The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, February 03, 1859, Image 3

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;,: jfw. A. Batchelor's Hair,Dye !
The Original and Best in the World!
All others arc mere imitations, and should be avoid
ed, it you wish to escape ridienle.
-Gray, Red, or Husty H.iir Dyed instantly Jo a beauli
jtil'abd Natural Drown or Illack, w ithout the least in
lury to Hair or skin.
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have bcert awarded to
Vim: A. Datchelcr sindc la, and over HO.OOO applica
tions have been made to the Hair of his patrons of his
famous Dye.
Wm. A. DATHELOIt'S HAIR DYE produces a color
not to be distinguished from nature, and is warranted
not to iiijuie in the least, however long it maybe con
tinued, and the ill enacts ol lied Dyes remedied, the
Hair.inigoiagcd for Life by this splendid Dye.
Made, sold or applied (in 0 private rooms) at the
Wig Factory, 233 firo.idway, New York.
Sold in all cities and towns of the United Stales, by
Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers.
IEFTnc genuine has the name and address upon a
fetccl plate liugruving on four sides of each box, of
S33 Iticnrlwav, Novv-Yoik.
Sold hvHOLLlNSllE.VD & DETIUClv, Strousbuig.
Celebrated Female fills.
Prepared from a presriplion of Sir J.Clarke,
M. D. Physician Lxlraordinary to Hie
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of
all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the
female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess
and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure may
be tclicd on.
To iTSarrieci ff,I5es
it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, biing on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each buttle, price One Dollar, bears the Government
tamp of Great Diitsin, to prevent counterfeits.
These Pills should not be taken by femrdes dining the
FIRST THREE MONTHS of l'rcgnancy, as they arc
sure to bring on Miscaniagc.but at any other time they
arc safe.
In all cases of Nervous anil Spinal Affections, pain in
the back and limbs, f.itigtie on slight exertion, palpita
ionofthe hcatt, h stories and whites, these Tills will
effect a cure w hon all other means have failed; and al
though a povvoiful remedy, do not contain iion, calo
mel, antimony, or anything huitful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet aiound each package,
vhich should Itocau-fully preserved.
Sole Agent for tho United Suites and ChwicIii,
(Late I. C. rtt'ilwin .fc Co..)
Ilochesier, N. Y.
N. R. $1 CO and fi ' osIurp stamps enclosed to :ui)
authoiized Apem, will insuie a boitle. ctmiaingSO pills
In- rclum mail For sale m simwU uifi. by
July I. ltoS -ly. J. N. DURL1NG, Agnnt.
Whereas, it appears that the (Jays of right,
honor, and integrity are fnfct fncliny- away,
and whereas, the unscrupulous and ignorant
are daily taking advantage of the profound j
and learned. IM it known therefore, to all,
whether Maids, Wives, or Widows, (hat Dr.
Chccsmaii's Female Pills are alone ihe cer
tain panacea fur ihe troubles incident to fe
male disorganization; they alone correcting
all painful menstruation, assuaging palpita
tions ofthc heart, dit-turbed sleep, pain in tlie
side, and causing health and happiness to ihe
whole sex; more especially to the married
portion, as they are certain to bring on the
monthly period with regularity. And where
as, these pills are purely vegetable and en
tirely free lrom minerals, therefore perfectly
harmless in their operations and wholly un
like oilier medicines thrust upon the public,
purporting to effect the objects already de
tailed. Therefore, be it know n, that nothing
but the said" i7Z.v of Dr. Chccsman will ac
bomplish the desired object, when disappoint
ment has been experienced under the regime
of other Pills; and the Ladies will cause
this Proclamation to spread amongst them, to
tfieir own everlasting benefit always promi
Mng that said Proclamation in one case must
be considered null and void ; that is to say,
that the Pills must not be taken when any
female is in an interesting situation, other
wise a miscarriage will be the inevitable re
sult. Explicit directions, to be carefully read,
accompany each box. Price 1. Sent by
mail on enclosing 1 to Dr. Cornelius L.
Cheeseman, 15ox 4,531, Post Otlice, New
York City. Sold by one Druggiat in every
town in the United Stales.
Given under my hand and seal,
K. IS. gzutrZiiisgs
General Agent for the United States,
1 i5 Chanibers-f-t., N. York,
To -whom all wholesale orders must be ad
dressed. Sold in Stroudsbng fay Iloilinshcad & De
trick ; II. B. Seiuple & Co. Easton.
Feb. 25, 1858. ly.
Dallev's Magical Pain Extractor
. .
In all -diseases inflammation more or less
predominates now to allay inflammation
etrkes at the root of disease hence an im
mediate cure.
Dalleys1 Magical Pain Extractor,
and nothing else, will allay inflammation at
once, and make a certain cure.
Dalleifs Magical Pain Extractor
will cure the follow-in?; among a catalogue of
diseases; burns, scaids, cuts, chafes, sore nip
ples, corns, bunions, strains, bites, poison,
chilblains, biles, scrofula, ulcers, fever sores,
felons, ear ache, piles, sore eyes, gout, swel
Inigs, rheumatism, scald head, salt rheu,u,
baldness, erysipelas, ringworm, barbers itch,
email pox, measles, rash, &c, &,c.
To some it may seem incredulous that so
many diseasesshould be rpached by one arti
cle; such an idea will vanish when reflection
points to the fact, that the salve is a combina
tion of ingredients, each and every one ap
plying & perfect antidote to its opposite dis
order. DaUey's Magical Pain Extractor
En it6 effects is magical, because the lime is
o short between disease and a permanent
cure; and it is an extractor, as it draws all
disease out of the affected part, leaving na
ture as perfect as before the injury. It is
scarcely necessary to say that no house, work
shop, or manufactury should he one moment
without it.
No Pain Extractor is genuiue unless the
box has upon it a steel plate engraving, with
the name of Kerrry Dailey, Manufacturer,
For sale by all the Druggists and patent
medicine dealers throughout the United
States and Can ad as.
Principal Depot,
. 105 Chambers St., New-York.
Sold in Stroudsburg, by Hollinshead and
Feb. 25, 1859.-1 y
BACTIIELOR'S WIGS and TOUPEES surpasses all.
They are elegant, light, easy and durable.
Fitting to n charm no turning up behind no shrink
ing off the head; indeed, this is the only Establishment
m' toe re these things arc properly undei stood aud made.
23 Broadway, New-York. (Dec. 'J, 1553 ly.
rROTncxcD JgtljSa. letters
When Mr. Douglas shall fill out the
term in the Senate to which he has been
elected, he will have Berved twenty-two
jcars in Congress four in the House and
eighteen in the Senate.
The Democrats began this CongrosB
with a majority of 28, and now they can
uot carry evrh an ordiuary appropriation
bill without the aid of the Republicans.
2ew York Markets.
Wednesday, February 3, 1859.
FLOUR AND MEAL The sales are
5,000 bMs. at S5 20aS5 25 for superfine
State; S5 75a$G for extra do ; $6aS6 25
for low grades of extra Western; 86 25a
Sti 35 for shipping brands of Hound-hoop
extra Ohio; SO 75a$8 for extra Genessee.
llye flour is in moderate demand, and is
Grm; sales of 200 bbls. at S3 75a$4 25.
Corn Meal is plenty and is quiet at $3 65
aS3 78 for Jersey, and $4 25 for Brandy
wine. GRAIN Wheat; the sales are 1,000
bu-h. common Red Southern at SI 30;
5,500 bush, good Rod Ohio at SI 35, and
5,300 lush, fair White Michigan at SI 46
Oats are in fair request and are steady;
sales of State at f9aGUc, and Western
and Canadiao at G2a64o. Corn is in
moderate demand; sales of 14,000 bush.
at7Ga81c. for new White Southern and
Jer-ey; SOaSle. for Yellow do.; 82a82o.
for fair old White Southern, and 85c. for
Western mixed, in store.
PR0VISS10NS Pork; the sales are
1,200 bbls. at S18 121 for new Mess, SH
02iaS17 75 for old Mess, SI 3 50aS13
02j for Prime, and S20 for Clear. Cut
Meats are steady, and the demand fair;
sales of 300 hhds and tc. at 6a5fjo. for
Shoulders and SwaOc. for Hams. Dress
ed Hogs are scarce and in demaud at 7-$
aSc. Butter is quite firm and in demand
at lla'J.c. for Ohio and 16a2Go. for
State. Cheetc is firm at SalOio.
00" See advertisement of Dr. San ford's
LIVER JNV1GORATOR in another column.
From the ALTON (111.) COURIER.
iPruf. Y' cod's llniv tee.siorutive.
Wo canuot loo earnestly recommend to
ihe atteution of our aged friends, or oth
ers who have been no unfortunate as to
lose their hair, the restoring properties of
Profe-sor Wood's wonderful discovery.
Certificates of its efficacy are constantly
couiiu in, and a village can hardly be
found in the West, where living witnesses
cauuot be found to testify from experi
ence that it will not only restore gray
hair to its original color, but will restore
to the bald head the locks of youth aud
beauty, thus furnishing an effectual anti
dote for the ravnjio of time and disease.
Among tho.-e who certify positively to its
ifficacy in accomplishing its work, is
Judge Rreese, of this Circuit, together
with other responsible witnesses. s Gray
headed bachelors and widowers who de
sire to make their market, and all others
afiiicted as above described, deserve to
bear their misfortunes without sympathy,
if they will not avail themselves of the of
fered remedy.
Sold in Stroudsburg by Hollinshead &
Detrick, and James N. Durling. See
advertisement in another column.
First Annual Bali
TI55 ISOTffilL,
0a Thursday Eve. February 3d, 1859.
The members of the Baud take pleas
ure in announr ing, that their first Annual
Ball will be given at the above named
place. A general invitation js cxteuded
to the public. The object of the Ball be
ing to raie funds to secure for the Band
a permanent basis, it is hoped that it will
be liberally patronized.
Ticlich-Two Dollars.
The Musio for the occasion ill be fur
nished by a choice
DrWIiirilL' OjM S.&3OTa
The house will be prepared for the re
ception of guests at half past six o'clock.
Dancing to commence at half past seven.
Tickets may be bad of the members of
the Band, and at the several Hotels.
By order of the
Committee of Arrangements.
N. B. No. special invitations will be
Jauuary 27 1659.
Is3ii5etii22s o:a the 'Violijs.
The subscriber would announce to the
public that he is prepared to give Instruction
to all who wish to take lessons on the Violin
From his long experience and practical
knowledge as a Musician, while in Germany
and iu this country, he guarantees lo give
satisfaction to all those who may place thorns-elves
under his" charge. Terms reasonable.
For further information applv lo
Leader of the 4,Stroudsburg Cornet Band."
Stroudsburg, Nov. 4, 1858. ly.
In every Style of the Art.
L. T. Tew takes this method to inform
the inhabitants of this Town and vicinity,
that having procured a new Tustrumeut
expressly for tho purpose, is now pre
pared to take all the latest styles of Type,
combining all the uewest improvements of
Ambrotypcs, Mclaionotype TUotograplts,
at his old Room near the Court House1 in
a style unsurpassed. From his long expe
rience as an Artist acknowledges no su
perior. I hose wishing good Likenesses of
themselves or friends, are invited'to call
and examine specimens. No charge made
uuless perfect satisfaction given.
L. T. TEW.
Sept 16, 1658.-tf.
For sale at this Office
iExecutor's Sale of a
Late the Estate of Leonard Lobar Sr.,
Will be offesed at public sale, on Sa
turday, the 12th day of February, 1859,
nt the house of John Bush, on the prem
ises, 65 of Safin5 lying about
two miles from btrouusourg, aujoining
lnnds of Georsre Ransberry and others,
on which there is a comtortaDie .fev
SSoaae Mouse,
2n hv 37 feet: cellar and kitch
en on the first floor and 4 rooms on the
second; Milk bouse, well and pump near
tho door; Frame Barn 33 by 44, and
other out buildings. The Farm is well
clesred, and divided into convenient fields.
The Sambo Creek passes through it.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon. Terms aud attendance at the
sale. J. H. STROUD, Executor.
Stroudsburg, Jan. 27, l859.-3t
STEPHEN HOLMES, Jr.. Principal
This Institution will rc-open on Mon
day, January 24, 1859.
Common English Branches, $3.00
nigher English, 4.00
Languages. 5.00
No deduction iuado for absence unless
in case of protracted sickuess;
For further information or for admis
sion apply to, or address the Principal,
Stroudsburg, Pa.
January 13, 1859.
oitrt Proclamation.
Whereas, the Hon. George It. Barrett,
President Judge of'the22d Judicial District of
Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of
Wayne, Pike, Monroe and Carbon, and Abra
ham Levering and Michael II. Dreher, Esqr's,
Associate Judges of the Court of Common
Pleas of the County of Monroe, and by vir
tue of their offices, Justices of the Court of
Oyer and Terminer and General Jai! delive
ry and Court of General Qunrter Sessions in
and for the said County of Monroe, have is
sued their precept to me commanding that
a Court of Quarter Sessions of t lie Peace and
Common Pleas, and Court of Oyer and Ter
miner and. General Jail Delivery and Or
phan's Court, for the said County of Monroe,
to be holden at Stroud&bunr, on the 24th day
of February inst., to continue one week if
Is hereby given to the Cononer, the Justices
of the Peace, and Constables of the said coun
ty of Monroe, that they be then and there
ready with their rolls, records, inquisitions,
examinations and other remembrances to do
those things which their offices are appertai
ning, and also that those who are bound by
recognizances to prosecute and give evidence
against the prisoners that are or shall be in
the jail of the said county of Monroe, or a-
irmncl nnrsnnj whn Ktnnr rlmrrrp1 ivit!) Mm
commission of offences to he then and there
lo prosecute or testify-as shall be just.
(God save the Common wealth.)
Sheriff's Office Stroudsburg, )
January 27, 1853. $
By virtue of an order to me directed,
issued out of the Court of Common Picas
of -Monroe County, I will expose to sale
at public vendue, on
Thursday, the 3d day of February
nest, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, on
the premises hereinafter described, a cer
tain $r15S1 IrilSI and tract of
LAND, situate in the township
of Middle SaitbSeld, in said
County of Monroe, known as
the "Mill Lot", bounded and described
as follows, to wit : Beginning at a stone
in the public road, thence South twenty
three degrees and a half West, two perch
es to a stone, thence North sixty-nine de
grees and a half West, twenty perches to
a stone, thence South soventy-two de
grees West, fourteen perches to a stone,
thence South forty-one degrees and a half
West, sixteen perches to a stone, thence
South sixty-seven degrees and a quarter
West, ten perches and three quarters to a
beach, thenco North eighty-thrco degrees
West, ten perches and three quarters to a
beach, thence North eighty-three degrees
West, ten perches to a stone, tbenco South
sixty-Gvo degrees Weet, thirty-one perch
es aud a half to a buttonwood on the bank
of Bushkill Creek, thence down the same
North ten degrees West, six perches to a
stone, thence North sixty-five and a half
degrees East, fifty perches to a stone,
thence North twenty-five degrees East,
eighteen perches to a post, thenco South
twenty-five degrees East, sixteen perches
and seven-tenths to tho place of begin
ning, containing
more or less, with the appurtenances.
Tho improvements are one GlilSTi
MILL, three stories high, 30by 44 feet,
one Dwelling? Mouse,
one and a half stories high, 16 ffiR ;
by 32 feet, and one BARN IGjMig
by 20 feet. About four across ""
of the above tract are cleared.-
To be sold by me for cash, as the prop
erty of William Place and Simon Heller.
Sheriff 's Office, Stroudsburg, )
January 10, 1859. St.
2luMtor1 Notice.
The undersigned Auditor, appointed
by the Court of Common Pleas, of Mon
roe County, to distribute tho money's a
rising from tho Sheriff's Sale of the prop
erty of John Scrfoss, will attend to the
duties of his appointment at the public
House of Peter Kemmorer, on Thursday,
the tenth day of February next, at 2 o'
clock, P. M., when and where all persons
interested may attend if they think prop
er JOHN DeYOTJN, Auditor.
January 6, 1850.
A large and constant supply of Ground
Plaster, at DeWitt & V ino's Mill (former
ly Stoke's) at $8 per tun.
Stroud township, Nov. 18, 1858,- 4m.
Grand Gift Enterprise.
The undersigned have determined to dis
pose, by means of a gift enterprise, of their
new and splendid
located in Klecknersville. Moore loivnshin.
Northampton county, Pa., jtibt erected, to
gether with a valuable Farm adjoining the
iMsitiiery property, consisting of
of cleared land. The Distillery is entirely
new, 3 stories high, the lower story being
bunt ot stone and the two upper stones frame,
measuring 04 feet bv 34 and finished through
out in the very best manner, at a cost of. not
less i man -fclO.UUO. It is situated in a rich
agricultural region, convenient to a good
market, and is canable of distilling lnf) bush
els ot grain a day. The distillery, which is
now in lull operation, is the property of Shall
& Helman.
The improvements on the Farm are a two-
story B B
JFA'ame ISoissc,
42 by 22 feet; a Barn 40 by 50 feet, with
stone stabling; a brick spring house 20 by 24
feet, a never luilinsr snrin"- of water near tho
house, a wason house and other necessary
out-biiildinss. The farm is in rood order, in
excellent cultivation and contains a good
Xoeisag; Apple Orchard.
In addition lo the distillery and farm, they
will also distribute to the holders of tickets
the sum of
SS,G59 In Mowcy.
Every ticket, except those that draw higher
gifts, will, in the first olace be entitled to
draw 10 cents in money,' there being no
blanks. It is intended to have the drawing
as soon as possible, with the expectation that
the tickets will be sold in a short time, and
possession (together with an indisputable ti
tle) will be given to the 'farm on the 1st of
April, 1SG0, and to the distillery on the 1st
of December 1S59. The tickets will be
drawn by 12 respectable citizens of North
ampton county, who will act under oath, and
the purchasers of tickets may rest assured
that the drawing will be made in a strictly
honorable, upright manner.
i he whole number of tickets issued amount
to 21,875. The first drawn number will en
title the holder to the first gift, being the
Distillery, valued at 10,000.
The second drawn nirnber will entitle the
holder to the second best gift, being the Farm,
valued at 7,000.
The remaininir 283 ?ifts. will be divided
amonir the holders of the tickets, as thev are
drawn m rotation from the wheel, as follows:
-One Gift of
U (( 11
3 n it it
4. Ten Gifts of 10 each,
Twenty Gifts of So each,
G 1
Fifty Gifts of SI each.
-One Hundred Gifts of 50cts. each, 50,00
-One " " " 25 cts. each, 25,00
Erery ticket that does not draw one of
these gifts, will be entitled to 10 cents.
Klecknersville, Pa., Jan. 13, 1859.
Ribbons and fyliliinery Goods,
To Merchants, Milliners, Jobbers, Dealers
in Ribbons, Millinery Goods, and
Cash buyers in all sections of the Country.
The Cash Ribbon House,
115 Chambers Street, New York,
We have originated a new principle a
new era iu the Ribbon Trade, whereby we
make this business plain, simple, and staple
as that of brown sheetings.
We are satisfied with 5 per cent profit.
Ask no Second Price. Have all our goods
marked in pi- in figures, so that man, woman
and child "buv alike," and receive the same
vJue for their money.
Our prices for best Taffeta Ribbons, all
colors, are
No. l 12 cts. per piece,
No. 4 35i cts. per piece,
" 2 20J " " " 9 ftj " "
" 3 25J- " " " 12.,107i-
No. 1G $l,47f per piece.
Our Establishment is the centre of attrac
traction for RIBBONS 'Quick Snles,' 'Light
Profits,' and 'Good Value ' for Cash.
Rouchtis! Bojk;Jbcs !
New Styles and Pate, ns, at a saving of 30
per tent from credit prices
Bioiatf fcuii lings &c. &c.
Our ,;ne of these Goods always full. We
Import and 'Job' them at once for 5 per cent
advance Marked prices on all Goods 'in
pla'n figures.'
A saving of 40 per cent on these Goods from
credit prices.
Our intention iso make the P'bbon Trade
as staple in regard lo prices as domestic goods.
To do th'we mui sell Oic Million dollars
wo.-'h Goods per ennum!
We are Union Men. 'No North,' 'no
SouihV We solicit the patronage of Mer
cl m's, in every section ofthc United States,
and are the servants ot all who favor us with
their trqdc and patronage.
. 116 Chambers street, New York,
nea- the Iludton River Railroad Depot,
it. ir. waller Jan. 13, '50,-4 m.
QUibitou'tf Notice.
The undersigned Auditor, appointed
by the Court of Common Pleas, of Mon
roe County, to distribute the monoy's a
riaing from the Sheriff's Sale of the prop
erty of Charles S. Colbert, and tere Ten
ants, will attend to the duties of his ap
pointment, at the public House of Peter
Kemmerer, on Thursday, the 17th day
of February nest, at 2 o'clock, P. M.,
when and where all persona interested
may attend if they think proper.
JOHN DE.YOUN.G, Auditor.
January 6. 1859
$tfO& A Year.
Wanted an Active, Honest man in ev
ery county in the States, to travel and
canvass for tho New Youk Omnibus
a beautifully illustrated monthly journal.
To suitable, activo men, a salary of S500
per year and a small commission will be
paid. Address
C. P, BitlTTON, Publisher,
80 J3eekmen st;, N. t.
January 13, 1859-4t,
New Arrangement.
Delaware Lackawanna & Western
New and expeditious broad gtiagc route
from the North and West, no Great Bend
and Scranton, and from the Lackawanna
and Wyoming vallies, directly through to
iew lork ami riiilauelphia.
OCrOn and after Thursday, December 16,
1858, trains will be run as follows:
The Cincinnati Express Train bounll cast
on IN. Y. Jc Lrie Railroad arrives t Great
Bend al 8:15 A. AL, and connects with the
Express Train which leaves Great Bend for
New York and Philadelphia, al 8:00 a. in.
Due at Montrose, - -Tankhunnock,
Scranton, -Moscow,
Water Gap,
p. ni.
Delaware,(15 minutes todmc)l:50
Bridgvilie, - . 2:20
Junction, - "3:lo
New York, - - - 7:15
Philadelphia, ... S;15
Passengers from New York, leave
Pier No. 2, North River at
7:30, a. m.
From Phila. leave Walnut st.
Wharf at ... -Leave
Junction, - -Due
at Bndgeville,
Delaware, 15 min, dinner,
G:00 "
-H-.10- "
12:02 "
- 4:52
p. m.
Waler Gap,
Moscow, - - -
Scranton, ...
Factoryville, - - . -
Tunkhanncck -
Montrose, -
Great Bend,
Connecting at Great Bend with
the Mail Train, west, at
Accommodation Train leaves
Scranton for Great Bend at
Arrive at Great Bend,
- 0:35
7:10 '
9:15 a.
2:05 p.
Connecting with the hmigrant Irani west
at 2:20 the Dunkirk Express West at 4:35
and the N. Y. Exptess East at 3:10 p. m.
Returning, leaves Great Bend, 3:20 p. m.
Due at Scranton, - 8:05 "
For the accommodation of way travel on
the Southern Division, a Passenger Car will
be attached to the Express Freight Trains
leaving Scranton at 4:45 a. in.
Due at Stroudsburg at 10:20 "
" Junction at 2:20 p. m.
Returning, will leave Junction at 3:45 a. ro
Due at Stroudsburg at 7:15 "
" Scranton at
2:35 n.
Passengers to and from New lork and
Philadelphia, will change cars at Junction.
For Pitt&ton, Kingston, and Wil kesbarre
lake L. & B. R. R. cars at Scranton.
For Jessup, Archbald, and Carbondiile,
take the stages at Scranton.
Tickets sold and Baggage checked through.
Wm. N. Jenks, Gen'l Ticket Agent.
Scranton, Sept. 10, 185S.
Stroudsburg, Oct. 22, 1857.-tf
The undersigned having purchas
ed the right for Monroe County, to
manufacture and sell Mess. Appl -man
& Bobbins' patent
on Gum Oils,
for painting purposes, hereby offer
MjLtheni for sale ill fifty percent, below
linseed oil prices. The article lias been in
use for the last three years and has stood the
test of experience. Certificates can
Efer- bo seen at the Store, from sonjc of
Mthe best practical builders aud
nainlers in ihe country. Also specimens of
1 . ...... rn wri l
the painting. j.o whuui
rights, Carpenters, and Cabinet
Makers it will be an indispen
sable article. Shop or Town
ship rights sold upon reasonable"
Stroudsburg, Nov. 25, 1858. Proprietors.
The undersigned offers at private
;ale a house and lot situated on the
South side of Elizabeth streat, in ihe borough
of Stroudsburg. The house and shop are
frume two stoties high, and the lot is 50
feet front by 190 feet deep to an Alley. On
account of its central position it is admira
ble, it being directly opposite the Strouds
burg Hotel. The same will be disposed oi
on fair terms.
Dec. 23, 1S58.
OCrBiscovcd at Jjast.Q
A certain Cure, for Corns & Bkiiious
All persons afflicted with these painful e.-
cresences. can effect perfect cures, wunoui
the aid of a surgeon or the knife, by using
Sent by until, postage paid, to any part of
the country on receipt ol bi. Aiiuress
241 Dock st. or Box 2G1 P. O.
Jan: G,.1859.-3m. Philadelphia.
For salo hi this Office
Compounded culiroSy from Gaims,
Is one of the best Purgative and Lirer me
dicines now before the put lie, that arts as a
Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual
than any other medicine known. It is not
only a Cathartic, but a Liar remedy, acting
first on the Liver lo ejert its morbid matter,
then on the stomach and bowels to carrv off
that matter, thus -accomplishing two purpo
ses effectually, without any of the pnirfful1,
feelings experienced in the operations1" of
most Cathartics. It strengthens the system'1
at the same lime that it purges it; and when
taken daily in moderate doses, will strength
(ii aud build it up with unusual rapidity.
The Liver is one of
tors of the human bo
forms its functions
the system are fully
mach is almost en
the healthy action of
per performance of
the stomach is at
at fault, & tl-,e whule
sequence ol one or
ing ceased to do its
eases of that organ,
has made it his study
the principal regula
dy; and when it per
well, the powers of
Jeveloped. The sol
tirelv dependent on
a the Liver for the pro
mts lunctions; when
fault, the bowels are
system suffers in conr.
1 r r
iuan tne lArcr .ha-,
Muty. For the dls
jone of the proprietors'
;in a piactice of mure
jpllind sonic remedy
J'eract the many do--
than twenty years, to
wherewith to coun-
raiigcmcntJ lo whjch
To prove that this
found, any petson
Complaint, in any'of
try a bottle.. and con
These Gums Tc
had matter from the
their place a healthy
ating the stomach,
nnct ivoll ii ? fin
tt is liable,
remedy is at last
troubled with Licer1
its form3, has but' to
vicfion is certain.
move all morbid or'
system, supplying fns;
flow of bilpyinvigor-"
causing food to di
the blood, giving tone'
thc disease effect-'
and health to the'
moving the cause o!
ing a radical cure.
Bilious attacks are
belter, prevented, by
the Liver Invigora
One dose after ea
relieve the stomach
from rism" and sou
cured, and. what isV
the occasional use of
tor. ling is sufficient to
a iid prevent the food
Only one dose taken before retiring, pre-''
vents Nightmare. "
Only one dose taken at night, loosens thef'
bowels gently, and cures Costiveness.
One dose taken after each meal will cure '
Dyspepsia'. . -.
Qj One dose of two teaspoonsfuls wMlf
always relieve Sic; Headache.
One bottle taken for female obstrucfioir'
removes the cause of the disease, aud makes"
a perfect cure
Only one dose immediately relieves Chol
ic, while one dose olten repeated is a sure
cure for Cholera Morbus, and a preventive ,
of Cholera. .
fX3 Only one bottle is needed to fhrow'
out of the system the effects of medicine af-
tor a long sickness.
ICrOne bottle taken for Jaundice removes' '
all sallowness Or unnatural color from the
One dose taken a short time before eating
gives vigor to the appetite, and makes foot!"
digest well.
One dose often repeated cures Chromd'
Diarrhaa in its worst forms, while Summer ''
and Bowel complaints yield almost to the
first dose ,
One or two doses cures attacks caused by
Worms in Children : there is no surer, safer.
or speedier remedy in the world, as it never '
fails. 1
UZTA few bottles cures Dropsy; by excf
ling the absorbents.
We take-pleasure in recommending -this
medicine as a preventive for Ftver tj- Ague.
Chill Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Typcr
It operates with certainty, and thousands'
are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues;
All who use it are giving their unanimous"
testimony in its favor.
lEFSSix vriilor in IhcsnuHih witZx
Uie luvigoralor, ixm swaiJuw
both iogclSscr.
Is a Scientific Medical Discovery, and is
daly working cures, almost too great to be
lieve. It cures' as if by magic even the first,
dose giving benefit, and seldom more than
one bottle is required to cure any kind of :.
Liver complaint, from the worst Jaundice
or Dyspepsia to a common Headache, all of
which are the result of a Diseasad Liver.
Dr. SANFOKD. Proorietor, 3.15 Broad
way, New York. And retailed by all Drug
gists. Sold also by Hollinshead & DetrickV
and James N. Durling, Stroudsburg, Pa.
July 1, 1S5S. ly.
Wc hereby caution all persons agaiust
hunting or fishing, orgoing through grass?
grain or orchards, upon cither of our
premises, as we are determined to prose
cute trespassers to tho full extent of the
Charles Ecller,
Ezra Ilunsikcr,
David Groher,
Johu Shook,
Henry Dennis,
Absalom Fetherman,
Thomas W. llhodes,
Charles L. Keller,
Leonard Andre,
Henry "Miller.
Charles Drake,
Charles Swink,
Geo. Uouser.
Aaron Croasdalc.
Silas h. Drake.
L. & J. Drake,
James 11. Andre:
May 20, 1 853.-1 y.
Wholesale and Retail dealers in
DritjJS Mt'fitaines " s Oils
Iyu Stuffs, S'orfsjincry,
&.V.. &c &o.
N. I3.Gcrman and English prescrip
tions carefully compounded. . .
W'M. holLixsuead. c
s. Dini:i(jK
April 8, 1S5S. ly.
Corner Main St, and North side.
Public Square, Wilkcs-Karrc, Fa.
N. T. O inilu9C3 will run regularly
to and from ..ho Railroad Depot, to con;'
uect with-the Oars, on every arrival and.
departure of the passeuijer trains.
May 13, 1653.
Win. K. Maviaaml,
Office at James II. WhlicjjV.JCffqc-
Collections made, and business attuntftSd
in ,riK nrnmntness and ilisnntfh. jJf'
L II . . I' . .- ......
Stroudsburg, Juno 26, 1850.
, 2