The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, September 27, 1860, Image 3

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    The Young Ladies of tne Stroudsburg
Seminary, will give a Concert of vocal
3Da inBWB. u.Wo in- me uoim
House, on cunesuay ovenmg, uctoDer
ou. xuw fmo tu uu ubvulvu tu iuc
repairing of the Seminary building.
Admittance 20 cents, children half
Doors onnn .t 7 o'clock.
At his, residence in Smithflelo!
tbip, on'the 25th inst., Mr. Joseph
ser, aged 75 years.
. i ,:J ft i .
tuv. ..wuvv. v,, ulo ouu-iu-iuw, in
Paradise , on the It th mst., Mr William
"Van Buskirk, aged 76 year.
And srowi more ai:d nsoio
popular evory I;is'l
And testimonials, new, and almost without
number, might be given from ladies and gen-
tlemen :n all grades of society, whose united
testimony none couid resist, that I'rot. Wood s
Hair Restorative will restore the bald and
gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to
old age, in all its youthful beauty.
Battle Crock, Mich. Dec. 21st, 1S58.
Prof. Wood : Thee willt please accept a
ine to infbrnV thee that the hair on my head
,11 fell offeror twenty years ago causfcd by
ail iumuuu.u. unr vctio uu, uiuauu uy l
O l.UIl"1'""'u UICI.UCV, umnucu
-n ornntifllf ftn tlif lld. A rnMlmnn! nnnrco
of suffering through life having reduced me
to a state of dependence, I have not been a-
Lie to obtain stuff for cans, neither have I
been able to do them up, in consequence of
faithfully followed the directions and the bald
snot is now covered with hair thick nnrl
black, though short, it is also cominf in all
over mv head. Feeling- confident that an-
other large bolUc would restore it entirely
ana permanenny, i leei anxious to persevere
Only Prepgrafson
wincn my nean nas suuercd extremely trom threo written or printed hand-bills, post-
cold. I Ins induced me to pay Bnggs & C(l in pubHc places in said Borough: And To fill the office of U
Hodges almost the last cent I had on earth ,!, on,M Hnn.inhln cl,ll,;,l, nn r:i. f Mnnr.
for n two dollar bottle ol thy Hair Restora- j e u 1 . l m
i..r n,o fir,r nf a in.nci iBMt t L; J proceeds of any such sale to the Treas- Onn Per
4,11 viviiv 4ii v lUCU i Hit (J I
in us use, uuu ut'iuj; i; us wane oi means tt)JJ. 1H6'0.
purcnase any more, i wouui asK tnee it thee
uuuiu&i uui ui.- wi.iiii" lu fceuu me an order
nn thinn nrrnnt Inr n hnt.1., n,l r ,;,-
thyself the scripture declaration "the re
ward is to those that are kind to the widow
slid the fatherless,"
Thy, friend, SUSANNA FI KIR BY.
Ligonier, Noble Co. Tnd'a, Feb. 5ll, 1859.
1'rof. u. J. oon: JJcar Sir: in the
latter pnflof ike year ISo'J, while attending
tlie ouste :ina i;a:onsl Jyiw fcchnol ot the
oixie i iuw xorK, my nuir, irom a cause
unknown to me, commenced. falling off very
rapidly, so that in the short spttce of six
monius, me unoio upper pan or my sculp
was almost entirely bereft of its covering,
and mucn of lne remaining portion upon the
side and back p:rl ot my head shortly after
became gray, so thatyim will not be surprised
when I tell you that upon my return to the
btate of Indiana, my more casual acquaint
ances were not so much at a loss to discover
the cause of the change in my appearance,
as my more intimate acquaintances were, to
recognise me at all.
i at once made application to the most
skillful physicians in the country, but, re
ceiving no assurance from them that my hair
could again be restored, I was forced tu be
come reconciled to my fate, until, fortunate
ly, m the latter part of the year 1S57, your
Restorative was recommended to me by a
druggist, as being the most reliable Hair
Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and
found to my great satisfaction that it was
producing the desired effect. Since that
time, I have used seven dollars' worth of your
Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat
of very soft black hair, which no money can
As a mark ofmv gratitude fqr your jaoor
and skill in the product inn of so wonderful
an article, I hare recommended its use to I
many of my friends and acquaintances, who,
I am happy to inform vou, arc using it with
Jike effect Verv respectfully, yours,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
The Restorative is put up in bottles ofi
three sizes, viz: large, medium, and small;
the snmll holds h H l''nt-- ard retails for one
oolli,r per Jiottlc; the medium holds at leas:
twenty ptir cent, more in proportion ihtn the
small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the
Jnrge holds a quart, 40 per.cem, more in pro
portion, -and retails for S3.
O. J-. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 444
Broadway, New lork, and 114 .Market
Street, St. Louis, Mo.
And sold bv all good Druggists and Fancy
Goods Dealers. March 29, lSGO.-ly.
Afflcmtoal Society
C '
All persons who have not paid the full
lonnt of their subscriotson to the caoi-
tal stock of the Society, will please call
at the office of the Secretary and do so
without farther delay, and receive their
Certificates of stock,
rhicb are now ready
for delivry.
September 6, I860. 2r.
Office of the Monroe Co. Ag.Socicty,
StrOUdsbur, Sept. 5, 1860
x . . , , . . , -j
Notice is hereby giveo that the lie-
frehmeni ttands on tho grounds of the
Society, at this place, will be disposed of
at public sale on Monday morning, bep-
temyer 24th, at 10 o'clock A. M.
There are six enclosed Btands on the
ground, and io addition to these, there
will be sold four privileges for persons to
put up their own stands or tents.
The Fair will commence on the morn-
(tig -of Tuesday, October 2d and continue
" . . . J . . I
Until the evening of the 5th.
33y order of the Board of Directors.
Sept. 6, I860. 4t.
I hereby caution alt persons against
iiuntinff. fishing, or going through ffrass,
grain, or driving through my premfses,
nr olhorwisfi tresDastiin. as I am doter-
feined to prosecute trespassers to the full
" r r..
o.nn f tl.a otr m
mw 1 ifeis
Stroadburg, May 10 I860;
Borougli Ordinance.
Be it ordained and enaotod by the Bur-
peS8 aod Town Council of the Borough of
MjHuuuoiuig, uuu it is oereny ordained
aDQ enacted nj authority of the same
Sccion lstThat from and after the
first Hnn rt ( 1 - I .
' " nexi, Pu or
persons shall be permitted to erect, keen
or maintain any booth, stall, tent, stand
or carriage or any other place, for the
purpose or ue of selling, giving or other-
wise disposing of any kind of articles of
isposmg ot any inna ot articles of
traffio or merchandize, and particularly
i .i nut.
oucu mi uiuuuuLj ouiu iUe
keepers of Restaurants : such as bread,
eakes, mead, porter, ale, cider, or confec-
tionery of any kind, within the lines of
any of the streets, lanes or alleys of said
' J
Section 2d
11 nil v in rsn ii nr nnrenno
rf s s
the purpoao of vending or otherwise die-
posing ot any ot the articles above onu
crated, it shall be the duty of the con- j ,
stifle of said Boough, whenever a viola-
tion of this ordinance occurs, under the
romove the same outside of the limits of
said BoroHPh: and it shnll nl-m ho thn
duty of said Constable, whenever a war-
ranl for lhat purpose sball be jssaed b?
j (f f , peaceof Borough,
B ,
T., f rj ! .1 t.
. . . J ,1 i , ,. , , ,
t0 IeVJ collect by a public Sale of the
arucies 80 removca any sum in tue a;s-
cret,on of tno Ulnet burgess not exceed-
ing Ove dollars, after havine aiven twelve
i."' . . . -w i
bourn notice of said sale, bv not less than
u or baiu r0T0u' or.,1 aeaaotmg sucn
- n .ii il
-u,wuul ,i3 ma3 UL uuc-muu ruaouiui: uy
i.iia .ii
rno "urgoss, as a compensation lor tne
scrvlces f 'said Conbtable, in discharging
the duties imposed by this ordinance
Approved this yyth day of August, A
-csv nmM a ttt a nopn
f2 v' 4 "iJLt Uiiau.iiiu,
Town Council.
AtfcsL Jackson Lantz. Sec'v.
September 6, 1 "'50.
Apothecaries, Druggists, Gro
cers and Private jf amines.
Wolfe s Pure Cognac Brandy.
Wolfe's Pure Maderia. Sherry Port Wine.
Wolfe's Pure Jamacia and Si Croix Rum.
Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky.
I bca leave to call the attention of the
citizens of lhe United Slates lo tho above
A i-es and Liocons imported by
W oi.fe. ol New York, whose name is fa
miliar in everv part of this countrv for the
punt'v of his celebrated Schiedam Schnapps
Mr. Wolfe, in his letter to me. sneaking of
ip purity of his Wines and Liquors, says
1 win stake mv teputation as a man, mv
standing as a merchant of thirty years' resi
deuce in the ri:v of New York, that all the
Brandy and Wines which I bottle are nure
as imported, and of lhe. beM quality, and can
be lelied upon by every purrhaser. Every
botile has the proprietor's name on the wax.
and a fac simile of his signature on the cer
lifieate. The public are respectfully invited
to rail and examine for themselves. For
sale at retail bv all Apothecaries and Gro
cers in Philadelphia.
CEO. il. ASH 1 UiN,
No. 832 Market st. Philadelphia.
Sole Agent for Philadelphia.
Read the following from the New York
Ofin i-irar '
K? Enormous Business for one Next) 1 or:
mercnam. u are iiapjiy 10 iuiumm uui it-t-low-citizens
that there is one place in our
city w'here the physician, apothecary, and
country merchant, can go and purchase pure
chant's i
Wines and Liquors, as pure as imported, ana
best qualilv. We do not intena 10
elaborate descriplion oi tins mer
extensive business, although it will
well repay any straner or citizen to visit
Udolnho Wolfe's extensive ware house, Nos
18,20 and 22, leaver street, and Nos. 17, 19,
21, Marketfield street, .""h"
,, 'b eenl e8Slh anlhi rlv thousand cases;
nradv.Some ten thousand cases Vinta
eesof'i83Gto lS5G;and tenthousand cases of
Maderia, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch and
Irish Whisky, Jamacia and St. Croix Rum.
.some very old and equal to any in thfs coun-
Custom-Huse key. ready for bottling. Mr.
Wolfe's sales of Schnapps last year amount-
ed t0 ane ,undred and eighty thousand doz-
eniar,d We hope in less than two years he
inay be equally successful with his Brandies
and Wines
His business merits the patronage of eve
rv lover of his species. Private families
who wish pure Wines and liquors for med
ical use should send their orders direct to
Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the
land make up their minds to discard the poi
sonous stuff from their shelves, and replace
it vyith Wolfe's puie Wines and-Liquors,
... I 1 til, WTnfa InrlhavKnr
We understand Mr. vvoiie, lor ineaccom-
f small dealers in the country
,..,., nn aborted cases of Wines and Liquors
&nsl o man. and such a merchant, should be
sustained against his tens of thousands of
opponents in me uimu v, -.,r-
nothinff but imitations, ruinous alike to hu-
man health and happiness.
September 6. JbGO. om.
Anrl T Y Y T AlP
rt. a.. 7
Can bo had at all hours, atr to. o. u
shall or do violate this ordinance by erect- .e erimn ais nets oeiow noto made opposite thereto, by writing the
ing, fixing or having any booth, stall, tent, TZZ? ?7 an?P,aJe8 arJ word tax if L shall be admitted o I vote by
.land or carriojn, or any other place, for ?fl!?led by lhe free"ien f Ul6 Ca"ly reason of having paid tax, or the word W
lion of the Ch ef Burgess to seizn r representative in congress, to represent njSed
booth, stall, tent, stand or can-in tl,e dtr.ct composed ol.the cpumios ol Car- his r
ethon wit!, K..fth nrfilnfi nf frffi. .Za T0"' lMontoe' 3rthampton, rike & Wayne. obj
Vvi- rS?k
fHora'fl Sslpoa.
Geiieral Election
Wlin-nni, L... n 4 t . 1 " . 1
i ucioas, uv an aui ui uie tjenerai Assnm
hly of the Commonwealth of Pennsvlmnia.
entitled an aci regulating the General Elec-
u"ns w,lhin lhe said Commonw.-alth," pass
?, ? . ?u-lly il is rnade
J?? F i 7
,n avp nnMin . of . i'is'""
h..l.U .n mmnb L-nn
' .......v. ......... ... ouui uu-
uce wnai officers are 10 oe eiecied There
ller, of the county of Monroe, do make
Knowt V im.sP rociamatioii 10 the electors ol
-ui ' 7l"roe.lul a general jiec-
I tion Will he nplrf in sniil rnnnff. nn
i - .' w"
TNGSidav. tlse ttS Op.SnIiri
i ' - -
One Person
For Governorof the Comraonwealthof Penn-
One Person
One Person
For SlalP Snntr. tn rPnrP.Sflnt ihfi difitrir-l
composed of the counties of Monroe, C
hon, Pike and Wayne, in the Senate of i
Co'nvvealth of Pennsylvania.
One Person
lor member ol the House ol itepresenaiives,
to represent the counties ot Monroe As fine,
,n lne House of Representatives ol the bom
1.1. ru -..i..
,11"""c""1 Ul Bmiayiv-iii-.
une rerson
iciric.t Attnrnev of the
llll I
To fi lh(J office of ProthonnUrv and Clerk
0r the Courts of the Uountv of Monroe.
a p
IlC XClJsUll
To fill the office of Reijister and Recorder
of lheCou nty of Monrce.
One Person
To fill the office of Sheriff of the County of
One Person
To fill the office of Coroner of ihe. county of
One Person
For County Commissioner of the County of
One Person
For Auditor of the County of Monroe
Places of Voting.
The freemen of the township of Chesnul
hill are to hold their election at the house
Felix Storm, in said township.
lhe freemen of the township of uool
baugh will hold their election at the house
ot Melissa Vliet, folate Jotin vnei, uecaj 111 1
said township.
The freemen of the township of Hamilton,
will hold iheir election at the house of Jos.
Keller, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Middle
Smithiield, will hold their election at the
house of James Place, in said township-
The freemen of the township of Pocono,
will hold iffeir election at the house of Ma
nassah sillier, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Paradise,
will hold their election at the house of John
S. Vandoren, in said township.
The freemen of the townsnip of Polk, will
hold their election at the house of Joel Ber-
un. in saio lowiwmp. ...
Ti. r r i. r ij..
i ue ireemen ui uie lowuaiuu oi i nuc, m
uoia ineir eiecimn ai me iiuusc u.
ong, in said township. I
he freemen of the township ol JMdred,
ill hold their election at the house of Jos.
The freemen of the township of Ross, w
hold their election at the house of Jacob H.
Storker, in said township. ,
The freemen of the township of Smithfield
will hyld their election at the house of J.
Depwe Labar, in said township.
The freemen of Stroudsburg, will hold
heir election at the Court House, in said
The freemen of the township of Stroud,
will hold their election at lhe house of Sandi
& JCachline, in the borough of Siroudsburg.
Washington Winters, in said township.
The freemen of the township of Jackson
wlil hold their election at the house of John
Osterhoudt, m said township.
The freemen of the township of Tunk-
bannock, will, hold their election at the
house of Sam'l Mildenberger, in said town-
The freemen of the township of Barrel,
will hold their election at the house of Alex
ander Deibler, in said township.
Notice is Hereby Criven,
That every person, excepting Justices of
the Peace, who shall hold an office or ap-
pointmentol proht or trusi unuer me unnea
States or of this State or any city or corpor-
ated district, whether a commissioned officer
or otherwise, a subordinate ofiicer, or agents
who is or shah be employed under the leg
gislative, executive or judiciary department
..r.hi- tiP .,r United Slates, or of anv
incorporated district; and also, lhat every
member of Concressj and of the state legis
lature and of the select or common counci
of any city, or commissioner of any incor-
penned ,s oy mw -P
in" or exercising at the same tune, lhe ollice
ofappointment of judge, inspector, or clerk
of any election of this commonwealth, & thai
no inspector, judge or oilier officer of such
election shall be eligible to be then voied for.
- i . . e a i i .:.i..J
And the saio aci oi asaemoiy,
"an aci reiauug iu ciuLiiuiia ui im uuiiimu.;
9V h. r.npr.iive places appointed for hold-
Hng the election in the district to which they
rospectively belong, before nine o'clock in
the morning of the second Tuesday of Oc
tober, and each of said inspectors shall ap
point one clerk, who shall be a qualified vo
"It shall be the duty of said assessors re
spectively to attend at the place of holding
every genera, special, or township election
during the whole lime said electiong is kept
open, for the purpose of giving information
to the inspectors and judges, when called on
iu relation to the right of any person assess
ed by them to vote at such election, and
such other matters in reletion to the assess
ments of votes as tho said inspectors or judg
es, or either of them, shall from time to time
Agreeably to the provisions of the sixty
first section of said act every General and
Special election shall be opened between the
hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and
shall continue without interruption or ad-
I l i i ....... j: . - . . , ...v. "....".-v.nv.ui iiai (jv mc iiisuotiuis uuu a
--- v.. K.uuiu. UUU I . . I
journment until seven in the evening, 'when
me puns siiau oe closed. -
'No person shall be admitted to vote
whose name is not contained in the list a
taxable inhabitants furnished bv the Commit
sioners, unless first he produced a rpppin
ioi jdjruitsni wnnin ivvo years, of a State or
county tax assessed agreeably to the Consti
tulion, and give satisfactory evidence either
on his own oath or the affirmation of another
that he has paid such tax, or on failure to
produre a receipt, shall make oath to the
payment thereof; or, second if
r'8llt to vole b-y bein an elect
en8es of 2, ar,d 22ertr he s
he claims a
ctor between
. A
;" "?r. " J.. " . " . " u . P. .
. ,1 1? "A V.Via .l"
me uia,ai iensione year nexi ue ore nis
application and make such proof of residence
in the district as is required bv thh aci and
that he does verilv beiiere, from the accounts
given him, that he is of the age aforesaid,
and give such other evidence as is required
tliie ...I .u ..r.i
"j tviicicuuiui me iiiiuit: ui me per
Irwi- o A m It 1 - I II ! ' . t
ou" av um,m " v"ie snuu ne inserieu in
if he shall be admitted to vote by reason of
such age; shall be called out to the clerks.
who shall make the like notes in the list of
voters kept by them.
"In all cases where the name of the per
son claiming to vote is found on the list fur
by Commissioners and Assessors, or
iglit to vote whether thereon or not is
ected to by' any qualified citizen it shall
be the duty of the iiisoector to examine
" ' uaw. l,w lw
,1:,,.:-, rrir ., ., i. .
ana II lie C aims In harp rpelriPfl within the
li.ioiliv.1. .ui uuu JCrtl UI I1IIJIC HIS Ucllll SllUli
I t, n,,ffin:nni . I e u... i. 1 1 i.
uo ouiiiuicin plum uicicui, uui auau ui;iKe
proof at least by one competent witness who
shall be a qualified elector that he has resi
ded within the district for more than ten
days next preceding such election and shall
also himself swear, that his bonafide resi
dence in pursuance of his lawful calling is
within the district, and that he did not re
move in said district for the purpose of vo-
ll"g thprem
"Eterv person qualified aforesaid, and
who shall make due proof, if required of his
rncirliinpo finH niifmnrtt nf tirnr r
v,vjiuv,iii w wu. 111.11 ui tu ago as aiuiuaiu,
shall be admitted to vote in the township,
ward or district m which he sha res de
ii any person noi quaiuied lo vote in tins
Commonwealth, aoreeablv to law. fexceot
111 I' . f m.
the sons of qualified citizens) shall appear
at any place of election for lhe purpose of is-
suing tickets or influencing lhe citizensqual-
lfied to vote, he shall on conviction forfeit
and pay any sum not exceeding one-hundred
dollars, for every such oflience, and be im
prisoned for any term not exceeding three
Pursuant to the provision contained in the
Rth section of the act aforesaid, the Judges
of the aforesaid district shall lake charge ol
the certificate or return of the election of
their respective districts and produce tham at
a meeting of lhe Judges from each district at
the Court House in the Borough of Strouds
hurg, on the third day after the day of elec
tion, being for the present year on FRJDA Y.
the 12th of OCTOBER next, then and there
to do, and perform the duties required by
i r . j i ...i . j
lawtii sum juiiges. -iisi), inai wnere ajuuge
by ..sickness or unavoidable circumstances,
2 nnn lilo In nttond cnirl monlinrr r f T n rl n oc?
lhen Uje CRrlificate or relurn as aforesai(i
shall be tr
takeu charge of by one of the In
spectors or clerks of the election of said dis
trict, who shall do and perform the duties re
quired of said judge unable to attend
rYIso, that in the olst section of the said
act it is enacted that "when two or more
counties shall compose a district for the
choice of member or members of the Senate
of thjs Commonwealth, or of the House ol
Representatives of the United Slates. or ol
this commonwealth, the judges of the elec
lion in each county, having met as aforesaid.
the clerks shall make outa fair statement of
all the votes which shall have been given ai
such election within the county, for every
hprs. whir r, cbnll hr, s.trnPrl hv itidrre
w j j o
, ... ,, ,.. . r ; .
, a . ,, . .... , f o-A ;r;,Q
11(,ha nr(Ur(, ,1,0 nmP nt a mnHlina ol
couu .
J . ' . n;,,r u
law for such purpose, which meeting-shall
oe neio on ine seventu uay niter me eieu
tion, beirig for the present on Tuesday the
Ifith day of October at the Couit House in
Stroudsburg, Monroe county, for lhe "Repre
sentatives return judges, then and there to
perform the duties required by law of the
aforesaid Assembly district.
God Save the Commonwealth.)
Sheriffs Office Siroudsburg. )
bepiernber G, ISfiU. 5
To Persons ont of Employment.
RIE SEWINQ MACniNE.-We will give
w t from s.5 to
' . h ., ,, .
S60 per month, and expenses paid. 1 hit,
is a new Machine, and so simple in its
construction tht a ohild of 10 years can
loarn to operate it by half an hour's in-
struction. It is equal to any Jbamily sew
ing Machino in use, and tho prico is but
Fifteen Dollars.
Persona wishing an Agency will ad-
dres J. N. BOYLAN,
Secretary Erie Sewing Machine Com
pBDyt Milan, Ohio.
30 18fi0 5t
fe' ' '
xM:.4.,.rt4.rt. ATrtfiro
VUutt UlSIlCli Ui 5 iUUCC.
f4... m WiBIiiiii
IatC Ol I etCi IS. IiaUHS.
Notice is hereby given, that Letters of
Administration on the ltate of Peter H
Williams, late of Hamilton township, de
ocased bave been granted to the under
Bigncd by thc Register of Monroe county,
.fa J ,,b, e n
in due form of law; therefore, all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those hav-
D aDy iust claims are also requested to
O J J . . . . -
nresent them lecally authenticated lor set-
tleinont to
' DAVID KELLER, Adra'or,
June 21, 18G0.- Gt
71Ti m-m,
The Ukv. William Cosgrove, while la
boring as-a missionary in Japan, was cured
of Consumption, when all other means had
failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned
nhvsician residing in the great city of Jeddo.
This recipe has cured great numbers who
were suffering from Consumption, Bronchitis,
Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the de
bility and nervous depression Caused by these
Desirous of benefitting others, I will send
this recipe, which 1 have brought home with
me, to all who need it, tree ot cimrgo.
Address Rev. WM. COSGROVE,
439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
June 14, I860. 3m.
;I5pr s?ila at thjs Office
. rr" - -- "
I iho o lnllnJiotiVl II I... .l.
Northampton County
On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs
day and Friday, the 2d, 3d, iih
and 5th of Oolober, I 00.
This Exhibition is expected to surpass
auy previous ono, as a large amount o
live stock and other articles have already
been entered.
An estra Premium of $50 is offeree
for the best Trotting Dor?e, provided,
however, not less than four hor-es arc ea
tered, who will have to pay each an en
trance tee oi S1U.
Likowiso an extra preaiium of 840 for
tho best paoer; provided however that
no leSa than three horses are entered, who
will each have to pay an entrance free of
0. Open to all.
A general invitation is extended to the
For particulars see large bill.
JOSEPH B. JONES, President.
Gmt. Pt. HOEBEIl, Secretary.
W.. 51. Wolf, Leader..,'
Can be engaged for Pic-ics, Parades,
and 'Public Meetings, by applying to
WM. Ho L Til N S II E A D , '
"Stroudsburg, Pa.
Are yon Eick, foeblo, and
complaining? Are you out of
order, with your system du
raiiRcd, and your feelings un
coiufortuble? 'Xheso symp
toms are often the prelude to
serious illness. Somo fit of
8iekms is creeping upon you,
ami should be averted by a
timely use of tho right rem
edy. Take 'Ayer s 1'ills, aud
cleanse out the disordered hu
mors purify tho blood, and
let tho llitids movo ou unob
structed in health a??Uu.
They stimulate the functions
Kl8$3J2& of bod hito vigorous ac
vEvS:: z2h tivity. purify tho Rystem from
tho obstructions wmcu maKe
diense. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and ob
struct its natural functions. Theso, lF not relieved,
renctupon themselves and the surrounding organs, pro
ducing geueral aggravation, suffering, and diaeaso.
While in thitf condition, oppressed by tho derangement,
take Ayer's WUs. and see how directly they restore the
natural action of tho system, and with it the buoyant
feeling of health .-(gain. What is true and so apparent in
this trivial and common complaint, is also true in many
of the deep-seated and dangerous distempers. The same
purgative cfTect e.iels them. Caused by eimilar obstruc
tions and derangements or the natural functions of the
body, they are rapidly, nnd many of them surely, cured
by the same mean?. None who know tlie virtues of these
I'ilKMTill neglect to employ them when suffering from,
the disorders they cure.
Statements from leading physicians in somo of the
principal cities, and from other well known public per
sons. Fi-oni a Forwarding MercJianl S. Louis, Feb. i, 1856.
rp Arsr.: Your Vills nro tho paragon of all that is
great in medicine Thoy have cui'od my little daughter
of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that hail proved
incurable for year. Her mother has been long griev
ously aniii tcd with blotches and pimples on her skin and
in her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried
your 1'ills, and they have cured her.
As n. Family IUiysic.
From Dr. K. II" Oirtwrigltl, iw Orleans.
Your Pills nro the prince of purges. Their excellent
qualities mirpass any cathartic wo possess. They ere
mild, but very certain and efT.-rtual in their action on the
Iwwels. which make! them invaluable to U3 in the d.tily
treatment of diseasa.
IIeailacIic,SlcIcircncJaclic,5'otil Stomacli.
From DrLltcard Jtyd, Bcddmore.
DsAttllno. Arm: Icannot answer you what complaints
f have cured with your t'ilts better than to hay all that tee
irr treat Kith a nmmtics medicine. I placo great depen
dence on nn effectual cathartic in my daily contest with
disease, and believing iw T do that your fills afford us the
best we have, I of course value tnem iiigmy.
rrrrsBCRO, Pn.. Mav 1. 1S55.
Tu. .T. C. Ayeh. Sir; T have been repeatedly cured of
the worst htadache any body can have by a dese or two
f your IMHs. It seems to ariao from a foul stomach,
which they cleanso at onrc.
Youra with great respect, ED. "T. PltKIlLE,
Gerlc of SUamcr Clarion.
Bilious Disorders I.iver Complaints.
F,-om Dr. 'tfimhre lkV, ifXf.w York Ctjf.
"Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pnr
nose n? an-aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon
tho Liver verv marked indeed. They have in my prac-
' tico ptoved more effectual for tho cure of bilious com-
platnu tliau any one remedy 1 can mention, j ajncerejjr
rejoice that we have at length a purgative which is wor
thy tlie confidence of the profession and the people.
Washington, D. C, 7th Feb., 185B. JT
Sir.: I havo used your fills in my general and hospital
practice ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to
say they are tho best cathartic we employ. Their regu
lating action on tho liver is quick and decided, conse
quently they are an admirable remedy for derangements J
ot that organ, indeed, 1 nave seiuom ioudu a case oi
bilious direuse bo obstinate thut it did not readily yield to
them. liaternally jours, ALONZO HALL, I. !.,
J't'iysiciun of thc Marine Hospital.
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Itelnx, Worms.
Frviri Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago.
Your Pills have had si long (rial in my practice, nnd I
hold them in esteem as ono of tho best aperients I have
ever found. Their alterative effect upon tho liver makes
them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for
bilious dysentery and diarrhoea. Their sugar-coating
makes them very acceptable and couvouient for the use
of women and children.
Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood.
From Men. J. V. Himes, Pastor ofAdvtnt Churc'i, Hasten.
Dr.. Areit: I have used your Pills with extraordinary
success in my family nnd nmong those 1 am called to visit
in di.-tress. To regulate tho organs of digestion and
purifvtho blood, they are the very best -remedy I have
ever known, and 1 cm confidently recommend them to
my friends. Youis, J. Y. HIMES.
Warsaw, Wyoming Co., X. Y., Oct. ii, 1S55.
I)En Sin : I nm using your Cathartic fills in :uy prac
tice, nnd find them an excellent purgative to cleanso tho
system and purtlVUie fountains of the blood.
Constlpntiou.Costtvcncss, Suppression,
ItlieumiUtsiii, Gout, Neuralgia, Drop
sy, Purulj'Hls, Pits, etc.
J'Yimi Dr. J.J'. Vaughn, Montreal, Cmatta.
Too much cannot be caid of your Pills for tho cure of
atslirtntss. If others of our fraternity hftve found them
as efficacious ns 1 have; they shonld join mo in proclaim
ing it for tho benefit of the multitudes who sutrer from
that complaint, whichr although bad enough In itself, Is
the progenitor of others that are worse. I believe cos
tircurss (o originate in tho liter, but your Pills affect that
organ aud cure the disease;
From Mrs. . Xuarl, Physician and Midwife, Boston.
I find oo or two largo doses of your Pills, taken at tho
proper time, are txcelfent promotives of the iiuttiral secre
tion when wholly or pailialfy suppressed: and atso very
effeclnal to cleanse the stomach and erpel worms. They
arc so much tho lwt physic we have that I recommend
no other to my patients.
Front thi llev. Dr., of Hit IfiUiwtisl Epis. Church.
Pulaski Hodse. Savannah, On., .Ian. 6, 1856.
iro.vAnr.n Siai I should be ungrateful for the relief
your skill has brought ma if I did not report my ciue to
vou. A cold settled tn my limbsnnd brought on excru
ciating v'eurtihiic pains, which ended in chronic rheuma
tism. Notwithstanding I foul tho best of physician's, the
dkeaso grew wor?e and worse, until by the adrica of your
excellent airent in iinltiinoro, Dr.Slackenzio, I tried your
Pills. Their effects were slow, but sure. Uy persevering
in tho use of them, I am now entirely well.
Senate CnAunra, Haton Hongs, Tin., 5 Dec. 1S55.
Bit. Ayer : 1 havo ben entirely cured, by your Pills, of
Jlhenmatic Gout a. painful disease that bnd afflicted me
lEg-Most pf tho Pills in mnrket contain Mercury,
which, although a valuable remedy in Bkilful bands, is
dangerqus jn a public pill, from the dreadful conse
quences that frequently follow its incautious use. iheso
contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever.
3rio6-, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER So CO., Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Stroudsburg by Holltnaheacl &
Detrick, Jaroea N. Darling, and by all
Druggists and Dealers, every whore.
3 September UJ, 1860.-1 j. .. ,;;t
: -.ill ." ''"
1,4 -.j':iei
To the Voters of Monroe Cq;
Solicited by mttny frieridsi respectfully'
offer myself us a candidate for the office of
:Iisiric4 A H omey.
Should I bo elected, I pjede rhyself to dis
charge the duties ofuhe office with prompt
ness and fidelity, t-
WIlTLtAM K. havilaintd: ;
Stroudsburg, "Aug. 23, 1S60. ;
To the Voters of Monroe Coin
The undersiynnfl nfTprs himsnlf ns n rnn-
didate for the offirn nf
Cotnily Cogssnaassioncr,
of the County of Monroe, and would respect-
fully solicit the support of the frp.P nnrl indn-
pendent voters of said County. If elected; I
will attend to the duties of the office faithful-'
ly and with an eye to the interest of the tax
Polk township, Aug. 23, 1SG0. '
r r
To tlie Voters of Monroe Co.
The undersiVned offers himself as a Can."
didate for thc office of
Cocmly Cosiijjjisssojicr, .n
of the County of Monroe, nnd would respect
fully solicit the support of the free and inde-i
pendent voters of said County. If elected,1-!
will attend to the duties of the office faithful-4
ly and with an eye to the interest of the tax
Darret, Aug. 1G, i860.
Co the Voters of Monroe CoJ .
The undersigned offers himself m can-r'"
didate for the office of
County Commissioner,
of the County of Monroe, and would respect-
iiiny eoncii tue support ot tlie tree and jndc .
pendent voters of said County. If electedpi
will attend to the duties of the office faithful
y and with an eye to the interest of the tax:.i
payers. REUBEN R. CRESS. -A
Stroudshurg, Aug, 1G, laGO.
To the Voters of Monroe Gov
I respectfully offer mvself to your consid-.
eration, at the approaching elcction,for the
offices of
Protlionctary and CIcrK of the
Courts. . , r
Should I be elected I pledge myself toperr J
form the duties of the office personally and
to the best of my abilities. , .
Pocono township, Aug. 2, 1800. .i11
To the Voters of Monroe Qov.
I respectfully offer myself to your consid- - -
eration, at the approaching election for the1 - 4
offices of , -.
PrGtiioiiolary and Clerk ol the
Courts. ,, r
Should I be elected I pledge myself to per-
orm the duties ot the office personally and-
to the best of my abilities.
Stroudsburg, Aug. 2, 1860. Tif
. ,
To the Voters of Monroe Gbht
The undersigned offers himself as a can
didate for the office of
Register and Keciorder,
of the County of Monroe, and would respect-;.,
fully solicit the support of the free and indei t
pendent voters of said County. If elected,'
will attend to the duties of the office person-
ally and faithfuMy. JOHN S. FISHER.
?olk township, Aug. 2, 18ti0.
lo the Voters of Monroe Co.-
The undersigned offers himself as a can- t
id.-ite for the office' of
ffwogister anil Keeordcr,-
of the County of Monroe, and would resfect-
ully solicit the support of the free and inde
pendent voters of said County. If elected, X
will attend to the duties of the ofnee person
ally and faithfully. JOSEPH BARRY.
iamilton, Aug. 2, lcGO.
To the Voters of Monroe Co
I respectfully offer nu'self to your consid
eration, at the approaching election, for the'
office of
Should I be elected, I pledge to perform the
duties of the office impartially and to the besjj
of mv abilities.
Tunkhannock-tsp., August 16, I860.
To the Voters oi Monroe Co.
I respectfully offer myself to your consid-
eration at the approaching election for the
office of
s astasia A- a .4
Should T he elected I olcdire mvself to Der-"
, j e? tj m t K' ' .zz
form the duties of the office to the.besoylp!.
ability.' JAMES N. DURElN&i .
Stroudsburg, Aug. 2, I860.
Ia hereby aiven, that the foIlovriDg zo-
count has been filed iu tho office of tuff .
Court of Common Picas of Monroe conn
ty, and will be presented for confirma
tion, at the next Court of Coinmon Pleas
of aaid County, on Monday, the 24th day
of September, 1860. '
Third accduni of David Kemruorer,-
Trustec of Conrad Kemmeror, a lunatic
Filed July 2 1st, 160. ' -
JOHN EDINGER, Protb'y. -
August 10, 1860.
Qlbministor's 'Notice. 2
filsfiatc of Jonns Metzgar.
Notico ii hereby given, that Letters of
Administration on the Estate of Jonas .
MctZa'nr, late of Smithfield townahip, do- ;
ceaeed, havo been granted to the under
signed by the Register of Monroe Coun
ty, in due form of law; therefore, all per:
sons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those
having any just claims are abo requested .
to present them legally authenticated for
settlement, to
Smithfield, Aug. 2, 1800.
IVciy. Goods, Very Chcap4:
JOHN N. STOKES, having just
finished his selections, is now re
ceiving a choice and fashionable
iassortment of new and seasonable'
gouds, to which he invites tho attention1 pi
the public. . ;
Dry Goods, Groceries, CrocTiery, Hardware
&c, &.C, in variety, and of superior quality
will be found in hib store, at prices unusually
low. The public are'fnvited to call and see.
No charge for showing goods.
0f ! ,S 3tcV?