The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, April 11, 1861, Image 3

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    ? Kerosene Oil Explosive. - r
2b the Ediurr of The N. Y. Tribune. '
Sir : In jour paper of this morning I
noticed an article on Kerosene, m wiiicn
it is stated tbat'puro keroseno ib not ex
ploitive, and that tbo recent accident re
sulting from the use of thin article wos
due to its adulteration by carophene, &c.
Having had considerable experience ah
consulting cbemis-t in the manufacture of
this oil, I take the liberty to make the
following statement, in the hope that it
may bo instrumental in preventing simi
lar accidents and loss of life.
Kerosene, as well as all other pyrogen
io oils, may or may not be explore, ac
cording to the proceiis of manufacture.
Such oils are mixture of several hydro
carbone, having toiling points varying
from below 200 dcg. to at ovc 600 cleg. F.
If the whole product of the distillation is
collected together aud Bold for kerosene,
or illuminating oil, tho proflt to the man
ufacturer is of course larger than if anv
portion of tho product is separated, but
this cannot bo done without great danger
to the consumer; and, in my opinion, all
the accidents that have occurred, or are
likely to occur from the use of kerosene,
are, or will be, due to the cupidity or ig
norance of the manufacturer rather than
to the use of any foreign substance, euch
as oampheno.
It is a very popular error to beliove
that carophene is explosive. It is not.
All the accideut- which havo resulted
from this article have been produced by
its admixture with alcohol, in the form of
burning fluid. Cou-equently, the addi
tion of campbeuc to kerosene caonot make
the latter explosive, provided the kero
gone has been properly made.
The question now aci-HC!, how can ac
cident from the uo of euch liquids le
be prevented 7 I answer, u-e no mixture
for burning, in whioh alcohol, Fousel oil,
benzole, or any liquid having a boiling
point beiow HUU dog. F. form a part.
(Jatnptcuc boils at 314 dcg. F, au-J ms)
be safely ued for burning, provided it is
not mixed with alcohol. In my ojinion,
however, keror-cne, if properly tim'Jc, is
destined to mpersedc all other fluids for
illumination, but, in order to fulGU tbis
prediction, it i- necessary that the man
ufacturers .-houM exclude that portion of
the oil which pBSse over below the tem
perature of "!00 dee. F, and sell for ker
Oronc that ouly which has a boiling point
above 300 dcj.
Edward N. Kent, Chemist.
New York, April 4, 161.
Care for Neuralgia.
The following is pi-en by high medi
cal authority as a certain cure for neu
ral;ia: Take a watch glas, and a piece
of lint a little less in siz- thao the watch
glass to be ued which need not be more
than two inche-i in diameterputtioir it
on the hollow side-of the glass. Pour
on a few drops of chloroform, sufficient to
saturate it, and then apply itVat once to
tb part affected, keeping the edges of
the plans clo-elj applied to the .-kin, by
covering it with the b-and, for the pur
"pose of keeping it in position, as well as
of assistinn the evaporation of the chlor
oform. Tbi done from five to ten minute-,
according to the amount of irrita
tion wi.-hed for. This patient during this
time will complain cf a burning sen-a
tiou not so -evere as that produced by
a mu-tard sinapism, which reaches it
height iu Ore minutes, and then abate.",
but does not entirely di-appear for more
than ten minutes. To insure the full op
eration of the remedy, it is necessary that
the watch glass be rather concave, that it
be closely applied to tho skin, and the
band applied over it be sensibly warm
The immediate affect of the application
is to remove all local pain in neuralgia.
Severe Penalty.
We tire the following extract from the
Penal Code for the information of the
"fancy" who delight in bloody heads and
damaged countenances. It will be seen
that the full extent of tbc law is dealt out
to them. Upon conviction, tbe punit-b
ment is by no means of a light character:
"If any person hball unlawfully and
maliciously inflict upon another person,
either with or without any weapon or in
strument, any grievous bodily harm, or
unlawfully cut, stab or wound any other
person, every such person -ball be guilty
of misdemeanor, and being convieted
thereof, shall be sentenced to pay s 6nc
not exoeeding one thousand dollars, and
to an imprisonment either at labor by
separate or solitary confinement, or to
simple imprisonment, not exceeding three
Contemplated Seizure of the Federal Cap
ital. The following: is an extract of a letter
received iu New York city from s gen
tleman of hijh position in Washington.
It is dated on the 2d in-t :
"Tbe possession of the seat of govern
ment by the southern confederacy is n
event most conOdeutlj predicted to take
place witbin sixty days. The wife of a
United States Senator told me an anec
dote illustrative of the purposes of tbe
President of tbe southern confederacy.
He holds a very eligitlc pew in the Rev.
Mr. Hall's church, and a lady, wishing
to obtain it, wrote to biui that she would
give what he gave for it. fie replied,
"that so far from relinquishing my (his)
pew, 1 havo ordered an engraved plate to
be affixed to it bearing my name.''' A
lady just from Montgomery, in taking
leave of Mrs. Davis, ankcd, 4And what
message must I bear from you to my la
dy friends in Washington !' She replied,
'Tell tkem I shall be bappy to receive
their calls at tbe White House some two
months .hence.1 Tbis is very elaborate,
trifling, or unsurpassed cattle building."
A fellow out West being asked
whether the liquor he was drinking was
s good article, replied:
"Wal, I don't know, I guess so. There
i only one queer thing about it: JVteti-
ever Iwijx my mouti, I burn a liole in
my lutndlccrcliuj!"
A Singular Confession.
Our attention wax called a fe x days ago
to what purported to be the proceedings
of a Democratic meeting, held at Allen
town, Lehigh county, to denounce the
course of the Hon. Mr. Schin-lel in voting
tor the bill commuting the tounagc tax on
tbe Penuylvania llailroad ; aud in th-
same ooonection, to an editorial article
to the Allentown Democrat, in which the
editor confessed that he had receiod a
"large sum of money' for nuataining tbe
vote of tbe Senator. Here is an extract
from the article.
"One of the hired lacqueys of the Peon
sylvania Railroad Company came on to
beset the presn and bold out witn an un
sparing bund the temptation of lucre.
We were offered a large sura ot money to
-u-tain Mr. Schindel; WE TOOK THE mo
Tho most singular part of this confess
ion i shown in the fact that after having
TOOK THE MONEY." as payment, ol
course, for " su?taining" Mr. S., follows a
homily on morality, interspersed with
abuse of the Senator that would put to
shame tbe voriest Maw-worm that ever
listed. How a mau who openly con
fesHCd that be took a bribe, can as openly
censure another whom he charges, at
east, byimplioation, with the same thing,
is a species of ethics that we confess ne
canuot underrtaud. J bis confession dis
closes certainly a new phase to this ton
nage tax business, while it at the same
time lays bare a depth of degradation to
which we had no idea any man connect
ed with the press was capable of sinking-
It Is conceded that the bill could not
pass without the vote of Mr Schindel iu
t e Senate. It is alr-o understood tbat
Mr Scbiudel had expressed himself in fa
vor of its pa-sage; but could not vote for
it becau-e the pres and the people of bin
di-ttict were opposed to it. Now, if thir
editor would have preserved his honor,
when the offer of "lucre" was presented
him, what was bis duty I Would any
honest man have hesitated? Instead of
spurning it, while still clutching the dol
lars. he sat down aud wrote a letter to
Mr. Schindel, which was read in tbe Sen
ate while the vote was being taken, in sub-
stance as fellows ;
''Hon. J. Schindel.' 1 have examined
Rill No. . I can pee no objection to its
passage, and if you vote for it, I will bus-
taiu jou." Signed. &o.
bod knows our government ia becom
ing corrupt enough I Legislators are
freely charged with being duly mindful
of their posket-1; but what is to become
of our liberties, if the controllers of the
press will accept bribe, make a boat oi
their cbaoie. and then turn round and
charge dishonor upon their victims I It
the Allentown editor TOOK THE MONEY.
what agreement did be make iu return 7
Did he not make a pilgrimage to Phil
adelphia to see a brother editor, then in
that city, to iudurc him to join in us-
aimng Mr. Schindel? Did be not write
the above letter to that gcutlcman before
the passage of that bill? These are ques
tions that deeply interest his honor and
the honor of the press of Pennsylvania.
Whatever may be our views of the roer
its or demerits of thi.- bill (for it has both)
if tbe Allentown man deemed it so ioiqui
tious, be bad the power to prevent its pas
iage, by himply turning his face toward
Marri-burg (instead of Philadelphia) and
dUclo-e the. whole thing to the Senate.
But did he do that? Alas do! He pock
eted the bribe be "TOOK THE MONEY,'
and th n proelnims his shame to tbe pub
lie. JLuzernc Union.
The Hon an ; Rev. Jeremiah Schindel
above niaicd, and tbe editor of the Al
lentown Democrat, are both members,
of tbe Democratic party.
Sheep Killed by an Owl.
On tbe 1 :3th iustant, Mr. A. North
went to feed his sheep, and found two or
three quite bloody, and one mining
There being a light snow upon the ground,
he concluded be could discover the dep
redator by his tracks. He made diligeot
-earcb, fouud the mincing sheep dead
and partly eaten About the carcass,
were tracks of a large bird. He set a
trap upou the carcass, and next morning
had a mounter owl, weighing ciht
pound. It seem that he lit upon the
sheep's back, and with his talons elung
to the wool, and with his beak severed
the large vein on tbe side of the neck.
thu bleeding him to death. This occur
rence would not seem to strange bad the
;heep been small and poor. Mr North
teior thorough roan, and a reader of
tbe Ohio Farmer, keeps but few sheep.
and keeps them well. Therefore tbe
crows aud owls havo do claims on bis
Book. Ohio Farmer.
New York Markets.
Wednesday, April 10, 1861.
21,400 bbls. at $5 10uS5 20 for Super
fine State and Western. Rye Flour;
ales of 170 i bis. at S'.i 30a$4 10. Cord
Meal; small sales of Jersey at $2 75 and
Braodywine at S3 15.
GRAIN Wheat; sle of 10,870 bush
Chicago Spring at SI 23al 26; 5,000
bu-b. North-Webtern Club at SI 28. Rye
is firm at fiOc. Corn; the Bale are 08,
000 bu"h. at G.!.aG2o. for Western mixed.
PROVISIONS - Pork ; sales of 470
bbU at 17 87 for Mess. Cut Meats;
sales of 161 hhds. and tcs. at 66o. for
Shoulders, and 8a8&o. lor Hams. But
ter aud Cheese are firm, und in fair de
mand .
Agents Wanted to sell the Erie Sew
mg Machine. We will give a commission
or pay wages at from S25 to 60 per month
and expenses' paid. The Erie is a new ma-
chineand very simple in its construction.
A diploma was awarded our Machine by the
Industrial Association of Farmers & Median
ice, held at ChamberBburgj Pa, at its exhibi
lion in 1800, over the Grover & Bakerj and
Boudoir Machines. It is equal to any ma
chine in" use, and the price is but fifteen dol
lars. Address R. JAMES, General Agent
E S. M. Co., Milan, Ohio.
March 14, 1601. 6m.
Fever and Ague !. Chill Fever!! Dumb
Ague J 1 J
It is not a very difficult thing to break
the ague that is, for a time to scatter it
over tbe system, with Quinine, Arsenic,
or similar poisons. Bnt a vegetable med
icine which not only breaks the fits, but
eradicates it from the system, is a reme
dy worth having. Such is HUMPHREYS'
harmless sugar pill; it cures the disease;
breaks up tbc fit?; and eradicates it from
the system; and even prevents it where
dersons have been exposed. Children, in
fants, and tbe most feeble, may take it
with impunity. The mot inveterate ea
ses are radically cured by it.
Price, 50 centn per box.
N. B. A full set of Humphreys' Homeo
pathic Specifics, with Book of Directions, and
twenty different Remedies, in large vials, mo
rocco case, $5; do. in plain case, $4; case
of fifteen boxes, and book, 2.
These Remedies, by the single box or case,
are sent by mail or express, free of charge,
to any address, on receipt of the price. Ad
dress Dr. F. Humphreys' & Co.,
No. 562 Broadway, New-York.
Sold by Hollinshead & Delrick.
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from aprcsriplion of Sir J.Clarke,
M. D. Physician Extraordinary to the
THIS well known medicine is no imposition, but a
sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and
Obstructions, from anv cause whatever : and although
i powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the
constitution. To manied ladies it is peculiarly suited.
It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period
with regularity.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pain in
the back and limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, palpita
tion of the heart, hysterics and whites, these Pills will
effect a cure when all other means have failed; and al
though a powerful remedy, do not contain iion, calo
mel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet aiound each package
which should be caicfully preserved,
For full particulars, set a pamphlet, free, of the
N. D. $1 00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any
authorized Agent, will insure a bottle. eontaing50 pills
by return mail. For sale m Slroudiburg, by
July 31. lECO ly. J. N. DURLING, Agent
The next Term opens, May 1st, and con
tinues five months. The Principals have
had much experience in conducting such
schools, and will spare no labor or expense
in giving their pupils the best advantages.
In addition to the usual branches of an Lit-
glish education, thorough instruction will be
given in the German, French, and Spanish
languages, and in all the branches required
to prepare young men for college, or for bu
siness oursuits.
Day scholars, and young men qualifying
themselves for teaching, received on the most
liberal terms.
Rev. H. S. HOWELL, J Princij)ah
Rev. C. M. BLAKE. C 1 rmciPali-
Delaware Water Gap, April 4, .1861.
The Bodugger.
This wonderful article, just patented, is
something entirely new, and never before
uYred to agents, who are wanted every
where. Full particulars sent free.
Address SHAW & CLARK,
April 4, 1861. ly. Biddelbrd, Maine.
Notice is hereby given, that tho Ap
peals from tbe assessments made for 1661
for tbe several townships m tbe county of
Monroe, will be held at the Commission--iooers
Office, on Tuesday, the 16;h day
of April next, at 10 o'clock A. M.
Borough of Stroudsburg, Barrett town--hip.
CoolbaUi-h, Cbenutbill, Eldred.
Hamilton. Jackson, .Middle Smithfi.-ld.
Price, Paradise, Pocono, Polk, Ro8.
Stroud, Smitbfield, Tobyhanna, Tunk-
bannook, r.
At which time and place the Commis
ioncrs of said -county will attend for the
nuroose of hearing all persons who may
it - -
feel themselves aggrieved by reason of
thoir assessment for Inbi.
March 21, 1861.
Two Young Horses.
Enquire of James H. Kerr, Stroud
township. March 14, 1861.-
Stroudsburg Female Si'iuinery
Under the care of the Rev. J. E. MILLER
and Miss M. S. MILLER:
Mrs. J. E MILLER teacher of Music
The year to be divided into four terms of
11 weeks each.
For day scholars;
For all the English branches usually taught
in Seminaries of the first grade, and Latin :
$4, per Session.
French, 5.
Music on the Piano, 8 per quarter.
" on the Guitar, 3 for 12 lessons.
Pastel Painting, 5)
Monochromatic, 4 Materials furnished
Leather Work 4 )
Six pupils will be received into the family
of the Principal as boarders, at a charge of
200, per year, for Boarding, washing, and
tuition in ail the English branches, Latin,
if desired. Half payment to be made at
the beginning of each sessiont and the re
mainder at the close.
No deduction for absence, for either boar
ding or day-scholars, excepting in case of
sickness, or by special agreement.
Pupils received at any time during the
session, and charged from the time when
they commence,
03" The next session of the above School
will commence on Monday, July 30th, 1860.
July 19, i860. tf.
lap of Appeal.
For Sail;
Notice to Tax Pavers
Notice ia berebv pivon to Cnllpcinra nf
State, County and Millitia Taxes of Mon
roe couuty, for the year I860 and previ
ous years, to collect all such taxes be
between this date and next May Court
and pay over tbc mouies received Jo the
County Treasurer, at iU office in Strouds
burg. Collectors are requested to notify
those in arrears, that after tbis term of
Court all outstanding taxes will be collec
ted ccordinj; to law.
CoiimissionerH office, Stroudsburg,
March 21. 1851.
The understeneil having uae.l Professor HUMPHREYS'
with the most satisfactory results, and having full confi
dence in Uieir genuineness, purity, and efficacy, cheerfully
recommend them to all persons who wish to have safe,- re
liable, and efficacious remedies at luuid for private or do
mestic use.
The Itev. Win. Hnsiner, editor or " The Northern Inde
pendent," Auburn, N. Y. ; the Rev. K. II. Cressev, D.D.,
Rector or St. Peter's Church, Auburn, N. Y. ; the Rev. B. I.
Ives, Chaplain of the Auburn State Prison; the Rev.
Spencer M. Rice, Rector, New-Bedford, Mas.; the Rev.
Alien Steele, New-York Conference ; the Rev. Samuel
Nichols, East-(enesec Conference, N. Y. ; the Rev. P. S.
Pratt, Dorset, Vt, ; the Rev. John K. Robie, Buffalo ; A. C.
Hart, Esq., Utlca, N. Y. ; the Hon. Neal Dow, Portland,
Me. ; the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, South-Bend, Ind. ; the Hon.
George Humphreys, N. Y. ; Henry D. Cook, Esq., Editor of
The Ohio State Journal, Columbus, Ohio; the Hon. R. II.
Graham, Moliuc, III.; the Hon. Thomas J. Chase, Monti
cello, Fla.; the lion. Joseph Benedict, Utica, N. Y. ; Wm.
Bristol, Esq., Utica, N. Y. ; A. S. Pond, Esq., Utica, N. Y.
James Plunkett, Esq., Nashville, Tenn.
No. 1. For Fever, Congestion, and Inflammation.
No. 2. For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Wetting the Bed.
No. 3. For Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness of
No. 4. For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Summer
Complaints. No. 5. For Colic, Grlpings, Dysentery, or Bloody Flux.
No. 6. For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting.
No. T. For Coughs, Colds, Influenza, and Sore Throat.
No. S. For Tooth-ache, Face-ache, und Neuralgia.
No. 0. For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness of the
I lean.
No. 10. Dyspepsia Tills For Weak and Deranged
Stomach, Constipation, and I.lver Complaint.
No. 11. Foil Femalk Irrrcula riti ks, Scanty, Painful, or
Suppressed Periods.
No. 12 For Leueorrhea, Profuse Menses, and Bearing
Down of Females.
No. 13.' For Croup, Hoarse Cough, Bad Breathing.
No. 11. Salt Riicum Pills For Erysipelas, Eruptions,
Pimples on the Face.
No. lf. Riikcmatic Pills. For Pain, Lameness, or Sore
ness iu the Chest, Hack, Loins, or Limbs.
A. For Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Old
Mismanaged Agues.
P. For Piles, Blind or Bleeding, Internal or External.
O. For Sore, Weak, or Iullamed Eyes and Eyelids; Fail
ing, Weak, or Blurred Sight.
C. For Catarrh, or long standing or recent, either with
obstruction or profuse discharge.
W. C. Fok Whooping Cough, abating its violence and
shortening its course.
In all acute diseases, such as Fevers, Inflammations,
Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, -Rheumatism, and such eruj
tlve discases'as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas, the
advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly is ob
vious, and in nil such cases the specifics act like a charm.
The entire disease is often arrested at once, and iu all cases
the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease short
ened, and rendered less dangerous.
Coughs and Colds, which are of such frequent occurrence,
and which so often lay the foundation of diseased lungs,
bronchitis and consumption, may all be at once cured by
the Fever and Cough Pills.
In all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach.
Constipation, Liver Complaints, Piles, Female Debility, and
Irregularities, old Headaches, Sore or Weak Eyes, Catarrh.
Salt Rheum, and other old eruptions, the case has specifics
whose proper application will afford a cure in almost every
lnstance. Often the cure of a single chronic difficulty, such
as Dyspepsia, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weak
ness, has more than paid for the case ten times over.
Case of 20 vials complete, in morocco, and Book $."
Case of 20 vials, and Book, plain -t
Case of 15 numbered boxes, and Book 2
Case of 6 boxes, numbered, and Book 1
Single numbered boxes, with directions 2r rents.
Single lettered boxes, with directions 50 cents.
Large case OI a 0Z. viais, lor piamers aim jiiiysitiiiiis ru
IViw l.Tmu no PirriiTcin Onnrpsspil. DlfficiiU. Iiboretl
Breathinir. attended with Cough and Expectoration. Price,
50 cents per box.
Foh Ear Disciiarc.ks and Deafness. Discharges from the
Ear, the result or Scarlet Fever, Measles, or Mercurials.
For Noises In the Heau, Hardness oi Hearing, ami lunging
in the Ears, and Ear-ache. Price, 50 cents per box.
For Scrofula. Enlarged Glands, Enlarged and Indurat
ed Tonsils, Sellin(K and Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Caehe.y of
Children. I'nce, w cents per uox.
For General Deiulitv. Physical or Nervous Weakness,
rittiur ti. roonit nf Rirknpss. Kxcessive Medication, or Ex
hausting Discharges. Price, 50 cents per box.
FOR Dnorsr. rluia Accumulations, lunmi snnimjs, n
Scanty Secretions. Price, 50 cents per box.
For Sea-SicknksS. Deathly Sickness, Vertigo, Nausea,
Vomiting. Sickness from riding or motion. Price, 50 cents
For0 Urinary Diseases. For Gravel, Renal Calculi, Diffi
cult, Painful Urination, Diseases of the Kidneys. Price, 50
cents per box.
For Seminal Emissions. Involuntary Discharges and
Consequent Prostration and Debility, Bad Results of Evil
Habits. The most successrul and efficient remedy known,
and may be relied upon as a cure. Price, with Oill direc
tions, $1 per box.
Persons who wish to place themselves under the profes
sional care, or to seek advice or Prof. Humphreys, can do
so, at his office 5C2 Broadway, daily from S A.M. to S P.M.
or by letter.
Look over the list; make up a case or what, kind you
choose, and Inclose the amount in a current note or stamps
by mail to our address, at No. 662 Broadway, New-York,
and the medicine will be duly returned by mall or express,
free or charge. ,
AGENTS WANTED. We desire an active, efficient Agent
rbr the sale or our Remedies in every town or community
In the United States. Address Dr. F. HUMPHREYS & Co.
No. 5C2 Broadway, Nkw-York.
Sold by Hollinshead & Detriok.
March 29 I860. e. o. w. ly.
Or i'ain Destroyer.
Is one of the few domestic remedies which have come
into general use and favor, without pulling. It is the
product of a simple shrub, harmless in all cases, and
as a domestic remedy unequalled For Burns, Cuts,
liruises soreness. Lameness, sprains, jincumausm,
Boils. Ulcers, Old Sores and Wounds, it has not an e
oual. It isalso used withcrent success; for Tooth
ache, Headache, Neuialgia. Sore Throat, Collie, Diar
rhoea, Hoarseness, and othersimilar troublesome ahd
painful alTecf.ons. while it promptly arrests an Hemor
rhages. Hundreds of physicians use it daily in their
unqualified lecommcndatiuril Sold by our agents and
dealers, and lv
F. HUMPHREYS k. Co., 5G2 Broadway,
Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers.
March 29, ISC0. ly.
CAbtmnistvntovs Jsotice.
Estate oi' Clias. S. Xrausiic,
Late of Smith field township.
Notice is hereby given, that Letters of ad
ministration upon the Estate of Charles S.
Transue, late of Smithfield township, de
ceased, have been granted to the undersign
ed by the Register of Monroe County, in due
form of law ; therefore, all persons indebted
to said Estate are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having any just
claims are also requested to present them
legally authenticated for settlement, to
ELLEN TRANSUE, Administratrix,
GEO. S. TRANSUE, Administrator.
Smithfield, April 4, 1881. Hi
Attorney at Law,
Office on Elizabeth street, formerly oc
cupied by Wm. Daxis, hsq.
Wm. K. Havilantl,
Office at James H. Walton's, Eaq.
Collections made, and business attended
to with promptness and dispatch.
The undersigned having loaned during
her pleasure, to Charlea Evans of Stroud
township, 1 Heifer, Bed and Bedding, I
Bureau, 1 Che cupboard, 1 tove and
cooking utensil, 1 dozen chairs, and otln i
houne hold furniture. The public arc
hereby cautioned against meddling will,
the said property.
Smitbfield, Feb. 28, lstil at
Card to the Public.
The undersigned respectfully inform.
the citizens of Stroudafcurf; and vicinity.
that he iutends renUiiiiiijj the Painting
and Punier Hanging Business, in Stroud-
bun;, on or about tbo firt of April next
All work entrutcd to hi care will be cx
eouted with ncatneos and de-patcb. All
work warranted, as noue bnt good hands
will bo employed. Particular attention
paid to tbe following branches :
Sign 1'niKtiiigr,
Paiier Hauling,
Giltling, Glazing,
ami (xi-aiiiing!
Show Cards and Window Tickets
written to order at the lowest living price.
Thankful for patronaoa, ba re
spectfully solicits a continuHiirc of the
same. - U. iU. t'lUUHi.
January 21, 1661.
Executor's Notice.
Estate of Geo. W. Brown, late of
Stroud Township, dee'd.
Notioe is hereby given, that Letter
tCftamentary upon the Estate of George
W. Brown, late of Stroud township, de
ceased, have been granted to the under
signed by the Renter of Monroe county,
in due form of law; therefore, ail person.
indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those hav
ing any just claims are al?o requested to
present them legally authenticated for
settlement to
Stroud township, Feb. 14, 18Gl.-6t
Something New.
The public are respectfully informed that
the undersigned has opened, in the Borough
of Stroudsburg, a NEW
in the large four story building
recently erected by Messrs. Fow
ler and Wintemute, two doors a-
bove Robert Boy's Store, where
he intends keeping always on
hand, a large assortment of
Drugs and Medicines, Paints. Oils, Var
nishes, french and Common (xlass, Ac
The stock will also embrace FANCY NO
TIONS in endless variety, from which all
tastes can be gratified, including
Perfumery, Plain and Fancy Glars Ware,
Tooth, Hair and Toilet Brushes; Combs, &c.
for medicinal purposes, which beer their own
Every article will he warranted pure and
fresh, and will be dispensed by an aslant
wnose experience in me Dusiness is sucn a
to deserve the unlimited confidence of the
public. Call and see.
JAMES N DURLING, Proprietor.
Stroudsburg, Dec. 3l, I8n0.
iBxttVLlofs Jfoticc.
Estate of Wra. Van Buskirk, late
of Stroud township, dee'd.
Notice i3 hereby given, that Lejiers
te-tamontary upon the Estate of William
Van Bu-kirk, late of Stroud towuship,
deceanad, have been granted to the under
signed by the Register of Monroe county,
in duo form of law; therefore, all persons
indebted to t-aid cstated are requested to
make immediate payment, and those hav
ing any just claims are also requested to
present them legally authenticated foi
Hettlement. to.
J AS. VAN BUSKIRK. Stroud tsp.
CHARLES HENRY, Henryville,
October 11, 16G0. 6t. Executor.
New Marble Yard.
The subscriber, having employed Ja
cob B Hinline. an experienced stone cut-
ter, can supply any person in want ol
plain or ornamental Grave Stones, Monu
ments, &o., of good sound marble, at
moderate prices.
Stroudsburg, December 13, 186U.
Market Street Whuff, Philadelphia.
Fish, Cheese and Provisions.
Have constantly on hand an assortment of
Dried and Pickled Fish, &c. viz:
Mackerel, Shad, Salmon. Blue Fish, Her
rings. CodGab. Beef. Pork, Lard, Shoul
ders, Hama, Sides, Cheese, Beans, Kice,
&c., October 11, 18G0.-3m.
The undersigned having loaned during his
pleasure, to Charles Henry, (colored) ot
Stroud township, 1 two-horse lumber Wa-
The public are hereby cautioned a-
gainst meddling or interfering with the same.
wm. r. Cress.
Stroud tap. March 7, 1861.
Teachers' Association
The School Teachers of Monroe County
are hereby notified that our next Gounly As
sociation will be held in the Court House, on
Saturday, March 10th, at 10 o'clock A. M.
Those Teachers who havo never attended an
Assncintinn should not fall to be present next
time as a subject of greut importance to th.ein
will be discussed.
A teacher who intentionally absents him
self from an association where he might learn
something useful, is not worthy of the name
he bears, and does not deserve a good certifi
March 7, 1861.
tt a mm
A ml Cor the sfcoj cure oi ,,u MloIng cMjiplnlnt:
Scrofula an? Pcro,:3us Asrtloii,nutsh
ns '1'umors, UJvcr.s, tsoKtsu, xl vuptlons,
l'lmpUs, Virult, Kiotclieti, olU,
illaiiia, nii'.i nil i I-ili DicudC.
Oiki.ax1, I int., 0th .luue, 1S00.
J. O. Arm & Ci. Geots: 1 feel it my tluty to ar
kium k-ilgo what jour J-;iia;uiri!I.i hai done fir nip..
Having inltciltfil a Sorofhloiw iiii'txti. n. I have suffered v
from it in various ways for fi-ar. fc" ini'timw it biitt
nit in Ulcers on m Im.U nr.I arnw; ti:i!e'.inn II
Uuiied iuwaril uti.I ilbtresM.i1 n.o t llie flotiiiuli. Two
years no It l.injje out f.n my :iinr rtmrwl my -Ip
ami ears wish one sore, which was Kiliifnl ;Dk1 IttiUi-umcr '
iH-yoiiil ih-erij.!i..ii. l tri.-a many itiMlfcfntv fll .vvtral
physician, bet wfch.ait ixuch relif fmm any J&rr.p.- In- '
fad, the ihmnler giew worse. At Itiiplh I wna rejoiced-
to nail in tho Uo-iie) MuaMMig, that ou hail jir.-jret
an alterative (:arsuttn!at.r r I kiiewfioiU votir lejiltt'
tii.n that any tliinjr jon na.dc must l.e kkhJ. 1 sut ti
CinrinniitiaiHlKot it, ami iimHi sill it curol me. 1 toolf
it. a yiii ailrit, in small ilosos (r lx teaiipoonai! over a
in nth. anil il-'cil almost tine- iHtltU-s. New anil hunlthy
efcin fouii Xegair to form itmier the yeah, which altera
while f-11 oif. AlyAin is now clear, ami I kuuw ly my
fevlirti tliitt th? ili-ea.-e has gone from my system. You
can well fceheve Ifx-l I fce! wlrat I am Knin witrn 1 tell
ymi. that I holit J'oil to be one of the apodtiu? of thu age, .
ami lumain ever gratefully. Y.uiw,
St. Anthony's Firr. I.oso air I5i'ysSiic!ac', '
Tetter ami Salt Klscmis, Ki-niel iicati,
2i.i:igivori:i, gore Kyts,
Dr. Hubert !. Treble writes from ?alm. X. Y., I2ff
Sept.. ls.0. that he has cured an iimtevntc owe oT
Drops;, which threatened t terminate fatally, by tho ,
persevering use of our S'arsaiariHa. ami abo a ttaiisurotbt
Malignant Erysipe.lis by largo Uoses of th snruv; wiy
ho cures the atimnn ErupHmiit by it constantly.
Uronchocclc, Goitre or Swelled A'eclr. y
Zebnloii Sloan of Trofpect, Texas, write" : "Three b..t
tlf! of your Sarsapnriila c uiel mo from u f.'..t.'r a llftl
eout h welling on the imk, which I had tutfered fcvui'--over
two years." t ,
lieucorrhrrn or"Vhits, OrnrUu Tumor, ,
Uterine UlccinJ Ion, I-'oiimle nijracs;
Dr. J U.S. Channing, of New York City, writes; " I "
most cheerfully comply with tho rtHmitofymir agent liivJ
Riving I have fuunl yor.r Furnp'iri!la a ai'ist excellent "
alterative in the numerous cnmpbunU for wliM "vrtJ'
employ such a remily- hut especially in fmtile Div.qtes t
of the i-'crofulons tlialhe-i. 1 lme cured many iuveter- ,
ate cast's of r.eucorrlio?:t by it. anil Mnn; where the com-
plaint was caused by idirilim of the ulr.rm. Tho liber
ation itself was MMn cured. Xuthitig ni'.bin my knowl
edgo equals it for these female deraiigem'-ntfi."
Kilwnrd S. Marrow. ofXuwbury. Ala., writes, "A dan.
gerous nviriati lunmr km otic, of the female in my family,
which had defied nil the icmfilie we could employ, hus
at length been completely cured by yonr Hxtwet ofSar.
saparilla. Our physician th' iight m.thing hut extirpu- .
tiou couM afford relief, but he advised the trial f your
Soxsnnarilla as tho !a.t resort before cutting. nnil""it2j
proved effectual. After takingyour remedy t-iglit v.vcUi t
uc symptom of tb liseao remains,"
Kew 0nix.txs. 2:lh AiiKHt. VX.
Dn. J. C. Ateu ; Mr, I cheerfully comply -ith
quest of your agent, and report to you soma of the oliiMjU
1 have realized with your S.iraparil!a.
I have cured witli it. in my ptaet!.:e, most or tho cnf- J
plaints for whielt it is lecommemled. and have fundi its, ,
effects truly wonderful in tin cure of Vmr.mtl and Altf
curii'l D't'iitn One of my patients had Syphilitic iiIcmm
in hi throat, which were "consuming his palate ami tin)
top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, t-teadily taken,
cured him in live weeks. Another was attacked by ."e(J-
oudury symptoms iu hW noe. and the ulceiatiou hiul .
eaten nway a coiUMeruhle part of It, w that I 1-elievu. lliu
duonler would koou leach hi. brain and kill hulu lint ft
yielded to my udui'mulrutioii uf your Suraupitrilla; tt!.
ulcers healed, and he U well again, not of com Mr without,,
some dufigurutiou to his face. A woman who had I-n '
treated for the ame diaoider by meicury has MifTeiiirg 1
from this pebou iu her bohes. 'ruey had become so .-eii- .
sitive to the weather that on a damp tiny die suffered ex
cruciating pain in her joint and bouin. She, b o. was
cuied entirely by your Siti.-iqiarilla iu a few weeks. I
know from iU formula, which your agei.t gave me, tluit
this Preparation from jour laboratory niti-t b a great
remedy; consequently, thet-e truly lemaikubie results .
with it not surprised me;
i'raternally yours, O. X. LARIMER, M. D.
Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint.
IXDrrEMiMtce, Preston Co., Yn.. tth duty, li59.
Dr. J. C. ArKit: fir, 1 have been alllicted with a pain- .
fill chronic JUnumatum for a long time, which ha'tlleti tho '
skill of phy.ic:ans, and stuck to lne In ypite ofull tho ,
remedies I could find, until I tried your San.apnrilhi. Ono
bottle cured tne in two weeks, and restored my general'"
health so much that I am far bett;r than 1 was .
attacked. I think it u wonderful luedhine. J. i'KKAM.
Jules Y. Getchell. of St. Lents, write : u I havo been
alllicted for years with an ujp-clwit nf XUt Lirer, which J
destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing '
failed to relieve tne; aud I havabeeu a lokeu-duwu man
for some yeSrS from no other cause than d' rung meat hf
tltc Lirer. My beloved pastor, the Her. Air. Kfjty.advbed .
me to try your Sarsaparilla, because he ta'id he knew J'tK
and any thing you made was worth trj'ine. Hy the bie-4?
ing of God it lias Cured me, nud has so purified my blood
as to make it new man of mo. 1 feel young again. Tho
bcit can be ."rtia ci you is not half good enoi'gl:."
Sell irrns,Cuiicrr Tumors, Kniurtrejucnt,
Ulceration, Carles and. Kxioliat ion of
the Uoncs.
A great variety of cases have been reported to us whero ,
cure of these formidable complaints have reiiilted from
the Use of this remedy, but our .-pace here will not admit
them. .Some of them may be found in our American
Almanac, which the agi nts below named are pleased to
furnish gratis to all who call for them.
Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, "Fifs, Epilep
sy, Melancholy, Keuralgia.
Many remarkable cures of thec Dffectl. ni have ben
made, by thq alterative power of this medicine, lt-ttimu-latcs
the itai fund icus into vigorous auii n, ami thus
overcomes disorders which would be supposed lyond iH
reach. Such a remedy has long been required by the "ne
cessities of the perple, and we are confident that this will
do for them all that medicine can do.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.-
Coughs, Coltls, Influenza, HonrscneiS,
Croup, Broixhiti.s. Incipient Con
sumption, mill for the lieliei
of Consumptive Patient
in atlrnnrtii Stages
of the IHtfcasc.
Thi' is a remedy i-o universally known to surjutfs any, -other
for the cure of thrt-nt ami lung cc!itp!ii.t hnt ft
is ueless hero to publish the eTidcncrj of its virtues. Us
unrivalled excellence for coughs and cold, and it- trulvj
wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it
known throughout the civilized nations of the earth.
Few are tiie communities, or oven families, anion tlfin
who have not seme personal experience of ilo effect
some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the
Bubtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and luus.
As all know the dreadful fatality of there diMrtler, a4L
as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we neert ujt
do more than to as.Miro them that it has now all th vir
tues that it did have when making' the cures which have
won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind.
Prcparod by Dr. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Stroudsburg bj Elollinsbead &
The Country Safe !
Tho subscriber takes tbi method of
informing bis many friends, and tbe. pub?
lio generally, tbat be has returned frQrn
the cities, with a large lot of
Ready Made Clothin
of the latest style?, consisting of j
ContS of all kinds and qualities,
Pan Is of various styles of goods, and
VfcslSj of every grade.
From his present stock he is satisfied that
he can meet tbe demand of every taste
and "rig Out," in a oianncr hitherto un
approacbed, the man with tho single dol
lar, or tbe possessor of thousands.
He has also laid in, and will keep on
hand, an elegant assortment of
consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Ycstiogs",
Notions. Uohirry, &o. &c. all of whicbbo
will sell very cheap. He has also a t-plerH
did lot of
at prices varying from ccnls to s
eaob; tbe latest styles 0f Mantillas, jj00tS;
Shoes, Gaiters, &0. an(j an at price3
nurprisiugly low. s
P. S. CloVning made to order at sbort
notieo and warranted.
in exchange for Good at cash prices.!'
me puuuo are invited to call as heit
determined to sell his goods cheaper thao
the cheapest.
Stroudsburg, Way 12, lrt5D.-tf.
"blank m o rtg a gks
Fotsalo at this QfiiGe