The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, March 25, 1858, Image 2

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Sljc Scffcvsoititut.
thieves about look out for them.
On Wednesday eveninc of last week,
M. Jacob Dennis of Hamilton township
lost a two weeks wash, which bad been
left upon tbc line in the yard tbat even
ing, consisting of shirts, sheet?, bandker
chiefs, stockings, &e.
On the same evening, Mr Jacob Mil
Icr, rcsididing in tbo pa nib township, los
a three weeks wash, consisting of dresses
N -shirts, sheets, &c.
We have compiled a complete list
of the officers elect, in the several town
"J .."hips in this county, on;Fridny last, but
btre compelled, to defer the publication o
tbcin until next week.
JK3 Joseph Edlenian, one of the Coun
ty Commissioners of Northampton, died
sAt his rcsidence in tht county on the lGth
from the effects of a carbuncle on
his head. The vacancy will be filled by
the remaining Commissioners and the
.Judges of the Court.
Adjournment of tiie Legislature.
iTho Committee of Conference of the
two houses of the Legislature, have re
ported a resolution for a final adjourn
ment on tbo 23d of April. The report
has been agreed to in tbc Senate by a
vote of 26 to 5.
The affairs of the D. L. & W. R. Co.,
are improving. Throughout the winter,
their expenses have been, reduced to the
lowest mark. They have adopted the
humane plan of giving to every poor man
all the vok they could, even in some ca
ses to their own disadvantage. 1 he road
Is now in excellent condition for the sea
son, and everything excepting, the press
ure of the times looks favorable. The
management is now in the hands of men
who ha pc- gained a world wide reputation
as managers. Scranton Herald.
A young man named Newell H. Whit
tlesey, nj-cd Tibont nineteen years, enter
ed the office of the Treasurer of this coun
ty on Tuesday evening the IGth inst, and
romoved the dcposites, con-istmg nomin
ally of SU7. Most of the bills, however,
were either uncurrcnt or counterfeit, so
that the actual value was only about 875.
The next morniog he went to Narrows-
bur;-, and bought a ticket to go west, but
took the train for New York. He was
headed by telegraph, and arrested by a
police officer while on the ferry boat go
inr from Jersey City over to New York
On Friday be was brought back and lodg
ed in jail in this borough. Whittlesey's
mother foimcrly the kept the boarding
house attached to the Seminary at beth
anv. Honcsdtilc Democrat.
The Pittsburg Gazette says of the
Democratic nominatiousin Pennsylvania:
'.'Wesley Frost, the nominee for Canal
Commissioner, is for Jjccompton out-and-out.
There is no mistake about his po
sition. "Wm. A. Porter, the other nominee,
was classed the other way; bnt we are
.Forry to see that he has submitted to the
King, and goes Lecompton with the rest
of tha herd. Mr. Cassiday, bis spokes--.maniutbc
Convention announced tbat
he (Porter) approved Buchanan's Kan-
fs policy, and stood upon the platform
of the. Convention."
A Village for Sale.
The Sheriff advertises for sale tbo en
tire village of Malaga, in Cumberland Co.,
N.J. It consists of more than 5,000 a
ercs of land, with glass works, mills, and
forty dwelling houses. The village ex
hibit a sceue of desolation and abandon
ment so complete and thorough as to be
rarely exceeded. All this fine -property
will pass away from the Industrious owu
er for a comparative song. Yet, strange,
as it would seem if we did not know tbat
sanie folly was enacted in a thousand oth
er localities, the very men who tave been
thrown out of employment and forced to
abandon their comfortable homes by the
curse of Free Trade, are the very parties
who have been persistently voting for the
Democracy which caused all this social
havoc. The owner of this valuable prop
erty has been beggared outright by the
Vliht of democratic freo trade.
Sale of Slaves.
The following sale of slaves, belonging
to Mrs. Blakely, took place in lioanoke
Randolph county, Mo., Last week :
Woman and two young children 81,200
iNeero man, about fifty years old 625
Lida, about fourteen years old 875
Girl, about twelve years old. 800
Isaac nino years old. 600
Benjamin, about seven years old, 501
Cirl. hve years old, 400
Kali, the1 Convict, Dead.
John W. Hall alias William Lindsay,
fbe convict who attempted the life of the
keeper, in- bis efforts to escape from the
AMtonr Illinois Prison, died in his. cell on
Saturday, the 13th inst. He had been
gradually sinking under the e.fecti;cf the
wound in bis head, aud tor sixteen hours
-.previous to his death wae.entirely par-
'aljaed'nd insensible. 'Frplsu the time
:he was shot until ho dicd,fjpaalysis made
-flow but certain work upjoujblra.
SeriousT'Epidetoi'c at the tTniversity of
A leifiip received in this city from the
Uuiverity of Virginia, dated Maich 18,
states that a very serious ana iaiai epi
demic, somewhat similar to typhoid fe
ver, has been prevbiling ieartully at Wat
institution for some weeks past Quite a
number of the student have already died,
and many are still sick. Great alarm
prevails among those remaining. A spe
on meeting of tbo Board of Visitors was
called some days ago to consider tbc sub
ject, and, if possible, adopt some meas-
ures to counteract tne epiaemio. it
- . .....
agreed to vacate the rooms m whicn tne
disease oriiiinated, but it soon appeared
in other apartments, there being three
new cases shortly afterward. The stu
dents, becomimr fctiil more cscited, pre
sented a petition to the 13oard, requesting
a suspension of tbc lectures, which was
not complied with.
For a week pat they have bcrn Icav
ing rapidly, some for their homes, others
taking up their abodes elsewhere, and
out of 024, who were in the University
at the commencement, there are only 300
left. Meetings are held bigLtly to con
sidcr the matter, and additional measures
arc being taken by remaiuing students to
procure a suspension of lecturos, which i
not granted soon, it is believed the insti
tution may be finally deserted until health-
fulness is again rotorcd. At last" ac
counts the executive committee had call
cd another meeting of the Board, and i
was believed some definite action would
betaken in order to render satisfaction
and safety to tho.-e in the university.
Several .-tudents who had contracted the
fever and left for other quarters, died I c
fore being able to reach borne. Balti
more Patriot.
Public Vendues.
As this is the season for Public Ven
dues and the Farmers' can do but little
out door work, the sales of farm stock
and "household and kitchen furniture"
are very largely nttended and good pri
ces arc generally obtained. It is said that
over 100U people were at the sale at the
late rcMdeuce of Henry Lerch. in Forks
township, last Thursday. Tbo family
were eaten out of "house and home'' by
persons who abused their kind hospitali
ty, although thej bad generously prepar
ed for at least 100 people. They were e
ven obliged to keep their eellar locked to
prevent stealing. People who go to Ten-
dues irhould know how to behave them
selves properly or stay home. We did
not hear how the farm stock sold at this
sale; the total amount of the two day's
sale amounted to nearly S'-000. At
Brunncr's sale in Lower Saucon township,
.-.even horses brought 0166, SI85,SI50 -50,
5102,8107 and 105. A large Devon
shire cow sold for 89. At tbc sale ol
the personal property of Leonard Sandt
deceased, in 1j. -Mount nctuci townsuip,
a youn horse about 6 years old brought
8130 and an 18 vear old marc $61. At
William Hilliads sale in L. Mount Beth
el. a black hotse sold for 8l'2 and
young colt at $65. At Petor Ililliard's
sale in Plaiufield township, a mare 16
years old was knocked off at 8120 50.
At Dan. Oyer's sale m U. ML Jbithel, a
-mall horse brought SI 44 and sheep from
80 to 58 a head. At J. J. Mann's "sale
in L. Mt. Bethel, a lot of horses brought
from 8100 to SI 50 a piece and cows 840
a head. At Saudt's sale sheep sold at
from SO to S- A sow with eiht pigs
brought 2 2). At John Bci-t's sale in
L. Mt. Bethel, farm horses brought from
125 to 81 50. Faslon Argus.
The Utah Expedition.
Reinforcements and Supplies Forwarded
from Fort Lcavcmcorth,
St. Louis, March 28. The Leaven
worth Times of the 19th in:-t , says that
the previous morning two companies ol
infantry and two of cavalry left the fort
for Utah. The command uumbers about
H20 men. They design overtaking Col.
Hoffman and e.-cortiujr the supply train
for Col. Johnson's army from Fort Lara
mie. This train consists of 160 heavily
laden wagon3.
The Republican publishes extracts from
a private letter from Col. J'jhnston to a
friend in that city, dated February 5th,
in which he says he has received no com
munication from the Government since
the 22nd of Oetober. He complains that
the contractors take more than three
months to carry the mails to Utah, wheu
their contract states tbat the service shall
be done monthly. Col. Johnston de
scribes the march to Camp Scott, and
compliments the troops.
He says the mormons have fully, as far
as words and actions can manifest their
intentions, declared their determination
to no longer submit to any government
but their own, and that the people Kf the
Uuion must submit to the usurpation oi
their territory, and have a government
created in their midst acknowledging no
dependence upon or allegiance to the
JbeUeral authority, -or act with vigor aud
force to compel them to succomb.- He
expresses an earnest hope that every ex
ertion will be made to forward supplies
early in the Spring, under a sufficient
guard of raountod men.
A Whiskey Insurrection in 0hior
Last Saturday, a large aumber of wo
men, who- had previously armed them
selves with axes, hatchets and hammers
made an attack upon the taverns asd sa
loons of Akron, Ohio, breaking jugs and
bottles, and emptying casks of all sorts
of liquor, ale, &o. Every establishment
in the pi
ace was thus despoiled, exceot
tue American House and a dnm
. . - . - r
store, tue proprietors ot wnicu "saved
their bacon" by pledging their "words
of honor" not to sell liquor to any of the
townspeople. One of the town- magis
trates interposed in vain.
The Phjladelpbm Fress learns that
Thomas Washington Smith, who was so.
quitted of tbo murder of Richard Carter.
on the grounnd of insanity, is noV a- con-
! J '
urmcu maniac.
The lottery Mania.
A lottery enterprise has been gotten
up by C. E. Todd & Co., in New York,
which has proven to do a pexieet awiuuiu,
and baa duped -a great many persons
throughout tbo country. Upon complaint
made, the post, oince was waicueu uu
Thursday, by police officers, and a young
man who received that morning some two
hundred letters, by the name of Hall,
was arrested. The Herald gives a very
interesting account of- the matter, as fol
lows :
The officers visited No. 372 Grand
steet, whore they found two young ladies
' , . . . i l "rr.4.1
named uatuarme anu Luaiy xuuu, uu
sweriuf a large number of letters, which
lay upon tbo table in the room. lhey
were also brought before the Mayor, to
gether with the letters found on the prom
ises. The gills stated that they were in
no way connected with the concern, nor
was there such a firm as C. E. Todd &
Co., but that Hall was the only person
carrviuir on the business, and they were
emr.loyed by him to answer letters. The
Mayor accordingly oisciiargea me gins,
but held Hall to bail in the sum of 81,000
On nnrnin.r thu letters. S210 was found
enclosed in about sixty of them, forchah
in tliR oift enterprise. xmon2 them
were about forty from various editors o
country nowspapers wanting chances m
exchange for nuffs. Numcrons adicr-
ti-cnieut of Todd &C6., cut from couu
try papers in the Southern and Western
States, were found, some a column in
length, statlug that the advertisers were
extensive manufacturers of gold pencils
and that, in consequence of the money
pressure, they were induced to get up a
pencil gilt enterprise tor the purpose o
disposing of their stock. $j would enti
tie a person to a ticket, who bad a chance
to wiu a gold pencil valued troui 8- to 5rO
besides gold watcho, lockets, chains, and
purses of gold dollars. Any person lies
itating to remit money in adv.mce would
be allowed to send their names ana ad
dress, whin Todd & Co., would mak
their drawing and inform the parties by
return mail what they had drawn. By
this means many' were induced to send in
their names, always receiving an answer
that they had drawn a valuable pencil or
chain,witb a ticket giving tbc number tbat
Arnvc Mmir n'rize. and its value, as lot
v i I
lows :
I . C. E. TOUD &GO S
Value of prize,
No. 5,285 2
Drawn by .
The following arc specimens of the let
ters received:
Grayyille, III, March8,IS58
U. ill. lodu oc jo.: ftirs jou say
you will draw for a club of twelve names,
without the money, if sent by an agent.
vr. t -.1. . ...!
l uimi UU iu Co,.s,uci u.e
person:, uuu urun iweive uthuw iui uie
individually; and if the prizes will just!
fy, I will send the moticy immediate!
lour suDcriDv.,r,
Griyvillc, White county. 111.
C. E. Todd & Co., 392 Broome st., 1NT Y.
a FniTOit u"4nts a PUI7E
t. A,.nr;Mn Offlnn Wrin Vn Afnr Tfi
, ' . " " ,
yj. m. iou cv o.:-ucuD,-xue ia5
of January you sent me one pencil and
pen, ana i inserted your advertisement
iou wroie me mawi wouio give a pun
you woum uraw me one oi your prizes in
n. n r n i r f I n fl t'n TTrtfl n Inn rrtn n n f na I
jv - .vuuj uu.v.w,
saying unequivooa)ly that I knew you
were rt?i:abiG. 1 sent vou mar ked conies
- j 7. v
of paper, but have received nothing from
you. t also nave since written to you.
Now, bow is this T Am I to pass for a
liar in this community by recommending
parties that fail m their engagements 7
Ttr T li m r r. 1 1 ,i A f a nUiil nil f n T
"ul 1 ut ""'F1-" lu itiuvw uu wobiMUQ aoctors nad laiieu to cure, it was
have said, and warn the public against
you 7 Of course I must do so to save
myseii, uuiess you immeaiaieiy give me
iomc tokens tbat you arc all right. 1
shall wait a few days and see. In my
last letter I wrote you that I would con
tinuc your advertisement six months a
hove present term for 84 ca?b.
Yours, II. GALIN, Editor.
Fayetteville, L'awrcce Co., Tud. Mar. It).
Mr. Todd: Having read your ad ver-
tisemcnt, I take it upon myself to send
you a lew jiues, betore 1 send the money,
anu i wn Know then it 1 receive a letter
from you, that it will be safe to send moo-
ey in a letter. If you get this letter make
my urawing ana sena me word. 1 think
if I could draw something I could ce't a
groat mony subscribers. I will take the
agency n you please. Direct your letter at tbc public house of Jacob Long, in Po
tn JO fl NT Ti A IMG r. i.: w
- Fayetteville, Lawrence county, Ind.
, Columbia, (Tcnn.) Maury Co.,
March 1 , 1858.
i'it.-oj o. j. xu. j. uuu ol. vo.: i nave
concluded to give you a trial, and see
whether it will pay or not. -I have tried
fi-....C- n .f... I...L . ,
v-M w. u,u, Muuuave not gaineu a-
uymiDgjrom mm. oince you have sub-
I! I. a i I, Kit! , . . , , . . ,
4-M vuu uinu siriu mat is in me JLfem-
ocra.tic Herald I have concluded to ve
you a trial or two. I think that I can
get a good many others to go in with me.
It is more than likely they will. I will sec
lutm iu iiiuiiuir tuuiuiug MllUOUt & QOUDC.
I heard five of them say they would if I
came out ngnt. oend me a full descrip
tion ofyour lottery by return mail, and
you will obligo yours,
Eaetoo, Liking Tpwnship, Clarion Co.
xMessrs. C. E-. Todd & Co.:
IXear Sirs I read your advertisement
and thought that 1 would try my luck in
your prizes, as I never had any luck in
anything of tbo kind, 8Dd if it should
prove good I think ! might encourage
omcrs, as i am dealing in-thc meroab-
ile business" direct your letter to Cal
ensburg, Clarion county, Pa. Xours,
with respect. o. biiiiti.
Tim value of Prizes drawn where tbc
parties did not advance the money,, al
ways represented Value exceeding 810
and up to $20. The "holder of the ticket
thiuking that his prize was what it was
represented to be in value, immediately
remitted to wuu me ncuei, uuu in
in exchagc a plated gold chain or pencil
worth, it is alleged, seventy-uvo cents or
one dollar. Numerous letters were louna
anions those recovered by the officers
complaining that tbeir prizes wero not
what they were represontea to ne, uuu
demanding back their money. On Fri
day the officer again called at the Post
Oflico and found about one nunareu ami
fifty morc"letters for C. E. Todd & Co.,
rrctived bv the morning mail. On open-
in" them 8150 was found enclosed for
nrizoe. The Clerk at the Post Office, sta
ted tbat U. JU. TodQ ec uo., lor iuv. iai
month Qr two, hayo not received less than
nnA hundred letters a day.
- m t - C i. ! T
It is thought that the receipts of Todd.
& Co. averaged about Sl,.oOU per wcck.
Deadly Weapons.
A bill has been introduced into the
Pennsylvania Legislature, which :has for
its object, a suppression-ot the iniquitous
nmctico of carrying deadly weapons. It
uires power to the Court3 to sentence the
O ' I ... .
offenders to tbo Penitentiary;
grln New York, on Saturday week
a tbrf was caught picking the pockets o
two ladies. The officers were instructed
to have his daguerreotype taken for the
thicve's portrait" gnllery, which is the now Pursued. He refused to sit.
So the officers paraded him up and down
Broadway with a placard on his bacl
setting forth Lis oiience. lhH soon re
duced bis obstinacy.
A letter from Hnrri-burg to the Korlh
American states that Gov. Packer is dc
termincd to make -d??i-Lccon:pton a te
of official favor, if the National Adminis
tration continues a proscripttve course.
foils of an editor who
went soldiering and' was chosen Captain
One day at parade, iusfead of giving the
orders of "Front face, three paces lor
ward,'' he exclaimed, "Cash two dollars
a vear, in advance.
The people of Johnstown; Hancoc
County, Ohio, are violently excited over
UU ueilUl Hi ill, u ii uu auci iiiicwuj " jj
pearcd, to a child fortelling her -death
which is said to have occurred at the
time designated.
Four young ladies graduated nt the
Female Medical College at Philadelphia
on Saturday last with honors.
There are now in Kansas 2,516 U. S
Irnnns Thnv nrn knnf. thprn nt. an an
v 1"" ' r "
nua! cost 0f about 84,000,000.
New York Market.
Wednesday, March 24.
bbls. atS4 25 a 84 30 for common to fiood
State. Rye Flour is quiet at S'i a S2 76
Corn meal is in fair demand at 83 for
Mersey, 3 50 for Brandywine
GRAiN-wheat si 02. Rye es
7q tt, bughcj Qats 42 a 45(J for
Statc, and 45 a 46c. for Western. Corn
at 65j a for Soutuern Wbitc
PROVISIONS Mesa Pork 810 6U
barreL Beef s? a gg barrpl
. -
Uam3 y a g, ctg shoulders 0 a 6$ cts
LarJ Qi CCRh ,b 0hcegtf 9 Q 1qU
.. , . . n
Dutter lo a o cents per id
Hanemann reconverted to common
sense. At a meeting of Spiritualists,"
aD invalid was brought forward dreadful-
y afflicted with ulcerous scrofula that al
1 1 j 1 - . T .
nr0Dosed to aDncal to the snirit land for
advice, and a horoeophatic physician prcs-
enfc interrogated the departed spirit o
Iancmann as toTvhat remedy should be
taken. Loud and distinct raps, audible
to tbo whole audience, told off A-i'r-e-s
C-a-t-h-a-r-t cF-z-l-l-s. Homer (N. Y.)
Days of Appeal.
NOTICE is hcrclv civen. that the An-
peals from the assessments made for 1858
for the several townships in tbo county of
iuonre, will be held on the several days
herein appointed, to wit:
Chesnuthill. Ross. Eldred. and Polk.
at the public house of Thomas Altemose,
in Uhesnuthill township, on Monday, A
pril 19.
Pocono, Coolbaugb, and Tunkhannock.
Paradise, Price, and Coolbaugh. at the
puDiio nouse ot xbrauara Gish, in Para
dise township, on Wednesday, April 21.
Middle Smitbfleld and Smitbfield, at
the public house of James Place, in Mid
dle Smitbfield township, on Thursd.iv
April 22.
Stroudsburg, Stroud and JJamilton, at
"I r-v . - - '
thR f!nmm.D;rtnn nffi- ; .
- r."'wuw" wui o lUlUQUUruuSD
0f atroudsburg, on Friday. April 23.
At anA n!- n
" "UU. umucj tuu VJUIUUJ13
RinnorR of cm' of :il r i.
nnrnn. - nf !,,..; Ji "TZT:
feel themselves aggrieved by reason of
their assnssmonh fr TflSR
L'mmS. HAWK, Comtn'rs.
Stroudsburg, March 25,. 1959.
For sale by
May 8, 1856.
A good article of Fare White Lead
White Zinc, Snow White Ziuc, French
Zino, Stone Colored Zinc, and Linseed
Oil for sale at Easton prico, by
Juno llr1857v - , ;
" ' ' MARRIES.
In February last, at the residence- of
the brfde's father, in Middle Smitbfield .
ownship, by tue J.tev. j. lvirny iayis,
Mr. Daniel Peters or otroudaburg, and
Miss Susanna, daughter of John N. Cool-
UaugU, . -
j jr., " Checsman's Female I'ills are alone ihe cer-
. .... fr2" . - tain panacea for the troubles incident to fe
Tn Stroud Township, on Sunday the ,naie ,iuQrorflniz:itioii: thev alone correcting
21st-., inst., after a long, illness, Dr. John
Tho co-nartnershin heretofore existin!?
between C. R. Andre and nenry Shoe- as, these Pills are purely vegetable and en
maker in the Mercantile trade, under the lirely free from mineral-, therefore perfectly
111 1 . - -. . I n t linn ror- t 1 1 1 1 .
firm 0f Andre & Shoemaker is this e?ay
dis?olyed by mutual oonent.
Stroudsburjr, March l.J, I bos.
p q Tho Business will be continued
at the old tand by the subscriber who
desires a liberal share of patronnir.
i4rieTVtrvra TXhtio
AammiStraOrS INOWJu.
Estate of JACOB PHILLIPS deceased.
Whercas, the Retrifter of Monroe
county, has pmnted letter of Adminis-
tration on the Estate of Jacob Philips,
, " . . . ' 1
late of Stroud township, in said . county,
all persons indebted are requested to
malce payment, and all person-', having
claims or demands arc requested (b make
the same known to the Administrator, at
his residence in Stroud .township, with-
out delay.
. GEO. PHILLIPS, Administrator.
March 25, I85S.-fit.
- , , . , , , . 11
I the undersigned hen-by cautions all
persons against harboring or trusting my
son AlI'KED.. Of late said Alfred has
been working for different persons, re-
ceiving the p-iy and refusing to pay debts
of his own contracting. He has borrow-
cd sums of money, which he refuses to re-
pay, and I am determined to pay no debts
of his contracting.
Stroud township, March 25, IS58..
'jpIIE G 0 Ii B E N PKIZE.
The New York Weekly GOLDEN PRIZE
is one of Ihe largest and best weekly paper
of the day. An Imperial Qjiarlo contaium
eiht pages, or forty columns, of entertaining
original matter: and elegantly illustrated ev
ery week.
A Gift worSIs frEia 50 cosjIk
5CO iu GoI;J v 2! 5rc'M:uCt;I lo
each Se&b.Hcrsri&iU' i:5i:ssotis:ttcI$r on
rccoipl of the subscription hjoji-
One copy for one j-ear - - S2 00, and 1 gift.
One copy fortvo years - - t! 5U, and 2 giflF.
One copy fur three years - 5 (Jo, and 3 gifts.
One copy forfi ve years - - 8j;0, and 5 gifo.
Three copies one year $5 t!0, ntul 3 gifts
Five copies one year S 00, and . gifts
Ton copses one year IS DO, and 10 gifts :
Teniv-onc copies one year 30 00, and 21 gifts
The articles to he distributed are compris
ed in the following-list. ,
2 Packages of Cold containing $."!)0 00 each.
5 do "Jdo ' do - 200 (iO each.
10 do - , do dg - 100 0U caah. .
10 Patent Lever-lluniing Ca?e Wctches.ltfO 00 each.
20 Gold' Watches,. .7.V Ml eaco.
50 do . ; CO ( t) cah.
100 do . ' 5'J0:)e:i h.
3i.O Undies Gold WHtches : :U CO each.
200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches So 00 each.
500 ilver Watches ' $10 to 25 00 each.
1000 Gold Guard, Vest & Fob Chains to to 30 CO each.
Gold Lockets,' Bracelet?, Brooches, Ear
Drops, Breast Pins, Cnif Pins, Sleeve Buttons
Shirt Studs. Watch keys, Gold and Silver
Thimhles, and a variety of other articles,
worth from fifty cents lo 15 each.
Immediately on receipt ot the subscription
money, the subscriber's name will be entered
upon oursubscriplion book, opposite a number
and the gift corresponding with thai number
will be, lorwarded wilhm one week, to the
subscriber, by mail or express post-paid.
CQ All coinmunicitions should be ad-
resb-ed to " . BECKET&CO.'
48 & 49 Moffiit's Ruilding, 935 Broad way,
New York.
Specimen copies sent free. Agents
March 13, 1859.-lamo.12t.-
Jo3s sto&e & sors,
05 Cliesntil Si., above Eiglitli,
(Late of JSTo. 45 South Second St.,)
Silk & Millinery Goods,
Fancy Bonnet and Cup liibbons,
Satin and Taffetas Ribbons, ;
Grod De JSTaple3f (Glace and Plain,)
Marcelines and Florences,
Black Modes, . .
English Grapes, ; . V.
Malino and Illusion Laces, ec.f
March 18, 1858. 2m.
Express Arrangement.
Tho Hope and Howard Express Com-
pnnys aro now prepared to forward Mon
ey, Valuables of any kiud, Paskages, &o.,
with their own Gars, and special Messen
gers, with dispatch from Stroudsburgtp a-
ny part or the world.
' rFor tho Hope and Howard EiGa'a
- Woudsb'urg, Fob.Mr'1858;--ff,,
T O Jl Hi JL AU 1 Xi b ;
Whereas, it appears that the days of right,
honor, and integrity are isst jading1 away,
and whereas, the unscrupulous and ignorant
are daily taking advantage ot the profound
,'.... - , Wivp's. nr Willows. Ihnt TU-
all painful menstruation, assuaging palpita-
uonsotuie heart, disturbed sleep, pain in the
whole sex; more especially to the married
portion, as they are certain to bring onhe
monthly period with recularitv. And where
' J -"
purporlinsr to effect the oljccls already de-
tailed. Therefore, be it known, ihatnoAfn-ff-
but the said Pills of Dr. Oheesman will dc-
bomplish the desired object, when disappoint-
mcnt has been experienced under the regfme
of other Pills; and the Ladies will cause
this iWaTmZjono spread ! amongst them, to
' f"-
sing that said Proclamation m one case must
bc consiueretl nutI and J that is to say,.
that the Pills must not betaken when an
female is in uu interesting situation, other-
WISC a niiscarrwge will be the inevitable re-
u ... ... , , r .
"". 7"'
accompany each box. Price Ql. Sent by
ni!lil on eelosing SI to Dr. Cornelius X.-
Chccsemnn, liux 4,531, Post Office, New-
York City. Sold by. one Druggist in every
town fn the United Stales.
' Given under my hand and" seal,
Hi. 5. 22R5l3iiJL",
General Agent for the United States,
; 11 ; r C7llamb;er1" Yorlrr
To ichom all wholesale orders must he ad-
.teud:, , iin-u "i
bold in btroudisbiH: by IloIImshca'd SDc-
trick . n. 1. Semple & Co. Eadun:
peb 25, Ib53. lv.
' .
Daiifj'S RliJgiCal Pain Extractor,
t a jiseaECs in fiamma lion . more, on less
predominates now to allay " inflammation
rirke.-- al the root of disease behceT aiTim-
mediate cure. -
Dallcys' Magical Pain Exlraclurr
aiid nothing else, uhy inflammation at
0ce anj (naje a certain cure.
UaWcys Magical. Pain Extractor
will cure the following amona cataloijue of
di&uases; burns, scahls, cuts, chafes, sore nip
ples, corns, bunions, strains, bites, poison,
chilblains, biles, scrofula, ulcers, fever sores,
felons, ear ache, piles, sore eyes, goutswel
lnis, rheumatism, scald head, salt rheu.i.,
baldness, erysipelas, ringworm, barbers itch,
sm:ill pox, measles,, &c, &c- ;
To tome it may seem incredulous that so
many discascsshould be reached by one arti
cle; such an idea will vanish when reflection
points to the fact, that the salve is a combina
tion of ingredient?, each and every one ap
plying a perfect antidutc to its opposite dis
order. Dallcifs Magical Pain Extractor
In its effects is magical, because the time is
so short between disease and a permanent
cure; and it is an extractor, as it draws all
disease out of the affected part; leaving na
ture as perfect as before ihe injury. It; id
scarcely necessary !o say' that ho hoifsewdrk
.siiop, on manufactory should be one nsomcnt
without it. , r.
No Pain Extractor is genuine unless. ;the
box has upon it a steel plate engravings with
tho name of Henry Dailey, Manufacturer,"
For sale by all the Druggists and pntent
medicine dealers throughout the United
States and Canadas. " i
Principal Depot, '
165 Chambers St., New-York.
U. F. ciiace:
Sold, in Stroudsburg, by. nollinsheadjand
Dot rick. ;
Feb. 25, 1353.-1 v. '
SometMng New.
The public aro respectfully informed that
the undersigned has opened, in the Borough
of Stroudsburg, a NEW
in tho large four story building
recently erected by .Messrs. Fow
ler and Wintemute, two doorsra
bove Riibert Hoy's Store, where;
he intends keeping alwavs on
hand, a large assortment of ,;
Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils,. rar
nishes, French and Common Glass, ic.
The stock will also embrace FANCY. NO
TIONS iu endless variety, from which. all
tastes can he gratified, including ' ""
Perfumery, Plain and Fancy Glars Warcy
Tooth, Hair and Toilet Drtishes; Combs, &c.
ALSO Pure- , y f
fur medicinal purposes, which beer their own
recommendation. .
Every article will bc warranted pure, and
fresh, and will be dispensed by an assistant
whose experience 111 the business, is suchjas
to deserve thu unlimited confidence of tho
public. Call and see.
JAMES N. DURLING, Proprietor.
Stroudsburg, Dec. til, 1856. 7-
Jsnorica Victorious!
One small box of Pills cures ninety-nine
cases out of a hundred. No Balsam, no Mer
cury, nn odor on ihe breath, 110 fear of detec
tion. Two, small pills a dose; tasteless-ano
harmless as water. Full directions are Wv-
cu, fcu uiul uiu jiaueiu can cure iiimseii as
certain as with the advice of the most expe
rienced surgeon, and much better thap with
the advice ofono of little experience in t nia
cin ss of disease.
Sent by mail to any part of the country by
enclosing one dollar to Dr. D. G. Walton,
No. I5'l. North Seventh st. below Kace, Phil-'
adelphia. A liberal discount to llio trade;-
None genuine without the loriltcn signature-
of D. G. Wal'uii, Proprietor.
Dr. VV,!p treatment for Self-abuse,; Weak-
ness, &c is entirely different from the'usuaP
course. Dr. W. has cured hundreds who
hsve trfed others without benefit. The treat-'
ment is as certain to euro as the sun isHo'
rise. Enclose a stamp, and address Dr. V.
as above, giving a full history of your-case,
as the sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, and
address Dr, W. as above, giving-a full his to-
ry of your case, and you will ..bles3thet day'
you made the effort to secure what iscQrUiai
January S 1857,-ly,. . ,,m
1 .