The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, December 01, 1853, Image 2

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    Sew US:tp.
Thursday, December 5,
At a meeting of the School Directors
of Stroud township, held at Barry's Ho
tel, Saturday November 19th, 1853, it
was, ou motion
" Resolved, That the Students Series of
Renders by J. S. Dcnmau, be used in all
the common schools of fetroud township.
(Signed by the Board.)
Teachers will please call on Mr. Lewis
Tail, who will make the necessary ar
rangements for their introduction.
The People's Journal.
The above is the title of a new month
ly illustrated sheet, devoted to Agricul
ture, Mechanic, Science and useful
knowledge, by Alfred E. Beach, No.
Revised ij- Corrected up to jircscnt date, is
decidedly the best. Map extant, and pref
erable to all others for many reasons,
some of 'which arc the following .
It embraces more Territory on a larg
er, and all on an equal scale, than any
Map ever published in this or any other
country ; showing the whole expanse from
within seven degrees of the Equator,
(south of the Isthmus of Panama), to the
50th parallel of north Latitude; and from
the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, cxhib
itin- all of the United States and Tcrrito-
ries. including even the new Tcrrtories of
Washington and Nebraska, with their
boundaries according tohe Acts of Con
gress ; being the first Map that ever gave
these territorial boundaries correctly.
The boundaries of the Counties through'
out the United States, not excepting Cal
ifornia, are marked; and by a table, which
is an original feature in this Map, the lo
cation of any County in the Union can be
ascertained at once. It shows huudreds
of towns more than can be found on any
other general Map, and among them are
There are o-
SC Nassau St. N. Y. It contains 32
pan-cs, a large number of engravings, and some very important ones
a great deal of useful information. It ver one hundred important county towus
will no doubt obtain an extensive circu- where the Court Houses arc located, that
lation. For terms, kc. sec prospectus in cannot be found on other Maps, indeed,
m other column.
neither the locations of the counties, or
towns designating the location of any par
ticular countv, arc shown on other gener
al Maps. Moreover, this is the only
work which has a complete and well de
Thieves About Look out for
TVc would advise our farmers and oth
ers to lake care of their poultry, there veloped Map of Central America, on the
are thieves about. In Montgomery, Le- same large scale, and in its proper posi-
high and Schuylkill counties chicken tiou, exhibiting an unbroken commercial
stealing is carried on to an alarming ex- traveling route from the Torts on the At-
tnL The farmers iu some localities arc hntic to those on the Pacific Coast. The
obliged to take their chickens in the remarks of Mr. Everett in the United
house in the evening in order to save States Senate on the 2lsfc March 1853.on
them; others have provided their 'coops the beautiful climate and advantages of
- with spring-guns, man-traps, &c. Central America, and the desirableness
This kind of thieving, we believe, has of an inter-oceanic canal, are abundant
not yet been introduced into this County, proofs of the peculiar value this Map ac-
but the present high price of provisions quires from having that country so fully
may lead to considerable stealing before and accurately delineated. The Over-
the Winter is over. Those who have land Koutes to California & Oregon, are
not secure places for their poultry, pro- shown in a no less clear and satis&ctorv
-v isions, &c. had best attend to it at once, manner for the use of the emigrant or
traveler, and the exploring routes arc
laid down with enual nlenrnnct? nnd oln.
uianu exmnition oi rouitry. com, cidatc the nubli.hed works on the sv.hWf
"Til I 1 n r t ntnncf in Vttt1. 4- t1 i
1 ' "uwv, si, un the same sheet, and not un in tho.
Great Poultry Show.
Delaware, Lehigh and Wyoming
YaHfcy Raihoadi
Col. Allen has just made his report on
the Delaware. Lehigh and Wyoming "Val
ley ' llailroad, from " Wilkes-Barre
to the Delaware Water Gap. A great
part of the summer has been spent by the
Col. and his assistants in surveying and
locating this road. The Col. says:
dueks, Sac, was held in the Chinese Muse
urn, Philadelphia, last week! Some five
thousand specimens, it is said, were on
exhibition; and crowds of visitors were
attracted thither. The Shanghai, Cochin
China, and other breeds are of extraor
dinary size. A large and beautiful col
lection of canaries and other songsters was
also included in the display.
One of the attractions of the exhibition
was a patent chicken hatcher, which was
constantly turning out freshly hatched
"The route of the line leaves the Wyo
ming Valley by the Mill Creek Gap, and
ascends to the summit by a grade of six-t'-two-and-a-half
feet to the mile, (by an
increased expenditure, and lengthening
the line, this may be reduced below sixty
feet to the mile;) after passing over Bear
Creek and Meadow Run, by a level grade,
it descends through Choke Creek to the
Lehigh river, and crossing to the west
side of Locust Kidgc, ascends twelve feet
to the mile to the summit of the Pocono
Mountain. A further examination will
I think, enable us to reduce the grade on
tins part ol the line, and perhaps throw
it out altogether.
The line then descends through Hippy5
Gap, and takes the side of the mountain
to ianncrsvlllc, the maximum grade be
ing seventy feet the mile.
After passing Tannersville, the line
continues down the Valley of the Pocono
creek to btroudsburg. It then takes the
valley of Broadhead's Creek, to the Dela
ware, at a point about five hundred feet
above the mouth of Broadhead's Creek,
the last half mile being a continuation of
the tangent over the bridge.
The curves upon the line are easy
none of them having less than twelve hun
dred feet radius. The length of the Del
aware bridge will be seven hundred and
twenty-six feet. Its location is one of
the most favorable that can bo obtained.
It is approached bv an eas- curve on the
New York side, aud the line crosses the
river almost at right anlcs, while the
rock on the same side forms a natural a
hutment; the low lands on the Pennsylva
nia side will ailord ample space to vent a-
ny back water that may be caused by
the erection of the piers."
His estimates are, for grading, build-
ing, laying tracks, main Hue and side
tracks, making seventy miles, depGts, wa
ter stations, equipments and everything
required-S2,S94,09G,45. This includes
the engines, cars, and in fact all that will
be necessary to starting the locomotives
with their burthens.
The estimate of yearly receipts made
by Col. Allen show a net income of $307,-
074, "being more than twelve per cent on
a capital of three millions of dollars."
Life in New Mexico.
- A correspondent of the N. Y. Times
gives the following shady picture of Life
and Manners in New Mexico Q'erritory:
I will now give you some faint iusight
into the moral and religious character of
the Mexican portion of the population.
Inspiration teaches us that there were a
number of the trbies of Isrial that were
lost; and if it means that they w'cre lost
to all senso of the decencies of humanity,
then I am of opinion that this people is
one of those tribes, and that the Lord
has lost track of them, or that this Terri
tory is not within his jurisdiction! At al
events, e docs not at present, and I be
lievc He never will, recognize them
His creatures, judging from the total de
pravity and besooted ignorance of all o
them. It is but one year since the firs
school was established here, and that ha
had but sickly growth. There are very
few of the men who can read or write
and to see a icoman that can do either
a curiosity. They live in houses one sto
ry high, made of mud,. with mud floors
and a chair or bedstead in doors is quite
as much a novelty as a plow, wagon, or
scythe is out of doors. They have no
knowledge of the use of tools, and not
withstanding the excellent and unbound
ed pasture lands, there is not a pound o
butter or cheese made in the Territory
and it is seldom that I get milk enough
for my coffee, for the reason that thej
arc too lazy to milk their cows. Thcv
use no leaven in making bread, and there
fore you can Judge of its palntableness
they make no pastry; they never salt their
meat, but cut it into thin slices and dry
it in the sun, and when dry it resembles
chips, both in taste and appearance
They keep large flocks of sheep, but they
make no use of the wool, except for beds
and pillows
It would, perhaps, amuse -ou to stand
in my office door and look upon the Plaza
and observe the dress and manners of the
women as they pass. Their dress is com
posed of a skirt of common muslin, with
neither sleeves nor waist, and extending
to just above the ankles. In the place of
a bonnet, they wear a "rebosa" a thin"
similar to a lady's loag shawl, and when
they choose to be particularly modest.
they use to cover the nakedness of their
bosoms, which is not often, however.
t. i i t i
j-ueir peronai names are coarser and
more detestable than the brutes of the
forest, and the women, as a mass, are,
wunout exception ot condition: whether
married or unmraried, tho vilest kind of
prostitutes. 3Iothers. without shame.
The Steamships Washington, which
sailed from Southampton on the 9th ult.
arrived at icw York, and the Canada
from Liverpool on the 12th, is announced
Kcw YorK Marked.
Ncio York Nov. 2G.
Flour is less active, with sales of-12,-
000 bbls at -$6 816 87 for State.,
Whnnt. is lionvr. Snlns nf SO 000 bnsh-
fils nt SI SO for Wnsforn Si 72nl 74 hj telegraph as having arrived at Ilali
tor Michigan, t 7Ual 7J tor Uenesseo. . "J uu i
Bve better. Sales of 10.000 bihnls 24, is one week later, and of a highly
J J I. t m i -r
a 1 important cnaracier. auiks ana ivus-
siaris have had several skirmishe?, in
which the former appear to have come off
victorious, with heavy losses to the latter.
Accounts from Vienna state that tho
Turks had an engagement with the Eus
sians in which fourteen superior Rus
sian officers fell, the Turks remaining
Corn more active. Sales of 40,000
bushels at faUaoii cents.
Whiskey Sales of 150 bbls at 28aQS. j
What may I had for Three
The New lear 18M,
On the first of January next, " Glea
sox's Pictorial" will rnmmMiefl its
sixth volume, and will appear vastly im- f tLe, fars of their daughters; and
' t , , husbands with eagerness accept the price
proved in all respects, with a superb new oftheir wives' debaucheries from the hands
heading, new type and dress throughout, 0f all who choose to pay the tribute. It
and will be printed upon the Guest paper, is impossible to conceive of a state of so
As the properietor of the "Pictorial" has c5etJ more degraded or self-abandoned;
i i it x- j n t mm, u:iuuu"u a. jLuici iu Tiiiu it. lucre
purchased the entire good-will of liar n- ' . . . '
1 , . T - , . are many American lawyers and raer-
um s New lork "Illustrated News, and chan3 herc who keep tbeh. mistrcgsc3 0.
has merged that journal in the "Pictori- penly and without shame, disgracing not
al," the public will reap the advantage of only themselves and the commercial and
this concentration of the strength of the Proressional character, hut debasing the
-luu&i'us in mu eves oi me natives to a
same handsome manner, is a new Map of
the World on Mercator's Projection, yet
on a new plan, making it an American
Map showing the United States as they
really are, in a central position, having
the great European, African and Asiatic-
portions of the Globe on either side, and
exhibiting the sailing route to Canton in
China on the west as well as on the east.
This is done on a new plan, by duplicating
fifteen degrees of Longitude, or showing
a portion of the Globe twice. This Map
is an invaluable appendage to the laro-e
one, and makes the publication all that V ,a,"a uuu UUU1 1U im: aiLlfclu tv condition equally as base as themselves.
can be desired as a work of study or ref- llterarJ departments, lhe same brilliant The religion of the country is the black-
erence, equally adanted. or csspnti-il fn aobl OI contributors ana artists wm dc est Kind ot uatholicism, and it has been
' A f i i " -
Arrangements hava been made by the parlor, the school-room the closet of enSaSe(1 on "Gleason's Pictorial" as here- the policy of the priesthood to keep the
which the Home Journal (which is S2 the Clergyman or the fonnti nm s tofore and a lar addition is also made PeoPlc in a condition of the most supreme
" - World fc 1, - m e,- ZZ
AM) 1IMES (WllJPll is S3 o vnnr .111 i!.- ci ii . nr i I hf inn.of. Iinnrnl nvrfinrrpmonts mr honn . ,.. .
v. . w- " ni ui iu ouod or tne iucc nnnm fir m o-""""" yiicsl nraccicfi.s nt immnm i .i trrmi n,mr
The Sunday Law.
Judge Jones of Berks county, at the open
ing of the court on Monday, the 7th, devoted
part of his charge to an elucidation of the masters of the field and the llussians re
Sunday law. The Press states the Judge's treating to Bucharest. Four llusdan of-
position to be. fleers arrived at Constantinople as pris-
"I hat the enlorcement ot the bunday laws oners 0f war Accounts from Constanli-
was strictly within Hie Province lot Aldermen no le state thafc th(J gultan had positiyciy
and Justices of the Peace, and that the Court . .i o11 n , , . , S-w .
, , . ' ... rejected all proposals which the diplomat
had no jurisdiction m regard to said laws ex- . i , r, KtL , A .
...- . iota iifitro 5?inmt(fnrl lnm It- tii
nfifmrnri nr ti r I T o nt arrny irnm I I ...... .w "
nnnt imnn
" - I .1 rl.x Al- - n 1 .. t IT
action of these officers. The nenaltv imnosed raurou lu Jt cue zar aa iormed an am
is four dollars for each violation of the act of ance with JJost Mahomet, of Persia, to
1704, which prohibits all worldly employment proclaim war against British India, if
(except works of charity and necessity,) un- Great Britain persists in supporting
der which are included the sale of in toxica
ting liquors and shaving on Sunday."
Turkey. Austria remains neutral, but
keeps a strict watch over the movements
of Servia. The Servian Government iu
the meantime has ordered the population
to arm, and has informed the Porte that
Deaths at Sea
It is reported that of the 10 300 pas
sengers who embarked from Europe for neither Austria nor Bussia will be per-
il i T.i ml. X O i ... , . 1
un uuuuury, uuuvuuu iuo yiu oi qujhuuj- mitted to occupy Servia. The Porte aas
uci aim iuu yj uii,., uui, ibm luau ctce-ct decided that loroirm Tefnaee.s elm nnfc
Hundred died on the passage, lhe larg- be employed in Europe, but may serve
est nuuiuui ui uuaiub ou any uuc snip.iin Asia.
(79,) occurred on the Winchester, from
Liverpool, which arrived Sept. 27th. In the course of a recent inquest rn
Four other -ships had from 73 to 75 London Mr. Wakely, the coroner, ob-
deaths onboard. The disease which has served that it would be well to acquaint
proved so malignant, generally passes un- the public with the tact, that if persons
der the name of ship-fever. in a house on fire had the presence of
mind to apply a damp cloth or hancker-
laOod dorili chief to their mouth and nostrils, they
Sheriff PhilHns raised seven ami three culd cflcct a passage through the ddl-
quarters acres of corn the past season, on sest smoteJ bufc the surcst mode uld be
his farm in Doylestown township, that s lu vuiup iuo iitsau uau mu cumpieieiy
L. t I'll! Tl
worthy of honorable mention, even if m tue aamP C10U1
any other farmer in the county has
beaten it, which we are inclined to doubt.
He had one acre of the field accurately
surveyed, by lvichard Watson, Esq., and
the corn that grew upon it husked and
shelled by some half dozen disinterested
persons; and it measued 92 bushels. The
The Minncsotian estimates the number
of voters in St. Paul at 823, and the
number of inhabitants at 4000.
Neiv Invention.
The Meriden (Ct.,) Whig, speaks of rs
corn on the remainder of the field was new invention, by a Mr. Gold, for heat-
attcrward nearly all husked and measured ing a room, and says :
in the ear; and it showed an average of "tj its use, one pint of water is con
over eighty-five bushels of shelled corn verted into steam, condensed and re-con-
to the acre. The ground was ploughed verted to steam, ad infinitum, does not-
in May a coat ot barn-yard manure need to be renewed; the heat is continu-
turned down with the sod a small hand- ally radiated, and in proportion to the dc-
ful of ashes and plaster dropped in the gree of heat used, is the rapidity of the
hill along with the corn. The corn was process and the amount of caloric evol-
plauted in hills of three or four grains ved. It occupies but little rooin, may be
each, four feet apart each way, and was painted in any style, and hung up on the
worked with the cultivator alone. no wall; may be earned from one room to
plow, haTrow, or hoe put into it.
Doylestown Iitclligenccr.
Arrival of Jew?.
The Steamer Germauia from Bremen
(formerly the Acadia of the Cunard line)
put into Halifax on her way to New York,
and the Halifax papers have the following
in relation to her passengers
"Her passengers are a motley group,
another; cannot be injured by careless
servants, heating rapidlyy and cost is
trifling; and the expense of heating is a-
bout one fifth that of coal and wood.
The heat used is'that of burning alcohol'
or other gaseous fluids,"
Iowa. The Iowa Reporter says tbc
immigration into that State this year is
immense. The prairies of Illinois arer
both be furnished for THREE DOL- mind that who ever purchases gets a map coinPleted and s"ch as will enable the childhood to the close of life, and to tol- IllSUJiClS 0
LABS, to all who subscribes or renew of our own and the adiacent countries in ProPrietor to produce by far the finest crate the most heinous and unmitigated Tue Placeryille
r-.. k ? .i .-.. rn i i i t i i i crimes; indeed flieTr linl ir-a fi,f ;i- i., and mountaineers.
among whom are some one laindrcd anil" " , ""n-'i puuusmu
fifty Jews, who have evidently turned ?.Ior lua5 prosperous estate, lhe ad-
their backs upon Jerusalem, except, as UUI" population irotn September
some people assert, it is to be rebuilt in 1 c 10 .AecemDer lst Irom immigration,
tho Western World. About one hundred a,uao-16 wpuieu JU!U'
passengers are en route to California.and . , T , ,(
nearly all are seeking a home in the far n yar iu xowa, bay, mac
w.5t)i Ir. I'rankhn has opened a circus in the-
otucr worm. onouidn t De surprised ii
It is announced for the benefit of tho3e tb3 raPper would become attached to is
persons who did not get a sight at the some day as clown
comet that it will again appear before CS?- According to the Trieste Zcitunr
the public, for a few nights only, in the American cotton goods have beaten Brit
autumn of 2147. fgfc manufactures completely out of th&
lHStiJldS Of the Beaver. Sentence of Death. Ilunfintrfm, P
Herald says, Indians I J'ov. 25. Judge Taylor pronounced
illustrated journal yet publiahed and crimes5 indeed, they believe that it only and mountaineers, from every locality sentence of death oa Elizabeth Harker
11 ,!. cnonr in fi,n Lndf :M If i requires the intercession of the priest with wbere thc beavcr abounds, report the' fact to-day, who was convicted in the Court o
their subserintinns hnfnm fl.o fir -Ii.i..?
r UUJ W1 tueir kroner position, on a artm sen n m isr,i rpi , -, . x 1 1 """ , . L. r . icuuirea cue intercession ot the nnest with uwvui .iuuuuuj, lupiuuu wu.iy, who was convicted it
January, l These papers are lead- iu addition thereto a map of the world, raucb suPenor to thc Present 1SSUC of thc tho Almighty, to procure a pardon of vil- at these animals, contrary tc ? their move- this county of poisonin, her
ing journals of their kind. The Home showing the locations of all the different pai)cr Tho coluuins of thc "Pictorial" iany that is blacker than hell- and yet mcnts for the last seven ycar3, are now Harris.
uu.. bU Htia i,nown tnat any de- nations of the earth indeed the two
senpuon ol it will be superfluous. It is maps are furnished at about one-half the
enough to say, that, in addition to the price that maps of this size have hereto-
arucics oi its editors (Mobws& Willis), fore been sold. Thc Press from Maine
it is enriched by the contributions of to Louisiana have spoken of the work
many of the most brilliant pens now at in terms of the highest praise, and all
work on citberside of the Atlantic
sisicr. Marv;
It ib, eminent statesmen, and seienf ifin
in unet, a superior FAMILY NEWS- aries who have examined
The Musical World and it to their fellow-citizens.
it, recommend
riil constantly be beautified by all that by the treaty between the U States and raising their dams around their ancient
a ce habitations, more than a foot above their
and its literary department will fully sus- enlightened citizens of the American former height; and that they have com- " f 'r u 7 tIie v. G Ilci
4. : .. . , , Union.' But the more I write upon this menced their work earlier in the season "S lUr- 1 eter tmiber and Miss Anna-
tain the high reputanon it has so long en- subieeL lh morfi ., ,na . by at least six weeks, than ever before Marria Stronss, both of Strondsburg.
Jca- , me to give a correct idea of the nvfnnf. nf known. Prom this fact, which is ap- On the 26th ult. by the Ecv. John T.
Thc pages of "Gleasou's Pictorial" will the native degradation, and I will close parent and undisputed, many anticipate Staples, Mr. Joseph Lee. of Stroud town-
contain views of every populous city in this part of the subject by quoting there- an earlv commencement, and a larger ship, and Miss Emily Staples, of Smith
the known world, of all buildings of note mark of ? !m Randolph, of Virginia, that quantity of rain and of course snow upon fiekL
I r ii o nnnn n hnpn o r-n n un.i,. f ii i. i rim mniinr.ninn r no nmnmrr ivitifdi. thnn I
X - - ""-v jl iMTlulJiXUl- ' o 7 1 tt..... r -
List of persons drawn to scrue as Grand and
Petit Jurors at the December Term.
J hos.-. Hnsf
ous specimens from the animal kingdom,
thc birds of the air, and thc fish of the
sea, and will present in its mechanical
Sagacity of a Rat.
It is said that rats often display a cun
ning and an instinct worthy of a better
race. I here is an old house in AVcst
Chester almost alive with these "under
mining" pests, and where they frequently
commit depredations which in tact and
A late letter from San Francisco says.
there is a great demand there for good
. xl t . i , r I'i'
iu tuu uaaiuiu or wfcieru nemispuere, orufi rnM,oru otw1 -j.j n on anv nrnvinim nnn cin t.l.o ,11
tt , 11 1 , , . - I " '-'J'Jy-l UUU .llUOLUt Ul UaiUUlUfc. J I VVV,1
X lilES "1VOS nvor frn ImmlrJ , r I rAr. T Tr ni, -mi.,, . ji II Hir nriMftinnl chine nnil cfonnoT-c nf il.:. . ..? .1 ... I ,.1,1 r'.,Kf-.,:
a v,, uuujv.u ua;H ui JKi? i'r. O . XI. VOltOD. JlOnK fi ( II r mif 1. " 1 1'" Jl-V-"'"1-' J M JJUI; UHS IS !l V1CW OI tUe IliaSSfiR. t.n w hi 1 ul hulu uumuiuiil.
- ' J v" , . . . . - . . 1 " " "
t-uoite, new music, annual', which would orized aent for the sale of this Map nav' anU luerchant service, with fine there arc occasional exceptions
VW!l b oiotcs some thirty dollars; now exhibiting a copy of the svnc in ana accurale portraits ot every noted
and the editor (Riciiaud Stours Wil- Stroudsburg. and will rrivo nil nn nnnnf character in the world, both male and fe-
i A. jll. ... -.1. 0 f i I 1 m .1 r 1 ..n , ,
j.iv, iuiuisutib me nest possible musical tunity of examining it. He also designs aic" KClcnGSor heautiiulscenrry, taken
instruction and criticisms on music and canvastin the Countv. rom e wil1 as0 u0 givcn with uumer-
musicians. It also gives a vast amount It is not only valuable to all who desire
oiueciutand interesting musical infor- practical geographical information con
mation. furnished bv Lnwpll M-
..iu3UU wiuni" uui wuun. UUt, llUUl 1110 SPlCndld
itoot, Bradbury and manner in which itisoxecuted. is worthv exocuuou an clcSant specimen ot art.
" 1 1 1 I 'IIJ "II 1 , 1 t m
jubt wnat teachers, scholars, a place not onlv in our nublin hmlr?m,rJ 11 WIU cotain mteen hundred and sixty-
clergymen, choristers
-Daniel Triblc,
Daniel Butz,
female help. Servants of all kinds con- D,avid Fenner' SiUnuel CouttriS. Anthony
iu vuiumuuu iui"u uirua aim are t tti mn: t i
uimuuii, tu u uuu at any price, oeam- Sliml,el Neyhart, Rudolph Shifler, Charles.
nusaua t, ivi uay, aim jod won: 111 Swinfc.
proportion. hemalo cooks and waiters, M. S mi thfidd. Adam Overfield, John
nurses, and those adapted to general Uoolbaugh.
iuu ouiu uo credit to a prolessional por rnonth waes. nd that too. in families P'-Dawalt Fisher, Philip Kresge-.
nurgiar. jy lew days since, in order to 0f respectability, where they are sure to . 'Wi""Peter Merwiue, sen. Wash-
. . r : : ... . . " "".ottu ui , w frnnfof nnrl GnA o ,1 "o'""
organists and and seminaries of learning, but iu everv luul ollua,u IUCI,ua Slv,nS afireat amount potatoes was hung hirrh un aninsf-. fln " """"" Hamilton llcnrv Setzer. Jl,n Vnrh
augers need; while Fanny Fern con- dwelling as an ornament and source of of lca(3inS matter and illustrations and wall on a nail. On going to the basket a Vmm CnllTnyn Ti.n ctnnmn tt q Thf.Ross, John Shoemaker, Jacob. Shafer
formnirt1 n lii-iinmnf h wnnl-lv rfiT. f day afterwards, lfc wns fnnnH fliof o vot j -vt rx i .i ,i i. Jiurta vv nuam Jones.
o "v , , . . , ' w. arnvea at mew uneans on tue z'Jtn uir. .r,,ni-,, aii.i ti
nan n itninni nrrpse tn tun nnir,innr, ., r, . """"""" -uman uuin.
. - . r. . witn ;san lTancisco dates to the 1st ult.
ascending the partition inside the lath The total amountof gold shipped from that
, w uppubius iuu uasKcc, anu port on that da3', chiefly for New York,
Minn l if nofinr f Ii.-,1. lit. li-.. 1 . r. ' J . '
v"" "j """"k umuuifu lutu, uiasiei
and basket, found easy admission to his
prey. Did he think, or measure his dis
tributes one of her h
v.v vAiiLiui aii i, r I'v i mi i ; ( i . ii. i liiriiTcunr ir r
teen octavo pages
Ierms : J hree dollars per annum
Published every Saturday, by
suxu of TIIRKTC nrvr.T.A-UQ . r i. t. i-i 1'. UJjUiAfeUjN,
-r .77. r-r...ureas .tuo "UW Parisian aisn, Corner of Tremont and Jiromfield Streets
est original articles information. It is furnished at a
every week. Both papers,- containing paratively moderate cost
.ui uus iiteratuac, music, amusement and
lunrucuon, are lurnished for the small A v Dish. The French
TobyJianna Samuel Hay.
Stroud Frederick Fahln. Tnmn a
,.i.A.. oi nun nnn ti. ai:i.i..h t. l.. t i T .. "...
uao uuuuk j?o,uuu,uuu. ouuu luueueii, jonn lvansoary, James omilcy, l'hilip Rock
the Irish patrion, sailed for New York on efellow, George Houk, John Miller.
that day a complimentary dinner hav- I rice George Ink.
- r . '
ing been given to him on the 25th ult.
Mining operations were successful, and
new placers were continually being dis-
Pocono Joseph IJeckman, Jacob TIeinv
Stephen Kestler, George Sebrinn-,
Smithjicld James Fenner, Peter Wolf
Moses Strunk, Abraham Dcpue, James S.
Postcns, William Latimore, John Trible.
VhesnutluU George Serfoss, jr.,
il, Smithjicld Samuel D. Piphcr, Jacob
cither Morris & Willis, Publishers of ratimialcts, as a novelty of their own in- jj0stox M
thc Home Journal; or, Dyer & Willis, relation. It is not. In the old Florida " ' -
i'!lhllKinrs nf Ihn lTnd,7 TT! 7.7 j ( r n , . . I V. I V ! B I. ,
-"w w ,u,Luna uu, xuen- discovered that rattle- mUiill VI fccllin iiireClOlS. The Boston Transcript states that the
1 lines. Aew-orjr. snnl-ns rnrn n n.i ix. i rv i ii - m .1 1, ,1-1-., . . . .
, uv.iv twu w cul ami iismii rnnnni.i n hi ( inn :i v i.m; iisr. nr. run iintii.-a n 1 1. 1, 1. i , ., 1
- - j "u" vi uiiJi nuiata uiuuguL into any pare or the covered,
them as a pleasing chance after liorsn and the lioroufrh of Faston. hnld tlmir nn'mml territory at nresenf ninhmnnrl In;
. . - w a 1 ' ' .i. 1 - j x - - w 4 u uuu 111- 1
KAJiawiton oj a JJrutc.lhowas Motley hard biscuit. We have been assured by election for Directors. The following ted States erc landed in Florida by Oa- TraSfCflv at NOW OlicanSi
VV,1U ooDMctett at aflerborough, b. one who served in that war, that the gentleman were elected "V , V , ' Jor-two 111 number, A terrible tragedy was enacted at New Bush, Martin Place, Benjamin Vanwhy.Ben-
. ., ui uiuruenng a runaway slave. lie ncsu or thc rattlesnake is delicious in
first shot him, wounding him severely; he extreme surpassing even that of the
then put him in a vice, and subjected P011 in flavor and delicacy of texture
him to the most excrutiating torture. 7
Tr,.fl,nn cf u;m .... . Oliver Scott writes to the Arkansas
... , ; ' 1UU uim uown dependent that he is in South Ame
with blood hounds, and finally cut him up hunting moneys. Tin. i-hIr nW,t.a
J 1 - .11 1 . m . . . . 1
juu jcu tue dogs with his flesh. The a year, and sells the skins at Jiumona. Eastox. David D
uuanesron papers rejoice at tie convic- lhey arc bought by Frenchmen, and Butz G
iwu m me oruce. canned lor themanurasturmg otkidglovcs; ter
f those articles beine-. now madn. it is said on
OJ ,
the Farmer's and Mechanic's.--Peter S. w :" . w'se urioans on the evening of tho 15th ult. J"nm u. oirunir, weu Wallace.
frn(r Michler, John Green, Jr., Philin II. u "u mA k T a Pes were Mrs. Aelena Sage, an Te
c Goepn John A Sletor Samuel Sandt fnVrn IT r . 11 " , ooia 10 actress, lately arrived from Cincinnati, V f r 7riM,nan"
. uotpp, .joiin v. oictor, oamuei oanat,nn 1008 the French introduced thnhnrsnUnrl T -n.tfPi v 1. ' boss Peter Frants.
iJamei Jjachenour, U. u. 1'ield, Samuel jnf0 Oanidi Tn l fino fl, r i 1 i mV auui-maat. Coolbautrh John Callanh
In. SWmr, Peter Shimcr, Robert CottinK- Sto.t v-1. lan1" Fhe W . fll'.1 hJ . '.! 7iilo Simon Mevlrs Josnnl,
1 J his iinrrrinsnn iinnni'MM .1 ii 1 - . . - '
o J
JErvharity begins at home, but should wholly of moukev skins. ITc rats from A
... .. j ,1 ' . - e
noi cn? mere. v;u. to W eent. for eaeh skin. Jacob
wo iiiiuuuu liuimi iuu norsfis nni n mr mmn ,.,, c ,,nt- ,.n 1 1 en
Michael domes ,c animals in the colony of Massa- kept a cigar store in Cincinnati, where
inns. Pa- flhiiqptf.s TJnv L, mor; d. n .u. -r.1. , V wiuwi uuu, mini,
ith her
sans, lie
leave her well hroko
rhich she
refused, and hence the tragedy,
eorfro A. ITice. Chnrlp.s Tr
n 1 7 I - - -T JLU 1U.U Lilt; I 1 1 1 I 1 1 l imllnf-f-trt.l linrtn m r n n ; L A .1 . '
Ihne, William II. Lawall. C. A. Luck- nanv lmnorted mrw infn , - ..., , A. 4"aiuu, "
vu. um,co ir . I'iiijuu. j. uiui x viuu, il u X uu mti X' l'Gnell nt innu ttti. I I i 1 ,
nilv-w IT TlaA.,v T ' MM ' , .l" UUUBrt,u,uu lli UMVQ llCr tO
w-.w,., ""-"i-i , UU11153 iiium uuu, luuatsaiuu ui con3l(inri h p 1111111101-0 n,,. II 1 ,1 1 i -,i ,.
tt v;n.; .i Ar..n.:... ...... ' 1. -"'t. v uui- uubuauu iimt uiopo witu mm, m
Morses Tor Sale.
The subscriber has at his stablc
in this Borough, ten young Horses.
in a 1 j a
tor sale.
btroudshimr. Nov. 17 lSf)3.