The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, May 10, 1855, Image 4

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    Oldest, Safest and'Surcst
J. 15. WI.L.KJLW,
Would say to his friends and custom-
fSK lomcrs, that his mode ol doing business
Jl- remains precisely the same as it hatH
f.i'cn for 20 years. iNo false representations
., S20.000 worth of stock, buying male
rial in large quantities from the manufactur
ers; the goods we sell to be belter man any
hodv else's; procuring celebrated city cutlers
nt largo salaries, etn. etc.; out F'"""!,
even Tenor of our way, giving to nil who call,
polite attention, good goods, mid the identical
ones they select; -and in short to give them
ccncral satisfaction.
To his new friends and customers, he would
pnv most respectfully, that, having the con
fidence, from many years experience, he can
excel, in all kinds of fashionable garment
cuttiHfr; inc gu"" --"-, nv.
CLOTHS, CAooJ-UiiJC-co ana
JXGS, which he will be pleased to make up
nt short notice, and on reasonable terms.
(gj- Full suits furnished at 12 hours no
tice, if necessary.
No. 52 Northanplon Street,
March 22, 1S55. Easton, Pa.
Land Warrants.
The act of Congress approved March the
3d, 1655, grants 160 acres of land to oil per
sons who have been in service over 14 days
;n any of the wars in which this Country has
been "engaged since 1790, and also to the
Soldiers of the Revolutionary war, without
respect to length of service, or to their wid
c vs or minor heirs. Those who have ob
'aiiied land under any of the former acts for
a less amount than 1G0 acres, the difference
under this act is granted them to make 160
acres in all.
The undersigned offers his services as
ngent to those who are entitled to land under
the above act or any former act of Congress,
lie mav be found at his office in Stroudsburg.
March 22, 1553.
ol Eastou, Pa.,
Is happy to inform bis friends in
Stroudsburg. that he will vit-it that place
about the first of July next, and remain
for two or three weeks
.V. IS. Those who wish artificial teeth
r.t that time, should have all the bad teeth
nud roots extracted as soon as possible,
that the gutub may bo in. a proper condi
tio He would respectfully assure the
public, that all his work and operations,
wiU be faithfully and skillfully perform
c3 March 8, 1S55.
JL J. FULLY TIvEATEl), and comfort in
sured, by use of the elegant French Trasses.
:n Tjried by the subscriber, and madeto ur-
- r rxprcssly for his sales.
A I suffenno with Rupture will be grati
f r J to Jcarn that the occasion now offers to
j r. re a Truss combining extreme lighl-
. infh ease, durability and correct con
r :inn. in lieu of the cumbrous and un-
:ror table article usually sold. An ex
" assortment always on hand, adapl-
! in rvcry variety of Rupture in adults and
i.i -'rcn, and for sale at a range of price to
sr.'t all Tost of Single Trusses, S2, $3
M t $5; Double, ?4. $5, S8, S and $10
I f rsons at a distance can have a Truss
m nt to any address by remitting the amount,
sending measuie around the lips, and stating
s 'e afferti-d.
For Sale Wholesale and Retail by the
W. cor. of Twelfth & Race Sis., Phil
a ii'plna.
Depot for Dr Banning's Improved Pat
rnt JJody rare; Chest Expanders and E
rrwtor traces; Patent Shoulder iJrabcs; Sus
pn.soiy iJandages; Spinal Props and Sup
parts. Ladies' Rooms, with competent lady
April 5, 1655.
lias permanently located him
self in Stroudsburg, and moved
his office next door to Dr. S.
Walton, and nearly opposite S. Melick's Jew
elry store, where he is fully prepared to trea
ie natural teeth, and also to insert incorruptt
)!j!e artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in the
Tntoct tii1 mnct imnrnror? mi nnrr Afnct nor
sons know the danger and folly of trusting'
their work to the ignorant as well as the
. , . -, u m4trr . i.. i,
travewnjr dentist. It matters not how much j
. i.i- .
xpenence a person may have, he is liable to
' r , 1 , ' ,. f
and if the dentist lives at a distance, it is fre
j .r.i. i: a:
qucntly put off until it is too late to save the
too?h or teeth as it may be, otherwise the in
convenience and trouble of going so far.
Hence the necessity of obtaining the services
ct a dct ntisnear home. All work warranted.
Has on hand a large and well se
lected stock of
t ro "y f? (fi rr sfs
Cirocerici, Eiarclwarc, Stoves, &c.
whrch have been purchased for cash and must
be sold.
His experience in the Mercantile Business,
ha cmbled him to appreciate to the fullest
cgree, the wants and desires of the commu
nity; and now flatters himself that he has
made ample provision for all who may favor
him with their custom. Very thankful for
the liberal patronage which has been bestow
ed upon him: he respectfully asks a contin
uance of the same, feeling satisfied that it
will be to the advantage of all to examine his
stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Stroudsburg, January 5, 1603.
Just received and for sale at this Office a
lew bottles of this medicine, which will allay
the effects of any painful causes that the hu
man system may be visited with.
Yc who are Buffering with any complaint
whatever that gives you pain, whether it be
rheumatism, sore throat, croup, difficult ,
breathing, tooth-ache, tic dolokeux, pain irii
the breast or side, sprain or spasm,. head-ache, j
inflammation, stiff joints, cuts, bruises, poison !
Borce, cramps in the stomach, colic, cholera
morbus, Lumbago, chilblains, frost bites, bites
of poisonous insects, hydrophobia, or Avhalevcr
yjur conplaint may be that gives you pain,
Radicay's Ready 'Relief will relieve vou
iMJickcr thun any other Liniment. Salve, o:
am i Mler in use.
v ft
Pr!rp 25 cents per bottle.
fadin"- o colors, noi roucn, out sounn, wooi
,vc firm, strong, fust colors, of AMERICAN.
Sfroiirtsbnrg and Easton
Port fcrvis,Mauoh Chunk and Scranton
'The Stroudsburff and Easton
mail line of stages, consists of excellent four
horse coaches, and leaves J. J. Postens' In
dian Queen Hotel, Stroudsburg. Pa. every
day (except Sundays) at 7 o'clock a. m. ar
riving in Easton before the departure of the
cars for New York, or stages to Bethlehem
and Allentown.
Aline toMauch Chunk, leaving
at G o'clock a. m. nn Monday, Wednesday
and v riday, via Hrodheadsville, where U
connects with lines to Wilkcs-IJate & While
Haven, returning on alternate days
tfj1 1 he following lines leaves Postens
Indian Queen Hotel. Stroudsburg, Pa. daily:
A line to Port Jervis, leaving
at 7 o'clock'A. m. via Uushkill, Dingman't.
Unoice and iWilford. Returning, leaes Port
Jervis immediately after the arrival of the
morning train of cars to New York, at about
8 o'clock A. M.
A line to Scranton. leavinsr at
I o'clock a. m. via Bartor.sville, Tanners-
ville, where it connects with a line to Hones-
dale, and connecting at Scranton with the
cars for the west.
These lines hold out strong inducements
to the traveling public passing through sec
tions of the country which arc as marjnifi
cent and picturesque as any in the Union.
Having provided themselves with excel-
cellent coaches, good lioises, and careful
drivers, they feel confident that they will be
enabled to give erfiire satisfaction to all who
will patronize them.
May 11, 1851. Provriclosi
The undersigned having- re
moved his Saddle and Harness
manufactory to three doorshe
low the Washington Hotel,
on Walnut street, informs the
public that he will keep con
stantly on hand a choice as
sortment ol
Suddlcs, Bridles, Collars, IVltifs, Carriage
Harness, Sulky and Gig Harness, Team
Harness, leather, cotton, aud worsted
Flynels, Trunks, -Valises, Carpet
bags, Curry-combs, Horse
cards and brushes,
and all other articles in his line of business
which he will dispose of upon very reasona
ble terms.
Work made to order at the shortest notice.
His materials will be of the best quality,
and as he employs none hut good workmen,
he hopes to receive a liberal share of public
I lis motto is "quick sales and small profits."
Call and see for yourselves.
Country produce taken in exchange for
work. W. C. LARZELIER.
Stroudsburg, April 13, 1354.
N. B. Carriage trimmings for sale, and
Carriages trimmed to order.
CaIi ?Iustc a:iE Piano Store
IVo. 333 Broadway, New-York.
Music at Greatly Reduced Rales.
Notwithstanding the combination of Music
Dealers to keep up the prices of non-copyright
music against the interests of Native
Composers, and their refusal to extend to
Mr. Waters the courtesies of the trade, he
is making immense Eales having abundant
evidence that he lias public countenance and
support in his opposition to the Gkk.vt Mo
nopoly, and in his efforts to aid Native Tal
ent and adopt the National Currency. His
stock of American and European Music is
immense, and the catalogue of his his own
publications is one of the largest and best se
lected in the United States. He has also
made a Great Reduction in the prices of Pi
anos, Melodeons, and Musical Instruments
of ail kinds. Superior toned OA Octave Pi
anos for 8175, 200, and 8225, Interior of as
good qualified and instruments as strong and
as durable as those which cost -$300. Pianos
of every variefy of style and price, up to
S1000, comprising those of Ten different man
ufactories; among them the celebrated modern
improved Horace Water's Pianos, and the
Jirst premium tEolean Pxaxos of T. Gilbert
6l Co s. make (owners of the .'Eolean Patent)
.Hi'ionwatrcai fiaririw. Pn-
"s fr" 40t 10 1f , -Mv,:OJ) frc,m
Five different manufactories, including the
,. , T, e T, ,,r V, , ?. ,
weil-known fe. D. & II. W. Smiths Me b-
, , . . . ,m
deons, (tuned the equal temperament. The
Best Make in the lulled States. Pri(
$45. $60, 7o, 100, $115, $125, $135,
150. Smith's Double Bank Melodeons 200.
Each Piano and Melodeon guaranteed. The
best terms to the trade, schools, &c. 12i
per cent discount 1o Clergymen and Church"
cs. All orders promptly attended to. Music
sent to all parts of the countrj', post paid, at
the reduced rates. General and Select Cat
alogues and Schedules of prices of Musical
Instruments forwarded to any address free ol
February 22, 1855. 3mn.
The undersigned 'begs leave to inform the
public that they have fitted up ihe building.
formerly occupied by the members of the M.
E. Church, on the east corner of George and
Monroe streets, in the Borough of Strouds
burg, as a SOAP and CANDLE MANU
FACTORY, and that they arc fully prepar
ed to jumish a very superior article of
Ashes and Grcese taken in exchange for
Soap, at the highest market price.
Cash paid for tallow, when delivered at the
factory, or Candles given in exchange, if de
sired. OCfMerchants and others arc cordially in
vited to give us a cull, as we ore enabled to
furnish any thing iirour line, at JN'ew Y'ork
PALM Kit &, BRO.
Stroudsburg, January 4, 1S55.
c. u.
Paper If aszgfcr,
Shop on Jacob Street, Stroudsburg, Pu.
Morch 17, 1854. ly,
X.J .JJJ JlOAROS for-ale by
Stroudsburg, February ly, 1S55..
Mitiual Fire Insurance Comp'y.
rBlhc rate of Insurance is one dollar on
the thousand dollars insured, after
which panieut no subsequent tax -will
be levied, except to cover actual loss or
damage by fire, that may fall upon mem
bcrs of the company.
The nett profits' arising from interest
or otherwise, vrill be ascertained yearly,
for vfhich each member in proportion to
his, her, or their deposit, will have a
.1 H 1
crcuit in tne company, .men insurer in
or with the said company will be a mem
bcr thereof during the town of his or her
policy. The principle of Mutual Insur
ancc has been thoroughly tested has
been tried by the unerring test of experi
ence, and has proved successful and be
come very popular. Tt affords the great
est security against loss or damage by
fire, on the most advantageous and rea
sonable terms.
Applications for Insurance to be made
m person, or by letters addressed to
Piichard S. Staples, Silas L. Drake,
M. II. Drehcr, Wni. S. White,
Jacob Stouffer, John Edinger,
James II. Walton, Joseph Kerr,
Jacob Shoemaker, John N. Stokes,
Robert Boys, John Kern,
George II. Miller.
II. S. STAPLES, President.
J. II. Walton, Treasurer.
Stroudsburg, Nov. 9, IS34.
About which so much has been said and
published, is among us. Who has not heard
of the Mexican Muslinir Liniment ? Many
millions of bottles have been sold and used
to cure Rheumatism, Fleers, Sores, Bruises
Sprains. Ring-worm, Felons, Salt Rheum
Piles, Sore Nipples, and Caked Breasts,
Cancers, Itch, Corns on the Toes, Sore
Eyes, Kar-achc, Pimples, Swollen Joints
or J.imbs, Cuts, Scalds, or Scald Head
Numb Palsey Bunions or Frosted Feet,
W-arts or any other complaint that can be
reached by an external remedy. And it ha3
always has been succccssful. Il is equally
goon in healing Wound,. Scratches, Saddle
or Harness Galds, or any Sprain, Soreness
or Stiffness. And it is warranted to cure
Spavin, Ring-bone, Sphnl or Poll evil, on
Kj The Liniment is put up in three sizes
and retails at 25 els, 50 cts., and 61.00.
The large bottles contain much more Lini
ment in proportion to the prices, and there
fore cheapest.
To Comity merchants.
1'Aery store should be supplied with this
valuable Liniment, as it pays a good profit
and sells rapidly. G. W. WES TBROOK
(Successor to A. G. Brag & Co ,) Origin
ator and sole I ropneior.
Principal Offices, 301 Broadway. New
York, and corner 3d and Market Streets,
St. Louis, Missouri.
Sold by every dealer in drugs and medi
cine throughout the United States, Canadas,
Wrsl Indus, and Bermuda Islands.
07"For sale in Stroudsburg by S. Stokes.
and Miller & Fowler; William Haybeiger,
Williamsburg, A. Shean-r, Richmond, North
ampton county ; II. Peters & Co. Marshall
Creek, Momoe county.
June 20, 1854. ly.
The undersigned has on hand and for sash
Window Sash, painted and glazed, of all
sizes. C. U. YVAKiXlCK.
Stroudsburg, March 9, 1854.
Has removed liis office to his dweling
house, first door below the office of the
u Jcffersonian Office,'' and directly oppo
site S. J. Ilollinshcad's hotel, Elizabeth
Stroudsburg, Dec. 19, 1850.
New Wholesale and Retail
Stroudsburg, Pa.
The undersigned would inform Land
lords and the public generally, that
he continues the above business in .Strouds
burg, in the store house formerly occupied
by John II. Mclick as a Jewelry Store, and
has on hand a large stock of
of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from
the Custom House, which he is prepared
to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea
sonable terms. Our stock consists of French
Brandy, dark and pale. Also, Peach, Black
berry, Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy; Hol
land Gin, N. h. Rum; Irish, Rye and Apple
Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala
ga, Currant and Champagne iVinc, &c. &c.
Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of all
Demijohns, from to 5 gallons; bottles, and
generally any thing that can be asked for in
our Jine.
Landlords will find it greatly to their ad
vantage to deai with me. I have no hired
agents to sell and distribute liquors for meat
great expense, which must be paid for by the
consumer. Those dealing with me I intend
shall be satisfied with the article they get, as
well as the price, and whenever they are not,
I will be pleased to have them return the
liquor, and make the fact known, for I "in
end to "make it a permanent business, and
can only do so by dealing honorably. AH
orders scut me, by stage drivers or others, will
be promptly attended to, the same as though
the person was present dealing for himself.
July8,1852. P.S. POSTENS.
160,000 SrirF
Just burnt and for sale by the subscriber.
These brick are of a large size and of a su
perior quality, and will be sold as low or
lower according to quality than any other
Brick in the count). A portion of them are
pressed or front brick. Said brick are made
of the bcstniatenal and will stand the fire
with impunity, thus answering for the pur
pose of building Baku ovens, &c. All of
which will be sold as low as any in the
All kinds of Produce taken in exchange
for Brick. SIMON G RUBER.
Siroudebtirg, AigiiKt'l8, I8j3- 1
August Jfjyl. ;iiu
J$00t nub 01)bc
M Tne subscriber respectfuly informs
III his customers and friends that he has
removed his Bool and Shoe Manufac
tory to the store room formerly occupied by
I I. C?:nmnm In Vnrtkimnlnn ct rPol nnp
JOSt'piI Oiyilittii, III nuiiuui.i.Uii wt.i..,
door above Hamilton,, street, and between
Mrs. E. II. Harmony's Millinery and Peter
Pomp's Drug Store.
He has just received a large assortment
of Boots and Shoes, among which are Calf
Congress Boots, Enameled Congress Boots,
Calf Napoleon Boots, Patent Morocco Na
poleon Boots, Brogans, &c. for Getlemen
and Boys.
Also on hand a large assortment of Shoes
for Ladies and Misses. -Women's fashion"
ble Gaiters of every variety, made to order
at short notice. A large assortment of Chil
drens Shoes always on hand. GUM Shoes
of all desctiptions and kinds, which he is
The goods are manufactured of the bes
matertals and in the neatest and most fash
ionable manner. He employs none but the
best workmen about his establishment.
Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto
fore received, every effort will be made to
merit a continuance of ihe same.
Easton, September 16, 1852.
"JORnixaTON G. Snetiien, "Wasli-
ington, D. C, continues to practice
law exclusively in tbe supremptcourt, and
to attend to cases before Congress; to
prosecute claims an settled accounts a
gainst the departments, bureaus, and
boards of commissioners; to procure pat
ents for invention, at home and abroad
and to obtain pensions and bounty lands;
to collect debts, dividends, legacies, and in
heritances in any part of the United states
and foreign countries : to make invest
ments of funds in loans and stocks and
on bond and mortgage, and to negotiate
the purchase and sale of loans, lands and
patent rights in any state of the Union
" illan, Know Thyself."
v . A n Invaluable Bool,
&WU'xO'. M 25 cents. . "Every
C&Sf Jiamuy snouia nave a
100,000 Copies sold
in less than a year
''!' it iVVVV A J:.:
ed and improved, just issued.
Dr. Hunter's Medical Manual and Hand
Book fur the Afflicted. Containing an out
line of the origin, progress, treatment and
cure of every form of disease contracted by
promiscuous sexual intercourse, by self a
buse or by sexual excess, with advice for
their prevention, written in a familiar style
avoiding all medical technicalities, and eve
ry thing that would offend the ear of decen
cy; with an outline of complaints inciden
to Females, from the result of some twenty
years successful practice, exclusively de
voted to the cure of diseases of a delicate or
private nature.
To which is added receipts for the cure 0
the above diseases, and a treatise on thecau
ses, symptoms and cure of the Fever and
Testimony of the Professor of Obstetrics
m Penn. Oullege, Philadelphia " Da Hun
tep.'s Medical Manual." The author o
this work, unlike the majority of those who
advertise to cure the diseases of which it
treats is a graduate of one of the best Col
leges in the United States. It aflords me
pleasure to recommend him to the unfortu
nate, or to the victim of malpractice, as a
successful and experienced practitioner, in
whose honor and integrity they may place
the greatest confidence,
Jos. S. Longshore M. D.
From A. Woodward, M. D., of Penn. U-
mversily, Philadelphia. It give3 me pleas
ure to add my testimony to the professions
ability of the Author of the " Medical Man
ual." Numerous cases of Disease of the
Genital Organs, some of them of longstand
ing, have come under my notice, in which
his skill has been manifest in restoring to
perfect health, in some causes where the
paucnt has been considered beyond medi
cal aid. In the treatment of Seminal weak
ncss, or disarrangement of the functions
produced by self abuse or Excess-of vene
ry, I do not know his superior in the pro
fession. I have been acquainted with the
Author some thirty years, and deem it no
more than justice to him as well as kindness
to the unfortunate victim of early indiscre
tion, to recommend him as one in whose
professional skill and integrity they may
safely confide themselves.
Alfred Woodward, M. D.
" This is, without exception, the most
comprehensive and intellicible work pub
lished on the class of diseases of which it
treats. Avoiding all technical terms, it ad
dresses itself to the reason of its readers.
It is free from all objectionable matter, and
no parent, however, fastidious, can object to
placing it in the hands of his sons. The
author has devoted many years to the treat
ment of the various complaints treated of,
and, with too little breath to puff, and too
little presumption to impose, he has offered
to the world, at the merely nominal price of
zb cents, the Ituit ol some twenty years'
most successlul practice.' Herald.
" io teacher or parent should be withoui
the knowledge imparted in this invaluable
work. It would save years of pain, mortifi
cation and sorrow to the youth under their
Charge." Peonies Aduncate.
A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writ
ing of" Hunter's Medical Manual" says :
I'liousands upon thousands of our youth, bv
evil example and influence of the passions,
hat c been led f nto the habit of self pollution,
without realizing the sin and fearful conse
quences upon themselves and their posteri
ty. The constitutions of thousands who
are raising families have been enfeebled, if
not broken down, and they "do not know the
cauae or the cure. Anything that can be
done so to enlighten and influence the pub
lic mind as to cheek, and ultimately to re-
! .
move mis wioe-sprcad source of human
wretchedness, would confer the greatest
blessing next to the religion of Jesus Christ,
on the present and coming generation In
temperance (or the use of intoxicating
drinks) though it has slain thousands upon
thousands, is not a greater scourge to the
human race. Accept my thanks on behalf
of the afflicted, and, believe me, your co
worker in the good work you are so active
ly engaged in."
One copy (securely enveloped) will be
forwarded, free of postage, to any part of
the United States for 25 cents, or six copies
$1. Address, (post paid) COSDEN & CO.,
Publishers, or Box 11)0, Philadelphia.
fjCBoosellors, Canvassers and Book A
cctiis supplied on tho moat liberal terms.
June 22, 1851. ly.
v- uv . 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 -
wrxBOB's coMPOuiro of v
A urefor Consumption, Scrofula, Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting of
Blood, and all complaints of the
The Proprietor has succeeded (from direc
tions of Professor Stone) in combining the
Oil and Lime so perfectly, that the taste of
the Oil, which is naueseoua to persons gen
erally, is entirely overcome, and it, can be ta
ken by the most delicate females with pleas
ure. And as regards the benefit of this ar
ticle over the pure oil, the following case, by
Prof. Stone, is sufficient to convince the most
skeptical. The young lady was 24 years of
"Her disease was one of unmixed phthisis,
which had been expected to terminate in the
course of a few months, fatally. The upper
part of both her lungs was filled with tuber
cles ; and in some places were beginning to
soften. The case was evidently a bad one.
The treatment of cod liver oil was at first
nsnil. hut without marked improvement. 1 he
phosphate of lime wns then administered with
the oil, and the result, as in the case of many
others, was soon apparent The patient was
rapidly sretting well."
Caution. On account of the great repu
tation of this Compound for all Lung Com
plaints, the subscriber would caution the af
flicted against using any except that manu
factured by him, as he has the only rccipt in
the United States for combining the Pure
Oil with Lime in a proper manner. There
fore, as you value your health, purchase none
except that manufactured by
ALEX'It B. WILBOR, Chemist.
166 Court street, Boston
Sold in Philadelphia by T. V. Dyott &
Son s, and Druggists generally.
For sale in Stroudsburg, by Dr. F. Hoi
November 9, 1854. ly.
And Consumption , pain in the side and
night sweats Astlmia, WhoopwgCough,
palpitation of the heart, Liver coin plaint
Bronchitis, and all diseases of the
throat, lungs and liver cured by Sher
man's All-Healing Balsam.
Mr. Mine, ISuiAlcr, in Broo:yn, was
attached with raising Wood, foowed by
a cough, pain in the side, and a.the u
suaZ symptoms of consumption. Iwfem
pfoyed two of the best physicians; they
did him no good, and tod him he couAl
not live.
Hearing of tbe wonderful cures per
formed by Sherman's Balsam, he sent at
10 o'clock at night to Mrs. Hayes, 136
Fulton street, and got a bottle; it operated
like a charm, stopped the bleeding and
cough ! Before he had taken one bottlo
he was able to be about his work. It had
saved his life. His daughter, residing at
127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it.
Miss Ann Maston, of Williamsburg
living in Tenth, near South Fourth St.,
saj-s That she had been troubled with a
hacking cough, and pain in the chest, for
a long time, which at last become so bad
that she was obliged to give up her school
for more than a year. She then commen
ced taring the All-Healing Balsam
which soon alleviated her symptoms. She
is now fast recovering, and has resumed
her laborious occupation as a teacher.
14 years Mr. John O'Neil, 10th ave
nue and 21st street, suffered with a cough
raising of phlegm, and pam m his side
He could get no relief til he tried the
All-Healing Balsam, which drove the pain
from his side, allayed the cough, and
brought the disease upon the surface; and
before he had taArcn three bottles, was
entirely cured.
Mrs. Baggas, a lady apwards of 70 re
siding 88 Sheriff street, has for years been
subject to attac's of Pleuns, Kaising
of Blood, severe Cough, Shortness
XJrcatn, I'am in tier Head and vanosu
parts of her body. Her frionds believed
past recovery. The All-Healing Balsam
relieved her at once of all her alarming
symptoms, and now she is able to attend
to her work.
Mrs. Lucrctia Wells, 95 Christie st.;
1. S. Bcals, 19 Dclancy street ; W. II
Youngs, 75 Walnut st.; know the value o:
this great remedy.
Ask tor Sherman's All-Healing Bal
sam, and see that his written signature is
on each bottle.
Price 25 cents and SI per bcttlc.
Dr. Sherman's Worm and Cough Lozen
ges for sale at this office.
CHARLES muscii,
(?V Ma
Manufacturer and dealer in all
M9 of furniture, cabinet-ware, coffins, etc
1 at his stand on the Milford road, two
miles from Stroudsburg.
fj--Ready-mode coffins of all qualities
and sizes kept constantly on hand and for
sate at the Jowest cash price.
A hearse on hand at all limes, and will at
tend funerals if desired.
October 20, 1853. ly.
Front Street Wire Manufactory.
-S'ieue, Riddle, Screen, and Wire loth Man
No. 40 fforlli Front Street,
Corner of Coomb's Alley, between Market and Mulber
ry (Arcli) streets.
Manufacturers of superior oualitv Rrass
and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds; Brass and
Copper Wire Cloih for Paper Makers, &c.
Cylinders and Dandy Rolls covered in the
oe3t manner.
Heavy Twilled Wire for Snark Catchers,
Sievs for Hrass and Iron Founders, Screen
Wire, Window Wire. Safes. Trao3. Pish
Covets, Coal and Sand Screens, &c. Fan
cy Wire Work of every description.
The undersicrned hns taken the agency for
the sale of Wright's Celebrated Patent Spring
Mattresses, rfor which tho proprietor received
the first Silver Medul, awarded by the Frank-
in Institute, in 1858,) to which he invites
tho attention of the citizens of Stroudsburg
and vicinity. A saraplo can be seen at the
muse of the subscriber at any time. Price
$.10 in the City.
C. R. ANDRE, Ascnl,
Stroudsburg, Nov. 2, 1854.
List of articles to be found at
S. Melick's Jewelry Sterei
Watches, Clocks, ,anrl
Jewelry, Silver &Brit
tania ware; Spectacles;
Books and Stationery,
fine perfumery, guns &
pistols; gun tubes, locks
and wipers, powder horns, game bags,
hair, tooth, nail and blacking brushes ;
combs, mantel ornaments; lamps; toys;
fine baskets; watch chains and keyspen.
knives: scissors, music boxes, acordions;
port monaies, tooth ppwder, thimbles; gold
pens, thermometers, thread and Duttons,
pinB & needles, counterfeit detectors, ana
other articles too numerous to mention,
and invites the public to give him a call
and sec for themselves.
School books, novels; new books of the
day received as soon as published. Clocksy
watches, and jewelry repaired in tbe best
manner and warranted to give satisfac
tion. Producce taken in exchange. New
goods for the Holidays just received.
Stroudsburg, Dec. 21, 1854.
To Fanners, ftleclmuic, &. Ma
The subscribers ofTer for sale one of the
largest stocks of Hardware ever kept in thei
establishment, consisting in part of the folr
lowing articles.
50 Sett Butchers & Fillotsons Chisels,
25 Witherbeys round face chisels,
500 planes, assorted,
100 sett knives and fork?,
25 dor Butcher knives,
10 " extra self tiped, ivory handle,
50 till locks,
10 " coffee mills,
20 " glass knobs, assorted; 200 smoothing
irons, broad axe?, hatchets, shovels, forks,
spades, circular and strait straw knives, cas
teel; mill, cross cut and circular saws; patent
counter scales and weights ; Tyler & Cobbs
patent haft brace and bits; auger and center
bits; spoke shave, shutter bolts, shuftcr fas
tenings; pulleys; spiral door springs; 1000
rim and carpenters locks; 200 doz. butt hin
ges; 1000 gross screws, assorted ; tenant and
hand saws; nails; assorted grind stones; ro
tary pump fixturae; clover and timothy seed;
beans; dried apples; 300 sacks salt; flour;
fish xc,
Dry Goods and Groceries,
a full assortment, for sale at Burkes j
old stand, Easton, Pn.
Easton, January 20, 1854. 3mo.
The Pocket iEsciilapiiis :
The fiftieth edition
whh one hundred engra,
vings, showing Diseases
& Malformations of the
Human System in every
shape and form. To
which is added a trea
ties on the Diseases of
Females, being of ihe
highest importance to
married people, or those
contemplating marriage.
By William lfoniisr2J. IX .
Let no father be ashamed to present a copy
of the JEsculapnts to his child. It may save
him from an early grave. Let no young man
or woman enter into the secret obligations of
married life withoui reading the Pocket JEs
culapius. Let no one suffering from a hack
nied cough, pain in the side, restless nighs,
nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dys
peptic sensations, and given up by their phy
sician, be another monument without con
sulting the JEsculapivs. Have the married,
or those about to be married, any impediment
read this truly useful book, as it has been thu
means of saving thousands of unfortunate
creatures from the very jaws of death.
Any person sending Twenty fre cents en
closed in a letter, will receive one copy of
this work by mail, or five copies will be sent
for One Dollar. Address, (post paid.)
No. 152 Spruce si. Philadelphia r
July 27, 1851 ly.
1 c, 5SS25S' viA-
The testimony in its favor is over.
whe niing. The proprietors arc daily in
receipt of letters and certifiicatcs, going
to prove its rcmarkab'c efficiency to all
cases of worms, both in chi'drcn and a
du'ts. The rc'icf given, and the immedi
ate improvement of health which follow-
its use, has cal'cd the attention of physi
cians to this artie'e, and the freely re
commend & prescribe it in their practice.
The retail price is 25 cents per vial which
brings it within the means of all.
Brooklyn, L. I. January 16, 1847.
I do certify that I gave one bottle of
13. A.Fahnestock's Virmifugc torn. child,
and in scAcn hours it passed 23 large
worms. Any pcrsondoubting this may
apply for further information at my resi
dence corner of York and Jackson st's.
james McCaffrey.
JPoitghlccepsie, N. Y. March 2, 1S41
I certify, that I took two vials of B. A.
Fahncstock's Virmifugc, which I found
to be the greatest cure for worms I have
over used. I have been troubled with
anc worms for a number of years, andE
have never found so good a medicine as
B. A. Fancstock's Virmifugc I there
fore recommend it.
The public is cautioned - against coun
terfeits and spurious articles, and to nut
no confidence in statements that ' Kolm"
stock's,' and 'S. Fahncstock's Virmifugc,
are the same or as good as the only gen
uine article, which is B- A, Fahnestock's
Ifor sale in Stroudsburg, by T. Schach
fl O AP. -Fine scented Soaps for wash-.
ing and shaving a'so the celebrated
shaving cream, for sa'c by
Stroudsburg, January I, 1S55.