The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, August 30, 1855, Image 1

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    Sciiotcb to politics, literature, Agriculture, Science, JHovalitg, anb eneral Sfatclligcucc,
VOL 15.
NO. 41.
Published by Theodore Schoch.
TERMS Two dollars per annum in advance Two
loll.trs and u quarter, half veailv ami if nol paid be
fore the end of the year. Two dollars and a half.
No papers discontinued until all arrearages arc paid,
except at the option of the Editor.
IO Advertisements not exceeding one square (ton
incs) will bo inserted three wrcks lor one dollar, and
1 wonty-fivc cents for every subsequent insertion. The
charge for one and throe insertions the same. A liber
al discount made to vcarlv advertisers.
1C? All letters addiessed to the Editor must be postpaid.
JOB Pit 1 XTI X G.
Hating n general assortment of large, elegant, plain
and Type, we arc prcpaicd
to execute every description of
Cards, Oirculirs, Hill Heads, Notes, It lank Receipt.
-Tustices, Legal and other Blanks, Pamphlets, &c.
printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable
I'm growing Old.
Sly days pass pleasantly away,
My nizhts arc blessed vrith sweetest ?,
sleep ;
I feel no symptoms of decay,
I have no cause to mourn nor weep;
My foes are impotent and shy,
My friends are neither false nor cold,
And yet of late, I often sigh
I'm growing old !
My growing talk of olden times,
My growing thirst for early news,
My growing a path' to rhymes,
My growing love for easy shoe?,
My growing hate of crowds and noiic.
My growing fear of taking cold,
AH tell me in the pleasaut voice,
I'm growing old !
I'm growing fonder of my staff,
I'm growing dimmer in the eyes,
I'm growing fainter in my laugh,
I'm growing deeper in my sighs,
I'm growing careless of my dress.
Tm growing frugal of my gold,
I'm growing wise, I'm growing yes
I'm growing old I-
I see it in my changing taste,
I see it in my changing hair,
I see it in my growing waist,
I see it in ray growing heir ;
A thousand hints proclaim the truth,
As plain as truth was ever told,
That, even in my vaunted youth,
I'm crowing old !
Ah, me! my very laurels breathe
The tale in my reluctant ears;
And ever' boon the hours bequeath
But makes me debtor to the years !
E'en Flattery's honied words declare
The secret she would fain withhold,
And tells me in "IIow young you are !"'
I'm growing old !
Thauks for the years, whose rapid flight
My sombre muse too sadlj sings ;
Thanks for the gleams of golden life
That lint the darkness of their wings'
The light that beams from out the sky,
Those heavenly mansions to unfold,
"Where all are blest and none may sigh,
I'm growing old !
The Sight Talk.
A straight-out writer gives the follow
ing excellent advice to those young men
who "depend on tattier lor tneir support, lnent and tumult ever known in the vicm-
and take no interest whatever in business, ity of Silver Lake. Four or five ladies
but arc regular drones in the hive, sub- tinted upon seeing the monster, who al-
t , ., though ashore was lashing his body into
sisting on that which is earned by others: , fc , , , , ., . . . ,J .
b J tremendous folds, and then straightening
" Oome. off with your coat, clinch the himself out in his agony, with a noise and
saw, the plow handles, the axe, pickaxe, power that made the very earth tremble
?pade anything that will enable you to around him. The harpoon had gone en
etir your blood! Fly round and tear your tirely through a thick muscular part of
jacket, rather than be the passive recipi- bim about eight feet from his head,
cut of the old gentleman's bounty! Soon- The snake, or animal, is fifty-nine feet
er than play the dandy at dad's expense, five inches in length, and is a most dis
hirc yourself out to some potato patch gusting-looking creature. A thick slime
let yourself to stop hog holes, or watch covers his hidious length a quarter of an
the bars; and when you think yourself en- inch thick, which, after being removed, is
titled to a resting spell, do it on your own almost instantly replaced by exudation.
book. Get up in the morning turn The body of this creature is variable in
round at least twice before breakfast size. The head is about tho size of a full
help the old gentleman give bim now grown calf's; within eight feet of the head
and then a generous lift in business the neck gradually swells up to the thick
learn how to make the lead, and not do- ncssof a footin diameter, which continues
pcuu xoruvur ou uciug iuu, auu uu ua.c for fifteen incheSj and tueD tapers down
po ld?a how thc discipline will benefit the otbcr way constantly increasing in
vou. Do ibis, and our word for it, you s: l,owftvr ns it trp.p.Ao.h from tlin hnnrl
will seem to bredUiQ anew atmosphere,
possess a new frani2, trC.-d ancw earth, aUicter of over two feet in the center, giv
i.vake to a new destiny ana vou may jDg a girth of over six feet. It then ta
then begin to aspire to manhood. a.akc pers 0gr toward thc tail, which ends in a
off, then that ring from your lily finger, , firj which can be expanded in thc shape
break your cane, shave your upper lip, J 0f a fan until it is three feet across,
wipe your nose, hold .up your head, and, ; or dosed in a sheath. Along the belly,
by all means, never again eat thc bread from the head to the tail, are double rows
of idleness, nor depend on father!" 0f finS) a foot in length'--not opposite each
other, but alternately placed. The head
It is singular, ..says thc Banner that is a most singular affair. Thc eyes are
thc name. of God should be splult with ! ver'v large, white, staring and terrific.
four letters in almost every language. It ! Attached to the edge of thc upper and
is in Latin, Deus; French, Dicu; Greek, ' lower lids, which arc like those of a hu
Zcus: German, Gottj Scandinavian, Odin; ! mau beiiifr. a transparent film, or mem-
Swedish, Codd; Hebrew, Adou; Syrian,
Adad; Persian, Syra ; Tartarian, Ida;
Spanish, Bias; East Indian, Esgi, or Zeul;
Turkish, Addi; Egyptian, Auuin, or Zeut;
Japanese, Zaiu; Peruvian, Lian; Walla
chian Zenc; Etrurian, Chur; Tyrrhenian,
Eher; Irish, Bieh; Croatian, Boga; Mag
yarian, Ocsoj Arabian, Alia; Balmatian,
The Monster Snake Taken.
Correspondence of the Buffalo Daily Republic.
Perry Village, N. Y., Aug. i3, 1855.
This part of (he couutry is wild with
excitement. The immense snake, with
various descriptions of which the papers
have been crowded for two weeks back,
is at length captured. You have un
doubtedly heard all the particulars of his
appearance, the many doubts and sneers
as to the existence of a lusus naturce of
this character in a lake but four miles
long and not quite tnrec-quartcrs of a
mile in width. At any rate it has never
been doubted. Daniel Smith, an old
whaleman, came hero about two weeks
since, after hearing of the appearanco of
the creature, and while here had the good
fortune to sec him. lie immediately scut
to New York for an old shipmate of his
and his 'irons,' and on Friday last both
arrived with harpoons, cordage and eve
rj'thing necessary to catch a monster.
Many strangers who are stopping at the
i Walker House in this city, attracted to
' this part of the country by the excitc-
ment in regard to the monster, and who
had obtained no glimpse of him, laughed
.' at them for their pains; but they kept on
with their preparations all over the lake
for upward of eight days, and the two
whalemen had a sharp look-out kept all
the time beside watching themselves.
- The lake has several outlet?, the largest
of which runs through this village and
finally empties into or becomes Genesee
Bivcr. lu tho vicinity of this outlet he
was seen first, and on Sunday he came
to the surface, delaying about 30 feet of
his long, sinuous body, remaining, how
ever, but a row moments. lne ooats
were on the watch all Sunday night.
The whalemen had 1,200 feet of strong
, whale line in their boat, the end of which
' ran ashore and fastened to a treo. On
Monday morning everything was on the
; alert. The shores were lined with towns
people and strangers, and every body
. seemed very much excited. About 9
o'clock the animal made his appearance
between the whaleman's boat and the
shore revealing twenty or thirty feet of
his length. He lay quiescent upon the
surface, when tne whalemen's boat moved
' slowly toward him Mr. Smith of Cov
ington poising a Lilly-iron in the air, (a
Lill3-iron is a patent harpoon, a heavy
cutting knife being attached by the mid
dle to the end of the iron by a rivet. As
soon as the knife enters the body of an
animal this movable blado turns at right
angles to the wound and being entirely
blunt and flat on one side it is impossible
to extricate it except by cutting out.)
When they had got about ten feet from
the animal the iron whistled through the
air and went deep into his body. In a
moment tne whole length of the monster
was lashing the air, at a bound revealing
his whole enormous length, and then ma
king tho water boil in every direction, he
described rapid, foaming circles and areas
of circles, with such a swiftness tho eye
, could scarcely follow him. Then he dart
i ed off in another direction toward the up
per part of the lake, the suddenness of
his movement almost dragging the boat
under water. Line was gradually given
him, and after the space of half an hour,
it was plain that his strength wa3 almost
, exhausted. The whalemen then came a
shore and gradually hauled the line in.
The body was within fifty feet of the
' shore, when renewed life appeared to have
been given him, and with one dart he
carried nearly all the line out. This was
his last, great effort. lie was slowly
d d Q aa)5d tbe wildest exche.
unt;i ti1G hodv of the monster has n di-
1 -
brane is seen, which, wnue n protects uiu
eye of the animal, docs not interfere wifh
its vision. He has no nostrils or gills,
apparently. The mouth of this serpent,
or whatever it may be, is underneath is
almost a counterpart of the mouth of the
fish called a sucker, possessing the same
valvular power, pursed up but it can be
stretched eo as to take in a body of thc
i i i i. il
J diameter of a foot or a foot and a half.
j, No teeth can be discovered. A hard bony
substance extends in two parallel lines a
round the upper and lower part of tho
head. His color is a dusky brown on tho
sides and back, but underneath the belly
it is a dirty white. It is sinuous like a
snake, but has along its back, and on each
side, a row of hard substanco, knob-like
in shape the largest raised four inches
from the surface of the body, cxteudiug
from head to tail.
The news of his capture spread like
wild-fire, and before night hundreds and
hundreds of people from the neighboring
towns and villages had collected to see
this wonder. The animal still has tho
harpoon in him. It passed through the
muscular portion of tho back and touch-
ed no mortal part. Ue lies m the water,
an ingenious contrivance of ropes having
been place d on him while he was on shore,
i '
Kcupiug uia uouy in a curve, preventing
him from getting away or proving dan-
orous. lie can use but his head and tail,
with which he occasionally stirs up the
water all about him for rods. He keeps
his head under water except when he rears
it up as if looking around, and presents a
mosf. fnn rfnl nunoof. AVhon r(nr?nrr lin
expands his mouth and exhibits a cavity
blood-red, most terrible to look upon
does this air rushes forth with a hea-
-, .w....
, short puff. I have no more time to
write you
J ' 1 1
have great difficulty in getting a meal in
the village.
fconso ot them go up to Las-
if n . .
tile to get their meals
iuq wuaiemen
contemplate keeping the monster in
1 .
present position until an agent of Mr
111.1 1
harnnin .nrrivns. who ins hnon folnrrrnn 1-
1 n. 'ntnA i,.n fft.;i, v..
WV VAUVWbVU UVIO '111" llli f V
ry truly your friend and a subscriber.
0. M. E.
Since the capture of this creat Snake.
the iNow iork papers announced that it j were invited to the wedding. Johnson , 11."i7,J" , would almost take the fur off a bison,
had made its escape, breaking the leg of ! was only 57-Miss Frauky's age exactly. 2lzll X TZ Tbo ladies generally consider good tea
one man in the struggle. IIewill doubt- ITjioy had been children together ; i Keaai"S be "rfvil he men " however,
, . . fco . L J while they wero both young they had . nouse Ip11.e5I- . ne;1 , l. 1 , ouo "L; and resort very freely to dilution when
less be re-captured, as the most diligent loyed aatisficd hat she nnd nearly half a million to the insolvents. : sery. h hosekeCDe we onctf
search is beini made.
From the Natiojud Intclligc7iccr.
How Best to Preserve the Teeth.
It is probable that no department of tho
healing art is subjected to more frequent
abuses than that relating to the treat
ment of the teeth, and all intelligent per
sons should know that no practiser of that
specialty can be safely trusted whose
character and professional standing are
unknown to them. I would call atten
n this
tion to the subiect becauso of h
heard of recent abuses practised i
city. The teeth should never be clc
by other than mechanical means
chemical agent that will act upon the
tar on the teeth will act upon and des
il. 1 1 TT 1
me enamci 01 i. teem aiso. xxenoo u -
though the teeth may bo made to look
very white in a minute or two by the uso
of acid, they soon become darker than
ever, to be whitened no more, and early
decay decay and pain aro sure to follow.
In cleaning the teeth by mechanical means
the only caution to be observed is that
they should not be broken nor scratched,
and that tho tartar shall be so perfectly
removed that a smooth surface shall be
left, as upon a rough surface there is sure
to be a fresh accumulation of tartar. To
have this done properly it is necessary to
obtain the aid of a practised hand, with
appropriate instruments,
teeth clean, when once ma
soic Drusn suouiu ue appueu in a roiury
i i. i i.i t. . l
manner at least once a day with water wcrc at their post afc the appointed hour,
not very cold. As often as once a week The marriage rites were performed, and
prepared chalk may be used for a den- jjss Franky Lea became Mrs. Franky
trifice. Yhen more than this is needed Johnson.
it is best to obtain the assistance of the j An hour afterward Squire Bradshcr
dentist. Charcoal, pumice stone, &e., 1 and njs rGtinuo were to come. Accord
wear away the teeth too severely, and in- jy thc brjde hastily addressed a note to
destructible as the nrst-namcd is, it insin-
uate itseir octwecu tne gum anu tue iicck
of the tooth, which latter, not being cov
dent person ever have a tooth drawn by
.1 1 f 1 T ,m
any other hand if a dentist is near. If
one is not, then let a handy and firm per
son, having first cut tho gum well from
the neck, embrace the tooth as near the
root as possible with a pair of forceps,
and extract the tooth just as he would ex
tract a nail from a piece of furniture he
w;ould not like to injure. For such a
class of teeth there is a peculiar motion
in drawing; but these none but the den
tist will be likely to remember. To re
lieve an aching tooth apply a drop or two
of any essential oil or of laudanum, if you
can get it into a cavity, or a single drop
of cresote, not around the tooth, but in
the cavity, and having done so, close up
the cavity, first with a little cotton and
then with a little beeswax. The repeated
application of such a remedy will some
times destroy the sensation of the tooth
but more powerful agents for this purpose
should be applied by the dentist alone.
Even theso are sometimes injurious to the
mouth when carelessly applied. Above
all, however, never trust your teeth (in
jury to which can never be repaired) to
any person in whose personal integrity
aud professional skill you hive not entire
confidence. Alveolus.
A Slow Reader. An old fogey was
asked why he did not take a newspaper.
'Becauso,' said he, 'my father, when he
died, left me a good many newspapers
and I haven t read 'them through yet.
uruu uy uuuuiui, suun uuuuys wiiun urns trouble himselt any lurther about her. ;
j exposed. Filling and filing teeth are op- , The astonished vet incredulous Squire!13 0110 tuo that Bhoul1d. be cultivated,
I orations which no ono but an educated could uofc beiicVG the note authentic, but morc t,1,.cn1 anot.lie h? "i who would ,
i ,ir,T.;tf ciiM.iii otftTsf. nn .;ii o ti.m. , i i i . i ii i . .1 j. i . , I s u e c c c d in liio 1 1 1 s n u il c t u a 1 1 1 v : 1 1 there i
i i .1 ii .. ... i ,i mrriinfi or rn pcmni :i Tiiniiie. 11 liiuik
11 I 1 1 1.1 il U illtllllU LLLLillIlll 11UL II ill Ltt I a 11 -V-l ! Oil IT H J 1 1 1 f 1 1 T I 1UII 11 I ill I III I ll I mJ J
From the Clarhsvillc Tobacco Plant.
Extraordinary Marriasre.
Our readers will remember that some rtus!linS along at almost lightning speed,
time since wo stated it was very usual for A curvc 3 n!,e;ul joud whirl,
ladies to institute suits for breach of mar-jwa3 station at which the cars usually
riage promise, but that no instance of Passed ,oth Tho conductor was
such a suit, in which the gentleman wasilatV lato P"od during which
the plaintiff, had fallen wfthin the range, t,c -train was to wait had nearly
Of OI1P oWH-nn nr rnnrfinn- TJw. fnl.
lowing facts may lead to such a denounce
ner, he felt sadly oppressed with tho un-
wouieu loneliness ot ms situation, ana na-
.ti i. i
J?ral ? f J11 iuto the habit of visiting a Miss
, ra"ky of the neighborhood, by way
; n Titnro for t w ner4n s o ' oDnoSto
, ?cxes waim llPulscs and throbbing
hearts, to assofiisito ennstfintlv and inti-
. , m" " "t ""l " I
, teJj J U U ,.bcc? ""S "$y:
tached, one to the other. The thought i
o mai nage a, nrst Per nap, entereu uio
brain of nei her But Miss Pranky as is
tne saying, nau tne quins, lwcivetnou -
: t i .i
sniui wns hnr riowrv. his. with other
; 57') Pcatcd
nature of the
- . , ,
J" ' WJV J, - -i J ti
. '"3""" " m,,'u"
( e.,i..i n- 1,1.1. T..1.. ot.n,i
! r h 1
?ir n n cmn k- w?i nvni n nmi tor rn( irinr- i
, V:;T: ".l
. x.. . . c L,
paiu an exira price lor 11, in view 01 iuu
. 1
, . . .
i nn n nnrsni rirrrrofi ninmn r nir in :i sm
" " r-"" ' "w
! of black, and made every other imaKina -
J - . PI
ble pieliminary arrangement for the cere-
mony which was to consumate his bliss.
The daughters of Mr. Samuel Johnson,
Lnnfhnr wi(ln,mr f th nmahhorhoo.l
the Squire should marry. On Friday
i Sarin John Hr.,,ll,,r of TWn .l there a collision. A shriek, a termagant, mo neat lorm win do pitch
t. V n i.t, c It. , shock, and fifty souls were in eternity: ed nto calico. Another andlardiffe
rnL nnua ift. e 'and all becauso an engineer had been be- being will take tho place of the
evening, the day before the expected wed-1 ausc tneir aSent 1Q remitting, naa Dcen-aronnd the Mq ,ittle befor(; th(J regu,
ding, secinc a neighbor passing his house, . c lm l,llCm , , . , . lar time, and serve up a rousing cup of tea
he hailed Trim. The neighbor found' A condemned man was being led out bU round the party, before the masculines
Johnson very much excited and disturb- execution. He had taken human We, mado lhc appearaJnce. and as she poured
ed. Johnson stated to him that he could bufc unde.r circumstances of the greatest : Qut tho bcverage utbat checr3 but Jot in,
not bear the thought of Miss Franky's p.r070Cat!0U and public sympathy a3ac- c3riates,,; steaming hot, her invariable e
marrying Squire Kradshcr, and that he i uJe " his behalf. Thousands had sign- jaculati as sbe Jagsed tbe basti,
wanted him to go to Miss Franky at onceiea petitions for a reprieve, a favorable ;tQ tbe Iadic wasIQuick! quilck:
n.i cmr tn fr Mmf if sl nr,.. 1 answer liact been oxpcctcrt tho night be-;..
mnrrvino- him to Snuirn Er.idshnr.
she could do so.
The neighbor insisted
i on ms writing ner a letter to tins eirccc,
offering to deliver it. "No," says he, l
0III eut-irely too nervous to hold a pen.-!
You must ffo and deliver the message."!
on his writing her a letter to this effect,
. . .. - - - rJ
ny Finally he consented and repaired to Miss ! caP aTVAZ.UZvZ mie on he and sent on to bo
tar- Franky's -residence, charged with thisj8 ?! The Express says :
troy nfW in mnlv i"1 the wiuu. Just at that iromcnt a, , . . ,
authorized him to say to Mr. Johnson, 7., 4j , " ,i fnnrr lC 1 'inS abundant, and that at the Mint in
that if he would get ready to marry lierhillhe steed covered with foam. I,p&1 d hi . jd f ? afc
at aunrisc the nexfc morningf shc ,T0Uid carried a packe in his right hand which , .
marry him.
It was then late in the afternoon
ing no time to spare, he put off under
whip and spur to Iloxborough, the county
seat, for his license, and at the same mo
ment started off a servant to Leasburg,
for a parson. The servant took care not
to inform the minister what it was his
master wanted w
that his services
quirod at sunrise
Mr. Johnson, the minister, who had
, tween Miss Jb ranfcv and tho brideg
to fci,e Squire, informing him that she was 1
, n0 longer Miss Franky Lea but Mrs.
I practiced upon him by some of the wild!
vountr men of the neighborhood. To set
i , .
tie the matter ho hastened over to sece his
inamorata. Arrived in her presence he
presented the note to her and inquired if;
itb him, but only said . lalU Plans the most important aitairs, the
were imperatively re-! ortunes ot individuals the weal or nations,
the next morning. j bonor "app,ncss itself arc sacnuced bo-
To keep the bocn encased to officiate, and the friend arc men wno always lau in wuaievcr u ey
. J i i r M . i il
deso,afulland who had borne the messages of love be-1 undertake simp y because they are -do-
' l -i . , P , . , i liirwl lmo 7 ' horn nrn nUo nfchors who
It rn til-it .TMiTicmi oilfl M fl t IIP nff
I L. 1 U il It V J U1J IJU LI l.ilU V... w uv -
she wrote it. She replied in the afhrma-; when in this country, a few years since, jcure the services of a girl to do house"
tive. Incensed afc her faithlessness, he j was, one night, so ungallant as to stvike a ( Work, who isn't run after by more than
indulged (who that is mortal would not?) , "woman of thc town" over the head with 'ten mcn wbo can he contented at homo
in bitter complaints of her ill-treatment, j a champagne bottle. This occurrence j oue cveu;ng in a month who when she
(Johnson meantime in the next room, re- took place in a brothel in Ne"VV York Ci-'j3 out ,vjji come jn fore midnight,
dining on a sofa, cosily smoking his pipe, Ity, and soon after. His Princely Highness through some other way tbau the window
and listening with more of merriment at was under lock and key, in the Tombs, jwb hasn't morc than three families of
the imprecations heaped upon his bride.) with four or five hundred of the very ; friendg aTj(l relations to provide for and
Indeed having foiled his competitor, while worst villians as his companions. iwbo ca fr(?fc a Ilicai 0f victuals without
in the very act of plucking thc fruit for Recently, this same prisoner of the N. ' seasonin" with dirt, hair and fathers.
which he so much yearned, he could wellj Y. Tombs', was the guest of Queen "Victo-( q00(j looking girls needn't apply, and one
afford to endure thc pain of a few bitter ria, at Buckingham Palace. 'over forty preferred.
reproaches. j Atone time he was a penniless wan-j Ji
After a free ebullition of his indignation,, derer in thc strcets'of Gotham now he is: doos the razor take hold well?' inqmr
tho Squire retired, resolved, as our infor-jthe Emperor of a powerful nation, sur-'cd a darkey who was shaving a gen tic -mant
tells us, upon a resort to the law to rounded with all the wealth and lxuryiK,an fro:n the couutry, a few evenings
staunch his heart wounds, and heal aa lar
as possible, his bruised and lacerated af-
Having derived these facts from un
doubted authority, they may be regarded
as true to the letter.
he purchased ground aim ourrieu twenty
of them at one fuueral giving a great
fff. .:. whirl. iro iundrcd hogs wcrc
-T.x t:
i ii i . ,
nnrCrmr aK The Mobile Tribune says, that in Nm-om- claimed, Why, we only sec our laces
not being able to nnd a bury ng place to I entleiiftin in Haldwin mailed a vycll .'said the cipscy, "those faces will
suit him, saved the bodies of his deceased f r ja a NN ell a rei'yoxl arc married.''
wives until he had forty of them, when i tfrt,i nr1inard of until hist wee!;, when it ut30Ul UbU
The Importance of Punctuality.
'Behind Time-' A railroad train was
, CiapSCO: OUL I1C llOpeU yCt tO paSS tltC
icurvc satelv. Sudden v a locomotive
dashed into sight right ahead. In an in-
hind time. goddess who smiles sweet and eata sour
A great battle was being fought. Col- candy. Keep your cyO peeled, boy,
umn after column had been precipitated when you are after the women. If the
for eight mortal hours on the enemy post- little dear is cross and scolds at her vnoth
ed alono- the rid of a hill. The sum- or in the back room, you may be sure that
1 mer sun was sikin6 in tbo Wcst' rci-
forcoments for the Obstinate defenders
, alrcfJv in s(rhi. it s nccessarv t0
0ie aireaay in Higni, it wab necebbarj, to
carry the position with one final charge,
I or evorTthinrr would be lost. A poweV
iui corns
had boon summoned from across
, be F
i .'.,...?.. .: i r i
1 ' . . '
J back; Waterloo was lost. Napoleon died
nujir LUU 1UJUUI1U
a prisoner at Sl Helena because one of
mo inursiiiiis was uticm taut.
1 A leading firm in commercial circles
' his marshals was behind time.
had lonjr strued against bankruptcy,
1 As it had enormous assets in California.
. . 1
11 Mviinnrnii riMiiu 1 -I ni'iiL' nvr :i i'imimiii ii'iu
, i:. 1 1 : ,
"cu" "uuol JIlu,,t3 '"LU u P1""1"'
uld bo preserved But week after
! '7u7 iUo'"o V- ,8 V"
i At las.1 ihc fatal tlay on whlch the
irni had bills maturing to enormous a -
uul " .V LUU 1 ,,
' forc and. although It had not COUie, CVCn
luc.iUC e.6.0.mue i man woaiu
il. . .1 :n'..T. ..I i il. . i !i U i !
nmye season xnus mo mornmg
Passed wltbo,u,fc, th aPi,e
messenger. I he last mou
hc P"Soner took his plai
npn on rho riron
- -ri
j I nrenmon fn ri n i tif n c! n 1 f- rrn 1 1 nn? no" fl fiTn
in wnvpri narr.m v rn r.iir nrnwn. n was,
he waved partially to the crowd, lie was
the express rider with the reprieve. But
he had come too late. A comparatively
innocent man had died an ignominious
death because a watch had been Ove
minutes too slow, making its bearer ar
rivo behind time. -
It is continually so in life. The best
put off reformation year by year till death
seizes them, and they perish unrepentant,
because forever 'behind time. lhc Al
lies havo lost nearly a year at Sebasto
pol because they delayed a superfluous
day after the battle of Alma, and came
up too late for a coup de main just twenty-four
hours 'behind timo.' Fivo min
utes in a crisis is worth years. It is but
cause someoouy is oemuu umu. xucru
rinni - ' ..
d not'a tle Period )ct it has often saved a
j3 one error that should be avoided it is
hiitrt i)J.lll lilt)
j what a Uiange,-
Louis Napoleon, the Emperor of b ranee,
'that royalty can bestow, it is notnniiKc-
ly that the timo will soon come, when he
will bo obliged to suddenly vacatu the
throne, and again sock refuge upon our
shores. i
Seven Years' Hail,
- !'" - : ..
came exactly to its destination, alter an ab-
' 0 0f nearly seven years! It would be ule-
Lseni to hoar that later give an account tfiu
irvoU ,i..ri,ur tlw.t ion Period.
IS it 0 ?
Somebody wo don't know who, and it
makes no difforcncc-tbns warns young
men to look out for the women :
ioung mtfn! keep your eye peeled
when you are after the women ! Is the
pre y dress or form attractive ! Or a
pretty face even! Flounces, boy, are no
vyum. puj mil grOWOIU;
I'amt win wasu on. iuo sweet sniiic ot
tnc flirt will give way to the scowl of the
yU wU1 gCt Pnrticular fits a11 around tho
house. If she apologizes for washing
dishes, you will need a girl to fan her.
J fa
1 11 sue uiusnes wuen xounu at tne wasn
tub with her sleeves rolled up, be sure sir
'that she is of the codfish aristocracy, lit-
1q brcC(i; anJ mtlfl If mar.
0 irl knowg noth; but tQ CQm.
- mit. wnmnn slmhfor on tho
.1 , .1 1 .
shamed to be seen in the day time, but
walk up like a chicken to the dough, and
ask for the articles like a man.
"Eeforc the Men Gome."
Women folks like strong tea. We make'
. - .
t sue-
never saw a
mature matron who did not relish it with
, ag ;nucJj stQ ag ft confirme(1 t do-e3
his "tod." And many times have we seen
! a "wild, iuinalsivo. rrnshin. ancient maid-
in ' n nf SUA nn fIinfc
. knew, used to cet the females of her flock
Large Tilass of Silver Ore.
A solid mass of silver ore was recived
iin Vnrr hr thn srniiiTior rfinrnn ,nnr.
1 locr ir"rtyl ttai fvln na nntmrl? 11 rl
I ' c c r i
-i ---- - s
doubt ut that when we have a
communication with New Granda, by
steam, the world will be astounded with
the results of a newly directed industry,of
an American character, throwing possi
bly California and Australia into tho
The mass of silver was in shape tho
half of a cylinder, whose length was a
bout two feet, and diameter one foot. It
had a rough exterior,- and looked like a
piece of wood with She bark on, only that;
it was of pure silver.
NIA. A supposed diamond of extraord
inary size it is stated, ha.s recently beec
found in Lancaster county, Pa., and is
deposited in Professor Philips' offico,
Philadelphia. It is colorless, perfectly
crystaliue, resembling a drop of clear
spring water, in the middle of which you
will perceive a strong light playing with
a good deal of spirit. The geologist does
not announce it to be of tho first water,
although there is not thc least doubt of
its being of considerable value. Offer?
of importance, it is said, have been de
clined for it. Nothing, it is supposed,
like it, was ever discovered before in the
United States.
AD Looking Girls Wanted. A
; rrcntlcman at Elmira, N. Y., wishes to se
s;nce. Yes ' renhed the customer, with
tear3 ju bjs CYCSj qfc takes hold rjrst rate,,
but jt donfc icfc 0 wortli a cent."
A Gipsey woman promised to show two1
young ladies their husband's faces in
nail of water. They looked, aud ex--
. . frflm Arkansas says.
-v "j wcnt there ho hadufc a m
that "hn ht wont 1 1 wro L c iiadut a r
ou his back, and now he is all iag.
., , f ' ucd afc S3.000. It is the nroducfc of one
I XL 13 VU1 V UUHUU3 LUilti C1IU1 13 UvfUUill'
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