The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, May 10, 1855, Image 3

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    T ? 'F J I" --(--
Graxd Jnnons.
fGilfeSnU'7""'Michael GetZ' nnd Peter
Hamilton. Jacob Hank. Jn men "Ilnrmnn.
Stroud. -Charles Drake, John Huston, and
-iiaam onater.
Tobyhanna. Timothy Wilier.
iTf. Smithfield. George Tomnkins. An
drew Frutchey, and Abraham V. Coolbaugh
nnd John Clark.
Pocono. Peter Edingcr, & Jacob Angle
Eldred. Charles Correll.
Price. Samuel Postens.
Smithfield. Peter Yeisley, and Horacr
Jackson. John Ous'erhont.
Borough Melchoir Spragle, Win. Drchcr
i :i ii i . '
-iunes- omuey, nna mexanuer rowlcr.
Polk. Aaron Heiney.
Petit Junons.
Hamilton. Jee?c Van Buskirk, Charles
-j. xvaiton, Amos House, Adam Kester, and
George Felker.
Price Jacob Price, Simon N. Stright.
Polk. George Dotter, James. Weslbrook,
Cornelius Smith, Paul 13!ose.
Jackson. John Winter, Jacob Bender.
Chcsnulhill Christopher D. Keller, Pa
trick Daily. John Brong,Jacob Greenamoyer.
Smithfield. John Cascbecr, Peter Wolfe,
Henry Trible, John Smith, James Kintner,
'Henry Brotzman.
Tobyhanna. Henry Stoddard. Samuel G.
Eschcnbach, Andrew Eschenbach.
M.Smith field. Mioses Overfield, Frederick
Pocono. John Arnold, Jacob Staufier,
George E. Labor, Peter Schick.
Eldrcd. Peter Klcindop, Edward Engler,
Jonas Serfoss, Jonas Smith."
Coolbaugh. Ilcnrv Whitcsell.
Ross. Peter Rommel.
Stroud. Henry D. Bush, Robert Barry,
William Transue, James Kerr, Jesse Scrib
nor. Borough. Smuuc Roes, Jr., Philip Swart
ood, Richard S. Staples.
jPuradisc.Juhn Learn, Jacob B. Tecl.
Trial List, May Term, 1855.
Abraham Stcen vs. Mat hew S'een.
Heirs of Frederick Wagner, deceased vs,
George Staples.
Philip Hufsmith vs. William E. Edmonds.
-John C. Brigs vs. B?njamin While.
'William James vs. Philip Xcyhart,
...loscpli Zimmerman vs. John Transue.
,'jV S. Wintemute vs. Oliver D. Stone.
; Nicholas List rs. Frederick Deibler.
Steuben A. Hirst is. Abraham Kresge.
Charles S. Palmer vs. Charles Warner.
Argument List Hay 'Term, 1855.
John Merwinc and William Walp, E.vecu-
Friendiy to alfi IVations
The undersigned begs leave to inform
the citizens of Stroudburer. and the -nnh.
iiu Kcueruuy, mat lie baa Inkpn fb
room lately occupied bv John W. Rut
ton, as a Hat & Cap Store, on Elizabeth
street, a few doors below the Tlnm RtftM
-r, .-, V.
oi vr. jj. Hollmshead; and has filled
of every variety and style, and
s prepared to sell the same
on terms that defy competition.
Persons in want of Hats or Caps would Samuel Melick
do well to call and examine his stock be- Gottliet Auraehcr
fore purchasing elsewhere. "Robert Huston, liquor
Ihe public arc informed that he -MU ATitoincSwingbamtnerjliq'r 14
continues the Boot and Shoo Robert JJovs 1 3
the same stand, in all its various branches Wallace & Wycoflf
and is fully prepared to accommodate go do
all who may feel disposed to cive him a H C. Lev.anway
call. (ieorce 11. iUiller
lie has obtained the riht to ninnnfnn. William JSaume'istcr
are Dicks Patent Shank Boots. K- S. Skelton
On hand a splendid lot of Unner?. rnn- S. Staples
dy for bottoms, which will be finished at Restaurants
the shortest notice. Ferdinand Dufofc
E. SKELTON. Jacob Goetz
T. J. Eoberts
The following is a list of the venders
of Merchandise, Restaurants, &c, in tbo
County of Monroe, classed in accordance
with the several Acts of Assembly rela
ting to the same.
Borough of Stroudshirg
John A. Flagler " 14
John DeYouncr. liauor 14
fjt A.
George Malven
Charles 11. AndrQ
John N. Stokes
John W. Ruston
Hirschkind & Adler
P. S. Postens, liquor
Al AN SHI P with Hints nn
Kindred Topics by Win. Hague, 12
mo. joui. rnce, asi.
This is a volume that will interest every
Patriot. In it are developed the relations? of
l fliriaf nmlnm in (l.n ft . 1
Amount. I uuimiuii unu Ulliur
e7 nn pics Peculiurly interesting at the present
v dnv
10 50 it nn.(. it-, i , . ,
7 no lul is a uvciy anu Doauutui
uu Writer on all snhieots. hnl nnrtirnlnrW an -o
7 00 think upon the toDic treated of in.tliis U.
7 00 Its historical sketches are comnrplmnsivp nnH
7 00 brilliant, and it is.a book that cannot fail to
7 00 ooan important service to the reading pub-
I i: Ar -it- . . a l
7 00 U" ' i-;'ironic.
i aney s Uousehold Library, a perpetual
iuuu oi instruction.
runusnra dv
308 Broadway, IVeiv-Yorlc.
In order to accommodate "The People,"
resiouig m an pans oi tne unueu ataies, tne
Publishers will forward by return of the first
mail, any bonk m ihe ffllovvinc list. Th
By Raussc,
7 00
7 00
10 50
7 00
10 00
7 00
10 00
postage will be prepaid by them at the New
lork office. By this arrangement of pre
paying postage in advance, fifty per cent is
io me purchaser. All letters contain
ing orders should be postpaid, and directed
as iollows :
303 Broadway, N. Y
Constitution of Man. By Geo. Combe.
Illustrated by over 500 1 ne 0n'7 Authorized Ameriran Edition.
engravings, 8vb. 1,50. u 20 Kugraxirigs. and a Portrait of the
"The best Juvenile ever issued." ,V 1 Author. Price, muslin, 87 cents.
Independent. Defenrc of Phrenology. Containing an Es-
"Handsomest and cheapest bonk for youth say ,n.lhc nJlt'J and alue of Phrenologi
we have over seen." Rc. Herald. cnl Evidence, also an able vindication o
Parley's Pictorial, a book for home educa-r ennIt)fiy- J5y board,"an. Price, SI
5Iav 3, 1S55.
Joseph L. Keller
Samuel Dichl
Notiea to Tax Collectors,
Tax Collectors are hereby notified to Davi(1 Starner
y unto tbo Treasury without delay, all FideI aglc
lases and Militia tines duo upon Dupli
catcs lor the year lb04 and
years. If those duplicates arc not settled Snmnpi?ffnl-
without delay, certificates of balance will Frnnl- TTollnmlionrl
be bled in the Common Pleas, and exe
cution issued for their collection accord
ing to law.
Com in issioncrs.
April 20, 1S55.
Cash Slusic and Piaao SScre
333 Sroadway, Kuw York.
Peter Kemmcrcr 8
7 7 l.r-7
previous jjilujs emu mcutciics.
cs . 4
Pocono Township.
Brown & Morgan, liquor 14
Jacob Stouffer, liquor 14
Nathan Frantz 14
Keller & Butz, liquor 14
James M. Ildlley 14
Jacob Stouffer . 8
Eldred Township.
50 tion, profusely embellished with fine en;rriv.
00 mSs and put up uniform with the Housc-
nn iiom J.iurary Bio. 1,50.
uw 'I'lin'o r:.,l i :r..i.? r..
flfl I "ul vjuiuaj , a uciiuiiiui iillU ll&eiUi
OOOK Tor Clll irnr. nm onmli tvith mimr finr.
Uu Cllt.o. 19mn fin
Pius Ninth, the lust of the Pones, or the
It. i -
00 Juugmentol Ood upon the Nations. 12mo.
i k in i .(nn i t rr twimraiA k -v h, i . . i . .
00 r ,1 plii -F8 u.u,,,u,,o ",u We regard this volume as one of
00 ?J Ule ,rt'!' de?f5r'bc,J., accordance with important that has been offered to
00 p f!r(;Phec,c f zckiel, Daniel nnd the ic for manv years.-Boston Med.
uu Kevchltions: showinrr l ie imnorlnnf nnsifinn -j
, j uiu uui .
Domestic Life. Thoughts on its Con
cord and Discord, with valuable Hints and
Suggestions. Jiy N. Sizer. 15 cents.
Education: its Elementary Principles
founded on the Nature of Man. Hy J. G.
Spurzheim, M. D. With an Appendix, con
taining a description of the Temperaments.
and an Analysis of the Phrenological Fac
ulties. 8 rents.
the most
the pub
and Sur.
Lectures on Phrenology. By Geo. C
Villi Notes, an Essav on the Phrnnob
10 50
10 50
7 00
10 50
7 00!
uu uniam and America will occupy during and
r n 1 . . ... n
fill I nt thn ntw 1 - It ? r t I
uu t'"u lJl UWIUl COIlIlICl. OVO. nannil- it I XntP nn Knv nn tho Ph,nnlrri..ol
UU Her, 1U CentS. . mn,p nf Invoctinatmn nn1 on Wioil
XIJU aimOSL lllCreaitJlC ntimter Ot lOU.UUU Sk'Ptrh. ltv Dr Unardmnn lil.itlmtnrt
IJUVt; UUU11 SOiO. SI 91
itemu me price anil the hooks ordered Mamaee: its llistorv and Philnsonbv. A
will be received by return mail. For sale Phrenological and Phvsiolop iral lvvurisilinn
by all the booksellers. of the Functions and'Qualifications neces.
EDWARD H. FLETCHER, sary for Happy Martiaces. Illustrated.
117 NassaS st. New York.
April 12, 1855.
IS 53
Opposition to Monopoly Music at greatly
reduced rates.
Notwithstanding the combination of music
dealers to keep up the prices of non-copyright
i&, against the interests of native cornpo
rand their refusal to extend to Mr. Wa
ters of Godfrey Greenswei-, deceased, vs. Jo-j ters lhe courlcsief of.lhe l,;a(le' he 5s makinS
,nns Grccnsweifr.
In the matter of the distribution of the pro
ceeds of the Real Estate of James Hollinshead,
William A. Long vs. Henry Kintz and
Henry Dietrich.
In the matter of the report of a Road View
in Middle Smithfield township.
In the matter of the report of Viewers to
vacate and relay a road in Middle Smithfield.
H. & Wells &Co. vs. Charles Warner.
In the matter of the Auditoris report of the
estate of Benjamin Stroh, deceased.
In the matter of the report of Auditors up
on lhe account of the Administrator of Ben
jamin Stroh, deceased.
Barton Labar vs. David Achert.
In the matter of the Anditors report on
the account of Michael Shoemaker, Execu
tor of David Belleslield, deceased.
In the matter of the report of Auditors in
lhe second account of the Executors of John
Coolbaugh, deceased.
In the matter of the report of the Viewers
on Road in the borough and township of Stroud
Register's Jfotirc.
TSJOTICE is hereby given to all legatees
and other persons interested in the
estates of the respective decedents, that
the accounts of the following estates have
Leen filed in the office of the Begister of
Monroe county, and ivilMje presented for
confirmation and allowance to the Or
phans' Court to be held at Stroudsburg,
in and for the aforesaid county, on Mon
day, the 2&th day of May nest, at 10
o'clock, a. m.
The account of Garret Vliet, Adminis
trator of John Vliet, late of. Coolbaugh
township, deceased.
First account of Benjamin Smith, Ad
ministrator ot Henry Smith, late of Eldred
township, deceased.
Final account of John Arnold, Conrad
Arnold, and Abraham Arnold, Execu
tors of John Arnold, Sr., late of Hamil
ton township, deceased.
Account of Joseph Staples, administra
tor of Jacob D. Frederick, late of Stroud
township, deceased.
Final account of Peter Young, admin
istrator of John Young, late of Eldred
township, deceased.
WILLIAM S. BEES, Register.
B.cgistcr's Office, ?
Stroudsburg, May 3, 1855.
immense sales having abundant evidence
that he has public countenance aud support
iaJiis opposition to the Great Monopoly, and
in his efforts to aid native talent, and to adopt
the national currenc7. His stock of Ameri
can and European music is immense, and the
catalogue of his own publications is one o!
the largest and best selected m the United
States. He has also made a "feat reduction
in the prices of Ploanos, Melodeons and Mu
sical Instruments ol all kinds. Superior
toned b$ octave pianos for 175, 6200 and
S?22o, interior of as good quality, and instru
mentsas strongand as durable as those which
cost 500. Pianos of every variety of style
and price up to 81000, comprising those of
ten dinerent manufactories: amouir them the
celebrated modern improved Horace Waters'
Pianos anu the first premium iolian Pianos
of T. Gilbert &. Co's make, (owners of the
Lolian paleni). Second-hand Pianos atgreat
bargains. Prices from 10 to 150. Melo
deons from five different manufactories, inclu
ding the well known S. D. & II. W. Smith's
melodeons tuned the equal temperament, the
best make in the United State. Prices 45,
S60, S75, 100, 115, 125, 135 and 150.
Smith's Double Bank Melodeons 200. Each
Piano and M'elodeon guaranteed. The best
terms to the trade, schools &c; 12 per cent
discount to clergyman and churches. All
orders promptly attended to. Music sent to
all parts of the country, post-paid, at the re
duced rates. General and select catalogue
and schedule of prices of Pianos forwarded to
any address free of charge.
April 2G, I854.-3m.
John Harter, liquor 14 10
Lynford Troch 14 7
S. I. Berger, liquor - .14 10 50
Joseph liawk, liquor 14 10 GO
David, Christman, liquor 14 10 50
Smithfield Township.
James Bell, Jr. 14 7 00
Abraham Euiigb & Co. 14 7 00
Patrick M. Goney 14 7 00
Daniel Zimmerman, liq'r 14 10 50
Stokes & Drehcr 14 7 00
Brodhead & Brother 14 7 00
A.B. Burrell 14 7 M)
David Shannon 14 7 00
Samuel S. Able 14 7 00
Henrv Peters. ir.&Co.Jio'r 13 15 00
John Dutot 8 5 00
Ten Pin Alley.
Win A. Broadhead, (6 mos.) 15 00
Stroud Toivnship.
Rhodes & Brother 14 7 00
J. S. & H. Fisher 14 7 00
George Bush, liquor 14 7 00
Isaac V. Uoag, liquor 14 7 00
Bush & Hallet, liquor 14 7 00
Staples & Sbivley 14 7 00
Mott Hammersley & Co. 12 12 50
Barnet Cramer, liquor 14 7 00
Middle Smithfield Toivnship.
IVo. 45 SoulEt Second Struct,
Have just opened their Spring importations oi
Cranes. &. &c. 6 rpnts
fncludinsr a general assortment of Millinprv . . Phrenology and the Scriptures
O C3 " -. - -j
Articles of the most fashionable styles.
The above goods have been imported ex
pressly for our Spring sales, and comprise
the largest and best assortment in our line to
he found in this market.
Philadelphia, March 15, 1855.
jo cents.
Memory and Intellectual Improvement:
applied to Self Education and Juvenile In
struction. 1 vventieth llidition Illustrated.
87 cents.
Matrimony; or, Phrenology and Physiolo
gy applied to the selection of congenial com
panions for Life; including Directions to the
Married for living together Affectionately
and Happily. 30 cents.
Phrenology Proved, Illustrated and Ap
plied; accompanied by a chart, embracing
an Analysis of the Primary Mental Powers
m their various degrees of development, the
"henomena produced by their combined
Activity, and the Location of the Phreno-
ogical Organs. Together with a view ol
the Moral and Theological bearing of ihe
Science. Price, 81 25.
Phrenological Almanac. With Portraits.
An a-
By Rev. John
Smiley, Sayrc & Co.
Respectfully inform the citi
zens of Stroudsburf and vi
Ati(lT fl.ftf tlit. Im..n fnltin
IIIJIIJ, llKll till. J MlUt LlltlCII
.Private Sale of a Valuable j
The subscriber wishes to sell at:
private sale a valuable tract of tim-J
i i i r-:i., : Ci-,i i.: ..i
the line of the Delaware Lackawanna and
AVestcrn Hailroad, within three miles of
the Borough of Stroudsburg, containing
l ARE,
well limbered with Chesnut, White-Oak
nnb! Hickor'. It Avill be sold in lots, or
together to euit purchasers. For further
particulars enquire of G. S. Palmer in
btroudsburg, or of the undersigned.
Strcudsburg, April 12, 1855.
the shop lately occupied by. S. A- Bennet, on
Walnut street, opposite the Washington Ho
tel, in the Borough of -Stroudtburg, where
they arc manufacturing Furniture of every
Those in want of FURNITURE are invi
ted to call at their stand. They have always
on hand a large, well made, and fashionable
assortment of furniture. They are provided
with all the new and improved machinery o
the day, and having'skillful workmen, are
enabled to sell good and handsome furniture
ss cheap as can be sold anywhere. The fol
lowing article can be examined at their Ware
Rooms, viz:
Sideboards, Secretaries, Yardrobcs, Bureau
of various patterns, Cupboards of differ
ent kinds, Card, Centre, Side, Breakfast
and Dining Tables, Bedsteads of different
styles and patterns, Washslands, Twist,
Small and Lage J'Aagcre, What-Nols,
Music Stands, lea Tables, luincii Work
Tables, Refreshment Tables, Etashas and
.ugcneral assortment.of Collage Furniture
on hand and made to order.
Ven. E.v. No. 15
Dec. T. 1854.
In the Common Picas of Monroe Co.
Dennitr Bowman and Jacob"!
Bowman, administrators of
John D. Bowrnon, dee'd.
Thomas George and tho ad
ministrators of Nicholas
Strohl, deceased.
And now March 1, 1855, on motion of Mr.
Dimmick, the Court appoint Charlton Bur
nett to report the facts and make distribution
of the balance of the proceeds of Sheriff's sale
The undersigned will attend to tho duties
of the above appointment on Friday, the 11th
day . of Hay, 1855, at 2 o'clock P." M. aj. his
office in Stroudsburg, when and where all
persons interested can attend.
Mahogany Rocking Chairs of various styles,
Parlor Chairs of every description and pat
tern ; Boston Rocking Chairs, Maple Wind
sor and every other article of chairs.
Turning of every kind done at the shortest
notice. Work always warranted.
Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for
Furniture, and cash not refused.
N. B. Coffins made to order at short no
tice. A Hearse in readiness to attend Fu
nerals, at all times.
November 16, 1851. Gm.
The undersigned respectfully informs
the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinty,
that ho has on hand and offers for sale at
low rates good Whoat flour, Raisins,
Prunes, Dried Apples, Dates, Figs, Cit
ron, Tea, Coffee, Cheese, Scgars and To
bacco, Dried Peaches, and a splendid
assortment of Candies.
December 21, 1654.
: 2 j
XAAA FAILING on hnnU and for sale
Stroudsburg, February 15, 1855.
April 5. JS55-
A ijditpr.
For s;to lljis QfTmc .
Charles Shoemaker,. liquor 14 10 50
Miller & Mackey 14 7 00
Ross Toivnship.
Smith & Overpeck, liquor 14 10 50
Smith & Meixsell, liquor 14 10 50
Price, Township.
John Postens 14 7 00
Wilkinsin Price 14 7 00
Hamilton Township.
Jerome S. Williams, liquor 14 10 50
Keller & Hoffedeitz, liquor 14 10 50
PMinger & Marsh 14 7 CO
Lynford M. Heller, liquor 14 10 50
Joseph A. Bossard, liquor 14 10 50
George Lossig . 14 7 00
Charles Saylor ' 14 7 00
Coolbaugh Township.
Brodhead & Smith 10 20 00
II. S. Wells & Co. 7 40 00
G. V. Adams 14 7 00
Seth Kim. liauor 14 10 50
John Rasener 8
'1 'obyharmah Township.
Washington Winter 14 7 00
Jaclcson Township.
Charles Heiney .14 7
John Osterhout 14 7
Polk Township.
Joel Berlin , . 14 7 00
Gilbert & Shafer. linuor 14 10 50
Paradise 'township.
way for Good ci!Fyaneesc
The subscribers inform the trav
eling public that they have taken ology.
ble, though small vvoik,
rierpont. 12 cents.
Phrenological Guide Designed lor Stu
dents of iheir own characters. J5 cents
Self Culture and Perfection of Character;
including the Education and management
of youth. 87 cents.
"Selfmade or never made is the motto
No individual can road a page of it without
being improved thereby. Com, School Ad
Self Instructor in Phrenology and Physi
Illustrated with 100 Engravings;
including a Chart for recording the various
degrees of development. By O. S. and L.
N. FOWLER. In paper. 30 cents; mus-
formerly kept by Kautz & Huntsman, on k" rlfl rpnt
i oucei, uujuiiuijg ivauiza li.aci;- Accidents and Emergencies: A Guide.
" all . i . containing Directions for Treatment in
Their horses and conveyances arc good, Bleeding, Cuts, Bruises. Sprains, Broken
and they are prepared to furnish Cones, Dislocations, Railway and Steam-
Slorscs a Bid Btsgcies, or IIos'SCS boat Accidents, Burns and Scalds, Bites of
and Can-sages Mad Dogs, Cholera, injured Eye's, Choking,
at short notice, with or without drivers. Poison, Fits, Sun Stroke, Lighting, Drawn-
They have on hand a splendid Omnibus, inK &c- Appondip bv Dr. Thrall. 15
and are fully prepared at all times to accom- l'etUS
modate large parties. Bulwer, Forbes and Houghton on the.Wa-
Those wishing Horses and Carriages, are ter Treatment. A compilation of Lectures
respectfully invited to call and suit them Papers on the subject of Hygiene nda
The patronage of the public is solicited.
Stroudsburg, Feb. 8, 1855.
1 J
Hydropathy. Edited by Houghton. Si 25
Consumption: its Prevention and Cure bv
the Water Teatment. With advice concern
ing Hemmorrhage of the Lungs, Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Sure Throat.
By Dr. Shew . 87 cents.
Domestic Practice of Hydropathy, with a
lorm ol a iieport lor the assistance of pa
tients in consulting their Physicians bv cor
mffm W&XUpmn. respondence. By Ed. Johnson, M. D. Si 50
rrors nf Phvsir.inna nnrl nfhorc in th
T- . II p , ! r-v I J ""J III HIU
.iirvwu.., iikl. iMiunu iiiul ui. rrncuce oi rue vvntpr r.'urn iiu i ii
- . .
James nyer, practical and analytical Rausse. From the German. 30 cents.
Chemist, has appointed him agent for the sale Hydropathic Familv Phvsirian
of the celebrated Rcadv Prescriber nnd HvoJonio ArU-icor
- - j . Jn
VDCrry eClOraL wi relerence to tho Natures, Causes, Pre
o c.,r rr. ,i rn 1. r-i.i ui wisc.wbs. trci
t. ; r" : "V " Ul ue' dents and Casualties of every kind; with a
,..i.. .u, wUo.rwU... n MS.1TV. ' a i fi nf r?nntPnr.s nnf In,!.- TI.
lustrated with nearly 300 Engravings. By
Diet and for Rules' Baihing.
87 cents. ;'
Water Cure Manual. A popular Work,
embracing descriptions of the various modes
of Bathing, the Hygienic and curative Ef
fects of Air. Exercise. Clothing. 'Occupa
tion, Diet, Water drinking &c. Together
with descriptions of Diseases, and the.-Hv-dropathic
Remedies. By Dr Shew, 87 rts
Water Cure Almanac. Illustrated; fi cis
Combe's Physiology. Applied to the
Preservation of Health, and to the improve
ment of mental and physical Education.
With notes by O S Fowler. 87 cents.
Chronic Disease: especially the nerrnus
diseases of Hromen. Hy D. Rosen. From
the German. 30 cents.'
Digestion, Physiology of. Considered with
relation to the principles of DietenYa.- By
Combe. Illustrated. 30 cents. ' -
Food and Diet. With observations on the
Dietic Regimen soiled to disordered states
of the Digestive organs; and an account of
ihe iJieteiics of some of ihe Principal Me
tropolitan and other Establishments for Pau
pers, Lunatics, Criminals, Children, the Sick,
etc. By Periera. Si 25.
Kansas: embracing descriptions of Scene
ry, Climate, productions, Soil, and Resour
ces of ihe Territory, interspersed with Inci
dents of Adventure and Anecdotes of Trav
el. Uy Max Greene, 30 cents. ,
Hereditary -Desceni: its Laws and Facts
applied to human improvement. By O o
.' owler, 87 cents.
Maternity; or the Hearing and Nursing, of
Children, including Female Education, By
O S Fowler. With illustrations, 87 cents
Natural Laws of Man. By J G Spurz-
ieim,M D, An important work. 30 cents
Phvsiolosv. Animal auI Menial
Applied to the Preservation and Restoration
of Health of Body and Power of Mind. 11-
ustrated, 87 cents
Sober and Temperate Life- discourses
nd Letters and Biography of LouisConaro
30 cents
Tobacco. Three ZVize Essays, by 2?rs
hrall. Shew and Baldwin, 15 cents
Teeth. lheirStructurc,.ZJisease and Treat
ment. With numerous illustrations, 15 cts
Future of Nations. in what consists it
ecunty. A Jiecture, by lvossuth. . llh
Likeness, 12 ccnt3
What the Sister Arts Teach as to Farm-
iin Address, liy Horace Oreeley, V2
True Basis of Ameriran Independence.
An Address, by Hon Win II Seward, 12 cts
Labor: its History and Prospects- By
Robert Z)ale Owen, 30 cents
Hints towards Reforms. Consisting of
Lectures, Essays, Addresses and other Wri
tings. Second Edition, enlarged By
Horace Greeley, SI 25
Hopes and Helps for the Young of both
sexes. Relating to the formation of Char
acter, Choice of Avocation, Health, Amuse
ment, Musi, Conversation, Cultivation of
Intellect, Moral Sentiments, social lffen-
n'on. Courtship and Aarriage By Rev Cf
S Weave, 87 cents
Human Rights and their Political Guar
anties. Bv Judge Hurlbut With Notes by
Geo Combe, 87 cent.
Home for A'l A new, cheap, convenient
and superior mode of building, containing
full directions for constructing gravel walls.
With Views, Plans and Engraved Illustra
tions- New Edition, revised and-enlarged,
87 cents
Theory of Population. Deduced from tho
General law of .-lnirnal Fertility. Introduc
tion by Dr Trail, 15 cents
oman: her Education and Influence
Py Mrs Huge Reed With an introduction
by jtfrs C M Kirxland: P. 1th Portraits, S7
Either of these works may be ordered and
received by aeturn of the FirsT Mail, postage"
prepaid by the Publishers. Please inclose
the amount in bank notes or postage stamps ,
and address all orders, postpaid, to
303 Proadway, New York.
B. Name your Post Office, County
and State:
Charles Warner 13 10 00
E. S. llollinback 13 10 00
GeorL-e Uurd. liouor -14 7 00
James Wilson, liouor 14 7 00
Charles Transue, liquor 14 7 t.O
P.Dailey & Co. 13 10 00
Haywood & Washman 13 10 00
James Kintz, liquor 14 10 50
Charles Bush, liauor 14 7 00
r a
James Shipman, liquor 14 7 00
Charles Ileinv, liquor 14 ,10 50
James Henry 14 , 7 00
Jerome LTungerford 14 7 00
James M. Ilolley 14 7 00
Daniel Callayhan, liquor 14 7 00
ChestnuthiU 'Forvitship.
Dailey & Tombler, liquor 14 10 50
Charles Tidd. liquor 14 10 50
Charles D. Brodhead - 14 7 00
Lewis Sor, liquor 14 10 50
Itudolph Weisa, liquor 14 1050
John Merwine 14 7 00
The undersigned hereby certifies, that
the above is a correct list of tho Venders
of Merchandise, Re&taurants, &c., in the
County of Monroo, so far as tho same
have como to his knowledge. An appeal
will bo held on Monday, the 28th day of
May next, at the Commissioners Office in
the borough of Stroudsburg, where those
not properly classed may attend.
Mercantile A nvraisvr.
Tanncrsvillc, April 20 1855.
lis well known Cathartic Pills. He has on
hand, in addition to the above, German Worm
Seed, which is an excellent remedy for the
removal of worms.
A full supply of these articles can be had
at his Store, on Elizabeth Street, a few doors
Joel Shew, M D. One large volume of 820
pages, substantially bound. Prjce, pre-paid
by mail. 50
Hydropathic Encyclopaedia; a system of
rimillllt n rwl ll'ir imn rinln nlnn f..
.1 ... II I fl . . C T 1 I " I"" """J .JU 11 JlllUIH., VyWIIKlllllIll- w u i-
auovo uiu Nvuw miuwu -uauery o,. JUCuu ,ifeg of Anatomy , Physiol ogy of the Human
J lit. L II" I ! vmonlrt A rr o n t r c ww I - I r-rt -
lie positively gives no credit, as u nan uc- rnl:nn of iiai,i, n;P,p,i,.s nncl irv.irnn-ithir ui ii :i.i . I .. -j-'r
uuiiiu uu luoiiiuiiuuii; uc wuti Ha uiipiutiLduiu tu i Cookery, Theory and Practice of Water
uo so.
Quick sales and small profits is his motto.
Stroudsburg, February 8, 1855. ly.
The Co-Partnership heretofore existing
between Isaac II. Loder and David Bowl
by, in the Cabinet business, is dissolved
Stroudsburg, Feb'y 23, 1655.
N. B. The business will be carried on
hereafter by David Bowlby, at the old
stand, where persons wishing to buy
will find a good and general assortment,
and a little cheaper than elsewhere. The
subscriber feeling thankful for past favors,
respectfully asks a continuance of- public
patronage, feeling the utmost confidence
in being able to render satisfaction, both
in quality and price.
March 1, 1855.
In (he Orphan's Court of Monroe Co
In the matter.of the final account of Jacob
Bibbing and Anthony Sebring, Executors of
Jumes Cisbing, deceased.
February 28, 1855, the Court appoint Charl
ton Burnett, auditor to examine and if occa
sion require resettle the eaid account and
make distribution.
The undersigned will attend to the duties
of his appointment on Saturday, May 12th,
18uo, at his omcc in Stroudsntirg, at 10 oV
clock A. M. when and where all persons in
terested can attend if they see proper.
1 April 5, 1855,
Treatment. Special Pathology and Hydro
Thernpeuties, including the Nature, Causes,
Symptoms, and I reatoient of all known Dis
eases; Application of Hydropathy to Mid
wifery and the Nursery. Designed as a
Guide to Families and Students, and a Text
Book for Physicians. By R. T. Thrall, MD
Illustrated with upwards of 300 Engravings
and Colored Plates. Substantially bound.
Prepaid by mail, S3 00.
This is tho most comprehensive and pop
ular work yet- published on the subject ol
Hydropathy. Of all the publications which
have attained such a wide popularity, as is
sued by Powers & Wells, perhaps none are
more adapted to general utility than this
rich. Comprehensive and well arranged En
cyclopaedia. iV. V. Tribune.
Practico of Water Cure. Containing a
detailed account of the various processes
vsed in the Water Treatment, etc. By Wil
son and Gully. 30 cts.
Philosophy of Water Cure. A Develop
ment of the imn principles of health and
longevity. By Balbirnie. 30 cents.
New Hydropathic Cook Book. By It- T.
Thrall, M. D. A system of Cookery on Hy
diopaihic principles, containing an" Exposi
tion of the true relations uf all Alimentary
Substances to Health, with plain Receipts
for proparing all appropriate Dishes for Hy
dropathic establishments, vegetarian Board
ing Houses, Private Familios, &c. It is
the Cook's complete Guide for all who "oat
to live." Paper. 02 cents: Muslin, 37 cts
Science of Swimming. With instruction
to Learners. Illustrated, 15 cents.
Water Cure m America. Over 300 cases
of various diseases troatcd with Water.
With cases of Domestic Practico, fcl So.
Wator Curo applied to every known dis
. .in. .mn1nfn ilnmnn.
ease. s new i usury. - ""'i'"'"'
straticnof tho advantages ol the Jiydropatlm;
system of curing diseases; showing also the
fallacy of tho Allopathic Method, and lis ut
ter inability to effect a pcrrri.inont cure. .
Willi Appendix, containing tho Hydropathic
The partnership in the Mercantile business,
between James II. Stroud and Charles R. An
dre, as the firm of Stroud & Andre, is this
day dissolved.
Stroudsburg, Sept. 15, 1854.
N. B. The subscriber would hereby in
form his old customers and the public in gen
eral that he continues the Mercantile busi
ness at the old stand, on the corner, opposite
the American Hotel, and in addition to hi
former stock has just received and is now
opening a choice lot of
IPixll and ViaUer Goorts.
selected from the City markets, among which
may be found a varied assortment of Ladies
dress goods, to wit: Fancy plaid and stripe,
Delanesand Cashmeres; Galla plaids, French
Merinos, wool Delanes, Alpacas and Coburgs,
dress trimming, assorted; under sleeves and
chemizettes; Jaconet and Swiss edging; bhxck
and fancy cassimercs; sattinets from 37A up;
Kentucks, fancy plaids for Boys wear;"red,
white and yellow flannels of every grade;
Welch do.; Shaker do.; plain and figured do.: '
oil cloth for tables, stair and carpets do.; ami
a full assortment of Yankee notions; lining
and dress silks.
Crockery ware, tin xvare, and a full assort
ment of hardware, carpenters tools, &c. slas3
and nails; also a hue lot of cheap
1. j a x .M
hams and shoulders; fresh lime ; trdffirgq
coarse and fine salt, fish, &c. A large lot of
jSools nnd Shoes:
l-Mens' heavy boots andbro--ans, water
proof calf do.; box'?, youths and childrens; la
dies kip, calf, enameled and kid boots; bus-
Mns and gaiters; misses and childrens do.:
ladies and misses gurns; mens and boys do.:
in fact every thing comprising a full country
assortment, all of which will be sold choap
tor cash or produce. Call and see for your
selves. C. R. ANDRE.
Stroudsburg, October 5, 1854.
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween Geo. IT. Miller ami Alexander
Fowler, under the firm of Milter if- i-i-
o u this day disolved by limitation.
All persons mdcDtcn co saui nrm wil
please call on cither of tho undersigned
tor sctttemeuii wimoui ui:i,ij, . m.
Vpril 2, 1S55.
N. B. The business will bo continued
at tho same place by
Attorney at Law,
Offico on Elizabeth street, formerly oc.;
eupicd by Wm. Davis, Ear.
May, lrtl.
?;;sfe', iiififiiMaflifiitfrlililfii! m mm m J