The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, December 01, 1853, Image 3

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    Teachers please Readt
The following School Books, many of them
recently published, -are perhaps the most
popular Books, as a Series, ever issued
Teachers and friends of education are res
pectfully requested to examine the same, un
der the assurance that they are already pre
Jered by a large body of intelligent educa
Analytical and Practical English Gram
Introduction to English Grammar,
Progressive exercises in Analysis ant
. Latin and Greek Grammars.
They are used in over seventy Academies
in IsTev York, and in many ol the most flour
isliing institutions in every Slate of the 0-
Dodd's Elementary and Practical Arith
Dodd's High School Arithmetic.
Dodd's Ele'ments of Algebra.
SchelPs Introductory Lessons in Arith
This scries of arithmetics, with Dodd:
Algebra, has received the best claim to pub
lie favor possible that of being highly tip
proved by thorough Arithmeticians, after
using them in the school room.
Olney's School Geography and Atlas.
Olnev's Quarto Geography.
Wuitlock's Geometry and "Surveying.
All that these books need is a carelul ex
The Student's Primer,
The Student's Speaker,
The Student's Spelling book,
Student's First Reader,
Student's Second Reader,
Student's Third Reader,
Student's Fourth Reader,
No books recently published have created
so great a sensation among Teachers as the
Student s Series.
Stroudsburg, November 23th, 1853.
We are now using the Students' -Series in
our schools and think they are the very best.
Small children can learn Uvicc as much with
tbesnme labor as they can (rom any other sys
tem. We would recommend that they be
used m all the schools oi the county.
The school directors of Stroud township
have resolved that they be used in all the
schools of the townships.
We have appointed Mr. Lewis Vail our a
gent and authorize him to introduce the a
bove books at very low rates. Applications
can be made to him or us.
All kinds of Books and Stationary for sale
at low lates.
No. 4 Courtlandt St., New York.
December 1st, 1353.
Splendid Engravings !
50 Cents a Volumes
An Illustrated Record of Agriculture Me
chanic, Science and Useful Knowledge.
Published Monthly, by Alfred E. Beach.
Every number comains 32 large Pages of letter-press,
beautifully printed on fine paper,
and profusely illustrated with engravings.
Forming, at the end of each half year, a
splendid volume of two hundred pages, illus
trated with over two hundred elegant engra
vings, the entire cost being onlyhalf a dol
lar. Farmers, Mechanics, Inventors, Manufac
turers, and people of eveiy profession, will
find in the People's Journal a repository oJ
valuable knowledge peculiarly suited to their
respective wants.
Terms. To subscribers, fijiy cents o vol
time, oubscriptions mav be sent by mail in
coin, post ofhee stamps, or bills, at the ns
of the publisher. The name of the Post
Office, County, and State where the pape
is desired to be sent, should be plainly writ
ten. Address. Alfrfd E. Beach.
No. 86 Nassau Street, New York City
lEFTwo volumes are published annually
Back numbers and volumes always on hand
for sale. Single copies 10 coots each, to b
had at nearly all the Book and Periodica
Stores in the country. Specimen copies
s-ent on application.
A Liberal Discount lo the trade.
The People's Pites:t Office.
Inventors and others desirinsr to obtain
Letters Patent for inventions, are requested
to communicate directly with the Editor ol
the People s Journal, by whom all the neces
sarv documents are prepared, with the ut
most fidelity and dispatch. Patent business
of ever)1 description promptly attended to.
Persons wishing for information relative to
Patents or Inventions, may at all times con
suit the undersigned, without charge, eithe
personally at his office, or by letter. To
those living at a distance, he would stale
all the business necessary to secure a Paten
can be arranged by letter, just as well as
though the parties ware peisonally present
AH consultations and business strictly conn
dential. Patents promptly secured in Eng
Jand, Lrance, and other foreign countries.
Editor of the People's Journal,
Patent Agent &c, No. S6
Niissau-Street, Nfi&Y City.
December I, 1553.
7TOTICE is hereby given to all legatee
and other persons interested in the
estates of the respective decedents andiui
nors, that the administration accounts o
the following estates have beeuGled in
the office of the Register of Monroe coun
ty, and will be presented for confirmation
and allowance to the Orphans' Court to
he held at Stroudsburg, in and for the a-
aforesaid county, on Monday, the 2Gth
day of December next, at 10 o'clock.
A. M.
The account of James Neyhart and
Abraham Metzgar, Eecutors of the Last
Will and testament of Ltenry Neyhart
late of Hamilton township deceased.
The final akcouut of Abraham Sniffer
administrator of the estate of John Shif
fer, late of Tobyhauna township de
SAMUEL REES, Jr., Register.
Registers Office, Stroudsburg, )
December 1, 1853. $
bmuiistrotor's Police.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration upon the Estate of George Hag
elauer, late of Smithfield townshid, deceased,
have been granted by the Register of Wills
in and for the Couniy of Monroe, state of
Pennsylvania, to the undersigned, residing in
Smithfield township. All persons indebted
to said Estate arc requested to make payment
without delay, and those having1 claims a
gainst the same, will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement, to
November 24, 1653. Gt,
Thousands of Parents who use Vermifuge
composed of Castor Oil, Calomel, &c,
not aware, that while they appear to benefit
the patient, they are actually laying the foun
pations for a series of diseases, such as saliva
lion, loss ot sight, weakness, ot limbs, ccc
Iu another column will he found the adver
tisement of Hobensack's Medicines, to which
we ask the attention of all directly interested
in their own as well as their Children
health. In Liver Complaints and all disordes
arising- from those ofa bilious type, should make
use of the only genuine medicine, Hobensack's
Liver Pills.
0TltBc not deceived," but ask for Hoben
sacks' Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and ob
serve that each has tiie signature ol the Pro
prietor, J. N I10BENSACK, as none else
are genuine
&s&rrjZMrcZ Tt"
rpljans ovd Salt.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of the County of Monroe, the following Rea
Estate, formerly of Burnet Walter, late o
Middle Smithfield township, in said county,
deceased, will be sold at public vendue, on
the premises, on
Monday, the 19th day of Decemhei
next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, two cer
tain messuages or 'tenements and tracts or
pieces ol land, situate m said township of
Middle Smithfield, viz:
No. 1, adjoining lands of Jonas
Hanna, William Overfield and John Mcrr:
hew, containing
Scrcaa Acres,
be the same more or less : about five acres of
which is cleared and the balance timberland
No. 2, adjoining lands of Wil
liam Overfield, John V. Coolbaugh, Thomas
Graltan, Martin Courtright, Emanuel Gun-
saules and John Mesrihew, and containing
Forty-sax Acres,
be the same more cr less; about 14 acres of
this tract are cleared and in a good
state of cultivation, and the residuelJJ
thcreot is well timbered.
JpL The improvements are a
ip fivKA 32E MOUSE,
y18 feet by 28 feet, and a LOG
STABLE. There is a well and stream of
water near the door.
me terms aim conditions will be made
known at the time and place of sale, by
Bv the Court.
M. II. DREIIER, Cleik.
November 24, 1353.
In the Court of Common Picas of Monroe
n the matter of the account of Charlton
Burnett, committee of the Estate of Isaac
The auditor appointed by said Court to
examine and if necessary resettle the said
account and-make distribution, will attend to
the duties of his appointment on Friday, the
lGth day of December next, at ten o clock
M. at the office of Charlton Burnett, Esq
n Stroudsburg-, when and where all persons
nterested can attend.
F. STARBIItD, Auditor.
Novemlor 24, 1S53 4t.
I 54.
New Series New Attractions Xcw Type.
In oonsequence of the great and continual
ly increasing demand for this elegantly-printed,
widely-circulated, and universally popular
Family Newspaper, we have heretofore, been
unable to furnish the back numbers to only a
very limited extent. To avoid this disapoint-
ment m future, we shall, on the first of Jan
uary next, print such an increased edition as
will enable us to suddIv new subscribers from
that date. Besides the original productions
of the Editors the Foreign and Domestic
Correspondence ofa large list of contributor.
the spice of the European Magazines the
selections of the most interesting publications
of the day the brief novels the piquant sto
ries the sparkling wit and amusing anecdote
the news and gossip of the Parisian papers
the personal sketches of public characters
the stirring- scenes of the world we live in
the chronicle of the news for ladies the
fashions and fashionable gossip the facts and
outlines of news the pick of English infor
mation the wit, humor and pathos of the
times the essays on life, literature, society
and morals, and the usual variety of careful
choosings from the wilderness ot English pe
riodical literature, criticism, poetry, etc.
several new and attractive features of remark
able interest will enrich and give value to the
new series of the work.
Terms. For one copv,$2; for three copies
$5, or one copy,for three years, $5 always
in advance.
Subscribe without delay. Address
107 Fulton Street N. Y
I7 3S22-5Pm;ESr
The undersigned respectfully
the public that he has taken a room in
the Brick buildinir, on the corner of
William and Sarah streets, and directly op
posite Kautz and Huntsman s wheelright
hop, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, where
he purposing carrying on the Gunsmithing
business in all its various branches. He
prides himself in being able to give entire
satcisfacion lo all. Persons tn want of any
thing in his line of business arc repectfully
invited to call. Particular attention paid to
repairing in all its various branches. Also
door locks repaired on the shortest notice.
JHICiiAGL JvU W Aloivl.
Stroudsburg, October 20, 1853.
Respectfully offers his services to the pub
ic generally; and to those unacquainted with
urn, takes pleasure in reienng them to the
Physicians of Slroudsburr, or to the follow-
ns recommendation, which was kindlv giv
en him by the Physicians of Newton. N. J.
"Dr. Swavze, having been our family Uen-
i . .. It : -I
1st lor tne last live years, aim imvhi anva
found him worthy of our confidence and pat
I . J . I.
ronaoe. we, the unaersianen, laue ieai plea
sure in rer omniending him to the public as
an honorable and skillful Dentist.
Dr. John R. Stuart, Dr. 7. Rycrson,
" Fancis Moran, A. D. Morftrd
rr? All know the danger of trusting their
Teeth to those not properly qualified. The
best and handsomest artificial leelli used in
11 cases, and set upon gold plate in the
neatest manner.
Easton, October 27, 1853 8m.
Country Produce.
Butter, eggs, &e. taken in exchange for
nay goods in my 'line of business.
Stroudsburg, Nov, "18, 1952, ' !
550.000 Brick
Just burnt and now on hand for sale by the
subscriber as follows: 3t0,000 at his kiin
at Stroudsburg, and 200,000 at his kiln at
Dutoisburg, near the Delaware Water Gap.
1 hese brick wm be sold on the most reason
able terms, as the subscriber wishes lo quit
the business as soon as he can dispose ol
his stock of brick, lie also offers his brck
yar,d, house and lot, with a large body of clay
at Dutoisburg, all in good order, and now.
for sale. Any person wishing to engage in
llio business, can do well by purchasing
said esatblishmcnt.
Stroudsburg', October 27, 1853.
G. U. Waa'eaicSc,
ESPECTFULLY announces to the.cit-
zens of Stroudsbnig arid the surround
ing county, that he still continues tne auove
business, and may be found at his establish
ment on Elizabeth street. All orders for Pa
per Hanging will be punctually attended lo,
and executed in the best style, upon the mosi
reasonable terms.
N. H. WINDOW SASH, painted and
"lazed, of all sizes, constantly on hand and
for sale at the above establishment.
Stroudsburg, April 15, 1852. ly
Estate of Phoebe Foivler, laic of the Borough
of Stroudsburg, decescd.
Notice is hereby given that Letters Testa
mentary upon said estate have been granted
to the undersigned. All persons indebted to
said estate, are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims or demands
against the same, will present them for set
tlement, lo a
Strotidsburg', Oct. 1, 1853 Gt.
bininistvtttor's Jfoticc.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad-
minstration upon the Estate of Abraham
Fowler, late of Hacken Sack, Bergen County,
N. J. deceased, have been granted by the
Register of Wills in and for the Coutitv of
Monroe, state of Pennsylvania, to the under
signed, residing in the Borough of btrouds
burs. All parsons indebted to said Estate
are requested to make payment without de
av, and those having claims against th
same, will present tliem duly authenticate!
or settlement, to
Stroudsburg, Oct. 1, 1853 Gt.
The undersigned respectfully begs leave to
inform the citizens of Monroe county, that he
las opened a new Marble Yaiul in the Bor
otigh of Siroudsbunr, on Elizabeth street
nearly opposite the Union Hotel, where he
will keep on hand American and Foreign
Marble,aud holds himself in readiness to fur
nish Chimney Pieces, Cabinet Marble, Mon
uments, Tombs, and Head Stones, &c. de
signed and executed with neatness and des
patch. M. M. BURNETT, AsU
for Peter Smith
Septemoer 1, 1S53. 3m.
General Agent for Monroe Co. for the sale of
Blake's Patent Fire-Proof Faint
or ArSificiaS S!no,
Which in the way of Paint is warranted
to surpass m cheapness and durability- ny
thing that has heretoiore been offered to the
public. In no instance has it ever been known
to crach, cleave off", or waste by time.
vrA lie also has on hand a large and
in 7 m. rp 1?
ii c'.-ii cJ. jj i
Groceries, r2:itIw.Tarc, Steves, &c
which have been purchased for cash and must
be sold.
Stroudsburg, .lantr.ry 13, 1853.
All persons are hereby forbid not to
hunt or make shingles or trespass in any
manner upon my property, under penal
ty of the law.
Coolbaugh tsp. Oct 27, 1853. at.
Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds
of furniture, cabinet-ware, cofiins, etc
at his stand on the Milford road, two
miles from Stroudsburg.
fjReady-made cofiins of all qualities
andeizes kept constantly on hand and for
sale at the lowest cash price.
October 20, 1353. ly.
Auditor's rocicc.
'In the matter of the partition and division of
the Real Estate of 1IENR Y WEISS,
Oct 1st 1853, on motion of 31r. Drcher the
Court appoint Charton Burnett, auditor to as
certain and report to next Term whether
there are any liens or other incumbrances on
the said Real Estate effecting the interest o
the parties. From the Record.
The undersigned will attend to the duties
of his appointment, at his oflice in Strouds
burg, on Saturday, the 10th day of December,
18l3, at 10 o clock a. m.
November 17, 1853. 4t.
In the Orphans' Court of Monroe Co.
In the matter of the Estate of CONRAD
KINTNER, deceased.
The auditor appointed bv the Court to ex
amine and if occasion require, to re-settle the
account of George W. Kintuer, Administra
tor of said estate, will attend to the duties of
his appointment on Wednesday, the 14th day
of December, 1853, at 10 o'clock a. m. at his
office in Stroudsburg, when and where all
parties interested can attend
November 17, 1853. 4t.
In Piu'ss
and will be published as soon as
completed, in one 18no. volume qj
ab out 500 pages,
a. v rfttge:
Demonstrating its Influence, as a civilized
Insiiluiion. on the Happiness of the In
dividual and the Progress of the Race.
T. L. Nichols, II. D , and Mrs. M. S. Govt;
Published by the Authors, at their Reform
Bookstore, 05 Walker St., New York.
Price one dollar
This book, like "Esoteric Anthropology,"
will be sent by mail, post paid, on the re
ceipt ol ine subscription prR-e, Une uoiiar.
All orders addressed to
G5 Walker si , New York-
81,000 RETT ABB.
The above reward will be paid for tho ap
prehension of any person who will say that
Isaac II. Loder does not sell the cheapest
and beefCabirict 'Furniture, at the Pcoplcs's
feSfT Cabinet- fare Rooms, (oppo
QlsrsXX site Robert Boy's store, in the
--Gs-j boroughof'Stroudsburg,) this
side of New lork. v
Thc undersigned, having purchased
large and extensive Cabinet Ware Rooms
lately occupied by Frederick Philips, would
respectfully inform the citizens ol" Strouds
burg and vicinity that he intends carrying on
tne Uauinet making business in all its various
branches; and is now prepared to receive or
ders and attend to all calls for every thin"
in his line of business. The undersigned
will keep on hand and furnish to order
Good and Ilaiidspiss FuniiCizre,
as cheap as can be sold anywhere. Tho
following articles can be examined in hi
Ware Rooms:
Sofas, of various styles and patterns;
Sideboards. Secretaries, Wardrobes, Bu
reaux, of various paterns.
Cupboards, of different
Card, Center, Side, Breakfast, and Dining
Wash btanus, lwist, bmall and .Lanre
Etagcrc, What-Notcs, Music Stands, Sofa
Tables, Tea Tables, Oval and Serpentine
Tables, Chinese What-nots, Fancy Work-
tables, Refreshment tables, Divans, and a
General assortment of Cottage Furniture on
hand and made to order.
03 Varnishing and repairing done on short
notice and on reasonable terms.
A handsome assortment of Gilt, Mahogany
and Walnut Looking (jrlass and Picture
frames, of every description, will be constant
ly kept on hand and made to order.
Ready-made cofiins kept on hand
vand made to order and in the best
style, ut short notice. A hearse will also be
furnished when desired.
Lumber and country produce of all kinds
taken in exchange for Cabinet Ware. Give
us a call ueiore purcliasing elscwnere. Ke-
niuinuer loo uiuco is opuosuo iv. "joy s
! ! - 1 rt t .
Stroudsburg, March 2-1, 1853.
lhe proprietors of this establish'
iyia. mentarc nrenared to furnish the nub-
lie with all the conveniences that
can be required in this business. Having
lately added new stock, it will be found that
our new Omnibus is just the thing lor parties
on pleasure trips, marriage excursions, &c.
We assure the public that our stock is ail
good and reliable, and are at all times pre
pared to furnish every variety of vehicles.
Prices reasonable.
Stable on William street, adjoining Katuz's
Blacksmith shop.
Stroudsburg, August 4, 1853. ly.
Fits! Fits! Fits!
For the cure of Fits, Spasms, Cramps, andjn
all Nervous and Constitutional Diseases,
Persons who are laboring under this dis-
tressing malady will find the Vegetable Epi -
lentic Pills to be the onlv romedv ever dis-
covered for curing Epilepsy, or balling Fits.
J.. '
These rills possess a specific action on
the nervous system; and, although they are
prepared especially lor the purpose of curing
Fits, they will be found of esnecial benefit
for all persons afllicted with weak nerves, or
whose nervous system has been prostrated or
shattered from any cause whatever. In chron
ic complaints, or diseases of long standing,
supermaucca uy nervousness, tney are ex
ceedingly beneficial.
Price $3 per box, or two boxes for $5.-
Pcrsons out of the city, enclosing a remit
tance, will have the Pills sent them through
the mail, free of postage. For sale by Setii
S. Hance, No. 108 Baltimore street, Balti
u"17 ailv111- can is very extensively circulated-its circu
orders from all parts of ,aUon in thc kst Vofume excecdi 18 000
ddrcsscd, post paid. ieg wcck u .g in f for&bindin2;
more, Md., to whom
tlio TTninn mnct hf nrlr'
June 2, 1853. ly.
- i
jias permanently loca eu mm -
self in Stroudsburg, and moved i
his oflice next door to Dr. S.
Walton, and nearly opposite S. Melick's Jew
elry store, whore he-is fully prepared to treat
the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt
ible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in the
i. . i : i - jr..
luiuai iiuu mosi nnpiuveu mainiui. iuuat-iui-
meir won: tome ignorant as wen as ip
irnveiintr uenusi. 11 mauers noi now rnucn
r - im I r w n n r vrm m n w I m . s- 1 x r I t r. I ...ay ,iau, l"
have some failures out ol a number of cases,
and if the dentist lives at a distance, it is fre
quently put off until it is too late to save the
tooth or teeth as it may be, otherwise the in
convenience ana trouble ot going so iar.-
Ilencothe necessitv of obtaining the services
of a dentist near home. All work warranted.
April 29, 1853,
Just burnt and for sale bv the subscriber.
1 hese brick are of a large size ami ol a su-
penor quality, and will be sola as low or
lower accordiiiL' to onahtv than any oilier
Crick in the county. A portion of them are
pressed or front brick. Said brick are made
of the best material and will stand the fire
with impunity, thus answering for the pur
pose of building Hake ovens, Sic. All ol
which will be sold as low as any in the
All kinds of Produce taken in exchange
for Brick. SIMON GMIBER.
Stroudsburg, August 18, 1853 ly
Clark's Patent combined grindingand bolt
mir mill, is an invention which cannot lai
comiiifr into
ireneral use, turninir out ns it
does from thc wheat extra Hour, superfine,
middlings, ship stun and bran, at a single op-
erauon, ami in me most complete manner.
I - 1 . I.
This tiuly scientific mill fills a space of but
three feet ui diameter, and five feet high, is
worked by a simile shaft, capable of crindinr
and bolting from three to ten bushels of wheal
an fiour, and can be propelled by any power
rom four horse, to any which may be desired,
I lie entire cost of a mill calculated to make
one barrel of flour td the hour, does not ex-1
cecd 8-100. Those desirinsr to purchase a
mill, or the patent for counties or townships
n Pennsylvania, arc reonesled to at h res.
Wm. Ileilman, or call at No. 41 Brown street,
September 1, 1853. 3t.
The subscriber has opened
his new Hotel and is ready to!
Ji,; accommodate all who may fa-
vot liim with their custom. ,
Stroudsburg, May 27, 1852; Gm.
Boot anh Siyot
F'&'-j The subscriber respertfiilHnfbnns
7 ms cuiumers anU'iriBr.rfs that lio lias
--removed lus hoot ana Shoe Manufac
lory to the store room formerly occupied b
Joseph Sigman. in Northampton street, one
door above Hamillor street, and hetwuen
Mrs. E. H. Harmony's Millinery and Petei
Pomp's Dru" Store.
He has just received a large assortment
of Boots and Shoes, -among which are Ca
Congress Boots, Enameled Confess Boots,
Calf Napoleon Boots, Patent Morocco Na
poleon Boots, Brogans, &c. for Gollcmen
and Boys.
Also on hand a large assortment of Shoes
for Ladies and Misses. Women's fashion
ble Gaiters of every varietv, made to order
at short notice. A large assortment uf Chil-
drens bhoes always on hand. GUM Shoes
of all descriptions and kinds, which he it.
The goods are manufactured of the best
materials and in the neatest and most fash
ionable manner. He employs none but the
nest workmen about his establishment.
Thankful for the liberal patronae hereto
fore received, every effort will be made to
meiit a continuance o! the samp.
Ension, September 16, 1S52.
S the only medicine capable of curing the
it ill.'IAD AUllii, in hall an hour. Form
erlv, several days were required to relieve
this distressing pain; whilot now the use o
the Elixir will, in a lew moments remove it
entirely. Although but lately introduced
to public notice, this wonderful preparation
count thousands of advocates. It is very
beneficial in Colds and Coughs, checking
the most obstinate fit of couhing in a
minute or two. This reined; is an invalua
ble Family Medicine, in all sudden attacks
of sickness. A sinsle trial will be satisfac
tory eudencc of its efficacy. Price 25
cents per bottle. Prepared only bv
Office No. 1 18 Catharine street, above
3d, Philadelphia.
Allentown, July 9, IB52.
Dr. T. S. Prichard Dear Sir: I have
used the bottle of your "Elixir for Head
ache,'' which you left with me a few weeks
since, with, J think, decided advantage. 1
have for many years been subject to attacks
of this distressing complaint, and certainly
found relief in your preparation.
Yours respectfully, M. II ANNUM.
For sale by Dr. Samuel Stokes, Strouds
hurg, Pa., wholesale agent.
Samuel B. Keefer, Snydersville.
W. S. Deitrich, Saylorsburg.
John Merwme, Merwinsburg.
David Chnstman. Chiiatmansville.
II. D. & J. K. Shafer, Pleasant Vallev.
July I I, lS53-0mos.
l'i i-veu,s nu l.idiiii-
HidCtlirCi S
1$&50. H;: SiilencHtl Prizes. SJ50
-it , T-c- .
online A or I m f rr-vr-rprrr Avtotpiv
,,r,,.r, fi -i-.i, r c? . T t.'-'
chiefly devoted to the advancement of the in
terests of Mechanics, Inventors, Manufactur
ers, and Farmers, by the diffusion of useful
........ vw . - , . v , X V. i
knowledge upon tiiese important branches.
It is edited by men practically skilled in the
arts and sciences, and is widely regarded as
a sound and able journal. Nearly all the
Valuable Patents which issue weekly from
the Patent Office are Illustrated with
Engravings, and the Claims of all the Pat
ents are published in its columns; thus mak
ing the paper a perfect Scientific and Me
chanical Encyclopedia for future as well us
present reference. The Scientific Ameri-
pnmns n,
i . SZ " 1 .I:" o " . tt " "1
ii kinii ii in ;i i is i t. i. 1 i . i i i vni' k ii
Engravings and over Four Hundred Pages
nf Innilinrr IMnftor nn Tnlnv 'VUo
practicai receipts alone are worth to any
family much more than the subscription price.
The Publishers offer the following valua
ble prizes for the largest list of subscribers
sent in by the 1st of January next: $100
will be given for the largest list; $75 for the
second; $50 for the third : 45 for the fourth;
' "
4q for the Otii: $35 for the Gtb; S30 for the
for lhe 10tl. 10 for the Ut, and for the
10.,, Th ,,0 , to
the successful competitor, iramead atelv after
January 1st 1S54
Terms : One copy one vear, $2; one copv
six months, 1; five copies six months, .S4;
ten copies six months, S8; ten copies 12
months, S15; fifteen copies twelve months,
$22; twenty copies twelve months, 28 in
Southern and Western money taken for
Letters should be directed, post-paid, to
A! unn eV. Co. 128 Fulton-street, N. Y.
Aug. 25, 1853.
1 ho fortieth edition,
with one hundred engra
vings, showing Diseases
a. r1""!
t .tt ll.l. Ic. "I 1 . I I ri fmr.
'fj$j ties on lhe Diseases of
1 emalcs, being ol the
hishest importance to
married people, or those
contemplating marriage.
YoHiag, S3. E.
By Williasn
Let no father be ashamed
to present a copy
I.. . a I'll i
ol the Jtisculainus to ins cmiti. it may save
him from an early grave. Let no young man
or woman enter into the secret obligations ol
married life without readme the Pocket Aus
culapins. Let no one suffering from a hack
nied cough, pain in the side, realess niuhs.
nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dys-
peptic sensations, and given up by their phv
sic - i m, be another monument without con
suiting the jksculapuis. Have the marrioi
or those about to be married, any impedimeni
roan mis iruiy usenii uook, as u nas ueen me
n'neas of saving thousands of unfortunate
'reatures from the very jaws of death.
Any person sending Twenty Jive cents en
nosed hi a letter ( win receive one copy oi
ibis Wirk by mail, or five copies will be sonl
for One Dollar. Address, (post paid.)
OPv. WM. YOUNf?,
No. 152 Spruce si. Philadelphia.
February 17, 1851) ly.
(SjOAP. Fine scented Soaps for wasji-
ing and shaviuc-r-ti'so the ue'ebrated
shaving cream, for sa'e ly
Post Gflice Siaaiips.
TO POSTMASTERS. The advertiser,
Postmaster at PleaaaVt Grove, Alleghany
county. Maryland, is person in the
United States who conceived and undertook
extensively to furnish ojl'the post-offices in
the country with chg'stamps. All stamps
made by him are warranted equal if not su
perior to any other that can be procured fbr
Lite same price. Whenever any are sent
out, in any manncr,defectivc or unsatisfacto
ry, duplicates will be forwarded, on notice,
without extra charge. All who order a set
of Stamps, with a full set of changes for
dates only two dollars (for thirty pieces) shall
be kept in stamps, abuiutuji. Full set, with
change one dollar.
When stamps are neatly made, with turned
handles and screw, same style as the regu
lar post-office stamp?, durable, efficient and
warranted, one to two dollars only, and spe
cial authority to send by mail free.
Address Post Master, Pleasant Grove, Al
leghany county, Maryland.
0CT"Any editor publishing the above (with
ibis notice) three times, and sending a copy
it the paper shall receive credit or leu rio -
birs in wood letter, or a ten dollar press; or.
if preferred, a wood engraving or an engraved
newspaper head, of thc above value will be
November 3, 18d3.--3t.
Came to the premises of the snbscri-
S2bcr, in Lower Smithfield township,
Monroe county, I'a. abour thc 3d of October,
1853, three head of young cattle: Two year
lings, the one a brown heiter, thc other a red
and white steer, the head most all white; tho
two year old a heifer, dard red, with some
white spots. The mark on all is a scollop out
under the right ear. The owner or owners
thereof arc hereby requested to come forward,
prove property, piy charges and take them
away, or they will be disposed of according to
October 20, 1833, 3t
&e'v Boot aud Shoe Establishment
The subscribers would solicit the attention
of the public to their new Boot and Shoe Es
tablishment, just opened m Stroudsburg, first
door below Barry's Hotel, where work of all
kinds can be had either ready-made or made
to order at the shortest notice and on the
most reasonable terms. Ladies' Shoes of the
neatest styles constantly on hand.
nee in the business in all its
departments, enables the subscribers to re
commend their work to the public, feelinjr
well assured that their highest expectations
will be fully realized after giving it a fair
Stroudsburg, June 23, 1853.-tf.
The undersigned having lo-
X'XZvix cate(l himself in the borough
ftM 7 KJt'"""-J""'' J""
i. i-iinmg, on wainut sireer,
opposite the Washington Ho
tel, would inform the public
that he will keep constantly
on hand a choice assortment ot
Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Carriage
Harness, Sulky and Gig Harness, Team
Ilarne&s, leather, cotton, aud worsted
Flyncls, Trunks, Valises, Caipct
bags, Curry-combs, Horse
cards and brushes,
and all other articles in his line of business,
which he will dispose of upon very reasona
ble terms.
Work made to order at the shortest notice.
His materials will be of the best quality,
and as he employs none but good workmen,
he hopes to receive a liberal share of public
His motto is "quick sales and small profits."
Call and sec for yourselves.
Country produce taken in exchange for
work. W. C. LARZELIER.
Stroudsburg, March 17, 1853.
N. B. Carriage trimmings for sale, and
Carriages trimmed to order.
Nciv Whole Sale and Retail
worE & iiimm STOKE,
SlrysidsSjurjj Pa.
glppikJ The undersigned would inform Land
lay'ords and the public generally, tliut
they have justopened the above business in
Stroudsburg, in the store house formerly oc
cupied by John II. Melick as a Jewelry Store,
and have on hand a largo stock of
of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from
the Custom House, which they arc prepared
to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea
sonable terms. Our stock consists of French
Brandy, dark and pale. A'so, Peach, Black
berry, Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy; llol-.
land Gin, N. E. Ruin; Irish, Rye and Apple
Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala
ga, Currant and Champagne Wine, &c. &c.
Also, on- hand a large stock of Bitters of all
Demijohns, from h to 5 gallons; bottles, and
generally any thing that can be asked for in
our line.
Landlords will find it greatly to their ad
vantage to deal with us. We have no hired
agents to sell and distribute liquors for us at
great expense, which must be paid lbr by thc
consumer. Those dealing with us wc intend
shall be satisfied with the article they get, as
well as the price, and whenever they are not,,
we will be pleased to have them return the
tquor, and make the fact known, for we in
end to make it a permanent business, and
can only do so by dealing honorably. AV
orders sent us, by stage drivers or others, wilt
be promptly attended to, the same as though
the person was present dealing for himself.
July 8, 1832. P. S. POSTENS & Co.
Di$sQlztHm oi Partnership.
The Co-Partnership heretofore existing un
der the firm of Palmer & Pkakce, in the
manufacture of Caudles, has been dissolved
by mutual consent. Thc Books and Accounts
are in the hands of John Palmer, to whom
all indebted are requsted to make payment.
Stroudsburg, June 10, 1S53.
N. B. John Palmer & Son having pnrchasj
cd Pearce's interest in the Stock, the bus
nCds will, as heretofore, be carried on at the.
old stand, by John "Palmer &, Son, who ask a.
continuation of public patronage.
A great variety of Tos on hand ant
for sale cheap at the variety ston
an at the variety storo
Stvoiubsburg, (5, May 1802.
A t turner ut Law,
Oflice on Elizabeth street, formerly QQ?
oupietl b' Win. Davis, Esq.
May, I I'll.
'Ii 1 3HV