Dj gifts, xk SPLENDID GIFTS to PURCHASERS OF BOOKS, THE OEUGSft'A I, AND bs-tiik only 9 GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE, themselves "The Oldest in the business," are 'I. .... - . , , -1 1;iMiEd tn I 54. v ol HEAD QUARTERS ' ' FOR THE UNlThll) STATES AT THE PUBLISHING MOUSE, G. Gr. EVANS, rr 5 m I r :2 i " - I C ; c s 5: 439 ClMisnnf si. KMiiladi'lphin, Pa CATALOGUES SENT FREE. Since T originated the Gilt Rook Store En terprise, I have repeatedly called the atten tion of the public lo my large stock of liber al offers, to which they have always respon ded. I can now, with more satisfaction than ever, cull, attention to my largely increased inducements to purchasers. Being: very heavily engaged in publishing, 1 exchange my own publications for those of other hous- es,rand am enabled to procure all my at the original cost of making, and thus can and do supply the majority of the other hou ses engaged in the Gill Buok tnidc, with their books, cheaper than they can procure them irom other publishers. I can also, by my heavy purchases of Watches and Jewelry, f Aticli ft-roli fltrkan T 1 1 It tknif CZ-tCta (if lower-rates than they can buy them from the manufacturers. Having such an advantage in buying, I can insure my customers a great deal better Gifts wilh their books than any other house, and can give rwy agents a larger commission A valuable Gill will be delivered with each Book at the time of sale. Gifts worth 8500, at the lowest wholesale prices, will be im partially distributed with every 1,000 worth orlwoks scud. Send for a catalogue, which will be mailed frQO to any address, conlaing the most valu able cidicclion of Standard productions in Literature, Philosophy, History, Geography, SlUlt, VJUUIMUUIIV, , Travels, and the Sciences, with all the fa- vnnie WurKS O l' iction niu inmnrc. nni -. . -r-t . I every other department of Literature, classi- fied us described below. Send for it. for it - .... . I . you don't wish to order books, you will ob- lam a very vaiuinie Jiook tor relerence, as it contains all the desirable books in print, and will cost you nothing. Particular attention is requested to the list of my publications, which will be found in the latter part of my Classified Catalogue. It contains a large number of deservedly pop ular works, by various authors: among which are all 'of T. S. Arthur's best works, well known as a moral, instructive, and pleasing author, also, interesting biographies, trav- eis, Classification of Books. Agricultural This department embraces all tsUiliibird works upon general Agriculture, Cotton planting, Flowers, Gardening, Farm implements, horses, theep, caltle, bees, &c Alb inns Ladies' fa great variety) floral, cap quarto, royal cap, demy quarto, autograph, toe. Annuals A large and elegant assortment. Bibles A splendid assortment of pocket, pew and family Bibles, in every style, from SI to .H) Prayer Books A complete assortment, in evorv furiii ami al ull prices. "fiSrA8 UCdby lhe diffcrentde- Biographical Works of Irving, Headlev, Weeuis, Sparks, Bancroft, and every oth er standard author, Botanical By Comstock, Gray, Lincoln, Derby, ood, &c. &,c. Cooh fT.7 Receipt and cook books, bv Mrs. Hiile, Leslie, Widdenfield, M'Kenzie, &c. German Standard German literature. Dictionaries Vebster's English, French, German, cspnnisii, L.atm, ureek, Italian. Cyclopedias All the standard authors. Gcographial The latest and most improved Mttmul jind other Genrrranlnps. nnil .Travelers' guides. a I f 1 Law and Medicine The standard works of these PTof'tHons. Mechuni I and Scientific Tho most ap- proved works on Mechanics, Architecture, and the exact Sciences, I'oetru English and American. Octavo and lileary editions of lhe elandard Poets; jacket and cabinet editions plain and i lustratcd, bound in every style to suit the l.iste of all Works of jiclion By Scott, Irving, Cooper, jyiwivuiic, ami an mi; auuiuvcu tiiuuis. Svh'dol and Classical. Iravets and Adventures. uamcs, xporis and raslimes. Rdigious, Biblical and Theological. Musical and Clee Books. una vtuowsntp ana rrec Masonru. i n . l n miscellaneous uur miscellaneous aepart- ' r r it (i .1 merit embraces every thing not included in llie-above classification, of an interesting and - - . i . - liisiruciivc Character, that is in prmu -The Gifts consits of Gold & Silver Watch en, Gold Chains, Ladies' splendid black and ces-silver plated ware, costly sets of cameos'. iriuiu oiiiv uawui. uuticiua. ii.ii uir i imt' - niH - mosaic, florentine, coral, garnet, turquois, and laa iowelrv. gold lockets, nencils and pens. Ladies neck and chatelaine chains. .-; . ' . . . ' Genta bosom studs and sJeeve buttons, pnck - knives, uuitiiionaies. and a thousand var ml os of Gifts ol use and value. r... , m "T - , . , . . . tnents than can be afforded by any other " b"" "'v """ iipuse. in auummi iq larger commissions, il uiutu .u g .ur my cu- terprise-than any other. Tho liefMilmr aflviinlaoos firp A lnrirur stock, belter catalogues to select from. A better ashortment and Quality of Gifts. More punctuality and correctness in filling orders, By acting as agents for me,- persons wishing 8 valu;ible library can procure it gratis. ;Lhpsc seeking an easy method of earning n livelihood caji find it. For full particulars, send lor a catalogue, xMy large cnpitol, together with my long experience in the business, and consequent lamiiiaruy w, n an s ,,eaHtf' vt., ,. - ... .. .., 1, , . . - ajmost incalculable advantage over uli other parties. All I ask is a iriul. Send me an order, and you will be convinced that there is no exageration. BO-SOT rOHGET TO SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. Persons visiting the City, are requested to call end examine for :1m mselves. G. G. -EVANS, " 439 Chestnut Street,-Philadelphia, Pa. Branch Store, 45 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. Geology 1 he works of Hugh Miller, Harr.s, ly new and highly successful treatment, as f Terms, per quarter, in lhe common for which each member in proportion to uases 0f Uie Sexual Organs, by the (Jonstilt- The public are respectfully informed that llitchcock, Lyell and others. adopted by the Author, fully explained. b English branches, for Boarding Scholars, his, her, or their deposit, will have a U1g Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a seal- the undersigned has opened, in the Boruugh Historical By Prescull, Irving, Bancroft, means of which every one is enabled to cure $ 37 50. ? credit in the company. Each insurer in ed en vulope). Jree of charge, on receipt ol of Stroudsburg, n NEW Robertson, Hume, Gibbons, Macauley, and himself perfectly and al the least possible Tuition for Day Scholars from 5 25 2 or witu t1G saifj company will be a mem- two stamps, for postage. Other Reports and --- - -y -w-i '"tilers. vosl, thereby avoiding ail the advertised 5 to 8 00. g w n,nrnf Anrn(t tl1P term nf his or her Tracts on lhe nature and treatment of Sex- I ) K ! i T H 8 ( ) H hj Jmcro-Euibraces a world of fun. nostrums ofthe day. Additional charges are made for lhe J-11101? 'izZLTlr aSes' aie cnUy leiiiR VXi-J, Juvenile E.ery description of illustrated Sent to any address, gratis and post free g higher English branches and Classics. Pollcy- lhe pinicipio or Mutual xnsur- lHshed lnr flra:,mous distribution, and ,n nrSe four stor-v bmlding- bonks for children. in a sealed, by remitting (post I P,lra nlrn fnr n. mmlorn l..n,,n. i ance has been thoroughly tested has i, sunt in the afflicted. Some ol the M? recently erected by Messrs. Fow- Special Notice To Book Buyers. My nttention has been called to statements o statements made through the public journals, by a New lorK Ijlll oiore, which are caicuiuieu iu uu r ft a t7). IT I 1 I J ceivci u,,n iev'un. v.Lesmue 0Zereue terpnsc, tVhicli was nrsl success! u li v estaD- lished, and I may say honorably conducted by myself. This concern who are proclaiming indebted to me, not only for their first ideas conducting the business, but for stock to commence with, and a olace to commence in. Their statement, that this fa "The fifth year .f !..-., lir.ii in IVoiir VnrL-" is n lo 111 iKR. I iuviiumii in j. ... . . i . . . r- 1 It has teen thought, on account ol me name connected wnn mis new iorK um Book Slorc, that it was a branch of niy Ori- ginal Eelerprise; but it is not so, and I wish it distinctly understood, that 1 am not in any way responsibly for their deceptive adver tisements, nor for the manner m which New York Gift concerns are conducted. And ho ding the position I do, as the originator of the Gilt Book Enterprise in the United Slates having established it and brought it to its present high position, bv constant labor, un- wearied application, and large expenditure of money, T deem it my duly to the public and myself to expose these pretended ''origina tors," who are attempting to impose upon ujL'fce panics uavu uecii reiernig, wiuioui uu- thorily or permission, lo the largest and most widely known publishing house in the United States. I am informed by this firm, which is located m this city, that, not ...ury nuvc iny nuvui ivcii permit&iuii iu una i.. u i i : : .: IVpiu VrI? ivift Slfiro tn rnTo r tr thorn I b" ,,lhe erly disclaim any knowledge of their business or standing. The foregoing j O I can be substantiated to the satisfaction of any person or persons, by the niost incontro vertible proofs. June 30, lS59.-6m. LIVERY BUSINESS. llittf I 111 lit ftwmirv jf- Witt ti 4 c Ml o n I lUVilllllt IKIUIA IV tl III IlllIlLSIIiailt (Successors to M. B. Postens,) ffcL. Having purchased the, jjioock taieiy ownca dj iu i i . i ii tj B. Postens, take this opportunity ,:r .1 J- II- lu "u" . " . uua l"B ,UV"U B- nrn M v r nr rnan fiririori Anncin'arnh n wu,,;i '""J wwu.-iwci uio new stock to tIje same, and will continue the business at the old stand, on Franklin 1 - - It. -w . I Street, where they are prepared to biro Horses and carnages at the lowest cash rates. I heir Horses are safe, fast and gentle, and their vehickles consist of all kinds, to suit the tastes of the fastidious Attentive ostlers always on hand, and dri vers furnished when desired. Call and ce for yourselves. Strangers taken to any part of the country at the shortest notice. TLey will continue to run the new omnibus between this borough and the Railroad Depot. Persons intending to go on the railroad will be called for at any part of the Borough, by leavtn" their names at their oraee near the stable. The omnibus will also be at the Depot on the arrival ot trains to convey passengers into town. No pains Will be spared to give satis- faction to all who may favor them with their patronage KAUTZ & HUNTSMAN. Stroudburg, June 24, 165S.-tf. The Secret Infirmities of YOUTH & MATURITY. Just Published Gratis, the 2oth Thousand, SSf) A few words cn the rational Treat- ment, without Medicine, of Sperma torrhoea or Local Weakness, Noc- turnal Emissions. Genital & Nerv- ous Debility, Premature Decay of the Sys em, lmpolency and Impediments to Mar age generally, BY B. DE LANEY, M. D- The important fact that the- many alarm inp complaints, orioinatinp in the imiiru deuce and solitude of youth, may be easily .onmmrl .;h.i ,!... ;.. o.u I ivuimi vi u,itftlfl(. fMCUlbtnci 13 III una aillillll tract, clearly demonstrated: and the enure- Pi") two postage stamps lo DR. B. DE LANEY, 68 East 31st Street. New Yrk City. June 2, 185U. 8m ifZASOIV TOCK, Olnzies', and i'apci Will attend to, and promptly execute, all orders with which he mav be favored. From his long experience in the various branches oi uis uiisiuess. ne reels contident ot reiHier- ing entire satisfaction in his work. Hi. may be found at his shoo, on Sarah strnot. nearly opposite the residence of Hon. M. H Dreher, Stroudsburg, Pa. Patronage resDectlnllv unliritPfl. I . C J February 17. 1859. Iv. " PHOTOGRAPHS In every Style ofthe Art. L. T. Tew takes this method to inform t,b ft inVmVlifnnta nf ttits Tnirn ttnA v!.!tiIU 1 .1. .1 1 , -1- . 1 lUaC V new Lustmmeut Mp , . .purpose, 18 now pre- Parcat0 UKe all the latest Ftyles of lype, -11 .1 . omoiuing uu iue uewesi improvements ol Ambrotyj)es, Melaionotype FtotO'rruphs A,.., Lt t,;fl niA Pm J7i. n.. rr.. , J , . lluuau 1,1 g 8ly,e unsurpassed. ifom his lonir cxne- - . ' - L jieucu as uu vriiai acKnowieaes no sn. perior 'IM,.. j t:i .f fi1Arnsp,c np f nta . . tn and e - " - wi iivu'JO uiv lUfiiu van specimens. No charge made I nJes perfect satisfaction given. L. T. TEW. Sept 16, 1658.-tf. ESVlPLGYSViENT. 50 a moitili, ami all expenses Paid. An Agenl is wanted in everv town and county in the United Stales, to engage in aj ...,.. ul 1 1 . . icsiiCLU'iiu anil UilSV UUSIIieSS. IIV Wllir.N the above profits may be certainly reaped For furthur particulars, address Dr. J. Hen- rv Wakku, comer -of Broome and Mercer Streets, iNew York Ui age sl.amp. 1"" .I' . - (HARLTON BURNET, Attorney at Law. 'stroudsburg, MONROE COUNTY PA .' ' 'J4 Uttpoon llJhzabothstrQot, formerly-, 9.of cupied bv Wni. D'vis. Esa. v - i 1859 POPULAK iiiaw isa IN Ribbons and Millinery Goods, RIBBONS ! ! KIBB0NS1! """'" w To Merchant?, Milliners, Jobbers, Dealers in Ribboiis, Millinery broods, and Cash buyers in all sections of the Country. my T -rtTlw TT The Cash Ribbon House, H5 Chambers Street, New York, JNO. FARRELL. ESTABLISHED 185S. ttt . . : !. vvn nnvR nruMmi ieti n new liiiuun. t: u new era jn the Ribbon Trade, whereby we . . .... - - r 1 I make this business plain, simple, and staple on as that of brown sheetings. WE SELL FOR CABnl WE BUY FOR CASll! We are satisfied with 5 per cent profit.- Ask no Second Price. Have all our goods marked in j)7mi Jigurcs, so that man, woman and child "buy alike," and receive the same value tor ineir money. uur prices ior dcsl xaueiu xviuuuns, an colors, are No. l 12 cts per piece, No. 4 35J cts. per piece, C 6?i 25i " 12$107i No. 10 $l,47i per piece. DEFYING CO.MPETlTIOiV, AND for uajjii om-i Our Establishment is the centre of attrac traction for RIBBONS 'Quick. Sales,' 'Light Profits, and 'Good Value,' tor Cash. nntiiliis ! 1?nuIaf; ! per cent from credit prices. Blond Lace Quillings, &c. &c. Our line of these Goods always full. We Import and 'Job' them at once for 5 per cent advance Marked prices on all Goods Mn plain figures.1 A saving of l0per cent on these Goods from credit prices. Our intention is to make the Ribbon Trade as staple in regard to prices as domestic goods. To do this we must sell One Million dollars worth Goods per annum .' We are Union Men. 'iNo iortn, 'no South' We solicit the patronage of filer- . . . tt . . cnants, in every seci-on o me unueu oiaies, UnH n - tim copi'qnTcnr n wnn invrir lie urtitt aim uic .. . ., uu uu ...v.. their trade and patronage. I IX' m IJ n U Wf mi m I I JNO. FARRELL, isA&U Jiltuui uuuzi,, lib Oliamuers street, lew lorK, near the Hudson River Railroad Depot. r. ir. "WALLER Jan. 13, '59,-4m. VVV'a.'VnV'lArtA'VVXAVV,V.'VAA.X'lVXX'V NORTHAMPTON ACADEMY, I A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR 2 Bovs and G-irls. ?. Ensloti, Pa. This Institution will open its second 3 5 quarter of the Spring Session on Monday f the 4th of April, and continue eleven weeks, when a vacation of six weeks jj Will lUtMIU rm t n 11 z c J tie rail session win commence on 5 Wednesday, the 29th of July, and con- 2 itnuc twentv-two weeks. 2 5 Thebuildinr.a lame four story brick edi- g fif.p rnrmfiPiv t,noWn as "Tomnerance i Hall") is now being re-modeled and fit- ? ted up expressly for a first class Seinin- nru fur tlip Pflurntmn nt n;:nlls nt hntli 5 SC.Vtb. J. lit: uiuiuui"; iujjiio nm uluiiiy p 5 two separate buildings.arranged wilh pri-? i vm Thp hnnntiritr niinils will nppnnv x vate rooms. Experience has taught that j it is decidedly disadvantageous for more rtxUan two nunils to occunv the same S ? room. The accommodations and advan- tnges of this school are of a superior or- der. and it designs to train and fit bovs? ?and voung men thoroughly lor college or business. To young ladies are offei-i 5 ed excellent facilities for the acquisition 3 of a solid or ornamental education. $ competent teachers are emptoyeu. j j Having long experience in Teaching ? "nd. tJevoti,'', '"f w.h0,,e, aUen;'n to lie $ 2 business, the Principal hopes to merit a t -i uuaiucsc?. niu x iiiiuiuai uuui-o in inciii a - i large share of public patronage, and ? n.,t.l rncnnpif'ullu IntMioiinniinn tn l,;B t J " uuiu (.uiJvkiun l in . uvi.t-..i..v.. kj uij ' . I School. ges arid the ornamentals. ... v. -.i. nir Bills naid in 3 r I For Circulars and further information 2 address Rev. J. W. LESCHER, Principal. Ferry St., near Fkont. References. I Rev. John Vanderveeii, Easlon. Hon. John K. Findlay, " M. H. Jones, Esq. " J. P. FlF-rnmif. Samuel Sandt, M. D. u ? Henry Detweiller, M. D ' C. C. Jennings, M. D, " ? Easton, March 24, 1859. tf. ?vvvvvtvvvvvvvvvxvvvvvvvvvAxxv'vv-ijv GIVE THEM A TRIAL SIf Pl.AQTIfi P4?7TC. t.'liJ I MJMtr u M. UUU A .J A Sill JL U . CHEAP, DURABLE AND PROTECTIVE, Wemiier asiu ire-Proof . These paints will stand any climate, with out crack or blister and harden by exposure, lh8 making in time an enamel of stone, protecting Wood from decay, and Iron and other metals from rust and corosion. They lit n. c . 1 uir, eesenuany, irom ine so-coneu mineral paUHS 01 1 , "ay wn,cn are., principally, (J curew uuu oiays, anu arc entirely wonntess, . Si'r's Plastic Paints are Purely ME TA L1C, containing no Alumin or Clay. Th rR iAiiifrtni finni m;v ranAn., I w ,w . miiwi I tail A 1 UUU 1 1 T IV II II i.inxPPd f iii. rwi mnt iho imnhia nrr..j. h, aml flow under tI)e brush ag th bes, lVli0lnnJ n,i .n!oii.i : i..i.. poverimr nronerties. one nonnd of wl.ip.l. will ai t 1 - . " . . . . . 1 l. r. . , r l line JLiUOU, lUUUUlllg IIIU UllSL IWO-lllirUS. 1 here are 6ix distinct colors, viz: Olive, I Light Brown I Light Chocolate, mack, I JJark do. Deep do. All equally valuable as a preservative Paint and particularly adapted to painting The outside of Buildings, Fences, Steam boats, Cars, Tin and Iron work. 03-REMEMBER! Exposure Hardens I :) llI ilifriieoa tho ftitrnliilitfr nfllmcn Dn!nin """"--" uivou 4 anno DIRECTIONS Mix with pure Linseed as thickly. as possible, as the Paint is the ,a6lmff protecting body, and theoil simply the t.mmv nnnriMn . 'nu2ti ha A general nssorlment ,.f Pii.e nr..TO.L CM. PRICE, V,'nduw G,n8s. Perfumery, Liquors, &c; &c. i Constantly on Hand, nml tn whipli Wrt inuitnl the attention of the PubTic. I Mnv r. i ' j mmfir iirrfctilgUXiiCiJ. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RAIL ROAD. New and nd expeditious brond guage route North and West, via Great Bend f ,he IIUUI lilt- and Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming vallies, directly through to New York and Philadelphia. QCr On and after Monday, April 11th, 1859, trains will be run as follows: The Cincinnati Express Tram bound east N. Y. & Erie Railroad arrives at Great ,,, Bend at G:10 A. M.. and connects with the I Lxprees Irani which leaves Great JJend tor New York and Philadelphia, at 8:10 a. m. Due at Montrose, - - - 8:40 it Tankhannock, - - 9:24 Factoryvflle, - - - 0:48 Scranton, - - - 10:35 Moscow - ' - - 11:22 Stroudsburg, - 1:26 Water Gap, - - 1:39 Delaware,(15 minutes todine)2:04 Bridgville, - - - - 2:35 Junction, - 3:25 New York, - 7:15 Philadelphia, - - - 8;15 p. m. Passengers irom New York, leave Pier No. 2, North River at 7:30, "a. m. From Phila. leave Walnut st. Wharf at 6:00 10:50. 11:37 11:52 Leave Junction, Due at Bndgeville, Delaware, 15 min. dinner, Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Moscow, Scranton, -JFactoryville, Tunkhanncck -Montrose, -Great Bend, 12;30 p ra. 12:41 2:26 3:10 - 3:58 4:15 4:53 - 5:25 Connecting at Great Bend with the Mail Train, west, at 5:37 Accommodation Train leaves Scranton for Great Bend at 8:10 a. m. Arrive at Great Bend, - - 12:40 p. m. Connecting with the Dunkirk Express West at 1:10, the Emigrant Train west at 1:53 and II11.1H, HIC Ull ,he R y Expiess East al 1:5R p. m. n . . t- n rr Kfiturninrr. nnvos lireiiL Hcnii.- 'Z:im n. m Due al Scranton, - - - 6:15 " For the accommodation ot way travel on lhe Southern-Division, a Passenger Car will be allached l0 the Express Freight Trains eavin(r Scranton at 4:00 a. in Due at Stroudsburg at 10:05 " " Junction at 2:20 p. m. Returning, will leave Junctional 3:30 a. m Due at Stroudsburg at 7:0o " ' Scrnntnn nt 2:30 n. m. Passengers tound from New York change cars at Junction to and from Philadelphia at Bridgeville. For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre, lake L. &, B. R. R. cars at Scranton. For Jessup, Archbnld, and Carbondale, take the stages at Scranton. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through. JOI1NBRISBIN, Sup't. Wji. N. Jenks, Gen'l Ticket Ageut. Scranton, April 6, 1859. .353BhrXXJX? J&f MONROE COUNTY iiltiiimS Fire Insairauee Co.iip'y HHlie rate of Insurance is one dollar on the thousand dollars insured, after which payment no subsequent t be QXeA except to cover actual damage by fire, that may fall upo , . b.. J 1 J Tlfixnnnilt. lin SllbsP.nuenfc tax willloRt m il.o nfflii'lft Pcnnrinllv to tho vimria. i ...wu J -1 - - loss or upon mem- , , , , bersot the company. lhe nett.proUtS arising irom interest .... . i " . , or otherwise, will be ascertained yearly, been tried oy tlie unerring test oi expen- .. . . . rt . i , t i il. .1 ence, ana nas proveu successiui anu oe- come very popular. It altords the great- ost. comiritv .iffainst; loss nr danian-n bv five, on the most advantageous and rea- ' ij fa J O P J Applications for Insurance to be made in person, or by letters addressed to Wm. K. Haviland, Secretary. MANAGERS . J. Dcpue Labar, Jacob Knccht, Richard S. Staples, Jacob Stouflcr, I Samuel D. Pipher, Charles 1. Andre, P Silas L. Drake, Theodore Schoob, Qodleib Auracber, Thomas W. Rhodes, Joseph henncr. Sam'l S. Droher, bTUUDlLL SlUIvES president. Golieb Auracuer, Treasurer. Silas Drake, Surveyor. Stroudsburg, Sept. 10; 1858. NOTICE? The undersigned having purchas ed the right for Monroe County, to manufacture and sell Mess. Apple man &L Rubhins' nat.ent - r rinTriniti nn fnTn OiTc wJ-.;'wr..w.wj.. mmao. wu.j.k) A O.r nnintlnrr lill.nncr.Q lirifnlitr rf.ftVhi. aspiithem lor sale at Jifly percent, below inseed oil prices. 1 he article has been in Mr USB l',e 'a6t lI)ree years and has stood the test 01 experience, veriincaies can r ..... rt . r . DffML be seen at the Store, Irom some of gy-tho best practical builders and ilnintni. in lllfl nft, i t lir A 1 tnnvlt.nttr rtll ,iu...l...o ui ....... xwv. c1..b....u.,a u. l-ights, Carpenters, and Cabinet Makers it will be an indispen- I in 'IV. sable article. Shop or Town- snip rights eoiu upon reasonable terms. WM. lTOT.TJTS?TTRAD. C. . DETRICK, ' btrodsburg, Nov. 25, 1 858. Proprietors. . . . . , JBbANK. MORTGAGES F? In nl il.!.-. i l ui on u iLb i V7iiii:i; PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, The largest and Cheapest Slock ever ottered in thi. Cily. CHARLES W. 1I2AIV, Wholesale Dealer IN French and German Has, Willow Ware, Notions, Baskets. Wood and Brushes. Oil Cloths, Cotton Laps, Wadding, &c, &c, &c. No. 110 Market-Street, below Second, (north side.) PHILADELPHIA.' The subscriber has just opened an entire- nnH tr-lf of .mods of ;he L,;. i0cpr;..ti.m tn which he UCill iniHIItl UMM UiOVIILlIIMI. I w,0uld respertfully call the attention ol Mcr- c,ants and Dealeis who wish to find a good article cheap for Cash. These goods were bought lor iMeu uasn, at the greatly recuced'prices consequent up- on the stringency of the times, ami believing the "nimhle sixpence" to be better than the 'slow shilling," they are now offered to ine public at prices that defy competition. The following are a lew ot me arucies always on hand : ... Pails and Tubs of all kinds and qualities, Toy Pails, Salt and Sugar Boxes, Hall Bushel and Peck Measures. Well Uuck , ets, Towel Rollers, Patent bend and straight clothes pins, wash boards, wooden mop handles, Grain scoops, Toy Wheelbarrows, Corn Brooms, every variety, Shoe, Paint, Scrub, and Sweep brushes, &c. Clothes brushes, Baskets, Willow and raUnn chairs, skirt ratans. bird cages, clothes lines, bed cords, skirl cords, lie yarn Twine of all kinds, together with a large assottinent ol Notions and h .incv Goods. Hosiery, Gloves, Shirts, Drawers, Threads, &c, chenp Irom auction. These goods are all new and caretully selected, are offered at prices thai cannot c -x. .. . fail lo attract attention Buyers will invariably find it to their own interest lo call uelore purriiasing eisewnere. frPartK ular attention given lo narking goods for shipment, so as lo prevent dam- aoe or excessive charges for freight DCfOrders by Mail promptly attended to. CHAKLl'JS V. DfiAiN. 110 Maiket st , north side, below 2nd, Phila. November 18, lb5S. ly- HOWARD ASSOCiATi!. PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Instiiulion established by spe cial Eudowmctil, for lhe Relief oj the Sick and Distressed, afflicted wilh Vrialenl 4' Epidemic; Diseases. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the a'w.ful destruction of human life caus ed by Sevual diseases, and the deception practiced upon the unlortunate victims o! such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a f. 1 r A RITA IH.R .4CT wnrihv of their name to open a Dispensary for lhe treatment o! diseases, in all their forms, and to give Med- iral -advice srralis to all who annly bv letter, with a description of their condition, (age jeeupation, habits of life, &c.) and in case of extreme povcrtv, to FURNISH MEDl CINE FREE OF CHARGE, h is need less to add that the Association commands lhe highest Medical skill of lhe age, and will furnish lhe mosl approved modern treat ment. The Directors of the Association, in their Annual Report upon the treatment of Sexu al Diseases, express tiie highest satislaction wilh the success which has attended the la- bors ol their Surgeons in the core or feper matorihaia, Seminal eakness, Gonorrhrea. Gleet, Syphilis, the vice ot Onanism or Self Abuse, Diseases of the Kidneys and Uiad der, &c, and order a continuance of the same plan for lhe ensuing year. I he Directors, ou a review ol the past. feel assured thai their labois in this sphere nf benevolent effurt have been of great ben' CUI ..v., --' ( ' ..... j ... j f.1 and they have resolved to devote themselves. with runpivpr 7wi in t in vprv miKirtant nml much despised cause. . ., . j , aii nt iriiran h itennri un c icrmai )ir . t - i l II . . C . . I - i .. ,i. .; (..;..., I nr VI t 1I1C t II c 111 J lldtlll. MaslurUatjon. or Self Abuse, and other dis- fiew remedies and metliods of treatmeni dis covered during the last year, are oi great ... . value. Address, for Repoit or treatment. DR. J iSi.'ii I iT ttMIIfllTOM V!.,,.,,,.... a,luuljU ,1.'.lJtl 1 n;-, , iNo. 2 South Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bv order ol tho Directors. EZRA D 1 1 E A RT W ELL, Presl. GEO. FA1RCHILD. Secretary. March 21. 1651). 1 v. Stroudsburg, Oct. 22, 1857.-tf GUNSMITH. The undersigned respectfully in forms the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity, that he has commenced Iii tuo GtMTSIMKTIISNG KUSIiVKSS. I nin r TCniit?'- 1?1 nnVamW b ?linn nn William j. t i ill v nronnrnil tn il nil - T J I 1 "liia of wor n hlsJ'n0 neatness and dos Patou Having had twenty years ex Per,ence 10 tul3 business, he hopes will no lnuuceiucut ior the neoD e to ive li . r r o nim a trial. Eopairjng of all kinds promptly atteud ed to. Iliflcs made to order. , LEWIS KBINEST. Stroudsburg, June 14, 1855. I ' ' 1 BLANK DEEDS TV . 1 . .1 -x v. nor mii n nr itiic iimr-i REiMOVAL!! Wholesale nd Retail Boot anb S)oc MANUFACTORY!? fstf i ne suuscnuer respecuuiy intorms an his cusmers and friends that he hay removed his Boot and Shoe Mnufac lory to the Store room formerly occupied by Joseph Sigman. in Northampton door above Hamilton street, and between Mrs. E. H. Harmony's Millinery and Peter Pomp s JJtug oiore. He has just received a laree assort mpnt of Boots and Shoes, among which are Calf Congress Boots, Enameled CoiiPr,. Rr,,- CnU ' Nanoleon Boots. Patent Mdm, m poleon Boots, Brogans, &c. for Getlemen- - . . ' " V 1 A. f I and Boys. Also on hand a large assortment of Shoes1 ior ladies ana Riisses. omen's lashiony ble Gaiters of every variety, made lo oyde at short notice. A large assortment of Chili drens Shoes always on hand. GUM Shoes' of all desctiplions and kinds, which he is selling MfcAP I-Or? Is ASH. The goods are manufactured of the bes materials and in the neatest and most fash ionable manner. He employs none but ther ! nest workmen about his establishment. Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto- fore received, eveiy effort will be made to merit a continuance of the same. THADDEUS SCHOCH. Gaston, September 16, 1852. New Wholesale and Retail WINE & f,HUR STORE, Stroii Nbnrg, Pa. The undersigned would inform Land lords and the public generally, that tin r.mitinues the nhovn biisinnsc in Strnnf7a- . . , cn'v nn(,:' A ,. T.i-.. ...J l 'Zi - . , J """ aim has on hand a large stock of,i-o ,, l-" 'iuxjti imunanu i lu ut jimmy, uireci irom the Uustom liouse, which lie is prepared to sell to LandJordsand others on the most rea- sonable terms. uurslocK consists ot French iiranuy, oarK anu paic. iiso, reach, Ulack- berry, Umnamon and Uherry brandy; Hol- land Gin, N. h. Hum; Irish, Rye and Apple Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala ga, Currant and Champagne Wine, &c. &c. Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of all kinds. Demijohns, from I to 5 gallons: bottles, and rrpnpmllv anv thino- tli:it min iit ncl.-ul Cr- our line. Landlords will find it greatly to their ad vantage to deai with me. I have no hired agents to sell and distribute liquors for me at great expense, which must be paid for by the consumer. 1 hose dealing with me I intend shall be satisfied wilh the article they get, as well as the price, and whenever they are notT I will be pleased to have them return the M"luor an(1 maI;e ln2 fact known, for I in end to make it a permanent bnsmess, and can only do so by dealing honorably. AH orders sent me, by stage drivers or others, will be promptly attended to, the same as though the person was present dealing for himself. 182. P. S. POSTENS. MKTS, BENTIST. Has permanently located him self in Stroudsburg, and moved his office next door to Dr. S. Walton, and nearly opposite S. Rees's Hat& Cap store whpre he is fulv nreoared totreai the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt- ibe aniRcai teell m, pivot an ,at jR the nlegt an(, most ,nproved-manner. Most per B(fia knmv thfl ,, ,, fnU ftf ww.-w ........ w..v u.-Qw u tau iwim W IIUOIHI their work to the ignorant as well as the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he is liable to have some failures out of a number of cases. md if the dentist lives at a distance, it is fre quently put off until it is too late to save tho , , . . . . . a .i .....j, uc, uuinniai; urn iu- u",,,t",c"l'c a"u nuuuicu! "uuig su jar. IT , . r . - ".u,,ce uie necessity or ooiainmg meservices i . . : . i n . . oi u uuniistnear nomc. t worK warranted I . . bOIIl6'Dill21S: JN e W ler and Wintemute, two doors a bove Robert Boy's Store, where he intends keening always on hand, a large assortment of - -irT- -. , . wugs ana meatcines. cairns, uus, var wishes, French and Common Glass, dr. tints, Oils, The stock will also embrace FANCY NO TIONS in endless variety, from which all tastes can be gratified, including Perfumery, Plain and Fancy Glars Ware, Tooth, Hair and Toilet Brushes; Combs, &c ALSO Pure' WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal purposes, which bear their own recommendation. Ecry article will be warranted pure and fresh, and will be dispensed by an assistant whose experience in the business is such as to deserve the unlimited confidence of the public. Call and see. JAMES N. DURLING, Proprietor. Stroudsburg, Dec. Ill, 1856. Hollinsliead & Detrick, DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, Wholesale and Retail dealers in Drugs, US ((Heine, Paint, Oils, Iye Stuffs, Glass, Perfumery, &c. t&c. &e. G07KJC HALL DRUG STORE, STROUDSBURG, PA. N B. German aud English prescrip tions caretully compounded. WJI. IIOLL1.NSI1F.AD. C. S. DETRICK. April 8, 1853. ly. Nvw Goods, Tory Cheap. JOHN N. STOKES, having just finished his selections, is now re ceiving a choice und fashionable lassortment of new and seasonable I irrwtila tn tvliioli lio invitr tlin n Itnnlinn nf I . . . . the nub ic. - Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware - &c, &c, in variety, and of superior quality I wnl be lound in his store, at prices unusually I,,w x uu l,uo"c are inviteu to can anu see. I At r.. ..1 : j No charge for showing goods. J. N. STOKES. Stroudsburg, April 26, 1859.. 1 OAP. Fine scented Soaps for Vash ing and shaving a'so the ce ebrate. j shaving cream, for sa'e by SAMUEL DIE LICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1855.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers