IBllli SSciite& lo IpoiiiUiV, jpitrailurc, grintllurc, Science, iUovaliln, anh (Scncral 3utcl!iceucc'. .ftt i u STIiO UDSB URG, MONROE COUNW, PA. SEPTEMBER 7, 185. m - mm .mm us - -mm jam jrai mm mm Mifti 0 i TO. J- 4 I Published by Theodore Sohodl. j pickaxes, who dug into the den for about cued,' from his going on all fours with the j was found when a lad in the Oude Tame, TKRMs-THoioiiurs pot Annum in advance .six or eight feet, when the old wolf bol-1 wolves, and although he wanders about by the hut of an old hermit who had died oIbmTS ted followed by her three cubs and the the village duriii" the day, he always ,thcre;. He is supposed to have been ta- Aoppt.disontiiiiicl until all anenrages arc paxl. , , m. . . , , , , c. KGI1 from the Wol VCS by this hermit, illld -xrMth,.mm,mof,ilei:,iit.i. boy. 1 he trooper, arcompanicd-by the steals back to the jungle at nightfall: : stm .llpfl nf fll 'u , in AiJxiii-piiioms n.n oxciiim' iwf jjnaif fUMi n . . r ,! jo c .is aim caucd itie wiiu man oi tno woous. ivK)HiiitM! jnsortci tinw mck..i. ,.iWi3Mar. mid , Hectest young men ot the party, mounted He is unable to speak, nor can he arlicu-' 'Jfc was one dav ' savs the writer 'sent iH'Pntv Hie tPitt do ovrrA-ni)sc(iunt iiimtjiu" Tin' 1,. 1 . . . ' I JJ J . .' (tHc tw one awi Un insoriion;- thet'. a libs-it , anu puisucuj and having at last headed late $any sound distinctly. In dnukinf, to me at nij request, and 1 talked with "N.1! "1.n.yV",y "l!1. . ' tham. ho. ..r.vl M,n ,v1,IQ ,.,1 n.., i.'i. .k i.:. ,1.. i..., : him. His features indicate him to be of M, All iCWl aU-UOitU 1U UK' UUiU'l "A.ivr j - 4w 11 HVlfJ H IIW btlV JSJ J - 1113 itlUU I J 1 LU Lill; H l lU 1 j UUb UULS . r: . m uu 1 ;ui 4? O K i li S IV T I IV . I meiron foot 1 , allowed the j lhe boy thus taken was apparently flu r mi' a ponej-al asortmcni of laio. elepan. jdrtiii .iiitl ornamcntHl Tvte, we aro jicnaied locxeculeoveiytlesoijplioHof uite aaiast) back upon the oc P it up, nice a won. lie still pre- . 7:- v ... Thev secured the bov and.fcrs raw K when a bullock dies , tl,IS frJ- I asked him whether he had - - , and the skin is removed, he attacks and y rccouecuon 01 ever Having m-cii wan others to escape. , 4l , j -i wolves"' He snid ,rlhe wolf died loinr 1 eats the boor, in nomn;inv vi li Hie vil- jju h.m., j iil um uilu iuii' a- i ,i , before the old hermit.' 1 do not feel at all sure, however. that he lived with wolves. In another instance, a lad came into the Cawls. Ciiculirs. Hill HoaU, Notes, Ulaiik RocciS J J 1 ""o UJ a UI "i"11" aiul,vai Lefiui and oiiin Blanks. i4amdivis, ,-. the habits of a wild animal. On his way we come to one which is in many respects pfMleii with ncamcs and ilesparek, on vearonaHe , J ,1, .. n i 11 n . ! MUtSt to Ohandour be struiiclcd bard to rush tho most remarkable. About seven years ! AT THE OFFICE OF j IfUl KJ !r' inn 1. -V a tr i " i'i . !'.. t jjjt.'icx tan. !.:.!. ,r ClU.Ut Ul U li 1 UM !! and he tried to steal away, but he rushed of Bahractch, in passing near a small dark and "adi at first sll0l t. iKllr !ln ' . u ,iu 10 . ,g.uce a tr00pCr jn attendaucc-upon Kajah town of JIasanpoor, 'who had evidently 0 or den he passed. lhc unut g-,, of hc jJcffc been brought up by wolves.' llowasap- vn-up person alarmed him, bauk of thc Qragr.v rjverj -m the district Parctly abol,t twelve years old, was very Nobility. Go, then, lo heroes, sages if allied, Gal trace thc scroll, but not with eye of pride, a dog, & tried to bite it. IT t 1 1-1 1 11 at a child with a fierce snarl, like that of, stream, saw there two wolf cubs and .a vc 'f "y wmcn grauuuuy uisappea - Cooked meat drinking. He managed to seize the . cu l ' 0 uaicT "ceuscomeu 10 cat 10 boy, who seemed to be about ten years 1 T 'i''"K "u.b ftlfl lmf w,.,cn n,l fi,lw t.hnt hn 1,,adc to understand signs well. It is not 1 with eagerness, putting it on the ground torc tbc troopcrs clolhcs autl bit hiiu sc. , Iniown what eventually become of him a blank where should have been under his bnnds aml devouring it with verely in several places. The Rajah at, lhes? avc doubtful cases; but in the , t. 1. i 1 - 1. .. 1 1 i Wliere Truth depicts their "lories as thev he would not eat, but he seized raw food , r' 1 . , ,. . ' '??i C'rt' 7Z 1 'folder. -Mr. Jtlm M. Wen re, of Seabrook, N. If., has recently A Monster ill Human Shape. obtained a patent for holding cows, tails still The'Abingdon Democrat says ; A Ger-, during the operation of milking. Thc-ma-man named Jacob Brenigar is now await-' cjimc is fastened to one of tbe animal's Jiam ing his trial in Wyoming, Vn. charged strings, and the tail is compressed. Mr. with a series of offences that surpass in Wearc politely styles his discovery thC'mn horror any of the tales which old wives Icer,s protector." Cows, we presume, wiill tell bad children to keep them quiet: of ow live forever, as this patent machine is giantM who lived once upon a time. This.'" 10 Pro1 lhcm "k,k,,, tl,u buc Urenigcr was for moil vliapti.t preach- or in North Carolina. While residing there ho attempted an outrage upon bis own daughter. His wife made tbc fact A Remarkable Chicken. The Petersburg Express records the ,t i :.i. i : . r liHUHII. UI1U IHUIll"ei Willi 1113 iilUlltV . , , , 1 t ' O J 1 1.. i.l.. ... .. ..... ,.U nl.Irt ltl moved into Wyomim. There be inado;H,u"uu another attempt to rape bis own daujrht- thia country.- lor some t.me, .tsars, life and adveuture. of a chicken, wdnch nv l,rlnri.nP,l 1 ... i i-r. n w rS Kt'iin MIIY HI OOUHI VUIU, U.IU U vf...-- felionc, And leaves year own Mark Uic pure beam on yon dark wave im- evident pleasure. lie crowled angrily if . first had him tied up in bis artillery gun- ; former instances there seems no room for ;ittempt to rap II I 1 - I .1.. . . . . . I .... I 4 I which had been taken from him in North M which she immediately net on to Carolina, he annlied to hi wife to retract. hftto,. !lu'1 ,n Uuc C-0ur9,. l11 101 Wl 'it the charges she had brought and admit that she bad sworn I'bis she refused to do, notwithstanding 0 J .11 1 e 1 1 -,i .i.i riuestioniiiir tlie fnnfs. Our rn.idciv. ' m n,i,r nn ni,j 1,:.., ,i.:ie sucu, anu icu mm witu raw meat, uui no : . . . ' 1 nressM: 1 ""' "I'i""-- """ii r , , . r..i ' However, mustmdire tor themscves. At w Serines thc star on tint degenerate breast- uul m 110 o"jccuon 10 a aog coming'about the Jomlce bl2;iar He thcrc JBschitwinkling orb, that burns with borrow'd ! ucar and sharing his food. The trooper day ran off with a joint of meat from a lires, So yc reflect the glory of your sires. 1 Fro7R Frazcr's Magazine. j left him in charge of thc llajah of IIus- butcher's shop, and another of the bazaar unpoor, who saw the boy immediately af- keepers let fly an arrow at him, which 1 tor be was taken. Very soon afterwards, 'pcuetrtiied his. thigh A lad, named , , 1 1 t. 1 , Janoo, servant to a Cashmere merchant, be wa, sent, by the Rajahs order, to,, n ' ... .: ftnmnnSR:nn n ,, ' WOLP 2'TTJRSES IN INDIA. Captain Xicholett's at Sultaupoor: sor al-'poor boy, extracted the arrow from his Stories of wild animals that have acted tb nigh his parents are said to have-re- thigh, and prepared a bed for him uuder tile pan of nurses towards infants acci- Wuixcd him when first captured, they a-1:1 mango tree where he himself lodged. dentally or purposely exposed, aro to be 1 bandoucd him on Cndiusthat be display- fere b? .kePfc l,i!n stnod to a tent-pin. . , . 1 , , , , ' , . , ,-. T , Up to this time he had eaten nothing but met within every part of thc world, and ( ed more of thc woll s than of human ua- raw flesljj but Janoo gradualiy brought among races of the most wildly distinct ture. " ! him to eat balls of rice and pulse. character. It was a favorite legeudry j lie lived in the charge of Captain 1 In about sis weeks after he had been origin for a great hero, the founder of a Nioholott's servants nearly three years: ,' i.e(1 up under the tree, after much rub- r m i ti ' ir i , 7 i l ibini: of ais ioints with oil, bo was mado nation or of an empire. The slas, the very inoffensive, except when teazed , but' . 10' "' ' , , , , . 1 - , . , i . , , to stand and walk upright. Hitherto he uear. the dog, and many others 111 these 'till a complete animal. Jle could never j,a(j ' rr0l)C on au fours. In about four traditions; but of all, the wolf is the most be induced to keep on any kind of cloth-! months he began to understand and obey remarkable and the most frequent to bo , ing oven-in thc coldest weather, and on signs. In this manner be was taught to TJinh teifli! Whnt frnth liiern in.iv- ho in ' mm nooninn tnro fn mVflflS r. nmlf slnfF.wl ' prepare the hookah, put lighted charcoal J 1 i 1 ' 1 .. ii. 1 u T He was utter moro than placed kavc, at this moment, before us a very ' from him, be ran to it on all fours, like a;deca,' the name of the little daughter of Interesting account of observations made ' wolf ; and it was only on rare occasions a Cashmere mimic, or player who had v ,i -p a- i-i 1. i ' ,1 , t 11 j ix ir i once treated lam with kindness, .the o- an Xsorthern India, winch may be worth that be walked upright. Human beings -, r , - , , An-1 ,wl ' J 10 c dor from his body was vcrT olleusivc,anu the considcratien of some, future NiLl abr be always hhunncd, and never willingly ' jau0o bad bim rubbed with mustard or Arnold. They were conducted by a 'remained near them. On the other, he seed soaked in water, in the hope of re Htiaguishcd Indian officer, whose name, seemed fond of dogs and of jackals, and moving it. This was done for some wen we at liberty to mention it, would .indeed all animals, and readily anowcd j months during which be was still fed on J , . . , ' I rice and flour, but the odour did not leave In! au ample guarantee for their truth and them to feed witbjnm. lie was ucver j jjjj, accuracy one too, who has possessed uu- known to laugh or smile, & was never heard j yne night while the boy was lying un usual opportunities for obtaining informa- to speak lill within a few minutes of his(der the rnagno tree, Janoo saw two wolves tion from the wilder and less known parts death, when ho put bis bauds to bis head j creep steathily towards bim; and after of thc country. In the following notice and said it ached, and asked for water, sniclli"2 h, touched him, ami he got , J , , w, , ' ... , , , , , , ,'up. Instead, however, of being frighten- V auaii uau ins jmuiu.i-i laiuij uuki t, Ui,u il uiuun.uim uiuij G(j J1C p00r t)0y put Ilia liailUS UpOU ife to retrnct "ntc,, au'1 ,n Uuc cours,S uiouhhhoihi 'against l,im l,ickcii--a dwarO.h pbei.oiuenou worn f-ilsely of a chicken. 'J he mother immediately iviiUiimlimr set about initialing this only child into th 1... :..m:..,...i r ..i '1 1 wavs of the world, and she soon sot to upon her. M ltet finding neither per-,,nJiS gai. every day accompanied to suasion, threats or cufiings would havo;hcr ". her curioua little one A3 the facts. Our reader, any influence, one night ho pulled his!soon,a3 luc 'J011 "' fi. it judge lor themscves. At wife out of bed and, dragged her over a V1 to them a., usual her lit- all events, the subject appeared to us so ' piece of new ground, full ot stumps, injur- 110 cn'cu rcmameu couam.j mi u6 j curious and so full of interesting sugges- , ing her so seriously that she died a diort 'r sine, ana omy n n i. e .m tions. that we hardlv think thev will' time ftMP ivi.i.r nrematnrn birth to a mother quilteci it. niiaiij, wu iuh-w .v." o a 1 ------ . .1 11. i :...i..f.i:..!.l. quarrel with us for bringing it thus uu- child. Mrs Berniger at firrt refused t0' u,!,,,c "Jc,r "?'" n dcr their notice. ! tell the mode of re'eeivimr her iniurics : 1 nuwed by thc mother and daughter; but finding that death was inevitable bey at tunes qarrei eu a o made some of the neighbors acquainted hieh should pay the nio.t attention to with all the fact.. The husband was ar, ' lltU? bro?.d- A?teJ a.f J , 1 1 whomsoever he pointed out. sempt to acciae. some reality, however, ( ton ana all, every aay, with his ureatt. uever heard however to underlies thc wildest fictions: and we When his food was placed at a distance one articulate sound. This While un- the mother became disgusted with brlife- - A Family Killed. A correspondent of The Uctroil Free Press, writing from Pcoatonica, Winne bago Co., 111., on the 14th ult. says : T . I .1 . I 1 wuiiesseu, yesteruay, one 01 inc most jier resi(leuce mclancholv scenes I ever beheld. In thc 1 ...1 town of Lvsander. one mile south of Pec- i.:h . 1 1 1.... 1.: :...i .. mm.: cravitv with which the cider sister pur - atomca depot, there lay enshrined in five ' statement we have obtained from a gen- f thetr W3if b3 chiug and Collins a Mr. Merchant, two sons and two ,1 :j: :.. v 11 dicing for, as well as protecting hci daughters, all of whom were struck with 1 .,:.,.,, ne ii fi1?V.,Pu little adopted change: and it is refreshing rmhtcuing during a thunder shower, about 2 o'clock A. 31. leaving in tbc family . , ,r . ...1 . .1. -r ... 1 .... .1.... i .i A Silent Man! uuiy ine who aim one sou jiuuul eigut 11, , . . , , 1 tie fami y, left them and began to lay bonds he made an attempt to decoy lL"' . 111 1 , 1,111. r a-'a in; then tho whole charge (levoJrel niece into tho woods at tho back of ao'"" , . . ,r D . je, but she tobl her husband, ' UP0Q 1110 ' , " d the ruffian, and would have;13 'ost anj.ugto witness the mater, B,I ' 1 .. 4li u'htn 1 flirt nltinr kKrflT' TllTr- to see how fondly the little things appre ciate such attention, ami follow their lit tle protectoress around mo.st devotedly. vears old: thev both beinr much iniured Cant. Stone, of the steamer Canada Verily-, lessons of duty and fairily affec- by thc shock, thc woman remaining me nt- now in this port, U probably the mostsi-jtiou may be learnt from many of the ally deranged, continually bemoaning thc lent man afloat. Sailors who have been brute creation. loss of her family. Thc circumstances of with him many months say they never their deaths-ought to be a caution to tho beard him speak, lie writes his orders to Curious Medk-al Treatment. An public to manage differently from what bis officers, and if they fail in carrying aYt 0f Bctbiu recently took one of his they did. Thc night being very warm, them out, he reprimands them in writing. patients, who was entiiely deaf, to an op they took off their beds and placed them Yet ho has the reputation of being one of , cru performance, in which was a clamor on thc floor in a cooLroom, where stood the most skilful and prudent captains of ous parage of bass instruments and ket a stove, and the lightning, coming down , the Cuuurd line, and remarkable for bis;tlc drums' which be hoped would eUect a thc stove pipc,dividcd on the stove hearth, powers of personal endurance. When at curc. liC result wa3 successful, but, most; and struck tbc whole family of seven,- of sca ho rarely leaves tho deck, night orstrangC 0f all, the well man became deaf whom only two survived. day, more than an hour at a time, and at the very moment when the patient re- ,9, ! nothing appears to escape bis notice. 1 C0Vcred his hearing. Riot at a Traveling Show. i Sti11 llc docs not .speak, cither to his ofli-1 A terrible row took place at Lynch- ' ccrs or pas-scngcrd. On a recent passage j yfpVt. South says, that many a ufaa burg, Va., last week, between the show- two wags, who were passengers m bis ship, ; runs j,jg Uca(i against a pulpit, writ men of Barnum'smammoth exhibition and noticed this peculiarity, and at d inner t i,ave fonc his country crceileut the citizens of Lynchburg, resulting from oric aaJ W.C1 lmi e . ucui upon service at thc plough thc great number Extra charges made, blessings oi speech, and then, by way of , tl. niiblil.i.1 nnt;,. tl...t contrast cx prcsbeu uieir uuciie&i eoaiuiis- ...i.i., 1. r.. cu., eration for dumblos. (Jnc ot the wags bin; yy Lijij ti tLj iu ut iui uitjr voul.i ...i i. fi ' was so overcome bv his feelings that he xt-ilbniit. spriinln .since, from its bavin?' ibis nonr bov lived be mi u-Tif rrraduallv il,;r Imnric mwl IKoi; luxmn tn i.lnv witli ! . t . .l ' ' -ii :v. ti ., mn f",,. I,;. nAnt. ' 1 ' ' . . , " l J c . , ',' -r- ."'-1.1 'the citizcyis and three of the showmen, .7-'" " 1 ....Lit l,r,,l tr n ni-nT-l I fnwn if l..in Inr.n T.y.i 1 . t rt rnt.n Tnt.ll lllin (IITliniKT fl iniU hlltl Will ST. I1C I . nl nml .inn l.lH if t r lllj T'lolit O I'O Will (1 -uuBii iuoiisuu iu .i t-mnuw..! iu, i uu v ; u swi i uSu. t u. ui u u .u , v.crv.....c werc very seriously it not tatally injured, 7'tM,: lt l" ,-"' V i attractive creature lias scarcely attracted the notice its very leot and intelligence; but almost every lTurcw tl.rT' V - , r i , ! and many others sliehtly. Tho affair o gazeu ai Lapi. oione mui uio .eic ,i.;,,c .ni,;, f1nrrp in.inne. swms in nrnvn bow nnmnWlv Jan0 tn.ed to lhcm ? hn coul? ! wound un bv the entire demolition of the , "1,oor (lc:ir goutlema.i.." he sobbed, as w " ' T . , , - , notj 110(1 becoming much alarmed, ; . , fl f -' , , , .,...- nn nf uonn the tears followed thc onion, "I woudo The wolf an Ml. ,s looW opM1 as it ,bo bu,an Mt .upplaote b, tl,c lk.d , thc .ver tho g0;,.na . iiS. S ?nS J-"", iwijucijj iua iu uimwii "w "men. mi, uv& w iu uuui iUl( uv.jj.i- .uiu mm Liiubviiu ui w v. fc"iu : (lamaTc to the show flxturcs. The scene sacred animal. Almost all Hindoos have borbood of the Goouitee. In March, .cat the boy. He replied 'Come away and is.cpJcsoutca to have"been fearful, me'n, a superstitious dread of destroying or e- 1643, a cultivator who lived at Chupra, ' leave h'1 or JviU c"fc Jou ls,0',.bt"t 1 women and children were assembled un- imurimr it: and a villane community about twenty miles east of Sultannoor. ,,n ?u0? .'rl . . sC?,"it?A!!?4:.0" i der thc huge tent, and the greatest cou- o , ' gether his icars tuubiueu, aim ue euuuu- i . t; nrevailed Unable lo leave "email, and Jjiidics, or Ladies ana Ucil within tbc boundary of whose lauasadrop went to cut bis crop of wheat and pulse, ued to watch t)QUi quietly. At last he ; 'no ' (h'tl,A tlcmcn, I acknowledge that I appear to i oi won o uioou uas iitijcu, ucnevea iibcii lauiug wiiu uiui uiu uiu, uuu a bun uuuut succceueu in urmug mum uu, uut mc . ii.n;i- nrntnnrs 'ind in ill -lfrnii1 nf uisau vantage ny not speaiung more man doomed to destruction. Tbc natural con- three pears old, who had only lately re- following night three wolves came and j Qr j.nocl.C(1 down iu thc U10jee . J do ; but what would you have me to say? lour-v.nicn re u, ; of UJ ladigs was csccsaivc. , Lt is my constant careto see that, you arc properly attended to in every particular. What more can you desire?'' After this effort he resumed silence, and has not been known to .speak since. Boston Atlas. JVo Amounting for Tastes. A white woman has just been arrested for bigamy in Ncw-l'ork, who has six husband. two of whom were black. She must be an lor as too much for the passengers;; who burst in to a roar of laughter, iu which Capt. i Stone joined as heartily as the rest Whon order was restored he said, "(Jen- tlcnian, and Ladies, or Ladies and Ocn- a bv not speakinir more than a few niflits alter, , , ,, . 1 , , , r , . n. several times. Janoo thought that thc uy buropcans; these animals arc very knee. As the father was reaping, a wolf tWQ whicj Qrst c.une nmst ha've )Cen lu0 aumcrous and destructive, and great num- suddenly rushed uponthe boy, caught cujS witb which thc boy was found, and bcrs of children are constantly carried bim up, and made off with bim towards ' they would have seized him bad they not ; The Late Hail Storm in Virginia. Thc editor of the Clarksvillc Tobacco off by them. Only one class of tho pop- ' the ravines. The people of the village , recognized bim by the smell. 1 hey lick- , L'lavL recently vibitcd thc county ol J,un- , . ,. , .it ' i xi i c ,i. - i ii.,. ed bis face with their tougucs, as ho put , enburg. and passed over thc track of thc ulation. the very lowest leading a vag- ran to the aid oi the parents, but they ... , . . . ' 1 , 1 , , , . , iULiuii j e , i j , his bands on their heads. late hail storm, and learned that it was ranllife, and bivouacking in the jungles, 's.oon lost sight of the wolf and bis prey. ; Wh jan00-s uiastcr returned to '.most destructive in its effects. The road "What is .Lager Eeer. mi . 1 .1 r. . l 1 1 iH.inf n lfill nr r.nioh them. Even 1 Abouts'lX VearS afterwards. a3 LWO l,l.nmf J,n wns nflnr snnii! ilifHenltv. ; in nun. v nlnees wns blocked un with fal- J 0 tills, Hie OIDltpeaU HiqUir,lUC fijiesc however, although they have no Sipahces from Siugramow about ten mlies' persuaded to allow Janoo to take the : len trees. Col. Finch, of Christian ville, x - ' j0""1'-1 . "mmelce Prjej , upcrsltttouS fear of thewolf, and are al- 1 from Chapra, were watching for hogs, on hoy with bim. Accordingly f stated that a great number of planters j Bavaria," it essential proertiei 1 , , . . , . , , fll . i ... .-ii bim along bv a string tied to his arm, and .sustained the almost total loss ot their. i .....r, f.,.wl fn vrnM ifinii.iir.liirl with f Iir hnrnpv m the liino-lo wfiie.h extended - . P . . . .. u ,n in;il ivi h nnlinnrv .i e v lien it. le of clothes on his head. crops ol tobacco and corn, lie liitunat- ; j j cioseiy reaemuies in appearance, uiougu of much less specihc aud retaining its foam a being drawn. Its - -j-v i i nVkfl Inn imO , , , , . , oi.rl.l, or ten hours af- i;,su; 1:5 suu"clui V""-, " children whom tbc wolves have carried j in tbc ravines. The Sipahees followed, buttho or lhe nct juu q produccd (or it f(jllj wns?ound W(.igh five ounces! , ruliar flavor, caused by a to their dens, and whose remains arc left j but thc cubs bad already entered aud tl ne Jxc;tciiient. A short time after 1 Hogs, sheep and fowls were killed in num- i coating o the pitch whicii the utenoi oi The dillercnce between tlie modes oi urew- iis usual dens aud haunt, very seldom at- down to thc Khobac rivulet, they saw wi,niminr ti1(1., nflcS(1i , fnm,in (i, ilOV ,i t hat m.mv as 1 00 nlantors in Meek- 1 1 . .l " , , t i. un..., mm..i...:1. , :... ' cravitv; weaker. the profit they mate of tbc gold and sil- , the jungle, and go down to drini at the maice uesperaic enortb to oeapr. n uvu ieni. a " nan siunca, m aumu ",inrt; .., f)l l !., .,nl.innc ,,-nrn lif flm ' sfvd!ini? n tniirf(fn rnn mvarris n i on uuiuvu. uu m.u .no uii.3 i.v-iv. .i.iiu.v. ...... .rr, ....... 1 :.i at the entrance. In all parts of India, it uppcars, numbers of children are daily Murdered for the sake -of these danger ous ornaments. bit at the men, aud seizing in his teeth appeared. He could never be found a-1 it. Eoydton it seems, reaped the full fury (rain. ! of the storm. All the glaoS nearly in thc Thc wolf, however, is sometimes kinder j thc barrel ol one of their guns; shook it About two months after the boy bad city was broken out. tfhan man. In the neighborhood of Sul- fiercely. The Sipahees, however, secur- gone, a woman of the weaver caste came j Aannoor and among the ravines that in- ' ed bim, brought him home, aud kept him to Lucknow, with a letter from the Rajah , A Fight. They have a large rattle- ' Uik. of the GoonHoc rive, j for tty which ho W.H Tl tlC Tt Zt ibis animal abounds; and our first in- ; oat nothing but raw flesh, and was fed forCj b(jen carri(jd off by a wolf. aud fron, ; gJimsljip for b0uppcr) when a reg- stancc of a 'wolf nurse' occurs in that dis- 'accordingly with hares abd birds. IIis tue description given of the boy Janoo i ujur took place. The poisonous iric A trooper passing alon" the river I captors then found it thihcult lo provide bad taken away with him, she thought it ( fang3 0f tj,c snaic imd been extracted, so bank near Chandour iw a large female bim with sufficient food, and took him to must be the same She described marks that tie figbt was somewhat equal, but al bank ncai Ohandour, ?,iw a large IC , ... ' f KoclGCnoor 'correponding with those on Janoo s thou h large cnough t0 swaH0W such wd- walf leave her den, followed by three , the bnzaai, in the illagc of Koelccpooi y; t aho rcmaincd some tlcs holt,.Q can 0ff second best, with whelns and a little bov. The boy went to be supported by the charitable people ol consjderablc time at Lucknow, no traces tlft oss of i.:8 ratlics. Tho snake seized A I on all fours apparently on the best nos- the place, until ho mignt uo-ouie more uu- couia De lound or tno uoy; anu ai last buc ; tuo ratt ad tIi0 rat broke away and at- I l J . . , .. , - .1.1. .. . Ji- l 1 , All f l.oc-- nil-mi Tll ! . , i 1 .1 1 ; I. Bible terms with bis fierce companions, ! mauized. Wbile Here uis miserable con- rciurueu i ,WUuB. - - - , tacKcd tue Miano, uoiu neeoming u u u u vv.. j .. , exuiieu, UUlll It MUi;iUii: uutusiuji iu iimv et from Sanaollab, Janoo's ' ,j c mvmr away uneaten. thawoKjd him witi. us much jdition elicited tho ,jP.lh. of a . JP' '-. c t . i i- i i r iu ilinrhfinrl. who thought lie 1 1 , care .as 11 ue nau uccu one 01 ner own u uviBuv... , c nmstp.r nnd lrom Janoo nimscir, uoiu oi i wbolpB. All wont down to the river and ! might be reclaimed byjearc and attention wlom aCelaied them to be strictly true. 1 attackiug au animal, but have known drank, without noticing the trooper, who, 1 and per chance his parents would at some 'j'he boy tnuc-t have 'been with the wolt j (hcm t0 jivc ncarly a year in a cage with- moo himself, both of i we evcr before heard of a rattlesnake Never blush to be caught at any re- spectacle employment. We have often seen a well dressed man e-ilor lb the eyes because he was seen by an acquaintance carrying a bundle uuder his arm, and wo have seen a worthy housewife iavenfc all sorts of lies to excuse herself to a pry ing neighbor who comes into her house suddenly and finds her at the wash tub. Being ashamed of honest or necgsg&ry employment, is like a man's blushing be cause he is accused of Christianity by peoplo in point of worth and character as far beneath bim as a mud turtle is when making trial of speed with au ante lope. An Eccentric Interment. On the 20th of May 170, thc body ef Samuel Haldwiu, Esq.. was iu compli ance with an injunction in his will, im mersed sans ccrcwnnc in thc sea at Lym ington, Haunts. His motive for this ex traordinary modo of interment was to prevent his wife from "dancing, over his grave," which this modern Zuntippe had frequently 'threatened to do iu case ?ho survived him. the boy was half way in. when one of thc bis return to Lucknow. Janoo was sent ' bera. Mrs. Daly lost 100 sheep. 1 .1 J 1 1 1... 1.!.. ...... ..J A i ir Stt f iitn tlil i nntbln illA Crtitll lilt flirt r1 I men caught him ny the leg And drew him away uy m mwwi iui a u.ij v. lv,.iu , mu., nuuung w.tu, . . , nnliinrv ale is iudica- J .. .3 .. i.: . ii,., iw, i. i.n.i :..i.. ,.. .; . nA ,.Ainn.im.F i . ih.C lagci uccr. ana oruin.uj aiL ia uhho.i 1 I. it. ,,.. .,., J ,. n lOUUU Oil 1110 Jeiuill tu.it iu ujy unit uio- i-jt i nun ui kiiili n mwi uuu.u .y.......t ...... i , , . ,. , ... back, lie was very angry and savage, j j i ted bv the etvuioloev ol the name Lager i-i"v nMi i .1 ti rtiTi r ii ;i i nil n m i r- Kni'iirnn u wmiiiiu re'iiuiii iiii inn nii'v . j - meaning rest remaining in store; the former requiring to re.t in a cool vault j from four to fix months before it become drinkable, while the latter can be uud immediately after emptied from thc vats. In effects, it is very moderately cxhile rating, having but feeble intoxicating pro perties. Indeed if it were not compara tively innoxious in its effects, the enor mous quantity consumed would effect sad An oditor in Iowa has bean fined twj hundred and fifty dollars for hugging a young girl in church. Chicago Argus. Cheap enough ! We once hugged a.gtd in ohurch 30iue teu years ago, and the scrape has caught us a thousand dollar, a year ever since. Chicago AmnkttH. A Minister's Rights. As Rev. Or John M. Mason stopped one morning to read n theatrical placard in Hroadway, a distin guished actor, accosting him, said: 'Hood morning sir. Do milliliters o the gospel read such things?' 'Why not, sir?' replied tbc Doctor, istcrs of thc gospel have a right to know 'nun- . . i - ... i ; i. i. . i ... ...rflMl.nut -to turn m..hod ' future time rccocniM him. or seven years uunng wu ui ue ma eniin.o.riortoetoirar,dEecur.thcbo.y, She toek bim heme to her rill . Set'Xuthen ButfShe acound wasunovon, and hishore whore be still remains, but, as in the for- . , j t 0 1)as hQCn found of a full .would not overtake tbvw Al re-cMitor-i.uier oase, bis human intellect cems to rown man who had been nurtured in aj d tiki dan. And the uoopcr iben anscm- 1 hare all but (liaanpeared. The front of w'olf's den. The writer of. the pamphlet j 'edMiu pk 10 nhrt ih eMJf bed become hardmcuUnns an nld man at Lup.hn.ow, who out eating, allhongb mice werc put in to tempt them. Wilkes-Banc Tima. Since the cholera first appeared at .Tea-. sore, in 1817, it is supposed that eighteen millions of human beings have died of it: havoc among the drinkers it being no w,at the devil is about as well aa Qthr unusual occurence for an individual to folks.' drink a gallou daily, and even more." Independent Candidate for Congrcas Cramp. Those who may bo subject in We notice in the Kaston papers ths thc night timo to that excruciating pain Mr. E. D. Meissell presents bimscK to tliB called cramp, will be doubtless glad to citizens of the "tenth legion'' aaauintro leam that by tying any kind of bandage; pendent candidate for Congress. We very tightly round the leg immediately a- know nothing about thc gcintlomairs qual bove the knee, this unpleasant sensation ' itications for the OflioJ "but we shall en will be removed. An other remedy ex-1 (leaver to beooino duly infovteed. We cite tho action of thc lungs by breathing , beard several opinions expressed & indio. forcibly and taking long respirations; by ting that be is u good man, and woiiliji ,this means tho whole system will bo ani-'givo general Saclen tftaleet(?d,: Ttt)jL mated, and perhaps iu less thau a minuto ing for granwuj-'that tbsUpo, we sY, .the disorder will be nbf ied and the pain wt Ai, and let the rally, iug cry removed, C'0 np NedwTfU' i Is 4 ,