r gp-Somebodv says with truth that, i tho DoBglss Democrats have & bard road to travel, tho other sort have a hard Lane to run. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. PROTECTED LETTERS BY ROYAL PATENT. Prcparedfrom apresriplion of Sir J.Clarke, - nr - - - T I 7.".. a . T HI, sj. jsnysiuiuii xAii uvi uiuury iu uie Queen. THIS well known medicine is no imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for Fcnnlu Difficulties and Obstructions, from any caute whatever; and althougl; m powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution.- To man led ladies it is peculiarly suited It will. ma ort time, bring on the monthly period with regularity, In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pain in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, palpita tionofthe heart, hysterics and whites, these Pills will effect a cure when nil other means have failed; and al though a powerful remedy, do not contain iion, calo mel, antimony, or anything huitful to the constiturion Full directions in the pamphlet aioutid each package, Mhich should be catcfully preserved For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. N. B. $1 00 and C postage s.amps enclosed to any Authorized Agent, will insure a bottle, contains 50 pills Jjy return mail. For sale in Stroudsbnrg, by July 31. ieC0 Jy. J. N. DUIIL1NG, Agnt A CARD TO TSluiTERING. The Rev. William Cosgrove, while la boring as a missionary in Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in the great city of Jcddo. This recipe has cured great numbers who were suffering from Consumption, .Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the de bility and nervous depression caused by thebe disorders. Defirous of benefitting others, I will send this recipe, which 1 have brought home with me, to all who need it, free of charge. Address Rev. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. June 14, I860. 3m. TRIAL LIST. SEPTEMBER TERM, I860 Peter Snyder vs. Frinci Harlinger, Administrator of Erauots Harlinger, de ceased, Israel Marh, tnd George L. Slut tor. Charles Muscb to the use of Robert Huston vs Benjamin Bueb. Martin Cortright vs. Janes Place. Henry Kintz vs David Krcsgo. William Rolliar.? James Steen. Edward Storm to the use of Balser Feth crman, now to the uo of Jacob Hafstnitb vs. William F. Edmonds and Terrc Ten ants. John H. Brewer vs. Timothy Marsh, Administrator of John Mann, deo'd. Williamson, Taylor, & Co. vs. Jcsre 0. Cliff. Registers Notice. "jTOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested in the estates of the respec tlve decedents, that the following accounts have been filed in the Register's oficc of Monroe county, and will be presented for confirmation to the Orphans' Court of said county, at Stroudsburg, on Monday, the 24ih day of September, 16G0, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Tho Account of Alexander Fowler and William S. Wiotemuto, Executors of Wil Stai Fowler, late of the Borough of Stroudsburg, deceased. The Account of Edward Brown, Ad Biinistrator of Susan Brown, late of Stroud township, deceased. The Accouut of Janes R. Andre and Charles R. Andre, Administrators of Leonard Andre, late of Stroud township, deceased. First Account of Andrew Storm eni Robert W. Siviuk, Executor of Peter Frederick, late of Stroud township, de ceased. The Account of Andrew Storm, Ad tnintairator of William Elinton, late of Hamilton township, deceased. The Account of Alexander Fowler, Ad ministrator of Abraham Fowler,deceaed. WM. S. REES, Register. Register's Office, Mrouduburg, August 30, 1SG0. $ To Persons out of Employment. A GENTS WANTED TO SELL the JX ERIE SEWING MACHINE.-Wo will give a commission, or wages at from S-5 to 3G0 per month, and expense paid. This is t new Machine, and so eimple in its contraction tbst a child of 10 years can learn to operate it by half an hour's in strufttoo. It is equal to any Family Sew ing Machine in ose, and tho price is but Fifteen Dollars. Persons wishing an Agency will ad dres J. N. BOYLAN, Secretary Erie Sewing Machine Com pany, Milan, Ohio. Aug. 30, 1SG0. 5t. In the matter of the openingf "ftuaker Alley" in the Borough of Stroudsbnrg. Notice is hereby given that the Jury sppointed by the Court of Quarter Sea sions of the Peace of Monroe County, to award dtmages to, and assess contribu lions, (upon parties owning lands through which said Allay passes,) that the Jury will meet for the purpose Bforesaid, at thcJ house of Samuel Melick, 10 the Borough of Stroudsbnrg, on Saturday, the 15th of September, at two o'clock in the after noon, of said day, when they will proceed to riew the ground, award damages, and kc assessments for contribution?, an directed by the Act of Assembly (passed April 22, 1856.) at which time and plaoe, all penons interested are required to at tend if tbey think proper. By order of the Borough Council, Jackson Lantz Seoretary. Asgust 23, 1660. For A lot of M. Supers' and W. Labar'f Grain Cradles, Grass Scythes, Snathes, &e., by GEO. E MILLER. StroadVoargj jane, 28, 1880 1 - v NOTICE. To the Voters of Monroe Co. Solicited by many friends, I respectfully ouer myeen as a canuiuate tor tne orhce of Bislrict iidoruey. Should I be elected, I pledge myself to dis charge the ditties of the office with prompt ness anu nueiity WILLIAM. K. HAVILAND Stroudsburg, Aug. 23, 18G0. JLO tile Voters Of Monroe 0. The undersigned oilers himself as a can- didate for the office of County Coimsaissioner, of the County of Monroe, and would respect- fully solicit the support ot tne tree and mde- pendent voters of said County. If elected, I will attend to the duties ot ttieomce laithful- y nu wiui an uye ui PW"?- .. . UlN lVlO. 1) Ininnchln ,it JM 1 Cfl 1 . p ; To the Voters of Monroe Co. , , x nc iinuersignea oners nimseir as a can- it i(Ip fnr tlln ifhnr nF . vw ii ti i y voinmiMionor, f . I. n . r itl t i i "e Vny OJ fl,0,,rae ,u uou.urespeci- uny solicit tlie support ot the tree and mde- "in i,,i,x.,;..f,if".n;r;.uf'i nnnnnnl vn arc nf cm1 I'mirltir It n nntml T y and with an eye to the interest of the tax nyere. CHARLES PRICE. Barret, Aug. 16, 1SG0. To the Voters of Monroe Co. The undersigned offers himeelf as a can - didate for the office of County Commissioner, of the County of Monroe, and would respect- tully solicit the support ot the Iree and mde- pendent voters of said County. If elected. I will attend to the duties of the office faithful- y anu wun an eye 10 me interest ot tne tax pnyers. 1U1.UI1U it. Uitbbfa. L.I.,..-, 1 n. I lo the Voters of Monroe Co. I rcspectTuIly offer myself to vour consid eration, at the approachitig election, for the offices of Prollssmolary ant! CJeik o t!ic Should I be elected I pledge myself to per- lorm me uuiies 01 uie oince personalty ana to the best ol my abilities. THOMAS M. McILHANEY. ocono township, Aug. 2, 1SG0. To the Voters of Monroe Co. I respectfully offer myself to your consid eration, at the approaching election for the ffices of 'rotlsocioiii vj' and Cicrk J tlsc Ceisrts. Shnu?.! I hr nlfiptfil T nlml'TR iriVRplf to ner- orm the duties of the office personally and , , , to Hie best of my abilities. SAMUEL REES, Jr. Stroudsbnrg, Aug. 2, 1SG0. ro the Voters of Monroe Co. The undersigned offers himself as a cmi- idate for the office of Register a.isfS Koolor, of the County of Monroe, and would respect fully solicit the support of the free and inde pendent voters of said Cotintv. If elected, 1 will alteild t the duties of tho office person- it Iv -iiul full iifitMir i(Hl S MS! I Kit, 111V Jlia IdlUIIUCIV. Jy "O" riOilXjlV. Poll; township, Aug. 2, 18i30. . -it , ii it) (lie VOterS 01 ilJOIirOe i0. Tlie undersigned offers himself as a Can- ! , , r ,i n- c i (IlUalC lor tlie OltlCe Ot K."ik?- K?'ff3'I I fc&..'MIsECi itfi itU,OSC., of the County Of .Monroe, nild Would respect- fully solicit the Support of the free and nildtl- pendent voters of said CouiltV. If elected, I 1 ... , , , . e : 7 Will attend to the duties of the office person- all v and faithfully. JOSEPH BARRY. Hamilton, Aug. 2, I860. To t he Voters of Monroe Co I respectfully offer myself to vour consid eration, at the approaching election, for the office of Should T he elected, I pledge to perform the duties of tho t flice impartially and to tho best of my abilities. PETER MERWKSE, Ja. Tunkhnimocfc-tsp., August 16, 1660. FO the V'teiS Of AloiirOe Co V I respectfully offer niyself to your consid eration al the approaching election for the office of 21 EES EE? IF. . Should I he elected I pledge myself to per form the duties of the office to the hestof my ability. JAMES N. DURLING. Stroudsburg, Aug. 2, 1SGU. Notice. Is hereby given, that the following ac count has been filed in the office of tho Court of Common Pleas of Monroe coun ty, and will be presented for confirma- tion. at the next Court of Common Pleas of said County, on Monday, the 24th day- m m 1 of September, 1800. Third account of David llemmerer, Trustee of Conrad Kemtneror, a lunatic. Filed July 21st, I8fil). JOnN E DINGER, Proth'y. Aogut 16, ISfiO. 1TBW Express Arrangement. The Hope and Howard Express Com panys are now prepared to forward Mon cy, Valuables of any kind, Packages, &c, with their own Cars, and special Messen gers, with dispatch from Stroudsburgto a ny part of the world. JOHN N. STOKES, Agent, For the Hope and Howard Ex. Co's Stroudsburg, Feb. 4. 1858. tf. . DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore exi-ting be tween the underHtgned in the manufac ture of School Slate, was dtsfolved by mutual consent, on tho Grst day of July, 18(50. The book accounts, and Notes have been plaoed in Amos Labar'fl band? who is duly authorized to settle the same, and all persons having eiaiins win prenuu theai immediately for settlement. AMOS LA BAR & SON. Del.. Water Gup, July 23, 1800.-3t BLANK MORTGAGES For sale at this Office MONROE COUNTY Agricultoal Society At a meeting of the Board of Directors held at the Court House in the Borough of Stroudtiburg July 2, 1860, it was Resolved, That the resolution passed bv tho Board at t.hnir mnotinn hoA J 4th, providing that "all Stockholders who . - -""6 " - have five shares of- Stook shall be furn isbed with family tickets to admit them- selves and families at auy time during the continuance of the JJair, free of chargo. do anu tne same is hereby rescinded. Resolved, That a new class of members of this society be created, to bo called MEMBERS, who shall become bv the voarlv navmnntnf on Hnllnr and J J J v J ' that each of them be furnished with a sea- sout't which shall admit him or her to the lair at any time during its contiuu- ,,,. Pmm'jj ck !.!,. .un I ' . ' iruunicruuiu. I Resolved. Thnt nil I . ' . . ' r n slock 0r other articles for exhibition shall u ufi ab j 0i,n u I . . O l furnished with an annual ticket which h all admit the exhibitor to the Fair at any time during its continuance. Pro- voided t That but one fee t-hall be charged tho exhibitor for any number of articles (competing for the same premiums; Al- so provided, that no one animal or other article shall receive more than one pre mium. Provided further, that persons wfao do not desire to compete for premi- ""is mny ne permuiea 10 enier aruoies for exhibition free of oharge, m whioh case, howover, they will not be furnished with admission tickets. a. TIMKVES .TAOKRON. Rro'v . ' J " - J I " w ' Oysters, Clnms, Pickled Tripe, and Ice Cream, Always on hand at J. M. Robeson's Saloon. fMay 24.1860. f THE STROUBSBURG CORNET BAND, W. II. Wolf, ILcadcr. Can be engaged for Pic-Nics, Parades, and Public Meetings, by applying to Wji. Hollinsiiead, Strondsburg, Pa. 1? U m G-i HE&H "WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. The undersiene.1 havinc used Professor HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC HOM020PAT11IO UKMKMKS In our families nitli tliA mnct citlcfnrtnrv rimilL nnil 1in.vlni? full ennfi- dence in Uielr geuuineness, purity, and eflicacy, cheerfully recomraeiia uiera io u persous mm mu w nave saic, tc , ,, nnil m.n(.in, rpmliM at lmnd fnr nrlvate or do- mesticuse. xne uew win. noamer, etiuor 01 " tne xNorineru imie- . K A 1 -XT fc T IT ft t T penuem, AUDiirn, im. x.; me iiev. il. uressey, u.u., Hector of St. Peter's Church,Auburn,N.Y.; the Rev. B.I. Ives, Cliaplain or the Auburn HUte Prison; the nev. Spencer M. Rice, Rector, New-Bedford, Mass.; the Rev. Alien aieeie, wew-iorn vyoiiiereucc ; me jicy. camuci Xl.-lmW. F.t.nesee. Conference. N. Y. : the Rev. P. S. Pratt, Dorset, Vt. ; the Rev. John E. Roble, Buffalo; A. O. Hart, Esq., Utica, N. Y. ; Uie Hon. Neal Dow, Portland, Me. ; the ; Hon Schuyler Colfav, South-Bend, iMd. ; the Hon The Ohio SUIe journal, Columbus, Ohio; Uie Hon. R. II. Gh. Moline HI.; the Hon. Thomas J. Chase, Monti- cello. Fla.; the Hon. Joseph Benedict, Utica, N. Y. ; Vm. urist0l, Esq., Utica, N. Y. ; A. S. Pond, Esq., Utica, N. Y. J.imc3 PIunKett, Esq., iNasnvnie, xenn. LIST OF SPE0IFI0 REMEDIES. No. 1. For Fever, Congestion, and Inflammation. No. 2. For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Wetting the Bed. No. 3. For Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness of Infanta. No. 4. For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Summer Complaints. , No. 0. r or uoiic, uripings, Jjysentery, or moony iux. No. C. For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Voiiting. No. 7. For Coughs, Cohls, Influenza, and Sore Throat No. 8. For Tooth-ache, F.ice-ache, and Neuralpia. No. 9. For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness of the Heau. No. 10. DrsrerstA Pius For Weak aud Deranged Stomach, Constipation, and Liver Complaint. No. 11. For Female Irxieq clarities, Scanty, Painful, or Suppressed Periods. No. 12 For Leucorrhca, Profuse. Mensesfc and Bearing Dawn of Females.- 0 Vn 13 VriT- Prnnn Trmrsn ("Vmli. Tlml UrivllMntT. No! li Salt Riikcm Pills For Erysipelas, Eruptions, No. 15. Rhkcmatic Pills. For Pain, Lameness, orSore neas in the Chest, Back, Loins, or Limbs. A. For Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Old Mitm&naged Agues. l.For piles, Blind or Bleeding, Internal or External. O. For S;re, Weak, or Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids; Fall ing, Weak, or Blurred Sight. C. For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, either with obstruction or profuse discharge. W. C For "Whooping Cough, abating its violence and ehorteuing its course. In all acute diseases, "such as Fevers, Inflammations, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such erup tive diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, aud Erysipelas, the advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly is ob vious, and in all such cases Uie specifics act like a charm. The entire disease is often arrested at once, and in all cases the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease short ened, and rendered less dangerous. Coughs and Colds, which are of such frequent occurrence, and which so often lay the foundation of diseased lungs, bronchitis and consumption, may all be at once cured by the Fever and Cough Fills. In Constipation Bait Rheum, and other oW eruptions, the case has specifics whose proper application will afford a cure in almost every Instance. Often tlie cure of a single chronic difficulty, such as Dvspepsia, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weak ness," has more than paid for the case ten times over. PRICE. Case of 20 vials complete, in morocco, and Book J5 Case of 20 vials, and Book, plain Case of 15 numbered boxes, and Book Case of 6 boxes, numbered, and Book. Ai"". Bingle numbered boxes, with directions 25 cents. Single lettered boxes, with directions ce"- Large case of 2 oz. vials, for planters and physicians....? 10 Trr Atni 1 a rl 1 1 ALSO -SPECIFICS. For Astoma on Pimnsic. Oppressed, Difficult, Labored BreaUilug, attended iriUi Cough and Expectoration. Price, 60 cents per box. Foh Kar Discharges ahd Deafness. -Discharges from the F.ar, the result of Scarlet Fever, Mensles, or Mercurials. For Noises In the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Itlnging In the Ears, and Ear-ache. Price, 50 cents per box. For Scrofola. Enlarged (Hands, Enlarged and Indurat ed Tonsils, Bwellings and Old Ulners, Scrofulous Cachexy of Children. Price, 60 cents per box. For Gkxbrai. Dkbiutv, -Physical or Nervous Weakness. Either the result of Sickness, Excessive Medication, or Ex imusUne Discharges. Price, 50 cents"per box. For Drev Fluid Accumulatlons.Tumld Swellings, with Scanty Secretions. Price, 50 cents per box. ,,. Fob SEA-SiCKSE3S.-Deatl.ly Siekness, Vertigo, Nausea Vomiting. Sickness from riding or motion. Price, 50 cent PF6r00wakt DiSEASES.-For Gravel, Re natCalcull Diffi cult, Painful Urination, Diseases of the Kidneys. Price, 6ff CeF0RPSiiN3ii. EMissioss.-Involuntary Discharged and Consequent Prostration and Debility, Dad ltesults of Evil Habits. The most successful and efficient remedy known, and may be relied upon as a cure. Price, with full dlrec- ti0personsPwhowish to place themselves under the proFes eional care, or to seek advice of Prof Humphreys can do go, at his office 562 Broadway, dally from S A.MI to 8 P.M. or by letter. . OUR, REMEDIES BY MAIL. Look over the list; make up ft case of what kind you choose Snclose the amount in a current note flr stamps and the medicine will be dulyj-eturned by mail oi express, ''AOENTSNTED. We desire an ncUve, efficient Agent for the sale Of our Remedies ton0- to the United States. jiSi Sold in Strouduburg, by Hollfnahead & Detricb. . Mareb 29 1850. e.o. w. ly. ' I rfJ ' .firs loTim, o m o all chronic diseases, sucli as Uyspepsia, weanaiorongn, , Liver Complaints, Piles, Female Debility, and ni.l nvadaehea. Sore or Weak fcyes. Lutarrn, &ourt iprorlntnatiofi. Whereas, the Hon. Georor T? "R President Judge of'the22d Ju.xial Districtof t-ennsyivama, composed of the c unties ol Wayne, Pike, Monroe and Carbon, and Abra ham Levering and M ichael H. Dreher, Esqr'a ocuiuitj juuges oi uie uourt or Common Pleas of the County of Monroe, and hv uir. tue of their offices, Justices of the Court of uyer and Terminer and General Jail delive ry and Court of General Quarter Spurns in and for the said County of Monroe, have is. sued their precept to me commanding that a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and common Pleas, and Court of Over and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery and Or. piiuu a oun, ior me saiu county ot JWonroe, to be holden at Stroudsbunr. on the 24th dav of September next, to continue one week if necessary. NOTICE Is hereby given to the Cononer, the Justices of the Peace, and Constubles of the said coun ty ot Monroe, that they be then and there ready with their rolls, records, inquisitions. examinations and other remembrances to do those things which their offices are appertai ning, and also that those who are bound by recognizances to prosecute and give evidence against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jah tt the said county of Monroe, or a- gainst persons who stand charged with the commission of offences to he then and there to prosecute or testify as shall be just. Qb-od save the Commonwealth.) MELCIIOIR BOSSARD. Sheriff. Sheriffs Office Stroudsburg, ) August 16, 1860. J NOTICE. The members of the Monroe County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, are hereby notified that the annual election of Managers, for said Company, will take place at the Court House, iu the Borough of Stroudsburg, on the first Monday of beptember next, being the third, at two o'clock in tho afternoon of said day, at which time thirteen Managers will be cho sen to serve for the ensuing year and un- il their successors are duly qualified, pursuant to eeotion 4, of the Act of As sembly, incorporating said Company. y order of tbe Board. Wm. K.HAVILAND, Seot. Office of the Ins. Co. Aug. 2, 1860. AGENTS WANTED! 100,000 will be sold. NOW READY, THE NATIONAL- POLITICAL CHART, AND MAP OF THE UNITED STATES, Containing Accurate Portraits, from life, of tbe Can didates of Each Party for President and Vice-President, with their letters of ac ceptance, Platforms of their respective Parties, with a vast' amount of Statistical matter. Results of tbe Presidential Elec tions of the United StatcH from 1796 to 1856; names of the Speakers of the House of Representatives from 1780 to 1600. The Map is benutifully colorod, and printed on heavy calendered paper, size 3 by 40, showing the exact boundaries of all the States and Territories, extend ing through to the Pacific. Politicians of all parties, and others, wishing to have before them material for beiDg fully posted at a siule glance, should possess a copy of this Map. Retail Prico, only 25 Ceuts. Sent pot paid, on receipt of the price. A rare obancc is offered agents. For Terms, Address DUANE RULIS0N, Quaker City Publishing House, No. 33 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. July 19 1860. NEW CONFECTIONERY, BAKERY AND Oyster and !ce Cream Saloons, J. M. ROBESON ronpectfully informs his friends and the public, that be has opened a new wholesale and retail Confectionery, Bakery, Oyster, and Ice Cream Saloon, in tbq building, on Main St., in Strouds burg, formerly occupied by Drake & Fel ker, which has been fitted up in tho most elegant and complete manner for the bu siness. He has secured the services of Samuel Hoffman, an experienced Confca tioner and Cake Baker, who will super intend the manufacturing department. and is confident that he will bo able to give general satisfaction. His rooms arc completely furnished, where fresh Oyntors, and Ice Crcama of tho purest quality and finest flavors will be served at all hours of the day and eve ning. Cakes and Ice Cb'CAEBBS fur nished to order, for parties, private fam ilies, etc. at tho shortest notice, and at the lowest rates. April 19, I960.ly. POND'S EXTRACT OF HAMAMELIS, Or Bofctroyi'i. Is one of the few domestic remedies which have come into general use and favor, without pulling. It is the nrodtiet of a snnnle shrub, harmless in all rases, and as a uoincfruc reineuy uiicquniieu rui "uins, i-uu . . - II I T. 1).. fi.i.c. llnnses soreness. Lameness, sprains, iiiieuuiiiuMii lloils, Ulcers, Old Sores and Wounds, it has not an mial. It is also used vMth irrcat success, tor loom- ache, Headache, Neuialgia. Sore Throat, Collie, Diar rhoea. Hoarseness, and ot er similar irouoiesome anu painful aflecf.ons. whiio it promptly ancsts all Hemor rhages. Hundreds of physicians use it daily in their unqualified recommendation. Sold by our agents and dealers, and by I-. IIUMrilllEYS ai uo., aw iiroaawuy, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers. March 20, IfcCO. ly. mlnistmtov's Notice. Estate or Peter Iff. Wiliancus. Notice is hereby given, that Letter of Adroiu'iHtration on the J'tatc of Teterli Williams, late of Hamilton township, de ceased, have been granted to the under signed by the Register of Monroe county, in due form of law: therefore, all persons indebted to said cutate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav- ingauy just claims arc also requested to present tlietn legally aumenucateu ior soi tlement, to DAY ID KELLER, Adm'or, ' Strouddbunr dune -si yrcuv; uw j , THE Having proofs so strong- and direct as to EXPEL THE DOUBTS OF ALL, For Statesmen, Judges, Editors, Physicians of the oldst schools as well as new, give it their unqualified sanction, and recommend it for all cases of eruptions, and diseases of the scalp and brain; but all whu have used it, unite, in testifying that it will preserve the nair trom being gray, and from falling toany age, as well as restore. Read the following: Oak Grove, S. C. June 24th, 1859. To Prof. O. J. Wood : Dear Sir: Your Hair Restorative is rapidly gaining popularity in this community. 1 huve had occasion to lay prejudice aside, and give your Huir Re storative a perfect test: During the year 1854, 1 was so unfortuate as to be thrown from my sulky against a rocic near tlie roadside, from which my head received a most terrible blow: causing a areat deal of irritation, which communicated to the brani and external surface of the head, from the effects of which my hair was finally de stroyed over the entire surface of the head. From the time I first discovered ita dropping, howover, up to the time of its total disappear ance, I employed everythincr I could think of, being a professional man myself, and, as l tnougtit, understanding the nature ot the disease, but- was finally defeated in every pre scription advanced. These and no other circumstances inducod me to resort to your worthy Hair Restorative, which I have every reason to believe, pro duced a very happy result: two months after the first application, 1 had as beautiful a head of young hair as I ever saw, for which I cer tainly owe you my most sincere thanks. Rest assured, dear sir, I shall use nty influ ence, which I flatter myself to say, is not a little. You can publish this if you think proper. Yours, very respectfully, M. J. WRIGHT, M. D. Office of the JefTersonian, ) Philippi, Va., Dec. 12, 1653. $ Dear Sir: I feel it my duty as well as my pleasure, to state to you the following cir cumstance, which you can use as you think proper. A gentleman of this place, (a law yer,) has been bald ever since his early youth; so much so, that he was compelled to wear a wig. IJe was induced to Use a bottle of your "Hair Restorative," which he liked very much: and after using some two or three bottles his hair grew out quite lux uriantly, and he now has a handsome head of hair. The gentleman's name is Bradford, and as he is very well known in our adjoin ing counties, many persons can testify to the truth of this statement; I give it to you at the request of Mr, Bradford. You can sell a great deal of your Hair Restorative in this and the adjoining counties if you have the proper agents. Yours, &c. THOMPSON SrjRGHNOR. Dr. Wood: Dear Sir: Permit me to oxpre. the obligations I am under fur tlie entire re storation of my hair to its original color; about the time of my arrival in the United Suites it was rapidly becoming gray, but upon the application of your "Hair Restora tive" it soon recovered its original hue. I consider your Restorative as a very wonder ful invention, quite efficacious as well as a jrreeable. S. THALBERG. The Restorative is put up in bottles ol three sizes, viz: large, medium, and small; the small holds -k a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent, more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, 4Q percent, more m pro portion, and retails for $3. O. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. fMarcFaO. 1860.-ly. CHEAT REVOLUTION IN TIIC Crawford county Oil in Ihc Sliadt! Paint and Oil 100 percent cheap er than any other place in the coun ty. Call and be convinced. I2lZi2.sieud & 3oIrsk's Is the place to buy your Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash and Doors, cheap. BOLL1NSHEAD & DJSTRICE, AGENTS FOR THE 'Concentrated Gum OIL' With this Oil you can paint vour barn, fen ces, &c. nearly as cheap as you can white wash them. JSo humbug. Paint and Oil warranted. Dont forget tne place, HOL1LINSI5EAD& DETRIC3L, &G3fcic Mall Drug' Store. Strousburg, April 26, 18G0. 7Fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines constantly on hand. Delaware Water Gap CLASSICAL SCHOOL. Rev. H. S. Howell, A. M. Principal. Tbe Academic year of this boar- jjding Holrool for boys, begins on tbe first Mouday of September, and ends on the last Thursday of J une. It is divided into threo terras. The first begins on tbe 1st Monday of September, and continues sixteen weeks; the second begins on tbe '2t Mondav of January, and oontioues twolvo week?; the third begin ou the 2d Mondav of April and continues cleveu weeks. Vacations; two weeks at the Hol- lidovs. and ooo week at the Ut ot April Punila received at any time Young men preparing themselves tojje Tcadicrs oan pursoo a courso oi stuay specially a dapted to that purpose. Tehms iJooru, Wafhins, iuition, fnruihed room, from four dollars to four dollars and fifty cents per week. Lay -cholars tuition, two dollars per month September 20, 195f.-2tn. Caution. I horchv caution all persona against huuting, Ghrng, or going through grass grain, or driving through my premit.es, or otherwise trespassing, ai I am deter mined to prortecule trespasser to the full extent of the low. PETER H ROBESON. Stroudburg, May 10, 1860. for sale ? 1.s fto "' l , PE&NSYLYANM STATE Agriciiltoal Sodety 10 tli Arurdal SkhibitLoii; ON THE WYOiBIfftt BATTLE GRftTSD,-' NEAR THE WYOMING MONUMENT, and in the vicinity of Wilkes Barns PiUsJoii & S-cr&Rtwij Iff I.ZERIB.CC5JSTY-i The Exhibition will open on TUESDA Y, and will continue Four Days, viz: Septembor 2oth, 2Gth2?tS and 28th. The Grounds, which are most beautifully situated, are not only large, but remarkabfyK well adapted to tne purposes ot the Exhibit tion. TJiy enntau: Seven iy-i wo AcrcsV A Fine Track for Hhorses, as well as every other convenience necessary to the comfort and safety of exhibitors and the ani mals and articles !hey wish to exhibit, are prorided. Arrangements have been made with thu different Railroad Companies for the trans portation of articles intended for exhibition FREE OF CHARGE BOTH WAYS. Visitors to the Exhibition will find most ample accommodations, at moderate prices. J he different Railroad Companies will is sue EXCURSION TICKETS. Lists of PretbiutKS, Judges, anil Regula tions, &c. cau be had l all the principal Ag-' ricultural Ware-houses, from Gen. E. W. Sturdevant, nt Wilkcs-Bare, and on applica tion until September 1st, to the Secretary, at Harrisburg. After that time the Secretary s. office will be at West Pittston, Luzerne Co. COMPETITION OPEN TO ALL: A. O. IJIESTER, Scoy. August 1G, 18G0. MONROE COUNTY Agricultural Society' Persons who desire to compete-for th' preaiuiuh offered by tbe Society on field" Crops, will pleate send in their names", to gether with the entrance fee of $1 , to tho Secretary, on or before Wednesday, Au gust lat, next, for Wheat, Rye and QH and on or before September 15th, nest, for the other erops, and the awarding Committee will visit them as soon as pos sible thereafter. The following is a list of the prcmiumC offered. No, I Field Crops. For best three acres of Wheat 5-00 Second best 11 Young Farmers Manual and' Diploma." Best three acres of Rye S5 OGt Second best " Young Farmers -Mttniml andt Diploma. Best three acres of Corn $5 00' Second beat " Young Farmers Mariuah-and Diploma. Best thice acres of Oats 3 00- Secnml best "Young Farmers Manual." Best three acres of Buckwheat 3 Qfr Stcond besi "Yo-unir Farmers Manual'. Best acre of Clover Seed 88 0"O " " " Timothy Seed 3r00 " half acre of Potatoes -3 0,0 " " " " Chinese Sugar Gnne 3 6( " one fourth acre Tobacco U 00 J. DEPUY LA BAR,- j - Col. PETER SNYDER, t Qom?ntitaa -PETER KELLER. ) A. REEVES JACKSON, See'y. July 2G, 16G0. i 2C. Estate r .ItsssriS IiIetaJtE. Notice is hereby given, that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Jonas' Mefziar, late of Smithfield township, de ceased, have been granted to the under signed by the Register of Monroe Coun-' ty, in doe form of law; therefore, all por sons indebted to said estate are requftdi to make immediate payment, and" thoso having any just claims are also requested1 to present theai legally sutheutier.ted forv settlement, to HENRY SMITH, Adtn'or. Smithfield, Aug. 2, 1560.' And. X. X. X. X. Ale, Can bo had at all hours, at E. Sl. fy Horn's Saloon -March 22, 18G0. Stoves! Stoves I Stoves STOVE & TIN STORE; Tho ftabacriber has constantly on hantl' a large s:ook of Stovea, eon3itiug of P&riov, fJao, ainS!, Shftjj, IJar-. of all descriptions, which will he 5iOb3 , cheaper than at any other establishment in tbe county. ; CSy-As I do all the work my-solf, I am enabled to manufacture my ware ou. oi the bot .material, and sell it at tholbw ett possible Wholesale and Retail prtecX. All kinds of Tin & Sltn:1-iro Worft, hlf2s done at the shortest notice. AH worfe warrentetL Gall and esamine V e. s. c npuN. fi5-g Nil