The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, September 16, 1858, Image 2

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    Eljc 3cffcrsoninn.
.Wb learn that Dr. Shoemaker, of Car
bon County, is nn independent candidate
for Congress in this District, against our
doughface Dimmiclr.
Dr. Shoemaker is a Democrat of un
swerving integrity and superior intelli
gence, but hates Lecompton and all its
.abettors. Success to hi in.
fiST Mr. Thomas Smiley, exhibited in
our office yesterday morning, a land Tur
tle, of extraordinary size, in connection
.with which, the following curious circum-
, stance is related:
rr On the 1st of April, 1833, Mr. Smiley
caught this Turtle, and cut on its shell
his name together with the date; he then
let it go. A few days since, Mr. S., by
'accident, caught the same turtle, and the
marks inscribed on its shell over 25 years
ago, ore still distinctly legible, both the
nauie and the date, so that there can be
no doubt, as to its identity. As the ani
mal was full grown when Mr. Smiley
"Grst caught it, it is uncertain how much
, more than 25, is the age of thi patriurch.
Mr. Smiley intends to take the veteran
home and again turn it loose, to sec if the
fates shall again bring their courses to
gether. ,
Grand Concert and Exhibition.
The School Exhibition which was an
nounced in our last, has been unavoidably
postponed, on accouut of nn accideut
which happenened to ono of the chief
Fpeakers, on Sunday morning last, by
'which be was seriously disabled. lie
was thrown from a wagon upon the pave
ment, breaking hid collar bone, which
prevented his appearance ou Wednesday
Eve, as was expected. We trust this ex
planation will be satisfactory to a disap
pointed public.
It is now proposed to give an Exhibi
tion in connection with a Concert by the
Stroudsburg Cornet Band, on Wednesday
'Evening, the 22d inst, thus presenting to
the Public a combination of attractions,
which richly merits their patronage.
This may confidently be expected. No
postponement on account of the weather.
Tickets for sale at the door. Price,
f12 ceuts.
- Mit. Editor: I happened to be pres
ent part of the time during the cxatnina-
tion of the Free School kept in Strouds
,..burg; by Stephen Holmes jr., principal,
c Miss Miller, Mr. Njee, and Miss Blair,
asifttants, and I was agrceablj" surprised
to find the scholars generally advanced
so far as they arc.
The scholar. in the mental arithmetic
elas, generally, and some particularly,
exhibited a clearness of mind not often
exceeded. The Grammar classes, espec
ially the first, and the Geography classes
did exceedingly well.. It is not, howev
er worth while to particularize, for the
whole proceedings were entirely satisfac
tory, and speak highly in favor of the
skill, energy, and sense of duty by which
the teachers have been actuated in the
discharge of their duties. To be brief,
the teachers and scholars have acquitted
themselves well.
, j.ue jjorougn ana uounty nave no
slight reason to be highly pleased with
fuch a school, and we are much gratified
to learu that Mr. Holmes aud Miss Mil
ler have made arrangements to teach a
select school in the Academy, during the
, time which will elapse between the Free
k. Schools.
It is to commence on tho third Mon
day in October, which will be the IStb
" of that month.
'We have not the slightest doubt that
they will hove an excellent school, we
therefore, cheerfully recommend it to
the public generally.
Politics in New York.
The Republican and American Con
rentioDs of Now York met at Syracuse on
Thursday, but failed to fuse. The at
tempt to combine the two parties in a u
nited effort against the abhorred meas
ures and the corrupt and faithless men of
the Buchauon party, proved a failure.
E. D. Morgan was then nominated by tbe
Republicans for Governor, aud Robert
Campbell for Lieutenant Governor. Gov.
King and Lieutenant Governor Selden
declined reuotuinations. The Americans
alsoplaccd in nomination a full State
IQT Tho Maine election came off all
'right. Morrill Republican, is re-elected
by about 9,000 majority. All the Mem
,bers of Congress are Republicans.
. JSgSenAtor Benjamin hus.dccliDe.d- the
xiissiou to Spain.
I was not a little atamcd, at reading
tho long, and labored articlo which ap
peared in the Monroe Democrat of the
2nd inst., in which the writer attempts to
excuse, or palliate the position he had
takcain Djeembor 3d, last, on the Kan
sas question. He now claims that he has
become convinced from the argument
used by the President in his Kansas man
ifesto; (for he is loud on manifestoes)
that his position was then wrong.
Now I think that every impartial reader,
who has read the article refered to, will
readily see that ic was prepared with n
great deal of care, and not without a full
knowledge of the action of the Kansas
Constitutional Convention. But not, how
ever, with a knowledge of the effect this
"plain speaking" would have upon himaolf.
or the score of office seekers and place
huutcrs that surrounded him. But there
were some "smart ones," who, at once saw
their position, and could not for a moment
allow their prospects to be blasted by any
injudicious course that might be pursued
by one of the organs of the party. Thej
therefore at once, made a nocturnal do--cent
upon bis sanctum, and warned him
of the danger that surrounded him and
also them: and begged of biro in all hu
manity to desist. His subsequent coureo
plainly shows that he caught the alarm, a
he has since been willingly doing the bid
diug of the party. He readily saw that
if "he refused fo to do, that he would in
cur the displeasure of those aspirants, and
that be would soon be called upon to
"walk the plank"' as a penalty for bis
disobedieuce. These aro facts and no
doubt,tbe legitimate cause of the speedy
summerset." Therefore I think he
. i I
can, witii great propriety, cnange me
motto of his paper, which now reads "we
go where Democratic principles point the
way, when they cease to load we cease
to follow,'' and have it read thus:
We go where party points the way
When it Tails to point, we go astray.
It would only be a waste of time to
follow him through with all his labored
explanations or windy tirades, for the
true facts of his whole couree since his
connection with that Journal is too obvi-
ous: tor it is well Known mat nis wuoie
... tti .t.t- i i
line of action has been vasodilating; and
that he has not dared to venture an opin
ion of his own upon the leading politic
topics of the day, but waited, until his
course had been marked out, and then,
follow on, with menial obedience; or if
by chanoe in an unguarded moment, he
ventured an opinion of his own, and that
proved not to meet the views of the rank
and file of the party, he has at once been
ready to retrace, and offer an apology for
his presumption. The truth is simply
this, that he is determined to keep in
the ranks of the party Per faset Nefas; and
feels an ambitious prido in joining with
the most corrupt, in their endeavorB to
traduce the good name of those who have
sufficient courage to think and act for
upon the
As to his strictures
author of tbe remarks
madc on his article of Dec. last, I will
simply give a passing notice and not in
dulge in vain threats with a view of in
timidating, nor attempt to over ride by
cowardly boasting; for should theugritty"
Editor unfortunately get "riled" 1 could
not reasonably expect anything but a
speedy annihilation, so I think the best
course to pursue, is, to let him vent his
spite on, or have his play day with that
fetid auimal which he so readily "adwerts"
to; judging from tbe frequent emissions
of bis putrid stomach 'that he is of that
genus, and should he fully embrace one
be would only bo returning to his native
element, and run no risk of "getting be
fouled." And as regards "home truths'
the writer baa much less to fear from
than the author of tbe threats; for of al
things in the world "home truths" to him
would be the mott unsavory.
I would therefore recommend for him
to place himself in some penitent position
aud offer up one of Burns's suggestive
petitions. The following I think would
be very applicable to his case:
"Oh wad 6ome power the giftie gie us
To see ourseles as others see us!
It wad frae mony a blander free us
And foolish notion."
Another Ticket to be Formed.
We observe in one of the Reading pa
pers a call fpr a meeting of the Demo
crats of Berks county, who are in favor
of the principlo of rotation in office, and
opposea to me election ot o . tilancoy
I i 1 . 0 T S t
Jones to Congress for tbe fifth term.
The meeting was to be held in the Court
House, Reading, on Saturday last. Mea
sures were to be taken for tho formation
of a ticket to be supported in October.
There is a considerable feeling in Berks
county, in the Democratic party, against
tbe re-election of Hon. J. Gr. Jones to
Congress, which, having been defeated
in the delegate elections, is, it appears to
bo carried to the polls by the nomination
of another ticket.
JXT'The Republicans of Massachusetts
met in Convention at Worcester, on Tues
day last, and re-nominated Gov, Banks
by acclamation.
Gov. Denver of. Kansas has rc-
- When I spoke to the electors at Tar
rytown, New York, I did so upon tho de
liberate expectation that from the impen
itent calumniator and convict of the New
York Herald, down to the pensioners of
the Washington Union, I would be abun
dantly traduced and misrepresented. An
Administration which I as-isted, not in
considerably, to elevate to the power it
has baselv abased, has not hesitated to
make an honest difference of opinion the
pretext for a proscription extending to my
business and to my mot intimate rcla-
tioti: and E, am not surprised at thespir- ing his arm in a shocking manner. iir.
it which my remarks at Tarrytown have Munger says he had no idea of ever get
created in that Quarter. This is to state ting away from him atfve. He however
created in that quarter
that I shall calmly await the accumula
tion of all the accusations of the Admin
istration and its agents, when, in my own
way, and in my own good time, I will
prove all that I have written and spoken
as to the gross" betrayal or a great prtnci
pie and a solemn pledge, and still furth-
er establish the justice and strength ot
the poaitiou of The Press and of myself.
J. W. if OliNEV.
03" The following item speaks in thun-
dering tones to all Democrats and others
who have been dtaosed to elect Free
rn i TA a r
i raae iemocrais io uonsresa :
Furnaces out of Blast
All the furnaces in the neighorhood of
Marietta, with three exceptions, have
blown out in the, course of a couple of
weeks. Seven furnaces .within the space
of three miles, out of blast! 1 bus it is each
day becoming more obvious that the pres -
ent Free Trade system is bringing our
couutry to bankruptcy ana ruin our
manufactures an-i their operatives to want
to almost actual beggary. Seven
furnaces stopped, and upwards of two
hundred and fifty men thrown out of eui
p'loyment! Most of these men have fam
ilies, who aro dependent upon them for
tnc breait mey eat, nnd wno will soon, un
less there is a change in the policy of our
country be starving for the necessaries of
life Hamsburg (Pa ) Democrat.
A New Cure for the Potato Rot.
The Ncwburyport Herald publishes a
new theorv of the caue and cure of the
potatoe rot, put forth by Mr. Pillsburyof
Georgetown, Mass. He thinks the cause
to be a small herbaceous iusect perfora-
ting the tuber, which extract the "life of
the vegetable, so that decomposition fol-
lows. The remedy, which he ha tried
for two or threo years, is the oyster shell,
which, he sav.s. contaiues. a carniverous
insect that wars upon and destroys that
so destructive to potatoes. He places a
couple of shells in every potatoe hill, or
lays them on where the vines will come
in contact with them, aud finds in that
bis remedy.
The Gold Mines in Western Kansas.
St. Louis, Monday, Aug. 30, 1858.
TjAanm worth adriois nf rlin 29fli li:irp
been received per U. S. Express Cooipa-
nv tn Bnnnvillo. f!nn,idfirSi t.ln PvoWfimnnf
exists in Lawrenen nnd Kan-si fhtv. in
Hnnnnnr. nf nrrlrnlc frnm
gold regions of Pike's Peak, conBrming
thR PYi-'tnncP , of nr in ni..,rin.A in fn.-.t
laealitv. TUo. whirl, ,nt fro,,,
Lawrence in June had met with good
success. J he gold found is similar to that
of Frazcr River and California. Mr.
i?;oh iroco r;f
the 2tnh, reports that, with very little
prospectiug, satisfactory amounts wore
obtained. Two men, witb inferior imple-
monts, washed out SG00 in one week, in a
small stream 50 miles from Pike's Park.
A second Fraser River excitement is ap-
The Captured Africans.
Fault is found with the Government.
in certain quarters, for concluding a con-
tract with the American Colonization So
elety, by which tbe latter agreed to sub-
slat anu instruct tuc captured Africans
for one year after their arrival out, hav
ing Hue regard for their health aud com-
tort. About 50,000 is to be paid to the
bociety for their service. Lifty thousaud
dollars is a pretty large sum to be drawu
jrom tue federal exchequer, but after all
it is getting rid of the negroes cheap and
uiucn cheaper, wo dare say, thau would
be the case if an agent was appointed to
go 10 Sirica wuu mem. Jjesiues, the
Colonization Society know more of the
nature, temper, disposition, and habitudes
of the native African, than some jobbing
politician, to wnom, no doubt, the agency
would have to be given to make a satis
factory settlement of the case.
burg Telcgrajih.
A writer in the Boston Post Bavs :-
"Strolling leisurely about Uncle Sam's
big ship-yard in Wahington tho other
day, we observed a regulor hard weather
sailor chap from a man-of-war, who in
turn, was watching two men dragging a
annnt fnnt n .. .. I n .1 I I
obtbu iiiti uiuaa-uuii OHW lUTOUJll a nuon
live oak log. Tho saw was dull, the lo
terriblo hard, and there they wont
saw, see-saw pull push, push pull.
dacK studied the matter over awhile, un-
T 1 .
tu no camo to tne conclusiou that thev
wore pulling to see who would cot the
saw and as one was a monstrous big chap,
wnue in otuer was a little fellow, Jack
decided to see fair play; so taking tho big
one a onp under tbe ear that capsized him
end over end, ho jerked tho saw out of the
...... I
log, and giring it to tbe small one, sung
out "JNow run, you beggar
-il.. i i , - -
Frost and tJie Crops. Accounts rccei-
ved from lioya county, in the northern
part of our State, say that several suc
cessive and very sevore frosts have mate
nally injured the corn and buckwheat, as
well as tbe potato crop, in that section.
Tho doctor's fee in New Orloans for a
yellow fever case is one hundred dollars,
more or less, kill or cure. If taken in
auubuu mo uootor s attention is notreouir-
iL. J..i i .. . . I
ed after the fourth day. One, two, and
uree wiousanu aoijars a .week is no un-
common amount of fees for a good yel-
(uu ievu talcum.
Terrible Adventure.
About five, weeks since, Mr. Lewis S.
Munger, of Topeka, Kansas Territory,
while riding on horaebeck not far from
that place, was terribly injured by bis
horse becoming enraged. The first inti
mation he bad of it, tho animal commen
ced rearing and plunging, but as ho did
not suceed in throwing his rider, the brute
actually laid down, and rolled over, ther-
by bringing Mr. Munger to the ground
Quicker than thought the horse sprung
upon the rider, planting his knees upon
his prostrate victim, and commenced tear-
succeeded in getting the horse by the
the tongue, and thus conquered the tiger
He then mounted the animal and succee
ded in reaching home. The left arm was
'laid bare to the elbow. It was only by
the best care nnd skill that bis life was
saved, as the arm mortified the next day
Vermont, in 161 towns, gives Hiland
Hall fltenublican) for Governor 22,Zu4
votes to 1U.U55 tor tvepes (Uem ) lve
publican majority 12 2U9, which there
oiaming towns will largely increase, lue
t f-m . a S Til II II L 1 ;
ate W " proDauij an nopuouean
I r e f.ui,;n
i xvt: pi caeiikan nuui cuu ii no m y,
which there are some 230. So far, we
have returnselecting 175 Republicans and
30 Democrats no choice in G towns.-
All three Republican Members of Con
gress re-elected by largo majorities
. jggg-A correspondent of the Newark
j)ajiv Advertiser furnishes that journal
with the following communication upon
the subject of prcacrviug "Green Corn
for wiuter use
Mr. Editor : While South last spring
I saw various dishes of "green corn" ser
ved up with a prolusion that seemed to
dcu' the use of the ordinary sized her
meticallv sealed cans: while the aualitv
was ouy second to that freshly plucked
from the stalks. On inquiry I learned it
nrnpr,p.l nnn ,irl ;n l,ir.7P mmnM
ties by a process I have uot ceen in print
and which is given below for the benefit
of Northern housewives. 1 he practioa
value of the article will be better under
stood after one winter's experience in u
h,,DS lt'
RECIFE Gather corn of an age right
for roasting ears. Strip off the husl
and boil until the milk will cease to flow
when tho grains are punctured. After
boiling thus, cut it from the cob. It
then in readiness for packing away. For
this purpose use any sort of stone or ear
then pots or jars. birst put a layer o
the coro about three inches deep; then a
:priukhng of fine salt sufficient to cover
t tie grams wen. Alternate tuus, unit
i - il tt. ..1 . i
the vessel is full, always observing to have
a layer of salt ou the top, which should
bo about two inches deep. Tie up the
vessel closely. It will be a safe plan to
examiue the jars, &c., after a few days
an,d, if au' Prtion of the corn ia csPosed
add niore Salt.
When tbe corn is to be used, wash it
11, allow it tO Stand ilj Water OVCT night
to draw out the saltiness. After this it
wiil oulJ nee'J boiling enough to thor-
ouJ?l,iJ bcat c0. when it is to be
drffsed witb buttcr aod is ruad? for tbe
Urn PrcParad 'n tIli3 way is also very
popular for usiuj? in soups. F
A singular case of voluntary starvation
occurred last week at Manchester, Mass
Jacob Peart was rejected by a young la
dy three years ago, and he attempted to
blow out his brains, but only succeeded
in destroying both eye?. Lately be de
termined to starve himself, and took notb
some Gve weeks previous to hi
death but coffee, sweetened water and
Mr. Ahl, the Member of Congress
from the lork District, who supported
Lecompton, and who-e brother got a fat
mule contract from the government, finds
it bard work to get a re-nomination from
his party. I ho Conferees were in ses
Uion several days, and finally adjourned
without making a nomination. Before
adjourning however, they resolved that
in no event should Ahl be renominated,
The mule busiuesa looks to be below par.
JXjIarael Washburne, Jr., has been
nominated for Congress in the Fifth Dis
trict of Maine; Elihu B. Wasbburno is up
again m me iwrsi uisirict ot tlliuois; una
0. C. Washburne is in nomination for an-
other term in the Second district of Wis.
consin. Thev aro all Republicans, and
The Chicago Democrat says: "We
have to day in store in city, a million of
bushels of wheat, aud this too right in the
face of an incoming crop.
A clergyman's wife named Allen of
Lafayette, Indiana, oloped some days with
Mr. Sherwood, secretary of the Lafayette
Railroad Co. They were on their wav to
ot. .Louts at last accounts.
Col. John Wood, of Montgomery coun
ty, has been nominated by the Anti-Lc
compton men as a candidate for Congress
10 opposition to uwen Jones.
figfHorse thieves are committing nu
merous depredations on the line between
twecn Baltimore county. Md., and Lan
caster county, Pa.
New York Market.
September 14, 1858.
Tho market for State and Western
Flour is 5 a 10 cents lower, except for
round hoop Ohio; sales of 9,000 bbls. at
S4 84 a 4 95 for superfine Stato
Wheat market is heavv. and 1 a 2o. low-
er : sa cs of 14.000 him m nt. SI 14 for
. ' . ' -
Western red. Corn is dull and easier;
sales 20.000 bushels at 65 a 72 cts. for
mixed Western and 92$ for sound yellow.
yiiiskey la dull at 2lio.
On Saturday last, (Sep. 1 1 , .I'SS&V) by
Rev. J. Albert, Mr. Theodore C.'Taylor,
and MissSarah Eagles, both of "Smith
field township, Monroe countyPa.
With tho-above notice we received some
dcliciouscake, together with a bottle of
wine, for all of which wo fender our
grateful acknowledgments, and. wish the
happy couple the enjoyment of a long life
and its many blessings, among which
may be reckoned a duo proportion of
"household treasures," in the shape of
young Eagles in the guiso of Taylors.
; 'DIfl3S. "'
In Stroud township, on the 14th inst.,
Mrs. Ann Maria Weavar, aged 32 years
2 month and 28 days.
In Stroudsburg, on the 11th inst. El
Ion L. Stokes, daughter of Dr.' Samuel
and Susau Stokes, aged 34 years.
Holloivay's Pills are indispensable to
the security of health aod life in new set
tlements. Fever and ague, bilious re
mittents, and bowel complaints, are the
worst enemies the Western pioneer has
to encounter, and be cau only certainly
and permanently put them to flight with
the aid of this unrivalled cathartic, dc:
tergent, and restorative. There are mul
titudes of sallow aud feeble invalids, now
languishing in the western clearings, un
der the endemic diseases of that region,
who would soon find their healthy ap
pearance, strength, and cheerfulues re
turn, under a course of Holloway's Pills.
JURY LIST for Sept. Term, 1858.
Slrou'dsbiirg James Boys, John De
long. Ross Charles Frantz, Charles Bus
kirk. Paradise John Learn.
Hamilton William Heaney, Jacob
Harpst, George Roth, Abraham Shook.
"Bldi edE i ward E ngler.
M. Smithficld John Place, Martiu
Place, Jonas Hannah, E?q.
Jac:son-Vhp Frailey, Joseph Rinker
Joseph JL'elher.
Polk George G. Hawk, Joel Kresire
Smithficld Christian Smith, Abraham
Stroud John Felker, George Philips
JBldrcd Charles Correll.
PolcVau Bloss.
Smilhfieldr-John Smith.
JJamUUiniyvorao B. Keller, Jacob
Metzgar, John Gower, George Bukirk
Johu Young, Michael Super, Enos Paul
Jonas Newhart, Samuel Kester, John
Coolbaugh Hiram Warner.
Ince Stephen Peters, Andrew J
Tunhhannoch George Bonser, Fred
eriek Knccht.
il. Smithficld Georpe W. Kintner,
Johu Jii. Detrick, Joseph v anauken.
Stroud Joseph Kerr, William S
White, Stroud Burson. Daniel Lre
Stroudsburg Joseph Wallace, Samue
Emery, M. B. Postcns, George Swart
wood, btogdell btokes. .
Ross Henry Getz, Michael Smith
ClicsnuthilL Charles D. Brodhead, Pe
ter Lafer, Martin Keller.
Jackson Joseph Woolbert.
Trial List for Septemaer-' Term, 1858.
Joseph L. Keller vs. Melchoir Bossard
Jacob W. Williams vs. Jacob Rouse
Jacob B. Teel vs. George W. Nowman
and George Jacob ieruer.
Jacob Bossard vs. II an ford ,Belles.
Isaac Lewis, ashined to Charles Do-
rauce vs. William Brown.
Mary Predmore vs James Boys.
William Hawk vs. Henry Neff.
Robert Hu!-ton vs. George Doll et. al.
John P. Decker vs. J. Edward Hood-
raacber. .
Samuel S. Dreher vs. Joseph Kemmer-
er and Joseph Metzar.
John Pipherrs. James N. Durlingand
Henry ). Shafer, partners, trading as
Durhng & bhafer.
Blye et. al. vs. Isaao Post.
George Loos vs. Charles. Shafer.
Same vs same.
To the Voters of Monroe and Pike
Fellow Citizens: I hereby offer myself
as a candidate for the othce ot
Should 1 he elected I pledge myself to per-
tor in ine duties or tne othce fearlessly, un
p.iriiaiiy, launiuiiy anu to advance the best
interests of the district.
M. Smithficld, September 1(5, 1858.
The Burgess and Town Council of tbe
Borough of Stroudsburg, hereby uive no
tice that application" by Petitions has
been made to them by a number of the cit
izensofthis Borough, "To lay out and
ordain an Alley in said Borouyh com-
meiicing at a poiut on Ceutre street, 200
feet Westerly from Main street, and ex
teuding from thence in an Easterly di
dircotion by tho nearest and best course
to Chestnut street in said Borough, at or
near the point whero the division line of
andsof Robert Huston and Robert Boys,
iutersect-i snid Ches-ttiut street."
And Also. "To wideu Walton street,
commencing at Main or Walnut street,
cxt'-uding thence in a Westerly dircctiou
to Knob, or Chestnut, street.
Notico is hereby given to all persons
interested in said Alley, and wideuins of
said street, that a meeting of the Council
will bo held at the house of Samuel Mel-
iek in said Borough, at 2o'olook P. M.
on Saturday tho 25th inst., for tho pur
poao of considering the propriety of gran
ting tue prayer ot said Petitions.
September 10, 1858.
OCT Seo advertisement of Dr. Sanford's
j LI VER INVIGQR.ATOR i another column.
jBSTPeach Leaves versus Hops.-j
Mrs: Daniel R.' Mitchell of Rowe, Gtff
gia, has discovered that peach leaves iff
superior fo hos for miking yeast. 'Wt
understand that tbe yeast' is made in tbi
same way, except tbat dried. peaoh leaf
are used instead of hops,"
Baldness Cured. For real -worthi
Wood's Hair Restorative is undoubtedly
tbe best preparation now in usd, for ferf
storing hair ou bald heads, changing gray
hair to its original color, and as a cos met-'
ic or cure for pimples, it is fast takUgv
the place of other preparations. No toU
let now-a-days is complete without it.
Caution. Beware of worthless iosifa,
tions, as several arc already in tho isf-
ket, called by different names. TJfe node
unless tbe words (Profe.-sor Wood's Hair
Restorative, Depot St. Louis, Mo., anoV
New York.) are blown in the bottle. '
Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medi
cine dcalears, also by all Fancy and Toi-'
let Goods dealers in the United Stater
and Canada.
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from a presriplion of Sir J.Clarhb,
M. D. Physician Extraordinary tb 'tKt
This in valuable medicine is unfailing in the enrft of
all those painful and d.inyeious discat'5 to which thfe
female constitution is Mibject. It moderates all eicel
and removes all obstructions, and a specif cure inajr
be iclitd on.
To rftarricd L.nlic
it is peculiarly suitrd. It u ill, in a hort time, bi ing or
the monthly period with regularity.
Each buttle, price One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great llritsin, to prevent counterfeits.
These TilU should not be taUen by females, dm ing thft
FIRST I'll REE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they arfe
sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any olhei time thfy
are safe.
In all cases of Nervous anil Spinal Atrcctions, pain i
the back and limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, palpita
tion of the heart, hysterics and whites, these Pills will
effect a cure when all other means have failed; and al
though a pouciful remedy, do not contain iion, calo
mel, antimony, or anything huitful to the conitimiion.
Full directions intHe pamphletaiouud each package,
which should be carefully preserved.
Sole Agent for the United States and Canada,
(Late I. C. n.iulwin .fc Co,,)
Kochesler, N. Y.
N. B. $1 00 and fi t oslage stamps enclosed to any
authorized Agent, will injure a bottle, contains M pill
"bv return mail For sale in Strnudv'iifg. by
July 1. IWcJ ly. J. N. DURLING, Agent.
Dallcy's Magical Pain Extractor,
In all diseases inflammation' more or less
predominates now to allay inflammation
strkea at the root of disease hence an im
mediate cure.
Valleys' Magical Pain Extractor,
and nothing else, will allay inflammation at
once, and make a certain cure.
Vallcifs Magical Pain Extractor
will cure the following amonr a catalogue of
diseases; burns, scalds, cuts, chafes, sore nip
ples, corns, hunmns, strains, biles, poison,
chilblains, biles, Fcroftiia, ulcers, fever sores,
felons, ear ache, piles, soro eyes, gout, swcl
Inigs, rheumatism, scald heail, salt rbeu?rt,
baldness, erysipelas, ringworm, barbers itch,
small pox, meafiles, rash, &c, &c.
To some it may seem incredulous that 1
many dise:isessliotihl be reached by one arti
cle; such an idea will vanish when reflection
points to the fact, thai the salve is a combina
tion of ingredients, each atld every one ap
plying a perfect antidote to its opposite dis
order. Valley's Magical Pain Extractor
In its effects is magical, because the time is
so short between disease and a permanent
cure; and it is nn extractor, as it draws all
disease out of the affected part, leaving na
ture as perfect as before the injury. It h
scarcely necessary to say that no liuuse, work
shop, or manufactory should be one moment
without it.
No Pain Extraclor is permute unless the
box bus upon it a steel plate engraving, with
ihe name of Henry Dailey, Manufacturer,
For sale by all the Druggists and patent
medicine dealers throughout, the United
States and Cnnadas.
Principal Depot,
1(J5 Chambers St., New-York.
Sold in Stroudsburg, by Ilollinshead und
Del rick.
Feb. 25. 1858.-1 y.
Whereas, it appears that Ihe days of rights
honor, aud integrity are fest fading away,
and whereas, the unscrupulous aud ignorant
are daily taking--advantage of the profound,
and learned. lift it known therefore, to all.
whether iMnitls, Wives, nr Widows, that Dr.
Chessman's Fevuilc fills are alone the cer
tain panacea for ihe troubles incident to fe
male disorganization; thev alone correcting'
all painful menstruation, nsstmging palpita
tions ofthc heart, disturbed sleep, pain in the
side, and causing health and happiness to the
whole sex; more especially to the married
portion, as they are certain to bring on the
monthly period with regularity. And where-
ns, these Pills are purely vegetable and en
tirely free from minerals, therefore perfectly
harmless in their operations and wholly un
like other medicines ihrust upon the public,
purporting to c fleet the objects already de
tn iled. Therefore, be it known, that nothing-
hut the said Pills of Dr. Chccsman will ac
bomplish the desired object, when disappoint
ment has been experienced under the regime
ol (other Pills: and the Ladies will cause
this Proclamation to spread ainonsLthem, to
their own everlasting benefit alwavs premi
sing that said Proclamation in one case must
be considered null and void ; that is to say";
that the Pills must not be taken when any
fcmule is in an interesting situation, other
wise a miscarriage will be the inevitable re
Explicit directions, to be carefully read;
accompany each box. Price SU Sent by
mail on enclosing $1 to Dr. Cornelius L,
Cheeseinan, Jiox 4,531, Post Office, Nev
York City. Sold by one Druggi&t in every
town in the United States.
Given under my hand nnd seal,
II. IS. SSiitcliingN, .
General Agent for the United. States,?
155 Cmmbers-st.. York.
To whom all wholesale orders must, be ad
dressed. . '
Sold in. Stroudshug; by Ilollinshead .& De-
trick ; II. B. Semnle &. Co. Eastnn.
Feb. 25, 1858. ly.