if? The latest accounts from Texas renre sent the Indians as being more hostile ana waoacmmy than ever. Eleven men have l)een killed on the frontier early in the present month, and four had been carried into worse than Envptian bon dage. Tne settlers, consequently, were in the greatest alarm. 'The Camanchcs wero endeavoring to effect a junction with the Northern tribes, and a general war was regarded as imminent. Active prep arations, however, were being made to protect the families of the settlers, and to defeat the savages. -"-3 There is a shop kept by an old maid id .New York, iu the window of which appears these words : "Nfo reasonable of fer refused.'' Ill A Kill BCD. In Smithfield, on the 25th ult, by Jas. Teerpenning, Esq., Mr. Francis Lill, of Stroudsburg, and Miss Susan Herd, of Smithfield township, Monroe county. In .Stroud township, on the 27th ult., Joseph Frederick, aged about 26 years, In Stroud township, on the 27th ult., after a lingering illness Consumption J asper Lotant, aged G2 years. EXHIBITION. There will be an exhibition in the Court House, in the Borough of Stroudsburg? on the evening of the uth of March. Twcn ty-five, different pieces will be spoken, among which, are ten very interesting and amusing Dialogues. There will will be Ecvcral amusing Songs, by a little Girl i years old. Admittance 124 cents. Tickets may be obtained at John Mel- ick'e, J. J. Posten's, and at the window. The door will open at G o'clock, perfor mance commence at 7 precisely. For the occasion, the Scenery & Stage, belonging to the Dramatic Association has been obtained. II. A. 3farch 1, 1S55. Willi A Clerk in a retail store, in Strouds burg. One having some knowledge of the business prefcred. GEO. H. MILLER. Stroudsburg, March 1, 1855. DISSOLUTION. The Co-Partnership heretofore existing between Isaac II. Lodcr and David Bowl by, in the Cabinet business, is dissolved. ISAAC H. LODER, DAVID BOWL13Y. Stroudsburg, Feb'y 23, 1855. IN. B. The business will be carried on hereafter by David Bowlby, at the old Stand, where persons wishing to buy Furniture, 'will find a good and general assortment, and a little cheaper than elsewhere. The subscriber feeling thankful for past favors, respectfully asks a continuance of public patronage, feeling the utmost confidence in being able to render satisfaction, both in quality and price. DAVID BOWLBY. March 1, 1855. FREIVCI5 TRUSSES" WEIGHING LESS THAN 2i OUNCES. For the Cure of Hernia or Rupture.i f Acknowledged by tne highest medical authorities of Philadelphia, incomparably superior to any other in use. Sufferers will be gratified to learn that ihe occasion now offers to procure not only the lighest and most easy, but as durable a Tru&s as an other, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncom foriab!e article usually sold. There is no dfficolu' attending the fitting, and when the jad id located. i:willrt'tain it; position vi i:houl change. Persons at a dUtnnce'ur.able Jo call on the Subscriber, can hare the Truss sent t any address, by remitting Five Dollars lor the single Truts, or Ten for the double with measure round the hips, and stating tide affected. It will be exchanged to suit if not fitting, by returning it at once, unsoil ed. For Sale only b) the Importer, CALEB II. -NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth & Race Sts., Philadela. iD3 Ladies, requiring the benefit of Me chaniccl Supports, owing to derangement ol the Internal Organs, inducing Falling of the Womb, Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Ner vous and Spinal Weakness, are informed that a competent and experinccd Lady will be In attendancc at the Rooms: r7 apart for their exclusive vsc) No. 1H, Twelfth fit.. 1st door below Race. June 2y, 1854. Iy. JOHN N. STOKES Has on hand a large and well se lected stock of Groceries, Hardware, Stoves, &c which have been purchased for cash and must be sold. Hie experience in the lucre." nlile Business, has enabled him to appreciate to the fullest the wants and desires of the commu- nitr; and now flatters himself that he has made ample provision for all who may favor him with their custom. Very thankful for - t " 1 1 V 1 4 t hp liberal natronasre wnicn nas uecn ueoipw cd upon him; he respectfully asks a contin flance of the same, feeling satisfied that it will be to the'advantage of all to examine his Btock before purchasing elsewhere. Stroudsburg, January 5, 1853. WAR IN EUROPE. Tho undersigned begs leave to inform the tmblic that they have fitted up tne uunum formerly occupied by tne members oi uie xu. E. Church, on the cast corner of George and Monroe streets, in the Sorough of Strouds burg as a SOAP and CANDLE MANU FACTORY, and that they are fully prepar ed to furnish a very superior article of SOAP AND CANDLES Ashes and Grcese taken in exchange for Soap, at the highest market price. Cash paid for tallow, when delivered at the factory, or Candles given in exchange, if de sired. OMerchants and others are cordially in cited to give us a call, as we are enabled to furnish any thing in our line, at New York P"CeF' PALMER & BRO. Stroudsburg, January 4, 1855. BLANK DEEDS For sale at this OfficyC. UNION HOTEL FOR SALE CHEAP, John H. Melick offers his new Hotel for sale. It is situated in the center of town, and the buildings all new, well arranged and has a good run of custom and increas ing daily. Any person wishing to engage in the business will do well to purchase the anove property, as it will be sold cheap. For further information call on the sub scriber. JOHN H. MELICK. Stroudsburg, Feb. 22, 1855. $100 REWARD. Daniel Quaid, an Irishman, confined in the Jail of Monroe Oounty, made his es cape on Tuesday night, February 20th 1855. Said Quaid is about 5 feet 8 inch es in height, with light complexion and light hair. Had on when he made his escape light colored pants and a brown coat. The above reward will be paid to any person or persons who will apprehend the said Quaid and return him to the Jail of Monroe County. HENRY D. SHAFER, Sheriff of Monroe County. Sheriff's Office Stroudsburg, ) February 22, 1855. " $ THE GREAT DISTRIBUTION POSTPONED. The Cosmopolitan Art Association Announce a brief postponement of the Dis tribution, from the 30th of January to the 28th of February, at which time it will POS ITIVELY TAKE PLACE. The managers find it necessary to make the above change, owing to the delay in com pleting the building of the Galleries, and the reception of Works of Art; which necessarily deferred the publication of the Illustrated Catalogue until late in December, thereby preventing the general circulation desired amonjr the distant Secretaries 'and friends of the Association. To all those who have not Subscribed The last opportunity is now presented. Any one sucscribing previous to the 2Sth of Feb ruary, are entitled to the Magazines for lcoo. The payment of J3 entitles any person to either one of the following Magazines for the year 1855. Harper s, rutnams, Knickerbocker, Utqck- icood's. 'Graham's. Magazine of Art, audi Godey's Lady's Book, and the Quarterly Re- j views re-printed in New York, Edingburght Westminster, London Quaterly and North British. Also a ticket in the Distribution, giving the holders an equal chance in draw the 85,000 Statue of THE GREEK SLAVE, "Or Venus, Bacchante, Hebe, Flora, With Bronze STATUETTES and several hundred MAGNIFICENT OIL PAINT INGS ! Por full particulars see Illustrated Cata logues, which are sent free on application to all parts of the country. Address. C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. & L. A. Knickerbocker Magazine office, 343 Broad way, New-York, or 1G6 Water St., Sandusky, Ohio. Cash Hltisic and Piano Store OF HORACE WATERS, IVo. 333 Broadway, R'cw-York. orrosixiox to the combi.natiox! Music at Greatly Reduced Rales. Notwithstanding the combination of Music Dealers to keep up the prices of non-copyright music against the interests of Native Composers, and their refusal to extend to Mr. Waters the courtesies of the trade, he is making immense sales having abundant evidence that he has public countenance and support in his opposition to the Great Mo nopoly, and in his efforts to aid Native Tal ent and adopt the National Currency. His stock of American and European Music is; immense, and the catalogue of his his own j publications is one of the largest and best se lected in the United States. He has also made a Great Reduction in the prices of Pi anos, Melodeons, and Musical Instruments of all kinds. Superior toned G Octave Pi anos for 8175, 200, and 8225, interior of as good qualified and instruments as strong and us durable as those which cost 500. Pianos of every variety of style and price, up to $1000, comprising those of Ten different man ufactories; among them the celebrated modern improved Horace Water's Pianos, and the first premium jtEolean Pianos of T. Gilbert & Co s. make (owners of the Aolean i'alent). Second-hand Pianos at great bargains. Pri ces from S40 to 8150. Melodeons frcm Five different manufactories, including the well-known S. D. & 11. W. Smith's Melo deons, (tuned the equal temperament.) The Best Make in the United Stales. Prices, 845, 860, 875, 8100, $115, 8125, 8135, 8150. Smith's Double Bank Melodeons 8200. Each Piano and Mclodeon guaranteed. The beEt terms to the trade, schools, &c. 12 per cent discount to Clergymen and Church es. All orders promptly attended to. Music sent to all parts of the country, post paid, at the reduced rales. General and Select Cat alogues and Schedules of prices of Musical Instruments forwarded to any address free ol charge. February 22, 1655. 3mo. SPRING MATTRESSES. The undersigned has taken the agency for the sale of Wright's Celebrated Patent Spring Mattresses, (for which the proprietor received the first Silver Medal, awarded by the Frank lin Institute, in 1853,) to which he invites the attention of the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity. A sample can be seen at the house of the subscriber at any time. Price 830 in the City. C. R, ANDRE, Agent. Stroudsburg, Nov. 2, 1854. Notice. Is hereby given to all persons indebted to the undersigned (late Register and Re corder of Monroe county) for recording deeds and other instruments of writing, to call between this and the latter part o. next court week, and pay the same. SAMUEL REES, Jr. Front Street Wfrc Manufactory. WATSON & COX, Sieve, Riddle, Screen, and Wire Cloth Man ufacturers, No. 6 North Front Street, Corner of Coomb' Alldy. bctvecn Market and Mulber ry (Arcnj oireuis. PHILADELPHIA. Manufacturers of superior quality Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of ail kinds; Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, &c. Cylinders and Dandy Rolls covered in the be3t manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sievs for Brass and Iron "Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Trap3, Dish Covets, Coal and Sand Screens, &g. Fan cy Wire Work of every description. LIVERY BUSINESS. This way for Good Conveyances The subscribers inform the;trav eling public that they have taken the MVERY STABLE, formerly kept by Kautz & Huntsman, on William Street, adjoining Kaulz's Black smith Shop. Their horses and conveyances arc good, and they are prepared to furnish Morses and Buggic, or Horses and Carriages, at short notice, with or without drivers. They have on hand a splendid Omnibus, and are fully prepared at all times to accom modate large parties. Those wishing Horses and Carriages, are respectfully invited to call and suit them selves. The patronage of the public is solicited. M. BROWN POSTENS, ABRAM BUSH. Stroudsburg, Feb. 8, 1855. J0M W. RU&T0N, DEALER IN mm mnm jr.--VJ-,i nit Respectfully informs the public that Dr. James C. Ayer, practical and analytical Chemist, has appointed him agent for the sale of the celebrated Cherry Pectoral, a sure remedy for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, and Consumption. Also, his well known Cathartic Pills. He has on hand, in addition to the above, German Worm Seed, which is an excellent remedy for the removal of worms. A full supply of these articles can be had at his Store, on Elizabeth Street, a few doors above the well known Bakery of Jacob Goetz. lie positively gives no credit, as it has be come unfashionable as well as unprofitable to do so. Quick sales and small profits is his motto. JOHN W. RUXTON. Stroudsburg, February 8, 1855. ly. RADWAFS READY RELIEF. Just received and for sale at this Office a few bottles of this medicine, which will allay the effects of any painful causes that the hu man system may be visited with. Yc who are suffering with any complaint whatever that gives you pain, whether it be rheumatism, sore throat, croup, difficult breathing, tooth-ache, tic dolokeux, pain in the breast or side, sprain or spasm, head-ache, inflammation, stiff joints, cuts, bruises, poison sores, cramps in the stomach, colic, cholera morbus, Lumbago, chilblains, frost bites, bites of poisonous insects, hydrophobia, or whatever vour conplaint mav be that gives you pain, Radicutfs Ready Relief will relieve you quicker than any other Liniment, Salve, or Pain Killer in use. Price 25 cents per bottle. Notice is hereby given, to those persons who have not taken up their Store and Restaurant Licenses, that said licenses have been placed in the hands of M. M. Burnet, Esq., Justice of the Peace, for collection according to law. A prompt payment, however, may save cost. LEVI SLUTTER, Tre; jasurer. List of articles to be found at St Mclick's Jewelry Store. Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, Silver &13rit tania ware; Spectacles; Eooks and Stationery, fine perfumery, guns & pistols: gun tabes, locks and wipers, powder horns, game bags, hair, tooth, nail and blacking brushes ; combs, mantel ornaments ; lamps; toys; fine baskets; watch chains and keys; pen knives; scissors, music boxes, acordions; port monaieSj tooth powder, thimbles; gold pens, thermometers, thread and buttons, pins & needles, counterfeit detectors, and other articles too numerous to mention, and invites the public to give him a call and see for themselves. School books, novels; new books of the day received as soon as published. Clocks, watches, and jewelry repaired in the best manner and warranted to give satisfac tion. Produece taken in exchange. New goods for the Holidays just reiiiyed. SAMUEL MlfLTCK. Stroudsburg, Dec. 21, 1854. ZINC PAINTS. One third cheaper than White Lead, and Free from all poisonous qualities. The Sew Jersey Zinc Company having greatly enlarged their works, and im proved the quality of their products, are pre pared to execute orders for their SUPERI OR PAINTS, Dry, and Ground in Oilin assorted packages of from 25 to 500 pounls; nUn T)rv. in hnrrels of 300 lbs. Their White Zinc, which is sold dry or ground in oil, is warranted rure ana unsur passed for Body and Uniform Whiteness. A method ofpreparation has recently bee discovered, which enables the Company to warrant their paiatsto keep fresli and soft in the kes for any reasonable time In this respect their paints will be superior to any other in the market. Their Brown Zinc Paint, which is sold at n low nrirft. and can onlv be made from the Zinc ores from Nev Jersey, is now well known for its protective qualities wnen ap nliPrt in irnn nr nlher mntalic surfaces. Their Stnne Color Paint possesses all the properties of the, Brown, and is of an agree able color for painting Uotlages, uepois, a . . -r-h n r 1 Uut-builrtmgs, midges, kc ueaiers sup plied on liberal terms by their Ageuls, FRENCH & RICHARDS. Wholesale Paint Dealers and Im porters, N: W. cor. 10th and Market sts., Philadelphia. April IS, l854.Grr. 160,000 Srirk Just burnt' and for sale by the subscriber. These brick are of a larse size and of a su perior quality, and will be sold as low or lower according to quality than any other Brick in the county. A portion of them are pressed or front brick. Said brick are made of the best material and will stand tne nre wiih imnunitv. thus answerinc for the pur pose of building Bake ovens, &c. All of which will be sola as low as any in me neighborhood. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Brick. SIMON G RUBER. Stroudsburg, August 18, 1853 lv August 31, 1851. 3m- Thenartnership in the Mercantile business, between James H. Stroud and Charles R. An dre, as the firm of Stroud & Andre, is this day dissolved. JAMES H. STROUD, CHARLES R. ANDRE Stroudsburg, Sept. 15, 1854. N. B. The subscriber would hereby in form his old customers and the public in gen eral thut he continues the Mercantile busi ness at the old stand, on the corner, opposite the American Hotel, and in addition to his former stock has just received and is now opening a choice lot of Fall and Winter Goods, selected from the City markets, among which may be found a varied assortment of Ladies dress goods, to wit: Funcy plaid and stripe, Delanes and Cashmeres; Galla plaids, French Merinos, wool Delanes, Alpacas and Coburgs, dress trimming, assorted; under sleeves and chemizettes; Jaconet and Swiss edging; black and fancy cassimercs; sattincts from 37 up; Kentucky fancy plaids for Boys wear; red, white and yellow flannels of every grade ; Welch do.; Shaker do.; plain and figured do.; oil cloth for tables, stair and carpets do.; and a full assortment of Yankee notions; lining and dressilks. Crockery ware, tin ware, and a full assort ment of hardware, carpenters tools. &c. srlass ana nans; aiso a nne lot ot encap E3s: hams and shoulders : fresh lime : coarse and fine salt, fish, &c. A large lot of JBoots mid Shoes: Mens' heavy boots and brogans, water proof calf do.; boys, youths and childrens; la dies kip, calf, enameled and kid boots; bus kins and gaiters; misses and childrens do.; ladies and misses gurns; mens and boys do.; in fact every thing comprising a full country assortment, all of which will be sold cheap for cash or produce. Call and see for your selves. C. R. ANDRE. Stroudsburg, October 5, 1654. JAMES H. "WALTOK", Treasurer of the Monroe County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, in account with the same, from the first Monday of Sep tember, 1853, to the first Monday of Sept ember 1854 Inclusive. To amount in hand at last Settlement as per statement of Auditors. $77 60 ' amount received for Insurance and plates from the first Monday Sept. 1853 to the same day in Sept. 1854. 288 56 amount of Initiation fees paid in during the year. Ill 00 AMOUNT 477 16 Cr. Paid Jno. Edinger and Jno. N. Stokes Committee. Peter Miller witness fess Theodore Schoch for Printing Blanks, &c, 1852-53- Geo. II. Miller & Robert Boys Committee. Jacob K. Shafer witness fees Keller & Alleger, printing, &c. Silas L Drake, C Saylor Manager, &c John Casebeer, witness fees R S Staples Prest & Manager E II Walton, painting signs C U Warnick, painting signs It Houston, signs Geo H Miller, & Silas L Drake Committee Jacob Stouffer Manager, & Com Miller & Kern Committee Hannah Bush, withess fees J H Walton, fees as Sec. and Manager, &c Managers fees John D Eck's loss Theodore S'choch, printing &. Blanks the Secretary for making 111 Policies Treasurers Coimmisssions for rcc. & paying out S399 44. E II Walton obtaining Policies Policies applied for, not taken out or fees paid. 12 03 1 67 21 00 3 00 1 54 7 50 5 50 7 10 1 61 10 00 3 75 3 75 9 00 6 00 2 93 4 37 92 31 00 11 25 8 00 16 50 111 00 19 97 3 00 11 3S 314 34 " Auditors fees 1 87 Balance due in Treasurers hands at settlement 160 95 $477 lfi We the undersigned Auditors appointed by the Monroe Mutual Fire Insurance Company do certifg that we have carefully audited settled and examined the accounts of James II Walton, Treasurer, of said Company and find a balance in his hands from monies re ceived for said Company the sum of 8160 95. Witness our hands Dec. 18, 1854, GEORGE II. MILLER,) JOHN N. STOKES, Auditors. ROBERT BOYS. S New Wholesale and Retail WJLWE & L!UJK STORE. Slrosidsbcii'sr, Fa. Tho undersigned would inform Land lords and the public generally, that he continues the above business in atroucis burg, in the store house formerly occupied bv John H. Melick as a Jewelry Store, and . - r . i has on hand a large stock ot WIfSES AND L50UORS of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from the Custom House, which he is prepared to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea sonable terms. Our stock consists of French Rrmiflv. dark and nalc. Also, Peach, Black berry, Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy; Hol land Gin, N. E. Rum; Irish, Rye and Apple Whiskey: Lisbon, Ularet, l'ort, oweciiuaia- ga, Currant and Champagne wine, oic. ic. Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of ull kinds. Dnmiinhns. from A to 5 crallons: bottles, and generally any thing" that can be asked for in our line. Landlords will find it greatly to their ad vnntafTfi to deal with me. I have no hired agents to sell and distribute liquors for meat great expense, which must be paid fof by the rnn.onmer. Those dealincr with me I intend shall be satisfied with the article they get, as well as the price, and whenever they are not, I will be pleased to have them return the liquor, and make Hie fact known, for I in end to make it a permanent bnsinesa,- and can only do so by dealing honorably. All orders sent me, by stage drivers or others, will be promptly attended to, the same as though the person was present dealing for himself. July 8, 1852. P. S. POSTENS. 5ffl A PA1LING on hand and for sale yyy iy c. r. andre. Stroudsburg, February 15, 1855. 10,000 FETT OF HEMLOCK BOARDS for salo by C. R. ANDRE. Stroudsburg, February 15, 1855. (f GOOD BOOK BY RZASZi. PUBLISHED BY rOWXESS & WELLS, 308 Broadway, Hew-Yorfc. In order to accommodate "The People," residing in all parts of the United States, the Publishers will forward by return of the fikst mail, any book in the followins list. Ihe postage will be prepaid by them at the New York office- By this arrangement of pre paying postage in advance, fifty per cent is saved to the purchaser. All letters contain ing orders should'be postpaid, and directed as follows : FOWLERS & WELLS, 303 Broadway, N. Y. Constitution of Man. By Geo. Combe. The only authoiized American Edition. With 20 Engravings, and a Portrait of the Author. Price, muslin, 87 cents. Defence of Phrenology. Containing an Es say on the nature and value of Phrenologi cal Evidence, also an able vindication ol Phrenology. By Boardrnan. Pi ice, 87 cents. Domestic Life. Thoughts on its Con cord and Discord, with valuable Hints and Suggestions. By Sizer. 15 cents. Education: its Elementary Principles founded on the Nature of Man. By J. G. Spurzheim, M. D. With an Appendix, con taining a description of the Temperaments, and an Analysis of the Phrenological Fac ulties. 67 cents. We regard this volume as one of the mosl important that has been offered to the pub lic for many years. Boston Med. and Sur. Journal. Lectures on Phrenology. By Geo. Combe. With Notes, an Es3ay on the Phrenological mode of Investigation, and an Historical Sketch. By Dr. Boardrnan. Illustrated. $ 1 25 Marriage : its History and Philosophy. A Phrenological and Physiological Exposition of the Functions and Qualifications neces. sry for Happy Marriages. Illustrated. 75 cents. Memory and Intellectual Improvement; applied to Self Education and Juvenile In- ' - m . t 1.- Til . I struction. 1 wentietn JiiUiuon niusiraicu. 87 cents. Matrimony; or, Phrenology and Physiolo gy applied to ttie selection of congenial com panions for Life; including Directions to the Married for living together Affectionately and Happily. 30 cents. Phrenology Proved, Illustrated and Ap plied: accompanied by a chart, embracing an Analysis of the Primary Mental Powers in their various degrees of development, the Phenomena produced by their combined Activity, and the location of the Phreno logical Organs. Together with a view ot the Moral and Theological bearing of the Science. Price, Si 25. Phrenological Almanac. With Portraits. G cents. Phrenology and the Scriptures. An a ble, though small woik, By Rev. John Pierpont. 13 cents." Phrenological Guide Designed for Stu dents of their own character's. 15 cents Self Culture and Perfection of Character; including the Education and Management of youth. 87 cents. '-Selfnr.de or never made'1 is the mnito. No individual can read a page of it without being improved thereby. Com. School Ad vocate. Self Instructor in Phrenology and Physi ology. Illustrated with 100 Engravings; Including a Chart for recording the various degrees of development. By O. S. and L. N. FOWLER. In paper. 30 cents; mus lin, 50 cents. Accidents and Emergencies: A Guide, containing Directions for Treatment in Bleeding, Cuts, Bruises. Sprains, Broken Bones, Dislocations, Railway and bteam- boat Accidents, Burns and Scalds, Bites of Mad Dogs, Cholera, Injured Eyes, Choking, Poison, Fits, Sun Stroke, .Lighting, Drawn- mg, cvc. ippenclip ov ur. iluall. lo cents. Bulwer, Forbes and Houghton on the Wa ter Treatment. A compilation of Lectures and Papers on the "subject of Hygiene and Hydropathy, indited by Houghton. SI 2o Comsumption: its Prevention and Cure bv the Water Tcatment. With advice concern ing Hemmorrhage of the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Sore Throat. By Dr. Shew . 87 cents. Domestic Practice of Hydropathy, with a form of a Report for the assistance of pa tients in consulting their Physicians by cor respondence. By Ed. Johnson, M. D. Si 50 Errors of Physicians and others in the Practice of the Water Cure By J..II. Rausse. From the German. 30 cenis. Hydropathic Family Physician. A Ready Prcscriber and Hygienic Adviser, with reference to the Natures, Causes, Pre vention and Treatment of Diseases. Acci dents and Casualties of every kindpwith a Glossary, Table of Contents and Index. Il lustrated with nearly 300 Engravings. By Joel Shew, M D. One large volume of 820 pages, substantially bound. Price, pre-paiJ by mail. S2 50. Hydropathic Encyclopaedia; a system ol Hydropathy and Hygiene, Containing Out lines of Anatomy, Physiology of the Human Body. Hygienic Agencies and the Preser vation of Health, Dietetics and Hydropathic- Cookery, Theory and Practice of Water Treatment. Spcci.il Pathology and Hydro Therapeutics, including the iNature, Causes Symptoms, and Treatment of all known Dis eases; Application of Hydropathy to Mid wifery and tho Nursery- Designedjas a Guide to Families and Students, and a Text Book for Physicians. By R. T. Thrall, MD Illustrated with upwards of 300 Engravings and Colored Plates. Substantially bound. Prepaid by mail, $3 00. This is the most comprehensive and pop nlar work yet published on the subject ol Hydropathy. Of all the publications which have attained such a wide popularity, as is sued by Fowers & Wells," perhaps none are more adapted to general utility than this rich. Comprehensive and well arranged En cyclopaedia. iV. lr. Tribune. " Practico of Water Cure. Containing a detailed account of the various processes vsed in the Waior Treatment, etc. By Wil son and Gully. 30 cts. & Philosophy of Water Cure. A Develop ment of ihe true principles of health and longevity. By Balbrraie. 30 cents. New Hydropathic Cook Book. By R T. Thrall, M. D. A system of Cookery on Ily diopathic principles, containing an Exposi tion of the true relations of all Alimentary Substances lo Health, with plain Receipts; for preparing all appropiiate Dishes for Hy dropathic establishments. Vegetarian Board ing Houses, Private Families, &c. It is the Cook's complete Guide for all who "eat lo live." Paper. 02 cents: Muslin, 37 cts Science of Swimming. With instructions to Learners. Illustrated, 15 cents. Water Curo in Au.erica. Over 300 cases of various diseases treated with Water. IVith cases of Domestic Practice, 1 25. Wator Cure applid to every known dis ease. A new Theory. A complete demon stration of the advantages of the Hydropathic svstem of curing diseases: showing also the fallacy of the Allopathic Method, and us ut ter inability to effect a permanent cure. With Appendix, containing the.llydrppathtc Diet and Rules for Baihing. By Rausse 87 cents. I Water Curo Manual.. A popular Work; embracing descriptions of the various modes of Bathing, the Hygienic and curative Ef fects of Air Eercise, Clothing. Occupa tion, Diet, W ater drinking, &c. Together with descriptions of Digeases.Jand the Hy dropathic Remedies. By Dr Shew, 87 cts Water Cure Almanac. Illustrated, 6 eta Combe's Physiology. Applied to tho Preservation of Health, and to tbe improve ment of mental and physical Education. With notes by O S Fowler. 87 cents. Chronic Diseases: especially the nervous diseases of ITomen. By D. Rosen. From the German. 30 cents. Digestion, Physiology of. Considered with relation to the principles of Dietetics. By. Combe. Illustrated. 30 cents. Food and Diet. With observations on 'the Dietic Recimen suited to disordered states of the Digestive organs; and an account of ihe dietetics of some of the Principal Me tropolitan and other Establishments for Pau- -pers, Lunatics, Criminals, Children,lhe Sick, . etc. liv Pen era, JM 25. Kansas: embracing descriptions of Scene ry, Climate, productions, Soil, and Resour- cis of the Territory, interspersed with Inci dents of Adventure and Anecdotes of Trav el. By Max Greene, 30 cents. Hereditary. .Descent: its Laws and racts applied to human improvement. By O S Fowler, 87 cents. Maternity; or the Bearing and Nursing of Children, including Female Education, J3y" O S Fowler. With illustrations, 87 cents Natural Laws of Man. By J G Spurz heim, M D, An important work. 30 cents Physiology. Animal and Mental " Applied to thePre'servation and Restoration of Health of Body and Power of Mind. Il lustrated, 87 cents Sober and Temperate Life. .Discourses and Letters and Biography of Louis Conaro 30 cents Tobacco. Three Prize Essays, by Urs Thrall, Shew and Baldwin, 15 cents Teeth. theirStructure, .Disease and Treat ment. With numerous illustrations, 15 cts Future of Nations: in what consists its security. A Jjecture, by Kossuth. With a Likeness, 12 cents Urhat the Slater Arts Teach as lo Farm ing. An Address. By Horace Greeley, 12 cents True Basis of American Independence. An Address, by Hon IVm II Seward, 12 cts Labor: its History and Prospects- By Robert 7?ale Owen, 30 cents Hints towards Reforms. Consisting of Lectures, Essays, Addresses and other Wri tings. S'eoond Edition, enlarged- By Horace Greeley, $1 25 Hopes and Helps for the Young of both sexes. Relating to the formation of Char acter, Choice of Avocation, Health, Amuse ment, Music, Conversation, Cultivation of Intellect, Moral Sentiments, social Affec tion, Courtship and Afariiage- By Rev G SUeave, 87 cents Human Rights and their Political Guar anties, xy Judge iiurlbu: With iNotcs by Geo Combe, 87 cents Home for AH' A new, cheap, convenient and superior mode of building, containing full directions for constructing gravel walls. With Views, Plans and Engraved Illuslra- tions. New fcidiuon, revised ana entargea 87 cents Theory of Population. Deduced from tho General law of lnimal Fertility; Introduc tion by Br Trail, 15 cents Woman: her Education and Influence- By Mrs Huge Reed ITith an introduction by.itfrs C M Kiridand. With Portraits, 87 cents Either of these works mav be ordered and received by aeturn of the First Mailt postage prepaid by the Fublishers. Please incloss the amount in bank notes or postage stamps and address all orders, postpaid, to 308 .Broadway, New York. N. B. Name vour Post Office, County and State: FURNITURE WARER00MS. Smiley, Srtyrc & Co. Respectfully inform the citi- 22s3Hsy zens of Stroudsburg and vi- cinity, that they have taken the shop lately occupied by S. A- Bennet, on Walnut street, opposite the Washington Ho tel, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, where they are manufacturing Furniture of every description. Those in want of FURNITURE are invi ted to call at their stand. They have always on hand a large, well made, and fashionable assortment of furniture. They are provided with all the new and improved machinery of the day, and having skillful workmen, are enabled to sell good and handsome furniture as cheap as can be sold uny where. The fol lowing articles can be examined at their Ware Rooms, viz: Sideboards, Secretaries, Wardrobes, Bureau, of various jmltcrns, Cupboards of differ ent kinds, Card, Centre, Side, Breakfast and Dining Tables, Bedsteads of different styles and patterns, Washstands, Ticist, Small and Lage Etagcre, What-Nots, Music Stands, Tea Topics, Fancy Work Tables, Refreshment Tables, Etashas and a general assortment of Cottage Furniture on hand and made to order. CKA8HS! CHAtHS! Mahogany Rocking Chairs of various styles, Parlor Chairs ot every description and pat tern ; Boston Rocking Chairs, Mnple Wind sor and every other article of chairs. Turning of every kind done at the shortest notice. Work always warranted. Produqe of all kinds taken in exchange for Furniture, and cash not refused. N. B. Coffins made to order at short no tice. A Jlcurse in readiness to attend Fu-f uerals, at all times. November 10, 1S51. 6m. . i i. i 2sTotirx The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinety, that he has on hand and offers for sale at low rates good Wheat flour, lleasons, Prunes, Dried Apples. Dates, Figs, Cit ron, Tea, Coffee, Cheese, Segors and To bacco, Dried Peaches, and a splendi'd assortment of Candies. mm FERDINAND DUTOT. December il , 1854. GOOD OYSTERS i 1 If you want good Oysters, and well done up, call at J. II. Melick's Union Oystor Saloon. Ho intends having them nt all hours, day and evening, where his old customers, as well as new one9, will as usual ftud him at hi3 post. Call and try them. S40AP. Fine scouted Soaps for wash-; ing and shaving a'so the celebrate shaving cream, for-sata by- v .v fa SA$TUEL.MELIQ18g' Stroudebiirg,- January 1 , 1 855.- 1 94.