moving ,
, . i , . , , are down o low that dealers arc afraid
fhouldcr to shoulder, heckin to outdo, . , T. , , .
, ,, - ,i F , " ,; , , to operate in them. Vith these Mgns be
each other in lho race of devotion to a ! . r . . . . ,
. . i ' fore u, it is quite time to make up our
common country, present a ."pectaeie at . , ' ,,. . . , v
. ... Ti i . tr.tUQS that rebellion has wired out all
whtcb the world asy not only wonder, Q ,
but exult, and before which treason will . bo"t1bC!."n dc"i3- .
cr yet call upon thc mouutsi to coyer j . 'acc of traitors appear to tc ex
jt Itioct here. Kopes are banking from ibe
1 Go Friday h.t it was discovered tbatPT'0 labeled -Death to Traitor!"
10,000 uniforms for our volunteer muM Tbey will unquestionably bo uved when
fin imr.nli.ifl hr tho Sr:if r n nl nrnnrfl rnrfi ! "
: i .i.:' mm.!
at L'uuu i?aucu iui ui-uiiui iuvuj. j. uc
empty Girard House was rented, an army i
, , 1.7k '
of cutters employe.1, clotn urtmhed by,
nnr xonn takim fir at thn rail, dime '
by thousands to offer their help to m.fcc ! Jer!S.0 autbonties have taken pos
up. No uch sijbt was ever seen. Thc !500 of n" the R I'"'.
large buiHins U now filled with adie-t Government ha the Cbewpeaao and Del-
wives of our best citizen-, their ! aMr.Uns' ,n Itd kccPln. witb a11 lts
dau:b;crs. working all day on coats and;
1.1 . L- j . ' f : i
pianneis, aiueu uv su aiuiy ui owlut :
. . . .
innrhirifis. A t K a-t H. UUU ner-nns tnol-'
ly ladies, are nor at work, aided by 100
T J : . C
. . i r - i .
r f rnrj I . T n m . pii ;-i ( rnni fill Tn rri .
town and country, voluntccrios to take':
home work, and Chosnat street is fairly j
I r i. r A -tt ri 1 ?uca nnfrmrlfl vr m nil
seekinc to do .omcthicg for the cau?e
Thc work thus L-oes bravelv on. Anoth-
nr incident of the titao is tho or.an5zinir
of a bodv of some 300 women as nurtcs.
experienced bands, who intend goina
with the troops to take care of thc tick ';
find nnnnrlnd iUoi nf thnse arfi vnnn
women in robuss health
The same anx-l
- . , ,. - ,ii ,1
lety to aid the caue appear in all the
neighboring towns. In short, the .pecta-,
cle ofa people so united has probably 1
never been seen. )
,, , . . , , . !
The general cnthuMasm breaks forth
in a multitude of novel shapes. Boys
are pcuouag yjmou jji-rs uiuuu uu
sticks in all our tborougblares, and irom
their hands they find their way into all
tbe neighboring towns, where they hsug
from window and doorpost. Men walk
oar streets under umbrellas made of
material printed with thc Stars and
Stripes. Tbe first who showed himself
under such a banner was greeted with
cheers as be moved nlong. Union para-i
sole of printed silks are coming out for
the ladies. Four hundred girls in one of i
oar public schools have each contributed1
stitches in a huge Sag, and raised it on
the school house amid tremenious cheer
ing. Thc women are working laborious-
ly for the volunteers and their families, free DEe of tbose (together with neglect,; with a newspaper. I woll remember
whom-tbey leave behind them. -They-are jQ k - the skin clean) cost many a 1 what a marked difference there was bo
preparing a reception and sword for Gen- poIdier s Kfa in Mexco j tffeen tbose of 8ohoolmate8 who had,
eral Wool, if he will halt long enough on , ? A 6adden cfaeok of perspirBtion bj flod thoso who had not accCfia t0 newspa
bis passage through the city to receive cbi Qr . bt air often cause8 fevor and Qtber tbi beiQ, j tbe fir()t
ibem. One lady has smuggled herself in doatb WbeQ exp08cd do not forget your were always superior to tho last in dc-
a volunteer alongside her husnand, blanket . ba composition, and general intclli-
dressed in asuitofhis c othes.andpa.s-j gQ.-Daniel Webster.
ing as his brother. Others, unmarried, ( 07"It is said that tbo ladies of Iroyj0
have offered themselves as vivandicrs, to have invented a new feature in their1
accompany tbo troops. The ownera of fairs. A parcel of handsomo girls set WbJ 13 a J07er llko a doS? Becaase he
aaoy small bouses occupied by depart- themselves up and allow tho "fellows" to , bows and he wows
ing volunteers have notified tbem that kies them for twelve and a bajf cents per j
they shall charge no rent while they aro kisa. One girl made 862 in one night. I The President of tho United States has
absent at the wars, and others aro imi- One man took SH worth. j issued hia proclamation, declaring thc
tatin'g tbc example thus set. A vast ar-i ports of tho South in a etato of blockade.
tnv nf n tin-. nM enmn 4fl 000 Finn hnmi 1 CyTn rflnlw f n n n nd cprt isnment head -
eigned to tho pledge of faithfulness to the
UovernaiGnt drawn up and headed by
Horace Binney. Capt. Arcbambault, an
old officer under Napoleon, has called out'
the French citizcDH to swell tho ranks of
- the Garde Lafayette under his Command,
ana muy iupouu ncaruiy. jluo aimosi
. i -i , .i
rivalry prevails omons tho oomnanies
V v . ,r, l it t c
now lormmg as to which shall bo first
...j.i - ji M rm .
fill J TV M 1-1
n I Inn ri in.? nnnA An nm i( t? tn nf
least fiitv places. 1 saw some GOO volun-
P ,. . " , ..
r , m," c. i r
a ram h-j ever fell. lue otook Urokers,
, , . . , . , ,
' . J' . . r .
themselves oeutain the Government-
j. uu Avu " urvj uuuuiu u u w uvuu I-uu
same thing. Factory bands are every
,.nr ectimela jJcu 60 earg old
' arQ prC:!cntiDg 'themselves as volunteers,
M ... .
and insisting on being accepted. Mer-
Arms are in great demand, and our man
ufacturcs are as busy as bees. Thero is
, . , re , . v. i i o4 t
kinds of merchandise to the licbel btates,
uvt i'fi
to enner ieeuiDg or cioming tDcm. l
J 1UU,U.1 a U1
that nutii
iii:liiir nr mnn nrnsiHari o n nrlnn ia
.! ,i . ,i r . . j
them that tbey will bo marched di-
r. . . .
rectW dowu among the Rebels
body coulu dc raiseu acre ana
yreat depres-m suspense has passed a-;
m . '
way, and toe future is far clearer to us . , .. , c e
, " , Tii i companies was composed entirely of for-
than a month ago. Indeed, we know' n rn i I
., . , l . i , . eign Germans. To-nieht our streets re
with ct-rtaiuty what it is BOin to be, and ; e , j a
, . . J , .. ,. ! sound with cannon and music. A prooo-
bcue the vast feelings of relief which cv-' . , , . , , r.
erv.iod y experiences. in business cir
In buMnees cir i
clcs, wnere eiobarrassmeut is found toex
iet, and fu-pension tbroatencd, the kind-
I .. f i :., . ,: i .u
""S 0lR;s "re bc,Petl aan.
fewness of these su.-.rcusions
. f , , ' .
sponsions h rcmarua-
b!e. Even among those who now see
i t : i i o-...u
"" uuu "'
There is a con-tant increase of tbo war
spirit among our citizen. Troops are
drilling day and nubjt and nearly all the
& fu nj3DV wh cannot !
l 10 re SIa 0Ver t0 lUtecr 10 iNCW
' . . , , ,
Ibere are unmistakable sicns
of the
, ,
sifivp ht r m rtono. hnvintr hno-nn h
r s, --6-- --b
? ii t k
through within a few days.
No orders has yet been received to atop
dcara"cea hcacc 10 Southern ports.
T An J,A Soldier, writin;
cw io'k E8
lowinir timely hints to the volunteers who
are novc as'ing to tho
r .i..
co"ntry: ...
ucmemocr nat m a campaign more
men aie iroai siouncss man by tne bui
1 .
. , ...
4. jjioe your dihiikcis wuu one tuicii-
fss of brow? dD- hl ad,dfl b,ut
four ounceJJ " weight, and doubles the
wa. rntK T . ,
.3. Buy a pmall India rubber blanket
&Q) Jo , QJ tbe d Qr tQ
over 0VLdm when on guard
duty duriog a rain storm. Most of the
' nR BP. nrnu;Jlfj
Straw to lie on is not always to be had.
4. Thc best military bat in use is the
light-colored Boft felt; the crown being
sufficiently high to allow spacn for air
over the braiu. You can fasten it up as
a continental in fair weather or turn it
down when it is wet or very sunny.
Let your beard grow, so as to pro- i
tect the throat and lungs. jble and unpretending tbe gazotte which
6. Keep your entire person oean; this ho takes. It ia next to impossible to fill
prevents fevers and bowel complaints in a sheet with printed matter without put
warm climates Wash your body each ting into it something that is worth tho
day, if possible. Avoid btrong coffee nnj subscription price. Every parent whose
-i 1 1 it tnnifu don Finn ft cnid tlinf f!in tnn ann in ntnrr of unlinnt nlinnlrl aimnlw him
ed "Use Cooper's Tooth Brush," a West-!
ern editor says: "We ll see uooper
hanged first, the dirty followl"
Cor. of Tbo N."Y. Tribune.
Easton Pa . Aoril 22 196!'.
. ' i
m, . . , .
ine unanimity and enthusiasm trani-
, J
oends all past experience. With a popu-
... i- o .i n .
ttci vu. iijbiuunjM UWUIU JJUCIU1J, VI UUV
' '
v j I,, j "full companies, most of them well-drilled
body behind the1 f., ',, c . .,
r - ' , , ... , I
men, ana the roll or o sistu company is
1 . m
nearly full. Uethleheta, a email town
, , ,. ' ,
twelve miles up tho valley, has eent one
company, and has another nearly full.
AlhV ,ix tey0Dd, l&a SCDt
.1. .A - ,
if no n n n n n a m nil f-kw fMir
u V""i
miles above, has sent one companv; and
1 Mauch Chunk, at tho head of the valley
ha3, thre-.. So that this little valley,
with nhnnt. piohf. tn ffn thnnsnnn
wun about eigtit to ten tnousand voters,
will itself furnish a regiment and a half.
hood. Many of tho men have been in i against the safety and peace of the Gov
the Mexican war. A large amount of'crnment. Your fellow-citizens, called
i money has been raised, and Committee8
. J , . ,. , 4, r
,le3 of the narried voIuntoa- Father3
, .. ..
and wives their husbands. The' ladies
faave Meotcd eooh corp3 with
and the presentation ceremonies m which
, r , 4, , .
the clerp-v and tho ladies are nrominent.
.. 'have been witnessed by thousands, and
in this' .i ..... .r :.-U
raise tue entuusiasm to tuo uiguesi put-u
of excitement. Not a man dares to
breathe a word of sympathy with the
traitors, nor would the community permit
if. n
1 Ub V J UI LLJ t 11 ilLl UUUin 1 Ll I 1 L11U 1 1 II 1 I II 1 I I. 1
j - . r t m
' L.faL- ..j L
uags, wuicu aro 10 cc uoisiuu lu-uiorruw
over the public sohools with appropriate
ceremonies, lne ladies morcuca in tne
procession, which halted in the street,
and while the crowd stood by in respect
ful silence, under a bright and glorious
moon, a chorus of female voices ron out
the "Star-spangled banner" with an ef
fect which cannot be described, and which
brought tbc tears to mauy au eye.
Thc Marine Artillery Corps from
Rhode Island, Capt. Tompkins, with 135
men, arrived hero on Friday evening
last, and are comfortably quartered on
our Fair Ground and buildings, waiting
crdcrs, and improving their discipline
and drill. They have six rifled cannon
and 96 horseH, and are a splendid set of
men. We endeavor to make them com
fortable, and pay them all necc.-sary at
tention. Leuit-Goy Arnold is with them.
I had a picco of ground which had be
come reduced by a succession of crops, so
that it produced only five hundred pounds
of hJ t0 the aero. I whhed to dig a
cellar under my barn, and concluded to
trJ aD experiment with tho earth which
wa.s takin out. I measured off one acra
of the field above mentioned, and drew
the earth from the cellar upon it, cover
ing the piece to the depth of two or threo
inches wben it wa3 evenly spread. This
was turned under the same Autumn to
the depth of six inches. Tho nest Spring
it wa3 harrowed thoroughly, and one-half
planted to potatoes, aud tho other half
sown to oats. The result was one bun-
dred and twenty-five bushels of potatoes,
of as fino a quality as 1 over raided, and
thirty bushels of oat3. I nyain plowed it
in tho Autumn, going two inches deeper
than the previous nlowine. In tho
. ' i a
S?rlDS I thoroughly mixed and pulvcr-
: 1 .1.- -:t i i t . j
izeri cne son. ana howcu to wuoat. ana
. . . . ' i
seeded to clover and timothy grass. Ij it is most, prouauio tuat coiupiamia win
had a stout growth of straw, but owing to bo la'd before you under this branch and
tho weevils, the'yield was but 15 bushels ; definition of the crime. Within it will
of wheat. I have eiuce out two tons of be included acts of building, manning or
hay to tho acre for two years. 1 think ( in any way fitting out or victualing vea
the four crons have well naid me for tho eels to aid tbc hostilities of our enemies;
trouble of trying the experiment, and tbo j
result has been, thus far. quite as good ''
as thouah I had applied thirty loads of ,
manure to tho land. Thc soil was clay- ,
ey; tbo earth applied was a yellow loam. ;
I think the mixing of soils, as clay upon i
iBand.orsand upon clay, will prove of
great benefit where the materials or mak
ing an abundance of manure are scarce.
Cor. American Agriculturist.
Influence of Newspapers.
Small is the sum that is required to
patronize, a newspaper, and amply re-
warded is its patron, I care not how hum-
Whenever you drink, bo sure you have
your nose aoovo wawr in rrenuce b-tb-,
ry excelled advice to tho world.
U4. Before Judge Butts.
Charge of Judge Letts to the Grand Jury
Traitors to be brought to Justice.
At the opening of tho Court, the Bench
was occupied by Judge Betts of this Dis
trict, and the Hon. William Sbipman of
tbo Connecticut District. A Grand Jury
having been impaneled, were then ad
dressed by Judge Belts, as follows:
Gentlemen or the Grand Jury :
You are not called together at this tim
I f & 1 1 s . i .
, uiscnarge oi mo orumary routino
0f the dutv of Grand Jurors. It will.
therefore,-be unnecessary that tho Court
phould address you on those topics. You
! J e
are convened in a solemn crisis of our na
tjonal affairs as an imoortant clement of
pen enemies, or peraons nracticms in secret
' from all avocations of life, neighbors, kin
: drcd, brothers, and sons, at tbo national
appeal, aro rapidly mustering and has
tening to the battle-fields, bravely and
freely to peril tbeir lives in support of the
vindication of thc Constitution jand laws
of our common country, openly assailed
by hostile armieB.
Your ministry, gentlemen, although
necessarily of a calm and peaceful char
acter, is only seoond in importance to
military power, in checking and 'counter
acting theee heinous crimes set on foot a-
gainst the peace and existence of Gov- j
ornment, and the property and lives of !
the people. The mot atrocious of na- '
tional offences are treason and piracy (the
latter involving war against all mankiod,
equauy who nobility against mo country
to which the offenders owo allegiance),
and concomitant to treason, the lesser,
but yet heinous, crime of misprison of
treason. The latter is only seoond to
treason in being negative m its character,
in willfully omitting to do what the duty
of a faithful citizen requires he should do
for tho safety of his country.
Our Constitution declares treason to
"consist in lovying war against the Uni
ted States, or in adhering to their ene
mies, giving them aid or comfort." The
law pronounces the penalty of death a
gainst every one convicted of the offense
in any particular of its definition or de
scription. Piracy conists in a forcible
capture or robbery on the high seas of
any vessel of her lading, by a vessel or
her company, not authorized by a lawful
commission from our Government, and
organized and acting under thc law of
nations, and is punishable by death in
any tribunal of all countries, where tho
offense is triable.
.Two yritncBu83 to overt acts of treason
are necessary to convict of the high crime,
or a confession by the accused in open
Court. His admission of acts Gone by
mm, wuue m ..imug ui vcruanj, me io-
gal evidence, and become, in judgment of
law, tantamount to thc testimony of two
Witnesses. Giving aid Or Comfort tO tho
enemies of the country consists in furn
ishing thc military supplies, food, cloth
ing, harbor, or concealment, or communi
cating information to them, helping their
hostilities against the country aud its
I avoid any explanation of thoparticu
w rules ana aoctrincs oi law appncaoio
to tucse ouenses, as mey arc more pern-
neni to oe given to petit jurors wnen ine
cnse oomca before the Court upon all its
merits. I now wish to lay before you, in
n comprehensive and distinct form, the
. . . , , . 1 l
definitions of the offenses to which your
ntfnuMMi mflc h o rn I i-rl
T. i ll ,1 lf i f 11
sending provisions, arms, or other sup-
Vcs to them, raising funds or obtaining
crPU,t for tue,r service; indeed, every
traitorous purpose manifested by acts,
committed m mis uistnct uy pcrsous ow-
ig allegiance to tho country, will be acta
of treason. It is not necessary that the
aocused should hove raised or created
war by his own acts; he levies war by ac
ting with those who have set it on foot, or
by seizing or, holding ports, or like acts
of hostile aggression.
Thc kindred crime or misprison of trea
son is this; If any person owing allegi
anso to the Government has knowledge
of acts of treason committed by others
within the jurisdiction of tho court, and
does uot make it known to tho Priesident
of the United States, or ouo of the Judg
es of tho United States, or the Governor
of tho Stato, or a judgo or magistrate
thereof, ho becomes guilty of misprison of
treason,' and subject to-seven years' ira
prisogmjnt and a fine of $1,000 for tho
offense, and it is the duty of tho Grand
Jury to prenent for trial thcroforo such
offfnder, whatever may bo hia individual
connection or relationship with the offen
der. Tbe belief of individuals in'tho right of
resisting Government, either individually
or by Status, on tbc claim of secession or
otherwise from the authority of the Gov
ernment, affords no justification or palli
ation of "tho orime. Secession, however
effected or sanctioned, ia, under our Con
stitution and laws, nothing other than re-
Vinllinn Yftii nnrrtflirn in this filioht
.sketch, gentlemen of the Jury, what vig-
oroua piuiaiiia juui ian3 uavu auFv
for thc protection of the Government and
people from tho perpetration of eucb j Democratic Policy,
crimes of such magnitude, and how iru- j Senator Spinola, at tho Fort Graene
portant to the well-being of society it is meeting on .Tuesday evening, forcibly
that your high functions in discovering said:
and thwarting them should te fearlessly "Jefferson Davis has assured thc tra
and vigorously exercised. The Court tors that he 'iutcods to respect and give
will supply you with every aid the law protection to the property of tho Seccs
affords to further aod facilitate the per- sionists, both North and South.' Human
forraancc of your great trust, and will, pirate I Magnanimous murderer I
you may be assured, not fail, on its part, j "The patriots of '70 confiscated tho
to enforce vigorously the law against property of the Cowboys of tbo Rovolu
tbose you may present as having viola- . tion; and here let mo a.isnre tho Northern
ted it. I soldiers that every dollar of property bo-
You aro, however, aware, gentlemen, ! longing to thc traitors shall bo confisoa
tbat Hvely distrusts and apprehensions ted for your benefit. All those fine,
agitate the public mind, aud you will bo smooth plantations, of which yoa hare
cautious to discriminate, in tho charges heard so much, shall bo yours after you
laid before you, between those resting on have conquered tbo traitors and driven
a solid foundation of faots, and those them from the eoil. Again, let mc tell
which may be colored through over zeal you that unless the Plug Uglics and Blood
of accusers, or rest essentially on supi-, Tubs of Baltimore are subdued by tiher
cions and apprehensions onlv; when the authorities of that city, and tbo great
community ia highly exasperated and ex- leading avenue to tbo National Capitol it
cited men aro prono to cxagerato kept open, Baltimore will have nothin
statements and surmisea against per-, left to prove where that city stood except
sons suspected of crimes. While tho the granite column orected to oommemo
citizen, whatever his personal considera- j rato tho memory of Washington; and if
tion or worth may be, should bo held i the North is forced to this policy, then
strictly responsioie lor every act cone in
violation of tho law, it is a right which
should bo sacredly preserved to bim that
he should not be exposed in life or char
acter to the hazards of a criminal accu
sation and trial, unloss the Grand Jury
are clearly satisfied thero is reasonable
proof of his guilt.
In performing these trusts, gentlemen,
you are awpo of your general powers.
You are probably more familiar witbjtheir
exercise in Stato than in National Courts.
They aro concurrent in both Courts.
You aro awaro of the power of Stato
grand juries in being furnished with the
: mearj9 of obtaining evidence, in having
testimony duly qualified, and also of the
; aauDQr jn which tho deliberations should
be conducted. The general outline of
thc oatb under which you aro qualified,
win instruct vou in tbo duties von aro
bound to observe. 1 ou must keep secret
all your proceedings. You aro not to
promulgate them in your families, or in
any conversation, whereby they may fall
into general circulation and become known.
This is the first Grand Jury that has
been assembled, probably in this Court,
for a course of inquiry of this character.
The public mind is anxious and eager to
know what measures have been taken by
the public authorities in order to enable
the Government to secure ad defend the
pubiic aainst the evils and dangers men
acmp; it
You must not be led by the
prcs.-ure and anxiety of your friends to
speak of thc ewes intrusted to your in
quiry. You want that secrecy for a dou
ble purpose. You want it, in the first
place, to guard each and all of you against
the importunities and intercessions either
for or against those who may be subject
to your inquiry and investigation. For
tho Dublic benefit vou want it. that no no-
tice should be communicated to any mdi
vi,ualthat his conduct or course of lif
s tlie subject of inquiry before a Grand
TrT, llnloB ht hn nlrnnrl nnnroiiPndnrl
upon a chargo of having committed an of
fense; tbo publio will then bo apprised of
what is going on.
You will conduct your inquiries, there
fore, with unlimited strength, so to term
it, becauo you have the wholo power of
the law to protect you, but prudently and
caatiomly, that you may possess youraeif
of th0 naked truth that your minds may
not be misled by representations tho one
way or tho other, that you may not be
deterred by tho interference of friends
of parties implicated cither directly or
, I Z J
indircotiy jD getting all tho information
in tne case you can.
These remarks you havo received from
the Court are all that in its power, it can
beneficially impart to govern your inqui
ries. You are not limited to those partic
ular subjects alone, whether individuals
in this community have been guilty of acts
I of pjraoy treason, or misprison
j y jjav0 ciarce 0f an 0ffeusi
of treason.
ens os commit-
led ;Q thb di!,tr-jct jn tho iurisdiotion of
thc Court, which is much larger than tho
tcrr;t0rjal Hmits. as it covers tho high
. 8eaa whenever tbo uhips of tho United
States are navigated. You can inquire
into all the offcucs committed on thc seas,
whether they are merely misdemeanors or
caoital cases, if they wore committed with-
the lunsdiction of this district. 1 am
not awaro that thoro are any of this class
of offenses roady to be laid before you.
I have information that many aoousations
will be submitted in regard to tho other
order of offences. You will look into
them carefully, and you will not hasten
your determinations uutil you are
ed to your entire satisfaction of tho truth
in regard to inem.
You will not omit to call before you
every reliable fact that may bear proper
ly upon the nubjocts of these accusations.
I therefore dismiss you to your duties, di
recting tho Marshal to supply you with tho
necessary attendance. Tho District At
torney will be before you, or some proper
u.v, ut,.if ....... i
PrA0l'C0' tb,LPPi,:,!t:"
U, lUB , .U BU) lli3p. -.w
nniflnl nr a r it I ita in fnflO rtf UOnbt Of
difficulty, to nasomblo in Court and ask
auj hwu, . r .
from the Court judicial instruction in the
oxpoiition of any question of law upon
which you may entertain doubts.
With tbeso renTarks, gentlemen, you
will retire to your room, and proceed to
your publio duties.
jjHe who takes tho child by tti
hand, takes tuo mother by the hcart.f?
all tne woaltu ot tialtimoro Bball belong
to tho voluuteors; the bullion in thc banks
shall be yours, as woll as everything olso
that is valuable in that city.
"And permit me here to say that tho
volunteer from tho State of New-York
who shall bring home with him from thid
war the Ecalp of Jefferson Davis shall ro
ceivc an annuity of 85,000 so long as ho
lives. I pledge this in tho name of tho
Empire State". I think you will agreo
with mo that this scalp will be worth
fighting for."
The Indians Coming-.
A deputation of twenty Indians, head
ed by White Cloud, in behalf of tho Sious
and Cbippeways, have arrived in Wash
ington. Thoy tendor to tho United States
in behalf of tbemselvos and 300 other
warriors, their services against rebellion.
Having heard that tbc Cherokees bad Bi
ded with the rebels, they could not re
main neutral, and, with promptness wor
thy of imitation in high quarters, have
come to offer tbeir services in defense of
the Government. Tbe3G0 are probably
on their way now. They to be armed
and led.
White Cloud is the interpreter of the
oioox, and is a man of intelligence and
true patriotic ardor. He visited tho
Quartermaster's Department to day, and
addressed the soldiers being inspected
there. He says tho men on the way are
all good warriors, ranging from 18 to 40
years of age. He has received Eome en
couragement that their wishes will be
gratified. Such zeal should net be re
buffed or denied opportunity to manifest
itself in the field.
Eheumatism Killed hy Kadness.
A young man named William Hammel
residing near Pcttsville, Pennsylvania,
and who for four years past has been eo
lame from Rheumatism as to render loco
motion without the aid of crutches impos
sible, rose on Thursday last, and to tho
great f-urprise of all ho saw bim, walk
ed away from his house without cratches.
It was discovered that he had suddenly
bebamc a maniac through the severity of
his sufferings; tbe same caue which had
restored him to the use of his limbo, de
priving him of his reasons. Ho was re
moved .to the insano asylum at IJarris
burg, by the Order of Odd Fellows, of
which ho was a member.
Oats Very Uutritous.
Wo do not eat oatmeal iu this country
to any extent, and yet it is the most nu
tritious breadstuff ever used by man.
Look at tbc Scotch with tbeir oatmeal
porridge as robust a set of men as ever
lived. A Highlander will scalo moun
tains ail day, upon a diet of oatmeal stir
red with bi3 finger in water, fresh from a
gurgling spring, in a leather cup.
Tho Norfolk Day Book snys : "A gen
tleman ou Ferry Poiut, some time back
bet a twenty-five dollar over coat that ho
couia swallow a mouse, ine bet was ao-
j ccpted, tbe mouso produced, and down it
went, in a stylo that would havo t-hanied
a chinaman and dono credit to a Chineso
! juggior, ine loser ttien ottered to bet
S100 that the mouso-swallower could not
Bwallow a cat, but tho bet wa3 declined.
Tho swallowing of tho mouse is as trna
as it is strange."
Cure- for Eyilrophobi.i.
A Missouri subscriber writes ai (rA.
; lows: To euro bydror-Eobia, take blask
ash bark and boil it down to a syrup
which can be made into pills-; take ono
pill at a dose, 3 times a day. This will
effect a cure even after the fits have come
on. It has been tried hero with ercal
' . r -uuu uu-
nrniiAi or nnr iVAer tufn
l- i TTT
, corner in which an
odi,or takj
J . r UU
marked, thero are somo in t.l.A
a gooso
who shed the Gopel, just liko
sheds rainl '
SSTA patriotio lady, thinks wo at tho
North, instead of so much attentioo to
, flag, banners, rosettes, &o.. should sato
' our money, noedle-work. Szo . for sbirr
aud other comforti for tho f.olditfrd in thii",
common service.