The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, January 17, 1861, Image 1

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    M" I" UlllMl I Ml l IWIIWMM,, j I I,Vh 11 , J MlWWWtllBtiiilBiiMI Tl? Imi" mi i 1 1 pn llMHM IIWIWI W IB Mil WBIIIM Ml Hill MM M . ' - -
iBcvotcb to politics, Ciicraturc, Agriculture, Science, illorality, anh cncral intelligence.
VOL 19.
NQ. 52.
PilbHsIied by Theodore Schoch. I Tne funeral ceremonies were of the
TERMS. Two dollars per alinumin advance Two most imposing description. The prooes-
roIiTLaI!!!,rVJ,lrtcr' ''"ify'-andir nouiaidbe- 8iOD was five miles long, one hundred mil
fore the end of the year. Two dollars and a half. . . , fc "u uuuuc"
No pancrsfliscontlnucd until all arrearages ate paid, itary companies in froot, citizens and re-
(.enHori and office holder., followed by an
one or three insertions, $1(1,0. Each additional inser, arniV of ex-ParsOUS dressed ia Women's
Xon,25cents. Longer ones in proportion. ' i
; proport
Having a general assortment of large, plain and or
namental Type, ucare prepared to execute every de
scription of
Cards, Circulars, Uill Heads, Notes. Blank Receipts,
Justices. Legal and other BlanUs, Pamphlets. &c, pun
ted with neatness and despatch, on raasoiuhlcterins
at this office.
Seeing that the Episcopal Bishops of
the Caroliuas, have composed prayers to
1 ..-.J u ,t.: Ml........ . I
"u'7J.r' y 81,"' uu"" l7'" -
s.ons of tbeir Legislatures, we have deem-;
ea u proper, sustaining me rotation co
the Methodist Church we do, in Eiet
Tennessee, to compose the following pray
er, and order that it shall be ued this
winter, by all Local Preachers, in all
their public ministrations:
Almighty God, our heavenly Father,
in whose hands are the hearts of men,
.and the Ksue of events, not mixed. up
with Locofocoim, or rendered ohuie
in Thy sight, by being irfeiitificd with men
of corrupt minds, evil designs, and dam
nable purposes, such as teek to up-turn
the best from of government on earth.
Thou hast graciously promised to hear
the prayers of those who in an humble
spirit, and with true faith such as tho
Secessionists can bring into exercise call
ed upon Thee, be pleased we beseech
Thee, farorably to look upon and bless
the Union men of this Commonwealth,
and sustain them in tbeir praise worthy
efforts to perpetaale this government, and
under it the institutions of our holy reli
gion. Possess their minds with the spir
it of true patriotism, enlightened wi-dotn,
ond of preserving hostility towards thoe
traitors, political gambler., and eelfiih
demagogues, who are seeking to build up
a miserable Southern Coufederacy, and
under it to inaugurate a new reading of
the Ten Cocimaudnents, so as to teach
that the chief end of -man is the Negro!
In these days of trouble and pcrplcxttyr
give the common people grace to preceive
the right faith, which Thou knewest,
leads from the camps of Southern mad
caps and Northern fanatics, and enable
them steadfastly to walk thertin!
So strengthen the common masses, 0,
Lord, and so direct them, that they being
hindered neither by the fear of fire-eat
ers, nor by the lovo of corrupt men in
power, nor by an over-charge of'.mean
whiskey, nor by any other Democratic
passion, but being mindful of Thy con
Ptant superintendence, of the awful msjjs
ty of Thy righteousness, of Thy hatred
of a. corrupt Democracy, and its profligate
leader, rud of tho riet account they
must hereafter give to Thee, they may iu
counsel, word and deed, aim supremely
at the fulfillment of their duty, which is
to talk, vote, and pray agaiust the wick
ed leaders of Abolitionism, and the equal
ly ungodly advocates of Secessionist.
Grant that those of tbe professed Minis
ter, who are mixed up with modern De
mocrary, and have become o hardened
in tin, a openly to advocate the vile do
lusion, may speedily abaudon their un
ministerial habit, or go over to the cause
of tbe Devil, that their portions may atjw;tb up ;rted bands, and closed eyes, tbe
least be unequivocal, and that tbey may
thereby, advance the welfare of the coun
try! Aud grant that these fire-eaters to tue deceased "Sic transit gloria mun
may soon run their race, that the course!);
of this world may be t-o peaceably order
ed, by Thy superintendence, that Thy
Church, and Thy whole people, irrespec
tive of sects, may joyfully serve Theo, in
all Godly quietnes-i, through Jesus Christ
our Lord Amen!
Died At hia late head quarters in
Washington, on Tuesday, the Oth of No-
vembcr, of internal mortification, a din-j
eased licr, a foul t-tomaeb, and the black
tongue, Buchanan Bogus Democracy.!
J? ' ... ... . ltij
Democracy was an illegitimate cnuu
tne result of an illicit intercourse between
Col. National Democracy aud Miss Fce
State Party. Drs. Pierce, Buchanan, and
other distinguished physicians, were pre
sent at the birth; while Granny Nichol
son, and others, acted in the capacity of
wet and dry nurses. It was christened
in the Demacratic Cathedral at Lecomp-
ton, Father Loogstrcet, of South Caroh
na officiated. Bob Toombs atanding as j
The child never was healthy, but was
eubject to fits, caused by tbe threats of
Border Kujjians, arter leeding vritn spoon
victuals by Miss Souri Compromise. Tbe !
last and fatal spaums occurred at Charles-
ton and Baltimore, caused by over-doses tQ tb(J 4fcb of Marcn Qezt stat0(j taat
of spoiled Ojstors, seasoned with mean tbey uaj res;gnefj their seats, and fctill ex
whisky. Its system had become too de- .. tho fraukjDg privilege? If that is
bilitated, when it reached Baltimore by QOt 8crjaijest, dirtiest, most chivalrio"
the Bay lino, to withstand the last dread- a7!-indylDjl we don't know what would be.
fal chocks, and it yieldod. It has become .
& living of corruption, as was so exceed-;
ingly offensive, that its diseased and pit' )XT& man in Newark, N. J., was
trifled nurses could not stay in its room, cleaning a gun and blew into tho barrel
In its lbt dyiDg agonies, Drs. Buchanan, to see if it was loaded, the nipple being
Breckinridge, Lane, Fitzpatrick,. and all near a libted candle at the time. Pho
the most celebrated Democratic phyM- gun exploded, bluwing tho man's head off.
oians of the country, were consulted, and The barrel recoiled striking tbe man's
said prayers over it, tried extreme romo- mother-in law in the breast and killing
dies; but it was Devona tue reaeu ox uui-
tal powerl
Five Bands of Muio, dressed in Goat
Skius, playing on boms of Whisky, to tho
tune of "Old Dan Tucker"
"Office! O the joyful sound !
What pleasure to our ears;
A sovereign balm for every wound,
A cordial for our fears!"
Virginia Rangers, South Carolina Min
ute Men, Kansas Ballot bos Staffers,
Georgia Shoulder-Hitters and Yancey
A monkey on each end of the Coffin,
!one scratching on a Violin, the other
"Southern Electoral Candidates .as
Chief Mourners, chanting
"Men of words, and not of deeds,
Are like a garden full of weeds."
A barrel of Whisky on a Wheelbarrow
"0 for a tongue to curse the knave
Whose treason, like a deadly blight."
Come o'er the councils of the brave,
To blast them in their hour of might."
Goreruors of Southern States, Mem- j
bers of State Legislatures, State Commit
tees, Pro-Slavery men, Free Soil Demo- j
crats, Free White Men and Mulattoes. t
Democrats bcoause their Daddies were, !
"Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds,
Is like to that above."
Democrats who always voted for Jack
eon and always intend to.
Town-Loafers, and Cros-Road-Ruf-fians,
cursing Lincoln, and singing
"By crimes of deepest dye
He's of the throne possessed,
'Gainst peace and liberty
An enemy professed."
Democratic Editors North and South,
in Companies on Log-Sleds, each with a
Jew-barps in his mouth, alternately
cursing Onion Men, and playing
"The impious crew, that factious hand
Shall hide thir heads, or quit the land;
And all who break the public rest,
When truth revives, shall be supprest."
A company of Ashy. looking South
Carolina Negroes, mounted on Poor
Mules, singing:
'i)e Lord, he luh de nigger well;
He know him nigger by de smell;
And when dc nigger children cry,
De Lord he gib dem possum pie."
The remains were deposited in tbe rear
of the Breckinridge and Lane Club
House, and while tbe grave was being
Qlled, the large concourse sung, in all the
parts, tbe beautiful, touching, and mourn
ful on? of "Bob Ridley,' to the words
"Old Grioies is dead, that good old man,
we ne'er shall see him more," &c, and
the procession repairing to tbe Cathedral,
where an impressive and eloquent fune
ral sermon was delivered by Father Lon
street, from the text: "Who hath woe?
He that seekcth mixed drinks." Then
Preacher pronounced tbe denediction in
one of the dead languages, but familiar
"Some" Names.
Seventy years ago it was common on
Long Island and in Connecticut to give
children for names a whole text of Scrip
ture. Thus, Mr. Crabb named a obild
"Through-much-tribulation we enter in-to-the
kingdom of-bcaven Crabb." Tho
child - went by tho name of Tribby.
Scores of such names could bo cited.
The practice of giving long and curious
names is not yet out of date In Say- 1
brook, Connecticut, is a family by tho
i: i
iname oi ueiuuu, wuuse cimuiuu me bu-
oesbivcly named as follows:
1. Jonathan Hubbard Lubbard Lam
bard Hunk Dan Dunk Peter Jacobus
Lackany Christian B man.
2. Prince Frederick Henry Jacob Zach
euB Christian Beman.
3. Queen Caroline Sarah Rogers Ruba
mah Christian Beman
4. Charity Freelovo Ruth Graco Mer-
cy Truth Faith aud Hope and Peace pur
sue I'll have no more to do for .that will
go clear throught ChriHtian.Beman.
g-Can anything bo meaner than the
cocduot of tbe jate Members of Congress
, R r.aro:na. WD0 drew their nav
1 senseless across the body of her husband.
We have hesitated somewhat before .
banding tho following cariaoture, on a
growing custom, to the printer. But it is
not more ridiculous than some things wo
have seen connected with attempts to
raise the wind, and so it is voted to "ap
pear." Hannah, an aunt of ours, lived out of
"Did I never tell you what a time I
had at our church last winter ?" said she
to me one evening.
"No I What of it?"
"Now, ain't that strange !
Thought I
had told everybody about it. to be sure.
La, well, 'twill be news to you, then l
You know Nora Tborndalo, Judge Thbrn
dnle's darter. She came over to our
house, and said our congregation were
going to have a fair in the villago meet-
in' house 1"
"Du tell !"
preach ?"
scz T. "Who's going to
said she, mighty smiling,
ain't goin' to have preacbin . A few
young persons of the congregation, who
seem to take a deeper interest in the
church's welfare than the members them
selves, desire to purchased few indispen
sable articles for the meetin' bouse : and
we thought if all the ohureh .would pre
sent us cakes and pies, and meats and
such things, we would appoint a night to
sell them in the vestry of tbe church, and
take the proceeds to' buy the necessary
things. I he plan is well reooived, espe
cially by the young. Yo know the mon
ey is to be spent for charitable purposes,
and on that account everything given us
will sell for double its value."
"Well, I wouldn't have believed that
there -was so much wisdom left in the
world to have cunjured up that," sez I.
" 'Tis even so," said Nora, "and what
will you give ? You live on a farm and
farmers produce lots of things that would
be acceptable."
"Well, I will give two roast turkeys,
and six roa-t chickens," sez I, thinking
that that would bo as much as anjbody
could expect those bard limes.
"Urn I Well, what else ? 'tis for tbo
churoh you give it, you know. Church
members should not be less anxious for
its interests than those who arc not,"
You see I was a churoh member, and
she wasn't.
"Well, I will give a jar of prcacb jam,"
sez I.
"That will help along some. A few
bushels of apples, or a roast pig, would
be acceptable."
She was so ravenous, I began to be
sorry I'd offered ber anything. How
somever, I promised the pig and apples.
"Of course you will give us cheese, and
pies, and cakes, and milk, and cream,
and then I think you will have done your
part at giving. By the way, we are to
have a historical tableaux, and Mrs.AiDo
Bruce wanted you to take the part of the
Witch of Eudor. All you will have to do
will be to dress to represent that lady,
and stand perfectly still behind a curtain;
and people will pay something to see you.
You will act the part I know you will."
Wal, I's old and ignorant, and didn't
know what I was about, so I consented.
I sent them tbe pig and the turkeys, and
the chickens and apples, and all tbe rest of
the things wanted, up to the meetin' house
the day before the fair.
The next day my husband tackled up
hi old horse and chaise to carry mo to
the fair. Our old chaise, somehow or oth
er, don't look very well. There are holes
in tho top and sides, .and some of the
t-pokes of the wheels are gone The wheels
squeak powerfully, too. Wal, we hadn't
but jut got into town, when it seemed as
if all tbe boys out of jail came hollerin'
and hoottin' after us.
"Hurrah for tbe Witch of Endor 1 Her
majety approacheth ! Make way for
her majenty I"
"Do ask tbem unsightly oritters to be
civil," sez I to my husband "my pa
tienee is gone entirely."
At that he elumbered out of tbe chaise,
and after 'cm lik-er-to-split, tight as he
could leg it. And O 1 ho dropped the
reins on the ground, and tho old horse
took a notion to go, and he went. You
see he knew tbo way to tho ohurcb,. and
bo went. Husband he oamo hollerinl
"whoa I whoa 1" just as I was ridin' up
to the meetin' house. The meetin' bouso
yard was full of folks laughin' and starin'
as if thoy hand'tgot no respoctablo in urn.
I got out of the chaise and made my way
through the crowd, and they wouldn't
make room, and I elbowed them right
s.iiartly. I'm desput thin of flesh, and
when I hit urn, they'd give back as if
they'd teen Btuok with a daggor.
Paid twenty cents to go into the church;
the table inside did look beautiful. No
ra explained the fixins to me. There
were grab boxes that contained a hun
dred things worth one cent, and one thing
worth ten; you paid five cents a grab, aud
if you grabbed right, you would get your
money's worth. And there was a ring
cake; it was divided into fifteen slieoa ; i
you paid a dollar a slice, aud one Blioe. !
contained a ring worth a dollar. So he
tbat got the right slice got a ring. And
there were guess cakes, and ever so mauy
such kind of things, two numerous to
mention. i
Wal, they drost me up to represent the j
Witch of Endor. I novor was very hand- !
some, and they rigged me up at such a
rate that I muot have looked awful. I
stood behind a curtain, and people paid
niuo-penco to come in and Bee me. Some
went off mad; children generally scared.
Some went off laugbin' as if they'd split.
I evidentlv nrodneod a nowerfol i:nnrns.
r .. ,
sion on all that saw me. People at last
began to come and see me faster than
they could bo accommodated. I could
hoar them talking around the tables a
bout tbe Witch of Endor's pig, and tur
keys, and caked; and I began to feol at
length dreadfully as if I was making a
fool of myself. I stood there feelin' des
putly, and had just made up a face to cry
ovor my unfortunato condition, when, all
of a sudden, down came tho curtain, and
there I stood right out before them all.
They set up such a huurring as I never
hoard before or since. I elbowed my
way through 'um likeVildfiro, made for
the gettin' out place, and started for home.
Wal, I went homo with all my Witch
of Endor rigging on. When husband
came to tbe door to let me in, he was so
frightened that he set the dog on me.
The dog oamo towards me, growled, and
run as if he'd break bis nook, and I havn't
seen him from that day to this. I at last
convinced my husband that I was bis be
loved wife. When L explained it all to
him, the way he growled was a cau
tion. Wal, they raised three hundred dollars
at that abominable fair. With it they
bought an ornamented chandelier, and
also a silk velvet cushion, and hired car
penters to mako gingerbread work all o
ver tbat air meetin' house,
I'm just of Mrs. Deacon Ware's opin
ion about churoh fairs, I am that thoy
are just the wiokedest things that ortho
doxy ever tolerated. She says tbey are
killin' to religion, and I think bo, too.
She Bays that the older oburoh members
think I was desputly put upon at the fair,
and I deolaro I don't believe but what I
Chicago Record.
Our readers will remember bow indig
nant the Democratic journals, were, at
tho attempt as thoy said, of John M. But
ler and his friends, to cheat William E.
Lehman of his election to Congress in the
First District, in Philadelphia. Even
Packer deprived Mr. Butler, the duly cer
tified member elect to Congress from the
Distnot, of the usual certificates issued by
him, whilst he held that of the Return
Judges, and declared Mr. Lehman duly
olected. The matter was under investi
gation in Philadelphia last woek; the votes
were recounted, and it is found that Mr.
Butler's majority in tho whole District is
126, thereby returning him. Whatever
oheating was perpetrated in the 'first in
stance, was done by the opposite parties
who were fighting among themsolves.
This result is gratifying.
Determined to Rebel, Anyhow.
At tbe conclusion of bis speech in the
Senate, on Friday last, Mr. Hunter of
Virginia was asked by Mr. Baker of Or
egon whether, if a constitutional majority
of both Houces of Congress should pass
amendments to tbo Constitution such as
would meet the views of Southern Sena
tors, he (Mr. Hunter) would support the
Government, tho Constitution, and tho
laws, until the people could decide upon'
accepting or rejecting such amendments ?
Mr. Hunter replied : "That is a ques
tion I cannot answer. I am not author
ized to answer for Virginia." On being
reminded by Mr. Baker that he had not
been asked about Virginia, but about his
owu readinoss to support the Government
and tho laws, Mr. Hunter declined to re
ply, saying, "If tbo gentleman i not sat
isfied, I cannot satsify him." This
evasion on the part of tbe Virginia
Senator strikingly illustrates the spirit
that now governs the slaveholders. They
are determined on rebellion, and no con
cessions, not even amendments to tbe Con
stitution dictated by themselves, will sat
isfy them. What is tho use of talking a
bout compromises with such traitors ?
Counterfeit Fives on the Belvidere Bank.
The Ledger says a counterfeit 5 note
on the Belvidere Bank was offered in tho
city yesterday morning. The plate is the
samo as-fchc counterfeits on the Mechan
ics' Bank of tbat city. Banking-house
on left, Washington and horse on right,
coat of arms as vignette in centre of bill,
"FIVE ' in large red letters across the
A Digital Acquantance.
"Georgiana, do you know that young
fellow in the opposite house ?" "No, ma;
I never spoke a word to him in all my
life; he ia merely a finger acquaintance."
"What is that ?" "Ob, wo talk to each
other with our fingers aorosstho street
nothing moro."
A drove of hogs were recently oarriod
into the air some twenty feet, by the
blowing up of a steamboat on tbo Missis
sippi, whioh produood quite a ."rise in
Prentico says tbat Mr. Cobb went out
of tho Troasury as soon as he bad exhaus
tod it just as a fat maggot crawls out of
a nut-shell when it has dovourod the kcr
nol. Two prominent merchants of Baltimore
woro in Charleston recently, and for ex
pressing union sentiments had tbeir heads
shaved by tbe mob, and were driven out.
Ono was a man of grey hairs.
Euchre An Exciting Game The Lar-
gest Stakes Ever Played for in the World.
Boston Atlas and Bee
Herewith h a programme of a game at
.. f ,. , .. J.r..i
f. . i if l , , r n of forty-oac.
the stages which were played for were of) J -
a magnitude corresponding with the ele- An enormous. cow, weigbiogj aji?e 1,-
vated position of tbo parties. They were j 650 pounds, was slaughtered at. Boston
the largest stakes ever played for aiucc last week.
the invention of the game, aud tho public
having got wind of the contoat this -game Tho permanent'ptfblia debt of the Uni
being exceedingly popular in the United ted States on the 30tb of June, i860, was
States it came off in presence of the lar- j S36.079.203, exclusive of outstanding
gest eonoourse of intelligent spectators
ever assembled on tho face of the Earth
to witness such sport. Tbe betting ran
very high on both sides; but towards the
close of the game, tho odds wore decided
ly in favor of the winners.
oomu unoiiDi ana dames xmcnanan
against Major Anderson and General
South Carolina deals and turns up ten
of spades (niggers) General Scott passes;
James Buchanan, having best bower, as
sists South Carolina. Tbey play, and
the old General, having a good hand,
draws Jamen Buchanan's best bower, and
taking three tricks he euchre's them.
Major Anderson now deals, and turns
np hearts; James Buchanan passes; Gen
eral Scott says he cannot assist the Ma
jor; South Carolina passpB; Major Ander
son turns down hearts reluctantly; James
Buchanan passes again; General Scctt
passes again; South Carolina passes; Ma
jor Anderson makes clubs trump, and says
he plays it alone. Tho band is played,
the Major makes a march, and South
Carolina and J ames Buchanan are skunk
ed. New Way to Collect Old Debts.
One good thing might come of a disso
lution of the Union. When Mississippi
repudiated her bonds jasued in the great
inflation of 1835-6, the British bond hold
ers appealed to their government, and tbe
subject become a matter of diplomatic
controversy between England and tbo
United States. England wanted to coerce
Mississippi, but as that State could not
bo touched without attacking the Union,
which was not responsible for the bad
faith of tho recalcitrant Mississippians,
the a3gis of tho Federal power protected
them from tho consequences of their
crime. Suppose, however, that Missis
sippi secedes and reassumes ber sover
lUCld Will kUCU w uv uuu uo-
her and the power of England,
iv x :ii n u u
which would soon be on tbe Gulf with a
fleet to assert the claims of her citizens to
tho payment of these ancient bonds, and
enforce justice by the strong arm.
'The mills of the Gods grind slowly."
ayThe Harrisburg Telegraph saye:
"A lady has been in tho habit of picking
ber teeth with pins A trifling humor
was' the consequence, which terminated
in a cancer. The brass and quicksilver
used in making these pins wiil account
for this circumstance. Pins are always
pernicious to the teeth, and should never
be used for toothpicks."
The Mississippi River extends 2100
miles from the frozen regions of the' North
to the Sunny South, and with the Missou
ri river, is 4500 miles in length. It would
reach from New York across the Atlantic
Ocean, or from Franco to Turkey and
the Caspian Sea. Its average depth is
fifty feet and its width over half a mile.
The floods are more than a month travel
ing from its source to its delta. Tho
trappers can exchange tho furs of animals
caught by them on tbe Upper Mississippi
for the troppical fruits gathered on the
banks below. - The total value of steam
ers afloat on tbo river and its tributaries,
is more than S60,000,000, numbering
1600 boats, more than twice tbe steam
boat tonnage of England. It drains an
area ol 1 ,200,000 square miles, and wash
es the shores of twelvo powerful States.
In one singlo reservoir at Lake Pepin, be
tween Wisconsin and. Minnesota, 2500 1
miles from tbe sea, the navies of the world
might ride at anchor.
A New Searecrow.
An ingonious contrivance for keeping
crows from tho corn field, in operation on
a neighboring farm, is noticed by a foreign
jpurnal. It U a self-acting gun, which
being loaded in tho morning, continues to
shoot at iutervals during tho day It
so made that it can be sot to. dischare it-
self once in ten or fifteen minutes, or half:od in the subject. It is printed in the
an hour, or longer, as may be desired.
The Militia Force of New York,
The organized portion of the militia of
this State comprises 10.435 officers and manjea xiaiiurwi nuimy. a uohq,wuo ue
moD, unifortcod, armed and equipped, and re to examine this handsome Monthly,
for tbo moat part in a creditable state of
into service in ease of insurrection or in
vasion, comprises, by estimate, 450,000
men, making tbo disposable force of the
State 469,435.
Dr WinshiD thostron man, is in Bos-
ton. He recently gave an exhibition, and
one of his feats was tho lifting of nineteen
hundred and thirty four pounds. This
was accomplished by putting a large, aud
of course, very strong chain over the
shoulders; tho chain was covered with
flannel to prevent it galling.
isoiplnio. The unorgauized portion of tho tae puuiisuo, a. iu oi-akuwjr a;-uo.,
. , ; ? i u No 25 North Sixth Stroet Vhil!iillTrmi
annua, or mat part wnicn is requireu vy - 1
law to be enrolled as liable to bo drafted who are also publishers of "The Jftrmar
The Banking .Capital of tho State of
New York is one hundred and twelve
The whole number of post offices in tho
United States i -io.ilua a decrease from
Treasury notes, amounting to SI 9,690,-
Nearly two thousand oases of irfeasles
have occurred in Manchester, NcvTHamp
shiro, during the last three months.
During tho past year tbe Massachusetts
, 284 j3 of fiotton 0othr ng a web
iof 17190 milM ;n length.
i y a
j6SF"In Sweden there is no charge for
postage, the whole expense of tbe post
office being defrayed out of the general
Buchanan is now. generally designated
in Washington as "Old Poultice."
The number of deaths from dipth'eria
in the United States, during the past year,
is said to be no less than 10,000.
Perth Amboy, although incorporated
since 1784 long before New York has
no jail, no police, no lawyer, and not even
a constable.
Handbills have been posted in some
towns in Western Virginia, offeringBipre
mium for the heads of Abolitionists.
We are born crying, live complaining,
ond die disappointed.
Two thousand gallons of mol&ssss have
been made this year from Chinese sugar
cane in Cuborland county, NewJorscy.
grThe public sohools of the United
States are attended by about 4,000000
5g?A Sufficient Explanation.
Tom "What ails your eye, Joel'' Joe
"I told a man he lied."
Upward-, of S20.000 will be realized in
Keokuk County, Iowa, from . the quail
trade alone. They coat sixty five - cents
per dozen.
At an infant school examination a few
days ago, tbe examiner asked : "What
fish ate the liltlcones?"
shouted a little urchin.
"The bi-uns,"
fiFiint, Bixby. & Co.., of San Jose,
Cal., recently purchased a buck lamb,
eight months old, of Mr. H. W. jflam
mond, of Middlebury, Vt., paying for tbe
same the modest little sum of 1,000.
S?A novol law suit has been tried at
Montviile, near Norwich, Conn. One
man's turkey drove off another man's set
ting hen, finished tbe incubation, and car
ried off the brood to her owner. Tho
owner of the hen sued for the chicken?,
on the ground that bi3 hen laid the eggs
and did the best' part of the setting', and
he recovered a verdict of oigLt cents a
piece. o-
The Old Fashioned Fire.
The truth of the followiug incident can
be relied on :
The other day at the dinner table of
the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, a
man from the extrome South was indul
ging in noisy talk and .making himself
very oonspiouou and offensive by the ut
terance of the mot radical disunion and
traitorous sentiments against the govern
ment A quiet gentleman who sat near
ly opposite -him, waited until he had a
bout exhausted his tirade, when he elec
trified the table by addressing tbe brag
gart thus : "Sir, I don't know who you
are, nor where you come from; but if you
were-aboard my vessel and uttering such
sentiments, I would hang yotrto tbe yard
arm in five-niymtes 1" The traitor arose
after a little and inquired of a by-stander
wbt) tbat gentleman was. "That is Capt.
Faunco, of the Revenue Cutter Harriet
Lane 1"
The American Bee Journal?
It is the only journal devoted exclusive-
isjly to Bee Culture, and as such entitles it-
self to tbe support of all who are interest-
most unexceptionable manner. The type
is new, and the paper clear and white.
Tho contents are of unusual interest to
the general reader, and give evidence o
cn ao uig.-, oy aauressiug
U7ui uuev, uuu wuo win atso DO
pleased to furnish sample copies of tho
latter without charge -fu
Terms of tbe Bee Journal, SI 00 per
' It I 1 M1 V
year, which will secure also a prepaid co-
py of a handsome little volume' as a pre
mium; or, SI. 50 for tho Btfo Journal a$J
tho Farmer and Gardener..
, ;
Therq is npt a fSjurah bell irithe city
of Lawrence. The ritffrnig o'f t a ' fifeto ry
beljs at, tho regular meeting hufj has
beon made to answer the purpose4