THE NEW YORK LED GDB, FOR 18SS! THE BK8T FAMILY PAPER IN THE WORLD ! All the Favorite Writers retained, and new ones added. Still Greater allractioiis for the New Year. The circulation of the NEW YORK LED GER is now Three Hundred and Thirty Thousand Copies, which is greater than that of any Tei thtr Literary Papers in A- ih erica, The profits on this unparalleled circula tion enable the propri- 4 etor of THE LEDGER to expend sums upon it Which would sewn twamp any ordinary publication. A paper with a cir 'culntiou of only a linn- dred thousand or eo . . would sink under the expenses of THE LED GER in less than six taontlia. All of -the old and Favorite contributor. . . will continue ' write . v , for THE LEDGER as heretofore. No expense will b spared to eecure oth i rs whose pens dial I be considered compe tent to add to THE -I- 4 '5T LEDGER'S attrac r i tions &ud usefulness. Mr?. EMMA D. E. JV SOUTH WORTH writes only for THE NEW YORK LED GER, FANNY FERN write only for THE NEW YORK LED GER. SYLVANUS COBR, Jr., write only for THE NEW YORK LEDGER. EMERSON BEN NET writes only for THE NEW YORK LEDGER. ALICE GARY. Mrs. SIGOUANEY, and s .y . jr. Dr. NELSON write for THE NEW YORK LEDGER. GEORGE D. PREN T I CE, JO II N G. S.iXE, and all the oth er best writers, con tribute to THE NEW YORK LEDGER. THE LEDGER if devoted to POLITE LITERATURE. 0 RIGINAL ILL US TRATED TALES. ESSAYS POETRY. SKETCHES. BIOG RAPHY, NEWS, &c. ti 4. v THE LEDGER h every whore acknowl edged to be the bet family paper in the. 'orld hence its ex traordinary and u n-henrd-of popularity. The Pronrielo r nf the LEDGER employs the be.t talenr, and by m doing iimkes the lieitpaper in the coun try. THE JS'EW YORK LEDGER is printed on beautiful white pa per. and is composed nf eight pages, making the luiudsomest week ly pc per in th Union. It is published every Saturday, and sold at nil the news offices in every city and town in throughout the coun try, and is mailed fur punecnoers ai pur annum; two cep'esare sent fur $3. Any per son obtaining-eightsuh-cribers at 1 50 each (which is our lowest club rates), ar.d send ing ub J?I2, will be en titled to one copy free. Terms invaria hU in advance. Ad drew all letters to 10BESTB0XNEB, publisher 01 the New York LEDGER, 44 Ann St., N. York. N. B. Now is a food time to subscribe a MRS. SOUTH WORTH'S new story, V- THE BRIDE OF AN EVENING, will bn commenced in THE LEDGER on the fiM ofjJanu:ir N. B. No. 2. We have no Agents au thorized to re c e i v e tsuWriptions for THE LEDGER. Subscri bers must always re mit direct to us, nnd not send or pay any money lo any A gents.. 4&- A high moral tone characterizes every ar ticle in THE LEDGER. In fact, the names of its leading contributors are a sufficient guarantee thatjt stands in marked contrast to a class of weekly publications that have for eo long a time flooded the country, but which, fortunately for the morals of our people, are almost extinct. Stone Coal. THE following are tho prices of Stone Coal, at the Stroudeburjr Depot, per ton of 55,000 lbs., by the car load. Lump Coal, foundry Lump, Large Egg, . Small Egg, . r. Stovei Coal, Cbewnut, Cpal, :Bwt Coal. $2 00 3 15 3 15 3 50 ' 3 60 2 55 2 35 2 00 JO. DREHER, Agent Jpec, 17, 1857.:-3m, f AAA FEET OF HEMLOCK XjL.U.y J: J30AJID3 I6r,iiale3hv " ' ' s ' v G. RfATDRE. . .c,roudaburg,Febr.uay iti&5pt The testimony of Prof Booth and Dr Briuckle hating previously been pubhshhed, the following ts now ni'ded : L"" Ia.. T ri f f T f 1 l- i mmii ran. icii(UoiL i . lorinenv rm- fessor of theory and practice of Medicine in the i'eiuale Mtuual College ol I'enn sylvania, and late Professor of Surgery ;.. .V... A f.. II...... ..i .!:..:.. P... in uic .11111:1 1 un viii;c in iiiriMiriiif. Qui. J'iUaielpna, iov 21th. IHufi. Mr Joseph E. Hover'. A trial of voiir LIQUID HAIR DYE wul convince the must skeptical, that it i a safe, elegant arm efficacious preparation. Unlike-manv others it has in several instances proved servirea too in me rureoi some cutaneous eruption f on the head, ami I lime no lioitaiion in com iiurmmg u m muse requiring jurn an appu t i f .rk Very respect fully. J. F. X McCLOSKEY. M. D.. .,175 Race St above 1 3th HOY Kjr.S KITING INKS, in.-luitme lit) V Kirs IVKIT1NG FLUID, and HO- IT I I I i i. & . m t m v-v . . . 1 vi'.kjs i i Kb, Mill main lain tiieir rharaiier, whu li has always tiitiitjiuislieu" ilien., and the extensive de- uiiiiiu ursi rreaieo. nas conunuca uninier- - .11; . . 11 I . t ruptpd until at present. uniers, aanre.sseu to me iMannlactnrv, It .. y nt ? V , m ... ".T. ?U,V?..1 UU K 1 -,lfl mj runaueipnia, win receive promjii attention hv JOSEPH R. IIOVEU, .Vzniyacurtfr. Dccemlici 21.157. 3ui. rocRTii ykar or T!in Cosmopolitan M Association. THE FA5IOUS Dusseldorf Gallery of Paintings ! Purchused at a cost ol $250,000! And Powers' world Renowned Statue of the GEEEK SLAVE!! Re-j)sircha$-ed for six thousand dollars, with ceerjl hundred other works of Art, in Paint Tn , Sculpture and Urouse, comprises tin Premiums to he awarded to the subscribers ol the Cosmopoliliti Art Association, who sub- cnbf helore the 2!th of January, 1858, at which tunc the aunrds will take place. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Every subscriber of three dollars is entitled to A copy of the lare and splendid Steel Engraving, entiled "-Maxifkst Destiny, aiM lO A copy of the Comopolilan Art Journal one year, also to . Certificate in the" A-.vcrd of Premium, it Jso A free admission to the Dusseldorf and Co.-!:it';iol tan Galh rirs. Tims it is seen tliHt f.r every three dollar, nald, the stihsrnbcr not only receives a Splendid Threo Eoilar Engraving! hut, also, the beautifully tl!ustr.iled Two Dollar Art Journal, One l iar. E ch Mibscrii:ur is also presented with a Certiiicjte in the Awards of Premiums, by tv which a valuable work of Art, in Paint- mg or Sculpture, may he received in addition thus giving- to every subscriber an eauiva itMit to the vulue o! fie dollars, and a Cer titicite gratis. Any one nf the leading $3 Magazines, in- rtend ol Lugr.ivinga::il Art Juurnul. ll desired. No person is restricted to a single share. Tlio?e l:I:mt' Ji-3 m'uib r-.'np?, remitting 5i;3, arc entitled toa'i Extni Engra ving, and six t;ckit. Full piriienliirs sf the Association arc giv en in Hi.-Art 'Jouinal, which cont;iit: over' sixty splendid Engnivmgc, price ffly cents per nunt jer. rspecimcn conies comes win :. .-'tit to all persons who dsir : losunscriae, no receipt of the postage f-t-:uns (15 cents.) Audress, C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A., 54 S Broadway New York Subscriptions taken by DR. JACKSON, ctrutidsburg. Pi. Trr y 1 fwt t-.-j Takes thU method of informing the people of Stioudaliurn and the sur- rounding country, that she has removed her 3Si!Iim!iy Sicre from tic old place opposite the Metho dist Church, to the brivk dwellinc three doors atiovc the Po-t OfSce, where, Thurs day October 22d. she will have her open ing of pall and u inteh Ijonxets. Stroudsburg, Oct. 15, 1-57. tf. Stroudsburg, Oct. 22, lS57.-tf Stroudsburg Odd FeHoirs Hall DRAPliK AND TABS.OK, it....: : r,... ,i. liuiiu tini iciui ucu iiuiji nit- uiin.O 1 l J I nuld resncctfullv inform his customers JlX-ant A ih,. ..i.h r. 1 hat ho has made im- '. I pvrlant addiiious to his already superior stock of Cloths, GtavMiuitti'CK autl VMIixss. He flutters himself that for quality, richness of style, cheapness and durability, his assort ment of goods frr Full and Winter wear, far surpass any thing ever offered in this sec tion of the country, and will be made up to order .in ajnanncr not to be excelled. The slock will also be found to embrace an extensive assortment of Superior Ready Made Clothing, which will be disposed of at a very small ad vance above cost. An examination of these srnods wTll convince the most skeptical that They will best consult their own interests by purchasing them. (g5A- these goods were bought to bo sold, the public are assured that if thy wish t buy at their own prices, they have but to ca.l .onDATjoT. and be satisfied. . r , , , t K aaBatP'fcBMBKawP'.IUM srffLf raf ElRCnaVBw raVT'rirBTPP'aBlB rwl avJaflaiVv'jtaBB teo(iaCA&1St'fcJJiiil iA ff HE ar "MjJKKBriWBlJaal Kg MfjlBfaaWlpB lam ni BMBiBBiHBiaBBBLaBrJBaTaMaaB! W THE .GOIiDEN PRIZE. The frew York Illustrated Weekly COLDER PRSZE. One of the largest and best literary papers of the day. An imperial quurto, containing eight pa Ues, or forty columns of choice reading mat I b ' . - . I ciiCh WeCK. Terms off Subscription 93 a Year And a Gift will b presented to ea?Ii Subscribes' iuimediafely ois rec:eipl ot t!ie Subscription eiioii ey. Eech subscriber will be entitled to a gift worth from 1 to $500,00 in Gold. Clubs. .1 copies mr i year $m,nu 10 " " 1" 15,00 READ THE LIST OF GIFTS. i pneboge containing 500, in Gold ill Gold Patent Eimlish Hun tin Caee Watches. 100 Each 75 44 15 95 r Gold Watches. GO 50 35 inn Unn Tnfl!na i inn x;ior M..ninn- pp VVnthpa 9n 200 44 Watches, 10 to 20 200 14 Watches, 500 Gold Vest and Guard and icnQ Fob Chainp, 10 to 30 it 5000 Gold Lockets 2 to 10 Gold Rings Ear Drops Broaches Breast Pins atnds Gulf Pins Sleeve Buttons &c 1 to $15 each Immediately on receipt of the subscription money, the aiib.crilier name will be entered upon our subscription book, opposite a number it na a iim correspnuumg' wim mat uuiuuer f : 1 . 1 - 1 will be forwarded to his or her address by mat or express post-paid. Address BECKET & COMPANY, Publishers, 48 and 49 Moffat's Buildine?, JVeu York. fXrBillsof ail the Banks taken that pass current in the the States from whence they ,.re sent. Postage stumps ure also received. December 10, 1857. 8t. Howard Association, PIIILAELPHIA. .4. Benevolent Institution, established by spe cial endowment for the relief of the sick arid distressed, afflicted with Viru lent and Epidemic diseases. To all persons afflicted with Soxunl Dis oacne cn.l. .-..A :1W1. ncSs. Impotence. Gouorrhcea. Gleet, Syphilis Uie ylvc nJ Onanism, or self abuse. &c &c. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful destruction of human life aused ly Sexual diseases, and the derep lion practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years igo directed ttieir Consulting burgeon, as a charitable act, 'worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary lor the treatment of this lass ol diseases, in all their forms, and to $he Medical advice gratis, t.j all who apply iy letter, with a description ol their cundi mm (age. occupation, habits of life, &.) md in cases ol extreme uoverlv. to fnr nish mcdicinM rree 0e chargc, is rieed ess to :idd that the Association command iltc highest medical skill ol the age, and will luruish the most approved modern treat The Direrlois, on a review of the past. U el assured thru their labors in this spheii 1 terewiient effort, hae i.een of ftreu enelit to the afflitled, esperialy to thp oung. and they have resolved to devote ti.euieves. wnh renewel zeal, to tins very hiijk. riant but much ue&piscd caue. Jusl rnbliohed f-y the Association, a Re port on bpermatorrhfca. or Seminal eak- ihe ice nf OnaniMii. Alnturbaliou oi Sul! Abue. and other Diseases of the Sex in 1 urjans. by tbe ionsuitinu ourseon. which uill be sent by n ail, (in a scaled eiter envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, on 'eeeipl of TWO S TAMPS lor postage. Aricres. iteporl or treatment, L)r. trhO- R. CALHOUN. Consultmo Suiseun.How rd Ays- ciation. No. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Jjv nr!er of the Directors. EZRA I). IlI'MU I WELL. President. GEO. FAlRCHILD, Secretary. December 3. 18f57.-ly. qpEE REV. 0. S. UURNETT, while -a- laboring as a Missionary in South crn Asia, discovered a simple and certain Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchit is, Coughs, Colds. Nervous Debility, and all impurities of the Bhod also, an easy and effectual mode of Inhaling tbe Rem' cdij. Actuated by a desire to benefit bis suffering fellows, he will cheerfully send the llecipc (free) to such as desire it, with full and explicit Jirectioos for preparing and successfully using the Medicine. Address Rev. C. S. BURNETT. 831 Broadway New York City. duly 30, l"57.-bra. "aHY will you suffer with a bad Cougb or Cold, when relief may bo had for 25 cents, by using HoLLINSHEAD or Detkick s compound Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Hoar'iound, ThH h tho cheapest and best Cough Medicine in the world. For sale wholesale and retail by HOLLINSHEAD & DETRICK, Stroudsburg, And Merchants generally throughout tho County. Price 25 cents per bottle. October 22, 1857.- tf. THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND iU ATUIMTY, Just Published, Gratis, the 2dth Thousand. A few words on the rational Treatment, without medicine, of Spermatorrhea or Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of the System, Ire pediments to Marriape generally, by 15. l)E LANEY, M. D A '"UIW"1 a- inaL me many aiarm Tl. : . .1... .. t - . mrv unmn ninfii mirvinr.inr. M U. I -v .s , ....(. ... u.c ..pruueuuu Miin f:mu nan n? tnnlh mnu ho 0001 1 1? romMiind : r ' 7 ..j ,b.., ilhoul Medicine, is in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by means of which every one js enabled to cure himself perfectly and at the least possible cost, there by avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a sealed envelope, hy remitting two postage stamps to Dr. JjAWEY, 17 Lispenard St reel, New York. October 1, 1857.-1 v. 0 AP. Fine scented Soaps for wash ing and shaving a so the ce ebrated shaving cream, for sa e by SAMUEL ME LICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1855. . J3LANK DEED.S; Winter Arrangements. MEW R. R. ROUTJE. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western V"SP-t.i RAIL ROAD. New and expeditious broad gunge route from tne iNorth and West, via Great Bend and Scran ton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming vallies, directly through lo New York and Philadelphia. On and after Monday, November 23, 1857, trains will be run as follows: The Night Express Tra in bound east on N. Y. & Erie Railroad arrives at Great Bend at 4:00 A. M., and connects with the Express J rain which leaves Great Beqd for New York and(Philadelphia, at 8:30 n. m. Due at Montrose, - - - 9:07 " Tankhannock, - - 9:50 Factory ville, - - - 10:10 Scranton, - - 10:57 41 Stroudsburg, - 1:30 p. m. Dela wa re.(20 min u tea to d 1 ne) 2:08 " Bridgville, Phila. passen gers leave, - - 2:40 " Junction, - - - 3:40 44 New York, ... 7:10 44 Philadelphia, ... 8:20 44 Passengers from New York, leave Pier No. 2, North River at 7:30, a. in. From Phila. leave Walnut st. Wharf at - - - 6:00 li Leave Junction, - - 11:00 Due at Bridgeville, Phila. con nection, - - -Delaware, 30 min. dinner, Stroudsburg, Scranton, -Factoryville, Tunkhannuck ... Montrose, -Great Bend, 12:00 12:15 (i 1:20 p. m. 4:10 5:03 5:25 6:13 6.50 i. it u II Connectinj? at Great Bend with the Dunkirk Express west, at 7:15 44 Accommodation Tram leaves Scranton for Great Bend ut 7:20 a. m. Arrive at Ureal Hand, - - 12:20 p. m Connecting with the Emigrant Train west, on the N. Y. &. E. R. R. Returning, leaves Great Bend, 1:25 p. m. Due at Scranton, - - 0:25 44 For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a Passenger Car will be attached to the Express Freight Trains eaving Scranton at 5:15 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at 10:35 41 14 Junction at 2:0o p. m. Returning, will leave Junction at 5:10 a. m. Due ut Stroudsbunr at 8:40 41 ' Scranton at 2:45 p. m. Paesenyrs to and from New York wili change cars at Junction. To and from Philadelphia, via B. D. R. R. cave or take the cars ut Bridyeville. For Pilifton, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre, lake L. &. B. R. R. cars at Scranton. For Jessup, Archb.ild, and Carbondale, chaiiue cars at Greenville. Tickets sold and Bagjiajie checked through. JOHN BRISBIN, Sup't. Wm. N. Jenks, GenM Ticket Agent. PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned offers at private sale, a ery deira'de properly, situate in Stiouo own&tup, Alonroe rounty, ra . njioininij land nf Philip Fisher, David Lee. Joseph Lee, Asolon SmiIoy and others, and wiilm a quarter of a mile of ihe Delaware. Lacka wanna & esteru li.iilroad. containing 186 Acres, 70 acres of which is plough land, in a high slate of cultivation. 30 acres of good Mead ow and ihe remainder well timbered with thriltv Chesnut and Oak. This property is well adapred for dai ry and grazing purposes. There is on lhi property an excellent Mill site. Ihe improvements are new, having been built within the last few years. The dwe line, a frame. fillei in with brick, is 18 by 30 ft-ei, two siories hiih. A never failing spring of pure wa ler near the dwelling. Barn 30 by .cei. with Coiv shed, 30 by 10 feet, at- ached. A lame Orchard of choice grafted fruit trees on the premises. Also: The fifth part of a tract of land situate in Price township, Monroe county, Pa., in the warrantee name of Jacob Utt. 12 miles from Stroudstsurg This tract is heavily timber ed with Hemlock, While Pine and Oak. Persons wishing to view the premises wili please call on the sabscriber. A good title and possession given on the first day of April next. JOHN P L ATT ENBERGER. Stroud township, Sepi. 3, 1857. if. - W L. , a.: c J 4J M X U V II THE subscriber hereby notiGes the publio that he has taken the Foundry and Machine Shop recently occupied by Chas. S. Palmer, and is prepared with ajl uec essary Machinery, Patterns, &o.f to fill all orders for work in his line with prompt nes, and in a superior manner' Being a practical workman himself, and deter mined to employ none but the best work men, he flatter.1 himself that now work aod repairing will be executed to the sat isfaction of all who patronizo him. He would invito attention to hi extensive stock of patterns, and to his business fa-? duties. To Millers, oaw-fllulers and Tanners he would say that no Shop in the country offers greater facilitio-j for repair ing or new work required in their bu-i ness Ho will strive to deserve, as he hopes to receive a liberal share of patron age. FR NKLIN LANDERS. Stroudsburg, Dec. 25,f!856. 3) U .r a ? o c 2 B5JaMBBEErfe6?3 HhBHBHaSbislSBVivaHA aVaaHalaraF.aaaaBa?c BVBQBaBBlBBfMaBBBBKS laaaHaaBapQaBEMaaaaavf y MACHINE SHOP SPLENDID GIFTS, At 4il9:i:iionut aI. Philadelphia The Original Gift Book Store. G. G. EVANS would inform his friend and the public, that he has removed his Sia Gift Rook Store and Publishing House, to the splendid store m Brown's Iron Building 439 CHESNUT Street, two doora below rifth, where the purchuser ot each book wil receive one of tho following gifts, valued at irom zti cents to $1JU, consisting of Gold Watches, Jewelry, &c. WOBTII 550 Patent English Lever Gold Watches, $100 00 each 530 Patent A nclmr do do 0 00 " ivv Lames Uoiu waicnea, lfck cases, 25 CO COO Silver Lever Wutches, warranted, 15 00 II ft suo Purlor Hmepiecej, 10 00 500 Cameo Sels. Ear Drops and Pins, lo 00 sua uiuies' uoiu uracelets, S5 00 to 12 00 500 Gents Vests Chains, 10 OU 10CO Gold Lockelf. f l.arcc size double case.i 3 00 26L'o OolU Lor.kets. (snmll size.) 3 00 iut'0 Goia rencil rotes, willi Gold Pens. 5 00 10CO Extta Gold Pens, nh cuscsundboldeis lo 50 2500 Gold Pcnuils, (Ladies') -500 Goid Pcnn, wi h Silver PenciU. 2 50 S50 1 50 1 00 2 75 VC0 1 50 75 3 00 3 CO 2 50 5 00 5 00 3 50 2500 Ladies' Gold Penn, villi custi. 6500 Gold Rings (Ldic',) 2000 Gent's Gold Kincs. 2500 Ladies Gold UreastpMS, 3500 Miss' Gold Briaslpins, 3000 PocKet Knives, 3000 Sets Gent's Goid Bosom Sluds, 2000 do do Sleeve Biutoi.i, 2000 Pairs LHdics' Eur Drops. 6000 Ladies' Pearl Card Cnies, 15000 Ladies' Cameo, Jet or Mosaic Pin. 2500 Ladies' Cameo Shawl and Ribbon Pins 5000 Fetnoge's Balm ola Thousan-t Flowers, 50 EVANS' new Catalogue contains all the most popular books of the day, and the new est publications, all of which will e sold at- low as can be obtained at other Etercs. A complete catalogue of books sent free, by an- plication tlirougli tiie mail, hy addreuifr G. G. EVANS, 4'dU CHESTNUT ST. Philadel phia. Agents wanted in every town in the Uni ted Slates. Those desiring 50 to act can ob tain full particulars by addressing aa above. N. B. In consequence of ihe money cri sis, and numerous failures, the suttecriber ha been enabled lo purchase from assignees an immense stock of books, embracing every de partment of literature :,t prices which will enable him to give S5U0 worth of the above 'ills 011 every 81000 worth of books sold. An extra tiook, with a gift, will be sent to each person ordering TEN books to be sent lo one address, by Express. QjSend for Catalogue. No euiuer 5, lH.r)7. (t1 A general asortmenl of Windoi "hailes, Wall Paprr, &c, for sale, which will be sold at city tates. Call and exam me. I May 7, Io7. lv. JESSE WILLIAMS & CO. DEALERS IN Slmwl, SiBks atari fancy and Siaple Wry drood. A LSO, IMPORTERS & MAXUFAfTURERS OF CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, Embracing all the Novelties of the Season. in out Diejia Goods and Furnishing oe parlnieuN may be found a fu'l ami Complete &luck of Goad, im-hiding all ihe nul ap proved Fabrics and Latest Styles, together with the usual assortment ol domestic am other goods, to which we are daily making dditioiis Iroin New i ork and rhlladelplua Auctions. Purchasing and elliti2 eclu- sivelv for Cash, we are enabled to offer un usual inducements to Cash Buyers Whole sale & Retail. No. 20 South Second Street, and No 9 Strawberry Street, PhiladV September 10, l857.-3m. HOPE'S EXPRESS. Increased Facilities. Having made arrangements with the Delaware, LackawauDa and Western Rail Road Co., I oai prepared now to forward all kinds of heavy freight to Lelvtuerc, Easton, New York, Scranton, Philadel phia, Wyoming Valley and the far We. Parties shipping to these points, to injure despatch, will please mark their goods 10 care of Hopes Express. JOHN N. STOKES, Agent. Stroudsburg, June 4. 1857.-om. Office in Now York, 74 Brodway. The Hope Express Company to PHILADELPHIA. Aro nowj-roparcd to forward Merchan dise, Freight, &c, to and from Philadel phia via the North Pennsylvania Railroad by their own Cars and Messengers, cheap er than any other Express. All order? intrusted shall be promptly attended to. Office in Philadelphia, with Kingslys Ex press, No. 131 Choanut street. JOHN N. STOKES, Agent. Stroudsburg Juue 4, lP57.-3m. SAMUEL REES, Jr. DEALER IN 8oot0,01)cics & JTin&ings, Desires to call the attention of the public, to 8 new and well se lected stock of fashionable Hah and Caps, which are just received and will be .offered to the people of Strouds burg and vicinity, on very favorable tenm- for ready pay. AIj-o, to a new stock and assortment ot ladies and Gentlemen s tash- ionable Boots and Shoes sold cheap for- cash. Also, Shoe Findings of all descriptions such as dressed and undressed Morocco Skins, Shoe Peirs, Ilammprs, &c. The subscriber also has the agency tor lln dale of Dr. James C. Ayer's Clierry Pectoral and Sugar Coated Cathartic Pills and Ger man Worm Seed. The above articles, and many others not mentioned belonging to his line of business, will be kept constantly on hand and for le at the store lately occupied by John W. Rux- 1 1 -.t r t. I C'nr nr. in. uvgjjuors anuve uie iaiiery uu ob Goetz. 0 Credit. "Quick sales and 8ini?sronwBns nis mimu. Mflea ca.Wpd see and oxamine for yourr sP8 bewfe purcimsing eisewnere. - MONROE COUKTY niuliia! Fire Jiisin iic Corner 4 HJlhc rate of Insurance is one dollar on the thousand dollars insured, after which payment no subsequent tax will be levied, except to cover actual loss or damage by fire, that may fall upon mem bers of the company. Ihe nctt profits arising from interest" or otherwise, will be ascertained yearly or which each member in proportion to his, her. or their deposit', will have credit in the company. Each insufef inf or with the said company will be a mem ber tliereot during the term of his or her policy. The principle of Mutual Insur ance has been thoroughly tested been tried, by the unerring test of experi ence, and has proved successful and be-' come very popular. t ti affords the grW-' est security against lo3s or damage b' fire, on the most advantageous apd rea sonable terms. Application's for Insurance to be mader in person, or by letters addressed to W.M .K. H AVI land, Secretary MANAGERS . Stogdell Stotke.-, Robert Boys. James H. Walton, Silas L. Drak'cj C. D. Brodhead, Henry Peters, jf. Geo.C. Ransberry, Chas. R. Andre, Joseph Fenner. Chas. Shoeniakef1, Samuel Melick, Stoplu-n K-tier,-R. S. STAPLES, Prrsidrvt J. II. Walton, Treasurer: Stroudsburg, Sept. 17; 1857. M. W. KING & SON7 PATENT HAIR MANUFACTURERS' 438 Broome St., One Door East or Broadway, (Late 409 Broadway.) NEW-VORK, (Established A. D., 1833.) Invite an examination oflhei great varietyand superior ns-' sortment of'CHATItS, manu-J factored at their own establish-" ment, affrf finder their immediate' observation and direction, in-r eluding Pivot Revolving Ghaifs, belJ-Acling Extension Recumbent Chairs Improved Invalid Wheel Chairs, Iajor Searle's Traveling Invalid Chair,- Spanish Spring and Squal Chairs. Rheumatic, Spinal & Asthma Invalid do' &c, &c, Embracing the most complete assortment, nntf choicest kinds tor Parlors Dr;iwmr Rooms "M :.i . i 11 - " vudiiiut.T.-. Taruens, ljioraries, Uountiug Hou ses, Offices, Pudie Iustitolious. Dn. tists, Barbers, &c, Ujether with every desi rable sort adapted to the com orl, convenk eiice.aud luxury of the Sick, the Aged, the'' a firm, me IjASie and Lazy. In p.unt ufin'enuityo:det:!rn. eleuancp nf nodi, quality and richness or material, faith-' whims of execution, durability and cheapness hese chairfi are unsurpafsed." For them M' VV. IiNG & So.v, wtre awarded the firtit ami- only Prize Medal, and th Faculty recom mended them so far pre'erable lo beds or clinches for patients afflicted with Spirfoi, noiuui.iM uruimiliui aiieCllonS. To either arm of th chuir mav be attach ed a convenient reading or writing Desk, and' any combination desired will be manufactur-" ed to order. A Circular.with explanatory cut?, will be" sent by mail if requested, and order-, (with" remittances,) promptly forwarded to any parf of the world. luxury and economy i i KING'S NEW CHAIR 'AS YOU LIKE IT An Arm Chair, Reclining Chair, Couch' and Bedstead, (combi.ned in one.) is suscep tible of twelve different po-itionsr, or changer to meet the varied requirements for comfort convenience, luxury, nnd economy (in space as well as price.) Whether in sicknes of health, this cele'irated CHAIR "as yon like it," excels in many rspeclst, any chair per-" haps ever manufactured in this or any other' country. The price varies from Fifteen to Thirty? Dollars, according to finish. To public Institutions, as well as to iridi--' vidua Is, this Chair is a very desirahle article" and will be supplied in any" number, on the" mott liberal terms. Apply to, or address M. W. KING & SON, 483 Broome St., One door of Broad-" way, New-York, (Late 463 Broadway.) April 2, 1857. ly. $ew Wholesale and Retail WlttE Sc. L!Qtrm SSTOjReV SlrofM.biir;;, Pa. The undersigned would inform Land lords and the public generally, that uu coniinues mo auove Dusmcss in Strouds burg, in the store house formerly occ'upie'd1 by John H. Melick as a Jewelry Store, ani has on hand a large stock of WINES AND LIQUORS of all kinds and of the best qualify, direct fforrl' the Custom House, which, he is prepared So sell to Landlords and others on the most rea- sonable terms. Our stock consists of French1 Brandy, dark and pale. A so, Peach, Blaqk- berry. Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy: Hoi-7 land Gin, N. E. Rum; Irish, Rye and Apple Whiskey; .Lisbon, Ldaret, Fort, Sweet Mala- 2fa, Currant and Champagne Wine, &c. &c Also, 011 hand a large stock of Bitters of a kinds. Demijohns, from 1 to 5 gallons; bottles. renerally any thing that can be asked flir'iri our line. JuB&fi . Landlords will find it greatly '"jlpjs vantage to di-al with me. I haveSo hired6 agents to sell and distribute liqnurijfer me at' great expense, which must be pawjfor by the consumer. Those dealing withJ .I intend' sdiall be satisfied with the artidEthey get' aff kwell as the price, and wheneveiffcey are not,' ll will i'c pteaseu to tiave thei!returp(-the liquor, ami maKo me raci Knovgj; 10 r l m ond to make it a permanent Jii.iness, and can only do ao by dealing hrurXbly; All: nrderssent me, fy stage dnvcrfcr rubers, will' He promptly attended to, thettne.tis though1 the person was present deaUjje for himself. Jul 8, 182. Hg?POSTE,NS?i. Fur Siile by Myy SI 12361 1 1 iiiMT"i nil mmm. m , , . r