. .... 1 1 U ii ii. iiwwwpwwwinirfWWWWWBWiiliy I mil i I ii 'i ' A rr Tii imiw 'ilii ryWwvxTnyrrrimrrtriixmit i-rwrtwri.-wn irn ii-'n i .mnm. nll m - m- . i.Mnrrr.,, ,,77771 1 1.11 II IIILJHI.' -I. I J I I .-I" Jl.TCT Slcuoko to politics, itcvaturc, 2lgvtcu!turc, Science, iWoraliin, anb cncral Snteiligencc. VOL. U. STROUDSBURGr, MONROE OUNTY, PA. JANUARY 19, 1854. NO. H. 1 1 i , , n-r- ff r , .,f imrr Published Iy Tliftodore SciiocZi. TERMS Two dollars per annum in advance Two collars and n quarter, half yearlv and if not paid bc loie the end of the year. Two dollars and a half. No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the Editor. ID Advertisements not exceeding one square (ten lines) will be inserted three weeks lor one dollar, and twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion. The charge for one and three insertions the same. A liber al discount made to yearlv advertisers. lO" All letters addressed to the Editor must be postpaid. JOB PRINTING. Having a general assortment of large sc. elegant, plain prepared ana ornamental Type, we are to executeevery desctipt: Cards, Circulirs, Hill Heads, Notes, Blank Receipts Justices, Legal and other Blanks. Pamphlets, &c. printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms, AT THE OFFICE OF TUB JEFFERfeOSIAiV. Fro?n the Washington Star Hj ymn to inc Angels. "Arc they not an ministering-spjr.tR, sent th to minister for them who shall be heirs ' 'Arc they not all ministering spirits, sent forth of salvulion? Hcb.uxiv. BY H. CLAY TIIEUSS. Air-" Lilly Dale:' When the sun sinks to rest On his couch in the West, And the moon bathes the earth in her beams; When the stars twinkle bright On the bosom of night, When theangelsare whispcringinourdreams. Oh! Angels! sweet Angels! from .that happy place. Ye tell us of the love And the hnrmony above, Where we'll never know a sigh or a tear. In the tempest and strife Of the buttle of life, When the spirit is shorn of its might; They hover by our side, In our visions they glide, And nerve us anew for the fight. On! Angels! sweet Angels! guard us in the strife; The spirit grows frail, And its light flickers pale. In the gloom and the darkness of life ! Ah! sad is this earth From the hour of our birth, And" heavy ere the burdens we bear; But oh! there's a balm Our troubled souls to calm, Fuwc know that the Angels are near! Oh! Angels! sweet Angels! ye tell of a clime Where skies never gloom, -But the flowers always bloom In the long sweet summer time ! Like the airy plumed dove, God's own type of love, Oh! had we the pinions to fly I But our souls yet remain In their cold earthly chain, And we sigh for the freedom of thesky! Oh! Angels! sweet Angels! when will ye come! We are fainting for breath In the shadow of Death Oh! guide us poor wand'rers home! Curiosities of Trade. Among the importations into this coun try, is a certain class of articles embrac ing an almost endless variety, which are ' called the 'non-enumerated.' bome ot If ifc wa3 any other day I'd whip every thentcoHt a mere trifle, and arc little used: ' one of jut SqQ .dt a piece 0f others equally cheap, are of such general wor- js here." use that their aggregate value is consid- j If it had b'cen any otlQT day it WOuldn't crable. Few persons know that these ar- have happened, mother," said little Frank tides enter into commercial transactions. , wll0j counting only five years, not unfre Daring the year ending June 30th, 1853, minntiv manifcstcd the lore of fiftv.. the value of slate pencils entered at the New-York custom house, was $3,733; of ' sausage skins, 924; little night tapers, 267; tooth-picks, 8341; bladders, 81257; nm nrrn rnn CQR4 Tnn oil l"frnf"3 R" ' orange onn;p Rlfins S7GG; rnsn Ip.ivp.s S773: skele- vj - - j rz " 1 - i tons 351; mushrooms 81003; sand S3; gopse-liver oil 8131; punk $14. This libt of incongruous articles could be en larged to a great extent. In Virginia, the other day. a Judge, in charging the Grand Jury, very candidly informed the gentlemen, that as for in dicting any body for passing bank notes of a less denomination than one dollar, (which is illegal in that State,) is all non sense. 'Pretty much everybody does it said he, 'and I am free to confess, 1 do ibmysclf P This is about equal to the Boosicr Judge, who acquitted a rogue of a petty larceny, because the liquor in that region, was 'bad enough to make any man steal! and under its influence, the Court itself had on one occasion stolen the landlord's spoons !' A traveler in England observed a peas apt at work, and seeing that he was tak iug.it remarkably easy, said to him: 'My jfriend, you don't appear to sweat any.' 4 -'Why, no, master, two shillings a day -ain't sweating wages.' Stone Tree. There is a tree in Jtfpxico, called the cfiijol, a very fine wood, which, according to a writer in the Na tional Intelligencer, (W. D. Porter,) be comes petrified, after being cut, in a very fejv years, whether left in the open air or iburied. From the timber, bouses could be built that would in a few years become Sreproof, and last as long as those built of stone. Tbe -wood, in a green state, is 'i l.-j. :i A v.;i;nr.n.i.n.r - CaSllV WOrKCU: llja usvu iu uunuiuji nuoiK, , for&s,. &c.and would .be very good as j Railway sleepers,, or for -plank road nngcrs. i Turning Over a New Leaf. BY MRS. CAROLINEE. SOLE. "Well," yawned Mr. Grey, as the clock struck six the last Sunday in the year. "I suppose its time to get up but some how I don't feel much like it this morn ing." '0, lie still and take your comfort," muttered his wife, drawing the bed clothes i yet closer around her; "there's no hurry ts moTnnf -t's Sunday you know." "Just so you said last (Sunday, wife, and yet you know you were in a hurry all the day long. Suppose we turn over a new leaf to-day, and get up at once." "I'd rather turn and take a new nap do, pray," and her tone grew querulous, "do let one take a little comfort on Sun day, if they don't any other day in the ! 14t IT It O weeK, ana sue turned tier lace to tne wall and resolutely closed her eyes. "Comfort! yes, that's what I want to , , f s-' lpll .f,B nn 5n lr TIT ' , TJ ' u en, li snc win co io sieep again, sup- J pose I may as well," and he composed himself and dozed, another hour. Tho clock struck seven. "There, wife, wife we must get up now at any rate. We shall be late again, just as we were last Sunday." "Well, get up. then, if you want to. I do wish I could take a little comfort. Get up! I get up every other day. Strange a body can't take comfort once a week. "Well, well, sleep away then," said her husband, rather crossly as he slammed to the door, "but it's anything but comfort you'll take when you do get up. IVc must turn over a new leafy For more than half an hour did Mrs. Grey continue in bed, striving in vain by the indulgence of "a little more sleep and a little more slumber," to still the quarrel between habit and conscience. Longer would she have tarried, but for a crash in the children's room and a medley of reproaches, sobs and lamentations. "What for mercy's sake have they done now?" exclaimed she, as hurriedly put ting on her clothes she ran to the spot whence issued the tumult. "I don't be lieve there's another such a set of young ones in the world. What have you been about here," she said to the little ones, four in number, who were looking pitiful ly at the wreck of the Sunday's pastime. The sight that greeted her was not cal culated to compose her troubled mind, or sooth her reproaching heart. The chil dren accustomed to being up, dressed, and having their breakfast before seven, on the six days of the week, could not, in- i deed knew not, how to remain quietty in ' their beds until near eight o'clock. In- ' deed, they always calculated on a good j Sunday mornings, which good time meant j sundry revolutions in the bed, not unlike pranks of a young colt; wrapping up the blankets to represent Indians and squaws; rolling up quilts in mammoth babies, and to conclude a game of ball, in which the pillows flew right merrily. All had gone i on as equal; till one "unfortunate" missed the mark, and the ewer tumbled on the I floor in ruins, its contents mingling with : j shoes, stockings, rumpled sheets, and , quilts, and giving new chills to the-little : red feet anxiously paddling the wet car- i net to save here and there a frarment, i "You're a set of wicked boys and girls to carry on so on Sunday morning," said 1 1 1 it j " a 1 - : ,1: i: r - 0 the Christain mother, in pious indignation. "Cause you see, we should have been out eat;n jong afore noWj hut we get tired Yn . abed we can't keep still. Why d nfc vou et UT earlier Sundavs iust as Tr . t .1 ? T i .1. C" J you OO Otner uaysi X Wisu ouuuay nev- er came, we can t never nave any iun but something or other will happen .' f TT 1 . 1 t "No," interrupted his brother two ' years older, "every body don't sleep so 4 A. long on Sunday, 'cause my grandmother gets up real early then and we have a real nice time all day. I always loved to have Sunday come when I was in tbc country, but these city Sundays aint a bit good." "Well," said Frank in his particular slow emphatic tone, "I mean to ask fath er to move in the country then, for if we must have Sundays, we might just as well have good Sundays." "Well, just at present move into the kitchen, the whole troop of you," cried tho mother, now hurried enough in sepa- rating wet and dry clothes, the words of the boys coming to her excited feelings, like anything rather than oil on troubled waters. Thankful to escape so well, they hur- ried thither to dress. But Babel. Jul Henry had but pants, and wet." "Well, dress yourselves the best way u can. I can't stop to help you now. vou You have hindered me nan an nour ai ready." 'But how can I dress myself without pataloons?" said the philosophic Frank, 'and if Julia goes without stockings she'll get the croup again, and if Mary puts on . ... 1 ll I 1 i them wet clothes she'll catch her ueatn ! cold and die, and then you'll feel sorry, IT mifflP and if ITo.nrv " fcj i j "And if I get Julia's stockings, and Mary some dry clothes, what'll- happen then I -wonder?" and tho mother hastened la s stocumgs were gone, anu on tue Durcau anu nave nuo sport, iui u luuauuiu... -.uj;. n., ni-ht before 1 The br one suoe, rranK naa no oouie oi coiogne suouia nave uecn kuuuk- i"j .nv.tcvi. iiumu, w .. forced in his turn to be . " . . ... I 1 v. , , n . 1 1 1 ' .1 1 . ls.V.1. rm.nnil rtrt ol.rt Kofi lrtft fnr ) J T 1 iMrw' n nt .hps nro rtnnninnr 1 eu on. ana a dox oi tool l nowuor UDoei. omu uui luwit, cuiuau suu uu ,.. . ..:i: j ii. J " rr o I- -- f , , ., - - , , , to the bedroom, where between the mat- tresses of one bed she found the shoes J 1 1 .1 .1 . I ll -f ll.. ana stociiings, ana ac tno douoiu ot me i.r c-. -. .,,f ,i i , . i . Wiiofi,a incr rJs went out and she had them both bedcloths, found the missing pants. . . . ,, . , . .,, , "Anything more wanting by thec to kindlc- and &en to wait till the water wicked children?" I sbould "eat ere the morning's work should i i.rj. -n1 rr-, i. j-i i t. hurry too, cause I am so hungry I can't wait." At another time the mother might have smiled on her boy, but she had no heart for smiles then, on that beauteous Sab bath morninjr, and the snow-clad earth were radiant witn glorious sunsuine. i . t t Two hours comfort" in the early morn i. .1 i j x. 1. 1 . .1 i uuu iuiiiuu uur iiuuuu uuu truuuiuu uer joy for the day. She needed, indeed, to turn nvnr n haw lrnf. worrying time had Mrs. Grey lbat.be prepared, and as there was company, morning preparing breakfast, and when li-i . r, , .ready, which was not till after nine o - i i .i -j i clock.it was. as the children said, only half a breakfast. And the children, in v,w ft snfl nVinU fVu tW ftnmfi tn i' tn. n.i Ti.-f.i i -i i j .i uie. o una ions oraius looseneu oy me morning's Irolic. hung about her lace and neck very much as though a high wind' had been sporting with them, while Hen- i . vi i fi ii i r rin iTirtrc rx w ninn nia m rr hot tii c unusuallv so proud, were in a snarl that J w -"""b ' '"o'- " "lul"1" " srnlrr fprrihlir nffnfnro rotrihnfinn ivlnlo Frank and Mnrv's slinrt. InrrVs nnrrmlprplr j r j veiled their beautiful brows. And their m r linr'c Tin o 1 incfrtn A r P ifc? ncnnl nnof i i ii i r ll n rrn vnr rr munti liirn on ATrnn l-hvtirkAni r j w . . v...-.., ..v, j ri Frank and Mary's short locks completely .in no frame of mind to do that, but to per veiled their beautiful brows. And their ( form a Sabbath day duty. We will pass mother's head instead of its usual neat over the doing the work on her return, n VTn n ffimnrif 1 -rlrirl in nvrvvncpitn lr n ' f lin rro f f i irr f nn o n rl twi f f i n rr 1w11stn And the table a sight. Julia had set it and her mother not having given direc-'it) ji.- : ii. - i . t i -i ...:.i AL i ... t. xi u tions, she chad put on the soiled cloth that Ill -I, ,, J 1 ,j j , ""-"n " " hurry and out of humor had huddled the dishes on with but little regard to proper place. It was not indeed calculated to i . . . restore calmness to the sluggards's heart quiet with his fire and books having re-1 , i c i rxu jL ii ii i i. . J or promote the cheerfulness of the sinnedff-tored his good humor, somewhat, it must' . c M iu fnA . ,1 ' . f.i agamst family. be contessed, out ot the way ot the annoy- "How's this wife?" said Mr. Grey as he seated himself,."no meat this morning. -a s& . T th J. vllUUg U V JL Cvil v CbUi3 JMIUI Utl J ' "I forgot to bring them from the store room last night, or rather I thought I should have plenty of time to thaw them this morning, but I haven't and so we! must get along without them." "And we haven't had any pancakes ei ther,7' said irank. "Mother, you prom ised last Sunday that we should have1 some to day. Are big folks wicked when they don't do what they said they will? cause if " The mother's conscience smote her ter- what if her example should be followed. ! J 1 r . I As is almost always the case, she found a m ! a scapegoat, and interrupted her ques tioning child with the remark,that children as naughty as her's did not deserve pan cakes." "Your potatoes are not half dQne,wife: indeed they are not fit to eat. I am a- fraid we shall have but a poor breakfast And the husbands's tone was rather sul- len, for he had been brought up in the country, and of course accustomed to good cheer in the morning, and a scant breakfast table always put to flight his 'good humor. "Can't you give us a bit of your Sunday's roast? We can't make out our breakfast unless you do," and he! deliberately gathered the potatoes which! he had distributed to the children, and returned them to their dish. This action UCr. A-, onv'm.ol., nrA rlinlnr led into the pantry with little grace, and returned with her spare rib, which was cooked on Saturdav when there was nlen-. ty of time, and was very "beautifully done." "Ah yc?," exclaimed her husband as he brandished his carver, this will do fiue- 1 ly." "1 And what will become of your dinner meanwhile," murmured his wife. "Oh, we'll have the steaks; you know ' i 1 .tl 1 1 ln.a.. .PlI i t. ... 4 1. ... )' ; luuie win uu jjtuuuv ui iiuiu luuu bticiij. Husband and children, half-starved, as they said, by long waiting, relished the roast and nice bread and butter, but Mrs. ! Grey could hardly swallow a morsel, and .instead ot entering into tue lively prattle of the little ones, spoke only to bid them ' hurry and eat or they would be late at , church. lireaklast despatched and new trouble commenced. "I can't get you all ready, mat & out oi inc ijuuswju. uuna uuu ( Henrycan go, and Frank and Mary must, wait until afternoon"- at which the two set up a lusty cry which continued till j they were shut up in the bed-room with ' the threat of being punished, unless they stopped immediately, and knowing trom experience that mother did sometimes whip on Sunday?, because "she was al - ways cross then," the two children agreed : to make the best ot it, and agreed tuat they should go a fishing, which meant bend mother's pins into uooks, and use it w the Willi fno mntnor nnrl flif plrlor fillildrpn VI AbU lIIU IUU VUVt wmw- . a t.l,t fi ub auuiu tuiu mi v. vi v aim coukii Vi rl 1 rnnnlnrl tlinli. locf tnno 'lln ll .11 11 f l i!ll Innr. n ht?n,if Ittnm flii n nnn urnrin m0r flllil linn .ii v-.v.u w .uwu, " ' O J. . ril17 i 7i f i i ii iii n i i i i nMtni'iiiir inirirnn nnmn nnn rn m vii-ii. iii. with red faces and sullen hearts, tjiey,aa loreiubio -oi ,.uav0, -V ? V ri 1 1 -v A I tt mm i o -full UUUtbU L11W11 It.W I.WUI.J ! ,w took their father's hand and started for i. ArxT n a d,n CUUICU. -V3 iui iuia. VJriuv , ouc duiu ouu never exnected to co out again in the forenoon tuan-c "oa 110 Save me strongtu ot xr ..' an',A el,-, n'to turn over a new leaf." room wound up her cord, picked up tne ... i ., broken bottle, andwept up tbe rosy pow- dcr, and her heart echoed the cry ot her lins. and smote her fcerriblv. and in wo- man's phrase, "she sat. down and had a mm mr- y jgood cry." It would have been better to i,av0 gone to work, for while she wept. I ' i out ere it was half done, and to finish, as out ere u was nan aone. ana to unisn, as she said, hertrouble, two friends returned with her husband. Verv dear frinnfis flinv wnrr t.n bp snrn. I and at another time dad enough would J J she have been to see them, but then-oh! ii it. t f . i i ,sue wisiica tuem iurtneri bne was o i 'i 01.. bilged to suspend her labores and comb i i.: i i i .1 t. nuti uuu uuuugu uui uresa ere suwieWlnrI n t7,i , , could give the greet ing, and then only . , . mnmnnf, f.rm'fi shr t.irrv fnr Minniir -rrrnsf. everything must be m perfect order. It- ' i, . i . i , was nice, it was excellent, but somehow ! . i nu . r n no one einoyed it. rlhe guests felt in- stinctively that they had intruded. Mr. Rrnv. w?ff iilfiJ -nmlitinn nf nffairs I m j. i -i i -e r ! ii , was m ui, uuse. wmie ms wuc uut an 1 women similarlv situated will guess her feelings, and no one can describe lhem.i',lu'u 111 ,1UU'' a,u T "'T ' Tr 7 ft i J ThereVas no time after the repast to clear : ?try, they passed along the vale of life earth and to heaven.' i im i. i ii iiii'ssi.i i viu iitn'r it n tmii vif i . v" " " J 5 " leaving both in the care of Julia, she sot nur, trir nhnrnh Tint, t.n trnrshin. tnr sho vn? r i fr a . in no frame of mind to do that,, but to np.r- , 7 - i ( form a Sabbath day duty. We will pas: rlm t li n rlninrf 1 in TrArlr n n n ni rnfuvn Ut u.- i u.- i'ii j rnon nnf linnnncn flint: in f li r Inn cf rronf . 1 ed to be, but because they could not help into their beds, and see her enter the sitting room at eight o'clock, throw hcr- -If 1 J 11 1 -! c - ; am tired to death." "I dont wonder at it, wife," said her hasband. compassionatelv. two hours of! ances of the day. "I was sorry to bring 1. si "t . r m those tolks to dinner, but 1 could not avoid it without being very rude. "Never mind that if I had things as they should have been, it would have been well enough, but somehow nothing goes right anymore on Sunday. I actu- ally dread to have it come." But it was not always so. wife. Don't you remember how happy you used to be when we were first married Ah! it was a halcyon day then!'7 "Yes, I remember it well," she mur mured, and leaning her head on hBrhand she grew thoughtful. Men: or y held up . . T. - - ... - -rir' . ' days of child and girlhood, and ot early) 'married Hie were lived over again, ( t 1 and indeed it was a golden age Then in the vile contrast came up the Sundays of the last two or three years, and then spake conscience in a terrible voice, and uttered the cause; and tears hot and many rolled down her cheeks. The only day of the week which her husband could spend with his family was despoiled comfort by herself; she was bringing her of children up to dread and hate even the day sacred to worship and home's purest joy; she was learning herself to look up- on it as a day of trial, a day of toil and why? Because mostly of a "little more sleep and a little more slumber." No words passed between husband and wife till they rose ta retire. Then taking .her hand he said, half seriously, half jo- nnsnlir 'biiTiiincn .Tiilin irn turn nvor n new leaf. This is the last Sunday in the year, email we begin the first of the next?" nd right on "We'll try," was tho brief answer, in a voice choked with emotion. And she did try! Let us see the result. It is a beauteous Sunday morning, a Umile upon heaven and earth, and a smile on the countenance of each member of the family, as they gather at half past scv en around the neat breakfast table, cov nrm mitl, n lnf Ii l-irmllinrf tln tnnm in whiteness, and set with Shaker like pre ijuu m.u it. nuiu cision. Andjthe viands, not costly are they, and yet""a king might relish them steaks broiled to a turn, potatoes burbtmg ,mio liases, coueu ciem -ia iaiu urn iui, andpancakes as light as a feather, And what a beautiful group, discuss tue meal, tatner in ms ounuay sum, in uio ui 01 nuiuor, u.o ner , i a ,,, ,.- ; ing dress, every uraia in piaco, anu cm, - uu." uiu "" . . white foreheads open to view, and all in church dress too ah, it is a home picture, beautiful to the eye and cheering to the heart. I The day was well begun and half the race was run. j very tiling went easy ior there was plenty of time and every one . was good natured in the use ot it. lhc mother did get out in tho morningand nau rue pleasure oi iu-mug iu uu. uu - iieut preacher she had long yearned to near, uuu eujoyuu mo "- joyous pi anu me nmc spent in the sitting room with husband and little ones, was in truth , "lli?l 111 l- , ybu s aa .uu u,. - was her language as she pressed herpil- t . . . low, -inis nas ucen inueeu u u.usseu uuy; la.y; -H i rm i . -r Ci- 1 . ri .i l . 1 xne late j.tcv. oiuney omitn, onscrvcu that a railway whistle seems to himto bo something line tne scream nn attorney would give when first the iluvil oaugbt . -' . hold of him. Story of a Land Warrant. There is an enormous traffic carried on ' n , x, , e mall our great cities in the arfeclo of t j w p .i ' ttt Land Warrants, and in many of the Wes- i torn town the trjuIe in thcra is "te as (active. Forgeries without number have IT' f T i U tu . , , i . ' ;f" lax ! th? transient dealer in them as jfor a storekeeper who handles country ar e curious inci-; mnnnv i T8 TrT,,r T and ,0" .tauuii 01 liauu irurranw. jjet us repeat a single instance as it was related to us. j our third partner are dead, our first as Near the battle-field of Monmouth re- ; sistant and our last assistant are also a;i;t,, f ., JJa nnl Bn 'Sluca a reVOlUtlOnarv veteran, nun Khh J 1 . J A ' f1A :5:4r 'i aL.z ..k-LZ c'-x.. ,Jii;t tiuiuitss u suuiticuuy iui U. iilUllIV , . . , , , , iwhose wants had always been extremely j , oun,, e tl -J - -"---uclu- i1 1VC cabins of the country, over which the storms ol winter howled without start- . . , - c , r , , ,', . . did the old , i.!.i,t I.:, i : i J o . grandeur, to a peerless i i. i: c ii. luijii uiiiuu iuu iiaiiuna iuu uuii.il. Llcrc, too, he could have spent the few remaining days lelt for him, had not the " L his wife, and the future welfare 'of his son. opened a new and wide field for exertion. He knew this shortly be left alone in the world, without CltY UUillUltlll Ul SUUUUU, U11U 111 111L (the imperious call of d-uty to see him set tled permanently and prosperously m life, before he should be gathered to his fath- crc VT , , ... V1 , -lSo plan seemed open to him, as likely . 1 , , . . r., , . c , ...J to succeed, but to avan himseli or a hitn- , , ' , ... T , 1ir u.v.tw """"" J This title covered an ample tract some where in the Eastern part of Kentucky; but from the changes of names and , boundaries consequent upon the laying ' rv f . 1 1 1 , on ot new comities, nc was unaoie to l dentify the precise location. But, at all hazards, he resolved to search for it in person. He sold off bis trilling property, discharged his little debts, and set for ward on foot it was long before the age of railroads with the firmness of one inured to long" continued marches under musket and knap-sack, followed by his son and dog. No matter what emotions thrilled his bosom at abandoning the linr-ir nt hi piiiWlimnri tUin orrnvo nt his , , .r , . ,AVinr, sociations which make up tho sum of home, his features wore the aspect of determined -resolution. Not so the son. In that grove, and by the babbling brook, he and his dog had gambolled through many a verdant holiday. In that dear old cabin, often had he beguiled the win ter evening by listening to bis father's legends -of the war, or put up his prayers at his departed mother's knee. To all these affecting reminiscences he was now bidding an everlasting farewell. Beyond them, everything was a blank. Tears flowed from his young eyes as he turned away forever from the cottage of his na tivity on the battle-ground of Monmouth. Painfully they traveled Westward, un til they reached the nearest branch of the Allegheny, on which they embarked, but poorly supplied with provisions for the voyage, for long travel on the road had made him almost penuyless. After days of hardship and exposure on the river, they made their little boat fast to a tree that overhung the river side. The mansion of a thriving plan tor lay in fuil view before them, and thitherward they directed their steps. Evening had al ready cast its lengthened shadows over the landscape, and a cold and comfort less. November . night was fast settling down upon them. Avoiding the main entrance to the building, which was tight ly closed, both door and window, the old veteran knocked timidly at the kitchen, J and asked the privilege of a shelter for himself and child until morning. Tho owner turned a deal oar to tne iiumoic i i t i.i i ii application, and bid the traveling vaga bond begone. Ingratitude overcame the hearfc -. gtood undismaycd in many a kj , , . of bull and h - cnuvled into an out-housc of the boorish planter, where, hungrv, wet and cold, he slumbered soundly on a bed of straw. Daybreak saw the travelers on their way to an adjacent town, where warmth i i 4 : tA They found themselves on one , of the . tnkon m exchanjje for c.et Ware, Gtvo great alluvial bottoms ol Kentucky, lhc ; us a c-;i hefure purchasing elsewhere. Rc vctcran sought a lawyer, exhibited his member the place is opposite R. Boy'a warrant, anu lounu, 10 nis astonisnmenr, , thnt .fc njade hha niaster of a weaithy lantBtion Closer osalnination 5donti. lied it as the very ground from which so unfeelingly repulsed the utal occupant was yet his prayer humane veteran permitted him to spend the remainder of i . i ii. . ms aays on a remote corner oi iutiM- mo naiurai iceia, anu also to insert mcorrupi tation the fittin" termination of what ' ible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in tlio had been a lon career of knavery and , latest and most improved manner. Alost per cruelty! Bdl lie. or as-An innocent young sporhnan, in . order to shopt a squirrel on the top of high tree, climcd another one near by; and on being asked his reason lor so. and on being asked His reason ior so. .. , i ..:J ii. ... .. . 1 loolisli a ireaK, bam mau um Uu nam, to strain bis gun by a long shot P tBTIic population of Ihtf Thrritbry of . Oregon i's staled toolUjI0Q, . . - JEST Mr. Prentice of the Louisville Journal, thus touching alludes to the death of his associate, Mr. Shrove : lWe, the surviving editor of the Journ al, feel that the prime of life is scarcely vet none. vet. as wo look back unon our loDS Career 10 ,thS Clty', Sem t0 he . . htld ? the pri: iiuur auu iui, uuiy mu graves ul n r r fits lrts All fTin nt v n ous journeymen and apprentices, that were m our employ wnen we nrst corn- , menccd Polishing our paPer, are dead our hrst nartner. our second partner ana flimrt v w.n Himo mamnrLc itnmA nvnr us. we feel like one alone at midnicrht. in 1 7 W .. ? 'i ' .Vl .T.." i. i . l C 1 . r 3. llie UlOlvCn lull) US. JiUU L1IU VUIUcii Ul IUU , , i v - j i r cnosts of departed ioys sounding doleiul- ? :,.:. ni? ; y mm. cur., ur Vvy w t that such memories may have acbastcn.- j insr and punfvine and elevating influence o arge, Impressions at First Sigiii. This subject, at the supper table, was getting 'talked over when the lady who presided 'o'er the cups and tea,' said 'she always formed an idea of a person at first sight; and that idea she found was generally a correct one.' 'Mamma,' said her youngest son, in i shrill voice, that attracted the attention of all present. 'Well, my dear,' said the fond mother, 'what do you want?' 'I want to know,' said young America, 'what you thought ichen you first sciiv me?1 There was no answer to this query;but we learn a general titter prevailed, and that 'Charlie' was taken into the kitchen immediately by the servant. EF"The young woman that was lost in thought, after wandering in her own mind, found herself at last in her lover's arms.' At the breaking of ground for the commencement of the Lynchburg and Tennessee llailroad at Lynchburg, a cler gyman present commenced slowly and solemnly to read a manuscript prayer. At the conclusion, an old negro man, who had been resting with one foot on hi3 spade, and his arms on the handle, look ing intently in the chaplain's face,straight ening himself up, remarked audibly, 'Well, I reckon dat's de fust time de Lord has ever been written to on de subject ob railroads!' $1,000 REWARD. The above reward will be paid for the ap prehension of any person who will say that Isaac H. Loder does not sell the cheapest and bct Cabinet Furniture, at the Peoples' &&mm3&7 aomet-W arc Kooms, (oppo- site Robert Boy's store, in the borough of btroudsfaurg,) thid side of New York. The undersigned, having purchased the large and extensive Cabinet Ware Rooms lately occupied by Frederick Philips, would respectfully inform the citizens of StrouQs burg and vicinity that he intends carrying on the Cabinet making business in all its various branches; and is now prepared to receive or ders and attend to all calls for ever' thing" in his line of business. The undersigned will keep on hand and furnish to order Good and Handsome Furni(nrc as cheap as can be sold anywhere. Thu following articles can be examined in hia Ware Rooms: Sofas, of various styles and patterns; Sideboards, Secretaries, Wardrobes, Bu reaux, of various paterus. Cupboards, of different kinds; Card,Center, Side, Breakfast, and Dining Tables; Wash Stands, Twist, Small and Large Etagcre, What-Notcs, Music Stands, Sofa Tables, Tea Tables, Oval and Serpentine j Tables, Chinese What-nots, Fancy Work tables, Refreshment tables, Divans, and a general assortment oi nonage rurnuure on hand and made to order. 0?-Varnishingand rcrar ring done on short notice and on reasonable terms. A handsome assortment of Gilt,'Mahogany and Walnut Looking Glass and Picture frames, of every description, will be constant ly kept on hand and made to order. Ready-made cofiins kept on hand -Vnnd made to order aud in the best style, at short notice. A hearse will also be furnished when desired. store. ISAAC IT. LODEU. Slroudsburg, March 24, 1S53. 1 IMR. J. fcA&'TS, DENTIST, Has permanently located him- ....u :.. cj. ...ii.... i i r a his ofllce next door to Dr. S. Wjilton.and nearlv onnof-itoS. Melink's Jow- cirv slorei where he is fully prepared to trcut ... i i ... . i . . . sons know the danger and lolly or trusting their work to the ignorant as well as tho traveling dentist. It mutters not how much traveling dentist. "c"nt andCif t,"e llcntis;t lives at a disu qiIcntiy put oil' until it is tuo IhU he is liable to umber of case?. nice, it is frc- i., ut DV until it is too late to savo the- . rf . .. .i - .i t00lj, or teeyias it may do, oincrwise urn mi i convenience and trouble ol going sn far,- Hoiuiu i lie pcci-g.-iily of obtaining thcHcrvnj'c iiitlKUiiqiir Uquiq. AH 'Work-iwaVrrfntcd. of u ddiitrjiiejir April 23, lSoU, -4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers