The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, October 11, 1860, Image 2

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Abraham Lincoln,
j Hannibal Hamlin,
Republican Electoral Ticket.
Faroes Pollock, Thomas M. Howe
,V'-" 1st District Edward C. Knight.
9 th
3 3th
1 4 th
,16 th
21 t
24 th
Robert P. King.
Henry Bunim.
Robert M. Foust.
Nathan Hillcs
John M. Broom all.
James W. Fuller.
David E Stout.
Francis W. Christ.
David Mamma, Jr.
David Taggart.
Thomas TL. Hull.
Francis B. Penninian.
Ulysses Mcrcur.
George Breesler.
A. B. Sharpo.
Daniel 0. Gehr.
Samuel Calvin.
Edgar Covvan.
William McKcnnan.
John M. Kirkpatrick.
James Kerr.
Richard P. Roberts.
Henry Souther.
John Greer.
gST Let it be borne in mind that the
Borough schools will rc-opon on Monday
next; and let all parents be careful and
send their children if possible the first
day as it is of great advantage to all con
cerned, to have a full school the first day
It saves tbo teachers much trouble, and
prevents confusion in the arrangement of
classes. We trust as it is now a season of
the year when children are but of little
service at home that they will be punctu
si in attendance upon t-cbool, and thus lay
up stores of learning for future usefulness.
Konroe County.
We give below the vote of a few of the
townships for Governor, Congress and
Stroudsburg, Curtin 150, Foster 99;
Shoemaker 153, Johnson 88 ; Shousc,
143, Mott, ,101.
Stroud township Curtin 172, Foster
Hamilton Curtin 123, Foster. 255.
Pocono Curtin 48, Foster 149; Shoe
maker 49, Johnson 141 ; Mott 13S,
Shoue 47.
We will give full returns nest week.
The Democratic majority will probably
be about 1350. Thorsas M. Mcllhaney
iV elected Prothonotary ; Joseph Barry,
Regiftrr and Recorder; James N. Dur
ling, Sheriff; Charles Price, probably
County Commissioner; Wm. K. Havi
land, District Attorney, without opposi
tion; and Peter Gilbert, Auditor, without
CSf'Times tries all things," and ha
proven that Wistar's Balsam of Wild'
Cherry is the remedy, par excellence, for
the cure of coughs, colds, croup, whoop
ing coogh, bronchitis, asthma, phthisic,
tore throat, influenza, and "last, not
least," consumption.
fi-a?" There's a vilo counterfeit of thi
Balsam, therefore be sure aud buy only
that prepared by S. W. Fowle & Co ,
Boston, which has the written signature of
I. BUTTS the outside on wrapper.
1ST The Advertisement of Messrs
Bunt & Co., of Philadelphia, under the
caption of "Handsome Women,1' will at
tract the attention of our lady reader.
Their Advertisement sets forth that they
aro Perfumers to Her Majesty, Queen
Victoria, and at the late bridal ceremony
of the Princess Royal, presented a mag
nificent case of these Perfumes to the
Princess; in whiob were included all of
the above-named exquisite toilet goods,
manufactured expressly for the ladies.
The Company guarantee "The Bloom
of Roses" to give a roseate hue to the
cheeks that will be permanent for years,
without injury to the skin.
jjiipMr. Robert Skelton, presented us
with a bead of Cabbage, which weighs
18 lbs. Can any person produce a larger
one T
H rWo learn from Trenton, New
Jersey, that at the present term of tbi
United States Circuit Court, afoitinvolv
ing the right to 8,5000,000 worth of real
estate, situated in the heart of Newark,
will probably be decided. The Metho
dint Church Society is defendant, but the.
present suit a test one is brought
gainst a merohant named Perry, who
has a building on the disputed property;
An action for ejectment has been brought
against the defendant . by Van Buren By
er8on, of New York, to test the" title to
tho whole property, and much interest
kas been created by tbo magnitude of the
elaim .and the various interests affected
Tho ringbonod, spavined, fuecd and
confused as well as broken Democracy
and Know Nothings combined, were met
and triumphantly defeated on last Tuos
day by the gallant Republican army
led by our valiant Andrew br. Curtin,
who is to be the nest Governor of this
This glorious result was forsecn and
confidently predicted by our friends, but
tii or 1;nnw at the same time tbt our
priuciplea and policy must be laid before
the people clearly, and in that way whiob
would shield us against the false and slan
derous charges made by the Democra
cy. befora this good work could bo ac
cotnpliobcd. It was done; and the people
have rendered their judgment in favor of
Free Territories for free Whites; in favor
of Protection to American Labor, and a
gaintt the Demooratio dootrino of setting
the Territories apart for the slaveholder
and bis slaves; and they have also spurn
ed the contemptible pretense of the Free
Trade Democracy, that whenever they
wanted thevotos of Tariff men they would
nretend to bo in favor of Protection to
Amerioan Labor nntil the election was o
ver. The Democracy will remember that
theysucceded in humbugging the people
in 1844 on the tariff question, but they
did'nt in 1860.
The people have said to this bogus
Democracy that we believed your preten
tions in 1856 in favor of Buchanan and
Free Territories, to be sincere; but a tria
of four years has shown us that you wcro
wedded to the Negro, and the intorests o
tho slaveholder, and that you are opposed
to the true interests of Free White Labor
and for thin reason we discard vou and
go with the Republican party whiah rep
resents our true iflterosts.
Indiana and Ohio, so far as we have
heard, come in all right.
Thus is the way to the White House
opened up free and wide to Honest Old
Abe of the West, who on the 4th of nest
March, will inaugurate a new policy of
iiovprnnient ,tho great feature of which
will be to so administer it as to promote
the propority and happinessof the W7hite
race, and not the Black race and their
But Republican?, be not lulled ioto qui
etness and inactivity by this great victory,
but bo diligent and active until the final
battle comes off in November. Then
continue to spread documents, make
speeches and reason with your Democrat
ic friends, and thereby induce them to
leave the sinking Democratic ship and
come over with us and fhare the glory of
regenerating the Government.
So far as we have tolerably definite re
turns, the majorities given Tuesday in
the several Counties of Pennsylvania
are as follows :
.6.800 .
1 ,200
1 ,600
Curtin's majority in the Stato is over
10,000, and may exceed 15,000.
Phila., Wednesday, Oct. 10,-1:30 a. m.
The political clubs of all parties are
parading the Btreets with lighted torches
and bands of music, all choering lustily
Tho Republicans arc cheering over the
success of Curtin in the State; the Bell
Everett men over, Foster's increased vote
in the city; the Democrats over the suc
cess of their county ticket, and the Doug
las men over tho election of Lehman to
Congress in the 1st DUtrict.
The following Republican Congressmen
are elected : Messrs. Scranton, GroWj
an3 ldale.
t6ynon. David D. Wegener, Presi
dent of the Easton Bank, died at bis res
idence on Monday Istinst. The deeeaed
once represented this district in Congress.
How Sunday is Observed in Paris.
The Parris correspondent of the Times
'Tho sabbath is, I think, less observed
in Paris, in some respects, than I remem
ber it ever to havo been. It is certainly
no holiday for tho masons and bricklay
ers. On tho Boulevards des Capuoines,
in tbo Rue Vivien and ia various other
various other
important thorouglwres, building goes
on upon Sunday as on other days
)jAt tho Ohio State Fairj the first
premium for steam firo engines was a-
warded to the Good-Will engine .of Phil
adelphia, which threw a atreaaa through
an inch noBzlo;205 .feet -5inckcs.. . , ?
Report of the Proceedings at the Monroe
Tuesday was occupied in bringing in
articles for exhibition. The citizens gen
erally displayod comtnendablczenl in con
tributing articles for exhibition, and by
night the building was well filled with all
descriptions of goods, merchandise, farm
produce, ladicB work, machines, &c, and
prosentod a truly pleasing appearance.
Wednesday dawned olear and benutiful,
and a vast crowd early thronged about
tho gates and choked evory avenue. I he
usual number of eido shows, refreshment
stands, &o.f speedily arose upon all sides,
and contributed to the general excitement
Fast horses wore also uot wanting to add
to the general interest of the occasion; and
after somo skirmishing around the track.
tho first matoh came off in which the pre
mium of ten dollars was awarded to Mo
sea W. Coolbaugh, his horse having won
in two straight beats. Thursday morning
came; the weather looking very threaten
ing. These threats were put in execu
tion about two o'clock, when it common
ced raining and continued with a few short
intervals during, the remainder of tho day
to tho groat damago of crinoline and the
dampening of the sprits of everybody in
general. The grounds were well filled
during the day, between four and five
thousand tickets having been sold, but the
great match between the fastest trotting
horses for the premium of ono hundred
dollars, was postpouod on ancount of the
rain until the next day.
On Friday tho clouds cleared away
tbo eun came out and dried up tho mud
ontbegroundsand tho sorrow in the hearts
of those present. In the forenoon there
was a trot between a horse called "Sorre
Ned," tho "Shiffcr horse," and a. dark
Roan owned and driven by Westbrook;
best three in five, for the promium of fif
ty dollars.
The judges wo believe divided the pre
mium among them, awarding twenty-dol
lars to Westbrook, and thirty dollars to
bo divided equally between the other two
In the afternoon there was a race be
tween a sorrel norso, and a gray owned
by Westbrook, and a sorrel mare, for a
purse of twelve dollars. Between the sor
rel horse and the gray there wai tight
work, the sorrel winning inhree straight
heats; in no one, by over half a length
and one heat, by a neck.
Then there was an exoiting march a
corn husking, in which a shock of corn
containing one hundred ears was given to
each competitor. First premium S2.
Second SI, and third 50 cents.
On the whole the exhibition may be ta
ken to be a perfect success, and a great
credit to Monroe County. In many res
pects the fair will compare favorably with
any fair held any where, and for a first
attempt can hardly be excelled in any
other county. But the exhibition next
year, we are satisfied, will go far ahead
of the present. The farmers and me
chanics will bo better prepared; the trot
ting course will be better arranged, and
perfected, the officers will be better post
ed in regard to their several duties, and
we shall confidently expect such an exhi
bition next year as oannot bo beat any
Among the exhibitors inside of the
building we would mention as deserving
of particular notice:
Mr. Silas L. Drake, Mr. Keclor and
Mr, Goforth, for their fine display of veg
etables; three pumpkins brought in by
Mr. Drake, picked from one vine, weigh
ing in the uggregate three hundred and
forty-six pounds, viz : 161 lbs., 103 and
82 lbs.
Mr. Samuel Melick also had a very ex
tensive display of Jewelry, Sewing Ma
obines, &c; Mr. JasA. Pauli, of hats
and caps, and furs; Mr. Reuben Miller of
harness; Messrs. Holltnsbcad & Detrick,
of perfumery, &o.
Mr. Reuben Cress bad a chicken, quite
a curiosity in its way, andworthy of a
pasHing notice. 0,
J. H. Cotton, of Smitbfiold, entered a
bottle of Grape Wine. The Committee
failed to notice it. This wine was submit
ted to some gentlemen who pronounced
the artiole the best they ever ta.-ted.
Red Currant, white Currant, black
Ch erry and black Raspberry wine by Si
las L. Drake. Also the largest Apple
wcigning zu ounces.
The ladies also deserve a high encomi
um for their fine display of articles of do
mestic manufacture, needle work, miilinc
ry, natural flowers, plants &o. Among
so many articles oi sterling merit, and
I .11 't t.
wucre au arc exceneni, it wouia bc im
possible for tho general observer to par
ticularize. Tbero were many other arti
cles on exhibition equally deserving of
notice, but which we are obliged tQ omit
at tnis time from want of room.
The list of Premiums awarded, will be
published next week.
BrA few nights ago, Mrs. John Fulk,
who lives in Guyan township, Virginia,
awoke her husband, and insisted on bis
examining the bedolothing, to remove a
locust, which she was confident was con
cealed rn them. He Bearohed them at
once, but discovered nothing, and went
to sleep again. But Mr.s. Fulk was not
to be satisfied. Soon she insisted on a
second examination, and this time Mr.
Hulk discovered a rattle-snake, three feet
three inches in length, snuelv ensconced
in the mattress.. -The rentHet
JX Datchcd v1 Jv 3A.
Interesting Political News from Oregon.
News has bean received from Uregon,
verland by telegraph, from Ageka, the
northern terminus of tho Utah lino.
The Oregon Legislature met at Saiem
on the 10th. The House organised ny
boosing Benjamin Harding, (A IJougias
democrat, who at the last two election
oted for Mr. Logan, the Republican can-
.UHfito for Concress. bpeauer a. iuui lis
ten, (Republican) Chief Clerk; Mr. Allen,
rir.nT ns Democrat. Assistant, v;iuia,
aud Mr. leverage, iepuuweuu,;
The Senatorial organization of the Aa
sembly was regarded by the Breckinridge
members as an indication tuat a jjougias-
Rnnnbliaan coalition was already formed
tn elect Col. Baker aud S. W. Ncsmith
TJ. S. Senators.
Tho constitution of Oregon requires
two-thirds of all the members elected to
each House, to form a quorum to do bus
iness. Upon receiving the news of the
f the House, sis of the
Brcokinridge Senators bolted, and lcfl
Salem early on the morning ot tue 11.
Tho Senate was thus left without
quorum, ond in that condition it has con
tinued up to the latest accounts. The
names of the Senators who withdrew are
Messrs. Florence, Monroe, Berry, McHen
ry, Fitzhugh, and Shelby tho latter be
ing a son-in-law or General Juane.
A resolution was passed by tho Sonato
nmnniVArintr the Serjeant-at-Arms to
j,-.. t3 . o
compel the attendance of the absent mem
bcrs, and call to his aid whatever force is
Tho President of tho Senato is Hon
S. L. Elkins, and the Secretary, Mr
Ppnnle. hoth Douplas Democrats. The
Serjjeant-at-Arins, to whom ba3 been in
. r i o
trusted tho delicate. task of bringing bacK
.the abscouding Senators, is of the same
political party. The As&istant Secretary
-TV ... . It-
and the Jiiurolling tilers; aro itepuDiicans
An attompt will bo made by the Urockin
ridie men to defeat a Quorum in tho
House, in order to prevent the election o
Baker and Ncsuuth. This cannot be ac
coojplishcd, aud the want of a quorum in
the Senate will not ueccessarily prevent
the election of the Senators.
It is probable thut the two United
States Seuators will be elected by a coa
lition between the Douylas men aud the
Republicans. Col. E. D. Baker baa re
ccived the Republican nomination in cau
cus, aud will be one of tho Senators,
there is an election at all. I his is gen
erally conceded on all sides.
Both Houses had adjourned till Mon
day, September 17th.
The Pony Express, with San Francisco
dates of Sept. 26 arrived at St. Josepr
on Sunday night. Tho Government dry
dock at Mare Island had been destroyed
by accident, and it would cost S200.000
to repair it. Tho new copper mines
Del iNorto uounty givo evidence ot im
mense wealth. Tbero was no new fea
turc in the political canvass of tho State
Tho ruining accounts are encouraging.
The latest dates from Oregon state tha
the Senate continued adjourning from day
without a quorum. The House Ifad in
vited the Senate in iti disorganized state
to meet in Joint Convention, to ballot for
United State- Sruators. The determiua
tion of the Senate was not known when
the mail left. The news from tho Ore
gon and BritiL Columbia amies was very
encouraging. An arrival from Japan
Victoria brings the information that the
French Minister at Yodilo had ret-igoed
it. rr t ..
Deing unawe lo eriect anytuing witn re
spect to the treaty.
Streams mountains straying,
Breozes gentle blowing;
Bowers, beaty, bloom,
Rose, jessamine, perfume;
Twilight, moon, mellow ray,
Tint, glories, parting day;
Poet, star, truth, delight,
Joy, 'sunshine, silence, night ;
Voice, frown, affection. love,
Lion, anger, tamed dovo ;
Lovely, innocent, beguile,
Terror, frown, conquer, smile,
Pylo, beauty, Easton Hall,
Garments, suitable for all.
07" The handsomest assortment of Ready
Made Clothing and piece goods ever seen in
Easton is now on exhibition, at Pyle's Great
baston Hall ot Juashion, opposite the Easton
0C7"James Buchanan is exceedingly
anxious lor tho election of General Fos
ter. Ho will consider that event as
full endorsement of his adininistratisn
Ihe Convention which nominated Foster
declared that Buchanan's domestic policy
has been wise, patriotic and just. Gen.
Foster is also a family connection of Mr.
Buoh anan, his sister having married the
i-ll-oiUCUkB U1UIULT.
JNew xork now consumes 180,000
quarts of milk per dny. In sixteen years
ujutu it mil icijunu (2u(uuu quarts, and
m iorty years, i,uwu,uuu.
New York Markets,
Wednesday, October 10, i860.
FLOUR AND MEAL Wheat floor ;
tho sales are 14,900 bbla. at S5 27-a$5
35 for Superfine Stato and Western; $5
70a5 80 for shipping brands of round
hoop Extra Ohio; S5 75aS7 for St. Lou
is Extras. Rye Flour; the sales are 300
bbls. at 83 50aS4 30. Corn Meal; sales
of Jersey and Marsh's Calorie at 83 90,
GRAIN Wheat; the sales are 21,400
bush. Chicago Spring at 81 20a8i 23;
48,400 bush. Milwaukee Club at SI 24n
81 26. Rye; sales of 2,100 busb.Ttfor-
tbern at 79a80o. Oat; sales of Western
and Canadian at -3fla37o., and State at
37a38c. Corn; sales of 47.000 bush, nt
70a70o. for Western mixed, afloat. 701
aiio. xor uo. in store, and 75a70o. for
PROVISIONS-Pork; the sain ro
275. bbls., at 819a8l9 10 for new AtoflQ .
S18 75 for old do. Cut Meat; TTnmoS? !
1140, Butter at. 11 alSo. for nn.lli
J b
1 A9f)n fny Q, ni 1
atftOalOiof aad. State aUOaLUo. .
sh-.w. vi wiaio. uneese:.,H ns rr h
TTPAn Irishman out West, threw a
nuantity of powder upon somo green
wood to lactlliaie lia uuruiug, ana was
blown to pieces. Vordiot: Vied fori
want of common sense.
In Stroudsburg. on the 4th inst., by
Rev. Charles J. rnompsou, iur. amcs
. w- rn i . i
Wideman and Mi?s Hannah Utt, both of
Northampton county.
On the 2d nst. by tnc same, i-r. un-
liam Gannon and Mis Mary E. Arnt,
both of Lehman township, Pike county.
In otroua townsuip, ou iuu m ....,
by Daniel Jayno, Eq. Mr. John S. Shive.
yT of Pocono, and iuiss lacy xmiuuvcu
der, of Cherry V alloy.
In Stroudsburg on tho 4th inst, John
P. Wolf, aged 6 months and 25 days.
n 1 1 j MimeiMrwifi
The School Directors of Stroud town-
shin will meet tbo County Superintend-
nt. at anas u. xranv a vuiv...
dr Ont. 13th. at 1 o'clock in the after
noon, to examine and employ 12 Teach
ers for tbo wintor term ot said district;.
By order of the Board.
October 11, I860.
Omcutot's Notice.
Estaic of Wra, Van Busiiirk, -late
of Stroud township, dee'd.
KIni.nri in hnrohv fiveti. that Lt'ttera
totimentary upon the Estate of WilHam
Vnn Bii'.kirk. late of Stroud tow
deceasad, have been granted to the
31gUeO OJ tUC AXCglsier Ol lUOUiuc uyuuvj,
in duo form of law; then-tore, all persons
indebted to said ebtated are requested to
make iuiracdiate?pavraentt and those hav
inor anv iust claims are also requested to
nrosent them lecnllv authenticated for
r a j
settlement, to.
JAS. TAN BUS KIRK, Stroud tp.
CHARLES HENRY, licuryville,
October 11, 1G0. 0t. Executor
iminbtrator's Jfoticc.
Estate of Gco( Frederick Mdzar,
Notice is hereby given, that Letters of
Administration on tho L-tate of (jreorge
Frederick Metzgar, late of SmithBeld
townsLip, deceased, havo been Rrauted
to tho undersiued bv the Reci-ter of
-5 J
Monroe County, in due form of law;
therefore, all persons indehted to sai-1 es
tate are requested to mako immediate
payment, and thoe having auy just
claims are also requested to preseai thctu
legally authenticated for settlement to
SmUhfield, Oct. Jl, 1SG0. Gt.
Came to the premises of the suh-
scriber in Stroudsburir, on the Gth
Ssaafeflamst.. a ewe lamb, with white face
and white tail. The owner is requested to
come forward, prove property, pay charges
and fake her way or she will he sold accord
ing to law.
October 11, 7SG0.
JQ. rich and elcpant color for the cheeks
RUB OFF, and when once applied, re
. m m
mams durable lor years. J ue tint is so
rich and natural, that the closest scrutiny
fails to detect its use. Can be removed
by lemon juice and will not injure the
skin. Thu is a uew preparation, ujed
by the celehratid Court Beauties of Lon
don and Paris. Mailed free, in bottles,
with direction for ii-e, for 100.
DER. imparts a dazzlm; whiteness to
the complexion, and is unlike anthig else
used for this purroao. Moiled free for
S v u
50 Cents.
liUiNis "JJitLiiiiti uaijiU," re
moves tan, freckles, sunburn and oil c
ruptiona of the skin. Mailed free for 50
for tho hair, btrengtheus aud improves its
growth, keeps it from falliug off, aud is
warranted to make the iiair curl.
Mailed free for SI. On.
for tho tooth and cump, cleanses and
whitens tho teeth, hardens the gums, puri
Gos tho breath effectually, ritESEitVES
Mailod free for SI. 00.
FUME," a double extract of orange blos
soms and oologue. Mailod free for SI 00
This exquisite pcrfumo was Grst used by
tho rnnoess Royal of England, on he
marriage Messrs. Hunt & Co. presented
tho frinoes8 with an elegant case of Per
furaery, (in which all of the above arti
oles were included) in handsome cut glass
witn goia stoppers, valued at $loui),par
ticulars of which appeared in tho publio
All the above articles pent Free, bv
express, for S5.00. Cash can either ac
company the order, or bo paid to tho ex
press ngent on delivery of goods.
HUNT & Co,,
Perfumers to tho Queen.
Rogont St., London, and 77 Sansotn St.,
f biladelphia, Pa.
For Sale by all Druggists and Perfu
raera. JSThe Trade Supplied.
October 11, lS60.-ly.
Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia.
Fish,- Cheese and Provisions.
Have constantly on hand an assortment of
Dried and Pickled Fish, &d viz:
Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, Blue Fish, Her-
-'"fe0! ' UUU-
dors. Hams. Sides, Cbeeso, Beans, Rico
Are you gfck, fceblo, and
complamjng? Are you out of
order, with jour system do
ranKctl, aud your feeltugs uu
couifortiil'ie? These aymp
toms are often the prelude, to
serious illucss. Somo fit of
Bkknc.cs is creeping upon you,
and should be averted by a
timely xiso of the right rem
cdy. Take Ayer's l'ills, and
clc.inso out thu disordered hu
mor? purify the blood, and
ret tho tin ids move on unob-
fgK WSaH-SI Th(?y slutat the function
VL'? fi&i?ejfSj of the body into vigorous ac-
S tivltv. nurifv thft uvstnm from
Biructen m health again.
,. " tho obstruction? winch make
UMCtso. A cold sttH3 somewhere in the bh'uv. ami oh.
Jtrtictx its nnttnid functions. These, if not relferei.
renct mon tlu'tn-u-lves and tho surrounding organs pro
riiiciug gi-ueral nvgriivntiuii, Bnfferingy and diseaso.
While in tliii condition, oppressed by the derangement,
Mm Ayer's l'ill.. and see how directly they restore tha
natural notion of tho system, and with it Uio buoyant
freliiijc of hilth ag iin. What is truunnd so apparent In
thW trivial and common comtilaiut. Is ahio truo in nmnv
of the deep-sent ed ami dmigorimi diitempors. Tho tamo
purgative ellect e.i3 tiiom. uimeu iy dimilar obstruc
tion nnd tleranReiiienls of the natural functious of tha
I dv, they na rapidly, and many of them surely, cured
by Ihe same lueauf. A'otia who Icuojv the virtue or theio
i'iil. will neglect to employ them when suffering from
thu dijordeH.thoy cure.
Fmfemantif from lending physicians in some of tho cities, aud from other well known public per-
Fivm Forwarding MertJuml rf St. Louis, Frh. A, 1S53j
Dr. Aran: Your I'iils aro the paragon of all that hv
great in medicine. Th'iy havo cured my little daughter
of iilfomiK cores upon lwr Iinnds and fest that had proved"
iiK'iirahtp.fur years. Ilor mother has been long grir
ou.slv jdilfrtod'u-ith f.tuttrhe and pimples on-her nkirt'iafH
in her hair. After our chill Wiwcureti, she also
your I'iili, and tlwy l.avj cured her.
Aso jFv.illy Physic.
rvn .ih: 1". f Urlwri'jhl, ieij OWtnnr.
Your I'iili the piium of purged Th'oir SiceiUst
qtwiiti surpass .any cathartic, wb ixissesf. Thoyjar
mild, bnt veiy'cft;iii and eRVctiut in their" action on tb
5ortvIs, which' m:t!cM tliutit invaluabiu to u(in ttte dily
treatment of iliwagj.
IIcr.tiac!se,8IcIiHc!r.dnclic,??oui Stomncli.
Fntm Or. lZhoml Itogil, Dultimort.
lis - ue. and helievitii an I !o tint your I'iils afford us th
best we, t of iwurso value thBiu highly
rtrrsr.CKG, Ta., -Mr.y 1. 1S5K
Ps. .T. O. Sir; I liftv U-on rppmttilly curt-d of
tin- u- irst U-'uiiivtm any hoily ru Imve hy a or. two
f V'tttr I'iH.u. It miii to arU frum n Jul ktomach
which t?Mv cicnn;:ii.iiii''P.
Wiw with srii ic.jct, T:n. W. PURPLE,
a) fif Sramrr Ctaritu'
TlillnuH jyiiforiicrk T.ivcr Com nllilnti.
F.uai Df. nm-dore Mr, fXvj, Vrk Clg.
Xi.t imly nr ynur !tll wliHinililv nilapN tl to tlieir pur
ie i mi nperirxt- l.-ltt 1 ttti! thHr lipiH-licbil rITecti:pcn
he 5,ivi-r rery nirtrUl iixbrt. Thy hiive In my jiraS
:ira rtttl nwr clfcttiml for ill1! cum of biiiuus enm
id'tiu' than any uttv rviir.'.ly I can niciiti'ttii. 1 aincrrrly
rcjuice that n hiivu at I.-iiJh a jmrpitive Tltich It wox
thy thu cwufitienue wf ih? inuteaMu and the people.
V':ili!ti,Ktiui, I). C.T Ttli Feb ISfiC.
Fit ; I hiivo uei! y-'iir iilN in tny genera! ami hoipital
p. .-..-iite fiur rittw juh limde tiicin, anil Uiimot hesitute to
iy they :urf ili iwst tatiuirtic we employ. Their rrgu
!:tiiii u' ti en the Hver i ijiiirk um! decided, cuusv
iiun(iy tl-y are un reitteiiy ftK-df rangenicnU
of t!mt orjpm. lild. 1 hare Iduni fouull a cat of
Lduiuz iliVetue so fUaiiiuttv that it did nut readily yiId to
them. iraCerkuliy Tom. AMJ.NZ-J 1JALL, M. )
V-i,sieiii uf the Xjriiic Hizj.itah
Dy.scJiitfrj", Klarrliccn, Itelnx, IVormi,
f'wtm Dr. J. O'. Ut cth, nf Chi&uji.
Vciir I'illii lmvu Imd a. long trial in my practice, and I
hiriil tiirln in estt-wn us one tif the hes-t aiK-rivnts I hats
e or fiii!. Their itltomtiro efrcrt iijhi tUty liter iiak;
t!i.-ni an excellent remedy, trhen giteu lit sumll deaei for
blows tlysattery utul tHurrlneii. Tiiir SHgar-coatin
in:ik'.- thetn very :icre;4uhle tiini coueuitnt iuc the uu
.f uoineii and children.
DynpcTisIa, Impurity of the Bloort.'
iVw AfB. J. I" Ifirue:, Vtistir rf 'Admit Ct.urc'i, Iittlun.
Dr. Ayer: I lwTe uel your l'iils with xtraordinary
MKCtas in My family and aiii-ni thie I am called to riit
in ili.-tii. 'l. rtuhite the orjrnn? uf digektion ami
Mt ily the !hxI. tiiey mv th wry best remedy I hare
cv.t knntrii, and I c.xu ccnSttently recommend them to
my friend.. Yours, J. V. 1IIME3., AVi-omiiiK Co X. Y., Oct. 'li, 1S55.
Drill iif. : 1 am ning yuur Catharti Tills in my prac
tice, ami find tliein an excelU-nt purgative to cleanse tho
."yrfleiii um! uiirit'y the. fountains if Ute iloml.
. ConitlpjtIon, Co.sttvcucss, Suppression,
Illionxia t ism, Gout. r-.o;'ia, Drop
sy, ParI ys is, Fits, etc.
Fitmi Dr.J.F. I'anylm. MtntrwL Gamda.
T witch cannot lie said ot your Pills far the euro of
e-stirrn-ss. it others of our fraternity luive found them
t as t9ic3ciiuw I Jutve. tltoy slK.iihl jin me in proclaim
iuj; it fur the Km lit uf tii niultitudes ulnKii.Ter from
tliat cilnpl iiit. whicli, althatigii had enough' Fn itself. Is
the prtv-enitor of others that re wurse. T lielfpre cos
limits to (rijtiiuiie iu the Iier,Lut jvur Pills aSfectthat
organ and cure the disease.
Fits Hrs. R. Slwtrl, Pkasfeiitn and Jtidtrifc, RtHmi.'
I PiimI on or two Ir.rtce dofft? of yonr Pills, taken at tha
proper time, are excellent prrnir.tives of tlie natural tecre
timi wlx'H wholly or partially fp,eJ'h ami also rery
effectual to dmasr tin- stamudi aad trjtt warms. Tliuy
nre so tiiuclt the l-t phyah: vru'IiRV'e thct' I recommend
no other to my patient? . . " '
From Utt Jter. Dr. TT:idts,ff &C Ik'ixulisl FpU. CTtmft.
Pcu'Si Hocse. Savannah, Ha.. Jan. 6. 1SS.
Tlojsoam Sm : I .-honhl le ungrateM Pr tl relir
your skill 1ms htouslit me if I did nt reort luyci ti
yii. A cold settled in my limb ami bnin;htjDn ecru
ri;ittn; n'nra!ic jttihts, which emlni in ckrtmie rheuma
tism. Notwiistoxwliii? T liwl tlie l-t of physwam the
difat nww win-!.' ami wore. until hy the ndvice of your
e.xrolleut iicent in Itnltimnre, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried y'unr
Pit l. '1 lnr eftVts were skw, hut shiv. By pcrseTeriag
in tho s of them, I aai now entirely weir.
Kzr. Cbajjrtb. Dafotr Unnce, Ti.,5 I?c. IfV
Arc: I Iijiyh hf ii entirely etsr.-d. hy yonr WtKor
i:,r iui.-iic G- at ;i imintul dii- that haj afflktrdj)i
j-Mt f tle Tills ia maricet wntaic Mercury ;
win. h. :U'mnch a vnlah reumly in kitful leiadvu
tin nrenM in n pwhlio pill, fivjn tho drwdfnl ao thr.t ft,"u'iitly foilnw. iw incnnthiu? r.-u than
c n:ln no mercury or'iKinerSrjiiiManc wKaSewS
Price, 25 cents per Uox, or 5 Boxes for SI.
?i-2 -jared by Sr. J. G. AYER St, CO., Lowell, Kax
Sold b Holliushead iJc Di-itrick.
CJlbministor's Notice.
Notieo U horeby given, that-Letters of
Administration on tho E-tatc cif Jonas
Meizjar, late of SmitbGeld township, do
oeaed, have been granted to the under
signed by the Register of Monroe Coun
ty, in due form of law; therefore, all per
sons indebted to said estate are requested
to mako immediate payment, and thoso
having any just claims are also rcque.-ted
to present them legally authenticatedTor
settlement, to
SmitbGeld, Aug. 2, 1860.
The undersigned baa on
375,000 Brick, , :
near tho Stroudsburg Depot, and ther
are now for sale. Any person wislyog
to buy a lot of Brick will do well to call'
before purchasing elsowhero, as the unr
dersigned U bound to sell if they wpl pji?
cost, ?
Stroudsburg, Sept. 20, I860. ,; -
- Caution..
I hereby caution all persons against?
hunting, fishing, or going-through crass
grain, or driving through my premises,,
or otherwise trespassing, as I am deter
mined to prosecute trespassers to the full
extent of the law.
Stroudburg, May 10, 1860.
OAP.Finc scented Soaps forjwash.
ing and shaving a'so the celebratc-
shaving cream, for sale by j r,yt
r J.RlCF filliS
j PmrRkii. Avr.u: I cannot answer yon ic'ial complnlntt
US nip, iv" C'wci tvttn j'our rut if tier man to sny ulllhnt ire
, - j it--i i--r'i -i iv.rfjMrrr. mmvinr. 1 place great ucpen
Ullder - I ;n-. n-i in fpctiml .-athartic in mv daily conteit whh
October 11, 180Q3mr
4 tsss
fNovcinber:l8;.185S-ilyt ;f
ti t
tte .