The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, November 25, 1858, Image 2

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i. I
innnn iminn
STIjc Scffcrsonian.
, The lion. William K. Sebastian has
been rc-clectcd to the United States Sen
ate from Arkansas for a full terra of sis
years from the 4th of March next.
Hineral "Waters of the Burning Terrific Hurricane Nine Persons Silled.
Mountain in Pennsylvania. '."From the Paulding (Miss.) Clarion.
iNeariy u years ago a com mine an -olent uurricate p8SSed over a por-
uoai uasue, idocouiiii yuuuwjr, x:buu- lion.of this count- ranninff from south-
sylvama, was set fire by the oarelessnesa eogt to north-west, on Wednesday morn
i . . i
or, fiouie miners wuo were engaged in
working it, but who paid the penalty of
their fault by their lives. Yet ever tince
has that fire continued to burn in the
deepest recesses of its cavernous heart,
and the mountain that contains it still
continues to emit the smoke and gas o!
an. active volcano. It does not. belch
forth t-treams of melted lava, nor will it
iuir ot laft week. It struck in its course
the residence of Josiah Moody, about
nine miles west of this place, where its
effects exceeded in horror anything that
the immagination can conceive or the pen
portray. The place was swept as with
a besom of destruction: every house on
the-premises was taken up and. scattered
in pieces to the four winds, and what is
ever do so, but the probabilities arc that far morJ distressing to relate, Mr. Moody
it. win continue to ouru ior a uuuuruu and ht other ffiembers of hi
years to come, unless the adventurous
minors of that State excavate the coal
The coinage of the Uuited States Mint
for the month of October was 41,fi30pie
ccs of gold of tho value of $'102,070
2,598,000 pieces of fltlver, of tho value o
$450,000; and 1,700,000 cents, of the
value of SI7,000- Tho total coinage bo
ing 4,339,000 pieces, of tho value o
$509,070. The gold coinage was princi
pally in dollar pieces, and the silver very
largely in the smaller "denominations of
coins quarters, dimes, half-dimes, and
. three cent pioces. The deposits for the
month were 8119,540 of gold, and ofsil
ver bullion, including silver purchases,
841G,4H0. Old cents oxebanged for now,
$4,GG5. Total deposits for the month,
Sudden Death.
- Mrs. Eliza F. Kogcrs, the widow of the
late llevcrend Joshua Rogers, formerly
of Easton, was found dead in her bed on
1 rid ay morning la-t, at the residence of
Charles Ilodciibough, E.-q., whom she
was paying a short visit. She had been
in the enjoyment of her usual health the
day before, and her death was caused by
an over dose of chloroform which she
was in the habit of taking for neuralgia
in her head, to which she was subject.
When found in the morning, she was ly
ing with a handkerchief in one hand up
to her nose and a vial in the other hand.
Hor death is greatly lamented by a large
circle of friends and acquaintances.
Easton Argus, Nov. 25.
s iaiuuy
were killed, and soveral more severely
woundnd. Out of fourteen rmrsnnq nn
uiai iccas tue urroeiuiu mav uenuH ur- illlf ai- Jnnhnn l,a
rives; and, in fact, the process of excava- law of Moody, escaped entirely uninjured,
tiou is now goiugon, and the miners are Tbo 8torm camc on about 4 0c)ock
ut work huudredsof feet below the bae and accordins t0 the acc0unt eiven by
Ul the surv vors. was on v a few miuutes
passing over; yet it left behind a scene of
destruction and suffering tha like of
which tho Ore has vet reached.
It has extcuded on the vein of coal
which is known as the Great Mammoth
or "J ugular" vein, ranging from thirty
to one buudrod feet in thickuess over a
mile from east to west. The water run
ning from the mouth of the old mine is as
i . t. i. a
wnicn those wuo witnessed it may none
never to look upon again. When the
wind subsided, threo persons present
Jackson, who, as wo h'avo said, was unin
inrnil nnn nf flio onti n rr Mnnrlfra ntifl n
fel.:"?" & ! A Mi8? - Turner, slightly Injur-
yw wuu.j, ... wo uww aH(1 " cd-wero left, able to cive the alarm to
bold a stream as that flowing from the fcho neigbborhood and render assistance
White Sulphur Springs of Greenbnar A ftroro5 nf thn nn;unnra prn snnn n9.
Thc ga.cs which tho water contains are 3ombied wuo sot about collecting the
carbonic ecul gas and nitrogen, and the bodiea of tho dead and those unable to
mjncrai auosiancc pnncipany su.puato movo for tboir woundg Everjtbing waa
of iron, sulphate of magnesia, or opsom dono tbat k;ndnoafl and 8ynipathy could
aalts nmonia, alumnia, &o., with sulphur- diotate to relflive tbo suffering3 0f tbc
,o acid and carbonic acid wounded and give a decent burial to the
The mineral waters of tho Barmng deadi When the bodies of the latter
muuuuMuui xvuuayima uro louna io brmmhf. fnrrother n mnlRnoholv
1 j
TelliDg- on One Another.
The Washington correspondent of the
jP;ca's keeps tilling tales out of school.
Here is an extract from one of them:
'The ?ix hundred and fifty workmen
Temoved from the Navy Yard at Phila
delphia, since the election, may now real
ize how much Lecompton promises are
worth. They were retained just long c
noiigh to be used for their votes, and dis
charged an soon as this duty was perform
cd. A more infamous prostitution of pat
ronage anu ot honor was never heard o
not even in those days when offices were
thrust upon men, on the mere expectation
ot obtaining their support for the Execu
tire. I understand tbat the same system
ha- boon ruaintaiued at every Navy Yard
.1 T T 1 .1 . r it
in me union, ana mat in iVcw lork
dispute took place between Commodore
Kearney the commandant at that port
and George Taylor, the Colonel Florence
of that quarter, because the Commodore
would not stuff the Navy Yard with un
necessary laborer., who were to be nai
80 much a day for voting in favor of a
heeooipton Congressman. The old isal
resi-ted the mandate of the politician
who appealed to onr pliant Secretary of
.. as.
tbc iN-tvy, at which there was a great row
I wish Commodore Stewart had taken the
bull by the horns at our yard. Kear
ney's protest heat George Taylor, am
Ull ironsides could have laid oat the
Honorable iom if ho had chosen to do
so. Practices like these in any company
or corporation would have caused the of-
r 1 . a
ienamg parties to be summoned into
Court, while in private life they would be
regarded as little short of profligacy.
uut our ijcnerai Administration can do
all this, and more, and go Ecot-freo.
possess virtues not attainable to all the
niateri medica of the healing art, and
efforts arc now being made to render the
water accesfiblc to the public, in the
hhapo of baths and wells. Mr. Salatbiel
Ilarries, a gentleman engaged with Mr.
DeBow in developing the coal, lead and
other minerals of Virginia, and now at
Fariuvillc, in Prince Edward County, was
the person who, at the imminent risk of
his life, brought out the bodies of the un
fortunate men who first set the Burning
Mountain on fire.
It was, a fearful undertaking, for the
destroying fumes of the azote and carbon
ic acid gas filled every bole and corner
of the mine. But Mr. Harries is a fear-
ess and reliable miner, as well as an in
telligent man, who has seen more mining
itc adventures and accideuts in the deep
dark bowels of tho earth than anv other
man probabiy now living. He has been
spectacle was presented. Nine mangled
corpses of various ages and sizes, from
the gray-haired grandsiro down to the
tender infant, laid outside by side on rude
boards gathered from the ruins of their
late huppy dwelling, was a sight to melt
the heart of the beholder. The nauiea
aud ages of the deceased are correctly
given in the following list, furnished u
by one of their neighbors, who examined
the family record:
Josiah Moody, aged 58.
James Moody, 20 years.
Margaret J., his wife, 20 years. ...- i
MaryE., his paughter, 10 mos.,.
Elizabeth G. Moody, 16 years.
Martha E. Moody, 14 years.
Geo. W. Moody, 8 years.
Adaline Moody, 3 years.
Sarah F. Moody, 2 years.
Mr. Moodv was a minister of the Meth
were five or hx kdko of oxen and several irom talilorma ana Uregon.
horses. " Arfter the storm was over to ot. Louis, jNovomber 22.
look at it, one would have thought ij e overland mail has arrivedbring
hardly possible tbat a oat to have been jng. gyo passengers. During a severe
there could have escaped being killed. storm at'Trajon, on the 2d of- October, a
Yet, singularly enough, of tha animals stampede occurred among tho Camels
referred to, only one horse was killed, use( by Lieut. Beale. Nino have been
aud all the others escaped without the recovered, and six aro still missing,
slightest injury. The Los Angelo Star, speaking of im-
Thc course of tho t.torm, as wo have migration, pays auother. large party of
said, was from south-west to north-east, immigrants from Iowa, Missouri, Arkan
and tho whirling current but a few bun- sa3 ami Texas arrived during the week
dred yards in diameter, though the at- jn esCellent health, without experiencing
mosphere was disturbed for several miles the slightest inconvenience. Tho stations
arouud. At this place, nine miles from 0f tbo Overland Mail Company afford
the center, there was considerable wind ratiug places at convenient dis
and a heavy fall of rain, attended by taDcea, and greatly assist traveler. The
fierce thunder and lightning. No loss of feed for stock is excellent, and animals
life .was sustained at any other place ex- arrive in good order. A largo immigra
cept the one mentioned, the storm hav- tion from the South Western States is now
ing found no other residence in its course. on the road. David Harris, of Baltimore
Several plantations and crops, however, waa burned to death at San Franpfaco,
were seriously damaged; a good many on tbo 22d ult.
cattle killed by falling trees, while com- The Sixth Ipfantry had reached Car
plete destruction was made of the timber son .Valley and would proceed directly to
in no uiuia. uueiueia. jLuree nuuureu recruits. iiniifr
Lieut. Bootes, were expected in ten'davs.
A Sanguinary Engagement.
We have already chrouicled tho mur
der of W. W. Smith, a merchant in Oua
chita, Miss., by one E. Ward, which oc
George Penn Johnson has formally re
tired from the National newspaper,
Victoria dates to the 18th of October
mentions the arrival of nine hundred oun-
curred a few days since. The murderer ce3 0f gold dust by Express, besides sev-
ueo.outwas arresiou in a tavern at woou- erai argc parceb in the hands of passen
. xt: i l ii i j: r
vine, iuisa., wueru iuu iiiuuiuru uisoovur- irers.
eU him ana sent lor a posse ot men to cf- Accounts from above are more favora
fect bis capture. The Ouachita Herald ble; mines turning out muoh better than
aaJs : anticipated the month previous. New
"Alter retiring to bis room he seomcd digcimrs of all dosurintiona dis-covo!
to suspect that all things were not right, More miners are from un the rivor rhnr.
.i i.i.; rm i ii i I . o o r
anu spoKe oi leaving. lanujoru pre- coming down. Freights from Victoria to
seutod a double-barrel gun and told him Fort Hope have advanced from 40 to
1.1.1 i tt..i
had been paid by the faculty. Scarcely
had he said tho word "when the silver be
gan to' fly into tho arena from tho seats
of tbo' vast amphitheatre. Nearly all the
300 students were present, and the show
er of quarters, greatly jeoparded tho lec
turer (Dr. Motf) and his attendants, to
gether with Dr. Alex. B. Mott, who seem
ed to be a target in the innocent amuse
ment. We were favored this morning with a
call from Mr. Groux, tho congenital fis
sure of whose sternum oreated such inter
est at the Medical College to-day. His
case is a most remarkable one, and is a
rare opportunity of studdying, cx visit,
tho actions of the heart, great vessels, and
It solves several doubtful questions in
regard to the action of tho heart, and
gives quite as vivid an idea of the great
strength and vigorous movements of tho
"little life-machine' as if the ribs were
cut away and it exposed; more vivid in
deed, for in the latter case there would
be no action such as is now plainly visi
ble under all conditions of the systom, be
ueath only a thin veil of flesh.
Somebody's dcairo that there might bo
a window in the breast of all men, or
Charles Lamb's equivalent, a pane in the
stomach, seems nearly realized in Mr.
Groux's case. Evening Post.
Thriving German Settlement in Texas.
A letter in the New York Herald da
ted Fort Clark, Texas, thui refers to
thriving Germau nottlement:
Some thirty miles from San Antonio ia
located the flourishing German village of
new xraumiei.-, an onsis ot thrift and in-
if he undertook to leave he would certain- u per tou. The shipments of gold from ,lust,7 amidst a desert of genuine Texian
ly fire on him. Soon after this (about Victoria through Coells. Faro & Co ,azincai4- maiu street of tho villago
uiuuti ui uiut7 iui. iieuwiuu anu ir0in 4tii August to 12th Uctober, amoun- J iue, uuu nueu on eitner siue by
;n came up. rard said to Tatum ted to $i)2 000. ncat painted cottages, with tasty grass
ten O
his men
that ho would like
men. Tatum
would submit to an arrest he should not Valpariso, on the 17th of October,
t. I i 1. 1 rut I
UB uu,l uu b"bu io asqmeace. Oregon dates to the 10th gov that Col
party proceeded to enter the room. Ward
pretended to he taken by surprise, said
to consult with the Tim Kriti.h q,m nf T.;nn fl,nMS A.i piotd and flower gardens in front. Hern
- yj. ..u-w, au- . r .. ...
asauring him that it hu mirnl Ttmpc f.rr;ttorl ,! EniiMU f.. you unu an excellent bote , a bak-nrr
j ----- - " - j v a a w ui I ' j w
sowv uoe stores, ana no less than ten
wagon factoties. Q'hese German settlc-
Wricbt's column had returned to Wn'.ln. ments abound in educated men Ilun-ia-
WaHa. The artillerv battalion, iindor rian, PoIes and eTcn Austrians, rivalinjr
quickly, 'What's that?1 aud commerced Capt. Keyes' are en route for Van Couv- tI,e Germans themselves in education and
liriug his pistols at the crowd, wounding cr.
Mr. J. F. Walker in the neck aud killing
Ibe remains of Capt.
Gaston were buried at
Mr. J. Barnes, by shooting him through
tho heart, himself rcceiviuir onlv one MifnhpU nmUir nf Kn n,;i.;... previous letter, th
wouud in the arm by a pi.-tol fired bv mnnlprnd H.n Tnn A Mnf nt i for lexas a rrreafc work- of
Tatlor and reGnement--alI, or nearly all, exiles from
Walla-Wal- latuerianu, on account ot ttKir politi
cal opinions. As 1 have remarked in a
are uomg
years ago, was captured by Major Gar- rauualv convncsng the people of that
nett, and confined at Fort Lincoe. oi.uc mai muustry and economy carry
The Yakimi Chief Outrie. father of Du wca,th and prosperity along with them,
aim lorm tue sure loundation of a power
ful and influential community.
Slavery Split
1 he Methodist Protestant Convention
in session at Springfield Ohio. ha3 adon
ted tho following resolution, by a vote of
16 to 2:
llesolved, Tbat indisputable faots, the
luuutwuuj ui euuuu lugio, me dictates oi
Christian prudence and enlightened sense
oi our duty to liod and man, justify and
warrant tms convention, in tho name of
tbc several Annual Conferences, herein
represented, to now declare all official
connectiou, co-operation, and official fel
lowship with and between said Conforen
ces, and such Conferences and Churches.
within tuc iuetdodist rrotestant Associa
tiou as practice or tolerate slave-holding
and slave trading, as specified in said me
morial, to be now and forever suspended.
Provision was afterwards made for the
compilation of a new Hymn Book in con
junction with the Wesleyan denomination,
aud Committees appointed to take steps
for a nnion with the Wesleyans, and to
choose between Cincinnati and Pittsburg
as a location for tho MeOmlist Protestant
newspaper, now published at Baltimore
entraed in the deepest mincsin tho world odist Protectant Church, aud a school
and has wandered for miles bnnoarh f,fl teacher. Ho was a native of South Car-
raging billows of the sea. He was one plina, but had lived in this State for ma-
of the fir.-t to open the anthracitn onal ny years. Ho has numerous friends, who
mines of Pennsylvania, and has loh been will deeply regret to learn the tragical
ucccstul in explonnz new reinous for iJl nas uerauen uimscn anu so
coal, irou, &c. To such men will Vinrin- w&nJ of llis family.
ia owe her future existence as a minin The incidents and circumstances of this
and manufacturing State, in connection torrible catastrophe, furnish materials for
with her own capitalists and enterprising a chapter ot the horrible, as tnrilling as
uuaitiusa uiuti. -L.iuLiiiuuu JZiiiuuirer. auj uunanvu iv uc iuuuu iu me
. press of the day. The dwelling in which
xi oiuuic iui tue wiuier. most or toe lamny were sleeping was
Tbc New York Times says tbat a young newly built, of heavy green logs. These
man from Franklin cume to that city a wore carried some to the distance of sev-
few days since, with onlv a limited ward- era! miles and others hurled together or
alchion, was killed while attempting
escape from Col. Wrights command:
xuu uiiunou oi x'razer river is in
good condition, and trade with British
Columbia thrown opeu to all parties
Ke'dwme. n ard continued firing till
all his pistols were discharged, then
drew his bowio kuife and rushed
to the door, wheu he was shot down
by Mr. Tatum. In the melee the lights
were put out. The dead and wounded of
lied wine's party were drawn out of the
room, the door closed aud the room guar
ded for several hours, it not being known
tr writ nvfiinf YYr frl rri.f Koklwi T
was eventually determined to introduce vin u itupen to inspection.
. " . . . . ... I ' V" X 1 . . Ia. .
a light into the room, that hi3 condition come mree years ago our physicians without banks, suffered
miibt be seen. To this end a lisbt was witnessed the process of digestion throuab the late financial revu!.,inn tJ.m , Lu.
let down the chimney, by which he was an orifice left by a gun-shot in the abdo- er community in Europe? And if a pro
ven weltering in his owu blood, with pis- uien or .-uaxis &t. martin; but a greater tective tariff be such a drawback
tols in hand, which he had succeeded in curiosity was yesterday exhibited to the prosperity of any people, bow does it come
reloading while ia that condition. There students of the University Medical Col- to pass that France, tho. nniu, nf n
. ii . .1 , , , , . .. . .... , w aiM
lay the demon, apparently determined to lcS dl lU0 Dour 01 1 rot. uiotts clinique. Jburope which has moat consistently ad
at the greatest iU a "4 uvukivuvj ui mcsieruum uereu to mis policy, in precisely the
(breastbone) which enables the several try whoso condition, as well as fin
If a hard money currency be a specific
againt the approach of monetary crisis
and embarrassments, how did it happen
that the trading town of Hamburg, in
Germauy, whose business is conducted
more severely in
sell his arrest or his life
possible cost to others
He was now appealed to and assured
that they wire detcrn:iucd to take him
dead for alive, but that thev had no
inclination to do him any further bodily
narm, out, on the contrary, would do all
robe aud equally limited means, and in- against trees, and broken like pipe stems,
stead ot fiudiug hitcself on the road to The heavy hewn sills of the house were
fortune, was on the point of starvation. taken up aud carried off like feathers.
In this Drcdicamcnt. ho stolo n f nf The bodies of the dead worn nink-prl ur t
& I - v.wwv.i , i ,j T I . -
boots and shoes iu front of a shoe store in various distances and in different direc- w , . u,s"arui imscl,; whereupon
Caual street, was arrested and taken hn- tions from the house, everv, vesti.-n of inew ins weapons from him, when the
movements of the heart to be seen. It as industrial, is admitted to W. M,o mow
ba3 excited iutense interest for several flourishiu I It has been remnrl-orl w
years past throughout the cities of Europe the severity of the 'panic' which prevailed
. .v-.. uv.uijlki ui mu ucmci ib uuiiuj iui; ium year was Greater or less
a very intelligent gentleman, M. Groux, in the different countries Effected bv it
a native of Hamburg, 28 years of age. according io their relative annrovimnMnn
somewhat under the average lucht. nn1 to a nraf-rinnl fmn-tra,!., n-.:..
rather pale, though he appears to be in that France, where the maxims of free-
t.l TT . . I
uwuwvi j - f ' w - w w i i - . . i ii I1;! i i ii i rnv ( rrnn innH h m u i l t-
fore Justice Steers, of the Essex M.,rkt. olothine having been striked from thBn, P.81010118 V ,n attendance upon TTT . r " IT" 7 a,UB uu Iariu.c&l realization,
" I o a r r ; f i.a .it l t uu uuu mhl i il I n sinnn U'hinh aa. ntw irhmh iLi t ... i.
Po eli nnnrL lllrn llio fnll; i;i lirfhovri-nrl nnrl r-nrnrn,! rrJfl, A,. , WOUUUOU Dy ni ffiSelf ministered to - , .. . . uu-.u -uu uu iuu great fXpOnCHl Ot
nnro L I "T' -",1 . "T,;;''':: M wants by dre9nK his wounds. He lUC ??C0,01 tUe fc.terDuta might be tUo protective system, was less" effected
1 Magistrate- have vou to sav ral- Moody, .r Tho i ".Verelv b i r, and T though it is An"f " " 0o,l reverses than any
ative to this char.-c of rnhhnrv r,rf..rrrt,i who.e rficovnrv is dnnhffii! Snra ci..Jrnou"nt not raortally wounded. It was
o - -w-w. iiviwuiw j w i yw j v w u i I . 1 i
. 4 I.. . , . J I f liA Hncinn rf Hie 1!
ainst youi and hor husband heard the roar of tbc T T ci '
Prisnnrr IVTc mnn. .na n . j I stnrm. Kn enron nr t i.wi i mediately to Shreveport. where, if alivn
' " I IA tULW 11 QL' 1111 I' II I 11 II III! I JLU1 UJl U 1M U 11 .' UUU AJ I 111.11 il 1111 I ' I I I I I I . & J VI
menced putting on his pantaloons. She "" is conuneu in jail. '
I was starving.
is no excuse for raised herself and was also in the act of
theft. stennincr on the floor when inrrihli.
. i o . '
insoncr lou go without food fortv- crash came, and she remembers uothin"
eight hours, and you would not think an eke until restored to consciousness sev
excuse was wanted for stealing. I came eral hours afterwa'rd. G'ho uciormuy or uis. chest aud gave country in Chriteudom. Was this acci-
an excellent icctnre. on the hearts action, dental l National Ti.irlhwurrr
demonstrating his remarks with colored
1. .. I -V -V
piatcs, an artihcial heart, and his own eSrostmaster-General Brown ha3
hotly. I ho collar bones are not conuec- procurred a plan, which will be recom-
ted. (neither arc the nha n lu;r nnnn. oicDdcd to 1 nn.m. fnv .tT.i;..-i.:n
- f ki I C .m LlllIUJi uu
Fifteen Mile Foot Eace.
A fifteen mile foot rann tnnfc Tlnnn s'tiSi) uut tbcro is a groove where the ster- arrangement bv which
If m . . . mint .Iinnt.l I... .1.. .1 . . 1 . L t .1 X J .
passed through the Pot Office
greater safety than heretofore.
J6 Zaddock Pratt, of N.
Y.. has ao-
thc Franklin Trotting Park, North Chel-Luum suould be skin is natural
sea, (Mass.) on Fridav aftprnnnn Tm ,ts natural state this groove, is about
yooni: mau . V ' .... . i .. T'. ,ml , i,jf " i... i
herefrom Franklin. N. J.. tried to net Moodv. who escaned with nothing worse V . conestants ior the uvc hundred - . '
i. i. .. 1 1 t ' ' .. ,. ' n : uonar prize, two of w mm nr tj:, 1ub uiree incnes. Un ookinn- nt
wuiK . i in r rntiiiT n t m rr mnnArf iiirnnn enmn earn rr f-itirin t t mwiu iuy u ? . n i
" ;:.T T w - " Tu Bluu'y Louis Bennett. nnhn ..:i. tho groove, pulsatile swellincr is disenmi. oraing to his own accouut "tanned one
anu iirnnwir tn n enmat hm.! I I nnnsiniin nr whnt mno hnnnnni,,.. .. ---'-""'umaui'uaniiJt;. ,. . o I -n- . - . .. . . . .
cr. Y i uu nueri omitn. oi tho JonawnnfJn rt-v. mnu uuu auu louriu -wi " uuiv 10 oe
Ulty yarUS UOWn f:u (PL. .,i T . . nhr if rpsnir'ilinn lt ,1-,1 -l BOrtl the sanm nnmliii f
the hill from tho house, clin-incr to U -sutlers i were d ames Unmn, of -?"r"u""cu 11 rylul y
nraK,,T i.tu..j ...,.-d. , a. i. ' ,,P . . ; jjosion, nna the Iteadin Hknmlnn rvf v tu au uuurmous extent, aud
, -. l j is i iui i niiiiii itii i vim , r i itinni. m.iiiii 11 . m t i nn wn nr I ft iit .nw.n. v. i .
w li fcw I u., " twwu 4ltj 11 U CLillLt. Ill II T ' " T 1 I...
... . . . . tnnninif II ria I ' 1. - 11- i i I 111
Wells Island for four niontha bnek. nnri on llio tsnv fntmA n U;D o'
PriSOlier T am miieh nKlirrorl fnr U Si-tors. U-lmni lm fnnlr nn (.Io Ot. Ml . P
ft rinrt
rises to an
The Roadinrr nhnmninn ,DalDi ,uil aDa teUie unt tbc brcathi iJ - -ew xorK markets.
n f"--ii i. i - , ... i -t.i
contest the first mile and realorcu' wuen 11 S0OD subsides. This is Wednesday, jov. 24. 1858.
gives me just
tor a home for tho Winter
i aw ui uuu uunijeu, ior u aisifti', uum ub ioon un in nis arms fine rt rr , . . i. i,,.t ,i , . , , . .
what I h.n kS. l..kl..Ud. cv,ral efforts toVck. d .b. S.r.'0.00. lh, fif"'- ?'h"e V lh" Al!JTm.mla,'".u Fi?.?.K MBAL-Wk..! ; the sales
he got to the yard she wa-i dead. One
of the children was-found
eharp contest between the two Indi
another pulsatile
ca,ily felt, are S;40U bbls. at S4 30a84 45 for super-
.t' .--"r Puriug the latter part of the fifteenth 'whicb ia tlloiort8 the gt artery from fine State: 84 5U for elml ,?n
-r . . . . ...- w .twa tuuuu y i iu iuv iuu ui o:. i. u. . i " . f i.n '!). ,4:1...: i . . . i ..... . . V
important Uecision. its head taken off above the eves and the u- " ern 10 la' wl,en 15ennctt passed ." contraction uo lor extra do., 4 S0aS5 for It
j-uc Augusiavyonsiitutioualisteavsthat nnna " j ullu- niade the tifteenm les n nn
TJ i, , , . . w tuijv, nunc tuuovuiu nna UUUl'llIll' I . . .
Judge Magrath of tho United States from tho branch of a fallen tree. The , twcntJ-mne minutes and fifty sec
r; i. .rTreT! decided eldest Miss Moody was found at the foot
' of the
that the liability of a steamboat companv nf nn nnroMn i.:.u ,
op frcigb. doe. no, stop tbo good, nid 0vSl7bce7 bXd bdto . M
on frcirht are landftfl nn hrr vu- . j i -n , Jm. . . . UWIU4C " lol'
a i.iit
Playing "Tag" with a Bear.
The Detroit Advertiser tells the follow-
hipper is compolled to see that tho Dro-L rnnnAiAA
t ... . i .i w iwuuu iuui;vu uii
v.uvw au UL1I1UICU IU tUD
bis business
"u.cuuuau.ur iiattju iu responsible hands I in 9n ntt,n,i,o j .:., ,r.
subieot to the order of the o.,.r ... "" ru-Dttcu umu oy i a i- across
. ' vvu- i ni ufiwn il ri ri n inmnn t n K . 1 -. l i . t ...... r -
c wuicu over the head with h s onr ,rL
. ; I " ..u lUb
also seen. In couL'hinj. prades of Westor nvtm is cn r
he ngh lung suddenly protrudes from shipping brands of roundhoop extra Ohio
the chest through the groove and ascends $5 60a7 00 for trade brands do : S5 50
a coniderablo disfnnnn nl
claviclo into the nock. i- n..inf Km firm. .i. .i'i "
" "T uciuub or mose wonder- &s auaS4 20. Corn Menl i- r,,.. .u.
mvereo to too comigoee, it is from th ,ond nmnn il, f.ii.. " " "". " uratiot raeo , 10 geoorai readers ot pbvsiolosr for Jersey.
, f.uu iu lespousiuie aanas in an outhonsn nnA BnP,i i.;mi- ri . ,T . BwimmingM- wen u i
8Wimmini7 it WOUJO 00 we 1 It it could ho ov uKirnil ki.,1, ( f..."- o...i . . .
i r ii.. : c i. ... -.uiuiiuu i vuu. vi iuu jlluu uuuiucrn i si vv i iiiiii
iio struct: liis bearship a blowM" aI1 pubho schools.
bush, rninmnn AVKifn 01 oa.
I rt ,1 -..Til 1 . I y- - I . f 1 U t IW UUULUL'I I). OA ZW:
cu. iUr. broux remembers bcin? taken bv 8.000 bush. aonH irl,;f m:.i.: 7 01
c i , a- j i i wci k.v iti ituiKiiu. v. 1 tk
1 fnrnilv llnnlnr tn n inn':..i :.. n... ?. . -i i . . b . '
e is in retail demand; sales of 000 bush.
wmnll nra nf "77 ..T Q 1 .
Tha r.i,.. , 1..,. l. i ' " " WT VrtW 8a' 01
tu,u iuuowcu uw uiu uut ,ow ior what; nor did the State nt 46a40c.. and Western and flana-
The Troy Budget tells of a man nam
fid Pfltnr ?,.K-nn P Li... WOOUJ
, . . ",r, nn n n i I mi. f . . 1
" .,'' '!rr WB0? a,aetMo imume of bow IHH.,.,, ,", I" '.as""- 'SOOor In 1840. bush. at 7587o. for Western 7tM,rf'
satificd with the "turn of nffair- " ..nfli . "4".lu our uBiuy. lie li v- Camc of 'W hot i i. ' Lif - ,. auu., uuu -.-..u. uersey and aouth-
Wda, n;.,l,f ivn.n S,.,..7: :T' ed 80I stance from his father, and hv hrnntin,, ;7i ' """l i,u" ucnr,r-,t ujauo unowu to the profession, cm lellow. U nite Beans are better.
-j j,..v, . " """wcu ,.j r;i . . . J.. "
j 1.UV.U umuuur uiaimea l.-j .,. ;,i i- e i . . me latter s
"a"'" promiaoa.-- " ,,rmi: 'b, 5'! ' f"S' T -dbroogbt ashore.
no latter replied that ho sold his wife n A wu xuosuay
Bogus Coin Mint.
TL. TT ' .1 M l- f
j-uu iiamsourg leiegrajvi says:
'"lhere is a strong reason to believe that
a mint for the manufacture of bogus ooin
is in successful operation in our town.
This is the general opinion; and it strikes
us tbat the exercises of ordinary vigilance
anJ sagacity on the part of the Police of
ficers might lead to the discovery of its
locality, and detection of the eperators."
i m i i i
Return of Senator. Sumner. The
Washington National Era says that Mr.
Sumner will return to the United States
the latter part of this month, and rcstrme
Lis post io the Senate at the opening of
without incumbrances, and then kicked
. i
them both out of doors. The kicking
1 !...!.-. .. . .
urougu iue iransaction to the attontion
of the court.
after dinner, they got ready to leave for
,u u,o iauers nead. lio was o was shown to several distinrMiiahp.l knl nf 1200 hnsh.
Ueissaid to medical men as a greatouriosxty, and was MOLASSES-
borne, but
fin ftt t hn I M . A, l i . . I . .' w . ' 1
w& l u u ni iri'Ni, nnn r niiiinnri tn H..Mn n i i ,i a . i. . . . .
- .T-.r.. Hllu uououoss UMUOCU lu wavi mroujju i!iUfOuo lor tho Imp: sales- o OU h hd nk
. 1. n. r . - . " WUUU at
at SI 25 per bushel.
There IS VCrV littlo.rlft."
A Kan Carried, awav htr o trifn
A young sian named Power residing 8u'ar cal18! were noticed
vusuL-c-ouier, XiUgianu, went a few v,3,,,liU "uo Dpui -a. ue
weeks ago to fly what he termed a Span- croP a ecn g31"0!
ish kite, of very largo dimensions n,i grown up in crab grass,
having adjusted tho cord and tail, it raD- clear of tu0 grasS quantities of which
.1 1 -.i 1 t .. r j:r.j .1 . . . .
luctantlv consentfld formnntn n,;i...' 4uuuB. pvaiie attending to his business, which L.440 bbls. at SI 7 as..-ei r " R 4
- .wv..v. uutu lu ui u- I 1 r. . . I "- "uoi 1 tw i nr
? ; -Riilrni tnT. "" U,J Buuuoing, ne was attacked with lots; 16 90 for thin 010 oV 010
sa j ?, . , . . ilailroad to Chicago. ha3mont s s Wifln.. f ki.4 n rr ,i..JoS m. lu'Q iUess 5 9 oa19
xx uumuur o. incutents snowing the ex- On tho 29th iHian . Li '1 . r ""T V,uuu Vu lT w ior oiearj 0 lor thin Clear.
4-rfrMB4lj L till llil I N III V A m I IUI I I IT I II I I III I I Il llnrill nit I . . . . A . t I 1 M . - -
" 1 & 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 v 1 w- i.u u 11 11 iiii 11 11 1 1 1 w (l 'tun titi r inn nni
111. '!. '
treme forco of the wind, as well as its sin
O 1 All h I I 1 M f I 111
bv thnw nU m ft n. , "uuutiipuia and ,uw suggestion oiteu mat e him, v z: trv Prime- s;S 0, r n T '
by those who Ghicago-the Pittsburg Port Wavnn nnd to travel and Jhnw hi.lf fn ,k ;?iTb0.7dfo.r Country Mess;
a d "hf oh had' 5 r havi completed, -n of the countrio"s of Europe Bri ! d 8 1 5 fT df Vf
ws swtt LaH d?r -an- and now of America. He has in album Boi T o!!y
were r;-i r :r; ",i roa,d "now . wo. vo,umos' ru,c are ny cued sales of 65 ;'
idly ascended with a brisk breeze until it drlfted agat the stumpa and logs as in tho i. np railway r graphS tU, ch5of bera lOJo. and koea at lVHc T "R r
had taken the full length of tho e rd 'hough it had been washed thereby wentVfou hwn? and aU UC. la,P0edieal societies and fair demand 'and a't i?i o" "ft!'
which became entangled round Power's fallen stream. A eow which must have twentfonr roiles- IT?V f 'AA St' Petqra Ohio, and 14.Jo for StaJa Oh, ' i.
hand, and the wind increasing, be was bLeeD, one hundred and fifty yards from An ATlTa n,nn, 11 . g fv - ' nd ffm Vienna to G saable at TiaOio
drawn a distance of half a mile in the tbe when the storm" commenced. .? .5' fc?."?" Ie"8 a 8to,T a'' t8tlfW l? tboir great interest in TALLOwif. ... '
Srcate&t aiTonv. the nnrrl nnflinn Inu n.l
Y a j i uivj iuu I
was found head foremost in the wnll ' h . " --"-.T" a .ouaP nied toe case, jide signatures of nrofes
table occurs ' . a "?U owmiaoic g.l, called and oelebnties Who, have . examined
. ,,vi"u "iu oin. inev nnnnnri 17 hmina r,.l n.imW i. .1 .
was tbe" rjre.Hcrvntmn nf nL:L, , 7 . . ' H.-Hjy. o inpusaiid;
Another remarkable
aors mand oood: sales of 85 nnn lk
examined him 10o.. cash. ' 4.
IJEESWAXis in limited requestand
r ,V7rS,ee 'adrtisement of Dr. Sanford' parcel bf slock. Ib!a field heWilVdm" Z 7i T- b ,S- aved' and took a At th? oIo39 of his lecture vesterdav wSil.Tr . i "i01-requested
I fl J. A n l.
"2,i. VMSU.