The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, February 24, 1859, Image 4

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171 11 in a 1 Fire Insurance Contp'y
rjgMic rate of Insurance is one dollar on
the thousand dollars insured, after
which payment no subsequent tax will
be levied, .except to cover actual loss or
damage I) fire, that may fall upon mem
bers oi the company.
The nctt profits arising from intercs
or otherwise, -will be ascertained yearly
for -which each member in proportion to
his, her, or their deposit, will have a
credit m the company. Lach insurer in
or with the said company will be a mem
ber thereof during the term of his or her
policy. The principle of Mutual Iusur
ance has been thoroughly tested has
been tried by the unerring test of expcri
euce, and has proved successful and be
come very popular. It affords the great
est security against loss or damage by
lire, on the most advantageous and rea
sonable terms.
Applications for Insurance to be made
m person, or by letters addressed to
Vm. Ki IIAviiiAND, Sccrctaiij.
J. Dcpue Labar, Jacob Knccbt,
Richard S. Staples, Jacob Stouficr,
Samuel D. Piphcr, Charles 11. Andre,
Silas L. Drako, Theodore Schocb,
Godlfib Aurachcr, Thomas W. Rhodes,
Joseph tenner. Sam 1 S. Drcher,
Goi.ieh Auraciier, Treasurer.
Silas Drake, Surveyor.
Stroudsburg, Sept. 10; 1S58.
Valentine Kauiz & Wnii Kimfsmanj
(Successors to M. B. Posteus,)
Having purchased the
t 1 I T t jf
Moock lately owned by M jTI
'B, Potcns, take this opponumty
to notify their friends and the public gen
erally, that they have added considerable
new .lock to the same, and will continue
the bu-iness at the old stand, ou Franklin
Street, where they are prepared to hire
Horses and carriages at the lowest cash
rates. Tlieir Horses are safe, fa. t and
j;i nlle, and their vehicklcs cousir-t of all
kind?!, to Euit the tattes of the fastidious.
Attentive ostlers always on baud, and dri
vers furbished when desired. Call and
bee for yourstlves. Strangers lake.n to
any pait of the country at the shortc.t
notice. They will continue to run the
new omnibus between this borough and
the Railroad Depot. Persons Intending
to go on the railroad will be called for at
any part of the borough, by leaving their
names at their office near the -table.
The omnibus will also be at the Depot on
tho arrival of trains to convey passenger
into town.
No pains will be spared to give satis
faction to all who may favor them with
their patronage.
Stroud.-hurg, June 24, 1553.-tf.
Are chartered by the States of Delaware and
Oeorgic, and have sworn commii-sioners ap
pointed to superintend their drawings, and
certify that everything connected with the
same is done m a strictly honoiablc manner.
They offer to the public a fair opportunity
for investment, the interests of parties at a
dibtance being as well protected as though
they were present. ihe Managers would
respectfully call attention to the fact, that all
p!r.-"oiis have a legal right to send orders for
tickets to Delaware or to Georgia, as the Lot
tones uf oon, Ludy &. Co. are authorized
ly the Legislature of either State.
A Lottery will be drawn every day at Wil
mington, Delaware, and also at Augusta, Ga.
All orders received being filled 111 the draw
ing next to take place alter suuie comes to
Whole tickets are 10; halves, 5; and
Quarters 2.50.
No ticket sent unless the money accom
panies the order. Prizes vary from
g!J0 to 50,000.
Every prize is drawn, and the result of
drawing forwarded to all purchasers.
(7-A Circular showing the plan of the
Lotteries will be sent to any one desirous oi
receiving it.
All communications strictly confidential.
Write your address plainly, and direct to
Wilmington, Delaware,
Or to WOOD, EDDY & CO.,
Augusta, Georgia.
All letters to onr address will be promptly
acknowledged and prizes cashed without
Notice to Correspondents.
Those who prefer not sending money by
mail, can use The Adams Express Goipjw
2any, whereby money for Tickets, in eutns
of Ten Dollars, and upwards, can be sent ut
at our risk and exjiense, from any cily or
-.t it 1 mi
iown wiiere uiey nave an omce. 1 lie mon
ey and order must be enclosed in a "Govern
ment Post Office Stamped Envelope,'' or thy
Lxpress Company cannot receive them.
Jan. 6, 1859. 3m.
Express Arrangement.
The Hope and Howard Express Corn-
panjs are uow prepared to forward Mon
ey, Valuables of any kind, Packages, &o.,
with their own Cars', and special Messen
gers, with dispatch from Stroudsburgto
ny part of the world.
For the Hope and Howard Ex.Co's
Stroudsburg, Feb. 4, 1858. tf.
"OAP. Fine seented Soaps for wash-
ing and shaving a'so the- ce .ebrated
shaving creain, for &a e by
Stroudsburg, January 1 , J855.,
MR. KENNEDY, of Roxburv. has dis -
rovned in one of our common pasture weeds
a remedy mat eyres
.,.,-. ,...
- - -
Worst Scrunfula down to a common. PunpleA
I.,.. i I ..-., -
T '
'"h IIIUUlll
HO C.trn .,. I.
()riP In llltPf linlllP Will riirfi lllP Worst
... -
kind nf i.iinnlps on the lace.
... .
Tw o or three bottles will clear the system
of biles.
Two bottles are warranted to cure the
wort ranker in the stbrnarh
Three 01 five bottles are warranted to
rure the worst kind of Erysipelas.
One or two bottles are warranted to cure
all humor in the eves
Two bottles are warranted to cure run-
ning of the ears and blotches among the
Four to six bottles are warranted to cure
corrupt and running ulc'eis. -
Une bottle will cure scaly eruptions of
the skin.
n. . . .1
i wo or three notties are warranted to
CUre the WOrSl Kind Ol rineworm.
n. . . .. " .
1 wo ortnree uoltiesare warranted to cure
the most desperate case of rheumatism.
three to four bottles are warranted to
S3 It r ll C U (Tl
x iu UUlllUa LUIC U1C WUrai
111 f lr, mnM linllnfs ...til U ... .1
One to three bottles are warranted to cure
c u,o, ..Sc u, uyVvVi. i h.iu .rum me
PYtlPriPtiPP n I I innon i o Ihol it hnr onttonl
..,.... r.l : 1 1 r .L
by a canker in the stomach
One to two bottles are warranted to cure
;ick headache
One to two bottles are warranted to regu-
ate a costive state of the bowels
One to two bottles will regulate all de
rangement ol the kidneys.
Four io six bottles have cured the worst
cases of dropsy.
une io inree Domes nas cured the worst
case of piles; a reliel is always experienced,
u nat a merry to get relief in such an ex-
cruciating disease!
felrire its fust riurnrnrv 1 lin n fmm limn I
' ""
'line uuucu tdfiiju ouier nerus io u ; oi
iver, worth all other herbs pur together ;
coolins It when loo hot. ami warn.iim it
when too cold.
It createth an annc-tite. cureth all pour
and sinKing leelings in the pit of the stom
... - .. ' . o
ach. easeth ail pains and stiiche? in the side
"ft cureih the jaundice by opening the
gall, and reatoreth the native color of the
body. '
"It expels all raw. viscous and slimv hu
n.ors out of the body; it cleanseth all inward
uleeis and congealed blood from the kid
'By opening obstructions of the spleen,
fainting and swooning.
"1'he herb boiled in wine is nnriinnlnrlv
good to reive the droorin soirit of the a
ged, and whoever has a lingerina sickness
altor a lever, nothing rrstoreth him to health
so Quick as driokiim ihf h.irp ,,r fK.'c i.,k
"The seeds boiled in water cureih the
. . - j o I
most offersshe breath, and diank at bedtime,
pieenteth what is commonly called niht
mare,; and all melancholy dreams, a disease
hillious people are liable to."
TheFather of Medicine says of another
ncrb in this composition, that "it is an herb
ol Uip bun, and in the sign Leo
' 1 he Sun is the srilirrp nf nil life onr!
leth the heart; and this herb is the best cor-
tuai, ttie greatest sirengthener ol the heart,
of any that grows; it comforteth the heait,
with fennel seed or ginger.
6o murh lor this herb, between whirh
ano uie aocer mere is the utmost ant nalhv:
I .1. J I .1 . . 1
so so mat tne aodcr will not touthl
... i -i . . . I
u:ni mai nas me tierb about linn "
i r i . i . i . . . i
No change of diet ever nccessarv-nai
the best you can get and enough of it.
Directions for use. Adnlii nn inKlc
spoonful per day Children over len years,
desert spoonful Children from five to eight
years, tea spconlul. As no diiections
can ne applicable to all constitotions, take
si.mcient to opearte on the bowels twice a
Manufactured hy
No 120 Warren Street. Roxbury, Mass.
Price Sf 00.
Sold in Stroudsburc. bv Hollinsfipnt.
1-eiricK, James JN'. Durling, and by all Drug
gists in City and Country in general.
e-i j
June 24, 1F58. ly
Philadel'a Commercial College,.,
N. E. Corner Seventh and Chesnut Sis..
"u ioeiuuuon uesiffned to Drennrn vnnnir
An T.r4. 1 . 9
nmn ior active business,
o i i j -.-"tj
Established Sept. 1844. Incoporaled June
4, lbDD.
B. B. Comegys, David S. Brown.
Iruncis Hoskins, A. V. Parsons.
Uavid Milne, Isaac Ilnnkr
George II. Stuart, D. B. Hinman,
John bparhawk, Frederick Brown,
Joshua Lippincott, Jr.
S. II. Crittenden, Principal, Consulting
A ' I 7 j vni I
ccouniant. and histrnrt
- " -viiiiiiuivim
rp HM.
inoMAs V Mooue, Professor of Penmanship.
George Al. J UKASHER.Profcgsor of the Sci-
once oi accounts.
John Groesbeck, Professor of Book-Keeping
and Phonography.
Augustus Simon, Professor of Languages.
M.iw. ju juAiss, jieciurer on Commercial
IJ I r r "o b"'
w x y t ti .
W.II Alldn, L. L. D President of Girard
I n W Pern I .pMnror nn Pn ilMn T?
- ry" . . uwn-uj u.uiiuiny.
Catalogues, containing full particulars of
of terms, .manner of instruction, &c, may be
had on applying at the College, either in per-
son or by letter. .
for sale Price Jj5l 50 Key-to same, 50 cts
October 14, 1853.-0m..
For sale at this. 'Office
i"!kL1 .T' '!V.0C:a-es ,h.e f a,lhi!f. ' the Orthodox Church at Brookfield, Mass. VCD. in Stroudsburg. would sav to the
Z, L . ' ' T 1 " F' He ifi a gentleman of great influence and ti- nublic u' :s iust n
and in the sign Leo. 1.0. , , , & ,r, VPn gpeW puDiic, mat ue ib just opening a
"It openeth obstructions of the liver, gall "nerba,,Jr lovetJ- vv- jnL large assortment of STOVES in all
ami spleen ; it is an especial friend to the . . BrookfieijD, January 12; PiuS. 'c5' their variety.
u FrKi u Luriu cnoier ami melancholy nr per bottle; the medium holds at least 20 Feed and whole grain.
,7n aII, li! 1 16 . r nrd, l'ain Pcr ccnt more in Proportion than the small, Cider Vinegar constan
.. . . 1 . ii , 1 i . . 1 ' 1 - 1
bodinnrl troubler iren.hlino '..f'.ho hVntf" .ret.a,,ls for dollars per bottle ; the large The public are rcspe
O w. liwillll m n nint .111 nA. MAt - ... I
curem all palpitation thereof: taketh aw-av IVO MOPT?. ftTA riT71Tn
irembling, fainting al:d smothering of it; yet mshes, French and
it must be taken carefully, or severe erin- v an exPclllous broad guage route The stock will also
ings will ensue, which must be
Says the St: Lotite, (Mo. Democrat:' Be
low we publish a letter to Dr Wood, of this
city, from a gentlemen in Maine, which
speaks glowingly of the superior merits of his
. "I l"
hair tonic. "Such evidence must have its ef
fect, when coming from a reliable source
Uf certificates are guarantees of truth, the
Dr. needs no encomiums, nor useless puffery
trom uie press:
Bath, Maine, Jan. 20, 1856.
t -n f r T TTf T o S
rrojessor u. J. vvooa & co.
Gentlemen: Waving my attention-called
I - J ... I. -..-. tU l.IMU . I--
" w iiiomwjs .nuu iu mu iiiKiiiv ueii.uuiui
I i--lO Ul UUl IJU.I1 l-wCLUlUll Ibjl 1 U.O lllUUbUU
I nrrnnte t vrnii hn if fnotntrn 1 1 1 A I unc i(innnol
rn innvn nnnnnnrinn.iii it iinnn m it miFii .
lu upiuuuu wi v u.j nun,
, . , . t 1 1 i 1
wn,cu "au ot-"co"'u 1u,lu fcrrar prouauiy one-
third white: my whiskers was of the same
character. Some three months since I pro-
cured a bottle of your hair restorative, and
used tt. I soon found it was nrovmir what 1
had wished. 1 used it about twice a week.
I have since nrocured another bottle, of which
U have used some. I can now certify to the
world that the gray or white hair has totally
disappeared, .both on my head and face, and
my hair has resumed .its natural color, and I
believe more soft and elossv than it has been
before for twenty-five years. I am now-si.x-
ty years old; my good wife at the age of fil
ty-two. has used it with the same effect:
Tho nbove notice T denm don to von fnr
your, valuable discovery. lam assured -Unit
whnnupr will rifrhtlv ns. ns nor. HirPrinna
o""J 1 r
wi not have occasion to contradict mv shite.
menis. T nm n citizen of this ritvnml n.rP
Ment here for the last fifteen venrs.n ml pm
I trnntim t no) rltr OUOPlf nnrl nflininn Iaikiip.
A r,V c vrii mnbn nf! .a nhnitn .twMJ,
J J - J C
.,ti..i ;., : 1
iiiv liuiiiu (iiiuuiiuu, 10 ai yuui oci viuu, us l
wish to preserve the beauties of nature in
olhers QS j, ag Jf
I am, truly, yours,
Baltimore, Jan. 23, 1B5S.
Professor Wood Dear sir: Having had
the misfortune to lose the best portion of my
hair, from the effects of the yellow fever, in
New Orleans in 1S54. I was induced to make
a trial of your preparation, and found it to
answeras the very thing needed. My hair
is now tnicK anu glossy, anu worus can ex-
press my obligations to you in giving to the
afflicted such a treasure.
m. , i-. -r tj- i-
I no iinnorcffrnofi nr i i ifrncrfr to n
Professor Wood Dear Sir: Having made
trial of. your Hair Restorative, it gives me
pleasure to say, that its effect has been e.v-
cellcnt in removing inflamation, dandrulTandJ
a constant tendency to itching with which 1
have been troubled from 111 v childhood: :ind
has also restored my hair, .which was becom-
ing gray to its original color. I have used
no other article with anything like the same
pleasure or profit. Yours truly,
The Restorative is put up in bottles of three
sizes, viz: large, medium, and small; the
small holds a pint, and retails for one dol-
and retails for $3 a botlle.
U' J & OO. Proprietors, No 312
Broadway, New i ork, (in the great N. Y
w,re it:illinK Establishment,) and 114 Mar-
ket St., St. Louis. Mo.
. . .
And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy
Goods Dealers. Nan. G. 1859. 3m.
New Arrangement'.
Delaware. Lackawanna & Western
miuiii uiu i or in arm west, urn ureal jjenu
an" Scranton, and from the Lackawanna
anu Wyoming values, directly through to
IVT. 1 T-,1 -1 , - " I
iUU4 u,m 1 '"'"ueipnja.
n-r.v ir.-.rnt i -r. . - . I
1 u,iU auer -L'lursaay, uccemucr to,
i .. t . lit i
icjc, irains win oe run as io lows:
The Cincinnati Express Train bound east
on N. Y. & Erie Railroad arrives at Great
Bend al 8:15 A. AL. and ponnnr-fe with tUn
Express Train which leaves Great Bend for
New York and Philadelphia, al
a. in.
Due at Montrose,
1 ankhannock,
Stroudsburg, -Water
p. m.
Do 1 a ware,(l 5 m i n u tes to d i n e) 1 :50
Bridgville, - - - 2:20
Junction, - - 3:13
New York, - - - 7:15
Philadelphia, ... 8:15
Passengers from Nnw YnrL- 1pv
Pier No. 2, North River at, 7:30, a
wharft lea? Wa.lnut s .nn
Leave Junction, - - 11:10
uue at Undgeville, - - 12:02
Delaware, 15 mm. dinner,' 12:16
p. m.
Moscow, ...
Scranton, ...
Factoryville, - . -Tunkhannock
- - . -Montrose,
- -' - -Great
Bend, - .
Connecting at Great Bend with
the Mail Train, west, at
Accommodation Train leaves
Scranton for Great Bend at
9:15 a. m.
2:05 p. m.
Arrive at Great Bend,
Connecting with the Emigrant Train west
...w.... v .. j.iniuut liuiii V U n L I
""nun i -lAi'it-o urai al 'iOO
at -n n . .
aim m c in. x. jxpi ess iasc at o:iu p. m.
Returning, leaves Great Bend, 3:20 p. m.
Due at Scranton,. - - - 8:05 "
For the accommodation of way travel on
the Southern Division, a Passenger Car will
be attached to the Express Freight Trains
leaving Scranton at 4:45 a m
Due at Stroudsburg at 10:20
Junction at 2:20 p. m.
Returning, will leave Junctional 3:45 1.
ijue at oirouusuurg at 4 7:15 "
Sr-r.mtnn nt;
r.. . oT i i . I
Passengers to and from New iTork' and
Philadelnhin will rhnr(Tf rnrn nt Ti.tnat ?
For Pitteton. Kingston, and Wil toi .
take L. & B. R. R. cars at Scranton.
For Jessuc Arr-hhr-M n,i p-.i.ji
take the slages at Scranton. . ,
lickets sold and Baggage checked through.
1 Cl 7VT T.rT.-.r.r.- . M
Wm. N. Jenks, Gen'l Tinknt --Aaint
Scranton, Sept. 16, 1853.
. 1 . 11 T 1 t - I 1 t
I minister in renihir standiii"-. and nnstor of f n Iron rhe nld stnrn tnnfl nf forvvrro ftlnl.
OClic Largest ami CJieapus Stock
ever of tiered; in tis City.
Wholesale Dealer
trencn ana trerman uaskeis, vvooa an
Willow Ware, Notions, Brushes, OU
Cloths, Cotton Laps. Wadding,
&c, &c, &c.
No.-119 Market-Street, below Second,
(north siJe.)
The subscriber has just opened an entire
My new and complete slock of goods of the
I l . ...... I 1 . a. t ' f I
oesi quauty ana uescnpuon, to WtilCll n
I trr i lit ync nnrHiilln .mil tl.A nnnnimi I Mnw
i pinnTC - i innmiti " --- t n rt - n nri
ummo uuu niU IU uiiu a. fcuuu
.1 1 : 1 l r ... - .
rm ie uicupjor asn
These goods were bought for Nett Cash
at the greatly recuced .prices consequent up
on the stringency of the times, and believing
e "nimble sixpence" to be better than Hi
"slow shilling," they are now offered to the
public at prices that defy competition.
1 rni r II ? r r . I. . y
i ue loiiowing are a lew oi me articles
nways " hand :
P",,s ?" J uJ)S,of "H kinds and qt
f a.l!s' Ialt1anR(J bu8ar
II all
Bushel and Peck Measures, Well Buck
ets, Towel Rollers, Patent head and
straight clothes pins, wash hoards,
wooden mop handles, Grain
scoops, Toy Wheelbarrows,
, Corn Brooms, every variety,
t Shoe, Paint, Scrub, and
Sweep brushes, &c.
Clothes brushes, Baskets, Willow and ratan
chairs, skirt ratatis. bird cages, clothes lines
bed cords, skirt cords, tie yarn Twine of al
kinds; together with a large assortment o
Notions and fancy Goods.
Hosier. Gloves, Shirts, Drawers, Threads
&c, cheTp Irom auction.
These goods are all new and carefully
selected, are offered at prices that cannot
laii to attract attention
Buyers will invariably find it to their own
interest to call before purchasing elsewhere
fXJParth ular attention given to packing
goods for shipment, so as to prevent dam-
a?e rr excessive charges for Ireight
Lrur(Sers by iMaii promptly attended to
1 1 0 Market st , north side, below 2nd, Phila
November IS, 1S5S. ly.
THE subscriber, having purchased and
CooEiJiEj;, Parlor, Sisop & Bar
IS 00 is:,
all sizes and kinds, for Wood or Coal.
In connection with the Stove business
.1.1 1 1 'Ml ..1
iue unacrsignca will Keep constantly on
hand a general assortment of Groceries
&c, viz: Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Molasses
Flour and Feed.
lie will constantly Keep Jjiour and
tly on hand.
ctfully invited to
examine for themselves
Stroudsburg, Nov. 12, 1857.
QnmAfh'n cr TtTcxTrr
OUJ-UC g n t; W.
mi ,. ,, r i .
i ue puonc ari respecuuiiy miormeu tnai
the undersigned lias opened, in the Borough
of Stroudsburg, a NEW
in the large four story building
recently erected by Messrs. Fow
ler and Wintemnte, two doors a
bove Robert Boy's Store, where
he intends keeping always on
hand, a large assortment of
Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Var-
Common Glass, tic.
embrace FANCY NO-
i iwivo in enuiess variety, irow wnicn an
- . i- 1 - I 11
tastes can be gratified, including
Per rumen. Plain and Fancv Glars Warn.
' V
Tooth. Hair and To et Brushes: Combs. &e
r?Tric a?i'9. rvi'n .ci
fr medicinal purposes, which beer their own
Every article will be warranted pure and
fresh, and will be dispensed by an assistant
whose experience in the business is such as
to deserve the unlimited confidence of the
public. Call and see.
JAMES N. DURLING, Proprietor.
Stroudsburg, Dec. 31, 1850.
Hollinshead & Detrick,
Wholesale and llctail dealers in
trng-i, iuctticiiivN, Faints, Oils,
Uyo Mil lis, tiiass, Per funic '
&c. &c. &.C.
N. B. German and English prescrip
tions carefully compounded.
April 8, 1858. ly.
In every Style of the Art.
L. T. Tew takes this method toiuform
the inhabitants of this Town and vicinity,
that having procured a new Instrument
expressly for tho purpose, ia now pro
pared to take all the latest stvles of Typo,
combining all the newest improvements of
- I " w
wi wiuid. J.'J.LIHIUHUIIIJC. J. ll(Ji(J" tl1)llS
UJ ' ux '
at his old Room near the Court House, in
a style unsurpassed. From his long expe
rience aa an Artist acknowledges no su-
Those wishing good Likenesses of
themselves or lnends, ate invited to call
and examine specimens. No charze made
!. wMtLfMm " S
uuiuiuvuuu KIHUi
L. T. TEW.
Sept 10, 1858.-tf.
Wen. K. SiaYiIa.6.,
Office at James H. Walton's. Esa.-r-
iCoirectiona made, and business attended
to wfth nromDtness and disnatoh.
Stroudsburg, June 26,. 185G
(Emit! JprDtiamatioxt; '
TI7tcrecfs. the Hon. George R. Barrett,
President Judge of the 22d Judicial District of
Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of
Wayr.e, Pike, Monroe and Carbon, and Abra
ham Levering and Michael H. Dreher, Esqr'e,
Associate Judges of the Court of Common
Pleas of the County of Monroe, and by vir
tue of their offices, Justices of the Court of
Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delive
ry and Court of General Quarter Sessions in
and for the said County of Monroe, have is
sued their precept to me commanding that
a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and
Common Pleas, and Court of Oyer and Ter
miner and General Jail Delivery and Or
phan's Court, for the said County of Monroe,
to be holden at Stroudsburg, on the 28th day
of February mst., to continue one week if
Is hereby given to the Cononer, the Justices
of the Peace, and Constables of the said coun
ty of Monroe, that they be then .and there
ready with their rolls, records, inquisitions,
examinations and other remembrances to do
those things which their offices are appertai
ning, and also that those who are bound by
recognizances to prosecute and give evidence
against the prisoners that are or shall be in
the jail cf the said county of Monroe, or a
gainst persons who stand charged with the
commission of offences to be then and there
to prosecute or testify as shall be just.
(God save the Commonwealth.)
Sheriffs Office Stroudsburg,
January 27, 1858.
IgisflEfiicflfiOBJis ia the Violin.
The subscriber would announce to the
public that he is prepared togivc Instruction
to all who wish to take lessons on the Violin
From his long experience and practical
knowledge as a Musician, while in Germany
and in this country, he guarantees to give
satisfaction to all those who may place them
selves under his charge. Terms reasonable.
For further information apply to
Leader of the "Stroudsburg Cornet Band."
Stroudsburg, Nov. 4, 1858. ly.
Ct iims bi .-.lei! entirely from Giiuts,
Is one of the best Purgative and Lirer me
dicines now before the public, that acts as a
Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual
than any oilier medicine known. It is mu
only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting
first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter,
then on the stomach and bowels to carry of
that mailer, thus accomplishing two purpo
ses effectually, without any of the paiulul
I'eehnos experienced in the operations ol
most Cathartics. It strengthens the system
at ihe same lime that it pures it; and when
taken ('ally in moderate doses, will strength
en and build it up with unusual rapidity.
The Liver is one of
the principal regula
dy; and when it per
well, the powers of
developed. The sto
tirely dependent on
tors of the human bo
forms its functions
the system are fuliy
mach is almost en
the healthy action of
the Liver for the pro-
er performance of
its (unctions; when
ihe stomach is ai
al fault, & the whole
fault, the bowels are
system suffers in con
an the Liver ha
'sequence of one or-
in ceased to do its
'duty For the dis of that oijan.
lias made it his stud
one of the proprietor:
in a piactice of more
than twenty years, tu
. . - J i-
Imd some remedy
wherewith to coun
teracl the many de
it is liable.
rancement- to which
To prove that this
re m edy is at last
found, any peiton
troubled with Liver
Complaint, in any of
its forms, has but to
try a bottle, and con-
viction is certain.
i i
These Gums re-
move an moroiu or
bad matter from the
system, supplying in
their place a healthy
flow of bile, mvigor
ating the stomach,
causing lood to di
jest w;ell, purifying
the blood, giving tone
and health to the
moving the cause ol
ing a radical cure.
whole machinerv,re
the disease effect.
Bilious attacks are
cured, ana, what is
better, prevented, Fy
the occasional use ol
the Liver lnvisora
One dose after ea-
iiii2 is sufficient to
relieve the stomach
from rising and sou-
md prevent the food
Only one dose taken before rctirinss pre
vents Aiuhlmarc
Only one dose taken at night, loosens the
bowels gently, and cures Costivcness.
One dose taken after each meal will cure
QjT' One dose of two teaspoonsfuls will
alwnys relieve Sick Headache.
One bottle taken for female obstruclion
removes the cause of the disease, and makes
a perfect cure
Only one dose immediately relieves Choi-
ic, while one dose often repeated is a sure
cure for Cholera Morbus, and a preventive
o! Lholcra.
(L?s' Only one bottle is needed to throw
out of the system the effects of medicine af
tor a long sickness.
lETOne bottle taken for Jaundice removes
all sallowness or unnatural color from the
One dose taken a short time before eating
gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food
diost well.
One dose often repeated cures Chronic
Diarrhcca in its worst forms, while Summer
ind Bowel complaints yield almost to the
first dose
One or two doses cures attacks caused by
Vorms in Children : there is no surer, safer
r speedier remedy in the world, as it never
IEFA few bottles cures Dropsy, by exci
ting the absorbents.
We take pleasure in recommendine this
medicine as a preventive for Fever $- Ague,
isMl l-evcr, and all fevers ol a Bilious Type.
It operates with certainty, and thousands
are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues.
All who use it are giving their unanimous
testimony in its favor.
ICrrtB ix waler in ihe mouth wiUi
Iie luvigoi-aior, aistl swallow
bolh together.
Is a Scientific Medical Discovery, and is
aily working cures, almost loo great to be-
leve. it cures as ti by masic. even the firsi
ose giving benefit, and seldom more than
ne bottle is required to cure any kind ol
Liver complaint, from the worst Jaundice
r Dyspepsia to a common Headache, all ol
which are the result of a Diseasad Liver.
Dr. SAN FORD, Proprietor, 315 Broad
way, Iew lork. And retailed bv all Drug
gists. Sold also by ITjillinshead & Detrick.
nd James N. Durling, Stroudsbun:, Pa.
I -i O -n ......
Por sale at this Office
removal ! u
"Wholesale and Retail ;!
Boot anh 5)ot
The subscriber respecifuly informs
his customers and friends that he has
removed his Boot and Shoe Manufai-'
loryiu the store room formerly occupied byv
Joseph Sigman, in Northampton street, onrr
door above Hamilton street, and betwehu
Mrs. E. H. Harmony's Millinery and Pete?
Pomp's Drug Store.
He has just received a large assortment"
of Boots and Shoes, among which are Calf
Congress Boots, Enameled Congresa Boots'
Calf Napoleon Boots, Patent Morocco' $a
poleon Boots, Brogans, &c. for GetlerfrSri
and Boys.
Also on hand a large assortment of Shoes'
for Ladies and Misses. Women's fashion-"
ble Gaiters of every variety, made to order
at short notice. A large assortment of Chil--drens
Shoes always on hand. GTJISI Shoes"
of all descriptions and kinds, which he ia
The goods are manufactured of the bes-
materials and in the neatest and most fash
ionable manner. He employs none but the
best workmen about his establishment.
Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto
fore received, every effort will be made Id
merit a continuances of the same.
tit AT.nwiTs snirnniT
. -A.aij v-w Al V V J.JL
Easton, September 16, IS52.
New Wholesale and Retail
!roiJIs!nrsr, Pa.
The undersigned would inform Land
ords and the public generally, that
he continues the above business in Strouds
burg, in the store house formerly occupied
by John II. Melickas a Jewelry Store, and
has on hand a large stock of
of all kinds and of the best quality, directfrom
the Custom House, which he is prepared
to sell to Landlords and others on the mostrea-
Lunuuii. t-i hu. wm .iiuiu uuiiei&is ui x re lie II
Brandy, dark and pale. Also, Peach, Black
berry, Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy; Hol
land Gin, N. E. Rum; Irish, Pye and Apple
Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala
ga, Currant and Champagne Wine, &c. &c.
Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of all
Demijohns, from i to 5 gallons; bottles, and
generally any thing that can be asked for in
our line.
Landlords will find it greatly to their ad- -vantage
to dea.i with me. I have no hired
agenW to sell and distribute liquors for meat
great expense, which must be paid for by the
consumer. ThoscUealing with imp I intend
shall be satisfied with the article they get, as
well as the price, and whenever they are not,
I will be pleased to have them return the
liquor, and make the fact known, for I in
end to make it a permanent bnsincss, and
can only do so by dealing honorably. All
orders sent me, by stage drivers or others, wilj
be promptly attended to, the same as though
the person was present dealing for himself
July 8, 162. p. S. POSTENS.
Has permanently located him
self in Stroudsburg, and moved
his oillce next door to Dr. S.
Walton.and nearly opposite S. Rces's Hat&,
Cap store, where he is fully prepared to treat
the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt
ible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in the
latest and most improved manner. Most per
sons know the danger and folly of trusting
their work to the ignorant as well as the
traveling dentist. It matters.not how much,
experience a person may have, he is liable to
have some failures out of a number of cases,
and if the denti.t lives at a distance, it is fre
quently put off until it is too late to save the
tooth or teeth as it may be, otherwise the -inconvenience
and trouble of going so far. "
Hence the necessity of obtaining the services
off dentist near home. All work warranted
Boots, Sljocjs &irinMng,v
Desires to call the attention of
the public, to a new and well se
lected stock of fashionable Hats
and Caps, which are iust receive!
and will be offered to the people of Strouds
burg and vicinity, on very favorable terms
for ready pay. Also, to a new stock and
assortment of ladies and Gentlemen's fash
ionable Boots and Shoes sold cheap for cash.
Also, Shoe Findings of all descrintions such
as dressed and undressed Morocco Skins,.
Shoe Pegs, Hammers, Sc. '
The subscriber also has the agency for the
sale of Dr. James C. Ayefs Cherry Pectoral
and Sugar Coaled Cathartic Pills and Ger
man Worm Seed.
The above articles, and many olhers not
mentioned belonging to his line of business,
will be kept constantly on hand and for sn'ln
at the store lately occupied by John W. Riix
ton, two doors above the Bakery and Confec
tionary of Jacob Goetz.
Positively no Credit. "Quick sales and
small profits" is his motto.
Please call and see and examine for your
selves before purchasing elsewhere.
oirouusuurg, Sept. 17, 1855.
lho undersigned respectfully in
forms tho citizens of Stroudsburg
and vicinity, that he has conmrmr...i.
near Kautz's Blacksmith shop, on William-
St., and is fully prepared to do all kind?.
of work in his line, with neatness and des
patch. Having had twenty years ex
perience in this business, ho hopes will
bo an inducement for the people to'ivo "
him a trial.
llepairing of all kinds promptly attend
eu to. Rifles made to order. : '
Stroudsburg, June 14. 1855.
iew Goods, Tcry Cheap.
JUHIN i. STOKES, having just
finished his selections, is how re'
ceiving a choice and fashionable
assortment of new and
goods, to which he invites the attention of
the public.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware
&c ,&c.lin variety, and of superior quality
will be found in his store, at prices unusually
Jnv. The public are invited to call and see
No charge for showing goods. it
Stroudsburg, Oct. 8, 1857. " 1