1 ' 1 r isr jusflsa mn Uay teem. List of persons drawn to serve as Grand Jurors at May session, A. D, 1854. Lynford Marsh, Hamilton township. William Haney, do do. William Clements, Stroudsburg. Jacob Coffiunn, Paradise. Charles Transue, do. John N. Stokes, Stroudsburg. George Ruth, Hamilton. Daniel Lee, Stroud. Peter S. Altemose, Chesnuthill. Charles Price, Price. William Pedrick, Stroudsburg. ' Philip Fisher, Stroud. iDavid Burnett, Pocono. 1 Henry Getz, Ross. James Smith, Chesnuthill. John Learn, Paradise. Peter Bosserd, Jr., Hamilton. Franklin Smith, Ross. Frederick Casebear, Sujithfield. William Carey, Stroudsbnrg. James Delong, Stroud. Hiram Warner, Coolbaugh. Frederick Houser, Hamilton. Morris Adler, Stroudburg List of persons drawn to serve as Petit Jurors for May term, 1851. Peter Getz, Ross. Jabez Angle, Middle Smithfield. Michael Brown, Stroudburg. Daniel Casebear, Smithfield. Joseph Greenswcig, Eldrcd. Joseph Felker, Jackson. Charles R. Wilson, Smithfield. Adam Hoodmacher, Chesnuthill. Elijah Dcpue, Middle Smithfield. Jacob Stucker, Robs. Edward J. Hoodmacher, Chesnuthill. John Eschenbach, Jr., Tobyhanna. Abraham Shiffer, Chesnuthill. Henry Madison, Stroud. Thomas Spencer, do. Abraham offman, M. Smithfield. Charles ilgart, Paradise. Andrew Woodling, familton. George Dershimer, Polk. Daniel Bonscr, Tobyhanna. Andrew L. Storm, Paradise. Jacob W. Singer, Jackeon. George Dreher, Stroudsburg. Frederick Doll, Jackson. Samuel Storm, Pocono. Daniel Dreher, Stroud. Michael Gower, Eldred. Jacob Correll, do. Benjamin Turner, Stroud. William Long, Jr., Price. Joel Berlin, Polk. Daniel iioodmacher, Chesnuthill. William Frantz, Eldred. John Chambers, Jr., M. Smithfield. John Elliot, Chesnuthill. Joseph Albert, M. Smithfield. " Trial List May Term, 1854. John Bowman and wife vs. John S. Van vliet el. al. No. 34, April term, 1846. Abraham Barry and wife vs. same, No. 35, April term, 1846. Edward Beloff vs. Martin Courtright cL al. No. 14, September term, 1850. Godfrey Greensweig's Executors vs. James Greensweig No. 22, December term, 1850. William Clark vs. Peter Kemmerer et. al. No. 22, February term, 1851. Philip Kresge and Jacob Correll vs. Chas. auk No. II, May term, 1851. John Merwine vs. Joseph Keller No. 22, September term. 135 1. Amos More vs Garret Albertson No. 7, December term, 1842. - Andrew Butz vs. Elizabeth Ann Butz, No. j 8, Sept. term, 1852. Argument List May Term, 1854. Greensweig' s Executors vs. Jonas Green sweig, No. 1, Feb. term, 185-2. In the matter of the distribution of the pro ceeds of the sale of the Real Estate of Jame ollinshead. Long vs. Kintz No. 13, Sept. term, 1850. Merwine vs. Keller. In the matter of the Estate of Joseph xouser, deceased. Greens weig'u Executors vs. Joseph Green Bweig. In the matter of the report of a road view in M. Smithfield. In the matter of the report ot viewers to vacate a road in M. Smithfield. In the matter of the auditor's report upon the account of C. Burnet, Committee of Isaac anna. Washington Overficld vs Isaac anna Io. 126, July term, 1844. In the matter of the auditor's report on the estate of Isaac anna. Gotleib Frederick Oehler et al. vs. George Michtlv and John Michtly. Jedry Fenner's Administrator's use of Balser Fctherman vs. Joseph Vanhorn et. al. , Commonwealth vs. Gailin Admas et. al. Reasons for new trial. John Felker vs. Peter Woodling Rule to show cause, &c. John Place vs. Benjamin Bunnell No. 54, April term, 1838. Philip Neyhart vs. Elijah Blowers and James Newell No. 64, February term, 1852. Ilk Notice i3 hereby given, that the Com missioners of Monroe County, will hold their appeal, for the ecveral townships, as follows : For the townships of Tobyhanna, Ches nuthill, Ross, Eldred and Polk, on the 9th day of May next, at the house of Hen ry D. Shafcr, in Chesnuthill township. For the townships of Hamilton, Jack son, Pocoqo and Coolbaugh, on the 11th day of May, at the Commissioners Office in Stroudsburg. For the townships of Smithfield and Middle Smithfield, on the 12th day of May, at the house of James Place, in Middle Smithfield. For the townships ofStroud, Paradise, Price and the Borougli of Stroudsburg, on the 13th day of May, at the Commis sioners Oflice, When and where all who choose may attend. JACOB ALTEMOSE, JOHN C. STRUNK, ' MELCIIOIR DREHER, Commissioners. Commissioner's Office, ) April 25, 1854. $ A Icoliol always on hand and for sale A by V. HOLL1NSHEAD. Stroudsburg, March 30, 1854L Spts. Turpentine on hand and for sale by F. HOLLINSIIEAD. Stroudsburg, March 30, 1854. BLANK MORTGAGES For sale at this Office. BLANK DEEDS fli is dffihn 3TEW MtLLUIERY ESTABLISHMENT. The undersigned respectfully an nounce to the Ladies of Stroudsbunr, and the country generally, that they have es tablished the above business, in the room for merly occupied by Wm. Dean, second door below the "Gothic Hall Drug Store," on Eliz abeth street, where they have a full stock of every thing in their line of business. They have the latest Paris styles, and are prepared to display an assortment of rich goods that can hardly fail to challenge the admiration of all who make any pretension to taste and adornment. Ample experience in the busi ness induces them to cherish the expectation that their efforts to please will not be exerted in vain, more especially as they offer in the outset a stock of fashionable bonnets, and an assortment of tasteful decorations of exceed ing beauty and attractiveness. The Ladies are respectfully invited to favor us with a call and examine our goods and workmanship. S. & E. DEAN. Stroudsburg, May 4, 1854. ttcgistcr'a Notice. TaiOTICE is hereby given to all legatees and other persons interested in the estates of the respective decedents and mi nors, that the administration accounts of the following estates have been filed m the office of the Register of Monroe coun ty, and will be presented for confirmation and allowance to the Orphans' Court to be held at Stroudsburg, in and for the a foresaid county, on Monday, the 22d day of May next, at 10 o'clock, a. ni. The final account of John Zimmerman, administrator of the Estate of Jno. George Zimmerman, late of Smithfield towuship, deceased. The final account of John Zimmerman, administrator of the Real Estate of John Grcorge Zimmerman, late of Smithfield township, deceased. The final account of John Zimmerman, adminstrator of the estate of Isaac Zim merman, late of Smithfield township, de ceased. The account of George Shupp, admin istrator of the Estate of Peter Gr. Shupp, late of Polk township, deceased. The account of Felix Weiss and George Stroh, administrators of the Estate of Benjamin Stroh, late of Hamilton town ship, deceased.. The first and final account of Jacob Slutter, Executor of the last will &c. of George Shlotter, late of Hamilton town ship, deceased. The account of Susannah Bond, admin istratrix, and Frederick Bond, adminis trator of the Estate of Jacob Bond, late of Chesnuthill township, deceased. The final account of Michael Shoemaker, Executor of the last Will &c. of Daniel Bellesfield, late of Jackson township, de- SAMUEL REES, Jr. Register. Registers Office, Stroudsburg. ) May 4, 1854. $ 100,000 GIFTS for the PEOPLE. JOSIAII PERIIAM submits to the People of the United States, his THIRD MONSTER GIFT ENTERPRISE, In connection with the Exhibitions of his Mag nificent and Immense Mirror of North & South America, at acad cm v hall, 663 Broadway, New York. (LT 100,000 Tickets Only, at $1 Each, Will be sold. Each Purchaser of a Ticket for the Admission of Four Persons To the Exhibition, will be presented with a Numbered Certificate, entitling the holder to One 6hare in the following 100,000 Gifts: A FARM, located in Harrison Township, Gloucester Co., New Jersey, and within 15 miles of Philadelphia. It embraces o ver 100 Acres of Land, in a high state of cultivation, with Dwelling, Barns, and oth er necessary Out-houses, in good repair. There is a large Orchard of Choice Fruits. Title indisputable. Valued at S16.000 (Any information in reuard to the Farm can be obtained of BELAN REDFIELD, tenant on the premises.) A Perpetual loan without security of in terest, 5,000 2,000 1,000 ea. 1,000 i nnn 2 10 100 The Celebrated Trotting Mare, " Lily AJUVV Dale, who can trot, in harness, a mile in 2.40 valued at 1,500 5 Rosewood Pianos, valued at $500 each, 2,500 5 " " 300 1,500 (A portion of the Pianos are T. GIL BERT & Co's. Celebrated iEolians. Others of IIALLETT, DAVIS & Co's. Splendid Instruments.) The Splendid Series of Paintings known as the "Mirror of New England and Canadian Scenery," and now realizing a handsome income by its Exhibitions in the East valued at 22,000 3 Light and Beautiful Carriages, $225 each, 675 10 Gold Watches, 100 1,000 40 " " 50 " 2,000 100 !l Pens and Cases, 5 " 500 5,000 " Pencils, 3 15,000 94,819 Pieces of Choice, Popular and Fashionable Music, 25 cts. each, 23,705 100,000 Gifts, Valued at $96,380 One Gift for every Ticket. In order to insure to all concerned a per fectly fair and satisfactory disposition of the above named Gifts, Mr. PERIIAM proposes that the Shareholders shall meet together On Thursday Evening, June 22d, 1854, (Or sooner, if all the Tickets are sold due notice of which will be given,) at some suita ble place, hereafter to be designated, and ap point a Committee of five Persons, to receive the property, which they may dispose of in such manner by lot or otherwise as the Shareholders, in general meeting, shall direct, the Committee giving good and sufficient bonds, if required by the Shareholders, for the faithful performance of the duties requir ed of them. Rhnrnhnlders residin? out of tho city of New York, will stand upon the same footing as residents, and whatever may fall to their shares will he forwarded to them in such manner as tbey may direct, after the parti tion has taken place. 07-All orders for Tickets, by mail, should be addressed to JOSIAII PERIIAM, A CADEMY HALL, 663 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. If it should happen that all the Tickets are sold when the order is received, the money will be returned, at our expense of postage. Correspondents will please write distinctly their name, residence, County and State, to prevent errors. Or, il convenient, enclose an envelope, with their directions on it in full in which, such Tick ets as thoy may order will bo returned. GO ZINC PAINTS. One third cheaper than White Lead, and Free from all poisonous qualities. The New Jersey Zinc Company having greatly enlarged their works, and im proved ihe quality of iheir products, are pre pared to execute orders for their SUPERI OR PAINTS, Dry, and Ground in Oil, in assorted packages of from 25 to 500 pounds; also Dry, in barrels of 300 lbs. Their White Zjnc. which is sold dry or ground in oil, is warranted Pure and unsur passed for Body and Uniform Whiteness. A method ofpreparation has recently bee discovered, which enables the Company to warrant their paiitlsto keep fresh and soft in the kejjs for any reasonable time In this respect their paints will be superior to any other in the market. Their Brown Zinc Paint, which is sold al a low price, and can only be made from the Zinc ores from New .Jersey, is now well known for its protective quahlies when np plied to iron or other metalic surfaces. Their Stone Color Paint possesses ail the properties of the Brown, and is of an -agreeable color for painting Cottages, Depots. Out-buildings, Bridges, &c. Dealers sup plied on liberal terms by their Ageuts, FRENCH & RICHARDS. Wholesale Paint Dealers and Im porters, N. W. cor. 10th and Market sts , Philadelphia. April 13, 1854. Gm. SADDLE AftTD"JBIA12ftT The undersigned having re moved his Saddle and Harness manufactory to three doors be low the Washington Hotel, on Walnut street, informs the public that he will keep con stantly on hand a choice as sortment ot Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Carriage Harness, Sulky and Gig Harness, Team Hamas, leather, cotton, and worsted Fhjncts, Trunks, Valises, Curpel bags, Curry-combs, Horse carth ind brushes, and all other articles in his line of business which he will dispose of upon very reasona ble terms. Work made to order at the shortest notice. His materials will be of the best quality, and as he employs none but good workmen, he hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage. His motto is "quick sales and small profits." Call and see for yourselves. Country produce taken in exchange for work. W. C. LARZELIER. Stroudsburg, April 13, 1854. N. B. Carriage trimmings for sale, and. Carriages trimmed to order. (Evpljcms1 tpurt Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of the county of Monroe, the follow ing Ileal Estate, formerly of David Ster ringer, late of Hamilton township, in said county, deceased, will be sold at public vendue on the premises on Saturday, the 20th day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, a certain tract or piece of land situate in the township of Hamilton, in the said county of Monroe, adjoining lands of Joseph Fenner, Peter Butz, George Butz and others, containing Thirty Acres, more or less, with the appurtenances. A portion of the above tract is cleared, heavy growth of timber of excel- lent quality. Terms. One half of the percbase mo ney to be paid upon confirmation of sale, and the balance in one year thereafter, to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. JESSE VAX BUSKI11K, Administrator. By the Court. M. H. DitEiiEit, Cleric. April 13, 1854.-3t. " $30 REWARD! On the night of the 5th of November, 1853. a man by the. name of Isaac Brown, abscon ded from Stroudsburg, taking with him a young girl about 17 years old, with whom it i3 supposed he is cohabiting. The said Brown is 33 years old, about 5 five feet 10 inches in height, light complexioued, sandy hair and is crossed eyed eyes light blue and formerly a lesident of Bioutn County, N. Y. lie is a School Teacher, professes to be a Baptist and occasionally turns preacher The young girl, whom he enticed away, is about 5 feet one inch in height, rather slen der, dark hair and grey eyes, and has an impediment in her speech. The said Isaac Brown left a wife and two children in Stroudsburg. The above reward will be paid for the apprehension and deliv eryofsaid Brown at Stroudsburg, or 15 dollars for his arrest and delivery in any County Jail, upon information being given of this fact to ihe undersigned. OLIVER D. STONE, Stroudsburg. Monroe Co. Pa. CHARLES WATERS, Plymoth, Luzerne Co. Pa. March 30, 1851. LAW CIRCULAR. oitTiiiNGTON G. Snetiien, Wash- ington, D. C, contiuues to practice flaw exclusively in the supreme court, and to attend to cases before Congress; to prosecute claims an settled accounts a gainst the departments, bureaus, and boards of commissioners; to procure pat ents for invention, at home and abroad, and to obtain pensions and bounty lauds; to collect debts, dividends, legacies, and in heritances in any part of the United states and foreign countries ; to make invest ments of funds in loans and stocks and on bond and mortgage, and to negotiate the purchase and sale of loans, lands and patent rights in any state of the Union. JOHN N. STOKES Has on hand a large and well se lected stock of DIETS' KDDSi, Groceries, Hardware, Stoves, &u. which have been purchased for cash and must be sold. His experience in the Mercantile Business, has enabled him to appreciate to the fullest degree, the wants and desires of the commu nity; and now flatters himself that he has made ample provision for all who may favor him with their custom. Very thankful for the liberal patronage which has been bestow ed upon him; he respectfully asks a contin uance of the same, feeling satisfied that it will be to the advantage of all to examine his stock- before purchasing elsewhere. Stroudsburg, January b, 1853. In the Orphans' Court of ftlonroc.coi In the matter of the sale of the Real Estate of Simon Heller, deceased, by Joseph Tracb, Executor. February, 1854, report of sale presented and confirmed nisi. Same day, on motion of Mr. Dimmick foi William Tompkins, the Court appoint Charl ton Burnett, Auditor to report the facts with distribution annexed. The undersignod will attend to the duties of the above appointment, at his office in Strondsburjr, on Friday the 19th day of Miy. 1854, at 10 o'clock a. m. when and where all persons interested can attend. CHARLTON BURNETT, Auditor. March 27, 1854. 4t. TO r?TSV A TOTS 1, Ov1 o The undersigned having located them- W selves in Stroudsburg, opposite Miller & Fowler's Store, would respectfully announce to the Ladies of Stroudsburg and vicinity that they intend carrying on the Millinery Busi ness, and have furnished themselves with a good assortment of fine split, dunstable, nca- politan and fancy straw, crape, silk and lawn Hals, ribbons, flowers, .yc. Hats cleaned and repaired. S. A. & M. PREDMORE. April 27, 1854. tf. Friendly to :a53 IVsitions WAR OR NO WAR. MEW HAT AMD CAP STOHE. The undersigned beg leave to inform the citizens of Stroudburg, and the pub lic generally, that they have taken the room lately occupied by John W. llux ton, as a Hat & Cap Store, on Elizabeth street, a few doors below the Drug Store of Dr. 17. Ilollinshead, and have filled it with of every variety and style, and are prepared to sell the same on terms that defy competition. Persons in want of Hats or Caps would do well to call and oxaminc our stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. The public arc informed that they still continue the Boot aad Shoe business, at the old stand, in all its various branches, and are fully prepared to accommodate all who may feel disposed to give them a call. 11. SKELTON & SONS. April 20, 1851. Vaniisii Copal for sale bv F. HOLLINSIIEAD. L IziNCOd Oil. for sale bv F. HOLLINSHEA D. hile Lead for ale by F. HOLLINSIIEAD. New Whole Sale and Retail WOE & LfQVOR STaSlE. Stroudsburg Fi 0qfiiCS Tho undersigned would inform Land Kdylords and the public generally, that they have justopened the above business in Stroudsburg, in the store house formerly oc cupied by John II. Melick as a Jewelry Store, and have on hand a large stock of WINES AND LiQUORS of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from the Custom House, which they are prepared to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea sonable terms. Our stock consists of French Brandy, dark and pale. A'so, Peach, Black berry, Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy; Hol land Gin, N. E. Rum; Irish, Rye and Apple Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala ga. Currant and Champagne Wine, &c. &c. Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of all kinds. Demijohns, from to 5 gallons; bottles, and generally any thing that can be asked for in our line. Landlords will find it greatly to their ad vantage to deal with us. We have no hired agents to sell and distribute liquors for us at great expensp, which must be paid for by the consumer. Those dealing with us we intend shall be satisfied with the article they get, as well as the price, and whenever they are not, we will be pleased to have them return the tquor, and make the fact known, for we in end to make it a permanent business, and can only do so by dealing honorably. All orders sent us, by stage drivers or others, will be promptly attended to, the same as though the person was present dealing for himself. July 8, 1852. P. S. POSTERS & Co. In Piiess: and will be published as soon as completed, in one 18m. volume of about 500 pages, 51 an'iagc: I'lS HISTORY, CHARACTER, AND RESULTS; ITS SANCTITIES AND PROFANITIES; ITS SCIENCE AND ITS KACTS ; Demonstrating its Influence, as a civilized Institution, on the Happiness of the In dividual and the Progress of the Race, n v T. L. Nimioi.s, M. 1) , and Mrs. M. S. Gove Nichols. Published by the Authors, at their Reform Bookstore, 05 Walker-st., New York. Price one dollar This book, like "EsotericAnihropology,v will be sent by mail, post paid, on the re ceipt of the subscription price, One Dojlar. All orders addressed to T. L. NICHOLS, M.D. 05 Walker-st , New York. ii The subscriber has opened I! i Sill! ncw c an" 15 ru!luT to "B'Bw accommodate all who may fa 2i3 l.: m, ......j. VOX 111111 ttlLU L11U11 LULUlll. JOHN If. MELICK. Stroudsburg, May 27, 1852. -Cm. TEN DOLLARS A DAY! I offer for sale upwards of thirty different Resceipts, many of which have been sold for mom $5, to 610 a peicc, and in the sale and manufacture of these any one of energy can frake Ten Dollars a day. ytddress " L. P. Atwatcr." Boston Massa chusetts, enclosing one dollar and the whole number of Receipts will be forwarded by return mail. All letters must be post-paid. December 15, 1853. MARBLE YARD. The undersigned respectfully begs leave to inform the citizens of Monroe county, that he has opened a new Marble Yard in the Bor ough of Stroudsburg, on Elizabeth street, nearly opposite the Union Hotel, where he will keep on hand American and Foreign Marble, and holds himself in readiness to lur ti ioli Chimney Pieces, Cabinet Marble, Mon uments, Tombs, and Head Stones, &c. de signed and executed with neatness and des patch. . M. M. BURNETT, Agt. for Pet-r Smith. September l,3.3m 155. To Farjncrs ITOcchaiiics, & Pin- HARDWARE! HARDWARE!! The subscribers offer for sale one of the largest stocks of Hardware ever kept in thir establishment, consisting in part of the fol lowing articles. 50 Sett Butchers & Fillotson's Chisels, 25 Witherbcys round face chisclf, 500 planes, assorted, . 100 sett knives and forks, 25 dos Butcher knive?, 10 " extra self tiped, ivory handle, 50 " till locks. 10 " coffee mills, 20 " glass knobs, assorted; 200 smoothing irons, broad axes, hatchets, shovels, forks, spades, circular and strait straw knives, cas teel; mil!, cross cut and circular eaws; patent counter scales and weights ; Tyler & Cobbs patent haft brace and bits; auger and center bits; spoke shave, shutter bolts, shutter fas tenings; pulleys; spiral door springs; 1000 rim and carpenters locks; 200 doz. butt hin ies; 1000 gross screws, assorted ; tenant and hand saws; nails; assorted grind stones; ro tary pump fixturas; clover and timothy seed; beans; dried apples; 300 sacks salt; flour; fish &.C., Dry Goods na;l Groceries Wet a full assortment, for sale at Burkes I old stand, Easton, Pa. MILLER-& BROTHER. Easton, January 26, 1S54. 3mo. mi. J. BEXTIST, jgl- Has permanently located him- his office next door to Dr. S. Walton, and nearly oppositeS. Melick's Jew elry store, where he is fully prepared totrea tbe natural teeth, and also to insert incorruptt ible artificial teeth on pivot and plato, in the latest and most improved mannor. Most per sons know the danger and folly of trusting their work to the ignorant as well as thr traveling dentist. t It matters not how much experience a person may have, he is liable to have some failures out of a number of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distance, it is fre quently put off until it is too late to save the tooth or teeth as it may be, otherwise the in convenience and trouble of going so far. Hence the necessity of opining the services of a dentist near home. All work warranted. 1 READY! AEEV3!! FSRE!!! The undersigned respectfully informs k)the public that he has taken a room in v the Brick buildingj on the corner of William and Sarah streets, and directly op posite Kautz and Huntsman s wheel right h fcintmtti rfi 13 shop, in the Soroush of Stroudsburg, where! be, in u, 5ai(I sJmtJe, t, lrusteeP he purposing carrying on the Gnnsmithmir , M c"reditora f sai(J Samuel, are herebv business in all its various branches. He ,ted t0 preset their reapeclive account' prides himself in being abte to give entire orldemanrs. aucumciun i , m. ... u.u u a j thing m his me nf business are repectfol y mvueu 10 can. ran.cu.ur auu.u.uu pan. to , 1 .7 ...... uoor iocks repaired on me snnriesi iinncc. niinTT inr frrw hipi.t Stroudsburg, October 20, 1853. 0 AP. Fine scented SoapsJbr wash- ing and shaving a'so the ce'ebrated shaving cream, for sa'e by SAMUEL MELTCK. ATTORNEY AT T, A VT . lias removed his office to his dweling house, first door below the office of the "Jeffersonian Office," and directly oppo site S. J. IloIIiushead's hotel Elizabeth street. Stroudsburg, Dec. 19, 1850. bttrinistrator's 2Cotirc. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration upon the Estateof Michael Arnst, late of Middle Smithfield township, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Wills in and for the County of Monroe, state of Pennsylvania, to the undersigned, residing in Middle Smithfied township. All persons in debted to said Estate arc requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against the same, will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to J. II. EILENBERGER, Administrator. March 23, 1851. Gt. mmm. At a meeting of the Elders and Trustees ol the Presbyterian Church of Stroudsburg. they have resolved that no pews are to be rented in said Church. The seats are now open and free to all, after this date, March 23, 1854. ETPOISOX I N 'G-XD Thousands of Parents who use Vermifuge composed of Castor Oil, Calomel, &c, are not aware, that while they appear to benefit the patient, they are actually lay.ng the foun pations for a series of diseases, such as saliva tion, loss of sight, weakness, of limbs, &c. In another column will be found the adver tisement of llobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all direcUy interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorder arising from those of a bilious type, should ma ke use of the only genuine medicine, llobensack's Liver Pills. QpBe not deceived" but ask for lloben sacks' Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and ob serve that each has tho signature of the Pro prietor, J. N HOBENSACK, as noneelso arc genuine. ' 550,000" Brie k Just burnt and now on band for sale by the subsctiber as follows: 350,000 at his kiiti al Stroudsbur', and 200,000 at his kiln at l tre r . t' i- ilia f ulfiiun ra f f-k I These biirk will be sold on the must reason to tlle (lullcs e bl appointment on bat able terms, as the subscriber wishes to crm urday, the 29th day-of April next, at U li the business as soon as he can dispose ot bis slock of buck, lie also otters his brck yard, house and lot, with a large body of cla) at Dutolsourg. all in good order, and new, for sale. Any person wishing to engage in ihe business, can do well by purchasing said esatblishment. WILLIAM S. W1NTEMUTE. Stroudsburg. October 27, 1853. SUtbitor's Jfoticc. In the Orphans' Court of Monroe County. In the matter of the final account of Abra ham Metzgar and George Metzgar, adminis trators of the Estate of George Metzgar, de ceased. The undersigned, Auditor appointed to examine and if necessary resettle the account of the administrators of said estate, will at tend to the duties ot said appointment at the office of Abraham Barry, Esq., on Friday, the 5th day of May next, when and where all person interested may attend. G. F. GORDON, Auditor. Stroudsburg, Apttt 13, 155-1. ,; KAh-2l taum'rVnV .w. 'cat.1 t wnt mm 1 DRUG STORE. DR. F. HOL.UN3HHAD Has this day opened his new Drug Store in the Gothic Hall on Elizabeth street, just below S. J. Hollinahead's Hotel, where he intends keeping constantly on hand a full assortment of Fresh Drugs & Medicines, and fine Chemical:?, to which be invites the attention of Physiccian?, Merchants, and the public generally. -He intends keeping a full supply of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dyestufiv, Burning Fluid,, Camphrne, Turpentine, &c , which he will sell at Easton prices. Particular attention will be given to filling physicians orders, and they may always rely upon receiving good articles, well packed, promptly sent and at fair prices. He also Weeps on hand a very foil assort ment of the most approved Trusses, Abdo--minal Supporters, Breast Exhausters, Nipple., Glusses and Shields, &c. Dr. A. TfSt'V'Cs .3;:ksJi has re moved his office to the same building, where" he may always bo found when not ab.-eot oiife business. On Thursday of each cck h. may bo consulted at his office from U to 12 a. m.. ami 2 to 5 t m. j Stroudsburg, March 30, 1-5-1. rgaao!jv Castor Oil, a very supc--I- nor arucle, for an'.e by ' V. IIOU.1NSIIEAU. S7vmd shore. Marrh HO. 1331, OAS, EBa;TEJ5, Borax, Kahpeiranil Z) (Jream of Tartar. Iir salo bv F. HOLLINSIIEAD. Stroudsburg, Match 30. 1851. sirtiiii;; Fluid constantly on hand and for sale bv F. IIOLLIXSHEAB. Stroudsburg, March oQ, 1851. Notice in Domestic Attachmeiiii Charles Kcifcr In the Court of foi vs mon Pleas of Mur:rue Samuel B. Kcifcr ) County. Whereas the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe county, has appointed John E.linycr, of the Borough of Stroudsburg, Peter Snyder ' of Snvdersvillc, and 1 hos. M. Mcllheancy. of i ullllclov iliw, ill cam luuuij , hujiuw i uiu Estate of Samuel B. Keifer, late of aid coun ty, under proceedings in domestic attachment at the suit .f Charles Keifer, this is therefore to notify and require all persons indebted to the said Samuel B. Keifer, or holding prop erly belonging to him, to pay and deliver all J0y. E)lNGER. Stroud.sburg. PETER SNYDER. Snydersvillc. TIIO. M. McILUEANEY, Tannersville iruttees. .r , 1Q-, r lUdTCn iO, ldO'l. OA 5PR"SXS JJSLLBSESiY GOODS. JOHM STONE & SGHS, Xo. do South Second Street, Philadelphia. Have now in Store, of their own importa tion, a large and handsome assoilmeiit of Ii:iJ;i3, Flowers, 1,'rapt, and every article suitable to the Millinery Trade, to which constant addition will La made throughout the season, thereby enabling them to offer the largest and most desirable selection of articles in their line to be found in ihe City. Pliilada., March 16, 1351. 2m. REMOVED! Respectfully informs the public that he has removed his Hut & Cap Store next door to Samuel Melick's Watch and Jewelry Store, where he will be happy to see his old partrons and customers. lie also announces that he positively givns no credit, as it has become unfashionable, as well as unprofitable. Quick sales and small profits is his motto. JOHN W. RUXTON. Stroudsburg, March 1G, 1851.-3m. RAGS WANTED. Being extensively engaged in the manu facture of Paper, wo will pay to Country Merchants and others having Rags for sal u, more than the present market prices CASH. JESSUP & MOORE. Paper Manufacturers. Pim.ArtuMMti.v Nos. -M and 20 North St. (1st Street below Arch, between 4th and Gth.) .March IG, lS3i. 2m. .- t , r 6 9 f f X A XI) house mD sion PAmrzn. Shop on Jacob Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. kV5.TiiOW SASZi. The undersigned has on" hand and for sale. Window Sabii, painted and glazed, of all sizes. C. U. WARNICK. Stroudsburg, March I), 1851. uMiov's 3Coticc. In lite Orphans' Court of Monroe County. In the matter of the report of the Ami'- itor upon the account of John IT. Kuukfe and Peter Kunkle, Administrators of the estate of John Kunkle, dee'd. The undersigned, Auditor appointed; by the said Court to mako distribution a- . . mong the heirs of said decedent, will attenu o clock A. M. atJiarjsIJoiei, in oirouus burg, when and where all persons inter ested can attend. F. STAllBiriD, Auditor. March 30, 185-1. At the earnest solicitation of numerous fiiends, the undersigned has consented to remain in this place for a short time, id order that those desirous of preserving for future reference those "fresh and ro seate tints -which innlino to youth," may avail themselves of this excellent oppor tunity to obtain that invaluable treasure. Having practised with one of the best ci ty artists, the publio may rest assured that hii is no vain pretence. No pictures taken away unless approved of by'aty, parties. liooms at Ilollinshead s new h? Hall. Strou?Uburg, Match "3, 15 1,