The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, November 09, 1854, Image 1

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UDeuotcfc to jpoiitics, Citeraturc, grieulhtrc, Science, iiloralitij, anD encval Jntclligcncc.
VOL. 14
NO. 51,
Published by Theodore Schccll. i clerkship at a lower salary than be had
termss-two dollars per annum in a.ivance-Tuo previously received. lie lived only twelve
collars an i n quarter, half yearly and if not paid be- mouths after this disheartening reverse.
lore the end of the ycar.Two dollars and half. .... , v , , , e. , . . .,
No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid,, When he died, he left his Widow peimiiCSS.
except at the option of the Editor. , In this extremity, Mrs. Marshall, like
1CT Atlvcrtxscments not exceeding one square (ten . . .
lines) will be inserted three weeks lor one dollar, and a true WOlliail, looked her situation full in
twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion. The , f t fi . . , i Qm-ll
f hitrge for one and three insertions the same. A liber-, thO taCC. lier Urst act Was to Hire a Pin ail
a discount made to yeariv advertisers. house at a moderate rent, and remove in-
11T? All letters addressed to the Editor must be post- ' ,
paid. j to it such articles of comlort and convcu-
-rr- - -.-- , iencc as she considered indispensable. All
.1 O Z? PSISTHG. ; tj1(J mt Qr jer furniture she sold, and rc-
IMvrog a general assortment ox targe, , M, snTo nhniifc two hundred
mid nniamnntnl Tvne. we are prepared
to execute every descuption of 'dollars. One hundred dollars of this she
SSSTSSr IPiaSraSS deposited in the Savings Bank, and with
cards, circuiirs, mil Heads, Notes, Blank Receipts ' tlio other hundred furnished her front
T I J t .n a- T n -V r- nnmnlil n 9.
fristcd n Uh neatness and despaicti, oh reasonable . room beiOW as a trimming Store, OU
put to domestic uses. He had all the 1 near to him, unperccived, as if she could ' prentice, and a fierce, scowling resolution j known as the most skillful architect in
wood for the house and kitchen to split; I read his thoughts. on his brow, that made Bellrose, angry as : the city where he was raised, am. .was
;li lio wmq Hnnm if i.psf. not. In t..mnt. lntn ' nnfrnned in the erection ot some oi ine
ail tlie Water to DTing: U1C KUlvus aum xxviv, auiu mainuui.iujmu u-. -r- ., - n,i rn.,l
vi-.. i ,n nnvw nnrrrv onml.nQ- fnlr rim linbv over to to nut hia threat into execution. Uo, costliest edifices with which it is auorncu
to be kept thus away from the bench by without lilting his eyes to uic lace oi us suup auu t Bjuuim- u
i i.. rKnc mntlmr A nr1rlirn imnnln tn do it harm ' 'Served hsm riiibt.
iiiuijiui uiiiuiuy uiuiii?, uuaicu mo iuciiuc. "u"- j. .v.v..w. --, , , , .
mi i t t : ill U C l.lrl T Iwa minrl lilffpr. 1 WOll d haVG doill!
nougn mna in ms temper, no nau t-pirxi, uy wuy vi iuvugt, ........ - -
and indenendence: these caused his feel-
home: and all the errands to run, for the ! my sister's. And mind that you don't let therefore., thew the piece of wood he had - btcadily as he bad gone up nau ni u.u
house as well as the shop. As the boy him fall, or hurt him iu any way. If you taken up, to the floor, and turned his at-' master, Beilro-c, the carpenter sone clown,
was fond of working with tools, and like- do, look out." tention to Saston who was now in the until, from being a master-builder be
wise ambitious to karn the use of them, 1 Frederick received the babe in his arms; hands of the other apprentices of the was reduced to the condition of a incro
muttered one of the worst feature in his case he was in debt,
the 5,ame. and. hard nrossed Dv his creditors, one of
Sullenlv ho was turning away, when Mrs. I'lcsh and Uioou couiun t enauro iorever wtiom, more urscnt mau lMl
insrs often to revolt against what he felt Jiellrosc said, in a sharp, quiclc voice , tuc insuub aim vVl .u.uu ui iu,u - ' V'", q
to" be imposition. One day the wife of 'Did you hear me, sir ' j Frederick heard this, ana cast a grate- his shop all his tools, except a J .nglcclwst,
his master called out to him, in the rough The boy started, and lifted suddenly ful look towards the journeyman, which and the furniture in his welling j hich
way that she Generally spoke to the boys, his blue eyes, that were swimming in tears. , the latter saw, and returned with a glance . were all a. vi-rticd to be sold at sncnlt s
A little sign, indicating that hust as he was leaving the house, after Their expression bad a power over the ot encouragement , sale in auout a wcck. ln-R,u
having brought in the market basket passionate woman tuat sue couiu not un- -luu uxuw nun-u uau iuiu mm --" ' w.
4 You Fred ! Come back here ! You derstand. Without replying, Frederick . feet upon the head of Saston, was a severe rose shut up his shop one cvemnc, ana
are in a great hurry to be off! You've looked at her steadily for a few moments, one. His sholder was severely bruised, went home with a gloomy brow. "9
.ot to take the baby down to Mrs. The meaning of his look Mrs. Bellrose and his head badly cut. It was ten mm- pretty well advanced in years, and all his
rrnW9 did not understand, but it subdued her, ' utes before he was restored to animation, children were o.T of his hanus cscep.ono
. . . . , , - , , , t i...if f ,1 flipn In. wn not nhlf. to stand. In bov. about thirteen years ot age, tno
Know edge ot liredencic oame uacu siowiy, mutter- , ami muuu ulu ujuio "an .v iwi - , , ; , i 4i, nn ,rtCf iAvnfl V both
.:.t.$.. : fi.: i,: if nf Afro 111. Jn.Wn tl, moans of subiectin- the poor about halt an hour he was well enough youngest and the one most loved b, botti
. ! O ..Q. 11 . i 1. I 1 I...., ii-nll- l.ninn lull if. V!l3 ff'Tl 1:1VS
small scale
I fine sewing, clear starehinsr, etc., would be
jdone by her, soon brought a small share
,of custom, both for work, and the little
(articles required to keep every woman's
f work basket properly furnished. Grau
ually, as she obtained more
her business, she was able
From the Arthur's Home Gazctlce.
BY T. S. ARTtlUIt.
Mrs. Bray told me yoa wanted an ap
prentice,, said a woman, in a timid, hesi
tating voice as she entered the shop of purposeln her store. Upon the pro- angry voice.
Bellrose, the carpenter. She held by the duct of this store, and the labor of her . The lad was instantly silent,
band a lad not over twelve vears of hands, Mrs. Marshall managed to support 'What did you way, sir ?' asked the in-
lild, gentle-looking bov, with a ' her little family. But, in doing so she suited xdrs. JJel rose -bpeak- lean t you;
, . , , " was compelled to labor far beyond her How dare you talk back to mu.'
the hundred dollars that had been laid by
in the Savings Bank, and use it to very .
1 w 1 . IT il.. '
rose could not hear.
Vli.if'a linf 7' clio nslrftil. in .1 nniJlr
before fathnr and mother. All the other noys
Doy to tuc cruci cnasuseuiL-ut uu uau JUt , ------ -innr.:nrr tvA
received , ho was able to go to work. Many and bad learned or were learning trades
n S V" f..i nt in l,vt tl.o hahr ' said1 cruel were the threats given forth both in For Edwin; the youngest, they looked
, vu.v.. w j, nrtun i,,Hn,(nfMmvr Marshall, for somcthins better. Uira they intcnueu
wild 111 ;i iriiiiii i,i 1 11(7. - - - j t-; '
a n
fair complexion and clear blue eyes
'So I do,' was bluftly replied. 'But I
hardly think your boy will suit me. He
looks too delicate for my use. I want a
stouter and stronger lad.'
He is not very stout and strong, I
'strength. Her eldest boy she had felt it
to be her duty to keep at school as long
as pos-'iblc. But, as the other children
advanced, and taxed the mother'b income
more heavily every day, until she per
ceived, with a saddened heart, that her
But Frederick stood, with a half fright
ened, half defiant look
0 , , i- i ..- !- -1 of ,vl.;,.l, tl,o lftftr ninrin nnv ru- to educate tor one Ot tuc proie.-biuu, uu,
xes. ma am, repiicu rreucnuiv, aimusi, uun Vi ,,w.vw ....... j i cn
involuntarily, touched by the change in ply. These threats were never put into as he showed great fond, e,s for lea mng
the woman's voice execution, however. Saxton had roused ; their ambition to sec him u e in tho
A ZZht of f hurting the innocent babe the lion once, and had no wish again to ! world, bj means of a liberal education,
1 tin wfiitrht of bis armed paw. 2sor . was laudabie.
II 11 i 1 1 1 li .L" tllll VUU j y-r j j 4 v ---- C3
- w
What did he av Kitty?' This was carried it gently in his arms to the place ' was he the only one wiio was reiuct am to iuc who oi 'fa-
uat am no ...1, xvutj. am irfiiinv4 a j 1 mr.i.or.,! 11 t ho. 1 nf f hp Tinsit on of affairs. She knew that
asked of the cook,' who was standing ; where be was directed to gb, and then re- kindle.up the lire that .lumbered m the of the pos.tiot
' turned to the shop. His master greeted young mans bosom. Bellrose himself all tney bad
was in
'Why, he says, ma'am, as
stock of-'oods was cradually diminishing there is nothing in his indentures
how that him with a dark frown as he came in, and hard-fisted, brutal tyrant as be was, felt sheriff , and he also knew t
res about 1 ordered him to do something in an angry that there was in Frederick the courage- band had thus far tried in
Q G J , , , -I 1
- -.-v 1 . i. 1 l.n liJ tt inch
know,' returned the Ionian. 'But, then, whhout ViCr bufng able to replace it, she carrying babies.' ! voice. It was many days betoro beilro.e to resist to an ijut - -
' iiwuui- B r , . tt Pmi rr.i mL ii.f t, wnr. hv .1 huul to eucouuter; and he had sense enough to
he is a very ood child, and fond ot work- came to the reluctant determination oi -tieaiui uiu inu iinpuuuiib iuiu: tiau tuu j - -- --- - i.-v;lin. boon driven to
lie ib very , I7rcderiek out from home. For The face of Mrs. Bellrose became as . word is here meant a word that did not know that, haut g once bum driven to
,ng with tools. He will grow stou; and put tin L out , Qf & ithin lun)j ,
stronger by degrees, and as he will be o- Q whom shcSapplied havc maL the cars 0f the boy quite as j From that time, the carpenter seemed shrink from doing so again if rested .to
bedient and learn his trade fast, I am ur r tQ uko bia3 uncss shc would red as ber own facc had she not waived , to have a settled dislike towards Iredcr- extremity. John Lauu, or jutk i,ai no,
.ure you will find him of as much use to ard aiJ,f clothe him for the first two the satisfaction of doing so for the higher ick Marshall . He was ma e to carry as he J"
p easureoi naviug mm wen uuggcu uy uux uui, uauo ..v..v. - ' . , - , .
lusband i required to do it but once before, and to lad, whl.e he felt that he was too weak to
'Gooff to the shop, you impertinent ; do menial and degrading offices about. rcsUt, did not again venture to encroach
fellow! and tell your mater that I want the house-degrading for a boy. This upon tne rig .ts or ureuench auuuuu i .
r 1 oar v lwu vbs a. wnuu iuu mil'" - t " j - - ---
von as a stronger boy who bus not his will- years. This she was not able to do. One
to Work ' liuigiiuuia uiui. uvi uj un muw
to uivc iter son a goou traue, auu poimuu
her' to numerous instances where mechan-
How old is he !'
'He was twelve last May.'
'Twelve! Mo.-t too young.
Wo tnvlad! do you want to be a car-' fondness for tools, and always said that
,' ; he wanted to be a carpenter. Hearing
,J ' ' . , . .,, , that Bullrose was in want of an apprentice,
Yes, sir,' was timidly answered. jMr, Mar-hall appiiedj as has been seen,
'Why do you want to be a carpenter? and secured the place.
:I must learn a trade, and I'd nalher' The carpenter was a vulgar-minded
1 ,nntrrfl,nTi nnr else.' 'man, who had no kind of feeling for his
lift 14 vui yv. ijvvi - j Ci
f t . 1 I. il . .iAHr lnlrA U
n .1 1 i A A'..,, linn 1.7 nnmn oc inn IIIIICI tor llpnr V tWO VearS. WUCU lUU.Wiacu viy iu.iilx.ij
ics had set up lor tncmseives auu uccoihb lu suu umi, i.u jvu. uuu. v.u..v- -j j , - - f q
Bat sec ;:.U off. Frederick, Limsclf, showed . straight back again as your feet .ill car- lad's abilities at bis trade n.ade ,t Ins .f to he pi ce of 1 11 baUon
rv you. Ill teach you to give me impu- .masters lumiust tu mlu nU.u lv; - t -
'J J J O I .... i in il 1. 1... :,,!- rr.-.ol... 11 ivoa nrt nninip nnfi nl nfi-
Hearing dcncel' i galling drudgery, ah tai, wa uoiuu oy , " T ' ' '
A boy of less spirit, seeing the inevita- Frederick, with but lew complaints to His , tuai suiienng uuu, iu -ble
consequences that must follow a com- mother. 1 around him; and yet it had in it much to
plaint to his master, would have humbley The unkindness and oppression of his 'fret his mind, bellrose bad never clotn
Lt i,i.i i.,i a,, r.r, ,ntr wnr not all the lad had to bear, cd him well. This had always oecn a
auivliuiv;u"cu iuai uu nau uuu. ii"vu6 , . - - - Cf
romr into such com
He regarded them with little more
and sou"
'You like to work with tools !'
' 'Yes, sir.'
'But carpenters' work is very hard ' be t"0 do QTZt and so were bis tools. brave the cruel anger of Bellrose
work, sometimes,
strong enough.'
htto appease the anger of his in- . The two fellow-apprentices we havc named, source of mortifac:
mistress. But Frederick was , who were older and stronger boys, tyran- vented him irom
n n jJmlrl our! the inflnoncf. nized over him in various ways. He suf- pany as he likec, (
the hands of the
that her bus
vain to ge
some friend to aid him in his extremity.
Anxiously did shc look in his face, aj bo
entered his house on that evening, but
there was no light there. All was still
"Can nothing be done, husband V she
said when they were alone, after tea.
"Will no one go your security, and thus
save our goods!"
"I have asked two or three since morn
ing, but no body is willing to risk any
thing for me. As I am knowmto be
heavily in debt, I cannot blame people
for being cautious."
'Won't the man who has sued wait
"No. I have seen him, to give mo
more time. But he is as hard as iron.
He will not bend an inch. Ah, mcl man
is hard and cruel to his fellow!"
As Bellrose said this, the image of
He would ; Frederick Marshall came up suddenly be-
nanv as uu uu'u, ui juuuuyo.
Th to make -him fered from them ridicule, cruel treatment, ' not associate with a c ass whose garb was , .oie
as di- ' ana wrongs oi vauuui, imuus, ;t- r- . . ,.i nnA mn. tnwnrrl!
c . . t i i.i rpi.v l-.. :fv ho nrfitnrffi rat nor to stav at i 01 uisuu uaiuuiM uu. "'j
I d.t think vo, arc, The tools required sharpening to make reeted, he went to , : e , , hop , .n torn n,s eomp a '-'. J"" .J ,.r -- m oM kve hiln wlcnsbo,. A flmh of shame burn-
! them efficient in his hands, and tlio boys master tuat jira. jjonn. ..u.ea ...u.. "---"-r--r . " ,,j ui, rnlnrv. lin his mother ' ed on nw cheeks.
i vhnf in fim no mn n r rottjo nnns s n rL'hiiiii. uul ii, uuiu uun; uwtu u"-i - ...
consideration than he did his jack-planes, proud as welt as timid, and tbc mduence ; nizeu over mmm w iZZU, ts5 JhMe rb was fore him. and, with the recollection of his
Thev were the means by which be was a- fVS, , 3 f ' nds "of a i ! sondes of their depraved char- ! old apprentice, came al?o the recollection
A nlj-triiltrani-in IkJTIlU liH Illi'l 1 ft I I :i 1 III lilt' llillIII. L ULiUU vWkW4.W s
... . 1- 3 il.. I . lCCUUJi: .IUU uiuiuiuj,, uuu i. w.-. ,,. , , , ., :..! 1.1 nrcnnr o um fO rrO 1
'i will grow stronger, rcpneu iu tl.r .otln ti,n thn Utter, he want?' said the carpenter, with ill humor, . him to nave norne lesser cvu puwivuiy, uui uu- r- , , , . . Bntrtta t,.ft ,r:tV.
"ajlluul" J ' . . . , - 1 . ',t. . 1... ot..,f ,nrn rhom in. nnnrRf 1 -tlttinp ffannentr. ouewoum nuuiu aiMvu. Ui:.vv- --
113 CUUl. iii 13U L nail ail mnu, ui ' -o, u.- . , , . r, . ...
: r ii i Kim n Sun' hv suit, h
I think you'd better send him to school ajwavs scemcd kinder to and more consid
a rear or two longer,' said Bellrose, ad-'erate of his tools than his boys,
-dressing the lad's mother. Hc is most Bellrose was a very good workman, and
ton voumr to be nut out to a trade. 'I'd , an orun.a uc, a r
J J3
rather take him in two years from thi
lime than now.' . 1 advanced but little beyond what he ac
as he drew on his
hour since I left the house !'
When Mrs. Bellrose. in a fever of in
dignation, related to her husband the in-
n ... . . i
in him. the physical so very suiting language that had been used by
creased fourfold.
CO in his i "Dou't you think Frederik Marshall
She would ' would assist your' suggested tne
- - ... ..-r-r . ... 11 C !. " !,1 ii
have bought him a Sunday suit herseit, "lie s getting wen oi,u i wiu.
! Thus passed the unhappy years of the had it been in ber power to do po , but it ( No was
boy's life until he was eighteen, by which1 was not. At eighteen, I-rcderick felt ; and bellrose s
; time hard labor had given him strength, still more keenly the want of such cloth- , denugly. 1
mind had ripened iuto;ing as wouiu enaDic mui lu gu iuw iKVv.
ral firmness and hatred table society. But, in bis slopniad
little villain!' he said, catching ! of oppression. The two apprentices, who1 roundabout, coarse, blue cassinet panttt
tho frightened lad, who came in had practised upon him so many cruel loons, and rough shoes he only
' - . . ..... -ti i " 1 . I .)" 1 n r. m I..., .- n nn o iri o r II n 11 re
1 .i il. :il nn ni thnt- tlO imMPrflh' rtiat IlHlIYlUUd.l ULliiCl nuo UUU il luuuui mil -r i ".-I T . . 1
eany vmauwu t '"'"-'i -" ' .. . ' .T....i r t,.,,.n,l ti,i, cn ctv. Jiut. in his slopmaue
V 1 11 J 1. ll k a 1'fwlwFITlfSa T I! :i 11 I :i I I ll IIIM.I II I I 11 llMLl LVi iv I V h.vvv.f 1 A
lBut I'm not able to send him to school' qaircd as an apprentice and journeyman.
, . . ., r i J!
any longer' returned the mother, sadly, tin master had neen in imr ana ug a Br"--" l" '.rn nn within a few months of . venture forth early on Sunday mornin
w .. . 1. Km dnt nr nirn inrr nnn.iis vprv snon ;i it uiui. iinu uiuiliu. ' " v -v- " - - .. ... ,
auu uuuui-i v.i.. - .-. . " .. ., 1 t...t 1 1 l.,1 f n tft ,s mAtinrs hniisf! illll rPtlim O-
UUu uiuiniuuu uuu nun tu iiu iw no ...... - ,
blown into a terrible flame.
bold of
v rtrtll ITtn 1 TIM rilllllll'l III 1UI 111 I' I LIUUJ
'T l.nvo tlit-PR ohlldren besides him, all . " -- , 1.:' 11 iU ihnW frrorlnin!
and it's as much as I can do to i ? "? 1 "S Z ZK( ? ti lieusS brht with i't a sense of justice- They waVds ten o'clock ntnight to ,tad...Hn3.f
to., am) wear. Fred- " ; , rV'nrntiee and iour- and rivinir Frederick a vijoroas push, ..ill took delicht in imposing upon Fred-1 s ; master.
LUl ltVUJ m-w I Udl O Ui II to W' C3 ill '
D ,k t,.T ai.i l.:.- lirt iftMiIri hn tr
crick must go out now, and if you are not nevman, Bellrose was anie to tase auu toiu mm tu gu uF auu
-: i- i-t. t a w- fnv Cnmn ! execute contracts for edifices of a similar him m a moment. IJ
vnuiuii i-w . i,;0 irnrf-for in a moment alter tne iriirui- iui worus m; nau amua -. , , i:..n.. Tin
. . ' i.-inn irhnn cpr, nil nr niiiisuii. uio "'"i ... a . . . , . i . i l i i in t m rnn n'liii: cuiuuiiy. a.i. uuv. wv.
the cabinet-:""'" " ."r " nfr t.l.n rrarmt his master return, and sometimes blow lor blow; but maue uungci u un.oo. iu .-p, r
buch a maninpowerasa musici, vw.u ,.---- , P.inlll:. m. .,t tho hui d na. he was overworked: me tatter ior n-u
tho quick, stern answer.
shook his head almost shud-
would seo all lost rather
than go to him!"
His wife sighed deeply.
Before either spoke again, there camo
a knock at the door, and a few moments
afterwards a well dressed man entered,
and bowed respectfully. They knew him
in an instant. It was he of whom they
other place. Mr. Sampson,
A hA hist honn sneakinr. Marshall
X lllZ 1UUU II UlOU II IU . i'i l. " " " " J I iJ ,
vanccd towards ins oiu master, mm es-
a cheerful smile,
hand of Mrs. Bell-
maker, has promised to take him next 1 , natural dislike to an
Enrinsr. but I must get him to a trade 0r a nuicker turn of mind, but
t- , I . . ... ......! i I
And this icciing. m tne
be would be with crick, whose disposition they bad warped, before him and Ins fellow pPren ic s wa vanccd
3 was as good as and made fretful and impatient. Kcscnt-;of the coarsest kind, badly cooked, and. ten dec lus , ;
int. after ihe fright- ful words he had always given them in often unpalatable, even where .hard work , and then shoou he ha
aster seems ened boy entered the garret his master ' return, and sometimes blow for blow; but made hunger
i apprentice was by his side, holding a large rattan their physical strength greatly predomi- or at the bui
it with less in his band. j nated over his, and he was, therefore, no and at home,
when work was done, there i In pite of the frankness and warmth
!i : l -I.:!:..
"nOW. I UU YMt'UI ai'llll.
'Well, Sf that's the case, I suppose I case of Frederick, was added to the nat
' , .i ' Ural indifference of Bellrose to his ap
.must take him ' said the carpenter. . 1T. . Unrio , BniAnA
'When can he come?' it, as the humor was on him, or as the fall at his feet. He was trembling all o- crick, in a very offensive tone of voice
'As soon as you want him.' 1 offences against him were light or aggra- vcr like a leat, ana nis lace was aspaie us uauu mm u13u
1. ntill UUU 1U1 UJUIUV lUOli W UIO 1IUIIVU uv " v
1 - . "
'Take off vour iacket, sir ! 1 11 teach match tor them, but always rcceivcu
T.n.i o frJo vour nuRtrfiss imnudencc.' said worst in any contest
ijiunn I One day, about this tunc, one of these
iimiujv. , - ' , , 1T11
Frederick moved his jacket, and let it apprentices, named baxton.orucreaicu-
.i,.-. n ?t down in of manner with wincn :uarnau treaieu
. . 1 . .i i.r. i i i ion. IVi roo and bis wife felt constrain-
i quiet, except tne kuchcu ui g.uiu (
I 1 ' . . 1 .... . . 1 1. .l 1 on;,i,nn.w'itol-rin I M twist
Notwithstanding uli these disagrecaoie , uu .um tuUn....u-..w.v.
' things, and the absence ot all ciiances ior came ui uu.. v-v-
i nitino- Jmimnlf. Frcder- ! Bellrose remembered the cruel stripes,
' LU ; 1 " i.i ""I:: " " r ,1.. ! for li,ht c, that he had too often laid
,;m mfhnr than .ratified his over lips, but it remained there unuttered. 'Uid you near me speaic: a-Mu,
' bear
j scoldings
The latter tool
Send him round to-morrow, then. jvated; and the impression upon them wor- ashes
What is your name !'
43Irs. Marshall.'
'And your sou's name is Frederick?'
'Yes, sir.'
Vorv wpII von can come to-morrow bad
vrA ' ! the carpenter could sec the blood rusn to , xney ne u g . a --6 --b-j , -v mallct at he acnuirement of all the information in
av,wv.w. . i u. i 3 hie iionfi rifinn. nnci weru cuijliijuuu uuiu i uuui , ujv. - , . , rr . ir
- " -TllO I Oil K ffflIl"K. IJti UU1 VU UW uuu , ... 1 " i a ... i 1. . ht.t rAnn h A .
. - , i ... i I Afl W I ! n t' M 1111! ULU II 1113 lUHOU. J .u
JVU1 uw i
Frederick did not pay the slightest at-,ed drawin
tcntion to this order, but kept on with the other
li!j wor V i sketched i
Angry beyond the power of controlling ' cd his fellow-apprentices, by their correct
hiniseffat the indifference displayed by ness of proportion and beauty ot design.
young Marshall, Saston actually threw!
-dta .1 i 1 IT . . . i.K . ... I i-i.y-v noifin
inrr tyrannical spirit for neither Fride, a consciousness tnatworus wouiu m an angry, auu ui ui -
nor beatings seemed to strike be vam, kept him silent, men came wc ncut-uuix iuuu
torror into thfir hearts. Uutitwas cruei stripes, lanmg r n.. nv, ,
unor luiu m.ii uoui w. , 1 , ' i , ,i. i i-Ton,l nm tlmf oliisol T snv Dnn t vo:i must ri
.:ii. 1? ,i i. a ok it ho innnnr imk. auu luaviuir tuun iiuiiiii "uu j- . .
'.TllU 1'IWUIKH xua.ii"... - V" . . ,1 . ,.. ... ,L.. T ....'I fm irl.nrn Trfflnrt I 1( V
. 1 1 f . .-v. I . i n rhonUl 1TJ rrt M1U Ml Tl Wi I I I ;i I. I I. Il U I IUVU IIU ill U IIUIW JL. f
not been an hour m tbc snop oeiore u..u.uauuu,r - noi7 TT;im n,:Pfr
i i i i. mat f -k n crmnrf i iiiiru ivn limn, m v uui v nuiiii" iiiubwn
"The mother retired with her boy, pleased . tQ him Jn a 5iiarper boy felt as if he must die under the tor-
" that she had succeeded in getting him a vicc t,an usaai jn the effort to make rible strokes,
place, yet sad at the thoughts of his go- him understand something that was at 'Now, sir !' said the brutai man as he
fugf-roni home, where he had received first not ully niprehe He U Zt
' nothing but kindness and affection, to be- 1 swered to evpr cruel blow, 'Now, sir!
come the uncared-for apprentice of a man cr inan evn.mirided man causes give your mistress impudence again !
in whose facc there was little that attrac- him fcel ovcr weakness. Put on your jacket, sir !' raising the rod
ted, if there was not much to repel. But Among the fellow apprentices of Fred- he still held in his hand and brandishing
-with her. there was no alternative. She crick were two stout boys, older than it over the , boy. ; head, 'and be off to the
.., r i.:u himselt .bv several years, uaimsu uuuu , ouuP u . .
.-was a widow witn iour young ui.u.u, - -g Th)
-and had no income beyond what arose
from brr own labor. Her husband was
UlJUa.u llia.iiiniiui , c .... i l .1 ..i-
ri- :-ia J., fl. clin !.nd (r:,r- UD0U tllO ShrmKlUg DOy, aUU IUU lUJUfeUUU
, ills uiuiai iisauciiiiuo iu 0-- i , , .ji- r .1. v
.... ..i.i i ii;..i TliPm wiis ! w th which ho had treated him from the
power within him, a power like that re- first to the last; the memory of his wifo
; 'KCiV ?" i n,4SndPsniral .nrinjf. and was aU prolific of scenes and incident
moment pressure was removed 'he that shc would havc given much to have
-e During the lat three years of , blotted out at tuat momoiu.
. " i i . .r n-.ic- v.ii-i' sm-rv to loam to-day. tor
mm" mans approiuiccsiiip, .ij.- ' ...
Limsclf, at every leisure moment, to tno urst urn. . "T," ".Tf,
in some uuuutc, ..iv.
r n,d von in any way, it will give mo
t..u WilUflin Saxton. Thev were The carpenter went aown stairs, rreu-
jjaiuu uuu n . . . . , . - , ii 1 , i
about as good specimens of the boy, as , crick followed quickly, and was justlcav
their master was of the man. From the ing the house, when his master called al-
- at night, in the garret, while real pleasure io uu ,v.
. ' ... .i.J9 -..,i Th s came so unexpectedly, that bll-
nova were in tuc suuui, uuu - -. - , rT
nlnn" of building that su'rpri. -o IVas ut-ablo to make ..y P ?, H.
ielt It as a ueuu icuuiit, un uuiu uiu
,1 ! l . ! , n,,vn liVnilnrinb' for llllll
. , . ,1 - i n nm c.iinrv nr. inmnninir tiiov r,vr:ini.KU uvu: r iii"iiiva. ......
a clerK in tue receipt ui v,......iia, - ..... ; t
. tt v.'u nntiirnl lndnrmatlOU at i
. n . 1 : I in irna fl it I1U 11 luu wv T w r.
nin f f iioir in n rnai'ti. iivj i u. -
' . . . i
,uv-n.....v . ----- 0 , , , , - tbe ronfrs practiced upon him ventea
man of education and taste, and had look- tut. iuiJ0a vi t
"' ;m1aOIteQUCauon a'lu l . , .,i f itself in remonstrance or angry retort, a
, ..edto the preparation of lite childicn toi uscii curse and a threat,
high and usefu stations in life as a mat-cutt on tne car, or a '
tcrofthefirsti,nportance. As tho, grow made him shrink into ..lencc.
.oWnr. and r.lio. nvnfinsc of maintain H2 blS The Cruel beatings wmcu aumu ui tu.
. I J
4 'Here! stop! Mrs. Bellrose wants you.'
r . , i
The bahy was yet to be carneu out.
Few mothers would have trusted a help
less babe with a boy under such circum
stances. But the carpenters wife was
not of a very vcrvous temperament.
halt an hour in
At last Frederick Marshall was iree
the mallet be held in his hand at the head from the slavery to which he-had ucimi
of his fellow-apprentice. The handle of subjected for more than eight years. A
the mallet grazed the temple of Freder-, slight misunderstanding occurieu ucnvu.ii
..i. twl ATi lloilroo t wo weeks beiorc
'It is well for
! harmless,' said the
olutc voice, while his lips
he finished the sentence
Ta ii? Wo will Irv nnrnin.'
JL-3 l. M v ..... J O
firmly declined the services so timely
proffered, bad not a thought of his wife
and son pressed itself into his mind.
"You have met with a good many loss
es, I understand," resumed Marshall,
feelini: that he bad, perhaps, too abruptly
you that it passed me hi, timity-ik.t birthday ivhiol, ivaS made . i"' SUo.e,
,o latter, in a ealm, res- the ground of a refuel by master o U a good u..nj icp
his lips closed tivhtly as give him the freedom unit ol elothes lo sadly. I Iu e ot ill, nu
nteneo'. " which he was entitled by his indentures. , all ever made
Some advised him to sue lor tuetn, nut
And with that, Saston threw a box-! n0;s"u':
i . i i ....i, :rt '-Jso: I am done with him; and I wish
wood guage at Frederick, with such vio- . .
, k J . .. ,. ' fl, UnnA it never again to cross his path, litis is
dice that, striking bun in the head, it l,l-k b i
. . , , - n . .i , nm'nl- but a small wrong to the many I havc re
near y dashed htm to the lloor. ymcu uu.1 & J
as thought the young man hurled back ceived irom his hands. It ho3 been
upon his assailant the heavy plane with wrong and oppression from-the fir.t.
which he was working. It struck Saxton ' It "ever seems to occur to persons l.U
. . . , c, i i r. i i i lii.llroi;p. thai. hovs. in t. in course Ot a lew
the side ot his Head anu icil snoumui, j ----
he floor senseless. leiii, ouuuuiu uiun, iuo tuC.. ,..
T?i-nrlnr!tr tf'ill.ifi for
.r, family increased, Mr. Marshall Saw too older boys recived iron, i heir ma wr, bftck bruiscd anJ
T.iilfl f-irrlifnnno' KreacriCK tcrriuiy, auu ; - rr i r... :.. i
s ijiuiuij, tuui ms ua a uuu ,.6U.v,..v- -i renuiuhed. JJut lie suuercu iar moro iu on tlie siue oi ins neai
Vio inndnnnU U c.mnnrf qa Troll n; clrnt'P YTltll al t llC POWCr lie UaU,lO aUlU ... . , m . v 1 i lll.o. I i i l.J I.- i- i
..i.irt.ifion f l,:. i, of i. o io fntion unon himselt, by being,. ,u , j ,. ... , iLt , ..... . njn i, men in the world, and have to be im-i,
suul"'"w" Vi vjiinuicu iu wuu " euviu i 1 ; ii i hnasf. was SO QOffrauinQT 1U Ills ullliu, lUUL ,1 iisr at tliat moment, Jjuiu use euiui tu. tuu ------ - , , ... :.. ,.,,.
that ho wished them to be educated. In industrious, prompt, ana oneaient i u would never look up a- ! fihon. and seeing the plane leave the band dealt with, and treated as mem ... j
way equal and ottcu ineir bupw"-; tbon.rbt.4 do ever cross their minds,
they appear to forget that boys have mem
1, l,it,if.lf ''nnrl tJiP.nP i fontion of knocklllfT him doWU. JJutorltfc
11 W iJV UL j O -i
whon Frpderick. who saw tho movement, hood
J.11C fiUUI, llllllg iuumi nvu.v. w -i , . .
. .1.. : 1 n,nil im n hi-nndn vn itil fir ;irwl l iilm rr l.aiti.
he became a man was not ucierromuu
upon, but something by way of retalia
' . . . nn ! .1
'J USD lt umv w w , . ., - .1.
the hope of greatly increasing his income, ' things. But these availed not. uc uanu . e gaxton n terriWc way equal and ottcu thci
ventured into business with a friend of ttrdlroxn seemed to itcli tor an acqmwm.
who held out temping inducements. By mnce with thc ears of Frederick; but no
strict economy, be had saved a thousand good excuse offered for striking thc lad
dollars previous to his marriage, and this for full three months after the indentures
Btill lay in the Savings Bank, where he had been signed which bound him for o
had at first deposited it. Interest added, Ver eight years to a hard and unfeeling
the sura was now thirteen hundred dollars, master. A worthy onence, in tho eyes oi
Thc whole of this was ventured in busi- the carpenter, was at length given.
f-.ncfiS-the whole lost in thc course ot two "Like too in'any younger apprentices,
SS and Mr; Marshall driven back to Frederick was m ore Hh an half of his time
Vjiriw--,. . ; . ,'";. , K- ; '. r ; f? - j
n I . . . . , , " . 1 .1
nant emotion, and a desire lor revenge. blow, he scizeu a stout piece oi woou, aim
'I'll be a man one of these days said ; sprung towards the former, with the in-
tention ot KnocKing mm aown. jjui
Frederick, who saw tho movement,
snatched up a brbadaxo, and brandishing
'ft r.ains me to hear you say so.
we should never despond."
"A youn" man need not despond; but
when a man reaches my age, and the tido
of fortune sets against him, he has a small
made chance of making headway. I
have but little hope in the future, Fred
ciick." "Do not say so. I trust, you will have
many prosperous gales yet."
But Bollrose shook his head. f
"Who is preasinin.g you so hard-afthfe
Marshall asked, after a silence of snjfl
time. -
"Vurker." was the brier rp.iy,.
-T l
,und that the wrong, - " " ; , - dealcrr'
arc remembercu viviuiy iu waiu -- .w
. .1 A ..n4i:..i.t ' i ps. ... , i-..
,evcn thougn um .u -uua , -- ag b3rd aV uiowaVs.''
as an irou, heart.
it in both hands, like a tomahawk, warned has, in most cases, utp.uiLu. , -Yc5. , Iklll
. . ii. i ... rn.. .mrs rrom luu uiiv i? ltuici iciv . -r-r i. :.. i.:..i..;..v
tion he Was resolved to do. While thus his master not to approac , J 0f d fortlnfrom thdAhop " " B- " t
brooding over ui wroug, ' -'- " t , 7 li." " rVi,:e l.ic unfeci nc mastornadrcc man.vhe us r ; -'v
th'ovpicp 6f: Mrs. Bellroo,who had copie j an unwonw.q nrct in:n nv , ,k , "-mI-. isgf- '