The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, May 10, 1855, Image 2

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    i)c JclTcvsoniQti.
THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1855.
Easton and Stroudsburg- Telegraph.
"Vc learn that the bill charleriug this
Gompany ha3 passed both branches of the
Legislature, and received the signature
of the Governor. The route between this
place and the Delaware "Water Gap, has
been staked out, and the contractors,
will, in the course of a few days, com
mence setting -the Poles. It is expected
the line will be in operation by the first of
This place was visited by a severe frost
lat evening. In many places, ice, the
thickness of a knife blade was formed.
Late Arrival. I5ew Goods.
The public's friend, C. R. Andre, has
on hand at his Store, in this Borough, a
.arge and ?plendid lot of Goods, which he
is dealing out to customers, who daily
throng his Store, at very low rates.
5Thc public schools of this Borough
nro now in successful operation. In be
half of the board of School Directors, we
lender an invitation to parents and otb
t rs to visit the same and become acquaint
1 1 with the manner in which they are
The New York Tribune of the 30th
ult., publishes a letter from Paris, (Ky.,)
which gives araost shocking account of
the maltreatment of slaves by a lady of
wealth and'po'rition maltreatment so es
quisitively brutal, that even the conscience
of a slave-community could not overlook
it, though the aespotism over the local
j journals prevented the latter from bring-
Jm.t if fn lrllf ......... .f i!.. 1
a iiu nil in u ui nio lauy was
Mrs. Lewis and one of the victims of the
lady's cruelty is a slave named Sarah, a
grown woman, reported as the mother of
children.- bhc was stripped entirely naked
by the directions of Mrs. Lewis, and her
heels tied up to a tree about four or five
feet from the ground. The mistress then
directed one negro man to force a pump.
and a negro woman to direct a stream of
cold water from a hose against the help
less slave; while the lady pelted her with
stones till she was tired, and then burnt
her badly in several places, including the
most sensitive parts of the body, with hot
irons. The sufferings of the other slaic
were of equal intensity, and, similar in
their nature. The law of Kentucky pro
vides that slaves cruelly maltreated shall
be sold bv a court, and in tli-s mi f)in
law was carried out.
Land Warrants.
Thompson's Reporter gives the follow
ing rates at which, it believes, Land War
rants will range for the future :
Prom now to July, one dollar per acre.
August and September,
October and November,
A riot occurred among the Irish at
"Woraelsdorf, above Reading a few davs
no. The .rioters have burned several
l ouses and bares, and ten to fifteen hor-t-?;?
and mules have perished in the flames.
The Reading
5 to 90 cents
per acre.
'tS to 80 cents
per acre.
When winter sets in they will fall to the
vicinity of about sixty cents -per acre. In
the summer and autumn of IS5G, should
the money market be easy, they will a
gain advance from 60 to 70 cent3 per a-
ere, but in the following winter, the mar
ket will be acorn overstocked ana thev
will fall even below 00 cents. Those
who wish to purchase Warrants at the
lowest point should have an eye on Jan
uary, February and March, 1657. The
quotations at present arc :
S105 for 100 Acre Warrants.
62 A for SO Acre Warrants.
84 for 40 Acre Warrants.
Foreign News.
Arrival of the Steamship Asia.
Halifax, May 7, 10 P. M.
The Royal Mail Steamship Asia. from
Liverpool, arrived at her wharf at 10 o'
clock to night, bringing dates from Liv
erpool and Loudon to the 28th ult.
The Asia sailed from Liverpool on the
evening of the 2Sth.
The advices from the Crimea arc to the
10th from Lord Raglan, and from the
Russians to the 22d. The bombardment
of Sebastopol continued without any de
cisive results.
The Vienna Conference having utterly
failed, the appearances indicate only a
protracted war, and hence advices from
the Crimea are anxiously looked for.
The inauguration of the French Indus
trial Exhibition has been postponed to the
1 0th or loth of May.
The Peace Conference.
Since the breaking up of the Vienna
Conference there have been- several sup
plementary meetings of the four parties,
without any result. The Plenipotentia
ries assembled on the 23d, and signed a
protocol of the last conference. Subse
quently another meeting of the Four Pow
ers was had at the request of Prince
Gortscbakoff, when further inadmissible
propositions were made by the Russian
Plenipotentiaries, and rejected by the
representatives of France England and
" England.
Q'he general topic of public opinion in
England is that the war must continue for
a lengthened period.
The London Times speaks of the poli
icy of the new Czar as more audacious
than his predecessor, and is so regarded
throughout Enropc.
Nothing definite is known relative to
proceed to the Crimea, to take command
of the Allied Armies, but it is'not gener
ally credited.
It is officially reported thathc Em
peror's departure to. the Crimea is post
poned for n short time.
General Forcy lias been appointed com
mandant at Algeria.
Commercial Intelligence.
Liverpool Cotton Market, April
27. The circular of Brown, Shipley &
Co. report the Cotton Market active dur
ing the week. The sales foot up
bales, including 3.1,000 bales to specula
tors, and 10,000 bales to exporters.
Prices have advanced from 1-1 Gd, to id,
but fair and middling qualities have ad
vanced nfost. Orleans fair 0d.; Middling
5 5-1 Gd.; Uplands fair, ojf d.; do. middling,
5 3-lGd.
Biieadstuffs. Brown, Shipley & Co.
quote Breadstuff's as having considerably
advanced, with a buoyant market. Flour
has advanced Is. Gd. a 2s.; Wheat, Gd. a
Sd.; Corn, 3s. The quotations are
Western Canal Flour, 3Ss. a 42s. Gd.;
Ohio, 43s. a 45s. White Corn, 45s. Gd.
a 4Gs.; mixed 4Gs. Gd.; yellow, 46s. Gd. a
47s. The market closed steady.
Sam's Sale of Valuable Political Relics.
The follov.iug, which we copy from a
late number of the Henderson Courier, is
about one of the Richest things of the
season :
consisting of
but this is not credited.
The details of news from Sebastopol
itate that up to April I4th, the bombard-
tllfnt fr.nti rinnrl niirlif nnil Anrr frnm firo
Under the yard of the Washington Ho-1 hundred guns, cadi firing one hundred
mm, rimaucipnin, a jeau pipe nas uccu and twenty rounds every hours. The
By virtue of a decree, rendered at the
Inst term of the Court of '7G, I, as com
missioner, will proceed to sell at public
auction to the highest bidder, attiie Court
louse door, in the city of Henderson, on
the first Monday of August nest between
the hours of sunrise and sunset, for prin
ciples in hand, all the property belonging
to the late Whig party of Kentucky, de
ceased, consisting of and invioccd to me
nAu;. r i i as lonows. to wu : une "Obsolete uiea
impression is that it is7avorable to the of a national bank five badly damaged
allies, but the Russians return the fire in ,0S cabinto which are attached throe
a spirited manner jeoon skins in tolerably good oruer rather
. i . ? . , hndlv nepd in tho Mi.inninn nf 1840.
i aesnaten received nt ijrusseis re- - j. " - vo
ports a suspension of the bombardment,
Death of Martin Van Buren, Jr.
Martin Van Buren, Jr., died at Paris
on Tuesday, the 20th March. A large
number of Americans accompanied his
remains to their temporary resting place
in the cemetery of Montmaitre. The de
ceased had for a long time been wasting
under the blight of consumption but his
death was so sudden as to surprise even
those friends who had despaired of his
recovery. He had seated himself at the
dinuer table, when his head fell forward
on his breast and he expired without a
word, without a groan.
We have dfltes from Salt Lake, Utah
Territory, to the first of March. The
nnws is unimportant, except as relates to
the uuamiable temper which the report of
the appointment of Colonel bteptoo to the
Governorship had produced in Brigham
Young Brigham rants and raves over
the prospect of his removal, and abuses
the United States officers that have been
sent to the Territory in the filthiest lang
uage. There is considerable cunning ex
hibited in the following passage extracted
from a speech made by Brigham to "the
If the gallant gentleman who is now in
our midst had received the commission
of Governor of this Territory as was re
ported, and had accepted it, I would have
taken off my hat and honored thc ap
pointment; and this people would have
been just as passive and submissive to
him as ever they could be to me. This
I will warrant and vouch for.
But for a man to como here and in
fringe upon my individual rights and priv
lieges, and upon those of my
will never meet my sanction, and I will
scourge such an one until he lees: I am
after him. But I will say, to the praise
of the rrallant crcntleman referred to. if
there was going to be a gentleman called iened fr ear tIlat the love-philter would
"The Oldestostmacter in the United States.
Tho Balti more Sun gives a list of tho
olde3t Postmaster in the United States, at
the head of which stands the name of John
Bickel, of Jonestown, Lebanon county,
Pennsylvania. In a letter to thcrPost Of
fice Department he speaks of his appoint
ment as follows :
"My father's name was John-Bickcl,
and I was commissioned 'John Bickel, jr.'
My father was in the revolutionary war,
and lived to be eighty-nine years old.
He died about nine years ago. I was ap
pointed Postmaster under Jefferson's ad
ministration, by Gideon Granger, on tIo
the 23d of September, 1802, so that I
have held the office fifty-three years next
September. I am now eighty two years
old, and do alljny business myself."
-When rotati in office ha3 become so
general with both parties, it certain
ly speaks loudly for the man's integrity
and capacity who remains in office over
half a century through every change and
under all parties.
Funny and Remarkable Case of Super
stition. At the Police Court at Hull, England.
April 11, a young girl named Hannah
Banks, swore a child upon Jonathan Wat
kins, and several of the circumstances of
the case provoked considerable laughter.
It appeared that both defendant and com
plainant were servants to Mr. Lorrimery
a neighboring farmer, and that on one oc
casion Hannah procured a toad, had it
roasted, pounded it to powder, and intend
ed to mix it up with the defendant's food,
for the purpose of making him "love her.''
The toad was roasted alive before the fire
brethren. ! ky Martha Stark, one of the witnesses,
and watkin s sister was likewise aware
of the circumstance. Watkins who had
previously conquered Hannah's chastity
when he heard of this plan got fnght-
frjr companies including the Light Ar-j found 5 inches in diameter, with a mouth j 3laincion tower had been Mlence'd
t.iiory company, mnrcnea to tne scene ol viVKK3 111 UJt- tunar oi iue uoiej, leaumg io
the riot. Much excitement prevails in
Calico Manufacture. A manufac
turer informs tho editor of the Provi
dence Tribune, that calico enough is man
ufactured daily in Rhode Island to make
ieach female in the State a dress.
Pennsylvania Legislature,
The Final Adjournment. JLkclio7i of
Senale. -The bill relative to the mode
of voting in Northampton county was re-
orted from the Committee of Conference
and adopted.
The bill to extend the privilege of the
Pennsylvania Land and Marble Company
was passed.
At 10 o'clock Speaker Heister resign-
d the chair, with a feeling and
j j ine address.
The Senate then went into an
i r Speaker, and on the ninth ballot Wil-i township, had died very suddenly and on-
li; m Piatt (Democrat) was elected. j 'J a few days apart,
The Speaker elect was then sworn in
ty Mr. Flenniken, and at 11 o'clock the
h hto adjourned sine die.
House. A resolution was introduced
a no
ome of the round tower guns dismantled.
but the Redan and Gasden batteries still
keep up a heavy fire. There was no im
mediate prospcct of an assault.
Dnrinor thn nilif nf t!ir 7 -1 1 1 n mnsf
secured to the wall, and upon the ground sanguinary battfe raged between the
around it a number ot tiuman bones. i?ri, ,a T;,ne ;,. ti..
j - viivh o.btt'JbKI Ub 111 II lilbU I Uj
a vault of strong masonry about fourteen
feet distant, in which were a dilapidated
desk, a crucible and a finger ring; but the
strangest discovery of all was a ring bolt
Rroiirli fiA Tnscinnc
Surmises of some dark and cruel mystery jor destroyed theVvussian rifle ambu,cadc
are of course excited by these discoveries. ; rrnn, nf j10 Vnini-nfl- !n,P
Mysterious ASair Unravelled.
On Thursday, week before last, Peter
"PF- 53ldj,Esq-' Vrofc'in At.tornJ of War learns that the Allies were still ad
j County, received information from two: vanci nJ consolidatim: their position.
in iront ol me .uainkon tower
April 17th. A despatch to the French
Government says that the fire of the
French batteries maintains its superiori
ty. They have also sprung a mine before
the flagstaff batterv. at the distance of
fifty meeters, thereby opening a new par
allel, which has been successfully joined
to the others. From the 12th to the 14th,
the French loss was 300.
April 19th. The French Minister of
One barrel of hard cider, made on the
farm of Harrison in the same year. One
battle-ground stick, cut from the field of
Tippecanoe, about the same period, which
has been in the possession of many emi
nent hig politicians, from that day to
the present. A part of the tariff act of
1842 and the whole of the bankrupt law
passed by this party in the same year.
The remaining principles of this party,
confuting of internal improvements, reas
onable protection to American interests,
cons crvntif m", &c, &c, being expressly
reserved for my own private and family
I will further expose to sale, at the same
time and place, and on the same terms,
the various Democratic platforms, which
have been adopted by this defunct part
at Baltimore and elsewhere, from the days
of Jacksonism to the present time. Some
of these present a very varied and curious
display of Mosaic work, particularly the
one of 1852, which is partly of an ebony
color, singularly inlaid with a sufficient
quantity of white to give it, on the whole,
roasting the
iimn fn hp mir ftnwmnr fWn is ?mf n really maks him 'affectionate" her and
man under the Kingdom of God that lIeft thc house. He was obliged to settle
would listen to sooner, and fell more con-M01 t,)C bab"' an(1 tl0 two fiir,-" Hannah
fidence and cordiality toward, than to him. d Martha, were severely reprimanded
I wish this meed of praise could be award -! J ',c
od fn pvrrr nffippr in flirt Govornmpnf. bnf!a"VC
it cannot. We have some of the most
corrupt, damnable, mean curses here that
ever disgraced the earth some who even
wish to carry the holy sanctuary in one
hand and a iuir of wiskey in the other,
and follow a-
and have a saint trail
A knowledge of our duties i3 the moa
useful part of philosophy.
At the Parsonage, Ccntrevillo, Mt. Beth
el, on Saturday March 24th, by thc Rev.
m. i. woou, iur. rrancis omuu ana
behind him to hold up their garments to'
prevent their drabbling.
Notwithstanding thc ambiguity in this hi:ss Susan Smith, both of Mount Bethel
speech one feature stands ma clear and j Qn b Rcy J
palpable Brigham plainly intimates that Mr Jamcs W. Vnnaukcn, of Mil-
nn lnfflvlrtrnrirtn TTfh Ainvmnti nucf r o Trill . . . .
ford, Pike county, and Miss Susannah H.,
daughter of Henry Albert, Esq., of Mon-
no interference with Mormon customs will
be submitted to, whether it proceeds from
the United States government, or any oth
er source. Time, however, will test this
resolution. Nothing 13 clearer to our
minds than that Mormon polygamy will;
yet be suppressed: and the sooner the j
"saints" realize the imminence of this re- '
suit, thc better for them
couut v.
jcitizensof Lower 3Jt.Betheltowmhif ,thatj0n th? night of "thc 17t
clccuon tbree children of Simon Ke,nmel,of that ;nadc a SQrti but
rf il! fntrnclnn Mr. r rion vcrp cnnrinrilT inrl on. I . . '
and uuder
stances of so strange a character, as
ihunking Governor Reeder of Kansa-, for
1 h faithful adherence to the old land
marks of Republican liberty, in defend
ing the purity of the ballot "box against a
lawless mob of Missourians, and bidding
1 m a cordial welcome to his family and
i. lends.
After a brief debate, in which 3Icssr.
Lnportc, Chamberlain, and Cummins
cireu in
j cause tne greatest excitement among ttie
j inhabitants of that vicinity. Mr". B. gave
information to tho Commissioners, who,
upon consultation, directed him to inquire
into all the circumstances of the case and
report to them.
From all the information obtained, it
appears that, a few davs since, a daugh
ter about two years of age, of thc person!
above named, was fir.-t taken sick, and
h, the Russians
were promptly
Prince GortschakofFs account of the
same date says the fire of the Allies was
growing lesa violent, and that the Rus
sian batteries replied successfully. On
thc. night of the 17th, a successful sortie j
was made, aud the enemy's most advanced j
Sale of Chinese women in California.
Thc San Francisco papers say that Ah
Tyo, who was the first Chinese female
f!fifr irrit?nl In nllfnrnio in 1 SHO nnfJ
somewhat of a spotted, streaked appear- L alwavs bccn eneaacd there in the
ntss n ft rn liinli linn frx n w f ri I I u
,u, uuu i , V uu uavu" brothel business, recently sailed for chi-
l"1 VJ ou.U rut,.u v ...i Qa f)r anothcr oad of ffirl3- This woman
cut from thc soil of the
tho Virginia resolutions of '98
and somewhat
though a good deal worn
funky, having been construed to mean
i l.
I h rni irri if. frnm fMfrr n Trrnr rtcm oirrlif wn
iiuiuiiiuu, auu i.ut t.j t ,i r r .j.i
" ', . , LUCLI tllUl 1I.IU UUlUUUiVU 1UI iUi IV UQI
irhmh .
lars each. Their passage cost her 880
each. She has from time to time sold
a rmf Jirr clortl- nf thn ritn nf Q1 flflflfnCl
tight place, as they did originally cover
a good deal of ground.
however, as the most
John Sandt of Plainfield
called to see her. It was evident from
the Doctor's statement, that the child was
taken very ill and died from an effusion
of fluid on the brain. A few days sub-
nnrinna ennnnnan
"111 it . 1 .1
trnt-Vc ri.oCfrr.ri tu nf(u .... De a norinern man witn southern
VlhJLAUE,i. 111. I 1 1 i I .1 111 I III: II .1 I I
r;fl rlnrln tha fn,r- or-c i ! pn 3ci pies bei ng an individual whose
inconsiderable " j countenance and complexion changes to
The latest accounts from Gortscbakoff 'f th,e company or society he may be in,
are to the 22d. They tate that, after Jnd who T,!l Perfor!n thl3 nst singular
twoK-n iluv Un,m,,nf dm f tuJ at on the day of sale, if so required. 1
townslnpnijj- i.:ini nf, ,.ncn,i t,. ,;, will also offer the identical breeches for-
iri r ( m ml 4 !
500 each, to Chinese merchants and gam-
v hat 1 regard, of th(J ofc remainin at eS00 eacb Th
women dare not resist in these transac
tions, so much are they in dread of their
tyrannical countrymen.
participated, the resolution was a"reed equently, a second daughter, aged about
to unanimously yeas 75 nays none. war years, died very suddenly, without
The usual resolutions of thanks to the
anv nhveician secir)."1 her. and a few davs
i a ' j
after this, a third daughter, seven years
of age, was added to the hat of deaths.
She, it eppears from the statement of her
officers of the I7ou?e were adopted.
The Speaker informed the House that
the Governor had signed the Appropria-! tstep-sieter, had been quite well half an
hour before, and had been left aione with
her mother thc stcp-siiter having been
sent on an errand, and on her return.
tun Bill, and also the bill for the sale of
tie Main Line.
TLe speaker then addressed the House,
nt'l an adjournment sine die took place.
Philadelphia Municipal Election.
'Ihe Philadelphia papers, in revising
tiitir election returns, elect both Mr. Mor
t m and Mr. Hill, the candidates of the
American party for City Treasurer and
City Commissioner. The former has a
majority of about 400 votes snd thc lat
fr about 200. Thc Select Council con-
v.-U of twenty-four members, of whom
found the girl dead in bed her head and
thc pillow upon which she was lying be
ing quite wet. The Commissioners, on
receiving this information, and knowing
of the excited coudition of tho:c who re
side in the viciuitv, and their determina
tiorf to have tho matter thoroughly inves
tigated, appointed Dr. C. C. Field, of this
place, to meet Dr. John Sault, of Plain
field township, and Dr. Seem of Lower
u a mage.
The Magnetic Telegraph is now com
plete from London to the Crimea, except
a few miles between Bucharest and Rust
chuck, but thc British Government re
tains the exclusive use of it.
The Russian Dukes, Michael and Ni
cholas, are again on their way to thc
Menschikofi" is not dead, as was reported.
The Berlin correspondence says, it
hardly admits of a doubt that an approx
imation has taken place between the Aus
trian and Prussian Courts, which bodes
no good to the Western Powers.
The Baron Hesse, with his whole staff,
is to proceed to Gallicia, May 2d, but on
ly to review the Austrian army which, he
states5, cannot be ready to take thc field
before August.
The Overland MaiL
A Shaiccr of Worms. The Courier dc
Lyons mentions that recently near Bour-
goin, France, a considerable number of
black worms, nearly half a foot long, came
down at thc same time as a heavy fall of
snow, it is supposed that thev were car-
ried up into the air from the mountain,
of Dauphme, by some kind of whirlwinds
and then fell as described.
EoTvn on the Boators.
(Successor to Staples & Row.)
fryt proprietor respectfully informs
H If the citizens of Stroudsburg and sur
rounding country, that he has taken
thc shop of Messrs. Staples & Row, on
Walton street, in the Borough of Strouds
burg, where he will be happy to receive
orders for Blacksmithing of all descrip
tions. Having had a thorough experience
in his business, he feels no hesitanccy in
assuring the public that he can give en
tire satisfaction in every department of
his occupation. Every article ordered
will be niadc in the most workmanlike
manner, of thc best materials ; and horse
shoeing and repairiug of all kinds will bo
promptly attended to. His terms arc
Cash, aud being determined to do work
at low rates, and to keep none but good
articles, he hopes to receive the patron
age of a discrimating public. A number
of Wagons, well finished, on hand, which
will be sold cheap.
May 10, 1855.
BliRLET skeaf' kotM
193 A. Second St.. a few doors below Vine,
1'h iladelph ia.
G. IS. ISSUER, Prpriccsv
(Successor to M. Watson.)
The present Proprietor having
llll J "-'J tiiin tmu Ul
the wants ot the community, would
Whigs and
twelve hold over. These consist of nine
Americans and three Demo-
Of the twelve members elected on
Tuesday, four ran on the American tick
et and eight on the Whig and Democrat
ic Reform ticket. The Common Council
consists of seventy-seven members, all of
whom are elected annually. To this
branch the Americans have now elected
thirty-nine members and their opponents
i uirty-eight members. If classed accord
ing to the old political names, there are in
the Councils fifty-six Whigs and forty-five
Mount Bethel, to make a po:t-mortcm ex-j Thc Overland Mail has been tclegraph
aminatioa of the body, and a chemical . cd from Marseilles. The Shanghai dates
analysis, if the cause of death could not arc to the 9th of March.
The official returns of the late municip
al election in Philadelphia show that the
number of votes cast is 9,000 less than at
the Governor's election in October last.
The following are the returns for the two
principal city officers voted for on Tuesday
uy treasurer,
Maj. for Morton 422
City Conwiissione-r.
Maj. for Hill 197
It is the opinion of thc doctor tliat thc
the lawyer gets his living by plunder,
while the lawyer thinks that the doctor
obtains hi bv.age.
be discovered without it.
These gentlemen made a thorough and
minute examination of the body ou I'ri-
day last, and it was clearly evident to all
of them that the deceased came to her
death in consequence of an engorgement
of live vessel of the brain, and an extrava
sation of blood into its substance. There
were no external marks of violence, aud
no internal derangement, except tkos'e
mentioned previously. During the time
the examination was going on, a large
number of persons had assembled to at
tend the funeral, all of whom were much
excited in consequence of (he sudden, and
to them, my.-terious deaths alluded to.
After the report of the physicians, how
ever, they were all satisfied. Jyiston Argus.
JTJf3 Counterfeit 10s on the Princeton
Bank, altered from genuine 2s,, are in cir
culation. The vignette is a drover buy-
-a child s head on thc lower
ing .cattle
right corner.
A Costly Dress. The Empress of
the French has presentcd?to the Empress
ol vvusiria a, aress valued at zvv.vvv i
i.francs, or about 840,000. j
Persia is openly in" arms, in adhesion
to Russia.
Trade in India is dull, and money
Thc Chinese insurgents have evacuated
Th ratification of the American treaty
with Japan was completed at Simodd,
Feb. 2ht.
Sir George Grey stated thaC authority
had been given to the Governors of the
British American Provinces to enlist men
for thc regular army, not for thc foreign
Notices have been given in Parliament
of a motion for a decimal coinage, and to
unite in a Congress to establish a uniform
decimal system throughout thc world.
Some interest has been excited by a
report that the American squadron was
about to make a demonstration against
Cuba. Tt is not thought that a war be
tween Spain and America would essenti
ally add to the present complications of
Luropean politics.
The English ship Croesus, from Gcjioa
for thc Crimea, with Sardinian troops, has
been burned at sea, without loss of life.
It is still reported that .Napoleon will
merly in the possession of Mr. Marcy, and
which it wjll be recollected tho govern
mcnt were at cuarges in the sum ot nitv
cents for patching. I will also, without
reserve, proceed to sell all and singular
the interest which both parties may have
in the foreign votes in this countn", and
wliirh lins horn in flirir nns.ofission at dif-
fcrent times during thc different Presidcn- 1 he. Legislature of this State has passed j most respectfully solicit a continuance of
tial campaigns. This has been in days tIlc ill regulating the fees of Physicians j the former patronage, and pledges himeU
gone bv esteemed of much value, and for and ourgeons lor post mortem cxamina- nothingshallbc wanting on his part to "ivc
wnicn the highest prices have oecn paid. uuuwcu ior mo per- the most pcrtcct satisfaction to all. The
There will also be shown a very singular formance of this responsible and disagree- table will be sunnliod with tho ho't in tho
specimen taken lrom the ouarrv ot the uulJ li3 cn xonars. What will the' market .mil nnt himr v.-lll ), ,nrt
extreme southern Democratic party, but Medical Societies of the State that have J that will contribute to the comfort of hid
it has long been in the cabinet of John esiaunsnca the lee at l wenty JJolIar?, say j guest.
t II 11 rill 1 1 i lsriar(-t4n.. JI. . 1 l- i 1 a..
kj. uainoun. J his is also said to possess tu 11,10 luiuiiuiuncy m uie practice oi tneiri Stabliu"- for over 100 Horses
some repulsive and explosive properties, mcmoersi ihe next thing we presume, (yard large and commodious.
and-onee obtained a notoriety m showing WI" 1)0 a to regulate thc price ot aha
the power of forces, or rather the effect Vlng aut Hair-cutting
of one foreo aetimr on nnnr.hor fnrfP -. .
. I ,isiteL- ... tj......;.. Tir i i
There can a so be seen a book on absfme- '- .cS. n e icarn irom
tions. and a work vet in mnnnnnf sun. tlie Ci"ffi" (Geo.) Union that the locusts
posed to have been written bv a southern ,,avc umde their appearance in that re
nullificr, on the rights of thc States, to S,on w,thln lc last few days. From thc
which is appended an atlas of the State of .vasfc ,luwbcr which thc forests arc
"ma-sterlv nichv iv " unusieu mere ia reason to lear something
The above property was levied on to nc of the PaSucs &ab was visited
satisfv an execution in fimr nf tho nnn. uPon Egjmt in olden times. They seem
pie of the United States, against said isPoscd devour all vegetable life that
Whig and Democratic parties, who some- taUa 111 tl,cir waJ
time ago failed in business, and who are
1855 -'3m.
Philadelphia Dread aud Cake
I ir.immif. 1 f..l T" .
now wholly insolvent and irresponsible. , J warmer. mi-
Sale positively by SAM. J o" .Salll,VBnl oncc tho Sat farmer
lwi. uoiuiw, was luuuniiy removed to llll-
Romantic hu Terriblfi Trndv " "V .rtUW , enco? W,U1 -one ,lu-
0 j mreii nifin rn nnt. in tnn 1 1,,,, 1 r
-"", louuaiu, uu uiiu uigufc Ol norn h snrinrr Tr, Hl.: :i ; i i
the 23d ult, the wife of a citizen of that L' h Vn Sir : I 1
I i -l - , ' . unvb uuuicu UILUUll Illllt's
lantern in the bed room, and awakened ' . ! .
I,,,,. i,a,n,i tvm'ii, i,..- cMn A i... o'" u,,"o "Jat "o wanted
sprang from the bed the intruder firml nf i. V. . . V operations, and
!,;. r;,i, ;ai i,n ,.r "u.J"una lU0 and i'rairio just suited
Lit HI II 1 i. 1J 14 IfL.Ull, L11L UlAll I U.l L III InnI IMF IIW I 1. 1.' " t g m "
i i , i .. i f 7i ru Ul3 notions ot tarminr on a maonifio.'nt
p.nn jitiM imroinfr ifsflf in flirt m Un I . "'"o u" nu umctlll
w .v.w iu uuv. iiiun, snn n
onatcuing a aouoDic-oarreled gun from
tne wan nc discharged both barrels at the A Jinn r.', ,.,,;.? m.. rP
tnfr.,1 Tl. n-.a,-P.-.i i- . - Alio -n eii-
,U"U1,V" J uv- wuiuuLa ui uut; uurrei en- ton inw . nrCan n-.rti
tored tto .n:. bead and the other his valuable dog b long c a gon lem i
body, hilling him instant v. Lenvnfl,n :i.u-..t , , ,b ,. . ..
t i 1 , i, .. J . -" r""" "giuuruooa,iiau a pup.w men it was
body where it foil, lie gentleman and his found necessary to drown The parent
The undersigucd hereby informs thc cit
izens of Stroudsburg and vicinity, that he
has commenced the baking business in all.
its various branches, in thc building late
ly occupied by Mr. Augustus Carmer. one
door west of the Clothing Store of Ilirsch
kind & Adlcr, on Elizabeth street, whero
he is fully prepared to furnish
Bread and Cakes,
of the very best quality.
Ry strict attention to business and
keeping tho best articles in his line of bus
iness on hand, he hopc3 to meet and re
ceive a liberal share of patronage.
May 10, 1855.-31.-
wife proceeded to the nearest neighbor, showed signs of violent grief, and findin
ana induced him to return with them to M,p hnA
heir bouse. But imagine the feelings of of the creelcTnd laid it on tho porch of
the neighbor, himself a man universally Imr n.nflr9 rs.Annna 5 t.
esteemed and respected to recognize in fully in his face. She then went to the
u. m,,g,i:u uouy oi mc uca robber, his creek, walked in. and deliberately drowned
own son! hnrif ' J
Is hereby given to all persons indebted
to tho undersigned Hate Rerristcrand Re
corder of Monroe County,) for Recording
deeds &c., that all, accounts not paid be
fore, or during next Court week, will im
mediately thereafter be left in tho hands
of J ustioes of thc Peace for collection.
May 10, 1855.
In the borough of Stroudsburg,
Inquire of the undersigned.'
May 10,