The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, October 18, 1860, Image 3

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nroe County Election ReturnsOfficial Oct. 9th, 1860.
Andrew G. Curtin
Henry D. Foster
David K. Shoemaker
Philip Johnson.
John Shoaso,
Henrj S Mott.
Charles D Brodhcad
James N. Durling,
Peter Merwino, jr.
JProlho notary.
Tboaiaa M. Mollhaney
Samuel Rees, jr.
-Register a?ul Recorder.
Joseph Barry,
John S Fisher.
lleuben 11. Gross
Houben Krosgo,
Charles Price,
Charles Christman.
Peter Gilbert,
District Attorney.
William K. Ilaviland.
EssTScatteuing Votes Abraham
cis lvollcr. 2 do. Jiidward h Wolf 1 vote
Courad Hammoo 6 votes for District Attorney, Abm. Edineer 17 do.: Win. P. Ilalloek 1 do.; Win. Davis 1 do. William C.
n;k Vr llntr oonl. 1 rnfn (rr rnnAr
be extended, before that iiaie.
Editors favorable to the are re
quested to give this article an early in
nertion. And it may not be amiss to
state that the services of the agent", the
Central Goainjiltec, and tbo local commit-'
Xee. arc purely jratuitoos. j
Jiy order of the "0. R Committee."
J. G. REASER. Chairman.
j ".. ' r " ,t j
It is quite impossible for us to allord
itpace ior toe large numncr ot litters
which have come to us during the past
three months. So long as there seemed
a doubt as to there actually being a
drouth, we kave kept them on Sle, for
convenience of reference in case of ne
cesBitv: bat as the matter s'ecms definitive-
iv Ecttled, and rtrctlv thorout;blT defioed
in the circular of the Presbvterisn Church
we shall no longer do so. We hope that
there arc enough men with liberal hcirts
nnd O.hrUtU tnlnt wlm will ohnorfnllr
cuiiu .-uujiiihu ui iucii uuuiiuituui; tu ic-
A . l. : r .l: i, 1
lieve the actual want ot American men,
women, and children, who have the pros
pect of famine before then? throu
Jong Eonthh of a Western Winter.
-o.At,. u...j it n :.-t
:uij. uuiiJL-u viiiiuiij:u.iuj was
Hinrncu uui a icw weeus since, in uail-
r.j v... r i-. n i-
lornia, ana UCr new UUSband, It IS said,
. .
has alrcadj left her a widow.
The morn was fine and sunnv.
The atmosphere was mild;
The streets were thronged with passenger?,
From the aed to the child.
All seemed intently gazing
At the finnanent afar,
To catch a glimpse if possible,
Of the famous bright Daystar.
The various countenances,
The expression too, on all,
JMade us think of crowds we sometimes see
Before Enston Fashion fall.
OCT" The handsomest assortment of Ready
il;idc Clothing and piece goods ever seen in
Enston is now on exhibition, at Pyle's Great
Enston Hall of Fashion, opposite the Easton
Sew York I&arkets.
Wednesday, October 17, 1800.
"FLOUR AND MEAL Wheat floor ;
sales of 13,400 bt!s at So 49a$5 50 for
FuperGne State arid Western; 85 00a$G
for sbippicj? broods of Round-Hoop Ex
tra Ohio, and 2o.S7 for St. Louis Ex
tras. Rye fiour; sales of 900 bbli., at S3
S0aS4 6-. Corn Meal; sales of G50 bbls.
at 3 5U for Jersey, and S3 So for Bran
djwine afloat.
GRAIN Wheat; tie sales are 3-TOOO
, u
Busnels iuiiwaueee oiuo at dt ouax da,
.1 -t 1 r I 1 . 1
and Extra do at SI 35. Rvc U in fair
deaand at 80a31c. Corn; saie of 76,
000 bush. et71871c. for Western Mixed,
and 74c. for Flat Yllow.
PROVISIONS Pork; the sales are
I.RjjO tbls. at Sl8 5aSl8 75i for new
Mess, and $' 4 for Prime. Lard is slow
.of i'ale at 1 1 4 12c, for new and 12-al2c.
for old Weatcrn.
Strondsburg Bank.
Stroudsburgh, Oct. 17, 1860.
The annual election for Directors will
loe held at the Ranking House on Mou- J
day, the 19th day of November next, be
tween the hours of 10 o'clock A M., and
3 o'clock P. M. The annual meeting of
Stockholders will be held at the same
place, on Tuesday, the 6th day of Novem
ber next, at 12 o'clock. M.
J. II. STROUD, Cashier.
Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia.
Fishj Cheese and Provisions
Have constantly on band an assortment of
Dried and Pickled Fish, &d viz:
Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, Blue Fish, Her
rings, Codfish, Beef, Pork, Lard, Shoul
ders, Hams, Sides, Cheese, Beans, Rico,
&c., October 11, l860.-3m.
OAP. Fine scented Soaps for wash.
ing and shaving a'so the ce'ebrate
shaving cream, for sale by
November 18, 1858. ly.
150 172 51 15 15-i43 39 12 25 .19 3 8 8 36 58 120 48
99 114 182 203 17 59 94 80 110 05 41 150 172 88 200 255 141
153 178 54 20 1G 42 41 9 23 18 5 4 8 35 51 115 40
88 121 106 253 II 54 92 81 111 56 42 153 172 79 200 254 141
143 H58 5 5 72 1 3 41 ' 37 7 27 17 3 , 4 8 29 52 120 47
101 12S 162 187 16 55 95 81 107 59 40 153 172 82 200 247 138
134 160 185 24S 10 69 .94 81 127 66 43 154 171 102 237 312 144
205 280 200 247 25 86 126 82 56 31 4 96 134 79 103 185 156
43 25 32 33 7 15 2 9 78 52 43 62 30 49 151 185 40
123 170 178 227 23 92 99 65 56 72 28 142 159 . 88 153 191 171
118 141 52 53: 8 9 21 20 70 8 15 14 18 30 96 179 30
165 238 155 84 15 63 24 69 88 31 3 60 74 65 311 109
69 50 64 190 13 36 86 20 43 47 43 159 105 47 175 54 86
139 109 22 9 .4 2 3 2 1 3 3 3 39 5
57 53 23 H 18 43 18 2 53 53 23 141 30 56 155 175 112
39 130 177 255 14 56 104 88 , 77 14 21 8 54 53 73 127 74
; 2 . 4 78 7 5 1
T -
121 138 171 256 4 11 75 62 70 120 61 42; 157 168 88 226 291 130
133 145 150 257 12 66 63 67 123 60 42 156 173 85 210 285 136
Edintr, Davis D. Walton, Henry S. Mott,
for Congress. Win. K. liaviland. Joseph V. JbJllen wood- each 1 vote for Auditor,
P..- Tr.,,.l-1 O. 1 1 r. T(nnn T?,arnr.
- iij.'
rich and elcpaut color for the checks
RU13 OFF, and wheu once appjicd, re-
niaina durable for ears. The Tint is so
. t , r . ,, , t .
; rich and natural, that the closest scrutiny
, fails to detect its use. an be removed
by lcoion juice and will not injure
. ,.J. . .J
wiin nirccuons ior u-, ior -niwu.
...... r c
DER." iuiparts a dazzling uhiteness to
the complexion, and is unlike anvthig else
i?rr) f s I lii rurnncn M filing f run f r T
. r 1
' r,rio .DPiTrcn i t m m
' -
I-llliVI 'ill I t I I I l l l l l 11 turn
u,uvu iau
ruP0DS 01 lue 6K,a- iuacu Irt0 ior JU
hlrentjll.n5 anj improves its
u i., ; L.n foli;,. rtir an,! a
growth, keeps it irom talliu oU, aud is,t,rl TTt MAT.'V TUr1 TT A T I? PHIir.
, " .
1 Mailed -free lor Sl.U.i.
n Ui i o "l ijAUii uvj t u i ir mix,,
4 i i nxi'i'ii .i i u iji i it i 1 u' i u
. , , .
ior ins leciu u oum.. ciL'aucs uuu
. . , ' ,
ixiiifrn if! i.wMfi n :i r 1 1 f 1 1 i ru uu. iitiii
"w- e 'r
Mailed frre for 81.00.
i FUME,'' a double extract of orange bioH-
soms and eoioguc. lUatica tree ior fci.uu.
M ailed free for Si. 00.
1 his esqui-ite pcrluuie was urst used ty
,the Piincess Royal of Enlaud, on her
marriatre. Messrs. Hunt & Co. presented
' the Princess with an eleaut case of Per-
'fnruerv fin which nil of the abc-vo arti-
J y
I ?. 1 J V iI
expres, fcr 85 00. Cash can either ac
company the order, or be paid to the ex
press oeut on deliverv of good'.
: "HUNT & Co.,
Perfumer- to the Queen,
Regent St.. London, aud 77 Sansotu St.,
( Philadelphia, Pa.
j For Sale by all Drugsi-t- and Perfu
mors. Tbo Trade Supplifd.
October 11, 1 -sGO.-l y.
Umimstor's Jfoticc.
SSstaCe of Jonas Ifictasgrai.
Notice U hereby given, that Letters of
Administrajiou on the Etate of Jonas
MctZijar, jau of SmithGeld townhbip, do-
ceased, have been crattcd to the under-
... .... r.,..- r ai nn.
JIL'UtU LI V IUC lH'!!i:Li;i UI. i'AUUlUt
. . , . p. . , ,, .
tv Jn dun fnrm nf thrrpforo. all ner
J' . 7. ; " ' ., ' ; , '
u3 .u,,!,,,.. tu ..u.u v-tu .t4u....v
I a f M 4 r.-. r. .. x .. (a nlTtitwinl rt rt rf IhnCA
iu iuuiu
having any iust claims are also requepted
to present them legally authenticateu ior
settlement, to
Smithfk'ld Au 2 160
' a' ' ' '
a n nn
g yW 6. ?
l f? n i
y g
The undcrsigued h;is on hand
t5b,UUO JbriCll,
to b
oeiore purcnaing ei?ewuere, as mo uu-
dersigned la bound to eclt if they will pay
Stroudsburg, Sept. 20,' I860
tEtfccutot's Notice.
of Stroud township, decU
Notice is hereby 8; wmll"
locfmont nr nnnn tne ilitato ot Williamf
Vn Buskirk. late of Stroud townshin.
deceasad, bavo been granted to the under-
signed by the Register of Monroe county, ;
in duo form of law; therefore, all persons
indphfed to said estated are requested to
:Kin. iim is a uuw wcnaraiiuii. u?uu fiA.or, ; m : j- r: 1 . IU1U UICU BllllMI ut
" ' li&iiiii til till i; 1 UUUO Ul QUUIULV) V IJUaU UllILCU IT 1
bv the cclebratL-d Court Leauties of Lou
,i P.r Alll,, fr.,r. m,n hoifloa .... ...:n , 1 e freemen of th
. wukuit, xiuii ivusiunuivo win rebioru me oaiu ano
jcles were included) in hand.-ome cut glass. Ligonier, Noble Co. Ind'a, Feb. 5lh, 1859. ot sa,e:r hat the eiect.on
,, , .1 . o.cmii ' . V, . ' 1 . for eleclors of President and Vice President
.with gold stoppers, valued at S15U0, par-j Prof. O. J.Wood: Dear Sm:-In the f the United Stales shall in the year of our
; ticulars of which appeared m the public latter part of the year 18o2, while attending Lord one t,ousan(i ejht hundred sixty, and
: prit,t-:. the State and National Law School of the every fourt, vear thereafter, be held on the
All the above articles sent Free, by State of New York, my hair, from a cause Tuesday next after the first Monday in No-
Qf,.,,t.v,.,r Tf three sizes, viz: lar. mfiilium. and small: the Peace, who shall hold an office or ap
1 t UU UWWU'iCUUIL JL . i: v. uuu I Ut ' O ' I - . . r 4 . .U.IT..
t ft t tin cmn ll iiohic i n nini nn.i mtn'ia fnr nnp ijoinluient oi liroui or trust unuer me unne
DOW for sale. xiny person winm "r" ril StntPS nr nf this State or anv Htv or comor
uy a lot of Brick will do well to call nrr ' - ,, n ated disirict, whether a commissioned officer
make immediate payment, and those hav- hunting, fishing, or going through grass, respectively belong before nina o'clock in
insanv iust claims are also requested to grain, or driving through my premises, the morning of the second Tuesday of Oc
ltZ Jum ,hnnr;Lnd for or otherwise tresnassiiiL'. as I am deter- tober, and each of said inspectors shall ap-
present them legally authenticated for
fiettlcment, to.
JAS. VAN BUSKIRK, Stroud tap.
October 11, 18G0. Gt,
in. to
each received 1 vote for Assembly, Fran-
If? An Stnworf T.nnnnn, fi Ar
' , , . ,
And grows more and more
ponular every day!
..... ..
.stimon.a s, new, and almost without
i . i t o i i
KrilJ' anu preserve me nair or me youui to
o'u agu, in uu us youuuui ueauiy.
Battle Creek. Mich Dec 21st 1R5R
i r .,. , ... ,
a11 fe)l offover twenty years ago, caused by
I . a l I " . i: 1 T -.1
a compncaieu enronic uiseasc, auenuea wun
an urupimu on uie neau. i conimuai course
. OI Tmg u rougn iue iiaving rcuucea me
to a state of dependence, I have not been a-
bis to obtain stuff for caps, neither have I
' been able 10 do tliem UP in consequence of
winch my head lias sutlercd extremely trom
,, J,. . , , . y
com. a.nis inuuecu me 10 nay urijurs ol
pay iirigg
Hoflfms n I most tlm Inst ppnt T Imrt nn pnrtb
1 rnr
iui it viu uuiim uuuig vi li y i. i u u xvoiui u.
. . . - - . .
tive nhnnt t ir? f rst nf Aiurnst nsL 1 navel
-- . - ---- -
aim u u u oivcu iie( recio sano mc ua fl
t - ... , ...... . - .. ,
suul la iiuw 1:11 v :i t:ti vilii nail i.n n: k iiiiui
r M
iiT-ii- r-i.-i.l
over in ' neau. reennp; conuueni inai an-
Oiilf Preparation
nnmhpr mirrht no nionn frnm hrltnc oml rroii I .
other large bottle would restore it entirely sn'P . r . r
and permanently, I feel anxious to persevere ?,)e freemen of the township of Barret,
in its use, and being destitute of means to will hold their election at the house of Alex
purchase anv more, I would ask thee if thee ander De,bler' ,n saui "n8hip.
Wouldst not be willing to send me an order
on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to
thyself the scripture declaration "the re-
ward is to those that are kind to the widow
lbe fatherless,"
iiiiKiitJwii iu uiu, uuiHititiiiucu tuning uu very
i r n: tr
rapidly, so mat in tne snort space ot six
monius, me unou upper part oi my scalp
was almost entirely bereft ot its covering
and much of the remaining portion upon the
biuu aim uuck pun ui my neau siioruy auer
necame gray, so uuu you win noc ne surprised
wneii x leu you upon my reiurii iu iue
Otate ot Indiana, my more casual acquaint-
. t T t 1 -
ances were not so much at a loss to discover
the cause of the change m my appearance,
as my more intimate acquaintances were to
, reCOJiniSC me at all.
i at once made application to the most
.skiiiiui pnysicians in uie country, uui, re-
ceivinj; no assurance lrom them that my hair
tMiri i : : :t. t . I
could again be restored, I was forced to be -
come reconciled to my tate, until, lortunate-
ly, m the latter part ot tlie year 1Sj7, your
restorative was recommended ic- me oy a
oruggisi, as oem- uiu mu&i ituaum iiau
i . .. .i... .. i.ui t.i:
t . . T. 1 11
nestoraiive in use,
I t rio1 nno hnl tin ft nil
10 my greai sausiacuon inai u was
proJucurr t)e desired etteCt. Since tllat
Tl I I II 1 I X
mno, i nave U6CU seven uoiiars worm oi your
Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat
of very son DiacK nair, wnicu no money can
, uy.
t As a m?rk 01 m? graVtUQe ,or yur ,flDor
l"uu,,l-llu" l" clJ
' nn nritnli. I hnvfi rwnmmpnrlnil its line to
" - -
many of my friends and acquaintances, who,
1 am ""PPy 10 miorm you, are using it wun
I.I... If Hnrltitt.t H vrn
nus uhuui. ui iuj-jjui-iiuiij, jruuio,
A il I , A I I A .
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
The Restorative is nut uo in bottles of
.n - -,n;i r ,, k,,i. ,t,
. 4n nnp mnri, in nro.
portion, and retails for S3.
And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy
Goods Dealers. March 2D, 1860.-ly.
( OYSTE.fl
d X X X X Ale
' Gan be had at a11 hours at E- S- -
Horn's Saloon
I hereby caution all persons against
or otherwise trespassing, as I am deter
jr r"
til I ll .id In In f rnunoqcnr fn thp tllll
" , v -
extent ot the law.
Bjri!jK rl. ItOJiJlibUlN.
Stroudburg, May 10, 186D.
O. J. WUUD & CU., Troprielors, 444 " " - - , ;
:Bro,dwav, New York, and 114 Market 'nro,;Ped district; and ak ihai every
c,. . o" t ni member of Congress, and ol tlie siate legis
; Street, St. Louis, Mo. . . . . , .
Election of Electors
Of a President and Vice Presiden
of the United States
Whereas, bv an act ol the General Assam
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
enuuea "an act regulating the tieneral Elec
tions wnnin Ihfi sniri Cnmmnnwpnlth J' naca
ei on the 2d dav of July, 1839, it is made
I . . . " p
the duty of the High Sheriff of every coun
lY to give public notice ol such elections to
be holden, and to make known in such nn
l-ice whal "fleers are to be elecled There
lore, j MULUtlUJK MSUiSiSJZKV. 11 n
..,;(TflU. , , ?
unci hi u! me couniy oi nionroe, oo make
known DV this nrnr.lamation to thp p poinrnl
the county of Monroe, that an Election will
be held in said County, on the Tuesday next
aner the hrst Monday in November, being
Tuesday, tlio Glh off xVovcinbcr
next, at which time
" " i.i-uviwiw
of a President and Vice President are to be
97 Places off Voting.
The freemen of the township of Chesnut
hill are to hold their election at the house of
Felix Storm, in said township.
he freemen of the township of Cool, ...:n I...U : t
of Melissa Vliet, (late John Vliet, dee'd) in
""n iii nuiu muir uieciion ai me nuuse
said township
Ah.e freemen of the township of Hamilton,
W" l""" ""Clr OleCllOn at the tlOUSe Ol J OS
1 he freemen of the township of Middle
omithheld, will hold their election at the
house of James Place, in said township
1 he freemen of the township of Pocono,
vill hold their election at the house of ftla
nassah Miller, in said township
1 he freemen of the township of Paradise.
g y
will hold their election at the house of John
andoren, in said township
The freemen of the townsnipof Polk, will
hold their election at the house of Joel Her
lin. in said townshin
f he freemen of the
the township of Price, will
the house of Lewis
e township of Eldred,
I ii'ivi incu uiuiinu iii iuc nuuac ui jua
fTo,vk In ...wnthin
The freemen of the township of Ross, will
hold their election at the house of Jacob H.
Storker, in said township.
Depue Labarjn said township.
I . . ......
The Ireemen ol Stroudsburg, will hold
neir election at the Uourt House, in said
The freemen of the township of Stroud
will hold their election at the house of Sandt
& Kachline, in the borough of S
1 he ireemen oi uie lownsnip o
I ..... .r
f I obyhan
", win umu men ctciuwn tn ui
the house ol
Washineton Winters, in said township.
The frpp.mftn of the tmvnshin of Jacksnn.
i I
i. .1 .i . . i. i.
win 11010 nicir ciuuiion ai me House oi Jonn
. , . . . . , .
uait"iuuul 111 aui"
Tim freemfin nf the townshin nf
hsnnnrk will hold thpir plpction at the
- 1
... -
hoiicf, nf Sam' il 1 1 MemliPrnnr. in cmn fnwn
The law regulating the election of Presi
deritial electors, provsdes as follows
Section 1. Beit onacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the Com-
monwealth of Pennsylvania, in General As
sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the
sf. Mnnil.iv
Section 2. Every year in which the citi
zens Gf this Commonwealth shall vote for
p.pfnrs f Prnsidnnt nf ih TTnifP,! RtaiPs
the assessors cf the several wards, townships,
jncornorated districts and borouirhs within
lhis (joimnonweaIth, exceot within the city
an. cnllrltv of Pli n e nh a. s hii . at a re:i
I J I ? '
50nni,ie times after tlm second Tuesd.iv ol
October in said years and until within ten
days of the time fixed by law for the election
nf P.lprinrs nf Prnsiilp.nt .ind Vipp Prpeidnnt
nf Hip ITtufpH KfnlP nn Hip unnli.
ca,;on 0r anv wi,;le freeman ciaimiim to be
assessed within the r proper ward, township,
;nr;0rnnraind district nr borou.rh. or claiminv
L rj,rht to vote tlierein, aa being between the
ae 0f twenty-one and twenty-two years, and
having resided in the Commonwealth one
year enter lhe namG of such person on the
i. ' .
lsjt 0 taxab e inhabitants: and said asses-
I 1 11 -1 . ; . 1. . 1 . ? . t
G0TS 6,,!in' ai Jeasi e,S111 "W8 Pvious 10 me
day gxt.j for t,e election of said electors,
,, nllt ,l..nlinntP rnnip nf tl,P nnmP nr
I 1 . - .
nfimP3 Rn 0ntorn, nm nftrr r.nrt fviun- mvl
Ljnjnn. tj,e same 6jmJi deliver one copy to
,j,e Commissioners of their respective coun
iies to be filed by said Commissioners in
their respective office, and the other copy the
said assessors snail lioiu anu nana over, witfi
u . : ....i.i.t.-nn tn nnn nrii,n;nnn
uui uiiuiauuu ui uuuitiuii iu unc ui uiu hiojuu
tors of the proper election district, on or be
fore eight o'clock on the morning of the day
I r 1 , .1 I f 1 I a.
nxeu ior tne eiecnon oi sam electors,
WollCC BS iicrcby OlVClt,
That every person, excepting .Inslires of
. . r iii ft if
toe reace, wnu hiiuu uuiu it 11 mure nr ai
or otherwise, a suuorainaie orncer, or acenis
who is or shah be employed under the leg
, c
fjislative, executive or judiciary department
of any city, or commissioner of any incor
porated district is by law incapable of hold
ing or exercising at the same time, lhe office
of appointment of judge, inspector, or clerk
of any election of this commonwealth, & thai
no inspector, judge or other officer of such
election shall he eligible to be then voted for.
And the said act of Assembly, entitled
"an act relating to elections of this common,
wealth, passed July 2d, 183!), further provides
That the Inspectors and Judges shall meet
at the respective places appointed ior noiu
ing the election in the disirict to which they
point one clerk, who shall be a qualilied vo
r ' ' n
wjt slan be the duty of said assessors re-
spectively to attend at the placo ol holding
I every general, special, or township election
Tin ii- tlm llniipil .9lnlp ir nfnnv
during the whole lime said electiong is kept
open, for the purpose of giving information
iu me inspectors and judges, when called on
in icirtiiuii to mc nghr of any person assess
eo oy mem to vote at such election, and
sucu uiuer mauers in releiion to the assess
ments of votes as the said insoectort nr hHo
es, -r either of them, shall from time to time
Agreeably to the provisions of the sixtv.
first section of said act every General and
Special election shall be opened between the
hours of eight and ten in the fotenoon, ami
shall continue without interruption or ad
journment until seven in the evening, when
tne polls shall be closed.
iso person shall be admitted to vote
whose name is not contained in the list of
taxable inhabitants furnished by the Commis
sioners, unless first he produced a receiot
ior payment within two years, of a State or
r .... '
county tax assessed aereeablv to the Consti
tuiion, and give satisfacto: v evidence either
on his own oath or the affirmation of another
that he has paid 3iich tax. or on failure to
produce a receipt, shall make oath to the
payment thereof; or, second if he claims a
right to vote by beins an elector between
the ages of 21 and 22 years he shalldespose
on oath or affirmation that he has resided in
the Slate at least one year next before his
application and make such proof of residence
in the district as is required by this act, and
that he does verily beiieve, from the accounts
given him, that he is of the aoo aforesaid.
and give such other evidence as is tenuireri
by this act, whereupon the name of the per
son so admitted to vole shall be inserted in
the alphabetical list by the inspectors and a
note made opposite thereto, by writing the
word 'tax,' if he shall be admitted to rote by
reason of having.paid tax, or. the word 'age?
if he shall be admitted to vole bv reason of
such age; shall bo called out to the clerks!
who shall make the like notes in the list ol
voters kept by them.
'In all cases where the name of the per
son claiming to vote is found on the list fur
nised by Commissioners and Assessors, or
ns right to vole whether thereon or not is
objected to by. any qualified citizen it shall
be the duty of the inspector to examine
such person on oath as to his qualifications,
and if he claims to have resided within the
d.iatrict for one year or more his oath shall
be sufficient proof theieof, but shall make
proof at least by one competent witness who
shall be a qualified elector that he has resi
ded within the district for more than ten
days next preceding such election and shall
also himself sxvear, that his honafide resi
dence in pursuance of his lawful calling is
within the district, and that he did not re
move in said district for the purpose of vo
tin therein.
"Every person qualified aforesaid, and.
who shall make due proof, ifreouired of his
residence and payment of taxes as aforesaid,
shall be admitted to vote in the township,
ward or district in which he shall reside.
"If any person not qualified to vole in this
Commonwealth, agreeably to law, (except
the sons of qualified gitizens) shall appear
at any place of electionTor the purpose of is
suing tickets or influencing the citizensqual-
Uied to vote, he shall on conviction forleii
and pay any sum not exceeding one hundred
dollars, for every such offiencp, and be im
prisoned for any term not exceeding three
'ursuant to the provision contained in the
0th section of the act aforesaid, the Judges
of the aforesaid district shall take charge of
the certificate or relurn of the election ol
their respective districts and produce tham at
a meeting of the Judges from each district at
the Court House in the Borough ofStrouds
Kirg, on the third day after the day of elec
tion, being for the present year on FR1DA Y.
the SJlh of NOVEMBER next, then and there
to do, and perform the duties required by
aw ol said judges. Also, that where a judge
by sickness or unavoidable circumstances.
s unable lo attend said meeting of Judges.
then the certificate or return as aforesaid
shall be taken charge of by one of the In
spectors or clerks of the election of said dis
rict, who shall do and perform the duties re
quired of said judge unable to attend.
Also, that in the blst section of the said
act it is enacted that "when two or more
counties shall compose a district for the
choice of member or members of the Senate
of this Commonwealth, or of the House ol
Representatives of lhe United States or ol
this commonwealth, the judges of the elec
tion in each county, having met as aforesaid,
lhe clerks shall make out a fair statement of
all the votes which shall have been given at
ucn election within the county, for every
icrson voted for, as such member or mem
hers, which shall be signed by said judges
and attested by the clerks, and one of said
udges shall take charge of said certificate
and shall produce the same at a meeting of
one jndye from each county at such place in
uch districts as is or may be apoinled by
aw for such purpose, which meeting shall
be held on the seventh day after the elec
tion, being for the present on Tuesday the
16th day of October at the Uouil House in
Stroudsburg, Monroe county, for the Repre
sentatives return judges, then and there to
perform the duties required by law of lhe
aforesaid Assembly district.
God Save the Commonwealth.)
Sheriff's Office Stroudsburg. )
October 11, 1800. )
New Jersey and Peaissjlvassia,
Apothecaries, Druggists, Gro
cers and Private Families.
Wolfe's Pure Cognac Iirdndy.
Wolfe's Pure Maderia. Sherry cj- Port Wine
Wolfe's Pure Jamocid and St. Croix Rum.
Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky.
I beg leave to call the attention of the
citizens of the United States to the above
Winks and Liqeous imported by
Wot.FB, of Now York, whose name is fa
miliar in every part of this country for the
purity of his celebrated Schiedam Schnapps
Mr. VVolfe, in his letter lo me, speaking ol
the purity of his Wines and Liquors, says :
"1 will stake my reputation as a man, mv
standing as a merchant of thirty years' resi in tho citv of New York, thai all the
Brandy and Wines which I boltle are pure
as imported, and of the best quality, and can
be relied upon by every purchaser. Every
bottle has the proprietor's name on the wax,
and a fac simile of his signature on the cer
lificate. The public are respectfully invited
lo call and examine for themselves. For
sale at retail by all Apothecaries and Gro-,
cers in Philadelphia.
UI Vt W X.'. U' . k S 1 1 4
2S BYSi&
No. 832 Market st. Philadelphia.
Sole Agent for Philadelphia. .
Read the following from the New York
Courier i
KT Enormous Business for one New "York
Merchant. We are happy to inform our fel-ow-citizen3
that there is one place in our
city where the physician, apothecary, and
country merchant, can go aud purchase pure
Wines and Liquors, as pure as impnrted. and
of the best quality. VFe do not intend to
give an elaborate description of this mer
chant's extensive business, although it will
well repay any stranger or citizen to visit
Udolpho Wolfe's extensive ware-house, Nos
I8v20 and 22, Beaver street, and Nos. 17, 19
and 21, Markelficld street. His stock of
Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could
not have been less than thirty thousand cases;
the Branc!y,some ten thousand casts Vinta
ges of 1830 to lS5B;andten thousand cases tof
Maderia, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch and
Irish Whisky, Jamacia and St. Croix Rum.
some very old and equal to any in :his coun
try. He also had three large cellars, filled
with Brandv, Wine, &c, in casks, under
('nstnm-H.)use key, ready for bottling. Mr.
v ollu a sales of bchnapps last year amount
ed to one hundred and eighty thousand doz
en, and wc hope in less than two years he
may be equally successful with his Brandies
and Wines.
His business merits the patronage of eve
ry lover of his species. Private families
who wish pure Wines and liquors for med
ical use should send their orders direct to
Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the'
land make up their minds to discard the poi
sonous stuff from their shelves, and replace"
it with olfe s pure Wines and Liquors.
We understand Mr. Wolfe, for lhe accom
modation of small dealers in the country,
puts up assorted cases of Wines and Liquors.
Such a man, and such a merchant, should be
sustained against his tens of thousandsiof
opponents in the United States, who sell
notiiing but imitations, ruinous alike to hu-
man health and happiness.
September G. 1800. 6m.
Are yon sick, fecblo, anI.
complaining? Are you out of
orilcr, with your system, de
raiiKi'il, and yuur feeling un
comfortable? Theso synip-
- U11!CF. l
jMllYAUKit-" SlAr'."? t"ms ;,re orten tlle ProIui'e tl
S3 vi. ct5Q. serious illnew. Some tit of
sickness li creeping upon you,
and chould be averted by &
tmwly uso ot the rrslit rein-
ly. lake jiyers run, ana
ienuse out the disordered hu
mors purity mo titoou, linn
nfcr,j let tho fluids move on nnob
rfvJ. stvueted in health again.
05, . sSSt&A They stimulate the f
8RSRS of the body into vigo
jrk: 'j?c- tJvUy. purify the synt
LVaJsVt Thev stimulate the function
statu frum
the obstructions which maka
disfise. A cold settles somewhere iu tho body, nnd ob
structs its naturnl function. These, if not relieved,
re.icl upon themselves aud the surrounding organs, pro
ducing arnvation, suffering, and di.easo.
White iu this condition, oppressed by the derangements,
Uke Ayer's l'ill. and see how directly they restore the
natural iietion of tho system, and with it tho buoyant
fii-lini; of health again. " What is tnwand so apparent in
tlit-f trivial aud common complaint, is alio truo in many
of tho Jeep-Heated and dangerous dUtempers- The same
purgative effect oxiel3 them. Cauvd by similar obstruc
tions and derangements of the natural functions of the
lwdv, they are rapidly, aud many of them surely, cured
by the same mean-". None who know tho virtues of theso
Tills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from
the disorders they cure.
Stati'tiifnts from lending physicians ia somo of the
principal cities, and from other well known public per
sons. From n Forwirdiiig Mcrdiani f St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1S56.
Hit. Arsr.: Your I'ilh are tho paragon of all that is
grft in medicine. They have cured my little daughter
of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had preyed
incurable for years. Her mother lias been long griov-ou-dy
afliistcd with blotchei and pimples on her skin and
iu her hair. After our child was cured, ehe also tried
your I'ilU, and they have cured her.
An a Family Pliysic.
From Dr. E. W. GiTtteriyUt, 2Ctw Orleans.
Your fills are tho prince of purges. Their excellent
qualities stirpes any cathartic we possess. They arc
mild, but very certain ami off.-ctual in their action on the
bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in tha daily
treatment of dUeasa.
HcntInclje,SJcIcIIcatlncie,Foiil Stomach.
Vo(B Dr. Edtourd Boyd, Baltimore.
DKinUito. Avwt: I cannot answer you what compUiuts
I have citrel with yonr fills b?tter than to fay eM thai ir
trcr treat witlt partjitlive medicine. I pbve great depen-deii'-c
on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with
disoiise, and believing as t do that your fills afford us tho
bust we have, I of course value them highly.
Pittsbcro, Pa., Stay 1, 1555.
T)r. J. C. Ater. Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of
the worst h'edache any liody can have by a dese or two
;f your filW. It reenis to arise from a foul stomach,
which they cleanso at once.
Y-juw with great ifcspect, T.X). W. PItHBLn,
C7r'.- of Steamer Ctarim.
Illltoitfi Disorders Ttivcv Coziii1nUts.
From Dr. Tkeulorc Bell, nf Krm York Gty.
Xot only are your fills admirably adapted to their pnr
ooso as an aperient, but I fl:id their bewficiul eflnctsupon
(he r.trcrvery iiiark'nl indeed. They have in my prac
tice proved more ulfrctuul for the cure of bilious cm
Minls than any out remedy I can mention. I Mr.eerely
rejoice that ho liaveat length a purgative which k wor
thy the confidence of tho profafcion aud the people.
Wasliitigtuii, V. C, 7th Feb., 1S5. j
Sir : I havo nvd your fills iu my general and hospital
practice ever siuce you uiade tlieai, and ennnut hesitat te
sty thtiy are tho best cuthurtiu we employ. Their reguJ
latin ttctioii on the liver is quick and decided, coiue
queuUy thej- are au .vhnirkMs remedy for derangements
of that organ. IndeeI. I have Pcitk'ni (bund a we of
bilit-Hi diiaise so (.Iwuimte that it did not readily yield to
thcin. iruttnialiy jiiiis, AJ.O...0 UALL, M. D.,
ll.ysiciim of the Marine Hetpital.
DyscrLievy, BinrrJioen. Hlax, "Woriua.
Vent Dr. J. (J. UrttH, of Ciiffjo.
Yonr fills have had a long trial in my practice, and I
hold them in esteem as oue of the best apeiwiits I hava
ever found. Their alterative eject ujim the liver makes
them an excellent remedy, when given in small ikwes for
Mima dysentery and iiarrheca. Iheir sigar-coatis
makes them very nccopt.ible aud Cuutcnieut &r tho usa
of wniiien aud children.
Dyspepsia, Impurity of tlie Blootl.
I-oxi JUv. J. V. llimes, Vaster Ofiiireli, Boston.
Artn: I have used your fills with extraordinary,
success in my family and among thwo I am cuUed to vis4t
iu di'iiw-'. To regainte tiie organs of digestion and
purity the blood, thy are tlie vsry best rawedy I have
ev.-r known, aud 1 call confidently recommend tUm to
fi itiiids. Yours, J. V. III3ISS.
TARS w, Wyoming fV., N. V., Oct. 2t, 1955.
Tlnut Sin : I am using your Cuthai lie Pills in my prac-
tice, and f:nd theui an excellent purtive to chranee tha
syitcm aud thrift L'te foiattains nf th' Ul.
CoiistJpniio,Oo';itvcnffl, Suppression
JiSifuniui isiiv, Con!, Ticwralgla, Dx'oi
sy, I'arulysl.s, yits, etc.
V'w Dr. J. I'. WiihjJih, Mantivt'L, Canada.
Ttv much cannot lo said of your fills for the cure of
cstirtHrs. If otltvr ff ottr fraternity linvo feu ml tht
as etnracious aj I have, thy sliouM jon me in procinim
iugitfor (he itene.'Uof the mnltitudfe who suiter from
that coiuplaiiit. which, althouxli lmd enough in itself, is
tho progenitor of others that are wore. I beliv -tirenrss
to ungiunti iu the liver, but your fills affaet tliat
organ atid cute the disease.
From 2lrt. jcT. ftwtrt, P'lytioitin ami Midwife, llvim.
I find ond or two large doses of ynhf f HI. tokn at U
proper lime, are excellnt prHio4iVes of tbo mtittml scare'
tiuii when wlwlly or partially !upprtml, aud tao vary
effectual to elmne the ttonwdt and r;W NwiNs"They
aro so much the beat phyaie wu have that 1 letoiiuaend
no other lo my pntieuts.
iVont U,t Dev. Dr. lTaKes,f ti JfeW CJmrth.
TcU'nct IIocse. Sftvanmh.Oi.. .Tn. 6. 1SS.
Tlapotwin Sici'I .-.Iinuld W uiiisrateml for tlte relfaf
your f.kill ha luxnijsl't me if Ldid n. t report my ca to
jou. A wfcr-vttkd in mv limlwiind brought on exent
rintlng nturutme juuus, which ended in cttnmic rkemtm
tism. " XotwilhftandliiK I had the bet of physiciRHa, tka
ilisei- Ri-ew ww and worse, until by lhe mlviqe vjf-ytuir
eM-eltoiU H-.'ent iu Italtinmre, Dr. Mackeasie, I tried-fltir
fill. Their effects were slow, hut sure. By persevering
iu tha uw of them, 1 am now entirely well.
Se.vate Cn.iMnni, Paton Kongo, La., 5 Dec. 136.
Dw. Ater: 1 huve Iwn entirely cured, by j-our fMls.of
B.'ifttmatie Guul a painful disease that had afilfcted mo
for year. VIXCENT SLIDKL1-
STJ-Itnot of the Pills in market contain Mrcury,
which, although a valuable reineily in skilful hands, Is
danfi-oiis in a public pill, from the dreadful cw
qneiiees that frcjuently follow Its incautious use. Thssc
cixit.iin no merenry or mineral substance whatever.
Price, 25 cents por Box, or 5 Boxes for $2.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by Hoilinabead & Dt-itrickr
For sale at this Office