The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, December 15, 1853, Image 2

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i-ariimr if TTh in -r-
gfyc Icffcrgonian
Thursday, December 15, 1853.
Teachers and friends of Education are!
requested to meet in this palce Saturday
afternoon, December 31, for the purpose
of forming a Teachers Association.
A CMMterfc)ifer SeKtesxccd.
Raleigh, N. C;, Dec. 7. rPennell Hen
dricks, who was convicted here 'of'Pasaing
counterfeit gold coin, has been sentenced
to pay a fine of $2,500, and undergo nn
imprisonment of hard labor in the Peni
tentiary for ten years.
Gen. Scott still wears his arm in a sling,
in consequence of the injury re'eeived
from a fall some time since in New York
President's Message.
On, the first and fourth pages of to
day's Jeffersonian . will be found the
President's Messago. It is the weakest
document of the kind ever put forth.
There is nothing decided about. In aim
ing to avoid censure, the President has
failed to utter a sentiment ox opinion wor
thy of admiration. '
Editorial Clmaige.
By a late number of the "JPiUston Ga
zette," we learn that the co-partnership
existing between Messrs. George M. Ri
chart and Henry S. Philips, in the publi
cation of that Journal, has been dissolved
by mutual consent, the latter retiring
from the concern, leaving its sole man
agement to the former.
Ken' Jersey.
The faot that the claim of Rodman M.
Price to the Gubernatorial Chair of New
Jersey will be contested at the next ses
sion of the Legislature of that State has
been made public. Mr. Price has received
a notice to that eliect signed by JOEL
Haywood, who was his competitor for
the office at the late election. The
grounds of contest are, that Mr. Price is
not olighible for the station because he
had not been a resident of the State for
seven years next before the election, and
that his absence therefrom was not upon
business of the State or of. the United
States. The question will be tried by the
Legislature, whose decission will be final.
Until the dispute is settled the President
of the State Senate will act as Governor.
Cautil Commissioner.
Among the gentlemen named as likely
to be urged for nomination in the next
Democratic State Cenvention, as a candi
date for the olfice of Canal Commissioner,
is the Hon. Moses W. Coolbaugh, of fraudulent pretcnces, a large amount of
The Easton Whig of the 14th inst.
says: On Friday night of last week,
James Stevexsox, who has been for
some time past, a residcut of our Bor
ough, and a student of Medicine.with Dr.
Trail Green, was arrested afthe Mer-
The followingis sjist of' the members
of the Senateand House of Representa
tives composing the 83d Congress.
TiHname of Senators, with the expiration
of the term of service of each. Democrats
(36) in Roman, the Whigs (20) in Italic
letters, and t he Free Soilers (2) in small
Capitals; Vacancies,4 Total, 62.
Benj. Fitzpatrick 1855Lewia Cass 1857
C. C. Cluy 1859 Chas. E. Stuart 1859
Rb'l W. Jno'son 1855 Dav. R. Atchison 1855
W. K. Sebastian 1959 'Henry S. Geyer 1857
Truman Smith. 1855,Moses Norris 1855
Isaac Toucey 18571. W. Williams 1859
JnP. A. Bayard 1827 Wm. H. Setoard 1855
John M. Clayton 1659 'Hamilton Fish 1857
Jackson Morton 1955 Jno. RThompson 1857
Stepli. R Mullory 1857;Vm. Wright 1859
Wm. C. Dawson 1855 Geo. E. Badger 1855
Robert Toombs 1859j Vacancy 1359
John Petit 1855,Sol. P. Chase 1855
ISbl Ucnj.F. Wade 1857
1855 James Cooper 1855
Jolln R Franklin ,
Jacob Shower
Joshua Vansant
Henry May
Wm T Hamilton
A R Soilers
Thos H Benton
Alfred W Lamb
John J Lindlcy
John G Miller
Mordecai Oliver
John S Phelps
Samuel Caruthers
R M Fugg
Felix K Zollicqffer
Emerson Elherige
F P Stanton
Geo W Smythe
Peter H Bell
Thomas II Bayly
John S Caskie
Wm 0 Goode
Thomas S Bocock
Paulus Powell
William Smith
7 John McQueen,,
, jWm Aiken.
L-MKeitt , . V
jPreston S Rroofes
James L Orr
W W Boyce r
iBrookihs Campbell
W M Church well
Samuel A Smith
William Cullum
Charles Ready
George W Jones
jChas J Faulkner
1h A Edmondeon
fJohn Letcher
Z Kidwell
jjohn F Snodgrasa
JFayettee ilfcMullen
'Janes Meacham
Andrew Tracy
Alvah Sabin
Daniel Wells
jBenj C Eastman
jjohn B Macy
Jesse D. Bright
James Shields
1 M
St'ph. A Douglas 1859 Rich. Brodliead 1857
Aug. C. Dodge 1845 Chas, T. James 1857
Geo. W. Jones 1859'Philip Allen 1859
Archibald DixonL825 Andrew P Butler 1855
J. B. Thompson 1859 Josiah J. Evan 1859
John Slidell 1855 James
J. P. Benjamin 1859 John Bell
II. Hamlin 1857-Thomas J Rusk
Vacancy 1859 Sam Houston
Chas. Sumner 1857,Snm. S. Phelps
Edward Everett 1859 Solomon Foot
Delegates from Territories.
Minnesota H. M. Rice.
New Mexico Jose M. Gallego3.
Oregon Joseph Lane.
Utah J. M. Bernhisel.
Three Days . Zater from Eurqpe-r-Arrival
of the Eurqpa Interesting from East
ern Europe The Tories again Yicto
rious. New York, Dec. 6, 1853.
The Europa arrived this morning a
bout 8 o'olock.
A dispatch from Berlin announces an
other victory of tie Turks at Oltenitza.
Another report says the Turks were re
pulsed in attempting to cross the Danube,
Reportod that 50,000 Russians had cross
ed the Pruth.
Porte declined to sign a new Note from
Franco and England.
A dispatch from Vienna says Bucha
rist is in names.
Russians retreating on Constadt, and
15,000 Turks were sent to intercept them.
Turks destroyed all their fortifications
at Oltenitza.
From Turkey in Asia. Checkwetit ta
ken by the Turks; also 1000 men, 2.000
muskets and 4 cannon. Frightful sick
ness in the Russian army. Hospitals full
to overflowing.
The Admirals of the English and
French fleets were at Constantinople.
chant's Hotel, in New York city, upon James A. Pearce 1855jJames M. Mason 1857
suspicion of having obtained, by false and
lhis County.
The X.
market is
Money Matters.
T. Tribune says the money
comfortable for parties with
good securities, and the amount of money
.seeking employment on call is increasing.
The stock and banking houses are free
per cent, and the supply is not supera
bundant. The merchants have got
lb rough with nearly all their payments
and needless accommodation of the banks,
consequently less paper gets into the
street. The payments from the interior,
wo are told, continue to be larger than u-eual.
money trom iur. JJenjamin Ureen, an
aged and infirm citizen of this place. At
the same time and in the same City, a
person calling himself Isaac Parker,
but whose real name appeals to be Wm.
W. Sterret who is supposed to be an ac-
Thos. G. Pratt 18571R
Stephen Adams 1857Tsaac P. Walker 1855
Vacancy 1859 Henry Dodge 1857
Wm. M. Gwin 1855 j Jno. B. Weller 1857
Four Days ILatcr.
Halieax, Dec. 9, 1853
Steamshin Hurnhnlfc whilst attfimntino-
Great Fire in New Yorji. to put in here for coal, on the 7th, went
Tlie Establishment of Messrs. Harper if- ashore off the harbor with ninety passen-
Brotlicrs and other buildings destroyed gers and four hundred tons of freight.
icss S750.000. .rassengers ail landed sately. but the
New Ynmr TW in Af. li vinMr Steamer lies in a critical position, and
... .- . " 1 w w - i. V V W I . . - -
C. Jones 1857 this afternoon, the City Hall bell sounded JlU ProDaWy be lost. She brings
Ml 1856 an aiarm 0f gr0 for Seventh District, don .dates to the 23d ult- Scco?id
which nrovfid to hfi nt ihn lmmnnnfl Vinnlr Nr""-'' I
establishment of Messrs. TTnrnnr nnil
Hurabolt fast ashore and will be a to
Brothers, which is located at Nos. 80, 82, tal wreck, but the cargo will be saved,
84, 80 and 88 Cliff street, and extends uuuiageu.
through into Pearl street occupying the Her news cnfirms the report of the re
same number of buildings, viz : No. 325, treat ottho lurks across theDanube. The
327. 329. 331 and 333. two of which were Emperor of Russia has dismantled his
road iron is largely carried on and with,
the greatest sue'eess., The process of its
manufacturers & wonder. The bars are
wrought irith great rapidity and when
rolled out are sawed to the proper IeDgth
with the ease of goft wood. In connec
tion with these worksan imMense steam
engine is in process of construction which
will bo one of the mo3t powerful stationa
ry engines in the country. It has two
steam cylenders of 54 inches in diameterj
and two blowing cylinders 110 inches in
diameter and 10 feet stroke. A visit to
those extensive works and to the coal ,
mines will abundantly repay any one for
the time and trouble of reaching them.
Scranton, althongh very recontly csiab
lished, has become a large and flourish
ing town, and in its moral aspects as well
as its character for enterprise it occupies
a high position. The stamp of the large
hearted, noble-minded christian men who
founded it, will long be left upon the
place. Some of its buildings are fine
specimens of architecture. The Presby
terian church is one of the most chasto
and beautiful Gothic buildings to be found
in country or city. The Wyoming House
which is a large and fine establishment,
is one of the best arranged and well kept
Hotels to be found outside our city walls.
The sojourner find himself quite at homo.
and well provided fqr in all respcct3.
N. Y. Observer.
On the 10th inst., by Daniel Jayne, ,
Esq. Mr. Samuel Stitzer and Mis? Louisa
At the same time and place, by the
same, Mr. Alexander Dibler and Miss
Mary Rockefeller.
On the 10th inst, by M. M. Burnett,
Esq., M. Wm. Rinker, of Jackson, and'
Miss Sarah Werkheiser, bf the same
M. T. Hunter 1859 Must prpotod. nml nr hm finlel, ff fleet in the Jialtic and sent it into winter !
1 be origin of the fare was owing to the r1 " .
instantaneous exDlosion of some camnhine
The Quceen of Portugal is dead.
Another battle is expected at Kalafat.
House of Representatives.
The House consists of two hundred and
thirty-four Members and five Territorial Del-
fluid, in a small room of the upper story
oi one ot the buildings, which was used
for the nnmosfl of wnshi'nir tVm milord
r I & - - ..w. . .
The flames burst through the rjartitions he
with great fury, and swept in all direc- Arctic, of the Collins Line, arrived at
tions of the rooms, from building to York on the 12th inst. making the
building, until five of them were entirely passage in the remarkably short time of
transatlantic mail steam
complice of Stevenson, was also arrested, egates, one new Territory having lately been Lnvlnnpr1 ?n flnmn TTio lrm nnrl eleven days. By her we have advices to
upon whose person was found the sum of "ormed' viz : Was,litlSt0"- -' Delegates panic wa3 tcrrific amoDg the male and fe- the 30th uh four days later, from which
uirst ciass paper goes .at ai 1 310 TllirteeD hundred dollars of this
Nothing of special interest has
"beeu done in either House of Congress du
ring the past week; and it is not likely j
that much will be done until after the
- Eight fatal cases of Cholera oc
ured hist week in N.York city. Theca-
money, was in siuu bills on the .banners
& Mechanics' bank of Easton. and the
ten were in So bills "on the
Easton Bank. The guilt of Stevenson
may be fairly inferred from his conduct
at and provious to the time of his arrest
and his subsequent confessions which ap
pear to have been inconsistant with his
mnocense. lhe tact oi JParker having
been visited by Stevenson a short time Jas. T. Pratt,
before the arrest of either, and of his
having such a large sum of Easton, and
no other money in his possession, his ina
bility, or unwillingness to account for it
looks very suspicious
It is suppo3cd3 and with what certainty George Read Riddle,
Aug. E. Maxwell,
Philip Phillips,
James Abcrcrombie.
Sampson W. Harris,
Win. R. Smith,
Geo. S. Houston,
W. R. W. Cobb,
Jas. F. Dowdell.
A. B. Greenwood,
Edwin A. Warren.
Colin M. Iiigersoll,
Nathan Belcher,
Origen S. Seymour.
J Jas. A. McDougall,
Milton S. Lathnm.
jes are not reported by the Board of Health! time will discover, that Stevenson placed
under that name, but the testimony be- this money in the hands of his accomplice,
fore the Coroner shows unmistakeably j for the purpose of exculpating himself, in
jJames Maurice
T WCumminga
aliram Walbridge.
Mike Walsh
jWm M Tweed
John Wheeler
Wm A Walker
;Fruncis B Cutting
jJared V Peck
Wm Murray
jTR Wesi brook
;Gilbert Dean
Russell Sage
;Rufus WPeckham
vCharlcs Hughes
Geo A Simmons
jBishop Perkins
Peter Rowe
Geo W Chase
0 B Matter son
'Henry Bennett
;Gerrit Smith
Caleb Lyon
l . N ' . '
male operatives, who barely had time to we solecfc tne following important items
flvfor safetv. and manv of the f?irls found of news. From the Danube we have
no other means of egress except from the notlliDg definite, though vague rumors of
upper story windows by the firemen's lad- oattIes having been fought, and victories
lers. awarded to either side, are constantly be-
v In the various departments there were IDS circulated.
some five or six hundred men and wo- n a ar fought naval engagement he
men employed, and, as far as could be fcwcen the belligerant parties, the Turks
learned, these escaped in safety, except were victorious, capturing two of the Rus-,
some threo or four of the females. There sian vessels of war.
were two young ladies rescued from the Tb.e winter having set in with great efel low, George Houk, John Miller.
liames, with severe burns about their seventy, nosuiiiues win doubtless be tern- Price -Ueorge Ink.
Jury .Ist.
List of persons drawn to serve as Grand and
Petit Jurors at the December Term.
Smithfield. Daniel Trible, Daniel Butz,
David Fenner, Samuel Couitright, Anthony
Stroud. James Hallet, William B. Row,
Samuel Neyhart, Rudolph Shiffer, Charles
M. Smithfield. Adam Overfield, John Y.
Paradise David Edmger.
Polk Dawalt Fisher, Philip Kresge.
Tobyhanna Peter Merwine, sen. Wash
ington Winters.
Hamillon--iicmj Setzer, John Marsh,
Thos. Ross, John Shoemaker, Jacob Shafer.
Eldred William Jones.
Jackson Michael Heller.
Tobyhanna Samuel Hay. ;
Stroud Frederick Fable, James Andre,
John Ransbary, James Smiley, Philip Rock-r
arms and breasts. They were taken to
a drug store in Pearl street, and careful
ly attended to.
lhe lniuries will probablv Drove fatal.
lhe flames having rased fiercely for a
porarily suspended. Pocono Joseph Heckman, Jacob Heiny,
JLwo liussian ships of war are reported fetePneQ testier, ueorge feebnng.
i i ..... . I c .mj;.;.! T Tt ti
to have been lost by ship wreok
England and France has entered into
a solemn treaty, offensive and defensive
bout a quarter of an was thought agaiust the further encroachment of
that fllfiV noiltri ho npnftnnnri in fttnn tn olU.
j w lu
that M. Stuyvesaut did die of the disease.
One Day at the New York Post
The number of lettters and newspapers
assorted and distributed at the New York
Post Office on Tuesday the 5th inst, was,
letters 198,807; newspapers, 207, 102.
Total, 405,909. The number of hands
employed in the various departments is
140. The above is exclusive of 70 letter
carriers and 10 persons employed in col
lecting letters from the different station
boxes about the city.
xne numoer or licensed taverns in
Philadelphia is 1,965, which is one tavern
lo every forty-four and a half of the 86,
43, taxable inhabitants of the city and
case he should be arrested, or for some
other purpose best known to himself, as
he was followed to and from the building,
in which Parker was afterwards found
and arrested. The offence is an aggrava
ted and attrocious one, and we trust, that
no pains nor trouble will be spared to
bring the perpetrators of it to justice.
We are informed that all the necessary
preparations have been made to obtain a
requisition from the Governor of this
Commonwealth, to bring those fancy gen
tlemen from their public and much fre
quented apartments in the Police Station.
in New York in ihn mnr e0lr?n Wl J Norman Eddy,
!, t i i E M Chamberlin,
oi our county uau, to await tueir trial. Andrew J Harlan
While we commisserate their hapless fate. ILLINOIS
we cannot avoid joining in the grief of a wtworth'
muuii oggneveu auu ouirageu community. JcMe O Norton,
James L. Seward,
Alfred H. Culquitt,
David J. Bailey,
Wm. B. W. Dent,
Elijah W. Chaetain,
Junius Hillyer,
David A. Reese,
Alex. H. Stevens.
Bernhart Henn,
John P Cook.
Smith Miller,
Wm H English,
Cyrus L. Dunham,
James H. Lane,
Sa?nuel W. Parker,
Thos A Hen ricks,
John G Davis,
Daniel Mace,
A verdict of 510.000 has been render
ed in Orange Co., N. C, against Col. J.
Douglass, a wealthy married man, for the
seduction of Margaret Holraan.
May justice be done to all.
entof the
Many of the inhabitants of the villiage
of Rancocas and the country contiguous
tnereto, m xmrungton county, iN. J., have
recently been in a state of great alarm
James Knox,
W A Richardson,
Richard Yates,
James C Allen,
W H Bissel,
Willis Allen.
Lynn Boyd,
Rowdy Appointed. A correspond- "rSltu 7 , u . Benj E Gray,
1.1 f-ir , and excitement, on account of the burning i"'
rtheN. York Mirror savs that Rvn- nf, r ? Presley E wing,
iuc icaucj ui luwuiuusiuijjiic ui sumo mubuu niceuaiary. Jiney nave Clement S Hill
Club, has received from the federal nov- DecD put to the trouble of keeping a night John M Elliott.'
prnwpnt. an nnmr,fmnf p carrot. Katcb the period of most alarm. William Preston.
Aceut, with a salfrv of 81.500 and trav- ?f. th! Protec2.n1of Vn"J Suspicion J C Breckenridge,
r o ' v - - i ieii nnon an rmnmn.n nf t.vrn Ljcanaer i iox
on the Turnpike being made from Bever- R,c',Qrd H Staut
ly iu i'louui iion y, anu passing tiirouu
Louisville said village) but, on being examined, no-
tning couia De iouua to implicate them;
suspicion also fell upon a colored 'man.
who was arrested in Bristol and lodged MASSACHUSETTS Andrew Stuart
lmg expenses.
Pork. A reporter of the
Times heard one of the proprietors of one
of the large pork-houses of that city re
mark last week, that he no longer count
ed the hogs received except by the acre.
He then had seven acres in pens.
William Dunbar,
TG Hunt,
John Perkins, jr
Kola nil Jones
iDaniel T Jones
Edward B Morgan
Andrew Oliver
Uohn J Taylor
George Hasting
'David Carpenter '
iBenjamin Pringlc
VThos F Flagcr
Solomon G Haven
iReuben E Fenton
jNathan T Stratton
jCharles Skelton
Samuel Lilly
'George Vail
A CM Pennington
(Geo W Kittredge
jueo w BiorriFon
Harry J2ibbard
Henry M Shaw
Thomas Rufiin
William S Ashe
iSion H Rogers
John Kerr
Richard C'Purycar
'Burton S Craige
Thos L Clingman
sDavid T Disney
John S Harrison
-L D Casipdell
lM II Nicholg
Alfred P Edgarton
Andrew Ellison
iAaron Harlan
Moses B Corwin
iFrcd W Green
John L Taylor
jThomas Ritchie
Edson B Olds
IvVm D Lindsay
;H II Johnson
Wm R Sapp
Edward Ball
jwileon Shannon
;George Bliss
:Edward Wade
; R Giddings
save a portion of the establishment. -The
fire became more and more furious, and
it was out of human power to check the
flames that were sweeping all before them
through tho solid block from Cliff to
Pearl street.
The whole of Harper's establishment is
gone presses, machinery, stock, and
Dost Mahomed had declared
nistic to Russia.
The London Money Market continues
esay, having undergone no material
Cotton very firm at full prices. Sales
for three days 20,000 bales; fair Orleans
6d; do. Mobile 6d; do. Uplands 63d;
everything the loss to the firm cannot Middling Orleans 6d; Mobile 5d; Uplands
bo less than 500,000.
Next to Harper's on Cliff street is
Doherty's card factory, containing a pa
per stock of 8500,000.
From there the fire communicated to
the adjoining houses running toward
Frankfort street, and through the Pearl
street on Franklin square.
Franklin square Hotel, No. 38 Pearl
street, a five story brick building, kept
by J. Rucostle, was entirely destroyed,
wun most or its contents.
Hreadstuffs dull at the decline previ-
ousiy noticed. Corn quiet. Consols low
er, and quoted at 95. Pork unchanged.
Beef active. Lard heavy. Tallow de
clined. Trade at Manchester quiet.
Delaware, Lackawanna & West
ern R. R(
This Railroad, which has not as yet
Smithfield James Fenner, Peter Wolf;
Moses Slrunk, Abraham Depue, James S.
Postens, William Latimore, John Trible. ,
Chesnuthill George Serfoss, jr.,
M, Smithfield Samuel D. Pspher, Jacob
Bush, Martin Place, Benjamin Vanwhy.BenV
jamin II. Strunk, Webb Wallace.
Jackson Andrew binger.
Eldred Joseph Christman.
Ross Peter Frantr.
Coolbaugh John Callaghan.
Hamilton Simon Meyers, Joseph Fenner,
Jacob Fetherman, Jacob Metzger, William
lhe undersigned will sell at
private sale a small Tunnery alfe
Twelve acres of Land, with the
improvements, situated in a desira
ble part of the County for Bark and other.
Stroubsburg, Dec. 15, 1853.
I offer for sale upwards of thirtv different
attracted much notice, is destined by its Resceipta, many of which haver been sold for
'Pl. IXr.U TT . T -VT .c-: .fl . .i fmm Sr. tn S1 0 n nant -r.,1 I, I I
J. UU U1U. ir UltUU XaUUSL". aUIOimn" i0. "ituoiuu uctUUlU Ulli; Vl llie great tUOr- " V" unu m iue oaio unu
326 Pearl street, was entirely burned. oughfares of commerce and travel. It was ,nanuf"cture of these any one of energy can
The first floor was occupied as a hard- opened two years since from Scranton to 77, r a. .t t, nnil miMnr n i ftront. l?onil nnnnnnh' of Un 1,. 1 - . -Address L. P. AtWOtCr," BjStOn MaSSa-
TmQ Trn 1 i l j j ii- tt.;h Vi kt vji o x . chuetts, enclosing one dollar and the who o
James Kelly's bakery and dwelling with the N. Y. and Erie. Scranton is Lnmhm- nr n0,Jn,a i, r-....i,i u
uouse was several times on nre, but was auuaieu m tne rennsyiyania coal region, return mail
extinguished. and since the road was onened. a larcre a. AW letters mnst hp. nnst.nnM.
-n wt . , -r . .... n i . , . ' O - l . " 1 " r
J?reacricic penny's clothing store, JNo. mount or coal nas Deen transported to December 15, 1853.
o-io, was also several times on fire. JNorthern and Western JN'ew xork. About
A New bis story building, No. 335 10,000 tons of eoal per month are now
Pearl street.- adjoining? Earner's estab- taken over the road, and the demnnd
. - - . .
luent, was entirely destroyed. ceeds its present capacity for transporta
Mr. John K. Hopple's brush factory, tion.
iso. dot rearl street, was also burned. Ahe extension of this road to New
lhe blank book manufactory of Geo. J-ork, which is a most important enter
Rare Bird Shot.
in jail at Mount Holly, who had not been Zeno Scudder,
examined as lar as heard ot.
The buildings destroyed grc first, the
barn and out buildings of Anox Willis,
on the evening of the 4th of last month
ocoupied by his sou Samuel, including
While gunning on the Back Bay marsh- a arge amount of baj and g'rain of gg
ef, near Boston, 3Iass., Mr. Stephen kinds, being his entire crop, with all his
Badlam shot a strange looking bird. He farming utensils, wagons, &c, arid six
brought his game to the city, and upon IarSe fat calves intended for market.
cxniDiung it to those who know about , , , , " '
c.,, m . . , out-buildmgs. one week after, with all
uch matters, the bird was pronounced to their contents, including five valuable hor
be an Arctic Owl," a species rarely ses. Third, on the 10th, Isaac Bu2by's
found in this region. It Measured four b&rn and fabrics around, with a large a
feeteightiuchesfromtiptotiDofitswinfrs raount of produce. Fourth, on the night
and the downy leathers on its hnA vluc -""V wAivnx.i oiunw
very thick and nearly twelve inches in
length. Boston Journal.
Forty persons, week before last, occu-i
jried the "anxious bench" in the M. E.j
barn, containing 60 tons efhay: and fifth
on the next morning, Ishael Stores'
hay rick but this was discovered before
much damage was done, and the devour
ing element was stayed. appears
that no less than five fires haye happpened
in two weeks, in the same neighborhood.
Tha-abovo is communicated by Thomas
Church of Allentown at a revival mccting.j Warner. Bucks, Co. Intelligencer.
Samuel L Crocker,
J Witey Edtnonds,
Sam'l H Walley,
Willia?n Appleton,
Chas W Upham,
Nath P Banks, jr
Tappan Wcntworlh,
Albx De Witte,
Edward Dickinson,
John G Goodrich
David Stuart
David A Noble
Samuel Clark
Hector L Stevens
Moses McDonald
Samuel Mayall
E Wilder Farley
Samuel P Benson
Isreal Washburn, jr
Thos J D Fuller
Daniel B Wright
Win S Barry
O R Singleton
Wiley P Harris
Wm Barksdalo '
:Thos B FJorence
;Josc; R Chandler
John Robbins jr
Wm H Witle
:John M'Nair
Win Everharl
Samuel A Bridges
ll A Muhlenberg
'Jsaac E Heistcr
iNcr Middleswarth
Christn W Straub
Hen'k B Wright
Asa Pucker
Galusha A Grow
.Tames Gamble
Win H Kurtz
Samuel L Russell
John MCullbch
Augustus Drum
John L Dawson
David Ritchie
Tliomas MHowc
Michael C Trout
Carlton B Curtis
John Dick
Pk tv.
iBcnj B Thurfton
Office of the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Rail-road Co. C
New-York, December 5, 1853.
T. Cooledge & brother, No. 323 Pearl prise, is rapidly progressing The whole The annual meetingof the Stockholders of
street adjoining the Harpers' buildings, line is under contract and the work will this Compnnv will be held at the S!em"or
is destroyed. be vigorously pressed forward to coniple- fice of the ComDanv. No. 45 Wall st. IW-
Aftcr burning southward, (in conse- tion. The division is to bo graded and York, on Monlau, the 2d of Januaru next.
quence of the breeze blowing froom the bridged for a double track, and is in all Kor ll,e election of Officers for the year
northwest,) the wind changed and stayed rospects designed for a road of the lar- the n nesl ensuing, (polls to be open between
the progress of the fire towards Frankfort gest capacity. It will open another com- the uours of 1 aPd 3 p M of 8aid dai') and
street. Blowing slichtlv from the south- munication between tho eastern marbf J ,or ine. transaction ot any other business
ward, the flames were confined to the and the coal mines of Pennsylvania, and
buildings already on fire, and did not one which will be available at all seasons IruJiTSZ?
spread turther. In the meanjime, three ot the year. On its completion coal may By order of the President and Managers
or four houses onnosite Haners'. in flliff be brought from the Lackawanna. Vnllov WM V. WAPPWW
street, had caught fire. to this city, in winter as well as in suin-L"7 :
Efforts were made to restrain the mer, within ten hours. LAutltllllSfrntar S 1' rttlf
further spread of tho conflagration in this This road when completed will open al
Notice 1R llfimhv mvn fhnt Toll
I " w i 4 M AJVillUlkJ Ul i 111"
quarter, and they were happily confined so a new and most delightful route of trav- ministration upon the Estate of George Ha
to those houses. They wero totally de- el to the Western Lakes, materially short- elauer, htte of Smithfield townshid, deceased,
stroyed. The whole neighborhood is vet ening the distance, and nassin?? through lave been irranted bv the Reo-istnr of WinI
alive with the lighfcof tho burning embers, some of the most beautiful and mao-nifi- ,u and wr the County of Monroe, state of
Biuviio ia uuuac, xuo iireraen icud otuuui m our country, out which j !J' M C'B,tutu res,a,ns ,n
have worked nobly. The walls have fal- has hitherto been creatlv shut nnf. fmm Smithfield township. All persons indebted
len in several places. The whole of visitors. Striking tho Delawaro a short ffeare requested to make payment
Harpers is down. distance above Easton, Pa., it nasses 7 , .i. uuu.,lInose navinff claims a-
There are rumors that some lives have through tho celebrated Delaware Watnr. SKSliL??. "Pj1 them dQlv
. i - i LiiciiLiLULrii 1 1 1 1 khi inirinnr t f
been lost, but nothing certain can yet be trap, and then traverses a wildly roman- CHRISTIAN F SNYDPR ajw
buuhuiu iuuiuu uuiuib reauuoa me Mov.emuer Zi, loOo. ot
ieany an tne insurance Companies vyoming V alloy, and onward to the Suar
in this city will loso more or less bv this quehanna River, and the N. Y. and TCrin
l a i ... ' . ... --w
Road and tho several roads which hr.nnM, ESPEflTFTTT.T.V
This fire is a dreadful calamity, not on- out from the latter. Tho Pentlemfln whn chants of StrmidcW., o,i
ly on account of the immense value of the now have this enterprise in hand enjoy at they have on hand and are manufac'
piupcitjr ucawujfcu, uut on account ot the tuo iunesi oonuaenco or tuo public, and tunng
great numoer of work neonle who am will lirrv forward the work ranidio ;c eu&ii...........
inrown OUt Ot emnlovmnnt. nt ihm inolo. aecomn ishmp.n;. . . . T"w - v? ...
L i m w I I 1 n r hn Ks.. i, a- u . 1 1 . .1 ' Ml
! ' f " . Pd8 over tho Oni.hod D. kTX ', "', V
Ust of market reirukdnna in CKhn.H', J . "7. r i VA: a3 uu "au ic any oiuer estaDiishnjent. ;' f
l"Np wM.uife m stall,"