r-u--:"jjl'''--;j--li 1 J-U-mi. l jm ,i i MwnHiMg.t i itjijuo., ,,,n. . ,jui-j.-.--iLiimu.ffi!i.iJjiit n i Bcuotcfc to politics, literature, Agriculture, Science, iHoratitn, anu curat! 3fntcIIigcuce. m t i I VOL. 14. STROUDSBUEG, MONROE COUNTY, PA. FEBRUARY 23, 1854. NO 16. I r ",Ml" jtau yearly ;md if not paitLLc- I "v uuuua;i mun iiuiu&b ms uiu instance 01 v i I I I - w wt. kvv w I.H Ull" IL .1 Ui3J 11 Ull L II I' III 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I T' rV ! MTinrn Tl lf : T It II HI jrAK 4- 1 I r I , 1 ioreihccndofiheycar.Tttodo I,0 ,1MM,U u, l. --.'7. IT, . . .J , ' waiwe, ana as tlie iNo papers discontinued until all arrearages" re n-.i.l 1 . . 1 J " uaunuus hc icauiveu to riSJi ail, COOliy raised HIS renowned Spy of Captain Kenton's Mood V "MV re'iraSCSJrepa,,,'i route, to .the prairies, skirting the hill on rifle to his face, and shading the sight KcutuckiaiLf P i.- 'tr. ;.. . ' "h i seceding one sou-arc Hon t hr nnrfh 1 n fi n n A hi cm i in nc inserted tiirce weeks lor one dollar and ,. T, ' uuuu vui ui mu iiuzm wiui ins uanu, lie drew a bead SO Sure that ho felt conscious it would do the Who arc the Happiesd lflXn .tbickct?' bo roachcd tbe ri, ad trn- :il discount mr.,l t ..,..i..'. ,i " I"r oal"1- nucr- mo a bo (1 nmnt. nf tlin hill l,r Tr l..l xi . . ? .... .t i ro- All letter, addled to the Editor mt be post- , beautiful spring within a few feet of the mer came down, but in place of triLin J v, doubles you, A ilham." said Mm r-. ; '"V ""y uwn uj iqc name or uow nrc, it Drolce the hint into many pieces; iml ' in B ' " , JOO PRFSTIWG. ,' Spring on the farm of D. Talmadjre.Esn .and althonal, hn fU. fhnh m,. t,i;o, baud sat moody and silent wuh hi o Aiken, in a tone of concern to her hus- Ilavimr a ccncral assortment oflarsc. clnirnnt. nlnin lie filed liic p.nntoo.io .n,l fn,l ,f i. i n t LJCa 110 w uxea "POU tlie tioor, and follow andoIa,nenIalType..wcan,prcpared Kr in ' V 7.""- . "r. , 1UiU V',UU1U rtu" lll the plainly clad children as thev snnr- i J "utumui uuuiuiimon. jlc was just anouier Hint, lie Droeeeiioti to t ho r.n , , . .. J ,r . have a fresh suply of task with the utmost comnosure. " ' 1UU 01 UCaUU m 8Vmt ar0U,Kl t!lC to execu tec very description of , W&'Sim? 3PSL3ESST5PSSSra ! U0W dct2riuid to have a fresh suply of task with the utmost composure. " 01 UCaUU JUld sPirx aroul Cnr.ls, Circulirs, DiU Heads, Notes. Ulank Receipts Water evc,'J "ay, and this duty Was per-; Casting his eves tmv.-rl rI,nfonvr.,l T ' i , iMinns 1.051 and other n.nks. Pamphlets, la. formed alternate v . ,C3CS tow dt the tcai lul It was evening, and Mr. Aiken a intod im ncaiacH and dPatcb, on readable j An ntin " 3" . r WI . point suddenly he saw the warrior who earned his bread by the sweat AT THE OFFr of h,?S ,1 tal,!nA i0 . f101; .fy -"- fc'W; brow, had a little while" before ret now determined to havi Jil: printed term AT THE OFFICE OF T2SK JEFPERiOSIAHT. a man of bio returned rn l t - - . . . J ,w vv. uiUi, uiiu li lime Wli Had tilled his canteens, he sat a few mo- with the anility of a nauther hn m r,... A,, ments watching the limpid element as it the spring, but instead of reaching the' Is anything wron- with vou William cISh ffieeH?fhbT?th0T jell, nod hi- darkSody, d oonllV l the Jight sounds of footsteps fell and rolled down the steep into the -'There's always something wron-lthc caught his practiced car, and upon turn- valley below. He had evidently received fact is Im out of heart ' nig around he saw two squaws a few feet a death wound from some unknown 1,.! : ,r:?i- i on mm. Upon turnino; the mt of the A hundred vioccs rc-echond Cmm hilnw. at..-, a:u ,i v. i ... the Hocking river, was a frontier post thc cldest. scluaw g0 0110 of those the terrible shout. It was evident that husband, and laid her hand" "eutlv on his for the hardy pioneer of the North west- r,".reaC,nn wll00Ps peculiar to Indians, they had lost a favorite warrior, as well shoulder. " ,.rn 'lrrUnr-,- ti,. v... ' Ilue at once comprelfencied his ncnlous as bcin? dtsannomted for .a timn. nf fhr. 1 . . v.. . ikvi . jLutiu iiatuiu u as in nor .. . . a a l- j 'From Ihc Anlohioqraphij ofj. B. Fuller. THE TWO SPIES i As early as the year 1790 the block- very heart!' was his generous sympathiz- j Ricli Vci'V ing exclamation, as soon as he met his j T, Ar 4. T t 4. I . wjfe- ! 1 he iUonmouth Democrat tells the fol- 'Ile is insured, is he not?' enquired lowiDS decidedly interesting yamv." ' As Mrs Aiken. ( we never knew friend Yard to tell what 'Partly but then a full insurance was not so, of course it is true. would be a poor compensation for such a av i r . . irt t ft pi u iwuuuia, 'We learn from a private source that a lo.. In less than a week this new facto- a. , , .. r tt lTr u, ry, with all its peafectand new machinery, 8,nSular wedding camcoff at Hightstown, would have been in operation. The price a3fc wec -A- blooming young damsel of goods is now high, and Mr. Freeman had no less than five suitors for her hand, would have cleared :t handsome sum of to each of whom she engaged herself to money on the first season's produce of his x- , m. A- r j mill T ,. c 1 wuui.1. ui nib nian.y on a certain day. The time fixed mm. l never. saw a man so much dis- : J turbed.' , uPon came round, and all of the lads were 'Poor man! His sleep will not be sound ' 011 hand and tbe luaistrate who was to as yours to night, William.' perform the ceremony was present. The 'Indeed it will not.' j maiden had not made up her mind, fully 'Nor rich as hcte, will he be as happy ' as to who should be made her happy lord, aS?rflTt0'In01-r?' i , -i T v;heu the magistrate requested Ihc couple If I was rich as he is, said Aiken, M t t , ..r . . 1 , . . would rather be thankful for the wealth to stand UP- As if driven to desperation, still left in my possession,' ; snc bounced on her feet, gave one of the Mrs. Aiken shook her head. 'boys' a nudge with her foot, and before 'No, William, the same spirit that the others had recovered from their aston- usami uiscuiiieiucu uuw, ;junf.nfc the knot was tied. Tlie . - w nuo in uui Tf t 1 li , ,t " . r . . . "w ' " -l"'" i v-v v aim uiauuiiLClll, undisturbed livery of dark and flnr-lr - anu luoumreacume most important movement. A tew mm- was in the noor man's hoart M,i 1,5 r,To ' would be with vnn nnn.nttltK; forests, interspersed with green and flow- . Camf .r .tf01n, bc.and his companion utes proved that the advantage gained understood right well. She had often improved might be your external condi- , that cnsucd is said t0 bavc been peculiar ing prairies. Then ' the forest had not V U Bt ,ncvi'ab ' pen sh. b elf preserva- would bo of short duration; for already before seen him in this frame of mind. tion. , ly interesting. One or two boo-hoo'd heard the sound of the woodman's axe. f.,.MT,ei1 bim t0 a.nelcss the spies caught a glimpse of a tall swar- Tm as 20od as Freeman, am I not?. Mr. Freeman was once as noor. as von " like whinned school hovs. while the nth- -J 1-JT-- J-l Jo you think htm happier for his crs swore, and raved, like fiends.' s. Does he enjoy life more? Has ilth brought a greater freedom from 1 TCmy I!i4Hnn Has it made his sleep sweeter? , c , , , , can scarcely keep soul and body together.' j Par, very far from it. Kichcs have ! ' . OCCHCUman. uo nau a mgu opinion 'Hush! William! don't talk so. It docs but increased the sources of discontent. : of bis ability in clearing knotty points in bloom to the (Jod of Nature; and amon- ' , iLUOV' uc sPranS uPn victims with Ironfc was renewed with increased fury,so the most luxurant of these were tho4 rapidity and power of a lion, and as to require the incessant fire of both which lay along the Hockhockin- Valley fram? thc roat of each he sprang in- spies to prevent the Indians from gaining and especially that portion of it Sn which' j ? "T Jl tI,rUSfc 1 lh1ead of tbe fbe elllicnce, and in a short time M'Gle- the town of Lancaster now stands place, for its beauty, its richness of soil, and picturseque scenery, was selected for the location of an Indian village. This afforded a suitable place for the gambol of the Indian sportsmen, as well as a cen tral spot for concentrating thc Indian "warriors. Here thc tribes of the North and West met to counsel, and led forth the war path in different directions. Upon one of these occasion-, when the war spirit moved mightily among the sons of Na ture, and the tomahawk leaped in its scabbard, and the spirits of their friends, who had died in the field of battle, visit icd the warrior in his night visions and called loudly for revenge, it was ascer tained at the garrison above thc mouth of the Hockhocldng river, that the Indians Avere gathering in great numbers for the f .1 f 1 i .. f tiM.?nr fl n-nAB rpi v,vwo, U1UK1 l-Uli )llUCl, X HIS ' Tin OTinrl AVr hnvn n n niniVirl-iiUln limnn vhilst makinir land saw a warrior making iirenerations 1 r,.;ti, ..;,.,f u :a. stroag efforts to submerge the younger, to leap to the fatal rock. The leap was ioe contented and thankful.' who, however powerfully resisted him, made, and the Indian turning a somer-1 'Thankful for this mean hut! Thank and during the short stragg e with this set, his corpse rolled down the hill to- fuJ for hard bbor. poor tare and coarse young athletic, to his astonishment, she , wards his former companion. Again an clothing' uuuiesseu mm m ins own language, tho' unknown hand had interposed in their iu lumobtinarucuiate sounaa. ; beiialt. This second sacrifice cast dis 'This is not a necessary consequence. Scripture, told his son to read while he If Mr. Freeman turns an evident blessing .would explain the difficult passages. into a curse that is a defect in his par- S in course of readings, fellln with ticular case. w i ,,. , , I an account of finishing the tabernacle, & 'And lew, in this fallen and evil world r . .. ... .... , . ' are free from this same dnfer, WilU.nn, Tf bning it with "badger skins," Sawney read 'None are so happy as those who have wealth were sought from unselfish ends Icggaf shins. "Now, stop a wee bit, Saw- 3- the plainest food. Do you ever go to bed then it might make its possessors happy! , ncy," said the old man" while I expound ?. hllTlrrVTT l illioin?' 1..i I , . . X- I ' 1 iui, now iew so seek tor nciies. It that very important passage. You'll not ! fail to remark. Sawney, bow wonderful- oi ttic iron tiers, l o meet tuts crisis two of .the most skilled and indefatigable .-pies were despatched to watch their move ments and report. M never qucrable of October, and on one of the balmy day of Indian summer, took leave of their fellows and moved on through the thick not- , is here, believe me that the evil lies ' nr rnur nlt?lilrrn ssliivnr in tlin ' AF A Sl.mr. xi.. i I Ul . T . . . . ' , i .... , . .; .'ii c . . w : iv i: 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 I i fsr v nnri enmn. that the Indians had killed all the tami- t0 a s"ort distance, to devise a new mode ' winfor fnr Inl.- nf w.,rn, inM.;n.,r ' n.: pi. ........ ... . -" , " . , lv wc are favored in this PnHrrlirPTinrl 3 , and that her brother and herself were , of at ac . I his respite came most sea-; .Xo but , ; she(f ifa bcaffis fa Wc a, our lcetical flnd ft, Qur rec ious taken pmoners, but he succeeded on the. uably to our spies who had kept their j 'William, do not look . past our .real band. rights well Secured-and we can sit our- second night, m making his escape. ground, and bravely maintained the un- comfort3 in envy of thc blessings God had ' 'You remember ' .aid be smilin the I i a a T i During this narative, White had drowned equal fight from nearly the middle of the ; givcn to others."' . anCcdote of th . rich man in c York ! UT treG' an-d the elder squ.w, and had let her float off day. , ;Givc mo plentj of moneyt and ru Qnd who asked a raon . none to molest or make us affrade; while with the current, where it would notprob- Now for thc first time was the girl mis- a way largely to increase the bounds of to words of envy towards Inmclf would ' h aPPears tIlat " 'ou times, no sooner ably be found out soon He now direct-1 sing, and the spies thought that through j enjoyment.' you. said he, take all the care 'and anixc- dib a poor devil become a beggar, than uLl d and enTr ,v ' n-Hiod I h? V? to F.?? caP' ! v 'Tb? larSesfc amut of happiness, I be- ty attendant upon the management of my snip, off went his skin, to line their Warn- u.uul speed and energy puahed for the tors, or that she had been killed during lievc, is never to be found in that cxter- laro-e estate and exteu-ive brines or.cr a f i a i m mount. Thev had scarce v mnn lmlf t.h fil,r hntiw w u. ' .1:.: .. , - es-ten""c Dusmeab opei- ed tabernacles with.' '. . . . C . "a"') V-"JJ vu lu uai iuuuiuuu HUluu UUU UUU LO ailOnS. merelV fnr vnTir hnnrr -liif n nth. ' ;.-,,.f., 'p;.., r t- j .... 7 j j o lnS- : Warm weather is favorable for some 'No, indeed I would not was the quick ' folks. Mr3. picyng who keeps board. answer. 1 . , ,, ' r ,T , . , . , , i crs, says that folks don t eat more than '1 get no more,' said the wealthy man ' 1 ir. , . ., , , . gravely. j baIt as mucb In ,mId spells,' as when tho 'And it was the truth William. They IucrcarJ takcs a seat on zero, and remains who get so rich in this world, pass up a day or so. One potato, a little beef through incessant toil and anxiety! and and less pudding does in mussry times qual whilc they seem to enioy but verv little. ' A;..n- u " -u... -i."" ,1 purpose of strikinn the blow on some post ! wa henheJ beard tb alarm cry some conj qujiceror a nine down the stream. It hind a rock and coming towards them j 'Then every man would willingly re was supposed some party of Indians re- with a rifle in her hand. During the main poor!' turning from hunting struck the river just , fight she saw a warrior fall, who had ad- i 'I did not say that, William?' said Mrs. a3 uie oouy 01 tne squaw lloated past. vanced some distance before the rest, and Aiken; 'I think every man should seek to Tlelmd mil Whif f irif - fi.nf 1 V 7 S"'s"uu;u 111 leauumg ; wuue some 01 mem cnanged tuier position, fetter his worldly affairs yet be contcnt- Ueland and bite, Uo spint, that , luc mount, where M'C eland had been no 'she re.snlvnd nr. no livo nr A'J nnal A f !.;.. 1m . f.u r : qudiiea at danger, and as uncon- mdrflWpnt cnnMninr tn fT,n c,irinn r-.. i.,ir-r i - , . ' ' , J, . 05 fli T -1 ;.7n linn ? r fim mnnii i . r -uaum luji-,sl;aa uvicuiiui uis guu uuu urn munition, co tc in in e li c is mere Happiness, and as tne Jj bian lion, in the month Nnnfinn fimnnn. i,n T,wi;, i-.r i- .i.i. ,v -.'.,,.., tl I -"C vu xuuiui. .am uiuuuumg uowu ueneaiu uie unucr-. is a Dicssma the poor may share c The prairie parties of warriors were J brush, she crawled to the place, and sue- with the rich. seen immediately to strike off in every jceeded in her enterprise. Her keen and .1: .1 in . i .i i , i -.i.r..i 1. j i i 1 . n plum and hazel bushes with the noi.cless I " . ' T 1 " fn UaU 1 11 J 1 , J tread of panthers, armed with their un- 1 SCarC.elj arT'cd b,efo,rC ,a ?art of twenty , al rock, and here was the mysterious ernnir rl -v It n ( . I. J X 1. i 2 - 1 1 1 Tl 1 Ht r lilnli t iA finv n....A.. l.ll 1.1. -I . w- . rifles. They continued their ! I aecuvi-1 .uu t . ii , u u, .i'm uot sure ot that.' march, skirting the nrairiec till thev y u were camiousiy anu a i muat imuipm uuu uioou- 'I am, then. Look at his face. Doesn t reached that moltremarkable prominence, . ully keeping under cover, boon the mty ot the fehawnee tribe, and the that tell the story? Would you exchang : . i-,.. i i . 11 : .ix.i.!. i, " J r iuiu tree 10 tree anu roci: to rock, till to enjoy but very little. ; for dinuer per boarder. but tbc at. I'll' n.'fnnlc inrl fIoflirc. ' northwester, the three fold. Hence ippier than 1 am. And 1 am mista- . -ilrs. rickmgs' weakens tor inild spells. ken it your experience is not very like my now known by the name of Mount Pleas- r wnctorn f nrm.n of Ia.i tt-1 . 1 . Xc i a ncrncudicular cliff of rncka of ,, i lbcir I)05ltl0n wa.3 surrounded, except on hundreds of feet high, and whose sum- i est Perpendicular side, and all hopes mit, from a western view, .towers to the ' f f WaS. Cufc ?; r ttbls P?" ou.5 clouds and overlooks the plain, below.- .c.ond,tI01j notblnS was left but to sell their When this point was gained, our hardy hvcs1 as.deav as possible, and this they spies held a position from which they ' rCSoh;ed j do 'and tbe Slr to. ,cs; couid sec every movement of the Indians ,Cape ? 1tbeInd!aus and tcllthem she had below in the valley. i bec" lken P.riso,ner' &he aid. i ii i i death to me, in tne presence of my own Lvcry day added a new accession of people, is a thousand times sweeter than warriors to thc company. I hey witnes- ; captivity and slavery. Furui.h me with scd their exercises of horse racing, run- a nxi and j wiU show you that I can mug foot races, jumping throwing the ' fight as well as dic This lacc j .m tomahawk and dancing; the old sachems leave lloL Here my bones shall lie, looking on with their Indian Indifference, bleached with yours, and should cither of the squaws engaged in their u.ual drug- . you csc:ipC you win ca thc tiding of gory, and the children engaged in their niy death to my fcw relations.' playful gambols. Xhc arrival of anew, Remonstrance prove fruitless, warrior was greeted with terrible shouts, ; Tbc two spies quickiy matured the which, striking the mural face of Mount pian 0f defcncCj and vigorously commen 1 leasant, were driven back in the various ced tbe attack from the fronfc wlieYefrom -uucniauons oi me surrounding UUls,pro- the very sman back-bone of the mount, ducing reverberations and echoes as if tbc savacs had to advance in single file. 20 own.' ; it is a singular tact, that schoolboys A few days after this time, Aiken came ' are never sick in vacation. Can Dr. mother and her sisters, and took her and I .vft inn n . t wi,i ' Z l , TT . -aucis aceouofc this singular phenom- her brother prisoners. lo hayc his moncy, and chikh.cn former lookcd cnon ? Perhaps it proves that there is -Now in the west arose dark clouds,! 'Ah, William, William!' Mrs. Aiken ' him with a cheerful smile of welcome and 110 mcdlcmc lke funj aml that as the which soon overspread the whole heav- shook her head. Tou are giving place the latter gathered around him fillin'"- his rising generation can be 'up to devilry,' ens, and the element:, were rent with the in your heart for the entrance of bad spir- cars with thc music of their happy voices, they will never be down with the measles peals of thunder. Darkness, deep and its. -Try to enjoy, fully, what you have, Thc father drew an a.tm around one and gloomy, shrowded the whole heavens; and you will be u far happier man than another, and as he sat in thc midst, his ' -Always trust a pretty cirl. Deauty is this darkness greatly embarrassed the Mr. Freeman. You can sleep sound at heart swelled in his bosom and warmed sacred. If she cheats you it will be a spies in their contemplated night escape, ' ninht?' - i with a "low of cheerful hanniness i . i mi t , supposing they might readily loose their ! 'L know. A man that works as hard ' Soonthc evening meal was served PrcttJrtcbeat- , chances arc' bowcver way, and accidentally fall on their enemy, , as 1 do can't help sleeping soundly.' j scrvedby the hand of his wife the good tbat sbc won L Ecauty and goodness but a short consultation decided the plan; 'Then labor is a blessing, if nothing angel of his happy home. William Aik- . mingc as naturally as sin, brimstone and it was agreed that the girl should go fore- else. I took home to-day a couple of a- en as he looked around upon his smiling ! monsters with huge teeth. If you disbe most, from her intimate knowledge of the ' prons made for Mrs. Freeman. She , children, and their true-hearted and even Hcve then to thc ptpof. localities, and another might he gained looked pale and troubled, audi asked ' tempered mother, felt that be had many i ' JL!T-J in case they should fall iu with any of her if she was not well?; blessings for which he should be thankful. J The Dutchman says that, to undertake the parties of the outposts. '.Not very,' she replied. 'I've lost so 'I saw something a little while ao that ! n P--nn - :ri f ,1--. v , From her knowledge of the language much rest of late that I am nearly worn ! I shall not soon fonret.' j Lon gld Ut floVC 13 a9 absurd she might deceive the sentinels, as the out.' j I had occasion to call at thc house of as lt would be to extinguish A esuvius with sequal proved, for scar cely had they de- j 'I did not ask her why this was so; but Mr. Eldred, on some business as I came j a lvro cent syringe. The only thing that scended a hundred yards when a low after remaining in silence for a few mo- home this evening. Mr. Eldred is rich will break a love fit is hard work and boil- whist Irom thc girl warned, them ot their ments. she said j and I have often envied him: but I shall ' od iy0ri- 1 .1 1 . 1 l i . 1 ! A man who wcut up in a balloon from Madrid a short time since, came down two hours after frozen to death. danger. The spies sunk silently on the! 'Mr. Freeman has crot himself so exci- 'do so no more. 1 fmiml l.i.n in hi cif. itrrW 1A 1 f flTl lltr nvntMAHC irfiinAinnnr Int) !--- MirIrt,.n tin Iia nlinnji ninMAli ....... 1 11. 1 1 n . 1 i m ninniin 1 f 1 1 A f "o "'vjivunuj uuvj w; i'nwuvj luninuiuiii, iuu auuub uuniuuaa, tiiUL m; siccus cuui uviij f tiiig IUU111 ill (JUL! WuIKIi) lllG HOOr Willi livl , S u ' aud wi,tb0Ut U.n C0Vcr.fc; , e0ud tbLl'thcy were to remain tiU the signal was three hours in twenty-four; he cares nei- a troubled look on his face. I mentioned Mjftfww. wvw vUWU V LllD 1 UUIU 11 ii Lr viAil k f rt t - r r n I s ninn l.rt.4'--- I. i I. . II. 1 '.1 f 1 " 1 1 T -!! . . - - .truck terror to the hearts of those unae- " ,1 V-' rjlT" " : , ? i V S"1.10. TC "' ' UlCV l0V ?a"nS arltt1? a 11 1 ml busincss wbcn bc sald abruPy a"d - . r inu jwna anu uuoo iu iiuiunuiuK, uuii 111 Bence. ior me snace 01 a nuarcer or an nnr. wnr.e i mm. in wnii m snnrw v nnnnnv nu n customed to Indian re verv. .x... ......r ; . 1 .. .. 1 . - v ..ri up to the nursery,' he exclaimed in a half angry tone. 'The look cast upon the father by those two innocent children, as their mother passing from one to thc other they must , hour. bo?an to excite the most serious in deeent. nnnnrel. 1 rnrdlv n dnv nnw I 'ivnnn limn u iM,,!-f iu . .. lli"l T ! 1 i 11 J J I i iv- .v v i ii i v. .u mum J iuiiu IIU it . lo our spies Uns was but martial rau- be exposed for a short tune, and a mo- apprehensions. Again she appenred,and that something docs not go wrong. Wor- j 'As I was turning away a door of thc sic strains which wa-'cd their watchful- ( ment'sexposureof theirswarthy forms was told them she had succeed in removing kinsmen fail in their contracts, prices fall room opened, and Mrs. Eldred and two ness, and newly strung their veterau enough for thc unerring rifles of the spies, two sentinels to a short distauce, who below what he expected them to be, agents ' children entered.' courage. From their early youth they The Indians being entirely ignorant of were directly on their route. The descent nrovc unfaithful: in fact, a hundred things 1 'T wish vnn wnnhr snn.l fWr. r-hildron i iv .1.- r. i . i i - i ., . , " , , . . . : . . . . ' . o J uau aiiujs uuBiiuu wu (iuuum,duu wbib now many were in amuuscauc, were tne was. noiselessly resumed, aud the spies lol- occur to intertero with his expectations, well practised in all the subtility, craft more cautious how they advanced. ! lowed their intrepid leader for half a and to cloud his mind with disappoint- and cunning of Indian warfare, as well After bravely maintaining the fight in mile in the most profound silence, when inent. We were far happier when we as the ferocity and blood-thirsty nature front, and keeping the enemy in check, ' the barking of a dog at a short distance were poor, Mrs. Aiken. There was a ot these savage warrior?. Ibcy were, they discovered a new danger threatening apprised them of a new danger. The al- time when wo enioved life. I had fewer ! nnslind t.l.nm tVnm tho. mom. T Rl,.,li w therefore, not likely to be ensnared by them. The arch foe now made evident most simultaneous click of the spies' rifles' want3 then than I ever expect to have on soon forget. 1 remembered' as T left tho thciy cunning, nor without a desperate preperations to attack them on the flank, 'was heard by the girl, who stated that' this side of thegravc.' house, that there had been a larc failure conflict, to fall victims to their scalping- which could be most successfully done by 'they were now in the midst of the Indian! Just then aery was heard in the street, in Market street, and Mr. Eldred was a cuivcs or tomahawks. On several occa- reaching an isolated rock lying on one of camps, aud their lives depended on the ' 'Fire! Fire! Fire!' The startling loser by some ton thousand dollars less siotic small parties left thc prairie and the ravines on thc sourthern hill side. most profound silence and implicilty fol- sound arose clear and shrill upon thc air. ' than a twentieth part of what he is worth ascended the mount from the eastern side. This rock once gained by the Indians, lowing her footsteps. A moment after-: Aiken spring to the window and threw i I am happier than he i3 to nMit, Mary Do these occasions the spies would hide in they could bring the spies under point ward, the girl was accosted by a squaw, it open, then suddenly dropping it he bur- j 'And happpicr you may be William ' rbe'deep fissures of the rocks on the west blank shot of the rifle without the posi- from an opening in her wigwam; she re- riedly left the house. It was an hour returned his wife, 'if you but'&toop to the ddc, and again leave their hiding places, ; bility of escape. Our brave spies saw 'plied in the Indian language, and, with- ere he returned. Meanwhile the fire i humblest flowers that sprint up along ;yhcu their uninvited and unwelcome vis- '. the ulter hopelessness of their situation, out stoppings still pressed forward. In a ( burned furiously, and from her window 'your path, and like the bee. take thehon itors had disappeared. .which nothing could avert but a brave short time she stopped and assured the where she sat safe from harm Mrs. Aiken , ey they contain. God kuows what in ex ternal things is best for us, and he will make either poverty or riches, which ev er conies, a blessing, if wc arc humble patient anl contetitcd.' l Like unto a fruitful vine is Mrs Frazer, of Stark county, Ohio; she has presented her husband with six children within a yoar, having achieved triplets twice. Gibbon truly-says that the best and most important part of- every man's ediU cation, is that which ho gives himself. " a new one For food they depended on ierked yen- companion, and unerring shot. This spies that the village was cleared, and saw the large factory ison and corn bread, with which their they had not, but the' brave never des- that they had passed the gieatest danger, which the rich man hnd just erected cn- kuapsacks were well stored. They dare pair. With this impending fate resting She knew that every leading pas3 was tirely consumed. Story after story was not kindle a fire, and the report of one of upon them, they continued calm and cal- guarded safely by the Indian?, and at successively wrapped in flames until at their rifles would have brought .upon culating, and as unwearied as tbe strong-, once resolved to adopt the bold adven- length, over five thousand dailnrs worth them the entire force of the Indians. For esfclesirc of life, and the resistance of a ture of passing through the centre of thc of property lay a heap of black and drink they depended on some rain water numerous foe could produce. "Village, as the least hazardous, and the smouldering ruins. which still stood in the hollows of some Soon M'Oleland saw a tall and swar- sequel proved the correctness of her judg- Wet to the skin and covered with ein- of the rocks; but in a short time this store thy figure preparing to spriug from a co- ment. They now steered a cpursc for tlie dors was Mr. Aiken, when he. returned to was exhausted; and M'Cleland aud White vert so near lo the fatal rock that a bound Ohio river, and aftcrthr.ee days travel his humblo abode, after having worked must abandon their enterprise or find a or two would reach it, and all hope of arrived safe at the-blockhouse. Their es- manfully in his efforts to rescue a portion -new suppty. ,To accomplish this most ; Hfc then was gone. lie felt-that all de- cape and adventure prevented the Indians of his neighbors' property from destruc- liazardous enterprise, M Olelnnd, being 'ponded on one single advantageous shot; from their contemplated attack; and the tion. ' the oldest, resolved to make this attempt; and although but an inch or two j of thc rescued girl proved to bc'the sister of the : '.Poor Freeman! I pity him from my Heavy Sheep. A Londou corres pondent of the National Intelligencer saj-s ho had heard much of the great weight to which sheep are sometimes fed in Eng land, and his belief was really staggered by sonic of thc reports; but he saw in oiie butcher's shop, four sheep, which had been raised and fed ' in Gloucestershire, whose weight wheu slaughtered and dres sed for sale as mutton was 250, 2-15, 21G, and 197 pounds respectively. A shoulder, cut fairly from the largest, weighed lbs. Two Lincolnshire sheep in thc same shop weighed 21 G and 201 pounds re spectively. A Doubtful Bank. The Virginia papers utter a warning ai gainst the reception of the notes otVthc 'Trans-Alleghany Dank,' a sort of inde pendent institution that has sprung uj in that State, and which seems to possess an iinmeuso fecuudity in thc way of issu ing notes, without offering any facilities for thoir redemption. Messrs. Sbltlen, Withers & Co., of Washington, ar charged with the paternity of the concern though they now deny having any intereVHi in it. The Richmond bunks have vojupti to receive its notes on deposit, and, wis . ttiinkt'he public will do Yf&il' net , ceivc them in any 'way. "1