The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, October 28, 1858, Image 4

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The reason why, 16 that by Nature's own
process it rostores the natural color perma
nently sifter the hair becomes gray; supplies-
iti6 until mi fluid?, and thus makes it grow on
Jultl heads, removes all dunruff, itching, and
iical inttii the scalp, quiets and tones up the
ii'Tvcs and thus euros all nervous headache,
utid may be relied upon to cure all diseases
of the tealp and hair; it will ttop and Keep h
from failing off; makes l soft, glossy, health-
ij and beautiful and if used by the young two
t.r llirnn limps n WlH'if. it V ill neVT Hill or
become gray, Mirn reader, read the following
and judge lor yourselves :
New York, Jan. 8, 1858.
Mpmw. O. J. Wood & Co.,
Gentlemen: lliiving heard a good deal a-
fioui Professor Wood s Iiuir liosloralivo, and
my hair being quite gr.'V, I made up my mind
lo lay abide the prejudice which I, in com
mon 'with a great many persons, hod again.!
nil manner of patent medicines, and a short
lime ago I commenced using your article, to
test it for myself.
The result has been so very satisfactory I hat
I am very glad I did so, and in justice to you.
as well as for tiie encouragement of others
who may be as grey as I was but who having
my prejudice without my reasons for selling
it aside, are unwilling to give your Restora
tives a trial till they have further proof, and
he best proof being occular demonstration,
I write litis letter, which you may show to
any tuch, and also direct them to me for fur
ther proof, who am in and out oi the N. Y.
Wiry Bailing Establishment every day.
My hair is now its natural color and much
improved in appearance every way, being
glossier and thicker and much more healthy
looking. I am, Yours, respectfully,
Cor. Columbia & Carroll sts. Brooklyn.
Livingston, Ala.. Feb. 14, 1853.
Prof. Wood D'-ar Sir: Your Hair Restor
ative has done much good in this part'of the
country. My ha i r has been slightly dimin
ishing for several years, caused, I suppose,
from a flight burn when I was quite an in
fant, i have been using your Hair Retora
tive for six weeks and I find that I have a
line hed of hair now growing, after having
used all other remedies known, to no eflecl.
I think it the most valuable remedy now ex
tant, and advise all who are afflicted that wav
to use your remedy. You can publish this if
you ihtiik proper, lours, &c.
Philadelphia, Sept. 9, 1857.
Prof. Wood Dear Sir: Your Hair Restor
ative is proving itself beneficial to me. The
front, and also the back part of my head al
most lot-l its covering was in fact bald. I
ha?e used but 2 half pint bottles of your Re
storative, and now the top of my head is well
studded wilh a promising crop of young hair,
and the front is also receiving its benefit. I
have tried other- preparations without any
benefit whatever. I think from my own per
Fonal recommendation, I can induce many
others to try it- Yours, respectfully,
1). R. THOMAS, M. D.
No. 404 Vine street.
The Restorative is put up in bottles of ihree
Hzes, -viz : large, medium, and small; the
Ismail holds i a pint, and retails for one dol
lar per bottle; the medium holds at least 20
percent more in proportion than the small,
retails f;r two dollars perboltle; the large
holds a q-sart, 40 per cent, more in proportion,
Mid retails for 3 A bottle.
O. J. WOOD &, CO. Proprietors, No 3PJ
Rrnailway, New York, (in the great N. Y.
Wire Uniting Establishment,) and 114 Mar
ket st.. St. Louis, Mo.
And d hjT all good Druggists and Fancy
Goods Dealers. July 1, 1S5S. 3m.
The Lotteries cf Samuel Swan & Co.,
aru unaltered by the State of Georgia, and
have sworn commissioners appointed to
superintend their drawing", and certify
that everything connected with the same
id done in a strictly honorable manner.
Tbey offer to the public a fair opportuni
ty for investment, the interests ol partie
at a di.-tance being as well protracted as
though they were present. The Mana
pers would respectfully call attention to
the fact that all persous have a legal right
to Eend orders ior tickets to Georgia, as
the lotteries of Samuel Swan & Co. are
authorized by the Legislature of that
State. A lottery will be drawn every
Snturdav throughout the year, all order
received being filled in the drawing next
to tfcc place after the game conies to
Land. According to the scheme one tick
t in every nine omit draw a prize. Tick
et are 510; halves, $5; quarters, S2,50.
No tickets sent unless the money accoin-
janie.- the order. Ihe drawings aro up
on the principle of one number on each
ticket, and arc bo simple that none can
fail to understand them. There is no
combination of numbers to mystify the
buyer. Prizes vary from $40 to 70,000:
every prize being drawn, and result of
drawing forwarded to all purchasers.
yyj' A list of the numbers that are
drawn from the wheel, with the amount
that etch prize is entitled to, will be pub
lished after every drawing; in the follow
ing papers: New Orleans Delta, Mobile
Register, Charleston Standard, Nasville
Gazette, A tlanta Intelligencer, Savannah
.Aries and New York Weekly Day Book,
and New-York Sunday Dispatch.
Write your address plaiuiy, and direct to
& SWAN & CO., Augusta, Georgia.
Prizes paid in full no percentage de
ducted from prizes as in other lotteries.
All communications strictly confidential
April 16, 185S.-ly.
22 CSiff Street, New York.
Glass Ware for Chemists, Druggists. Per
fumers, Photographers, etc. Green Glass
ware by the package. A liberal discount
made to the trade. Orders from Country
Druggists and Dealers solicited. Price List
sent on application.
August 12, 1857.-3m.
Win. K. Sa visa cad.
Office at James H. Walton's, Esq.
Collections made, and business aitsuded
to with promptness and dispatch.
Stroud -burg, June 20, 1856.
MR KENNEDY, or Roxbury. has dis
covered in ore of our common pasture weeds
a remedy that cures
Worst Scruofula down lo a common Pimple.
Two hollies are warranted lo cure a nurs
inn sore mouth
One to three bottles will cure Ihe worst
kind of pimples on the face.
Two or three hollies will clear the system
of biles. , 1 .
Two bottles are warranted to cure the
worst canker in the stomach
Three ot five hollies arc warranted to
cure the worst kind of Erysipelas.
One or two bottles are warranted lo cure
all humor in the eyes.
Two bottles are warranted to rure run
ning of the ears and blolches among the
Four lo six bottles are warranted to cure
cortupi and running ulesis.
One boltle will cure scaly eruptions of
the skin.
Two or three bottles are warranted to
cure the worst kind of ringworm -
1 wo ortluce unities are warranted to cure
the most desperate case of rheumatism.
1 iiree to lour Lotties are warranted to
cure salt rheum.
Five to eight bottles will cure the worst
case of sctnfula.
One to three bottles are warranted to cure
the worstrase of dyspepsia. 1 know from ihe
experience of thousanls thai it has, caused
by a canker in the stomach.
One to two botiles are warranted to cure
sick headache.
One to two bottles are warranted to regu
late a costive state of the bowels.
One to two bottles will regulate all de
rangement of the kidneys.
Four lo six bottles have cured the worst
cases of dropsy.
One to three bottles has cured the worst
case of piles; a relief is always experienced.
What a mercy lo gel relief in such an ex
cruciating disease!
Since its first disr.ovory, 1 have from lime
to time added various other herbs' to it ; ol
one of them, Hippocrates, tho Father ol
Medicine, says: "It is an herb of Jubiter,
and in ihe sign Leo.
"It openeth obstructions of ihe liver, gall
and spleen ; il is an especial friend to ihe
liver, worth all other herbs put together ;
cooling it when too hot, and warming it
when loo cold.
"It crealeth an appetite, cureth allgone
and sinking feelings in the pit of ihe stom
ach, easeth all pains and stitches in the side.
"It cureth the jaundice by opening the
gall, and restoreili the naliv e color of the
"It expels all raw. viscous and slimy hu
mors out of the body; it cleanseih all inward
ulcers and congealed bluod from the kid
nev s.
"13y opening obstructions of the spleen,
it purjjeth all burnt choler and melancholy
vapors which riseth to the head and brain.
causing distressing headache, fearful fore
boding of trouble, trembling of the heait,
faintin and swooning.
"The herb boiled in wine is particularly
good to revive the drooping spirit of the a
ued. and whoever has a iingering sickness
altera fever, nothing rcstoreih him lo health
so q-iick as drinking ihe juice of this herb
The seeds boiled in water cureth the
most offensive brealh. and drank at bedtime,
preventeth what is commonly called night
mare, and all melancholy dreams, a disease
billious people are liable to."
The Father of Medicine says of another
herb in this composition, that "it is an herb
of the Sun, and in ihe sign Leo.
"The sun is the source of all life, and ru
leth the heart; and this herb is the best cor
dial, the greatest slrer.gihcner of the heart,
of any ibat grows; it comforteth the heart,
cureth all palpitation thereof; taketh awav
trembling, fainting and smothering of it; yel
it must be taken carefully, or severe grip
ings will ensue, which must be corrected
with fennel seed or ;irier.
"So much for this herb, between which
and the adder there is the utmost antipathy;
so much so that the adder wjll not touch
him that has the herb about him "
No change of diet ever' necessary eat
the best you can gel and enough of it.
Directions for use- Adults one table
spoonful per day Children over ten years. !
desert spoonful Children from five lo eight
years, tea spoonful. As no directions
can he applicable to all constitutions, take
sufficient lo opearte on the bowels twice a
Manufactured by
No 120 Warren Street, Roxbury, Mass
Price SI 00.
Sold in Stroudshurg," oy Hollinshead &
Uetrick, James N Durhng, and by all Drug
sjisis in City and Country in general.
June 24, 1858. ly.
SIDES & fARHANY, Proprietors.
Prices reduced lo suit the times
TERMS, SI ,25 j)cr day.
The undorsiVned. hnvmo- liocninu
proprietors of the above well known
establishment, heing thankful for the
, . www..,t.
liberal pjtronage extended towards the old
firm, would respectfully request a continu
ance of 1 lie same, 'and, on account of in-
creased-ifucillties and- improvements are pre
pared to accommodate all who may favor
them with a call.
The establishment ofiers great
ments, not only on account of reduced rates
of Board, but also from its central location to
the avenues of trade, as well as the con
conveniences afforded by several Passenger
Rkilways running past und contiguous toil,
whereby guests can pass to and from the
Hotel to the different Railroad Depots, at the
mere nominal sum of five cents, should thev
be preferred to the regular omnibus belong
ing to the Hotel.
We are determined to .devote our whole
attention to business, and flatter ourselves
with the conviction that we shall be able to
give general satiif'ictiou.
Respectfuh v .you rs,
Philad'a.. SepL 2, 1858. ly.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Elizabeth street, formerly, oo-
11 TIT T- r-m
upiea dj win. i-vis, ttaq.
'A Caid.f toai TJDjrfr'Jlamii
M. Jarrclt, of THE NEW YORK
LUNG INFIMARY. My connection for
the past eight years with the above Inst!
tntion. as Chief Physician, and a twelvi
year's course of steady devotion to the Cure
of Pulmonary consumption ana us icinarea
diseases", together with my unrivailed oppor
tunities and advantage of pathological re
search aided not a little by a perfect system
of Medical Inhalation has enabled ire lo
arrive at a decisive, direct, and successful
course of treatment for the positive and rad
ical cure of all diseases of the Throat, Lung
and Atr Passages. By Inhalation, the va
por and curative properties of medicines are
directly uddressed to the diseased organs and
the integument. I do not advise the use of
Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the exclu
sion of general treatment; and although I
consider it a useful adjuvant in the proper
management of those fearful and often fa'al
diseases, yell deem it very necessary that
each patient should have the benefit of both
general and local treatment. The success
of my treatment in the above diseases, and
the high character of the Institution over
which I have so long had the honor to pre
side, are too well known to need any eulogy
or comment from me. At the solicitation of
many private and professional friends, through
whose philanthropic aid the above charily has
been long and liberally supported, and aftei
due consideration, I have concluded to make
such arrangements as will bring the benefits
of my experience and treatment, within the
reach of all, and not confine myself, as here
tofore, to those who entered the Infiriuy. oi
who were able to visit me at my office. Ho
ping therefore that the arrangement will give
entire satisfaction, both to my professional
brethern and the public, I would respectfully
announce in conclusion, that T cajt now bv
consulted personally or by letter, on all dis
eases as above, and that the medicines, the
same as is used in the Institution, prepared
to suitesch individual case, Inhaling Vapors.
Medical Imhalers, &c. &c, will be forward
ed by express to any part of the United States
or the Canadas. Terms My terms of treat
by letter are as follows, viz.: 12 per month
for each patient, which will include medicine
sufficient for one month's use; also Inhaling
Vapor, and an Inhaling Apparatus. Pay
ment ;.s follows: 6 lo be paid to Express A
gent on receipt of the box of Medicine, and
balance 6 at the expiration of the month, if
the patient be cured or is entirely satisfied
with the treatment. Patients, by giving a
full history of their case, and their symptoms
in full, can be treated us well by letter as by
personal examination. Patients availing
themselves of Dr. Jarrel's treatment may re
ly unon immediate and permanent relief, as
he seldom has to treat a case over thirty days.
Letters for advice promptly answered. For
further particulars ;.ddress
No. 820 Broadway, cor. Twelfth St. N. Y.
P. S. Physicians and others are respect
fully invited to call at the Infirmary, where
many interesting cases can be witnessed,
and where our improved apparatus for the
Inhalation of medicated vapor can be
seen and inspected.
August 12, 1853.-6m.
Splendid Gits.!
At 439 Chetnul St. The only Original
Gift Bool: Store.
G. G. Evans would inform his friends, and
the public that his Star Gift Book Store and
Publishing House is permanently established
in Brown's splendid Iron Building. 430 Chest
nut Street, two doors below Fifth, where the
purchaser of each book, at the regular retail
price, will receive one of the following; gilts,
valued at from 25 cents to .$100:
o30 Patent English J.ever Gold Watches, $100 03 cadi
550 Patent Anchor do. do. 50 01) "
.4( 0 Ladies" Gold Watches, ISli. ense. a3 (J)
000 Silver Hunting Watches, warranted, 15 to '
500 Parlor Timepieces, 10 00 "
500 Cameo Sets, liar Drops and Tins, 10 00 "
S00 Ladies' GI;l Bracelets, 5 00 to 12 00
500 Gents' Yft, and Feb Chains. , . 10,00 "
lGvO Gjld Loukctb, (large size double cae,) 10 I'D '
iOOO Gold Lockets, (small size.) ' 3 00 "
1000 Gold Pencil Cases, with Gold-Pens, 5 00 '
101 0 Extra Gold Pens, sitl) cases a-d holders, 3 50 "
2500 Gold Pencils. (Ladies',) 1 0j
2500 Gold Pens, vi!h Silver Pencils, 2 50
2500 La-lirs' Gold Pens, with Cases & Holders 1 50 "
0500 Gold Rings. (Ladies1,) , I 00 "
20011 Gents' Gold flings. 2 50
2500 Ladies' Gold IJrcast pins, 2 50 '
3500 Misses' Gold Ilreastj)iiis, 1 ,",o "
3000 Pocket Knives, j jy
2000 Sets Gents. Gold Bosom Kinds, 2 50 "
2000 do. SIcere Iluttons. " 50
iOtiO Pairs ol Ladies' Ear "Drops, 2'50 "
SOOH Ladies' Pearl Card Ca ses. 5 0
I50 lamps' cameo". Jet. or Mosaic Tins. 5 nn
25UU J,au 'es' Ssnaw i h nu Ribbon Pins, 1 50
5000 Articles of Gold Jew elry. Gilt Books, &c. &?.,
noi ejiuineiaieu in ine aoove. vojin mm "s
cenis to iJ.
Evqns' new Catalogue, which is sent free
to all parts of the country, contains all the
must popular books of the day, and the new
est publications, all of which will be sold as
low as can be obtained at other stores.
Agents wanted in every town in the Union
Those desiring so to act, can obtain full par
.: i !- - .
ucuiars ov addressing as aoove.
N. B. Being- largely interested in pub-
nailing unoKs, anu nuying irornoilier publish
crs in immense quantities, for cash, I am en
abled to make larger discounts to Country
ngenis anu tiooii dealers ttian can be had at
any other house in the country.
Any book published in the United Stales,
retail price ot which is onedollaror upwards.
win oe promptly sent, (iift included, on re-
An extra $1 Book and Gift given to nnv
person ordering ten books to be sent to one
Send for a Catalogue. Address,
G.Gi.EVANS; Publisher.
4.19 Chestnut Street. Philada.
Sept. 1G, 185S.-lm. '
We hereby caution all persons against
hunting or fish'ing, orgoing through crass.
grain or orchards, upon either of our
premises, as we are, .deter mined to prose
cute trespassers to tho full extent of the
Charles Keller,
Charles L. Keller,
Leonard Andre,
Henry Miller,
Charles Drake,
bzra liunsiker,
David Groner.
John Shook,
Henry Dennisy
Charles Swink,
Absalom Fetherman, Geo. Houser.
Thomas W. Rhodes, Aaron Croasdale,
L. & J. Drake, Silas L. Drake.
James R. Andre.
May 20, 1 858.-1 y.
.Corner Main St., and North side
Public Squaro, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
N. "B. Omnibuses will run reularlr
to and from the Railroad Donofc. tn enn.
nect with the Cars, on.every arrival and
departure oi ine passenger trains
Compounded entirely from Gums
Is one of the best Purgative and Liver me
dicines now before the public, that ac ts as a
Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual
than any other medicine known. It is nol
only a Calhartk,M)i a Liver remedy, acting
first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter,
then on the stomach And bowels to carry ofl
that mailer,. I bus accomplishing two purpo
ses effectually, without any of the painful
feelings, r-xpenenred 1n"the. operations ol
most Cathartics. It strengthens the system
at the same lime that it purges il; and when
taken daily in moderate doses, will strength
en and build it Up with unusual rapidity.
The Liver is one ofj
the principal rrgula
dy; and when it per
well, the powers ol
Jeve loped. The slo
tirelv dependent on
ihe Liver for the pro-
tors of the human hb Us .function
the" system are fully
mach is almost en
the healthy action of
per 'performance sOl!
pis functions ; when
me m o m a c u is ai
at fault, & the whole
.1 . . i" . i "
fault, the bovvdls aTe
system suffeisin con
jan the Liver ha
sequence ol one or-
ing ceased to do its
duty For the dis-
eases of that organ,
has made il his study
one of ihe proprietors
in a piactice of more
lind some remedy
teract the many de
it is liable,
re m edy . is at last
troubled with Liver
its forms, has but to
viclion is certain,
move all mot bid or
system, supplying in
How of bile, invtgor
causing food to di
the blood, giving tone
whole machineryre.
the disease efiect-
fMired,- and. tchal is
the occasional use of
ting is sufficient to
and prevent the food
ilian twenty years. lo
wherewith to coun
raiigemenu to which
To prove that this
found, any pcifcon
Complaint, in any of
try a bottlp. and con-
I hese Gums re
bad matter Irom the
ibeir place a healthy
iting the stomach,
jest well, purifying
and health to tlie
moving- the cause of
ins a radical cure.
Bilious attacks arc
letter, prevented , by
the Liver luvigora
One dose after ea
relieve the stomach
from rismg and sou
Onlv one dose taken before retiring, pre
vents Nightmare.
Only one dose taken at niht, loosens the
bowels gently, and cures Cosliveness.
One dose taken after each meal will cure
(jj? One dose of two toaspoonsfuls will
always relieve Sick Headache.
One boltle taken for female obstruction
removes the cause of the disease, and makes
a perfect cure
Only one dose immediately relieves Choi
ic, while one dose often repeated is a sure
cure for Cholera Morbus, and a preventive
o! Cholera.
Only one botlle is needed to throw
out of the system the effects of . medicine tu
tor a long sickness.
ICrOne botlle taken (or Jaundice removes
all sallowness or unnatural color from the
One dose taken a short time before eating
gives vijior to the appetite, and makes food
digest .well.
One dose often repeated cures Chronic
Diarrhaa in its worst forms, while Summer
and Bowel complaints yield almost to the
lirst dose
One or two doses cures attacks caused bv
Worms in Children : there is no surer, safer
or speedier remedy in the world, as it never
KJW few bottles cures Dropsy, by exci
ting the absorbents.
We take pleasure in recommending this
medicine as a preveuiive for rcver y Ague
Chill Fi ver, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type
It operates with certainty, and thousands
are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues.
il who use il are giving their unanimous
testimony in Us favor. water its llsn muzith T';l!s
!Sae JiuvigoraSor, Mvaiioiv
IotSi to&e!zse!'.
Is a Scientific Medical Discovery, and is
daily working cures, almost too great to be
lieve. It cures as if by maic, even ihe firsi
dose giving benefit, and seldom more than
one bottle is required lo cure any kind ol
Liver complaint, from the worst Jaundice
or Dyspepsia to a common Headache, all of
width are the result of a Diseasad Liver.
Price o;;n dollar per dottle.
Dr. SAN FOUL). Proprietor, 315 Broad
way, New York. And retailed by all Drug
jljsts. Sold also by Hollinshead & Delrick,
and James. N; Durling, Slroudsburg, Pa.
July I, 1858. ly.
Most useful article ever invented, for house,
store and, surpassing in util
ity every other glue, gum,
mucilage, paste or ce
ment ever known.
Always r;:uiy Suv A ji!sc::if iosi.
For manufacturing Fancy Articles, Toys,
etc., it has no superior, not only possessing
greater strength than any other known arti
cle,' but adheres inure quidklv, leaving no
stain where the parts are joined. Never
Within the last three years upwards' of
250,000 bottles of this justly celebrated
LIQUID GLUE have been sold, and the
great convenience which il has proved in ev
ery case, has deservedly secured for it a de
mand which the Mjinufacturer Jias found it,
at t:mcs, difficult lo meet: acknowledged bv
all who have used it, that its merits are far
ibove any similar article or imitation sever
offered to the public.
This GLUE. is extensivelu counter.
foiled oqserve the label "MiiRea's Celebru.
Liquid Clue, the Great Adhesive1" Take
no other.
Manufactured and Sold. Wholesale and
Retail, by
WM. C. McREA, Stationer,
No. 907 Chesnul St., Philadelphia.
07Liberal inducements ofiered to persons
desirous of selling the above article.
October 15 1857. ly.
Hollinshead & Detrick,
Wholesale and Retail dealers in
DriiffK, iTlodiciiM's. f:iiniii. eat
fyc Stuffs, Gljms, Perfumery,
&c. &e. &c.
N. B. German and English presorip
ions carefully compounded.
April 8, f85'8. Ij.'
ftJiiJBial Fire JBSssis'mice CJomp's'
7 M ihe rate of Insurance is one dollar on
the thousand dollars insured, after
which payment no subsequent tax will
be levied, except to cover actuafloss or
damage by fire, that may fall upon mem-
bcrs-orthe company
The nett profits arising from interest
or otherwise, will be ascertained yearly
for which each member in proportion to
his, her, or their deposit, will'iiave a
credit in the company. Lach insurer m
or with the said company -will be a mem
ber thereof during the term of his or her
policy The principle of Mutual 'Insur
ance has been thoroughly tested has
been tried by the unerring-test of expert -eiice$
and has proved successful and be
come very popular. It affords the great
est security against loss or damage by
fire, on the most advantageous and rea
sonable terms.
Applications for Insurance to be made
in person, or by letters: 'addressed to
Wm. K. II avi land, Secretary.
, . managers .
J. Depue Labar, Jacob Knecbt,
Richard S. Staples, Jacob Stouifcr,
Samuel D. Piphcr, Charles R. Andre,
Silas L. Drake, Theodore Schoch,
Godleib Auracher, Thomas W. Rhodes,
Joseph Fennrr. Sam'l S. Drehcr,
Godlieb Auracher, Treasurer.
Silas Drake, Surveyor.
Stroudsburg, Sept. 1G; 1858.
.Howard Association,
A-Benevolent Institution, established by'sj.c
'rial endowment for the relief of .the sick
and distressed, afjhctcd with Viru
lent and Epidemic diseases.
To all persons afflicted vvilh So.vunl Dis
eases, such as Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weak ness,
Impotence. Gonorrhoea. Gleet, Syphillis.
the Vice of Onanism, or self abuse. Sic. &c.
view of the awful destruction of human life,
caused ly Sexual diseases, and the decep.
Hon practised upon the unfortunate viclim
of such diseases by Quacks, seveial years
ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, a.s
a charitable act, worthy of their name, tc.
open a Dispensary for the treatment of this
class of diseases, in all their forms, and tn
give Medical advice gratis, tj all who applv
by lettnr, with a description of their enndi
lion, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c..)
and in cases of extreme poverty, to jnr
nish medicines free of charge. It is need
less to add that the Association command.
the highest medical skill of the age, and
will furnish the most approved modern treat
Hid 1 1.
The Directois, on a review of the past,
feel 'assured iha their bibprs in this sphere
of benevolent effort, have been of great
benefit to the afilicted, especialy lo the
.oung. and thoy have resolved' to devote
themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very
important but much despispd cause.
Just Published by the Assnriaium, a Re
port on .Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weak
ness, the Vice of Onanism, iMaslurbntion or
Self-Abuse, and other Diseases of the Sev
uai Organs, by the Consulting Surgeon,
whicrr will be sent bv mail, (in a sfalei'
letter envelope,) FREE QV CHARGE, on
receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage.
Address, Report or treatment, Dr. GEO
il. CALHOUN, Consulting fuigeon, How
ard Association, No. 2 Sutiih Ninth Street
Philadelphia, Pa.
JS v order of the Directors.,
EZRA D. lIEAKTWEMi. President.
GEO: EA1RCII1LO, Secretary.
December 3, IfcO.-Ly. . ,, ,;
Has. permanently located him-
3a self in Slroudsburg, and moved
his ofllce next door to. Dr. S.
Walton, and nearly oppositcS. Rees's IIat&
Cap sfore, where he is fully prepared to treat
the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt-
line aruticiai teetn on pivot and plate, in the
latest and most improved manner. iIost per
sons know the danger and folly, of. trusting
their work to the ignorant as well ms the
traveling dentist. It matters not hovv. much
experience a person may have, he is liable to
have some failures out of a number of cases,
and if the dentist lives at a distance, it is fre
quently putoff until it istoo late to save the
tooth or teeth as it may be, otherwiso'the m-
oonyenience and trouble far. -
Hence the necessity of obtaining the services
of dentist near home. All work warranted.
.- Wholesale E2d ISclail - -
Soot nub 0l)oe 7
The subscriber respertfuly inforuu
his customers ami friends that ho hat
removed his Bool and Shoe Manufacr
toryU) me store room lormerly occupied b
Joseph Sigman. in Northampton street, on.
door above Hamilton street, and between
Mrs. E. Jl. Harmony. s Millinery and. Pctt
Pomp's Diug Store.
He has jiist received a large assortment
of Boots and Shoes, among t which a recall
Congress Hoots, Enameled' Gonnress Boots4
Calf Napoleon Boots, Patent. Morocco Ka
poleon Boots, Brogans, &c. for Getjemets
and Boys.
Also on hand a large assortment of Shoet
foe Ladies and Misses. Women's fashion
Die Gaiters of every variety, made to ordoj
it short notice. A large assortment of Chil-
Irens Shoes always on hand. GUM Shoe
of all descriptions and kinds, which he is
The goods are manufactured of the hps
materials and in the neatest and most fash
ionable manner. He employs none but the
est workmen about his establishment.
lhanklul lor the libera patronaoe hprfiin.
fore received, every effort will be made le
merit a continuance of ihe same.
TiHADDEUs sciTnnn.
Easton, September! 1'6, 1852.
For sale at this Office
- Yoeibsu America Victorious'!
One small box of Pills cores ninety-nine
cases outof a" hundred. No Balsam, no Mer
cury, no odor: on the breath, no fear of defec
tion. Two small pills a dose; tasteless, and.
harmless as water. Full directions are giv
en, so that the patient can euro himself an
certain as ivith the advice of the most expe
rienced surgeon, and much better than with
the advice of one of little experience in this
class of disease.
Sent by mail to any part of the country bv
enelosing one dollar to Dr. D. G. Walton;
No. 154 North Seventh st. below Race, Phil
adelphia. A liberal discount to the trade.
None genuine without the written signatura
of D. G. Walton, Proprietor.
Drv W.'s treatment for Self-abuse, Weak
ness, &.c. is entirely different from the usual
course. Dr. W. has cured hundreds who
have tried others without benefit. The treat
ment is as certain to cure as the sun is to
rise. Enclose a stamp, and address Dr. W
as above, giving a full history of your ensey
as the sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, and
addrcss Dr, W. as above, giving a full bistou
ry of your case, and you will bless the day
you made the effort to secure what isccitain
January 23, 1857. ly.
New Wholesale and Retail-
Stroudsburg, Ia.
jSBGD The undersigned would inform Lnnd
MSJIords and the public generally, that
he continues the above business in Slrouds
burg, in the store house formerly occupied
by John II. Mclickasa Jewelry Store, and
has on hand a l;irrc stuck of
of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from
the Custom House, which he is prepared
to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea
sonable teyns. Our stock consists of French
Brandy, dark and pale. A'so, Peach, Black
berry, Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy; Hol
land Gin, N. E. Run.; Irish, Rye and Apple
Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala
ga, Currant and Champagne Vine,-&c. &c.
Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of all
Demijojms, from I to 5 gallons; bottles, and
generally any tiling l hat can .be asked for in
our line.
Landlords will find it greatly to their ad
vantage to dcai with me. T have no hired
agents to sell and distribute liquors for meiit
great expense, which must be paid for by the
consumer. Those dealing- with me I intend
shall be satisfied with the article they get, as
well as the price, and whenever they are not,
I will be pleased lo have them return the
liquor, and make the fact known, for I in
end lo make it a permanent business, and
can only do so by dealing honorably. All
orders sent me, by stagy drivers or others, will
be promptly attended to, the same as though
the person was present dealing for himself.
July 8, 1S2. P. S. POSTENS.
Scots, SIjocs & JTin&ings,
Desires to call the attention of
the public, to a. new and well se
lected of fashionable Hats
and Caps, which are just received
and will be offered to the people of Strouds
burg and vicinity, on very favorable terms
for ready pay. Aieb, to a new stock and
assortment of ladies and Gentlemen's fash
ionable Boots and Shoes sold cheap for caeh.
Also, Shoe Findings of all descriptions such
as dressed and undressed Morocco Skins,
Shoe Pegs. Hammer?, Sic.
Thesubscribor also has the agency for-thc
sale of Dr. James C. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral
and Sugar Coaled Cathartic Fills and 6'cr
man Worm Seed. :
The above articles, and many others not
mentioned belonging lo his line of business,
will be. kept constancy on. hand and for sale
at the store lately occupied by John W. Rux
ton, two doors above the Bakery and Confec,
tkyjary of Jacob Goetz.
Positively no Qr edit. v,'Quicfc sales and
small profits" is his motto.
Please call and see and examine for your
selves 'before purchasing elsewhere.
Slroudsburg, Sept. 17, 1S55. t
The undersigned respectfully in
rnis the citizens of Stroudsburg
and vicinity, that he has coiutneueed
GUffSHBTZEarirc; business,
near Knufz's DFack?mith shop, on William
St., and is fully prepared fo do all kinds
of work in his line, with neatness and des
patch. Having had twenty years ex
perience in this business, he hopes. will
Be nn inducement for the people to give
bim a trial.
. Repairing of all kinds proniptly..attcna
edkto. Rifles made to order.
Stroudsburg,- June -14', 1855. il
' ; im l i
'Express Arrangement
jqViUq Hope and Howard JjJxpress Coai-
panys arc now prepareu to lorward .Mon
ey, Valuables of atiy kind, Paskngcs, &b.
with their own Cars, and special Mcsscri-H
gcrs, with dispatch'from Stroudsburgto
ny part of tho world.
For the Hope and Hownrd'Ex; Co'
Stroudsburg Fob. 4, 1853jtf.
IVcw Goods,... TcVv Claeani.
JOHN N. STOKES, having just
finished his selections, is now re
ceiving a choice and fashionable
assortment of new and seasonable
goods, to, which he invites the attention of
the public.
Dry Goods, Groceries,. Crockery, Hardware
&.C, &.c, in varietyj and of superior quality,
will be found in his store, at prices unusually
low- The public are invited to call and see.
No charge for showing- goods.
Stroudsburg, Oct. 8, 1857.
0 AP. Fine scented Soaps for waah-
firig and shaving a'so the celcbratfirll
shaving cream, for sd'o Tjy
Stroudsburg, January 1, 1855,