v. . 4 ,1 "LoTi)ON, Money Market, June 1G. The market is steady. Consols closed at 91$ a OH. Damage'to Apple Orchards. In the vicinity of Henderson, ICy., the apple trees are dying off with great rapid ity. The cause of the fatality is attribu ted to a peculiar land of worm, which, it is feared, will work great destruction to the apple orchards throughout that sec tion of the conn try. jSSr-Tue Louiivillc Journal states, up on the authority of a gentleman who ar rived there from Lexington on Monday evening, that the hair of Weigert, found guilty of murder iu the first degree, which was formerly black, has' turned white since his conviction. -o X The Delaware papers state that the wheat in that State generally, promi ses a good yield. In some places the wheat is already ripening. Outrage. At Cleaveland, last week, a favorite child, two years old, was missed by her parent?, but was found five hours afterwards stripped of her elegant dress and. ornaments, in a blanket. She had been stolen for the ornamcats about her person. .Q. The Bank of New Jersey, at New Brunswick, has been fully orgauized un der the General Banking Law. It is the same institution as that formerly known as the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, with five now members representing the additional stock, were selected Directors. IVcstward Ho It is stated that a com pany from the State of Maine have recent ly purchased 40,000 acres of land in Wis consin for the purpose of cultivating and improvement, and pay So per acre, for 200,000. This tract of land is principal ly in Grant county. It was entered in 1S36 br a son of the Earl of Bute, who is now Brittish Consul in Egypt. - H2 AKK5EB. On the 24th ult.. at Nazareth, by Bev. T. L. Hoffeditz. D. D., Mr Thomas Alte- mos, and Miss Christiana Shup, both of Chesnuthill, Monroe Co. At the same lime and place, by the same, Mr. Jacob Keens, and Miss Eliza Shup, Both of Cheseut hill, Monroe Co. At thesar.ic time and place, by the same Mr. Jacob Frablc, and Miss Sarah Brotz man, both of Bo-ss township, Monroe Co., Pa. On Thursday mortiing, June 22d, by. Bev. D. H. Biddle, Cicero Hashrouek, Iq., and Miss Deborah Collins, both of Pittsburg. In Stroudsburg, on the 2d im-tant, by M. M. Burnett, Esq., Griffith Roberts, of .Warren county, N. J., and Miss Margar et Jones, of Slateford, Northampton county, Pa. Same day, by the same, William P Jones, of Warren county, N. J., and Miss Magaret lloberts, of Slateford, Pa. On the 4th of July, by D. Jayne, Eq., Mr. Franklin Van Yliet,and Miss Ann Kinney, all of Stroud township. Monroe co. In Easton, on Thursday evening last, the 29th of June ult,, Mrs. Mary JJcck man, Belict of Mr. George M.' Hcckman, aged sixty-five years. nan"- BANE NOTICE. Notice is hereby giren that an application will be made to the nest Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania, for the creation of a coriKraje body, wih discounting and bank ing privileges, to be located in Slroudsburg. Bioaroe county, Fa. I he name ol the in landed corporation will be " The Strouds iburg Bank,'''' and the amount to be one hun nd thousand dollars with authority to in (Cwasp ihe same to two hundred thousand. Sydenham Wahon, Stogdell Stokes, Silas L. Drake, John Edinger, James II. Walton, Robert R. Depuy. J. IT. Stroud, S. Stokes, C. D. Brodhead, Robert Boys, Wm. Wallace, Geo. II. Miller, J as. N. Duiling. Daniel Boys, Samuel S Dreher, Frederick Kiser, M. II. Dreher, Peter Shaw, Jacob -Dennis. Joseph Trarh, Edward Brijn, John De Young. Joseph Fenner, Wm. Davjs, Wm. I). Walton, Stroud Burson, Jt. S. Staples, Juh Boys, Balsar Fethcrman, John N. Staples, Joseph Staples, Charles Fethcrman, David Keller, C. Burnett, S-J Hollinshead. Juae 30, 1851. WEIGHING LESS THAN 21 OUNCES. Tor the Cure of Hernia or Paipture. Acknowledged by tne highest medical "aulhorhics of Philadelphia, incomparably siiufrior to anv other in use. Sufferers will. h "ratified to learn that the occasion now offers to procure not only the lighcst and most easy, but as aaraoie a i rut as any other, in lieu of-the cumbrous and uncom ratable article usually sold. There is no difficulty attending the fitting, and when the pad is located, it will retain its position without change. Persons at a distance unable to call on the Subscriber, can have the Truss sent to any address, by remitting Fwe Dollars for the single I russ. or Jen tor tne uouoie- with measure round the hips, and staling side affected. It will be exchanged tovsuit jf not fitting, by returning it at once, unsoil ed. For Sale only by the Importer, CALEB II. NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth & Race Sis., Philadela ID" Ladies, requiring the benefit of Me chanical Supports, owing to derangement of the Internal Organs, inducing Falling of the Womb, Voral. Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Ner vous and Spinal Weakness, are informed that a competent and experinced Ludy will be in attendance at the Rooms; (set ajtart for their exclusive vse.) No. 114, Twelfth St., 1st door below Race. June 2l), 1854. ly. ATTORNEY AT I, A XV , Has removed his office to his dweling house, first door below the office of the fi Joffersonian Office," and directly oppo site S. J. Hollinshead 's hotdl, Elizabeth llrveeit. Jliroudaburg, Dec. 18, J?$fit . CJiSSATT MEMEDTtf, About which so much has been said and published, is among us. Who lias not heard i of the Mexican Musling Liniment 1 Many millions of bottles have been sold nnd used to cure Rheumatism, Ulcers, Sores, Bruises. Sprains. Ring-worm, Felons, Salt Rhcnm. Pile?, Sore Nipples, and Caked Breasts, Cancers. I ti ll, Corns on the Toes, Sore Eyes, Ear-ache. Pimples, Swul'cn Joints, or Limbs, Cuts, Scalds, or Scald Head, Numb Palsey Bunions or Frosted Feet, Warts or any other complaint that can be reached by an external remedy. And it ha? always h.ts been succrcsaful. It is equally good in healing Wounds, Scratches, Saddle or Harness Galds, or any Sprain, Soreness or Stiffness. And it is warranted to cure Spavin, Ring-bone, Sphnt or Poll evil, on Horses. ICr3 The Liniment is put up in three sizes. and retails at 25 cts. 50 els., and Si. 00. The large bottles contain much more Lini ment in-proportion to the prices, and there fore cheapest. To Cotitsty Slercsrasils. iMery store should be supplied with this valuable Liniment, as it pays a pood profit and sells rapidly. G. W. WESTBROOK. (Successor to A. G. Bragg & Co ,) Origin ator nnd sole. Proprietor. Principal Offices, 301 Broadway. New York, and corner od and Market Streets. St. Louis. Missouri. Sold by every dealer in drugs and medi ino throughout the United States. Canadas, Wrsi Indi s. and Bermuda Islands. June 20, 1851 ly. BOROUGH ORDINANCE PASSED JUNE 20th, 1S54. Bo it enacted by the Burgess and assistants or Councilmen of the Borough of Slrouds liurg and it is hereby enacted by the au thoritv of the same: That Jacob Street be extended from Eliz abeth street to Ann street, and declared a public high-way 40 feet in width, as laid out on the plot or draft of Morris D. Robeson's land, and the supervisor is directed to work the same. That Cherry Alley be extended from Frank lin street to Jacob st., as laid out and opened on the pint or draft of Morris D. Robeson's land, and the same is declared a public high way, the same to be 20 feet in width. That Ann st. be widened to make a street 43 feel in width from George street to Jacob street; to be widened from the center 21 feet each way, and the same declared a pub lic high-way to the width of 43 feet. That the time for curbing, grading and paving, on Elizabeth street, by the property holders, be extended to the 20th day of July next: and all pavements not completed by that date will be done by the Borough at the expense of the land owners, without any lur ther extension or notice. STOGDEL STOCKES. Chief Burgess. Office of the Delatcare, Lackawanna and Western Rail road Co. 49 Wall st., N. York, June 15, 1S54. 3 .. - , -1 NOTICE, Subscribers to the 1,500,000 increased Caniul Stock of this Company are herebv notified that a further installment of Fifteen Per Cent, h-is hpen colled for and will be payable at the Phenix Bank of the City of New-York, on Nituruay, the IsL day or July next. Bv order of the Board. VM. B. WARREN. Secretarv aud Treasurer. Office of the Delaware, Lackawanna, and ' Western Rail-rod Co. 40 Wall st., N. York, June 20, 1S54. NOTICE, The semi-annual interest on the Mortgage Bonds of the late Lackawanna and Western Rail Road Company due 1st. July 1851, will be paid at this Office on and after that day, upon present;;! im of toe Coupons. Interest v : 3 i a be paid to the Stockhold ers on and after ihe lUth day of July, proxi mo, at this Office, at the rate of six per cent, per annum, to be computed to June 30, 1354, on a I Stock lesued or installments received previous to 11. January last, from Decern ber 1S53 ; and on all installments received during the present year, from the dites of the respective payments ; but no interest can, according to the provisions of the Act of Incorporation, be paid on any share of Slock upon v.hich anv installment which has been callad for, remains unpaid. The Transfer Books will ce closed irom the 1st to 10th July inclusive. By order of the Board of Managers. WM. E. WAltllEN. Secretary and Treasurer. To Fju-iwer!; Miifltaaicsi & iT2:i- HARDWARE! HARDWARE I! The subscribers offer for sale one of the largest stocks of Hardware ever kept in their establishment, consisting in part of the fol lowing articles. 50 Sett Butchers & Fillolfion's Chisels, 25 Witherbcys round face chisels, 5O0 planes, assorted, 100 sett knives and forks, 25 doz Butcher knives, 10 " extra self tiped, ivory handle,. 50 " till locks, 10 " coffee mill?, 20 " glass knobs, assorted; 200 smoothing iron?, broad axes, hatchets, shovels, forks, spades, circular and strait straw knives, cas tcel: mil!, cross cut and circular saws; patent counter scalus and weights ; Tyler & Cobbs patent haft brace and bits; auger and center bite; spoke shave, shutter bolts, shutter las tenings; pullevs; spiral door springs; 1000 rim and carpenters locks; 200 do. butt Inn ges; 1000 gross screws, assorted ; tenant and hand saws; nails; assorted grind btones; ro tary pump fixture; clover and timothy seed; beans; dried apples; IK30 sacks salt; ftour; fish &.c, yggfggg Dry Goods a:uS Groceries, jff! a full assortment, for sale at Burkes ai'J old stand, Easton, Pa. MILLER & BROTHER. Easton, January 20, 1854. 3mo. RAGS WANTED. Being extensively engaged in the manu facture o f Pancr. we will pay to Country Merchants and others having Itags for sole, more than the present market prices CASH. JESSUr ec fviuuitu, Paper Manufacturers, Philadelphia Nos. '24 and 2G North St (1st Street below Arch, between 4th and Gth.) March 1G, 1854. 2m. WBWDOW- SASS2. The undersigned has on hand and for sale, Window Suslr) painted and glazed, of all sizes. C. U. WAlJJjflCK-. Stroudsburg, March '.), ISjj.'H. iisiow Thyself." . An Invaluable Book ',, (Ur -W ItVIW. Jsui.. y yfcj Family shoidd have a - Copy. 100,000 Copies sold in less than a yjar. ' .'!itv- A new edition, revis ed and improved, just issued. Dr. Ihmtcr s Medical Manual and liana Book for the Afflicted. Containing an out line of the origin, progress, treatment and cure of every form of disease contracted by promiscuous sexual intercourse, by sell a huso or by sexual excess, with advice for their prevention, written in a familiar style. avoiJing all medical technicalities, and eve ry thing that would offend the ear of decen cy; with an outline of complaints incident to Females, from the result of some twenty years' successful practice, exclusively de voted to the cure of diseases of a delicate or private nature. To which is added receipts lor the cure m the above diseases, and a treatise on the cau ses, symptoms and cure of the Fever and A sue. Testimony of the Professor of Obstetrics in Penn. College, Philadelphia' Drt Hun- n r 'Pi . 1 - . f TtR S IWKniCAli MANUAL. 1I1B auillOT OI this work, unlike the majority of those who advertise to curs tire diseases of which it treats is a graduate of one of the best Col leges in the United States. It affords me pleasure to recommend him to the unfortu nate, or to the victim 'of malpractice, as a successful and experienced practitioner, in whose honor and integrity they may place the greatest confidence. Jos. S. Longshore M. D. From A. Woodward, M. D., of Pcnn. U- niversity, Philadelphia. It gives me pleas ure to add my testimony to the professional ability of the Author of the " Medical Man ual." Numerous cases of Disease of the Genital Organs, some of them of longstand ing, have como under my notice, in which his skill has been manifest in restoring to perfect health, iu some causes where the paiicnt has been considered beyond medi cal aid. In the treatment of Seminal weak ness, or disarrangement of the functions produced by self abuse or Excess ofvene ry, I do not know his superior in the pro fession. 1 have been acquainted with the Author some thirty years, and deem it no more than justice to him as well as kindness o the unfortunate victim of early indiscre tion, to recommend mm as one in whose professional skill and integrity they may a!ely confide themselves. Alfueo Woodwako, M. D. 44 This is, without exception, the most comprehensive and intelligible work pub lished on the class of diseases ol which it treats. Avoiding all technical terms, it ad dresses itself to the reason ol its readers. it is free from all objectionable matter, and no parent, however, lastidious, can object to olacim: it in the hands ot bis sons. The author has devoted many years to the treat ment of tho various complaints treated of. and. with too lilile breath to pufj, and too little presumption to impose, he has offered to the world, at the merely nominal price oi 25 cents, the fruit of some twenty years' most successful practice. Herald. No teacher or parent should be without the knowledge imparted in this invaluable work. It would save years of pain, moriih cation and sorrow to the youth under their charge."' People's Advocate. A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writ ing of" Hunter's Medical Manual" says : Thousands upon thousands oi our vouth. bv evil example and influence of the passions, hae been led Into the habit of sell-pollution. without realumg the sin and fearful cense quonces upon tiemselve3 and their posteri ty. Tl.e constitutions of thousands who are raising families have'been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not know the cause or the cure. Anything that can be done so to enlighten and nJluence the pub lic mind as to cheek, and ultimately to re move this wide-spread source ol human wretchedness, would conter the greatest blessing next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the present and coming generation In temperance (or the use of intoxicating drinks) though it has slain thousands upon thousands, is not a greater scourge to the "human race. Accept my thanks on behall of the afflicted, and, believe me, your co worker in the good work you are so active ly engaged in." One copy (securely enveloped) will be forwarded, free of postage, to any part of the United States for 25 cents, or six copies SI. Address, (post paid) COS DEN & CO. Publishers, or Box 11)0, Philadelphia. ffBooseilers, Canvassers and Book A gent3 supplied on the most liberal terms. June 2-2, 1351. ly. $tM ESWABB! On the night of the 5th of November. 1853 a man by the name of Isaac Brown, abscon ded from Stroudsburg, taking with him a young girl about 17 years old, with whom it 13 supposed he ts cohabiting. Ihe said Brown is 33 years old, about 5 five feet 10 inches m height, light complcxioncd, sandy hair and is crossed eyed eves light blue and formerly a lesident of Broom County N. Y. He is a School Teacher, professes to be a Baptist and occasionally turns preacher The young girl, whom he enticed away, is about 5 feet one inch in height, rather slen der, dark hair and grey eyes, and has an impediment in her speech. Tho said Isaac Brown left a wife and two children in Stroudsburg. The above reward will be paid for the apprehension and doliv eryofsaid Brown at Stroudsburg, or in any County Jail, upon information being given of this fact to the undersigned. OLIVER D. STONE, Stroudsburg Monroe Co. Pa CHARLES WATERS, Plymoth, Luzerne Co. Pa IEP Publishers of papeis friendly to the cause of Justice, will confer a favor by no ticing the .tbove. June 20, 1951. NOTICE. Notice is herebv given, that the under signed has been duly authorized by the Wash ing County Mutual Insurance Company N. Y., to collect and receive assessments made by said Company upon the member resident in Monroe county. Those who are insured in said Company will call without deluy and make payment, nnd save cost. - CHARLTON BURNETT. June 8, 1851. REMOVED! Respectfully informs the public that he has rcmovou ins uut uap oiore nnvt tnnr in Snmiiel Melick's Watch and Jewelry Store, where Ji. ho will bo happy to see his old porfrons and customers. He also announces that he positively gives no credit, as it has become unfashionable, as well as unprofitable. Qjiicjc sales and small profits is-his rnnttc. JOHN WRTJXTON. Slroudsburg, March 10, 1854.-3m. ; t r The $ew-ork Mercantile Guide ENLARGED!!! A WEEKLY SKWSPAPSSaft. The proprietor of the above paper would respectfully call the attention ol Merchants, Farmers and Mechanics, residinc out of the city, to the Moderate Terms for a yearly sub- cnptionoi tne UU1BE, being to mail sub- cnbers only Gss DSa.r Per Year, making it unquestionably the cheapest Fam ily Xcivspaper published' in the U. States. hen desired, subscriptions for Six Months ;ill be received which may be remitted in '. O. Stamps. The columns of the Guide will contain the usual variety of Original, Spicy Articles writ ten not only to please but to instruct, and will be replete with a synopsis of all the jocal and Oeueral News ol the Day. In regard to Politics the Guide will main tain .on inrtriii'nilpul fnne iml frnro timo in lime will advocate such measures as best conduce to the interests of the greatest nu.m- her. Poslssisslcrs and others arc respectfully requested to act i s Agents for this paper, to whom wo will orward specimen copies, free, when desired to do so. As an inducement for persons to interest themselves to obtain subscribers for the Mer cantile Guide, we olfer the following Premi ums, and upon the receipt of the names and uuu rii uuvuiice, wu win lorv.itiu itium, iji.-i ... . . -it r i .t express, or otherwise, if ordered, to the ad- U ress of those entitled to them For 300 subscribers, cash $25 00 For 250 subsciibers, we will give one splendi 1 Fine Gold Watch, (war ranted for time.) worth $30 00 'or 200, one elegant Fine Gold Lock et, (1 glasses, worth 15 00 For 150, ono elegant Bracelet, (fine gold) worth 10 00 ?or 100, one Gold Vest Chain, worth 8 00 For 75, one Gold Pen and Gold Hol der, handsomely engraved, worth 10 00 ?or 50, one do do do 8 00 'or 40, one do do do G 00 For 30, one do do do 5 00 For 20, Commercial do in silver do . extension holder, worth 3 For 15. ono Medium do do 2 00 or 12, one Lady 'a do- do 1 50 TMs Gold Pen and Gold Holder, is the A DIES" SIZE, and is a beautiful article. All the above goods shall be procured from the Is. York Gold Pen Manuactunn Com pany, the acknowledged best Gold Pen and Pencil Case Manufacturers on this Conti- tiuent. Cinh-i Can be advantageously formed in every vi age and city in the Union, and a large num- ber of subscribers obtained in this way. - Such as would interest themselves tor the Guide, cau be wm.l rewarded, as our list ol premiums above win show. Ftci'KSors Who would desire an excellent Family ISews paper, should at once avail themselves of the Guide, the price being much below any oth- er newspaper published. ACSts Wanted foi every city in the Unted Stales and Canada. Responsible parties, who will act as agents for the Guide, will please fur- nish us with their names for publication. 3i. J,-nliv vr. ,vnu nnrfirninrlw nnneal. knowing the nfKmon r iiir Corrirfc whpn fnfrfririr-1 ally directed. By their co-operation our subscription list would soon out number any paper published on this continent, and to ain this we shall at all times strive to em- OOUV in ine COIUIIIUS Ol inc uuiae auiiitiuuiK not 'only to please but instruct our female patrons. Our subscription price being so ow, there will be but little difticulty in tlieu nrocunntr for us enouoh subscribers to ob- 1 f . n i n i ,i lam any of the Rich Premiums above de- sprihPfi: nml what ladv would not desire a handsome Gold Watch. Locket, Bracelet, or Pen and Pencil! Specimen copies sent free, by addressing the Editor, post-paid. UJT ivji communications puouiu ue uu dressed, post-paid, to " W. E. Ul.vken-ky, Editor and Publisher of the iscw-York Mer canliic Guide, No. IR3 Greenwich street." May 25, lS5-i. 2m in! r.oi55ti(v ots T3ftih Fitfseimr Tim milieu rilior wnnlil rpRtinrt foil v inform the niiblic that he has enlartred and improved the old stand at Bushkill, Pike county, Pa., where he will attend without delay to all or- ders Irom Ins customers. Country Carding and Cloth dressing, promptly attended to. Also, Manufacturing Cloths, of all descriptions which may be wanted; Broadcloths, (double width.) Cassi-- ncres, Satinets, Shawls, Coverlets, Blankets, (double width;) Flannels, &c, furnished ortier. Wool Carded for 4 cents per pound cash, and if it is charged 5 cents will be exacted, Broadcloths ("double width,) Indigo blue, per yard u Invis. crrccn, bottle green, and blue black, per yard 1 17 Rmwn. blacks and snuffs, ner yard 1 00 Hi tun!, rmixture. and Tweeds, ner yd. '10 Blanket, ' iWe width,) uo Flannel. wste, 31 Cents nn men's weak. Indignblue, per yd Invievble and bottle green, do. Blue black, do Snuffs, brown", blacks, and drabs do Fulling, shearing and pressing do Fulling and pressing do Scouring and napping do woxjsk's wkar. Indigo blue- do Madder and scarlet red do Greens, all shades do Blacks and browns do Yarn Indigo blue per lb. Madder and scarlet do Greens, all shndes do OT?0 Wool left at "Pinchot'a, Laforge's or DeWitt's Store, at Corneliu's Tavern, or at DeYVitt's Mill, Milford, Pa. ; at Dingman's Store, Dingman's Choice; O. Dimmick's Mat tamoras, Pike county ; at Stokes &. Staples' Store, Stroudsburg; at Landers' or Petetd' store, Craigs Meadows, Monroe Co. Pa., at Stokes & Prober's store, Smithfield, and at Stokes' Mill, near Stroudsburg, will bo taken away and returned every two week. Broad cloths, Cnssimcras, &c. kept on hand and ex changed for Wool. MATTHEW PROCf OR. May 25, 1851. CAUTION.' Notice is hereby given that my wife, Christi ans, has left my bed and board without cause or provocation. All persons are hereby noti fied not to trust her on my account as I shall pay no Oobts'of hur contracting. , , . GKQRQ&BAT&jBIt. Pafiono tspij, Juaa 23, 1854 -a. . .18 FrieradE'y to all nTatIaas WAR OR NO WAR. F-aSW HaT AD CAP STORE- The undersigned beg leave to inform the citizens of Stroudburg, and the pub lic generally, that they have taken the room lately occupied by John W. Ritx ton, as a Hat & Cap Store, on Elizabeth street, a few doors below the Drug Store of Dr. F. Ilollinshetulj and have filled it with of every variety and style, and are prepared to sell the same on terms that defy competition. Persons in want of Hats or Caps would do well to call and examine our stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. The public arc informed that (hey still continue tiie Boot aad Shoe business, at the old stand, in rll its various branches, and are fully prepared tO accommodate all who may feel disposed to ffiye them a caii. R. SKELTON & SONS. April 20, 1851 TO rr'Trp ABIES, oJd. T The undersigned having localml them- 3Hselves in Slroudsburg, opposite Miller & Fowler's Store, vould respectfully announce to the Ladies of Stroudsburg and vicinity thnt they intend carrying on the imlhntry Bust ncss. and have furnished themselves with a rt't'u uacuiunuw ... , r , zit. .;.. -'"" """ " "Z7' rS ' rr " "i " Hals, ribbons, Jioiocrs, ore, and repaired. ii. A. & M. PitttDiUUlti!; April 27, 1854. tf. At a meeting of the Elders and Trustees of tho Presbyterian Church of Stroudsburg, they have resolved that no news are to be rented hn saij Church. The seals are now open and free to all, after this date, Ma rch 23, 1S54. OAP. Fine scented Soaps torwash- ing and shaving a' so the ce'ebrafced shaving cream, for sa'e by SAMUJbJU MJiLlUJi. ritisil Copal for sale by F. HOLLINSHEAD. Es:scI Ol!, for sale by F. HOLLINSHEAD. w Tli ilc JLetui for salo by F. HOLLINSHEAD. FEV7 MILIDTEEY S3TABLIS1IMEFT. rT, The undersigned respectfully an 4fi'nounce to the Lidics of Stroudburg, and the country generally, that they have cs- lablished the above business, m the room lor- merly occupied by Wm. Dean, second door below the "Gothic Hall Drug btore, on Elm abeth street, where they hate a fall stock of every thing in their line of business, inoy have the latest Paris styles, and are prepared to display an assortment oi ncn goods mat can hardly fail to challenge the admiration oi au Wno make any pretension to taste and adornment. Ample experience in the busi- ness induces them to cherish ttie expectation that their efforts to please will not be exerted m vain, more especially as they otter in the outset a stock ol tashionable bonnets, anu an assortment of tasteful decorations of crceed in."- bcautv and attractiveness. itie iauies arc rc?pecttulJy invnca to lavor u wuu a can and examine our goous ana uornmansmp. S.& E. DEAN. Stroudsburg, Jiay 4, 18ot n -in j j I r-.,- HOC & 05S Patent GrCUHl feclMS. The subscribers manufacture from the . . rtr,cf fol mrnnUr cnivc frnm f,n-n . . , J. , . 1; rri.; inches to eighty inches m diameter. JLlieir '"" o J Savrs arc naraencu anu icmpereu, uuu are ground and finished by machinery designed expressly for tho purpose; and arc therefore much superior to those Uround in the usual manner, as they are strengthened and stiffened by increasing them in thickness regularly from the cut ting edge to the centre, consequently do not become heated or buckled, and pro duce a great saving in timber. They also manntacture Lust steel MM, Pit and Cross-Cut Saus, and Billet IVcbs, ot superior quality, an ot wnicn uiey nave for sale, or thoy may be obtained of the. principal hardware merchants through 011f tho united States and Uanaua. R. IIOE & CO., 29 arid 31 Gold-street. Bgy Publishers of Newspapers who will msert this advertiscracnt three times, topviui tnis note, uuu winam a i uoutuininj tnu aaiut, i.i , ...... iug materials by purchasing tour times the amount of their bill for the advcrtise- ment. May 11, 1S51. HIRAM IL G0&SS Would announce to the citizens of Stroudsburg and the public in general, that he has taken tho old stand t of Mark Miller, where will bo kept on hand and made to order, every variety of ooarBC anl ine oots aM(l Shoes, Ladies' and Misses' Gaiters, and every other ar- 31 ticle in that line which may be called for, 25 of the very best quality and at cheaper 20 ntieca thau an? other establishment. Persons wihin.j to purehaso will consult " tueir own lutercsis iy g0,t,g u 8 ,J an ,1 ,nn 1 1 Kfi t mi.J. Libras, dentist, Has permanently located him Wk self in Struudaburg, and moved hi ulllcj next door to Dr. S. 135 Walton, and nearly oppowteS. MeUck's Jtw- 25 elrv felora, where lie-is la I ly prepared to Vrea 1 t!u nitunil tReth.nnu also to insert menrruplt iblo artificinl teeth on pivotud pnU in the isiesi iinu mosi unprovuM uuiiisht. most wv boii3 kmw the dsncr and folly of trusting their work to the ignonrtt us well as te tr.ivei;ig deni'st. It m.itterrtni ho-v much experience a p rsnn may h ivi he is liable to have some t.ulnfes out tit a number ot cases, and if the dentiat live- at a distance, it w fre quently put ulF until it is too late to Hivq the tooth or teeth ab it m-iv be, otherwise the in- nonvenienco ami trouble ol going so tar. r Honcotho necessity of obtaining the services cf a det nlisneur lme. All work warranted. TAXMKHY FOR SALE. The umleraigned will sell at private sale a final! Tannery, and Twelve acres of Lainl, with the feimnrovDiiieHts, situated m a tlcsira- ble part of tho County lor uirti aira inner advuntages. - . J. II. WrtjftTN. Stroubsburg, Dec, 15, lS mm DRUG STOR JCj. b 1 DR. F. HOLLINSHEAD Has this day opened his new Drug. Store in the Gothic Hall on JElizabeih street, jwsr tfelow S. J. Hollirijihsad's Hotel, where be intends kcepiifg constantly on hand a fall assortment of Fresh Drugs & Ssdicincs, and fine ClicmiciJi', to which he invites thoaltention of Physiccians, Merchants, and the public generally. He intends keeping a full supply of Paints, Oils, Yarni.-he, Dyestuffs, Burning Fluid, Camphene, Turpentine, &c , which he will sell at Easton prices. Particular attention will be given to filling; physicians order?, and thoy may always rely up'iH receiving good articles; wcj! packorf, promptly sent and at fair price. He also keeps on hand a very full assort ment ot the most approred Trusses, Ab4ts miinl Supporters, Breast Exhausters, Ntppfo Glasaci and Shields, ccc. Dr. A- Kcvotis Jst-ksoit has re moved hisoriice to the same building, where he nu.y always be found when not absent on N business. On Thursday of each v.eek fie. may be consulted at his office from 0 to 1 A. MM and 2 to 5 i. m. Stroudsburg, March J0, 1554. f fMtcIifMs Casio r a very stfHe- JL nor article, for sale by F. HOLLINSHEAD... . . Stroudsburg. March 30, 185 1, . QAIL JEllA'TVS, Borax. Saltpetre, aad! O Cream of Tartar, for sale by F. HOLLINSHEAD, Slroudsburg, March 30, 1851. i:isii:i Fluid constantly on hand and for sale bv F. HOLLINSHEAD. Stroudsburg, IIarch 30, 1S51. S P 111 SC!M 2 IS E 11 Y GOODS. JQHH STONS 3t SONS, No. 45 Soulh Second Street, Pfcilaclelp&ia Have now in Store, of their own imrKW Na tion, a large and handsome assortment of Sis kit, and every article suitable to the Millinery Trade, to which constant addition will be made throughout the season, thereby enablig them to offer the largest and most desirable selection of articles in their lino to be found! in the City. Phihdi., March 1G, 1851. 2m. AND HOUSE AND SJCW PAJKTE. Shop on Jacob Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. March 17, 1831. ly. i00,000 GIFTS for Ike PEOPLE. JOSIAH PERU AM submits to the PeopTe of the United States, his THIRD MONSTEll GIFT ENTERPRISE, In connection with the Exhibitions of his Mag nificent and Immense Sirror of North & South Aaierica5 at .cuz"Y hall, CQ3 Broadway, New York. (LT3 100,000 Tickets Only, at $1 Each, . Will be sold. Each Purchaser of a Ticket; for the AiIn:iS!o:r 1" Fenr Poso;;5 To the Exhibition, will be presented with a, Numbered Certificate, entitling the holder to One share in the following 100,000 Gifts: A FARM, located in Harrison lownsnijr Gloucester Co., New Jersey, and within lo miles of Philadelphia. It embrace o ver 100 Acres of Land, in a high state of cultivation, with Dvvclling, Barns, and oth er necessary Out-house?, iu good repair.- There is a large Orchard of Choice EritUs. Title indisputable. Valued at 316,000 (Any information in regard to the Farm cam be obtained of RELAN REDFIELD, tenant on the premises.) A Perpetual loan without security of in terest, 5,000 ft it tt u 2,000 it r tt tt, u 1,0011 2 " " " " " 5C0 ea. 1,000 10 " " " " " HKJ- " 1,080) Tho Celebrated Trotting Mare, " Lily Dale," who can trot, m harness, a mile in 2.40 valsed at 1,300 SRosewood Pianos, valued at SoOO each, 2,500 5 :MX) 1,500 (A portion of the Pianos are T. GIL BERT & CoV. Celebrated jEolians. Others of IIALLETT, DAVIS & CuV. Splendid Instruments.) The Splendid Series ot Painliugs known as the "Mirror, of Nbw LKCtAjfD ano Can-adi.vk ScK:ncaY," and now realizing a handsome income by its Exhibitions in the East valued at 22,000' u Light and Beautiful Carriages, 225 each, 075 10 Gold Watches, 100 " 1,000 40 " 50 " 2,000 100 il Pens and Cases, 5 " .OO 5,000 Pencils, 0 " 15,000 94,810 Pieces of Choice, Popular and Fashionable Music, 25 cts. each, 93,7017 100,000 Gift Valued at Oac Gift fr every Tielsci. In order to insure to all concerned a per fectly fair and satisfactory disposition of tlnfr above named Gifts, Mr. PERHAM profxwrs that the Shareholders haH meet together On Thursday Evoaing, Jtise 29, ld&i, (Or sooner, if all the Tickets are ?oid dee nutice of which will be given.) at some suita ble place, hereafter to h; designate!, nnd ap point a Committee of live Perms, to receiva the property, which they my Aupaee ot m 'ueh manner by lot or otherwise as t S mreholders, in general meeting, shall direat, the Committee giving gui anu urauom iKnds, if required by the Shareholders, flic the faithful performance of the duties requir ed of them. Shareholders residing out of the city of New 1'orki will staml upon the same ftOtM as residents, and whatever uay tail lo tkeis shares will be forwarded to them in sh manner as they may direct, after the parti tion has taken place. OtyAll orders for Tickets, by mail, stauM lie addressed to JOSIAH PER-HAM? C A DEMY HAlL. 063 BROtiDWAY; NEW YORK. If it ahoW hapro iKitt all the 'Rftkels are seW when tlw ef fc receiveditt money will lie returned, at, 'wr' e.vpenae1pi3tage. Cfrrespondens Will1 pieaserit&diatihclly tht-ir name, raidenee. Count and Slate, t.i pruwaut t!W, Qtt W convenient, eacUife an anvoiwritll Ult i it directions op iUmSSP& ats m itey may mine m te tst m