The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, November 23, 1854, Image 3

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    ' : - Vegetable Serp&it, -,
According to s,oioc Italian journals, a
new organized bcinbag been discovcrd
in the interior of Africa, which seems to
iorm an immeuiato link between vegeta
ble and animal life. This singular pro
duction of nature has the bhape of a spot
ted serpent. It drags itself along the
ground; instead of a head, has a flower
duapeu like a bell, which contains a vis
cous liquid. Flies and other insects, at
tracted by the smell of the juice, enter
iuto the flower, where they arc caught by
the adhesive matter. Tho flower then
closes. and remains shut till the prisoners.
are nruised and transtormed into chyle.
The indigestible portions, such as the
head and wings, are thrown out by two
aspired openings. The vegetable serpent
-ias a skin resembling leaves, white and
soft flesh, and instead of a bony skeleton,
a cartilaginous frame filled with yellow
matter. The natives consider it deli
cious food.
JF7,'A Yankee," describing an op
ponent, says: "I tell you what sir, that
man don't amount to a sum in arithme
tic ; add him up. and there's nothinr to
UCFThc Washington Sentinel heads
an article announcing tho completion of
the Hall of Conrea, as follows The
Bear Garden fitted tqy !"
JXj3 i'ou have no business to have
business with other people's business ; but
mind your own business, and that is bus
iness enough for any business mau
There is an average of one mur
der a week in New York, and about a
dozen stabbing cases.
Pitiladolpltta Market.
Tuesday, Nov. 21, 1851.
The Flour market is dull and inactive.
Shipping brands are held at 3,50 per
barrel, but no sales for export have been
Tcported. bmall sales for home consump
uon at . H,ouaw tor common and select
brands, S9,25a9,o0 extra, and fancy lots
ftt higher quotation?. In Eve Flour and
Corn Meal nothing doing we quote the
former at S, ar.d'the latter at 84,13$
per bbl. Grain the demand for Wheat
continues limited, but supplies come in
very slowly, and price." are well sustain
edp Sales of 4000 bush, prime Pennsyl
vania white at $2, afloat; red is held at
SI, 90. Rye continues scarce and in de
mand at SI ,22. Corn is rather lower,
and there is more offering there is a
fair demand, and about 12al4,000 bush
els were disposed of at 60a 81 cents for
prime dry new. yellow; 83aS4 cents for
new and old mised 85a86 cents for weav
lcy and good old; S7 cents for strictly
prime, and S3 cents for old and new white
mixed, nflnnt,. OntsSfirp cfpnrlv cilnan!
2 000 bushels Delaware at 53 cents per I
bushel i
Whwkey has advanced-Small sales of! n.?Ti IIlStor? of. Connt com
barrels at ;5a46 rent nnrl ),h,U t -i!P,,ed from authentic documents and oth
On Thursday the 1 Gth inst., in Slrouds
burg, by the Rev. J. F. Booue, M. D., Mr.
William T. Myers, and Miss Catharine
M. Transue. both of Shawnee.
On Saturday the ISth inst., in Centre
ville, by the Rev. Win. 13. Wood, Mr.
Lorenzo Mack, and Miss Elizabeth Best,
both of Mount Bethel.
In Stroud township, on the 13th inst.,
at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr.
Henry Carter, Mrs. Christiana Cruin
baugh, (colored) aged 75 j'ears.
In Stroudsburg, on the 18th inst.,
jtfartha, daughter of Daniel ami Eliza
Miller, aged 6 years 5 mouth and 16 days.
The collertor? of State and County taxes
will pleam take notice thai all Duplicates
older thn 1854, must be settled up by the
next term of the Court, and the Collectors ol
1854 are requested to make liberal payment?
by the Fame time, or no longer time will be
allowed them.
November il'S, 1854.
Smiley, Sisyro & Co.
ggjaco Respectfully intorm the citi
zens ot otroudsourg and vi
1 cinitv, that they have taken
the shop lately occupied by S. A- Bennet, on
Wulnut street, opposite the Washington Ho
tel, in the Borough of Slroudsburr, where
they are manufacturing Furniture of every
Those in want of FURNITURE are invi
ted to call at their stand. They have always
on hand a large, well made, and fashionable
assortment of furniture. They are provided
with all the new and improved machinery of
the day, and having skillful workmen are
enabled to sell aod and handsome furniture
as cheap aB can be sold anywhere. The fol
lowing articles can be examined at their Ware
Kooms, viz:
Sideboards, Secretaries, Wardrobes, Bureau
of various patterns, Cupboards of differ
jnt kinds, Card, Centre, Side, Breakfast
end Dining Tables, Bedsteads of different
styles and patterns, Waslistands, Twist,
Small and Lage Etagere, Whal-Nots,
Music Stands, Tea Tables, Fancy Work
Tables, Refreshment Tables, Etashas and
a general assortment of Cottage Furniture
on hand and made to order, .
Mahogany Rocking Chairs of various styles,
Parlor Chairs of every description and pat
tern ; Boston Rocking Chairs, Maple Wind
sor and every other article of chairs.
Turning of every kind done at the shortest
notice. Work nlways warranted.
Produce of all kinds taken in exchange fori
Furniture, and cash not refused.
N. B. Cojfins made to order at short no
tice. A Hearse in readiness to attend Fu
nerals, at all times.
November 16, 1854. 6m.
SA l jEKATDS, Borax, Saltpetre, and
.-Cream of M'artar. for 8a,lesby
Sirotidslmrg, Mttr'lr 30, 1801.
A Cure for Consumption, Scrofula, Coughs
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spilling of
Bloody and all complaints of the
The Proprietor has succeeded (from direc
tions of Professor Stone) in combining the
Oil and Lime so perfectly, that the taste of
the Uu, which la naueseous to persons gen
erally, is entirely overcome, and it can be ta
ken by the most delicate females with pleas
ure. And as regards the benefit of this ar
ticle over the pure oil, the following case, by
f rof. btonc, is sufficient to convince the most
skeptical. The young lady was 24 years of
"Her disease was one of unmixed phthisis,
which had been expected to terminate in the
course of d" few months, fatally. The upper
part ol both her lungs was filled with tuber
cles ; and in some places were beginning to
soiten, 1 he case was evidently a bad one.
The treatment of cod liver oil was at first
used, but without marked imDrovement. The
unospnaie ot lime wns then administered with
uie oil, and the result, as in the case of many
omen?, was soon apparent. The patient was
u.iuij guuing well.
Caution.- On account of the great repu
tation of this Comnound far nil I linn
piainis, me subscriber would caution the af-
..I . .'. win
uicieii against using ny except that manu
factured by him, as lie has the onlv roninr
the United States for combinin t thf Pimp
Oil with Lime in a proper manner. There-
tore, as you value your health, purchase none
except manufactured by
ALEX R B. WILBOR, Che:nist.
166 Court street, Boston.
Sold in Philadelphia by T. W. Dyolt &
Son's, and Druggists generally.
For sale in Slroudsburg, by Dr. F. Hol
linshend. November 9, 1854. ly.
3tuMtovs Notice.
In JLhc matter of the account of Solomon
Ivalter, Administrator of the Estate of B:ir-
net Waller, late of Middln Smiibfipld imvn.
ship, Monroe county, deceased.
i The undersigned, auditor, appointed by the
Urphans Court ot said County of Monroe, to
examine and if occasion require re-seltle said
account and distribute the remaining assets
amongst the creditors entitled thereto, will
attend to the duties of his appointment on
Friday, the 8th day of December next, at 10
o cIock A. M. at the house of Jacob Knccht
in the Borough of Stroudsburg, when and
where all persons having claims are required
to present the same before him, or be debarred
from coming in for a share of such assets.
November 9, 1854. Auditor.
The Bucks County Intelligencer.
Published weekly at Doylestown, by
John fc. JJitowx, at 2 per aunum in ad
vance, in addition to all the local and
general news of the day, tales, essays, ag-
r,icu,,tura! reading, &o., will commence on
the 31st instant, the publication of an o-
, , t - -iV .1 1
K1 wuicW ucgiuuiug wuu me earliest
settlements, and embracing every thing
or importance to the close of the eigh
tecnth centurv. It will contain the name
of more than four hundred of the earliest
settlers; much interesting matter relating
to the Indians; events of the Revolution
occurring in the country; and all the lo
cal and general history of the country,
and cannot fail to be a work of deep in
terest. Its publication will occupy about
six months; and as the copv-nght is se
cured, it cannot be obtained in any other
way except by subscribing to the Intel
L1GENCEH. Orders sent by mail, post
paid, accompanied by the cash, will be
attended to, it addressed to
JOHN S. BROWN, Doylestown.
October 26, 1854.
The undersigned hereby forbids all per
sons not to fish in any of the creeks or
hunt on any grounds belonging to him.
Those persons who are in the habit of fir
ing off guns in the neighborhood of his
dwelling on the Sabbath day, are request
ed to desist, or they will be proceeded a
gainst as the law directs.
Stroud tsp., Oct. 24, 1851.
The partnership in the Mercantile business,
between James II. Stroud and Charles R. An
dre, as the firm of Stroud & Andre, is this
day dissolved.
Stroutltburg, Sept. 15, 1854.
N. B. Tho subscriber would hereby in
form his old customers and the public in gen
eral that he continues the Mercantile busi
ness at the old stand, on the corner, opposite
the American Hotel, and in addition to his
former stock has just received and is now
opening a choice lot of
Fall and Winter Goods,
selected from the City markets, among which
may be found a varied assortment of Ladies
dress poods, to wit: Fancy plaid and stripe,
Delanes and Cnshrncres; Galla plaids, French
Merinos, wool Delanes, Alpacas and Coburgs,
dress trimming, assorted ; under sleeves and
chetnizettes; Jaconet and Swiss edging; black
and fancy cassimeres; sattinets from 371j up;
Kentucks, fancy plaids for Boys wear; red,
white and yellow flannels of every grade;
Welch do.; Shaker do.; plain and figured do.;
oil cloth for tables, stair and carpets do.; and
a full assortment of Yankee notions; lining
and dress silks.
Crockery ware, tin ware, and a full assort
ment of hardware, carpenters tools, &c. glass
and nails; also a fine lot of cheap
hams and shoulders: fresh lime;
coarse and fine salt, fish &c. A large lot ol
fill Boots and Shoe:
Wfe.Mens' heavy boots and brogans, water
proof calf do.; boys, youths and children?; la
dies kip, calf, enameled and kid boots; bus
kins and gaiters; misses and childrens do.;
ladies and misses gums; mens and boys do.;
in fdet every thing comprising a full country
assortment, all of which will be sold cheap
for cash or produce. Call and see for your
eolvea. C"V R. ANDRfr t
iStrourlfiburg, October 5, 1.5 I. ¬
FHcmiiv So all Rations
The undersigned beg leave to iuform
the citizens of Stroudburg, and the pub
lic generally, that they have taken the
room lately occupied by John W. Rux
ton, as a Hat & Cap Store, on Elizabeth
street, a few doors below the Dru Store
of Dr. F. Hollinshead, and have filled
of every variety and style, and J
on terms that'defy competition.
Persons in want of Hats or Caps would
do well to call and examine our stock be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
The public arc informed that they still
continue the Root aad Shoe business, at
the old stand, m all its various branches,
and are fully prepared to accommodate
all who may feel disposed to give them a
call. K. SKELTON & SONS.
April 20, 1854.
DK. J. L.irm, BMTOT.
Has permanently located him
self in Stroudsbunr, and moved
- his office next door to Dr. S
Walton ,and nearly opposite S. Melick's Jew
elry store, where he is fully prepared totrea
the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt!
ible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in the
latest and most improved manner. Most per
sons know the danger and folly of trusting
iiiuir woru to the ignorant as well as the
traveling dentist. It matters not how much
experience a person may have, he is liable to
have some failures out nf n nnmlmr f
and it the dentist lives at a distance, it is fre
quently put. ofr until it is too late to save the
tooth or teeth as it may be, otherwise tho in.
oonvemence and trouble ol going so far.
Hence the necessity of obtaining Thn KrJ;,oC
cf a det ntisnear home. All work wurmnt
About which so much has been said and
published, is among us. Who has not heard
of the Mexican Muslins? Liniment Many
millions ol boltles have been sold and used
to cure Rheumatism, Ulcers, Sores, Bruises.
Sprain3. Ring-worm, Felons, Salt Rheum.
Piles, Sore Nipples, and Caked Breasts,
Cancers. Itch, Corns on the Toes. Sore
Eyes, Har-ache, Pimples, SwoPen Joints
or l.imos, cuts, toca ds. or bea d Head.
Numb Palsey Bunions or Frosted Feet.
Warts or any other complaint that can be
reached by an external remedy. And itha
always has been successful. It is equally
good in healing Wounds, Scratches, Saddle
or Harness Galds, or any Sprain, Soreness
or Stiffness. And it is warranted to cure
Spavin, Ring-bone, Splint or Poll evil, on
Horses. !
KP The Liniment is put up in three sizes.
and retails at 25 cts. 50 els., and 1.00.
The large bottles contain much more Lini
ment in proportion to the prices, and there
fore cheapest.
To CouiBly Mcrcliiiuts.
Every store should be supplied with this
valuable Liniment, as it pays a good profit
and sells rapidly. G. W. WESTBROOK.
(Successor to A. G. Bragg & Co ,) Origin
ator and sole Proprietor.
Principal Offices, 304 Broadway, New
York,' and corner 3d and Market Streets.
St. Louis, Missouri.
Sold by every dealer in drugs and medi
cine throughout the United Stales, Canadas.
West Indus, and Bermuda Islands.
fjFor sale in Stroudshurg by S. Stokes,
and Miller & Fowler; William Haybetger.
Williamsburg, A. Shean-r, Richmond. North
ampton county; II. Peters & Co. Marshall
Creek, Monioe county.
June 2'J, 1854 ly.
ITlu!iial Fire Iissin'iiHfce Cosnp'y.,
nphe rate of Insurance is one dollar on
the thousand dollars insured, after
which payment no subsequent tax will
be levied, except to cover actual loss or
damage by fire, that may fall upon mem
bers of the company.
The nett profits arising from interest
or otherwise, will be ascertained yearly,
for which each member in proportion to
his, her, or their deposit, will have a
credit in the company. Each insurer in
or with the said company will be a mem
ber thereof during the term of his or her
policy. The principle of Mutual Insur
ance has been thoroughly tested has
been tried by the unerring test of experi
ence, and has proved successful and be-
come very popular. It affords the great
est security against loss or damage by
fire, on the most advantageous and rea
sonable terms.
Applications for Insurance to be made
in person, or by letters addressed to
IlichardS. StapleSj Silas L. Drake,
M. II. Dreher, Win. S. White,
Jacob Stouffer, John Edinger,
James II. Walton, Joseph Kerr,
Jacob Shoemaker, John N. Stokes,
llobert Boys,- John Hern,
George II. Miller.
R. S. STAPLES, President.
J. II. Walton, Treasurer.
Stroudsburg, Nov. i), 1854.
The undersigned has taken the agency for
the sale of Wright's Celebrated Patent Spring
Mattresses, (for which the proprietor received
the first Silver Medal, awarded by the Frank
lin Institute, in 1858,) to which he invites
the attention of the citizens of Stroudsburg
and vicinity. A sample can be seen at the
house of the subscriber at any time. Price
.'10 in the City.
C. It ANDRE, Agent.
Stroudsburg, Nov. 2, 1854.
On Thursday la6t, on the public road, be
ween Bushkill and Milford, a Portmonie
containing Nine dollars in bank bills. One
five dollar bill on tho Euston Bank, one two
dollar and two ones on the Belviderp Bank,
The finder will be liberally rowardeJ by returning-
the same to the undersigned.
, Stroudsburg, Oct. 31, I8ui.
PfiltllAINt: OUTDONE ! !
The New-York Mercantile Guide
Volume 3.
The proprietor of the above paper would
respectfully call the atiention ol Merchants
Farmers and Mechanics, residing out of the
city, to the Moderate I erms for a yearly sub
scription of the GUIDh being to mail sub
scribers only
One Dollar Per Year,
making it unquestionably the cheapest Fam
ily Newspaper published in the U. States.
When desired, subscriptions for Six Months
will be received which may be remitted in
v. u. stamps.
The columns of the Guide will contain the
usual variety of Original, Spicy Articles writ
ten not only to please but to instrurt, and
will be replete with a synopsis of all the
Local and General hews of the Day.
In regard to Politics the Guide will main
tain an independent tone. and. from lime to
time will advocate such measures as besi
conduce to the interests of the reatest num
and others arc respectfully requested to act
as Agents for this paper, to whom we will
forward specimen copies, free, when desired
to do so.
As an inducement for persons to interest
themselves to obtain subscribers for the Mer
cantile Guide, we offer the following Premi
urns, and upon the receipt ofjthe names and
pay zn advance, we will forward. them, per
express, or otherwise, if ordered, to the ad
dress of those entitled to theai.
For 300 subscribers, cash $25 00
For 250 subscribers, we will give one
splendii v ine bold Watch, (war
ranted for time,) worth S30 00
For 200, one elegant Fine Gold Lock
et, (4 classes, worth 15 00
For 150, one elegant Bracelet, (fine
gold) worth 10 00
For 100, one Gold Vest Chain, worth 8 00
For 75. one Gold Pen and Gold Hol
der, handsomely entraved. worth 10 00
For 50, one do do do 8 00
For 40, one do do do GOO
For 30, one do do do 5 00
For 20, Commercial do in silver do
extension holder, worth 3 00
For 15, one Medium do do 2 00
For 10, one Lady's do do 1 50
This Gold Pen and Gold Holder, is the
LADIES' SIZE, and is a beautiful aiticle.
A 11 the above goods shall be procured from
the N. York Gold Pen Manufacturing Com
pany, the acknowledged best Gold Pen and
'encil Case Manufacturers on this Conti-
Can be advantageously formed in every vil-
age and city in the Union, and a laiee num
ber of subscribers obtained in this way.
Such as would interest themselves for the
Guide, can be well kewarded, as our lisl
of premiums above wil' show.
Who would desire an excellent Family News
paper, should at once avail themselves of the
Guide, the price being much below any oth
er newspaper published.
Wanted foi every city in the Unlcd Stales
and Canada. Responsible parties, who will
act as agents for the Guide, will please fur
nish us with their names for publication.
To the Ladies
We would particularly appeal, knowing the
efficiency of their services when energetic
ally directed. I3y their co-operation our
subscription list would soon out number any
paper published on this continent, and to
gain this we shall at all limes strive to em
body in the columns of the Guide something
not only to please but instruct our female
patrons. Our subscription price being so
low, there will be but little difficulty in theii
procuring for us enough subscribers to ob
tain any of the Rich Premiums above de
scribed, and what lady would not desire a
handsome Gold Watch, Locket, Bracelet,
or Pen and Pencil?
Specimen copies senlrcc, by addressing
the Editor, post-paid.
IO3 All communications should be ad
dressed, pust-paid. to "W. E. Bi.akenkv,
Editor and Publisher of the Nciv-Yorc Mer
cantile Guide, No. 183 Greenwich street."
May 25, 1851 2m
Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing.
The subscriber would respectfully inform
the public that he has enlarged and improved
the old stand at Bushkill, Pike county, Pa.,
where he will attend without delay to all or
ders from his customers.
Country Carding and Cloth dressing,
promptly attended to. Also, Manufacturing
Cloths, of all descriptions which may be
wanted; Broadcloths, (double width,) Cassi
meres, Satinets, Shawls, Coverlets, Blankets,
(double width;) Flannels, &c., furnished to
Wool Carded for 4 cents per pound cash,
and if it is charged 5 cents will be exacted.
Prices for Manufacturing are:
Broadcloths (double width,) Indigo blue, per
yard i$l 25
Invis. gfeen, bottle green, and blue
black, per yard 1 17
Browns, blncka and snuffs, per yard 1 00
Satinets, (mixtures, and Tweeds, per yd. 40
Blankets, (double width,) do 62
Flannel, white, 31 1
Dressing Ctotli.
men's weak. Cents.
Tndigo blue, per yd. 30
Invisible and bottle green, do. 31
Blue black, do 25
Snuffs,- browns,- blacks, and drabs do 20
Fulling, shearing and pressing do 1-'A
Fulling and pressing do U
Scouring and napping do 8
women's wear.
Indigo blue do 18
Madder and scarlet red do 20
Greens, all shades do 15
Blacks arid browns do i2h
Yam Indigo blue' per lb. 25
Madder and scarlet do 25
Groens, all shades do 18
7 Wool lea at Pinchot's, Laforges or
DeWitt's Store, at Corneliu's Tavern, or at
De Witt's Mill, Milford, Pa.; at Dingmnn's
Store, Dingman's Choice; O. Dimmick's Mut
tamoras, Pike county ; at Stokes &. Staples'
Store, Stroudsburg ; at Landers' or Peters'
store, Craigs Moadows, Monroe Co. Pa., at
Stokes & Drehei's store, Smithfield, and at
Stokes Mill, near Stroudsburg, will bo taken
away and returned every two weeks. Broad
cloths, CassimeTes, &c. kept on lmnd and ex
changed for Wool.
May 25, 1851.
3, ISj WA3Sfj
Has removed hia office to his dwoling
housoj first door belc-w the offico of the
" Jeffersonian Offico," and! directly oppo
site S. J. Hollinahead's hotel, "Elizabeth
StroudsburgjJJcc. I'd, l?50.
1000 Book Agents Wanted,
To canvass for the best and most saleable
Books published. They are written by the
most popular Authors of the day, includtnf
among- others, T. S. Authcr, of whose last
great work,
To is ftig;ts in a Bar Room,
10,000 copies have been sold within a month
of publication.
These Books are beautifully illustrated.
(many of them with finely colored plates) and
are printed and bound in the best manner.
Agents will find a pleasant and profitable
employment in the circulation. For partic
ulars auurefs (post paid)
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher,
No. 48 North Fouth st. Phil'a.
October 12, 1854. 2m.
Came to the enclosure of the sub
scriber on Wednesday, Septemdcr
27, 1854, a brindlo yearling Bull, with
wuito lined feet. The owner will please
prove property, pay charges and take
him away.
Stanhope, Pa. Oct. 5, 1854.---3t
BJSiniii?; Fluid constantly on hand
and for sale by
Stroudsburg, March 30, 1854.
Tho undersigned has on hand and for sale.
Window Sash, painted and cl.ized, of all
sizes. U. U. WARWICK.
Stroudsburg-, March 9, 1854.
The copartnership heretofore existing
under the firm of Noyes, Phelps & Co.,
is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
August 10, 1854.
A Sparkling, A Glowing, A Uve
"Do you wUh to Laugh I Dou you wish
y!" Read Fanny Fern's Second Ser,
lhe most remarkable Book of the a?e! Just
published by Miller, Obrton & Mcllioan,
Auburn and Buffalo, N Y.
The publishers confidently commend this
Second Offering of Fearn Leaves to the pub
lie attention. It is composed wholly of ori
ginal matter, and such an amount of wit, pa
ihos, humor, common senso, intelligence,
amusement and instruction, was nevelr be
fore wrapped up in four hundred l2mo pp.
Fanny Fern is to-day, beyond question,
not only the most original, but lhe most vig
orous and spirit-stirring, as she is also the
most fascinating and effective writer, either
here or elsewhere.
Her pant is certainly a remarkable Hisio
ry, as the sale of more than 150.000 copies
of her works in les3 than a year, clearly at
tests; and the continued demand indicates a
future still more brilliant.
Fanaiy Fern's Cooks.
Fearn Leaves from Fanny's Portfoli
first series, 8 illustrations by Collin,
engraved by N. Orr, muslin, 400 pp.
12tno. price $1 25
The same muslin, gilt edges and full j
gilt sides, " 2 00 i
Little Ferns for Fanny's Littlo Friends,
0 illustrations, muslin, 298 pp. ifimo. 75
The same, muslin, gilt edges and sides 1 00
Fern Leaves from Fanny's Portfolio
KFsecond series,, 8 illustrations
by Coffin, engraved by N. Orr, mus
lin, 400 pp. 12mo, 1 25
The same, muslin, gilt edges and full
gilt sides, Q 00
Miller, Orton & Mulligan
Also publish, about 200 varieties of popu
lor and useful books, varying in price from
25 cents to S2 00 each, and embracing pop
ular Biography, History, Agriculture, Nar
ratives and Travels. Temperance, Books for
lhe Young, Miscellaneous Works, in great
variety, standard poetry, &c. &c. and from
which a very liberal discount is made to
Agents. Catalogues, subscription books,
and instructions furnished by mail, whenev
er requested. We enumerate a few:
Daniel Boone and the Hunters of Ken
tucky, by W. H. Bogart, with illus
trations, muslin, 390 pages. l2mo. $1 25
Life, Speeches, and public services of
Henry Clayj by Sdrgeant & Greeley,
with portrait on steel, muslin, 633
pp. 8vo. 2 00
Lilc of George Washington, first presi
dent of the United St ates, by Jared
Sparks, LL. D. with portrait on steel,
muslin, G71 ppl l2mo. 1 50
Lives of Mary and Martha Washington,
Mother and Wife of Geo. Washing
ton, by Margaret C. Conkling, with
portraits on steel, muslin, 2 IS pp.
ltimo. 75
Life of Rev. Adoniram Judson, of tho
Burman Mission, by J. Clement, Steel
portrait, muslin, 330 pp. I3cno. 1 00
Lives of the three Mrs. Judsons. com
pleted to the death of Emily C , by
Arabella M. Wilson, 2 portraits on
steel, muslin; 371 pp. 12mo. 1 00
Life of Christ and his Apostles, by Rev
J. Fleetwood, a new edition, with an
introduction by Prof. Seager, G illus
trations, muslin, 4Gl pp. 13 no I 25
Minnie Ilermon; or. The Landlord's
Daughter, a Tale for the Times, by
T. W Brown, Kditor of the 1 Cayu
ga Chief," 1 illustrations, muslin, '172
pp. 12tiio I 25
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Reveries, by T W Brown, Editor of
tho '"Cayuga Chief,11 5 illustrations
and a portrait of the authoY, on steel,
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man's Mission; being Familiar Let
ters to a YoUng Lady on her Amuse
ments, Employments, Studies. Ac
quaintances. Ac. by Dr W A Alcot,
steel frontispiece, muslirt, 307 pp.
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hn, 312 pp. 12'mo 75
Youatt on the Horse, their structure
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comprising every variety of informa
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sions, by Mrs. T. J. Crowon, illus
trated, muslin, 454 pp. 12mo 1 25
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Dr. Hunter; Medical ManuaUnd Hand
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cure of every form of disease contracted by
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their prevention, written in a familiar style,
avoiding nil medical technicalities, and cvc
ry thing that would offend the ear of decen
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voted to tho euro of diseases of a delicate or
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To which is added receipts for the cure of
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Testimony of the Professor of Obstctrirt
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tfr's Memcal Manual." The author of
this work, unlike the majority of thoso who
adveitiso to cur2 the diseases of which it
treats is a graduate of one of the best Col
leges in tho United States. It affords mo
pleasure to recommend him to the unfortu
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zr.r.. i i ' .-
whose honor and integrity they may place
the gteaiest confidence,
Jos. S. LoNGsnons M. D.
From. A Woodward, M. D.t of Penn. V
niversity, Philadelphia. It give3 me pleas
ure to add my testimony to the professional
ability of tho Author of tho " Medical Man
ual." Numerous, cases of Disease of tho
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mg, have come under my notice, in which
his skill has been manifest in restoring u
perfect health, in some causes where the
paiicnt has been considered beyond medi
cal aid. In tho treatment of Seminal weak
ness, or disarrangement of the functions
produced by self abuse or Excess of vene
ry, I do not know his superior in the pro
fession. I have been acquainted with the
Author some thirty years, and deem it no
moro than justice to him as well as kindness
to the unfortunate victim of early iiidiscru
tion, to recommend him as one in whose
professional skill and integrity they msy
safely confide themselves.
Alfhed Woodwaro, M. D.
" This is, without exception, the most
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itself to the reasun of its readers.
It is free from all objectionable matter, and
no parent, however, tastidious, can object to
placing it in the hands of bis sons. Tho
author has devoted many years to the treat
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and, with too little breath to pulT, and too
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I No teacher or parent should be without
the knowledge imparted in this invaluable
work. It would save years of pain, mortifi
cation and sorrow to the youth under their
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A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writ
ing of " Hunter's Medical Manual" says : -Thousands
upon thousands of our vouth. by
evil example and influence of the passions,
hae been led into the habit of self pollution,
without realuing the sin and learful conse
quences upon tliemselves and their posteri
ty. The constitutions tif thousands who
arc raising families have been enfeebled, if
not broken down, and they do not know tho
cause or the cure. Anything that can bu
done so to erilighten and influence the pub
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move this wide-spread source of human
wrctchodness, would confer the greatest
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on the present and coming generation In
temperance (or me use ot intoxicating
drinks) though it has slain thousands upon
thousands, is not a greater scourge to tho
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ly ongaged in."
One copy (securely enveloped) will bfl
forwarded, free of postage, to arty part of
the United States for 25 cents, or six copies
SI. Address, (post paid) COSDEN & CO.
Publishers, or Box lUli, Philadelphia.
fXBooselleis, Canvassers and Cook A
gents supplied on the most liberal terms.
June 22, 1851. ly.
New Wholesale and Retail
tioml55iiSj Pa.
The undersigned would inform Land
lords and the public generally, that
he continues the above business in Strouds
burg, in the store house formerly occupied
by John II. Melick as a Jewelry Store, and
has on hand a large stock of
of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from
the Custom House, which he is prepared
to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea
sonable terms. Our stock consists of French
Brandy, dark and pale. A so, Pencil, Black
berry, Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy; Hol
land Gin, N. E. Rum; Irish, Rye and Applo
Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala
ga, Currant and Champagne Wine, Sec. &c.
Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of all
Demijohns, from A to 5 gallons; bottles, and
generally any thing that cuu be asked for in
our line;
Landlords will find it greatly to their ad
vantage to deal with me. I have no hired
agents to sell and distribute liquors for mem
great expense, which must be paid for by the
consumer. Those dealing with me I intend
shall be satisfied with the article they get, as
well a6 the price, and whenever they are nolr
I will be pleat'ed to have them return, the
liquor, and make the fact known, for I in-,
end to make it a permanent business, and
can only do so by dealing honorably. Alt
orders sent me, by stage drivers or others, will
be promptly attended to, the same as though
the person was present dealing for himself.
July 8, 1352. P. S. POSTERS.
Respectfully informs the public that he has.
removed his Hit &. Cap Storo
next door to Samuel Melick's
Watch and Jewelry Store, where
he will be happy to see his old
partruns and customers.
He also announces that he positively- gives'
no credrt, as it has become uu!shionablb as-,
well as unprofitable.
Quick-sales and small pfoftU is his motto.
, Fur saljvht-tlfo . WflfitfjS
J- v- ---tr. . i V .1.-