- . " ULM-"'-lu"w 'u'UJ-uwl"a-; .... iii iju.uxiiiiiju-.igjijw .jui-ti. aai- ujuk.x -i...... ., jDcuotcb to jpolitira, literature, Agriculture, 0ticncc, iKoralihj, curt (general atatclliqcnre. vol. it. Published by Theodore School; TERMS-Two dollars por annum in advance Two dollars ana n quarter, half yoarly and if not paid le- wi w w me vcai, i w u uouais alio tx nan. No paprrs discontinued until all arrears , .:re naij. xceptaltlicopuonoflhcEdilor. " ' cent evhibiMon of H,p T.,rlor- ,, 1, 1 & .K7.wvCitH,wtM1ot cmedinc oncuarciira cenc cslJn ot thc Jugglers, in the caine running to his mother, unhurt, un-!lve--nvee East "ho seem to have lost none of that, harmed, and a pretty smile on his brown, charge for one ami three insertions the same, a liber- skill for which they lon since became ' childish face. Taking hold of her hand, al discount made to yearlv advertisers. jUm A l. - i.-- i. UTAll letters addressed to llic Editor must he post- paid. JOB P R 3 N T i N . Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain and ornamental Type, we are prepared tocxccMiteevcry dcsciiptionof Cards, Circul irs, Hill Heads, Notes, Blank Receipts Justic.es, Leq'il and other Blanks. Pamphlets, Jcc. printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms, AT THE OFFICE OF Tiierr's Work E..&!1. to Do, The blackbird parly loaves its nest To meet the smilling morn, And gather fragments for its nest From upland, wood and lawn. The busy bee that wings its way 'Mid sweets of varied hue, At every flower would seem to say There's work enough to do." The cowslip and the spreading vine, The daisy in the grass, The snow-drop and the eglantine, Preach sermons as we pass. The ant within its cavern deep, Would bid us labor, too, And writes upon its tiny heap' . " There's work enough to do." The planets, at their Maker's will, Move onward in their cars, Tbr Nature's wheel is never still Progressive as the stars 1 The leaves that flutter in the air, And Summer's breezes woo, One solemn truth to man declare " There's work enough to do." "Who then can sleep when all around Is active, fresh, and free 1 Shall man creation's lord be found Less busy than the bee! Our courts and alleys are the field, If men would search them through, That best the sweets of labor yield, And " work enough to do." To have a heart for those who weep, The sottish drunkard win; To rescue all the children, deep In ignorance and sin. To help the poor, the hungrey feed, To give him coat and shoe, To see that all can write and read Is "work enough to do." The time is short the world is wide And much has to be done; This wondrous earth, and all its pride, Will vanish with the sun I The moments fly on lightning's wings, And life's uncertain, too; We've none to waste on foolish things "There's work enough to do." .Q., HiHSilgil The Lynn News tells the following sto ry of an incredulous father had promised young man, wnobc "i oeiore death to Hold j "spiritual communion witn mm: f -.. 1 I .l 1 " . i i ine spirit oi tue old gentleman (wuo bv the way, had been somewhat severe in matters of discip.me,) was called up, and held some conversation with him. But ine messages were not an convincing and uc itTPeu into uie enc.osea space 10 give ( bcautiful litUo SOng, which I sinf rc thc young man would not believe that his J grand finale to the whole performance, j markaby wcl, called uTin afloat f m a. father had tiny thing to do with them. iaking the child, a little boy live or six nn f ' wen, said the medium, "what can your father do to remove your doubts?" "If he will perform some act which is tendants to procure the required imple characteristic of him, and without any ments for his feat, directing their arrange direction as to what it shall bc, I shall be- . luent and position according to his mind. lieve there is something in it." "Very well." said thc medium, "we wait iui ouiuu iuitLiiiv;ataLiuii uyw tut; oyn- c .. .. it 1. it land." This was no sooner said than (as the 1 .ii 11 1 . ii RIOT"- I'M'; 1 o Tun a 11- 1 I I.- II il nn rn rno J o uMiuvu I young man, and without any ceremony, 7 7 7 .tyt7 t jciacm mm qui oj me loom xjluiu uu; atvp uiiti; unuu tuu tuiuuuu ooy iu me ueutru ui ine circle, anu cov youth. " That's llicokl man. I believe in ered him with the basket, like an exling ihc Tappings." uisher on a candle. The room allowed Our hero has never since had a desire to stir up the old gentleman. The Instructions 1o Mr. Soule. The New York Sun says it learns, from pri vate sources that Secretary Marcy "has instructed Mr. Soule, our Minister at Ma drid, to make the demand for indemnity and apology in the most peremptory man ner; and should the Spanish government hesitate, or put off its reply, under pre tence of wanting for information from Ha- m f . . w vanna 'Ur. bouie IS to lose no time in communicating the fact to Washington, when our government will proceed tcr to blockade every Cuban port." STThe man who has a daughter, and can, yet wou't educate her, deserves to have her stolen from him. as?- There. ar tr fl,;. fl..f .n-wW men should never undertntpfo Ww money and study law. O' Whei) has a man a right to scold his wife about his coffee ? When he has abundant grounds. . -.-.., . . Tlie town agency of llutland. yt., sold three thousand dollars worth of iliquor in ten months, all for 'niedicuie.' What an unhealthy place Rutland must be ! ( East India Jugg'Icr&'i An East India correspondent of the ni ,i . - ,i . i5 e iOIlOWing aCCOUUt Ot are laiKOUS : In Madras are found in perfection tho nAink.Ai t i 1 7, " ' 1? !. ffr Gr!iUpS f then oio daily in the ho els upon the ar- mal or a steamer, to exhibit their won - i r,r , . -ii 1 cicrlul leats and receive rupees. Snake dancing, sword swallowing, fire eating. tumbling, &c, arc shown to the crowds who search for amusement. With some others,-1 hired a party to exhibit on the verandah of the hotel, and- am quite as- sured of their superiority over a 1 mam- U Tl araH 10 10 Wr, d' At the time assigned, they were on the r,A . .i spot arranging their implements prcpara- tory to great wonders and marvels of dB- tory to great wonders and marvels of d ccption. While thus preparing I took a vvwitvu. II UIIU LUU3 UiL'UUllIlT X lUUlv cheroot from its case, the more readily ka .... '.i.... ...i... y find out every thing about what was go no- nn nnrl snrnl, nn tl,n nlrU ; passengers ft p a li t ft ceiv . the i i Lire,ono of the Juggler, came tS me went hrou-h a pantoSiinio reouet to' rnrrnr,? h fnnn nffnnfl,.i nA n' ced blowing like a pair of bellows. "?.: . '"Jf " "U1UIUI'- iUuc h to my surprise a stream of smoke jr-w ur:: oS.aimij aa aS. IlThf onr Avfrt.fliM .KAr- " . II.' Ill Tl 1 1 IT O Y r P IHI 1 1 1 (T T tt?rt innlinC 11 t TR direction, which he kindly placed at my convenience, I availed myself of it by v.- tv """iw iu ui) ..Suug ...y c.giH uipicaseu my oonga- tion5 and abo a desire to examine in- trinsicanv ?o polite a salamander. penod his mouth, looked in, looked around, and felt outiJe, but devil a cause could i u.scover ,or tue sudden and approps conflagration. hat an agreeable fellow you are for a windy day, was an inward nro imoftnn o tuliof n h tah -v v-xwu.w, .u. .T..ab o. n.u juu ui..j lead without danger of future warmth! xjui uie magic was aoout to commence, and I forgot my friend with the portable , furnace m other wonders less individual, ( i"""-!'-'! uu,' 4ulLt; "a m. siui urns. J-iiev danced cobra eapeilos, opening tlfeir fiat ,L lh0W ihCm f0' la fai-DS and uay, auu uiuuu 1 tit; 111 puiiurm lanetyoi poses, ine snases danced m z - 1 r . . rn 1 11 i a circle, tept admirable time with the music, and exhibited tae utmost willing- ' ncss imaginable to accommodate Euro peans. A handful of sand taken from the road was made to mark every color, and finally, to produce a shovelful ofvov ery variety by a simple manual operation. Plants grew perceptibly, balls danced t m uie air, sworus, 11001: jagged pieces iron like soauding leads to , but returning ou the ground very obedi-i , ., - - ent y, until ye were completely tied up, and turned inside out ourselves with a- mazementand credulity. I hen came the great feat of the greatest Juggler in In - - dia -thc most notorious and wonderful of - (L) - i-ri i nil flr'irrtn.f inn niil 'fnr fhfl niirhf nnk' ' Tl f i. i,i r ii. i .rv.i.., ... ...w . , punuiuiL-i, tu au ui t a.tj nau resteu quietly witu n s wue anu cnuu j : i . i i r i i ii .i 1 " J - I 1. - 1 il - IT.. . outsiuu ine circle, waicuing tue enure ; proceeuiugs oi uis men, anu noticing tue general encct upon tne assemoiage. At: irr . i ii i . the conclusion of an announcement, pro-; portionate with his dignity and elevation, I years or age, irom us motner, aespite neri tears and entreaties, he signed the at- ! nfnpfr.ifn iihrlninPiK orrr5 imno l.Irc ! r,. , . ' . . . i , , ., ... , H WOUld-be rumsellei if he OtllV had nnv ; -- - -. ....... ... , wi.(w ..u, : :, nn ii. in) n(n 4 . Un ii. i- i . : t 'i Tift cn to ennn irnrrnn ir mrn ct nrn j : ,i w..ti...j i 4.1. r . j and t.ir.!S ma.o r-.bbif., and rabbits in . of Andcrson count at thc onu; IIer next business was to change her ; 10 f ' ... ... i What is more wonderful is, these snow- ; their turn underwent var.ous transforma-;JA t elcctioDi I do it from choicc,uot dress and get tea, which she did in 3-, be made of dark Irish tions; common cotton balls moved a com-; from solicitation. l do it for tho 0fece manner which would have been credita- ds. de tors that fcurf ftnd re . . lU'Ul'i, ifVUI" una. iiu lUiill.u;C Uloiailti;. 1,1 .1 Ci.l . T V.ln tr . ymvn rnintiliKi. A Vi .. - " -"(-.. "J .ww..va uiu. uiuiuiiuu . it II l 1 c T--I 1 . ' j 'ix iiiiiim .tun; ; nil ii if in i :i ii! f i ifJrw niu. uiv. tu b iuuiu dliuuliuu uuuil. ji i Lt; i ir ii . . . . . ... virr. i ii inni'ir nnrrc nr i lirinrn intn A large basket, six or seven feet deep,,!,,, out ;fn -,..- i. 1TWl!,,1Q nr nma made of straw was shown the spectators, j i...t ii . .1.1 .i . 1 mat, muy iiiigui, assure incmseivea oi its being a basket, without any addition or improvement simply a basket of straw, very common in all parts of the world. intr ftnmmAn it oil rn o r t in , i 1 . ( I f v i tn vyii m u,ii uui 10 ui l 11 u itutiu. Inverting it, alter the diligent mvestiga-1 . . i . ii -..( tion ot the entire party, he stood his little i the little fellow an upright aud apparent-' ly comtortabie position. We were per mitted to see him under the basket, and in ennctw nnrcn roc rt r liia I in i n i t hnrn w -uii.-ij 'o nv-ii. without doubt, a naiicd sword having received an equally close examination, was placed in thc man's hand and the feat commenced. Assured of the child's concealment under tho basket, of the i j i--ii r ii. i . kcencss and validity of the sword, wo a- waited in silent horror for his next Uw-UlU-i. J MCI w IYUO JIU taiMU 111 IUU U- U n-irtment. no tran in the basket, nothin- ingtou, but the hard stony floor, and no confed-; wuich n.0CC3S frcGS ti,em jn a grcat Weas-mstan- eratc with him. Taking tho weapon in ure fron, tije 0n The heat changes their t j r , -I. .111. II t , his hand he waved it in the air, mutter- ing a jargon and commenced a series of brown and bronze, and then to a blue, ! to 23 cwt. Another lot of 3-17 casks was islators. Be wuk them aud bless theme rapid thrusts through the basket, making and renders them thoroughly clastic. As ; stowed away in July of 1840, and on ' vcnif they Vavjw Thee not. Spare there the point penetrate every time the op- posite side, down into the basket and all over ifc? until ifc could bard1 !uPPort its own woi?bt from mutilation, lt was per- stream of blood began to trickle from un- dor it, along the stone floor on to the feet of the spectators. Cries of horror pierced fj10 ajr) thc mother ran shrieking to the basket to seize her horribly gashed and bleeding boy 1 She overturned it no child was thcroj nothing but a pool of blood Everybody looked frightened STROUDSBURG, MONROE jand relieved, while the Juggler coolly Pcd the bIood .fro,n tho SXfi bla(1- I Suddenly, bursting from tho middle of nc-TOwwi - ,llo .f i:.i j ouitu vu asu uiu taiisi; ui nr ifura, ' mifl fnnrllfwl lini in n fT.inf J mi i f t eTrmnntlti. i4 , i i r , J It was a trick a deception a humbug. h t0 CP1 a child un- ler tho basket a mQmmt before thc ' it, t ii. i -x i thrust; I sawT the sword, its plain iron i ii c A , 1 t 1 j w w W VUVJ A-k V J ft UUUi 1 naiiuii:. mi iiii,fi nr tho l-oiti fciiiriT? blr aue: T c f --. rl ..ntr. C .. j. oluuu uwuil lliu AUII1U UUU1 UNUU which rested the basket. I watched the i whole carefully while the sword passed around there was no refuge in the bask- of Mlrtvn t.na n (i n t" . .1 .... i m 1 1 . ' x.... i rm . .! . ' " irap-uoor. xno noise ot straw was distiuctI3' ard at each thrust; the blood u.0 t,Jn nnA , ti n t i- t -lt ? V"? . ah' I was m six ieet aim count not uncterstanu it; U',.1, .1 C il li to Elhapa JU were further away wil bc niore successful. But isn t it a point point f. . ' v 111 ttU,,luw ul tt,rtuuc,i J'""i Ttvn i r nriTtnnAA T A T?i: aUd tU9 mCn ? T"l ' TT" 4 , Aad H Heart lulv y ago, wucn it was tue cus- tnm fv,,. 1 i,.. t torn for large girls and largo boys to at tend district schools, and when flagclla- tions were moro comnion iu schoof than m a neighboring town, which is wort. h -J J J v . VflP.nrdinff t Inn Ot f h hirrrnef n nmnn:) ' at .Vf ho 00? hTpned1 , to violatc of thc teacher's ruj1 The niaster, a prompt, energetic fellow of 25, 'su;nmoned her into thc liddlc of the floor After interrogating the girl a fewr mo- : ments 1Q mandpf u master took a ruler, and com- mnnflrtf? liiir fn Tinlil nut lmi K,..J Cl, hesitated, when the master, iu a blaze of passion thundred out "Will you give mc ur hand r Yes si an( ,art . . . t00j promptly replied the sau)e time stretchin- forth firl, at the her hand to the m0Jlter aml hm a cun. ning Ioo!c. A death Hke silence rej d for a moment in the sch(Jol r0Qn tQ ;tTa3 seen to a sten in thc ruler waslaid the and flushing girl was requested to take her the masters eye; 3 , seat, but to remain after the sctool was dismissed ! In three weeks after the scbooj fiuis,ed " sd, thc teacher and the girl .Palmer's Journal rfl .norrlnrl r. a v. QuallficatiOBS 10r OfilW, &C. ' ! A ''flof.frtnfnz-l nonHo"' Pn ;r-i:. ;the peace in Palestine, Texas, comes out in the journals with the following address J ww sovereigns": "With the issuance of thU cWf nnfnvlor! fn fl, i . t..r ' ..ir A i- L .v. UUUlUUlCilL lO UlaCUarge tue UUllCS Or thc offic(T j cMm m Q qualification over a onGl clse who moy Unn,n . riln n.' mn r , n. .j:. !.i -i .. -c ii i liii i ;iii nn i . i ' -1 1 1 1 1 'iiniin imr ii j n . .' "Y UfSlIUUr. 11,'ii lllUIIl IJ11UL1 ill, lb '. . i -i- . ...... 1 . ,Sn r. rirrn. ct.nnri ii:if.tnnfof cnimm. - r- - " - 1 toed hump-shouldered, upon the platform f f htg d truc rtir)Ublicanism. If ij l VQU eiecj- I' me your chief justice, I will welkin ring with loud huzzas ln a jce t,UG C r y flirt CrtT'rt VrtI r.nc? nf A , A t y nnunli. T Tf deffiatnd. t w;n rpf:rft w:ti. fi;,rn;tw :,n,l perfect ood humor remembering a most Steel Fen Siakiu The process is a very interesting one and the work is done by machinery. Tho Steel is rolled, and ol.hp.rwis'p. nrnnnrnd tn u:0h tho. nronr tnnU ;IW fiff,wl fnr "Lt. 11 tin"" out the "blank. Women work these presscS and one hand will cut 20,000 to , 30,000 per day. When the blanks are ! 'cut they are pierced that is thc little Pill I I1PV irP T1IPV central hole and the side slits are made at auothcr press; after which they aro peus uave ncst to oe placed in a groove i i n n , converted irom a liat suriace into a cylin- drical form The next operation is to 'placc tuem jn sman iron boxes, and piled in a furnace or 0ven, where the pens aro iloflfn,i m ,-liifn f)n Wntr wiflulvnivn tuev are plunged into oil, which renders J . r c j . , , softened by the application of heat, being morning sue was up at iour o ciock, and " " j i'"-" ut uu". uu ,ULU n.ilu i ljurcn recently a.sked John Wheeler why placed in a heating oven for that purpose. before sunri.se had the breakfast out of the process ot carding, by submitting j he didn't support tho Administration! Thev are then marked bv the aid of a the way, and all her work out of doors small strip of the goods to the action of "Faith." s?,d Um Konohln rt.PtnW die. worked by the foot, which stamps the and in the house done, and when I left, a . a ile sulphuric acid, mixed wit a hot , from New y0 k uT h v t - t name of the maker on the back. The . few minutes after sunrise, she had on her water, lhe acid will discharge the col- Gnd U - . , , . - i thcra so brittle, that they might be crum pro-'d jnto piece3 'ni the fingers. The nieces with the tinkers, lhev orn r,ionnrl in o uw nr nnf nn i rn ft Ul U IflUVftU 1 U Xkj y AAUwl IIVU UiJlllkvy -r . ,f 1' 1 n..n yjjtju.! UUStCl, UIIU IUVU1VCU uvui a UIU, ' ' coor fr0U1 grey to straw color, next to ti10V emerge from this process with a con siderable degree of roughness, thev arc Pt into tin can?, with a quantity of saw- duFt. and being made to revolve by means formed by young girls, holding them by the aid of a pair of nippers, for a moment over a grinding wheel. They arc then slit, an operation performed so quickly by means of a press, that one hand will slit one hundred gross a day. After this they arc sorted and yarhishedj and ready for sale i COUNTY, PA. APRIL k-m-jrvnb RMiiKimsww BK--j"rJtTCTrwjs;xi1 "'One of fho Gals." The following is an extract from a let ter from a person traveling in the wild portions of Delaware and Sullivan coun ties, Xew York : As I was trudging along one afternoon, in the town of Fremont, one of the bor- dor towns of Sullivan county, I was over- taken by what 1 at first supposed was a young man, with a rifle on his shoulder, and being well pleased with the idea of having company through the woods, I turned around and said, '(rood afternoon on ac- hat, irv sir.' 'Good afternoon,' said my new ffll.Hnf.nnpn filif. In i (ntin nf vn'mn tl.of -j . V II vi I WIVVi lliUV sounded, to me, rather peculiar. Mv SIltilfMOIl'I Vfnrn of nnnn nrniKnil nnrl t;cf,- cif t ,.,,i r. :.. regard to hunting, which were readily answered by thcyoung lady, whom I had thus encountered. She slid she had bcen out ever since daylight; had follow- ! cd a buck nearly all day, got one shot , ..v". .... ""J1 J and woundcd him but a3 therc was little Knn qk rti,i rtf , u: ,i ne snnw , rtnnifi tm, 0, n:m. nnfl ,rnc . ' . P mg to trv i m the next dav. honinir that would get another shot at him, and was quite certain that she would kill Although I cannot give a very rr0od idea o her anncaranco. I w trv to ? , , ri The only article of 7 nIi , ZoT ""rS lemale apparel visible was a cose fit ing , - . . ml,l,nv l,ni;n i;..,u0 UUlibltlLl LUUU 1 ti UVJLUl O 7 oTcorf3 Van LccaSS?ns,ron pair upon ner leet. one nad a good looking rifle upon her shoulder, and a brace of double barrelled pistols iu the side pockets of her coat, while a formid-1 able hunting knife hung suspended by her side. Wishing to witness her skill with hunting instruments, I commenced bantering her with regard to shooting.- She smiled and said she was as good a shot as was in tho woods, and to convince mc she took out her hunting knife and ' cut a ring four inches in diamater in a tree with a small spot in the centre. Then stepping back thirty yards, 'III. drawing up one of her pistols, put the 9 P ( thirty-five rods fr, She then, at tnirty-five rods from the tree, put a ball from her rille in the very centre. We shortly came to her father's house, and I HI V'illllU 1IU1 illlUl i3 IIUUCL. tlliV.i X gladly accepted an invitation to stop there over nlcl.r. Tl.n mnidnn I,for. Ltn.A over uigbt. The maiden hunter, instead of sittinsr 'lown to rest as most hnnto w' -u inwou uuuiiuj do when they go home, remarked that 5sll f Il n f 1 anf t Ii o i li nr f n fl n Sn nn f olin c? went; fed, watered and stabled a pair of young horses, a yoke of osen and three cows. She then went to the saw mill and brought a slab on her shoulder that. T ci,n,,M'f f -,i ..:oi,-,i ,.-fi u cu uiouu uu tuu uauui liuuau num. UIIU ' then aat down and commenced plying her , needle in a very ladylike manner. las- cerfail,ed that her mother Wfs nit fpn. ;i ,i fti,- k,i i. t... u ii.. uiiti in, i i.iiii:i i.tiu n 111:11 i.ii i,iii 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ,;!, ft,rt runnmn.m 'vu ...tt. ...,. :t "" luuiiiuutijiu, huuiu i.iuiuy ;....ii? 11 i . i i were inroui Fein, wen naucAteu . aim finm. . . o , - - - -i , 5 umnicative. They had moved from Scho hairc county iu the woods, about three " years before, and the father was taken lame tho first winter after their arrival, " ?ind 11 !lO HOf. llPPIl Illllo t f fl fl fl 11 vf 1 1 1 1! (Y since. Lucy Ann. as her mother called her, had taken charge of, ploughed, , planted, and harvested the farm, learned ' hapc of narrow and broadcloths, a bo to chop wood, drive team, and do all thc iu a11 wool, while, in fact, they are corn necessary work. Game being plenty.shc Posed of at least twenty per cent, of cotton, had learned to use her father's rifle, and TllG ttcr is mixed and carded with the spent some of her leisure time in hunt- wool, and all being dyed the same color, ing. She had not killed a deer yet, but h is very difficult to detect the imposition, expressed her determination to kill one We presume that a great many merchants at leat before New Year's. She boasted ot having tilled any quantity ot partnd- ges, squirrels and other small game. At- . . , . . . fcer chatting some time, she brought a vi- liu fl'oni a closct and playing fifteen or twenty tune3, and also snug a few songs, accompanying herself on the violin, in a style that showed that she was far from destitute of musical skill. The next hunting suit, and was loading her riflti ; for another chase after the deer. j v A.l "Absorbing5 Subject Molasses possesses a remarkable power, of alisor il, nn. Snmn p.nr niK fnof5 in vp. Ration to this peculiar property have been , .,,.-1.,. .L ,v recently laid before thc London Medical Society. In 18-10, a number of casks of! molasses were stowod awa' at the Lou-1 don docks weighing in all 1270 owt. Three years afterwards they were weigh ed again and there was to mm to be an innrease of weight amounting in the whole1 starting the bungs in 1852 tho molasses spirted up like a fountain. Thc casks weighed originally i-J cwt. eacn, anu nan wonderful property of absorbing moisture from the air is said to be the most power- ful in the molasses contained in those casks made of Quebec pine. B.oston Journal. . ,0. , irtrllc is not wise, who don't advor lis-o, So Fays our devil, and ho knows. 1. ii 1 i i v n tit Trwnnn. aV .-rl ---- -. t -r- . . jiviiuuu ii uiu wue tu iiinj jiuuuu, uiu iuiui ;ii!'j general usefulness among tueir lam- oth gam ucing ou cwt. in another instance, and neigobors. May the people re- ! ,er- 08 lbs. were gained by some casks. This solve to koen'them there, ami in future g- I 20, 1851. What Women can do. New York Tribune of the fifth Tl ic iust, relates the following - 1 On the morning of the 28th nit. Thorn- ton Alexexander was killed by Hum at 'hoPlace f h'3 residence, Whichever, U'.UUU! aung a wiuow anu young ?hl w 1U W poverty and heart rend 1U. tlS0Iiy- was a man ot more than rdla.rJ ab,I,tJ of generous impulses and Uatt.ennf Prospects in life, until the web , tll cs.trJycr was woven about his , wivi ui uu hi v V, i ho Baid t0 tho seeping circle around his bedside, "I am dying: whiskey has done lf5 May tIl0Se who have sold Ine tho Poi- , r . . f - . . 5 -y . . 0 Ine 0 po1 to : paiuiui k ucttm mini;. he died, leaving his destitute family iu 'f unutterable, At fou.r 0 ck the Tne af rnoon, ? ProceaS!?"- T - V f ? ? mcn l?0,l?!S tCT wuh the ;l?nH?d 7" v 7 " ' PPeareu " - - -j marcniug order to tne rum grocery oi ua- vifi A .'or ii i (1 u him Hio nliwl.r fhnh fw " ,. 1 . " f 1 110 I110trc 1 fre' a Jtc; " andcd signature. He demurred; bu were rcaolute' a a . length he put ' 7 , . 7 "i"-"rr " rr'w' . told ttiem to taUe out ins remaimncr stock T . """" lu " UUL"' " - ui uu nn null lit:." miv i . i' nn i !i i ! iii key and six or eight kegs of what ,V, ----------j - v.; aiiuu xiiaimy, uni, ine. lvc, au UI uSSuui iluuUBldluu uiskuv, oi course,) ,1 111 i 1 I iinrn fhnn fnllAii nirJ ,1 . 1 i I (8110) was then made up to him by sub- scripiion, and thc Temperance pioneers moved on The next halt was at Win. Page's (an other grogery; where they met with a stouter resistance Page refused to sign, . rn ' and shut his door in their faces. Thev $Yth bar els 7n o the T Z) . . " ,n f lCCt a"d i 1 :l .1 1 i -I i- -1 U1UU "V- "ey men marcn- ..I f rv .1 nruAO I, n m .14 i J u Ullla XJlflll r who signed the l"?,' KU, .u s wuo nA 4 ! . . i l.',A 1 T.n.l . .. uiu liKcwisc; tuence to ay jc Ivrcr's t. tin lit - r..r1. thence to II. P. Ki ) j ' II llJ lilSU C 1 " 1 J c u , er s ' drug-store, where they met with equal success: thence to Ulinager s who utterly 1 .smPulJlUie " " equais refused to stop selling His daughter!"1 hordls? a"d burns wUh i D"Lfc however, who was one of the mot active flatn" 1 f ff1"" waf mouldcd Int0 pioneers, pubhed into the house, brought Caudier' w ilch tho?' raer smoky an- . , . -I . a ke6 Mq"orf and stove in 1 ihc Procession next visited Wils the head xuo F 7 S- ,Cr'5 1,0 t0k.tbe PledSe5 thence to Craigs ,i cfM-o n-Ifl, nf,nni ,i .i tZlT) A ' allJ0Urna t0 UlCCt at half past two next . " , . T Llf' ""' , f.'? f I o v r n rfvrT! t- hn hvn tt-.- -t- lm -It. 7: ' "t"1 fc-" UU"W1UU uuiwig lii uvc- :lling. leaving Page '-alonein his glory ' as - by whtslcey the coats ot Ins stomach i i .. , , ... L.a.nnS eeu entirely eaten up by it. Mrs. Alexander thereupon instisutcd proceed- !nSs against 1 age and Liucger, lor caus- 1US the death of her husband. So the ca'c stod at thc date of our last advices ' r-.- Woo.en and Cotton Mixed Goodsi There aro many who think that when . . - , , , tllGy uave purchased a piece ot 'cheap woolen goods,' they have made a great bargaill. There never was a graver mis- n - committed, thousands and thou- sands of pieces of goods are sold in tho . I . . . . . . 1 1 ... 1!. . sell such goods under the belief that they lu uuuiu uumpu-uu uuuj ui wool - are MM.-. ...... 1..... I. 1 1 . t. i.1.1 iHuuau-imciiucis kuuw auauoiu iue ue- .v . ' g' ijoruy the large nicrchants are aw: lact a'30- Any imposition prai n the community in the shape aware ot the practiced up- of an ar ticle of manufacture deserves the severest censure. Cotton can easily be detected or Irom the cotton, while the color ot the wool will remain unchanged. There are very few colors in cotton but what aro more fugitive than those on wool; this is the reaSo.n wh3' the warm sulphuric acid soiuiioii la u uuu toan iui uuituu in vaui-j. All Eloquent Prayer. The Chaplain of thc Indian Legislature recently opened the session with a euer- al prayer, which closed vritfa the following l i1 'Il . W uiuipciit mm auuaimu invocation: "And, 0 lord. ba.,e mcrov ou our Ic lives aud teach them to dorifv thv name. ! Hasten them to their homes where they may direct thoir attention to good work: loot men of sound morals and temperate habits, so that good may hereafter result from legislation. Save the good people 0f tlie State from the disgrace which must ; follow if the samo crowd should again come here to make laws. Hear us. Lord and grant Qur prayer. Amen.'' Daily News. NO 21. New Divorce Law. The Senate of this State, on thc 30th ult., passed thc following supplement to thc act concerning divorces : t( 'V That in addition to the cases now ! provided for by law, it shall be lawful for the Courts of Common Pleas to grant divorces in tho following cases : Where an sieged marriage was procured by fraudt forcCj or cocrciou, and has not . bcen subsequently confirmed by the acta 0f the injured party; when either of the parties snail tiave been convicted ot a , fcionyr and sentenced by the court, either : to the couuty prison of tho proper county, i or to the penitentiary of the proper dis- , J J tT I or t0 the penitentiary of the proper tnot, tor any term exceeding two y years; Provided, that such application for di vorce be made by the husband or wife of the party so convicted and sentenced. U hen cither party shall have, by cruel and barbarous treatment, endangered the , life ot tue other, so as to render thc con- uiliuii ui inu uint;r wiioitratie, or ine burdensome : Provided, tint in caes of . -T : . .1 if , s .1 - ' cr iuis act. n tii3 appiicatlun ! be made on the part of the husband, the court grBnti such divorce sJjalI qUow sucU Support or aimo to thfl wife ag ! llur uusuaua s circumstances will admit or, and the said courts may deem ju.t : ne n,i mki uuu : I. i xi i uu p.ui.ur. iiiai ine proceedings in cases embraced within the nrovin, f this act, shall be the same as those pre- scribed bv the aetennr.firnin- rllrnr "C v t ' ' tho sev the like riglxfc of appeal as is tl " .e lerem given I Cant! I c-Si There is a quarry of white sand stono ! t -T V- ? . 1 burg, upon which rests a thick bed of uuiiv uuiuruu oiiaie. over wnicu tne not 1 .1 ..i..i .i t ,1 1 tr2P inu3fc havG flo-d. thereby I was subjected to a sort of natural distil- ; , n -,.. , , , t,fl lation. This found its way into the cre vices of the white stone below, where it is now found. It is a light waxy substance varying from the color of gamboge to 3 !. -C .l..T. 1 U. A .1 ; T' rac"V?V.ne sa,"e sereu wen enougu ior cottagers ior a long time, and would have rented there had not some one, without taking any i u t 1 1 u ui ui i.s u a r a i piienomenon, now- ' ever, thought of distilling shale. 'Some t.:i r ii.- 1 1 1 of the shales of thc oolite are very rich in inflammable matter, and yield iu the re and a waxy substance known as parajinc. Of this, candles are - , i,i... , , .1 ' , . , , ivf iiuri i 1'i'M ii r l t ' ornnroit ir n- nnn para- hne candles. .Nations have the Bread Fruit tree, and can dispense with wheat and corn, if they should happen to fail. They possess the Cocoa Xut tree, and are furnished by it with farina, wine, -alcohol, cement, baskets,cups, saucers and bowls. They are blessed with the 3Iilk Tree, which yields them delicious milk 1 ivii. tlie P.n;mai co;v. jn addition to all these there are wax candles !vinr all round in mm firuaii!. wirn :i; nrr to kh wor'ttinn : .1 . . t i . . i i . v.... iiw. luvrw.-, Ilium lUllUUC" UUIV tO UU .linti i ,,,i,i,i il... .1.. turf and rock?, which rcntiiro onlv to bu u.ii.iwu U11U illUUlUUU IlltU 1ULI11, WIIUU iue ..... . . black shale and. dirt v bog wilt be dispens - m ing to parlors the lustre of the most ele gant wax candles. If bees, therefore,, should become extinct, grow lazy and re fuse to work, or strike for wages, no mat ter. We should not have to go in the dark to bed, nor be reduced to a luxury les. The boudoir and the drawing room. wouid st embellished with that mel ,. low, sott, and scented ray, which bea.y; . always loves, and deserves to have to-ssii : lt oiY and do it justice Aezwr rr thcr Can't Find the i.dmiHis.raiioUr vet. ESTlu New Jersey, during 1S5S, tho marriages numbered 3383: the births, 1 '2,1 07, of which the majority were males; and the deaths, 5651, of which 802 were from consumption. JSpThe following "Know-Nothing advertisement recently appeared in the ' Philadelphia Sun, of course it is about i .ia "rtlrn. nc mini" ti. lUn t.-IiT. i.t as "clear T7" IV iii 7 00 10 ILTlt was a Portland lady that. said she would make a poor saijor, and to whicb a nautical friend replied, but you. would make an excellent mate though. fi-Tho lady who wa3 in the habit of " standing on her dignity," came verp near tumbling off 6ho other day. Some men think themselves inspired t when they are only inflated 1 ' SSiTA quiet conscience sleeps tQuud'Fj during thunder. I The nCWSOanerS Wnr.r: thrtt Tnlm Vnr