' In,'"' ' 1 7- .1 of reeawg ii and Uncut Hay fittUcftCows a communication made th ricukurul SociotyAV&r.ccstor county, t&sadniselt3, by, Mr. Villmn. Lin ,cou, we make ttio following extract. -We oopy. from the "New 'England Far mer5 : 'Tv milking stock consisted -of one which cawe in on the 29th of Qeto- Wr, 'the two trial cows, Rud the other ;31hc1i calved Inst April, and is expected ttrcwlvc itraiu the 1st of next April. ; Some time before commencing this exper iment, I was feeding my stock what -would be called poor stockwith hay, with an allowance-of roots. I commen ced cutting this huy for all my stoolc, young and old, (sixteen head) occupying my li "hours daily. Almost simultane ous wiLh feeding the cut hay was an in crese of mii!i very perceptible as it was milked in the pail. An inquiry was made by jay wife, who in person take? sole charge of the dairy, as to the cau; of tliis increase. An evasive reply was sftsee. i'rom day to day the milk in creased enough for the substitution of six jsiart fer four quart pans, which had been previously used. I think I am wtlmu bouuus in saying that the Increase mcrovcr a pint daily per cow, occasioned, THE GLOBE: AND" JfXtflIVPK r6n THE l'EOrLfi. Ii will he seen liy the annexed extract from, a letter of (.leu. Washington to David Stew ait, dated New York. 17th March, 17i)0, that that the idea of such a paper as 1 propose to make the Gjobc 'originated in the mind of the rather ol his (,oumrv.. lie said : u .-uujwuuv3iu.Hi mai uie couors oi the oifierem oazvuch in .nc union QunuLuioi-eiRgnerulIv and more f oin My OiisWad til sl'ttHni? Ifci jr n.itfcrs with cf iimli. iy awl nom-en!! feet.iiiuiTi, which fcviv.oukl read twu Jrt Congiess on tl great nan nal questions. 1 Up niifltink upon whi -h tu- i?l.Tetice ot opinion ai'ises W5 ucu a tfcetlcciehm?. would ttion conu fupy lforc Uie nuUlic, ami affoul lheUe.-t.Jata for its-judmcnl." sparks's Wrftitgs of Washington, vol. to, p. SI. to the best of my knowledge, solely by lue use of cut hay." sa. A tuoag the many materials, rjtor mllhe Germantown Tclecraph. ..'. 1 r ,, - r. ' wujcu nature pvoviaes tor the use ot the LetfLaudiaao in the labor of enrichinar and ixatiering permanently fertile the .fields by Lb industry, there are few that iNWMfcss greater value for certain purpo , than pond mud. The sediment de--9site5 by water, under almost all circum - loee?, is composed mostly of organized -utter, and h consequently possessed of i cntrgeiic lertiiismg power when ap . ;eu jus mature orstimuleut to growing Qpat Tn ca&ee where shallow pools are :')deedflttaog hills, but which disappear i.i iuj hotter mouths, a very large quan ; .4$yf toyp article is generally "obtaina : le. .lu ,suuh localities, the sedimentary lepgik comiconly of a portion of mineral :uatlcrt cue-rally of an argillaceous char ; cter; batthisa instead of "diminishing its lor agricultural purposes, consider ably enhances it, especially if the soil to wMeL it is supplied be of a shady or arna yU t xture. A very judicious course to be pursued with ibis substance, to re- inore ii m a dry time to the compost or 9at& yard; and mix it with animal excre- raeiii, or other unfermented matter of vegetable kind, the same as muck, mould cuier similar substances are pre pared far application. If prepared in the eompor-t yard, it may be incorporated in iaBS,fMi worked ever according to the rki8 ortfiuanJy observed m forming com i st fur sandy soi's; or; if the land be san- :y on bicb it is designed to be used, it ' it be cartel directly to the fields, and vi2. ! .!;nve foand, however, that -iOoa:i. ii; ao.ar ras causes i to dry ; ttd'eiuiuk to a degree which greatly les- - ti, t- Duik, but whether it -. , - I fju aiBiinuiiou oi value, is a point vsaatrejiot, been abie to decide. Thi j i eonremenee may liowever be easily ob . fr plowing it in a? .-oon as spread ijipii from it eart with a.Xbin atra tu n i:carthtfom the field, and by defer-. .j tlie spreadtijg irll the 2low is intro TTOP.XKY AT LAW. removed his office to his dwollin ; ise, firt door bslbir the office of tbe edersojiin tiflice," acd diraetij oppo S. J. HolihiBhead's iiotel, Elisabefcb g, Doc. 19, 1850. BLANK MORTGAGES For sals at this Office HOUSES MADE SOUKD BY THE Ho1!'? Owner's Secret. f r,w an J ruih Tmelv for the speedy X isi-e of Sieves j Sie James Lykdontok. ' iuctjml Farrier to kis Royal Highness Prince Alba t. p OUJfi reat discovery contained in ihislit JL il work procured .Sir James his Baron. t-xej. U i really worth its weight in gold to Wfiwawuor use Jiorses. J tprecribes a Ccr iaiftamdjtoxiUvc cure fort he Hemes which any rson can prepare. The remedy is belie sr.d cheaper than any advertised Heave Pour 4$fm and is perfectly safe, as any one can kmm who tries it. Horse o; ners know that maiy a valuable Horse loses half its price by ihis prevalent disease. The icaiedy pre mrril jn this work will cure him an J in cxeaae bis market value, besides relieving ihe r beast of a horrible complaint, simi btr Wlfie Asthma in a man. The public cau dependn litis work; it is no catrhpenny tuimfeiqr. The articles prescribed by Sir JamVK wn alt cheap and can be had at any store. To prevent imposition the work will be sju in sealed envelopes. English prica four shiHtus and three pence sterling. American price, $1 per copy. Persons or derinuSir James" Work, are expected to con fine his instructions to their own animals. It wiM be sent to none others. A Ameiican Horse Doctor approoves ol tbfertove .System! Read what he says: Applktok, Ohio, July 21, 1851 Mr DuxVBGkton. J.have tried vourSecret fw lJU,t: u' JAuaves, anrj aptrove ol it vriy rnehj Yours, truly, tAVtmess, G.. Long. S. .Lake, Horse Dr. To procure this valuable little work. Ad dress, post paid, JOHN DUNBERTON, English Horse Doctor. Ame'rican-Agent for James LyndentonV it i, Jlorae Owner's Secret, , New York Post Office.: fc iFfie ecreti sojit by maila't letter pn,Sig. Tuu Djily Gloai: Tin: Cp.VGREssiox.vi. Gi.ode In'snrreiideritix ny interest in the organ ofa gieat political party, 1 cherished the purpose of contitMirtg ia Congresi-iona! Globe, ami, if possible, in time, to perfect it into a hill mslory ot the action of Conress. filing the.!e.iates accurately and fully" will; tha pror cedings aT sjlarnned with the veritv of an official reroid. From the nas.s.nnUiii the lettei of General Washincton, which 1 have quoted, it will be perceived that he thought this office might he combined with that of a regular newspaper; and it is certain that the avidity of the public for news of the less important Kind greatly contributes to gne wings to the weightier matter which mav be called Congressional news Having succeeded in my purpose of per :erting the reports of the debates in Congress nnd giving them the official stamp, 1 now propose to send thern abroad, -in connection with the news ol the day, in such haste as shall outstrip-full nnd accurate intelligence sent from the seat of Government in any other form whatever. It wiil oven antici pate the scraps of news forwarded to cities within two hundred and fifty miles of Wash ington by telegraph. Hefore the events thus transmitted are published in the morning p.ipers, (for instance, of the city of N. York.) uie urorc containing them will have reached the post office of that citv bv the Express .uan oi tne previous night, t he process bv wlm-h thi3 will be effected I now lav before the p.ibh.-. 1 wiil have a corps of sixteen Reporters ;n congress ; e.irh m succession will take uuics uunuji ue imnwies; inon retire, pre pare uie.-n tor tne rress. put them slm bv tslip in the hands of cumoositors; and thus. .-.I. ; t i . . ... wime a oeoaic is going on in Uongress. it wiil be put in type, and in a few minute after it is ended it will be in print. I shall J.y tins means bo enabled to send bv the bxpress Mail of 5 o'clock p. m. for the East, West, and North, and bv that of 9 o"- locl; p. in. for the South, all "the proceed ings of Congress up to the ordinary hour of adjournment. Thus the accurate debates o' Congiess will reach the cities two hundred and fifty mHes from the Capitol brfore their laiiy morning papers are ;n circulatun. The miscellaneous news 1 shall be rare- fnl to gather from remote sections of Mip ountry hy telegraph. I will obtain from he Executive Departments, through official sources, the mailers of moment transacted m them, and, through agents employed for the purpose, all the .city news of conse- quenre iff sufficient time to be put into the at- iriotie and mailed m the Express Mail tains. In this way I hope to create a new- era m the dissemination of news fmm Washington. Hitherto no newspaper has attempted to give authentic accounts of things done at Washington before the pub lic mind at a distance had received its first impressions f.om irresponsible telegraphic dispatches, or by letter-writers biased bv peculiar iews. Washington has now become so great a t enter of political interest -during ail the year the proceedings of the Executive De partments and the information collected bv them even during the recess of Congress is f so much importance to the inteiests o! every Miction of the country that I shall (-uiiimui: uits publication ot me cany paper permar.eniiv, with a view to become vehicle of the earliest and most cuirect tellicence. It is part of my plan to reduce the orice oi ice uauy paper to hall that of similar pa ners ; and thus 1 hope to extend its circula tion so as to inviie advertisements. will publish advertisements of the Government. lo subscribers in the cities I hope to sub mil such terms as, will induce them to ad vertise their business in every village '"""r"""" o- i-'iii'iu. wnere tne uioue is sent daily under thtj franks of members o l Congress, all of whom take it, and some ol them a large number of copies Trie installation of a new Administration and a new Congress portends much change in the rourse of public affairs as the result of the next sesssion. Manv vast interests which were brought up in the last Congress were laid over by the Democratic majority lo await ths action of a Democfatic Executive. The new modeling of the tariff; the new ;-:i1 m'!.-'!-; the q-ieslum of eiviriff home steads, and nmiiing every man a freeholder who may choose to become one; the approx imation of the AtJaiHiranJ Pacific ocean charge of both. . - . i'o -facilitate the circulation of the Con aocssional, Globe and cheapen it tosub"scri Jiers, Congress passed la3t year a j-d uteres olution making it Irec.of postage., lanne: it, as the law may not beaccesiibie to post masters generally : Jt Joint Rosolutinn proviUuig for the tlistribution of the Laws of Constefasliina the Debutes tlmreon. wjtli a view toaiteIfeap nrpulution of the laws of uongrcgsjMiiu mo cenatescontiibutiiigto ll:u'true mter pretaUiTirilierco:, ami to rnnkc free cuiiiinunicttion bc- yvc en uie retn.-5sc:uaiiie anl constitiieur bodies He U iCMtlved hy the Senate and House of Itenresen tauvcs.cf the United States of America in Concress a. sMiiMed, riut ilrom an I after the present session of i-ougiusa, mc omigi essionai uioucantt Appendix, u hicli coniHin i:ic laws ana Ucuntes thereon, li:Ut passtice through the mails so long as the s.une shall lc published by oider of Congiess : 1'iovided, That nothiti" lierein -u;iu i-e ofiiMrucu io aiiuionze tliu oucalation of the uauy tiiocc iree oi post.nre. Approved, August ti. IsSo. As I sell the Daily Ghbc at half the nrire oi Minnar puoucaiions, so the Congressional irlobe and Appendix is sold for half the cost ol so much composition, press-work, and oa ti.:.. ..rr.. .! ...... . 1 !"- 1 1 -rt" iouiu 10 oo, inasmucn as he subscription of Gom-ress almost covers the cost of composition, and this enables me to sell lor little more than the cost of press woric and paper. it requires the sale o about 9,000 copies to reimburse expenses. it .mo only were sold, the cost of each couv would be about 101! The debatps in the i: i- n . i - . . usn rariiamcni cost anout eleven times as much as I charge subscribers for the de bates in Congress, equal in quantity, and as wen reported and printed. 'I'l. : . .- rt ... i ue uu.i sebsion oi ivoncress will tie a !on one; and it is believed the Congression al Globe for it will reach -1,000 royal quarto pages, as tne last long session made :j,S 12 ; and the long one before that made 3,001 rov al quarto pages four large volumes each session. II subscribers will be careful to file all the numbers received by them, I will supply any that may miscarry in the mails mis wurii increases in value as it crows old. The first seventeen volumes will now command three times, and some of the subse quent ones ticice their original subscription price. The subscription price for the Conrcs sional Globe (including the Appendix and me laws; is six dollars. Uomplele indexes will bo made out and torwarded lo subscribers soon after the ses sion is ended. Subscribers for the Daily should have their money here by the 5th, and for the Con cession Globe by 'the 15th of December. The money must accompany an order for either the Daily or Congressional Globe Hank notes current where a subscriber re sides will be received at par. JOHN C. RIVES. Washington, October 12, 185.1. ffdFT Y DOLL A RS Forfeit. Dr. Ilun tcr will forfeit $50 if falling to cure any case of secret disease thai may come under tus care, no matter how !on standion- nr nf. dieting. Either sex are invited to 'a his Pri- ate Rooms, 3S North Seventh Street Pilad'a without fear of interruption from other pa tients. Strangers and others who have been unfortunate in the selection of a Physician are invited to call. 151 POTENCY Through unrestrained indulgence of the passions, by excess or self-abuse, the evils are numerous. Prema ture impotency, involuntary seminal dischar ges, wasting ol the organs, loss ol memory, . distaste for female society, general debility, or eonsmionai aerangement, are sure to lol- StroEidsSmrsr and Easfa Fort Jervis, Mduch Chunck and Scranton 4 500 CSSAaffiEftGJE, Whatever concerns the happiness and health of a people is at all times of the most valuable importance. 1 take it for granted that every person will do all in their power, to save the lives of their children, and that every person will endeavor to promote their own health at all sacrifices. J feel it to be my duty lo solmenly assure you that worms according to the opinion of the most cele brated Physicians, are the primary cause? ol a largo majonty ol diseases to which children and adults are liable; if you have auTnppetite continually chargeable from one kind ol lood to another, Bad Breath, Pain in the Stomach, Picking at the Nise. Hard ness and Fullness ol ihe Belley, Dry Cough, Glow I'ever, fulse irreeular remember at 7 o'clock that all these denote worms, andyou should Choice and Milford at once apply the remedy: TAOE IA The'Stroudsburg and Easton MONROE COUNTY mail line of stages, consists of excellent four SlEiJnal Ffrc Isassirajire Comp'y. horse coaches, and leaves J. J. Postens' In- FMlhe rate of Insurance is one dollar on I ATTP' eVer'V R the thousand doatfrs insured, after day (except Sundays) at o'clock a. m. ar i t , i . . ir riving in Easton before the departure of U,p 1wIn7ch payment no subsequent tax mil cars for New YTork, or stages to Bethlehem bo evied, except to cover actuaioss or and Allenfown. ' - damage by fire, that may fa upon mera- flC53 The following lines leaves Postens bers of the company. Indian Queen Hotel, Stroudsburg. Pa. every The nctt profits arising from interest Monday, Wednesday and Friday, returning or nt.liom'ien nn;nnA mnrr fin n nrnn a Hnxro. 1 , A line ' . . ' X' 7 credit in the company. Each insurer m ' t- , -t- -, . for which each member in .proportion to to Port JorviS,-leaving his, her, or their deposit, vri have a A- M- via Rushkill, Dingman's credit in the comnanv. Fnrd, insurer in Millord. Returninrr, leaves Port L, rr. xi i A J -m Jervis immediately after the arrival of the ,Ui company woe o.c.n- riokciisack's ivorjjs Syrup. An article founded upon Sciontilic Princi pies, compounded with purely vegetable sub stances, being per.'ectly safe when taken, & ber thereof during; the term of his or her morning train of cars to New York, ni nbnui S o'clock a. m. poacy. Ihe pnncipe of Mutua Insur- Aline to Mauch Chunk. Innvina ancc has ccn thorouhy tested lia3 at 7 o'clock a. m. via Brodheadsville, where bccu trie(1 b? tlic unerring test of cxperi- can oe given to tno most tender infant with it connects with lines lo Wilkes-iiaie and ence, ana lias proved successful and be decided beneficial effect, where Bowel Com- Whcit Haven. come very popuar. It affords the great in,., , .. """"'' A line to Scranton, leaving at ost security against om or diunaec by wtZWtZ '.:V1--k : advantageous and" nisi nt-ic n wuiiiiuuis mi u lme iu liones- suuuutu terms. the out an equal in the catalogue of medicines, in giving tone and strength to the Stomache whuh makes it an Infallible remedy those afflicted with Despepsia. the aston ishing cures performed by this Syruo after Physicians have iailed, is the besi evidence of its superior efficacy over all others The Tape Worm ! This is the mosf difficult Worm to des dale, and connecting at Scranton with cars lor the west. These lines hold out strons inducements to the traveling public passing through sec lions ol the country which are as magnifi cent and picturesque as any in the Union. Having provided themselves with excel- cellent coaches, good horses, and careful J (Irivprc lIir,T fnal nnnR.Unt iknl l,., ...Ml I, l !i . in.esi the human system.-- enabled to give entire satisfaction to all who ugrousioan almost JndehniteJensth.be- wiil . i . . w - I ihuiii,i, lllllll. coming so coiled and lastened in the Intes tines and Stomach afTectinj? the health so sadlv as to cause St. Vitus Dance. Fit.c.frf thai those afflicted seldom if ever suspect that u is rape Worm hastening them lo an early grave. In order to destroy this Worm i very energetic treatment must be pursued. it would tnerelore be proper to take fi or S of my Liver Pills so as to remove all ob MiMLuoiia, ma i uie orm cvrun mav act direct upon the Worm which must be taken in doses of 2 Table spoon's full 3 times a .! i I ! r 1 1 t u.iy, uiese oirecuons lonoweu, nave never ueen known to fail in curing the most obsti nate case of tape Worm. B3oIeiasaclL?s JLivcr FiJJs. No part of man is more liable to disease ttan the Liver, it serving as a filterer to mrify the blood, or civimr the nroner secre fion to the bile; so that any wrone action ol tne Liiver atlects the other lmnortant nart of the system, and results variously, in Liv er oompiaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c patronize them. STOUFFER & OSTRANDER. August 19, 1852. Proi rietors I r. Appications for Insurance to he made in person, or by lettei'3 addressed to ' JAMES II. WALTON, Sec'y. MANAGERS . John Edingcr, John S. LTeller, Andrew Storm, James II. Waltou. Silas L. Drake, M. II. Dreher, Geo. B. Keller, Ilichard S. Staples-, llobert Boys, Joseph Trach, Jacob StouiTer, Charles D. Brodhcad'j. Michael Shoemaker. B. S. STAPLES, I'rcsutcitt. II. Walton, Treasurer. Sept. 23, 1852. St The testimony in its favor is over- whe'min.ir. The proprietors are dai:v in We should, therefore, watch every symptom receipt of letters and certifiicates. goim- lai tnigm indicate a wrong action of ihp n nrnmiis vmnnvl.-., ,u m lver. these Pills hems composed of on nf,,nm i.k : i,;ij ' j hous and Flants furnished by nature to hea l.i fi :' , the sick: Nameiv 1st. An Exnrr.tnrm,t . -". given, anu rue immcai- which auaments the secrntinn from tho Pi. ato uiiprovement ot health which follows monary mucus membiane, or promotes the' s use uas ca"cd the attention of physic pischarge of st-creted matter. 2d, An AI-, cians to this article, and they freely re- LAW CIRCULAR. "SW"opiiiNGTON G. Snetiiex, Wash- iugton, D. C., continues to practice law exclusively in the supreme court, and to attend to cases before Congress; to prosecute claims an settled accounts a gainst the departments, bureaus, and boards of commissioners; to procure pat ents for invention, at home and abroad, and to obtain pensions and bounty lands; to collect debts, dividends, legacies, and in heritances in any part of the United states and foreign countries; to make invest ments of funds in loans and stocks and on bond and mortgage, and to negotiate the purchase and sale of loans, lands and patent rights in any state of the Union. And Consumption t pain tn the side and night sweats, Asthma, WhnopingCongh, pialpitation of the heart, Liver complaint Bronchitis, and all diseases low. If necessary, consult the Docror with Iterance, which charges in some explicable commend & nresc.rihe if, in fhoir nmnfico lite retail price is 2o cents per vial whichl throat, lungs and liver cured by Sher- would do well to reflect before trusts their 8 tone and strength to the nervous' sys " nZZZ t t -r ? b anng j.atsam. health, happiness, and in many cases their lem' renewing health and vigor to all parts, T , JJ,w"U'h oanuaiy iu, xc1'!. RAISING BLOOD 6C CONSUMPTION. lives, m ihe hands of Physicians ignorant of P1 the body. 4th, A Cathartic, which acts .UIU1J fS one oottie ol Mr. Mifee. Buidcr. in BrooHrn WJ,t this class of maladies. It is certainly im- 111 Perfect harmony with the other ingredi- A. I' ahnestock s irmifuge tomy child, attacred with raisins Wood foowed by pusiiuie lor one man to understand a I the B,,l! iUiU opeiaimg on uie uoweis, ana ex- miu m se.en nours it passed 2o larcre .M .1 f . I 11:. .1 I 1 r . I . . I . . . ins uie nurnan lamuv are subject to. pn'ig me wuoie mass oi corrupt and vitia- worms. Anv nfirsnn r nnht.infy fhic mir ii.verv re5?nnctntilf nhvjifin luo Kio ted matter, and nnrifvinn tlr lt!n.-ifl whirli i x... r .. . . -. ------1 i-y uo ,,uiiai - : r-'j-n .....v... uppiy lur luriuor lniormation at my resi- uiam;ii, in wnicn ne is more successlu than uca"uJ uiaeuse anu restores neaun. m ,tr,,nrv e v i. .i ti . hi. hrntl,Dnnf.-,.- . . " v,u v-uiua Ul loin. UUU O UUliSOH ! the in vr 'pi Ap i"nfr"- - WlH find lhe3e PlIls an invaluable Jeroted to the study and treatment of diseas- are subject. In obstructions either total or cs of the sexual organs, together with ulcers oartial. thev I laVf? l)Pfn ffiiinrl nf inpctinnliln upon the body, ihroat, nose, or legs, pains l.n benefit, restoring their fracliontal arrange head, or bones, mercurial rheumatism, stiic- ments to a healthy action, purifying the .ures, gravel, irregularities, disease ansing blood and other fluids so etfectually to put irom youthful excesses, or impurities of the to flight all complaints which may arise blood, whereby ihe constitution has become from female irregularities, as head ache . . tuauies, uie doctor lo oner speedy giddness, dimness ol sight, pain in the side it-uci iv an nuu uidy piuce itiemseives under uacK. &c. wis iarR. i i..rn .. : l i t -v- tt i'uuu yciiuiuu UUlUbb SIL'REU J. IN . 110 aieaicines mrwarded to any part of the bensack, all others being base imitations mh.uu cm.-ince nre ami ten dollars Anenis w shinrr nciv snnnlW n.l st's. james McCaffrey. Poughlcccpsie, N. Y. March 2, 1844. a cougn, pain m the side, and alt the u sua symptoms of consumption. He em ployed two of the best physicians: thev I'll- -. . . . ' etui win no good, and tod iitm he coud not live. Hearing of the wonderful cures per- per package. Nov. IS, 1852-1 y, i- ... . - I - x uuitny, uiac x louiv. two viais oi x. lormeu oy diicrman s lalsam, he sent afc Fahnestock's Yirmifuge, which I found 10 o'clock at night to Mrs. Hayes, 13G to be the greatest cure for worms I have Fulton street, and got a bottle; it operated ever used. I have been troubled with like a charm, stopped the bleeding and tape worms for a number of years, and I cough ! Before he had taken one bottle have never found so good a medicine as he was able to be about his work. It had B. A. Fanestock's Yirmifuge. I there- saved his life. His daughter, residing at fore recommend it. 127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it. & MARTHA CLIFT. Miss Ann Maston, of Williamsburg The public is cautioned against coun- living in Tenth, near South Fourth St., terfeits and spurious articles, and to put sa3"s 'J-'hat she had been troubled with a. OFFICE TO PROCURE Sdi:c5-$J Iassd WarranJs. By a recent Act of Congress it is enacted, That each of the surviving, or the widow or f!lfin)rftiflfl ra n i f rlnimr-wl ... : .1 1 noncommissioned officers, musicians, nr nri. Vh5V'e-v' Vna!!I,in!; J- -Bell, Experiment vatps. whAthpr frPnnl,rc i "4,"a "lumieau x jjro. uuioisnurc ; li. iV , . . . 0 .uiuiiiuuio. ia " i it ... i. t . . ers or militia, who nerfnrmnr! mii,i Bar :' Jvim-' arao se ; J. Merwine, Merwtnes- oui- ...,r. ): n ",r .. l?rr... T? t: r. vices in anv re? mem. rnmnnnv nr fol,ni, . 7 l uwer. cueii; jomgercv J iiVHAVII I l 1 n H ,U 1 . "II t " ii r m mom in ihp BRrvipfi nfil,, !';.,! R,.,.no . ' A uuersMiie; iveuer a: iiottman. . ...U WIHILU WIUICJ, I u1., -II . I H I J - 1 the war wiih Great Britian. declared b'v H,p 1 . "anu a uieaters in drugs through- ri n rck li nm.f.n ..... I.... 1 I . -"iwii ucuuc 5 1MIII1W LIl IIRITHIHR l(TPnis must address the Proprietor J. N. Hobensacl; no conhdence in statements that ' liolm- hacking cough, and patnin the chest, for No 120 N. Second st , Phila., Pa. stock's,' and S. Fahnestock's Yirmifuge, a long time, which at last become so bad Agents b:i i?losjsoe Cositttv. ire the same or as ffood as the onlv .en- that she was oblisred to criveuD her school TV ei o. , . .. .- f . . . . ...?. j a- I , a x xjt. vj. csioues anu u. Huston, btroudsburg; tunc article, which is H-A. Falinestock's tor more than a yeai. She then com- irs,jr: Al,co- marshals creek; Staples Vermifuge. menced tafrinf; the All-Healinir Balsam ifu For sale in Stroudsburg, by JTcwcSry b a national railrad acrtss the territory of the Union, reform in the Armv. NaT v. and civil ofikes all these great questions, with inousaiKi minor ones, oeenlv affectinc Bitiiti'.uded of men and everv Stale in tr Uoion, will, now being matured by public o- pimon, coipe up for the Government's decis ion. 1 bfcSe new issues, co-oDeratirtp with old ones, comim? unto be dinn.rft nfh.. j i ' new actors on the scene? nt Wa-shi Will be apt to modify Hreatlv, if noi alter us- semially, the parly organizations of the country. To these elements of interest another is likely to be introduced by the interposition ol the agitations of Europe. After nearly forty years of peace in Europe there is an erideut restlessness that now seems fraught with tendencies threatening war; 'and if war comes, in al! likelihood there will follow such unhersal change that the United States can searcely hope to escape its vor tex. Indesd, from laie events it is apparent that our Government is already drawn into European difficulties . These circumstances are calculated 10 draw the public mind to waids tho next Congress with much expec tation. Tke Daily Globe will be printed on fine paper, double royal sue, with small type, (brevier and nonpareil,) at five dollar a year. The Congressional Globe will also he prin ted on a double royal sheet, in book form, royal quarto size, each number containing sixteen pages. The Congression Globe pro per will be made up of the proceedings of Congress and the running debates as given by the Reporters. The speeches which members may choose to write out themselves will, together with ihe messages of i!ip Proa- idem of the United States, the reports of the Executive Departments, and the laws nassed by Congress, be added in an Appendix Formerly I received subscriptions for the Congressional Globe and Appendix separ ately. But this has not been found satisfac tory, inasmuch as it gave an incomplete view oi me transactions in Congress; and there Tore I have concluded not to sell them apart, vconsidering that neighbors can have the ad vantage of bojh by clubbing in case individ uals shail find it too onorous to be at the United Stales on the eighteenth day of June ISI2, or in any of the Indian wars since 171)0 and each of the commissioned officers who was engaged 'in the military service of the United States in the late war with Mexico. and shall be entitled to lands as follows : Those who engaged to serve twelve months or during the war, and actually served nine months, shall receive orm hm.- out the county and State. Price, each 25 cents. .March 10, 1853. Cure of Consumption, Liver ( omnlaint. Colds. Coup-Iis. Axihmn iSyis T. SchochA which soon alleviated her symptoms. ... She is now fast recovering, and has rc- .a sumcd her laborious occupation as a teach- The subscriber hav- er. ing purchased ihe entire 14 years Mr John O'Neil, 10th ave- stock of Clucks, Watch- 'ioi . i. n- i -.i 7 es, Jewelry, eje of John n,lc.aild ls? .stroct su?erc.d th a C0US", II. Melick, intends car- rillslu2 ot phlegm, and pain in his side, rying on the Watch Ma- e could get no relief til he tried, the king and Jewelry bust- All-Healing Balsam, which drove the pain makes his assortment at this time one ol the siding 8S Sheriff street, has for years been ncss in all its various forms, and in a man- from his side, allayed the cou-h, and ner, he trusts, that will oive the most entire l.,..,i.i. i,., A-,cn..c i i?,.; i Bronchitis, nml nil Vlirnnl nu,l fumr rn, 5nt lQln r I inn nnl nn In h mca f li t t , . . . r- . Plaints. w trustincthe above mentioned artic.!, wi.h uul"lu. ,1U ,ia" ulAUU LU1(iU uoies, .was yitu rtIlu , viy ,lL ES- a,'u muse Who engaged ption, which contains an invaluable recine stock by recent purchases in the citv of New pleurisy and consumption'. to serve six months and actually served four for the cure of these prevalent diseases, even York, which, together with his former stock, Mrs. Baggas, a lady apwards of 70, re- ,... icmc L-igiuy acres; and in ttieir worst stages, when friends and phy- indefinite montl that. honorably ability in the service, he shall receive the a- ins knows that hr is not shnrtnnmnfr li Ilracelets. SI illS SiK'Or Snnntlt. Ttiiltur nast recovery. The All-Healinrr Balsam mount to which he would have been entitled pays by the use of anodvnes or mernifrijils Knives, and Urittania WW. mapihor with n relieved hnv at mino nf nil Imr nlnrmin ll he had served the full neriod for which he which mav spnm m li1ion lim na-a n larrTP nccnrimnnt f rziA , v;,... r..,... ,i i. i i . . x. ..5 i.,i .,,,., . Ir . - ,w .-..- ..v-.i uc, uiiu umt. uulci Muioc ojiiiuiuma, ;iuu now Mio is auio to atienu it i H , . , Iie Knows wnen us,,)fi 11,13 Lijc saving Bal- m, Clocks, fcrjumcry, cj-c, together with to her work- Under lite above act, and the acts of Con- mot, that he is taking mild, pleasant, effiea- all the articles that caiHc found iu anv es- hJlf,' .n gress generally, the subaeriher nfTp in cnri-n 1 . f n . n .- i . .111 n, 1 -" iui uh ( ui ul s Liiina Hive vi'i 11 11 nil nnnn inn i.nmr 1 iudm sii nnnm pvpr nniiirn nt nrm in Nmn, l 1 i.. 1 11 .. . , i- iji : ti nrir.n,i . 11 ' , , , r. . ' . - ..w ..... , . ww.,. wwv.iv.u 1 11 uuuuuo- siiu fti iu ;iiLauA.s ut xiuunsy, naiSlllfr . ol,. 11 r , . ""v";'l-""- i VsUrCD WllllOU u.uuuy wniuu ui.iy OU IOlinU ail Hie a- nf ikini snrow tlniKrh SU,.fnii nf I, Shall receive fortV acrf?S Pmv r n, I in nmnncivn nC . Inc. l'.,ol,;nn! I .... ......... OL OOU M'lC VjOUgll, OUOltUOaS Ot " - - ."..v., ...w vnpiioin, umi .j, inivoiv.ian3 ui injurious i01-ju"""ia " niu ssimuiure anu emneiiisn-1 Tii. : 1 tt i i wherever any officer or soldier was use of namm mndicinn ina.itili,ifl.(.,. mom of rirpRH fn.vnir.. r;.. ... . -bicath, J am in her Head and vanosu I ,.. l 1 uvuiimui; una UyO' uumuii, n,. uicaai 1 1113, IUiU , i. , . tt f. , , - uisciiarged in conseouenceofdis-ucwi ol Cum Mm parts ot ner Doily, iler trionds believed . " " " -"-- l'vtN.fv ll.I 11 1 1 14, C ILL. I V k lilllCIOi IllVi I 11 II . IV f I . I MlitllS. I cious remedies, such as Nature prescribed tablishmcnt of the kind hooping cough. V11 a: a".e' 1 10 procure jand warrants lor lor the ills herchildren suffer. The inrredi ihose entitled to receive them, as above spe- ents comnosiniithis Luna- Balsam nr obtain fihed. lie mav be found at ht n(?; in nhln ipimnnh, .nn ,..t. .- Mieing an important as well as a skillful Stroudsburg. S. C. 3URxETT. exists, proving that Every ill has its antidote. f h'S b,lsines. himself he October 27, I fi50. . Consumptive patients may Rely on this receipt J1 s 8enral satisfaction to his custo: w - - I . frill I ...,- 1 . 1 . . . . Kvery Family Should haVC a C0iV J li u T: ' ":u :7, U he intends to keen none but the be t wo rk. ' m and see that his written signature. 11 . . ... v ' t uouDt ot its efhcacv An invaluable book, only 25 els. per copy t". irJ!:"0l"l nJ!- . preparing and ufaing the Balsam are nerfectlv hnni r . MirUiLS' JIANDV. 1 prefer selling the Recipe to making " iiiiucieo. IvOniain no I Win Mnknm oh i. ,. , ... ir..i. .... wuinuu w. luu urigin, rrogress. t reat- their own Medicine at a Tntting Cost 1 wil coniriod hJ8 GVery fre f ,difaSe' lmParl 11,0 secret of making the Balsam, and vi.t n,lvi -n "u";;luU!se' ,,r 3.exual '"ess, case will 1 sell it for speculating purposes with advice for their prevention, written in r n i a familliar style, avoiding all medical tech- J vooi ol I tS UoOUilCSS. nicalities, and everything that would offond J Ank'snv. Mirb JUjiv. oi ior.i - ii i . , - - i. I'll 1 t in nnr il flnnnnn.i r... r . I tw;. J v: . : ' :u ..me Vocl- S.TOUSE Y-Su: You wished me j j wUj,u, pi .tuiiut, oAuiusive- iy uevoioct to the cure of diseases of a deli cato or private nature. 'i.. ...i.;i. :., .i i.j . ... r . - , ,uu, s u.,ueu( receipts lor the ahove days my wife (mined in ivmht 3 .l,Bl.,i useases. ana a irealise on thecaiisRs. svmn. i.. ... " i. i . , a ' Blioliij.aiii Iimp i . . ,,cl tuuyo, L-iiaimeu ner countenance, and a IM m . ine LG.r a"'1. Ague, lor appearances were better. Mv faniilv would OFFEltPOR SALE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 7il,brS be d-vithout it. . It is a med- I C . . . .. - twt j 71 . . 1 i'iii jjuntim nuns, ui vimaiiu oi., WatGh SSeSKm-mg- L.S.Beals. 19 Delancv street: W.li an important as well as a skillful part Youngs, 75 Walnut St.; know the value of CUD I flue ffvnof I'rtiiirtili- Ask lor shermans AU-IIealing BaK' Pint I " . . ouiioiiiuiiuii IU I.U31UIIIC13 I aild ihn nntllin no nnn hn UU WV. VI 1 JJ till J J IIU ) I The directions for ., :. s mpioy ; ana leeiing comment hi. n an aiiau nave uuiire saiisiacuori none them, heinteuds to devote his whole time and attention to that important branch of his business. Anything in his line that he mav not have t i . . . . on nand, will be promptly procurod from the city, by calling on the subscriber at his shon. rr i r i i . . . . .', n uuznuein sireei, two doors west ol J. 11. lUelick's old stand. ! SAMUEL MELICK Stroudsburg, May 0, 1 850. on each bottle. Price 25 cents and SI per bctllc. Dr. Sherman's "Worm and Cough Lozeuv ges tor sale at tins olhcc. 3QM PALMER & SON ESPE0TFITLLY inform the Mer chants of Stroudsbursr and vicinitv . that they have on hand and tire manufacturing PURE TALLOW CANDLES, -e- to let you know what eflect your preparation WMOIiESAIiE KC13fiSS. the Borough of Stroudsburg and will' -easMlnd" mv fn'miT,'"1' Ar? T.' 6lS WATERMAN & OSBOURN, keep constantly on hand a' fulV ' supply, ' ve l L1 mV.CornerSecondandMulbcn,, Streets, which they offer for sale at as low rdtU !f?he PVr ,ei5aU 8ymrP- h6r CHUgh' C,ia"Sed her com,;;nance; and all m me iBicr .tliu Ague, tor appearances were better. Mv fa mil v wnnlil niied States, by mail, free of postage. Ad- elplna. . BLANK DEEDS F.br sale-at this Offico. icinemuch needed in Jackson there is many COFFEE, cases sinmiar to my wile's. I he ltev Air. I sSUWAa, Res. pectfully yours. O. F. POOL. Address, post paid, (enclosing Si.) Dr. S. TOIJSEY", 100 Nassau street, New York The work goes by mail under seal. OctobeG 7, 1851-iq ; i i At the Lowest Market rates. MOLASSES, SPSCES, &c. &o.J' I hose commencing New Stores, arc nnr ticularly invited to call. - (L Attention civen to Prodnrf Philadelphia, JanWrv S7. iSfiH .Jam- . as can be had at any other establishment. oau ueiorc purchasing elsewhere. Stroudsburg, June 1G, 1S53. I5rotihca3 &loitei'ls, "WnOLESALE DEALERS IN Ooo(s3 Shoes & Straw fioodsv No. 135 JSTorth Third Street 1 zlpril 14, 1853. am,' ''