The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, November 24, 1853, Image 4

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From the Dollar Newspaper.
A Cure for Balis.
In answer to jour correspondent, "A
Subscriber," who wishes to know the best
treatment for botts in horses ; I send the
following, which I have known success
fully practised for more than thirty year?,
and havo never known to fail if taken in
13 v throwinc tin the upper lip of a horse
that'appenrs to be distressed from botts,
if thnt is the cause of bis tillering, you
will perceive small specs, or pointed lumps.
taking a tolerable sharp knife nuu
orisii qniclcljr back and forward on
these lnn.p. orVpecs, they will bleed n
3ittlc. (they roit be maac to bleed, if any
effect is to be had), and if the hp itself
-hottld be slightly scarified by the process
St will be all the butter. This thorough -J
and quickly don, rub on the bleeding
lip the following mixture, or preparation:
-equal parts of common salt, saltpetre,
cunpowdcr, and roll brimstone, pulvcr
iW; rub freely for two or three minutes.
V tablespoonfiil of the mixture is suffi
cient if carefully applied. I have seen
many horses, upon which all the usual
remedies had been tried and failed, cured
i this manner entirely relieved in ten
,innt&. and anxious for feed. Do not
iviect it because it looks improbable; !iba some intimate vmnathv be
iUV W - mf
Isreen the lip and maw that we cannot
comprehend. One thing is certain, it ca n
4o ao harm, nor give pain to the poor
&rute that is usually inflicted by pouring
aiotrui down his throat.
For windy cholic give the following
if it don't euro nothing else will: To two
twees good mustard, add half pint pure
Holland Gin, and on pint of water shake
well and drench.
While upon this subject, I will add that
I hate known many horses, in excrutia
ling torment from foul sheath, doctered to
(death by alternately dosing for Jjotts, or
cholic, as it might please the fancy of each
j-aer by to prescribe. They mistook the
disease, and the very quantity ol nauseous
ttoff givi.ii was sufficient to kill.
Hied Ants. Slaving noticed several
paragraphs io the "Dollar Newspaper,"
kith rej;rd to the depredations of red
j nts I give you my experience upon the
Mibject. For several -ears we were much
aauoyed Lj red ants, and for the protec
tion of onr provisions, &c.. I procured a
4-upboarJ and suspended it in the cellar,
lj wires or cords fastened to thc,corners
of the capboard, from timbers above. I
Shell wound a leaf of tobacco around the
wire?, and bound it with a string, so mat
it would not fall off. I aUo bound a small
leaf of tobacco around table legs and
other things in the buttery, and let them
remain as long as they would, even around
he wires for years, and not one red ant
ever passed over or under the tobacco.
The remedy was effectual. Cor. Dollar
Svte Wens. I noticed an inquiry for
a rc for bone wens : I have a recipe
vhich I-hnvo used, and has effected a cure.
Take eoual uarts of indiio dissolved in
wfne and soft soap, apply it quite warm, ,
wilh a swab, twice or three tiaies a day.
Tliisjl have tried on a calf six months old,
aihI oa a two year old, and effected a cure.
-JSZ D. Farmer.
t'rcscrviHK Baiter.
Tm? fawners of Aberdeen, Scotland, are
aii to have adepted the following mode
of coring their 'butter, which gives i t a
r jai superiority over that of their neigh
(bors :
"Take two quarts of the best common
salt, one ounce of sugar, and one ounce
of common saltpetre ; take one ounce of
this composition for one pouud of butter
work it well into the mas and close it up
for use. The butter cured with this mix- j
lure appears of a rich and marrowy con
sistence andgfine color and never acquires
brittle hardness nor tastes saltv. Dr.
4ared with the above composition that i
i i . .i i t 1
tnt. tlirpn vears and it was at i
swet-t as at first. "It must be noted how
ever that butter thus cured requires to
htand three weeks or a month before it is
sei. If it is sooner opened the salts are
not sufficiently hlendcd with it and some
times the coolness of the nitre will be per
.ueiretL which totally disappears after-
ScKiHtf out Orchards.
"Re know not how we can better sub
scrr tie interest of our agricultural
frieais by repealing our advice of this
time last year.
Those who have no orchards on their
Stales; or whose trees are old aud dilap
idated should set out new orchards, and
he sure to plant none but the most supe
rior kinds. Such fruits always and al
ly's will bring good prices. An acre in
iitc best kind of apples will yield more
profit than will three or four acres in wheat,
corn or tobacco. And it may be here prop
er to remark, that the demand for supeior
Xruit is on the increase.
"In buying trees to set out an orchard,
cecry farmer and planter slwulrl repudiate
ijw idea of buying from tree pcdlcrs they
being a race of beings that cannot be de
pended upon. Nurseries of established
reputation, conducted by honest men
responsible men are alone to be relied
upon ; and should they deceive you, you
have your recourse at law.
Faint Your 2wZs.-Every farmer should
be provided with a small quantity of the
coarser hinds of paint, a few pots and
brushes ana" paint, oil, aud should keep
his cart", wagons, sleds, harrows, &c. well
coated with paint.
Country Produce.
Butter, eggs, &c. taken in exchange for
any goods in my line of business.
Sirondsburg, Nov. 18, JS52.
i.'i:..lw,il, cJr.'Ot. OilC door UCIOW it
Dean's residence, Stroudsburg. Pa.
The subscriber having just cum
plirted a larce and splendid as
soriment ol the lastcst Fall and
Winter fashions of Hats & Caps
-nvites the attention of his old patrons and
the public Generally tolhe largest stock over
offered in Strou.l.sfmrg. consisting of Men
moleskin, fur, silk and Kossuth hats of eve-
rv onro anil quauiv. iu suick ui
f cil!i nhis'h. rloll). oil silk, oil lin
- . . 1 s . . i i
uMi. and velvet. nuys uiua anu tujja m
every description.
JLniSio' IS5a;ffs.
A superior article on hand. Also, a large
isortment of Boots and Shoes of the lates
ityle and ufa superior quality.
Dessed and undressed Morocoo, Kid and
French skins. Yellow, pink, blue and white
linings, and binding skins. Prunello and
tionrec: Boot and shoe trees: Lasts of eterv
description, and a general nssoitmcnt
findings, -nlso Cotton & silk under shuts.
ft. U Thankful for past favors and de
sirous of a cnniin'iance of the same, be will
sell at the New-York and Kaston jrices.V
XoreroherJ 1, 1S52.
FTFTY DOLLARS Fomkeit. Dr. Hun
ter will forfeit $50 if falling to cure any
ase of secret disease that may come under
:ns rare, no matterJiow lone standin" or r.f-
i.'lictinij. Either sex are invited to his Pri
' - - t-i nr, T...,I. o .1. .t l:t-.P.
aie liooniS,..a oriu oe emu uuucl i iiau .1.
without fear of interruption from other pa
lients. Strangers and others who have been
unfortunate in the selection of a Physician
are invited to call.
hM POTENCY Through unrestrained
indulgence of the passions, by excess or
self-abuse, the evils are numerous. Prema
ture impoteney, involuntary seminal dischar
ges. wasJing of the orjjans, loss of memory,
!i distaste for female society, general debility,
or constitional derangement, are sure to fol
low. If necessarv, consult the Docior with
eonfieence : he oflors a perfect cure
READ AND REFLECT, The afflicted
would do well to reflect before trusting then
health, happiness, and in many cases their, m the hands of Physicians ignorant ol
this class of maladies. It is certainly im
possible for one man to understand all the
ills the human family are subject to.
Every respectable physician has his peculiar
ranch, in which lie is more successful than
His brother professors, and to that he devotes
nut of his time and study.
YEARS OF PRACTICE, exclusively
levoted to the study and treatment of diseas
es .of the sexual organs, together with ulcers
upon the body, thtoat, nose, or legs, pains in
head, or bones, mercurial rheumatism, stiic
iiiips. rraveL irregularities, disease aiisiim
untn vmuhfol exccssps. or imDurities of the
1 ' J - - 4
rlnd, whereby he constitution has become
en'cebled, enables the Doctor to offer speedy
j relief to all who may place themselves under
m care.
Medicines forwarded to any part of the
Tinted Slates;-Price five and ten dollars
per package.
INov. 18. 1S5-3-1V.
- "offTce TO rjtOCUKli
By a recent Act of Congress it is enacted,
That each of the surviving, or the widow or
ininorchiidrenof deceased commissioned and
noncommissioned officers, musit ians, or pri
vates, whether of regulars, volunteers, rang
rs or militia, who performed military ser-
ires in any regiment, company or detach
ment in the service of the United States, in
ihe war with Great lkitian, declared by the
United States on ihe eighteenth day of June
1810. or in any of the Indian wars since 1790
uid each of the commissioned ofrirers who
was engaged in the military service of the
United "stales in the late war with Mexico,
and shall be entitled to lands as follows :
Those who engaged to serve twelve
months or during "the war, and actnall)
served nine months, shall receive one hun
.traA mrt civtv nnrs: and those whoensased
to serve six montlis and actually served four
months, shall receive eignty acres; anu
ihose who enqaged to serve for any or nr.
indefinite period, and actually served one
month, shall receive forty acres. Provided,
that wherever any officer or soldier was
honorably discharged in consequence of dis
utility in the service, he shall receire the a
mount to which he would have been entitled
if he had served the full period for which he
ptrqengaged to serve.
Under the above act, and the acts of Con
orps5 oenerallv. the subscriber offers his ser
vices as agent to procure Land Warrauts for
ihose entitled to receive mem, as auove spe-
Ile -mav be found at ins oince in
October 2. l;
. .
5. C.
SnMcui (EUiccu fjoicl,
Elizabeth st., Stkoudsbukg, P .
The undersigned respectfully in
forms his friends and ihe public gener
al v. that he has taken the above Hotel,
known to the travelling community as'bnive
ly's Old Stand," and recently kept by Geo,
The house is large, with ever convenience
for travellers and boarders.
The yards and stabling are extensive, and
every thing in the very best order for the ac
comodation of travellers and others.
The proprietor will useeveryetfort tohave
his table, chambers, bar. and 'every depart
ment of his house conducted in such a man
ner as to secure the approbation of his custo
mers. The Stage office for the Easton. M. Chunk.
Wilkes-Barre. White Haven and Providence
stages will hereafter be at the above Hotel.
Persons wishing to so or send with ihe a-
bove stages, will please leave their orders
at the Indian Queen Hotel.
ThPSR lines leave this Hotel every Mnn-
dav, Wednesday, and Friday morning at 7
January I, 1853.
Every Family should have a copy.
An invaluable book, only 25 els. per copy
Man knoiv thyself.
lj BOOK for the afflicted. Containing
an outline of the Origin, Progress. Treat
ment and Cure of every form of disease,
contracted by promiscuous Sexual Inter
course, by Sell-abuse, or Se.ual Excess,
with advice for their prevention, written in
a familliar style, avoiding all medical tech
nicalities, and everything that would offend
the ear of decency, from the result of some
twenty years successful practice, exclusive
ly devoted to the cure of diseases of a deli
cate or private nature.
To which is added, receipts for the above
Jiseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp
toms and cure of tbe Fever and Ague, for
twenty five cents a copy; six copies one dol
lar: w ill be forwarded to any part of the U
niied States, by mail, free of postage. Ad
dress, postage.oaid, "'Box, I9fi Post Ofiice,
or Uie Author,38 North Sevonth Street Phi I-
15 SstmM!i&A
Whatever roncerns the hanoiness and
hc-a lib of a people is at all times of ihe mnsi
valuable importance. 1 lake it for granted
that everv person will do all in their power,
io save ihe lives of their children, and thai
every person will endeavor to promote their
own health at all sacrifices. 1 feel it to be
my duty to solmenly assure you that worms.
arrominu u me opinion oi uie niosi cele
brated Physicians, are the piimary caoses
of a lar-je majotily of diseases to which
children and adults are liable; if you have
an appetite continually chargeable fmm one
liind of food to another, Had Breath, Pain
in the Stomach, Picking at the Noser Hard
ness ami l' ullness o the belley, Dry Uougu,
Slow Fevti, Pulse Irregular remember
that all these denote worms, and you should
at once apply me remeiiy..
12 1 is c it sa. c k's o v m S y r t: p .
An article founded upon Scientific Princi
ples, compounded with purely vegetable sub
stances, beinfr nerfectlv safe when taken, &
can be given to the most tender Infant with
derided beneficial effect, where bowel Lom-
plaints and Diarheca have made them weak
and debilitated, the Ionic properties ol my
Worm Syrup are such, that it stands with,
out an equal in the catalogue of medicines,
in giving tone and strength to the Stomacbe
which -makes it an Infallible remedy for
those afilicted with Despepsia. the aston
ishing cures performed by this Syrup afiei
Phvsicians have failed, is the best evidence
of its superior efficacy over all others.
Tim Tape CTos'sn !
This is the rnosf difficult Worm to des-
iroy of all that infest the human system.
It grows to an almost Indefinite length, he
rnmim so coiled and fastened in the Intes
tines and Stomach affecting the health so
sadly as to cause St. Vitus Dance, Fits,&c.
that those afilicted seldom ii ever suspect
that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an
early grave. In order to destroy this Worm
a very energetic treatment must be pursued,
it would therefore be proper to take 0 or S
of my Liver Pills so as to remove all ob
structions. that the Worm Sytup may aci
direct upon 'the Worm which must be taken
in doses of 2 Table spoon's full : times a
day, these directions followed, have nevei
been known to fail in curing the most obsti
nate case ofTape Worm.
EtoesiHsicJi's JLives PiSis.
No part ofrnan is more liable to disease
ttan the Liver, it serving as a filteier to
purify the blood, or giving Hie proper secre
finn to the bile; so that any wrong action ol
the Liver affects the other important parts
of the system, and results, variously, in Liv
er Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c.
We should, therefore, watch every symptom
that might indicate a wrong action of the
Lher. These Pills being composed of
Routs and Plants furnished by nature to heal
the sick: Namely 1st, An Expectorant.
which augments the secretion from the Pul
monary mnr-us membiane, or promotes the
pischarge of secreted matter. 2d, An Al
terative, which charges in some explicable
"and insensible manner, the certain morbid
action of the system. 3d, A Tonic, which
gives tone and strength to the nervous sys
tem, renewing healtlPand vigor lo all parts,
of the body, -fib, A Cathartic, which rets
in perfect 'hffrmonv with the other ingredi
ents, and opeiating on the Bowels, and ex
pelling tbe whole mass of corrupt and vitia
ted matter, and purifying the Blond, which
destroys disease and restores health.
To Females.
You will find these Pills an invaluable
medicine in many complaints to which you
are subject. In obstructions either total or
nartial, they have been found of inestimable
benefit, restoring their fractiontal arrange-.
ments to a healthy action, purifying the
blood and other fluids so effectually to put
to flight all complaints which may arise
from female irregularities, as head ache,
giddnes, dimness of sight, pain in the side,
back. &c.
None genuine unless signed J. N. Ho
Lensack. all others being base imitations-
(LAgents wishing new supplies, and
Store Keepers wishing to become Agent
must address the Proprietor J. N. Hobensack
No 120 N. Second st , Phila., Pa.
Agouti Ii2 I?Io:iroe Cossiily.
Dr. S. Stokes and It. Huston, Stroudsburg:
II. Peters, jr. & co. Marshals creek; Staples
& Shirley, Analomink; J. Bell, Experiment
Mills . Brodhead & llro. Dutotsburg ; II. &
J. Kintz, Paradise ; J. Merwine, Merwines
iiurT. Dailv & Tombler. Effert; Edinoer &
Marsh. Fennersville: Keller & Hoffman,
Kellersville; and all dealers m drugs through-
out the county and stale.
Price, each 25 cents
March 10, 1S33.
Cure of Consumption.
Liver Comvlainl. Colds, Coughs. Asthma,
BroncJiilis. and all Throat and Lung Com
I have published a brief work on Consum
ption, which contains an lnvatuaute recipe
for the cure of these prevalent diseases, even
in their worst stages, when friends and phy
sicians have rnvpn ud all hone. 1 he Luna
balsam prescribed in this work Cures wilhou
the expensive aid of physicians or injurious
use of patent medicines, in adopting tins bys
tern of Cure the patient hnows what he is us
ing knows that lie is not shorlenning hi:
pays by the use of anodynes or mercurials
Which may seem to Relieve but never Cure
He knows when usin this Life-saving Bal
sam, that he is taking mild, pleasant, eflica-
cuus remedies, such as Nature prescribed
for the ills herchildren suffer. I he ingredi
ents composing this Lung Balsam are obtaiii5
able (cheaply too.) wherever consumption
exists, proving that Every ill has its antidote.
Consumptive patients may llchjon this receipt
(all Lung Complaints are removed by Us
use) I would not attach my name to it, had
I doubt of its efiicacv. The directions for
preparing and using the Balsam are perfectly
plain. 1 prefer selling the Kecipe to making
the Balsam, as it enables people to Make
their own Medicine at a Trifling Cost. 1 wil
imparl the secret of making the Balsam, and
the Famihi rmht to use it. lor irfl. but m no
case will 1 sell it for speculating purposes.
Proof ol" its Goodness.
Jackson, Mich. March 21, 1851.
Doct. S.TOUSEY Sir: You wished me
to let you know what effect your preparation
of Medicine for Consumption and other dis
eases had in my family. After the first ten
days my wife gained in weight 3 lbs, relieved
her cough, changed her countenance, and all
appearances were better. My family would
not be willing to do without it. It is a med
icine much needed in Jackson there is many
cases simular to ny wife's. The Rev Mr.
Blanchard will write you for a recipe. Res
pectfully yours. O. F. POOL.
Address, post paid, (enclosing Dr. S.
TO USB V, I0f Nassau street, New York.
The work goes bv mail under sea).
OctoberG 7, 1S5 1-ni
Sfroudsbnr? al East on
Fort Jcrvis, Maitch Chuneh and Scranton
The Stroudsburg aud Easton
mail line of stages, consists of excellent four
horse coaches, and leaves J. J. Postcns' In
dian Queen Hotel, Stroudsburg. Pa. even
day (except Sundays) at 7 o'clock a. m. ar
riving in Easton belore the departure of thr
ears for New York, or stages to Bethlehem
and Allentown.
'(rThe following lines leaves Postens'
Indian Queen Hotel, Stroudsburg, Pa. even
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, returning
on alternate days:
A line to Port Jervis, leaving
al 7 o'clock a. m. via Bushkill, Dingman
Choice and Milford. Returning, leaves Port
Jervis immediately after ihe arrival of the
morning train of cars to New York, at about
S o'clock A. m.
Aline toMaucli Chunk, leaving
at 7 o'clock a. M. via Brodheaclsville, where
it connects with lines to Wilkes-Baie and
Wheii Haven.
A line to Scranton, leaving at
'1 o'clock a. si. via Bartonsville, Tarmers
ville, where it connects with a line to Hones-
Inlo or.rl rnnnnclinir at Scranton With the
VJUIV V 1 V w -
cars for the west.
These lines hold out stroncr inducements
frv tlif. trnvnlmnr nilhlif naSSitlil tlirOUSil SeC-
tions of the country which are as magnifi
cent and picturesque as any in me union.
Having provided themselves with excel
cellent coaches, good horses, and careful
drivers, they feel confident that they will be
enabled to give entire satisfac-lior. to all who
will patronize them.
August 19, 1852. Proprietors.
The testimony in its favor is ovcr-
whe'inins. The proprietors are dai y in
recemfc of letters and certifiicatcs. going
to prove its remarkah'c efficiency to ail
cases of worms, both in children and a
du ts. The re'ief given, and the immedi
ate improvement of health which follows
its use, has ca"cd the attention of physic
cians to this artie'e, and they freely re
commend & prescribe it in their practice.
The retail price is -Jo cents )cr viai inucu
brings it within the means of all.
Brooklyn, L. I. January 1G, 1847.
T dn certifv that I crave one bottle of
B. A.Fahnestock's Virmifuge to my child,
aud in scAcn hours it passed -3 large
worms. Anv nerson doubting this may
apply for further information at my resi
dence corner oi lork and JacKson st s.
james McCaffrey.
Fonghkccpsic, N. Y. March 2, 1844.
T certifv. that T took two vials of B. A.
Fahncstock's Virmifuse, which I found
to be the greatest cure tor worms l nave
over used. I have been troubled with
tape worms for a number of years, and I
have never found so good a medicine as
B. A. Fancstock's Yirmifunc. I there
fore recommend it.
Tim nnbiic is cautioned against coun
terfeits and spurious articles, and to put
A. . .1 .117-1
nn confidence in statements that ivoim-
stock's,' and 'S. Fahncstock's Virmifuge,
' . t
nrr thc same or as eood as tne only gen
uine article, which is 13- A. Fahncstock's
For sale in Stroudsburg, by T. Schoch,
Stumitisbuvz; Jcwciry Store.
?!! The subscriber hav-
JC ing purchased the entire
sfizSfe j stock of Clocks, W'atci
cs. Jcwcin, 4 c. of John
II Mnlielc. intends car
0- king and Jewelry busi
nrxx in all its various forms, and in a man
ncr, he trusts, that will give the most entire
fnriinn. not onlv to himself but to those
irustina tbo above mentioned articles with
him to'be repaired. .He has renewed his
stock by recent purchases in the city of New
York, which, together with his former stock,
makes his assortment at this time one ol the
mnsi :rilnndid ever before offered in btrouds
burg; among which may be found all the la
iict i'fi!liinnj in the structure and embellish
ment of dress Jewelry, viz: Breast Pins, Ear
Rings, Finger Kings, Uold LocKets, onaps,
Iftt-. Slides. Silver ynoons, Butter
Knives, and Brittania Ware, together with a
large assortment Gold and Silver Watch
es, Clocks, Perfumery , tfc, together with
all the articles that can be found in any es
tablishment ol the kind.
WaicHi EScpasrSasf?
Beinfr an imnorlant as well as a skillful part
of his business, he' flatters himself he can
give as general satisfaction to his customers
and the public as can be done by any one,
as he intends to keen none but the best work
men in his employ ; and feeling confident
that all shall have entire satisiaction done
them, heinteuds to devote his whole time and
attention to that important branch of bis
business. 4
Anvtliinn in his linn that be mav not have
on hand, will be promptly procured from the
city, by calling on the subscriber at his shop,
on Elizabeth street, two doors west of J. II.
Melick's old stand.
Stroudsburg, May (5, 1852.
N.W. Corner Second and Mulberry Streets,
COFFEE, At the Lowest
MOffASSE, ! Market rates.
SPICES, &o. &c. j
Tlinse commoncincr New Stores are par
licnlarly invited to call.
05 Attention given to Produce.
Philadelphia, January 27, lS53.-3m.
ffrsiitrai Fire Eiiswraiscc CoKip'y. !
rlhe rate of Insurance is one dollar on
the thousand doars insured, after
which payment no subsequent tax wi
be cvicd, except to cover aetuaZ oss or
damage by fire, that may Ml upon mem
bers of the company.
The nett profits arising irom interest
or otherwise, wi be ascertained yoary,
for which each member in proportion to
his, her, or their deposit, wi have a
credit in the company. Jiiach insurer in
or with the said company wi be a mem
ber thereot during the term of fits or nev
poicy. The principe of MutuaZ Insur
ance' has been thoroughy tested has
been tried by the unerring test of experi
ence, and has proved successful and be
come very popuar. It affords the great
est security against oss or damage by
fire, on the most advantageous and rca-
srmnlvo forms.
Appications for Insurance to be made
in person, or by letters auctrcsseu to
John Edingcr, John S. Heller,
Andrew Storm, James H. Walton,
Silas L. Drake, M. II. Preher,
Geo. 13. Keller, Eichard S. Staples,
TJnWt P.nvs. Joscnh Trach,
Jacob Stouifer, Charles D.Brodhead,
Michael Shoemaker.
It. S. STAPLES, President.
J. II. Walton, Treasurer.
Stroudsburg, Sept. 23, 1S52.
Tlorsc Owner's Secret,
Doing a new and certain remedy for the speedy
tirc r BflcaTcs,
By Sir James Lyindonton,
Principal Farrier lo his Royal Highness
Prince Albert.
npilE creat discovery contained in thislit-
JL tie work procured 6ir James his iJaron
etcy. It is really worth its weight in gold t
nil ivlm.v.vnnr n?R Horses. Tt nrecribesa Cer
tain and vositivc cure fort he Heaves which any
person can prepare. The remedy is belte
and cheaper than any advertised Heave Powr
der, and is perfectly safe, as any one can
know who tries it. Horse owners know that
many a valuable Horse loses half its price
ty this prevalent disease. The remedy pre
scribed in this work will cure him and in
crease his market value, besides relieving
the poor beast of a horrible complaint, simi
lar to the Asthma in a man. The public can
depend on this work; it is no catchpenny
humbug. The articles prescribed by Sir
James are all cheap and can be had at any
store. To prevent imposition the work will
be sent in sealed envelopes. English prico
four shillings and three pence sterling.
American price, $ I per copy. Persons or
dering Sir James' Work, are expected to con
fine his instructions to their own animals.
It will be sent to none others.
An American Horse Doctor approoves of
the above System! Head what he says:
" Appleton, Ohio, July 21. 1S51
Mr- DexiJERTON, 1 bave tried yourSecret
for the cure of Heaves, and approve of it
very much. Yours, truly,
Witness, G. Long. S. Lake, Horse Dr.
To procure this valuable little work. Ad
dress, post paid,
English Horse Doctor.
American Agent for James Lyndenton's
Horse Owner's Secret,
New York Post Office.
The Secret is sentby mailat ietterpostage
mi run T-TTv V C4- SvPTITI'V Wis:ll.
inffton, D. C, continues to practice
law exclusively in the supreme court, and
to attend to cases before Congress; lo
prosecute claims an settled accounts a
gainst the departments, bureaus, and
boards of commissioners; to procure pat
ents for invention, at home and abroad,
and to obtain pensions and bounty lands;
to collect debts, dividends, legacies, and in
heritances in any part of the United states
and foreign countries ; to make invest
ments of funds in loans and stocks and
on bond and mortgage, and to negotiate
the purchase and sale of loans, lands and
patent rights in any state of the Union.
India Rubber Cloves, Mittens, &c.
their purchases, should not neglect
these desirable and saleable articles. Their
manufacture has been much mproved re
cently and they are made very durable.
Particular attention is requested to the
Wool Lined Gloves and Milieus.
They are indispensable in cold and wet
weather. Ladie3 will find these Gloves use
ful in any work that will soil the hands, at
the same time that they will cure theworst
Salt Rheum or Chapped" Hands immediately.
They are made all lengths to protect the
arms and wrists.
For sale by Wilcox, Hillings & Co. No. 3
Church Alley, Phil'a. Goodyear's GS Ches
nut street do. J. & H. Phillips, Pittsburgh,
P.v Falconer & Haskell, Ualtimore, Md
II. W. Shifler, Charleston, S- C. Hart &
Ilickcox, Cincinnati, Ohio, and by all Rub
ber Dealers in the Union.
Foe sale at retaiby Country Merchants
November 25, 1852 2m
TO ESPEOTFULLY inform the Mer
chants of Stroudsburg and vicinity,
that they have on hand and arc manufac
in the Borough of Stroudsburg, and will
keep constantly on hand a full supply,
which they offer for sale at as low rates
as can be had at any other establishment.
- Call before purchasing elsewhere.
Stroudsburg, June 10, 1853.
12roal2acad & Rofoeris,
f fiBoots, Shoes & Straw floods.
No. 135 North Third Street,
Airil 14, IS53. 3m,
jJunntiicc, Dyspepsia, Chronic ro
IYcrvoais Debility, Diseases of .
the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a disordered.
Liver or Stomach, such as a constipation, in
ward piles, fullness or blood to the head,
acidity of the stomach, nausea, hoartburn,
disgust for food, fullness, or weight in the
stomach, sour eructations, sinking or flutter
ing al the pit of the stomach, swimming or
the head, hurried and difficult breathing, flnt
tcrin" at the heart, choking or suffocatiing.
sensations when in a lying posture, dimness
of vision, dots or weDs oeiore wu mbiu, i-
i ,i..u r,n-,n ?n thf hfiad. deficiency of
IL'l ilil'J null puni ' ' .
perspiration, yellowness of tho skin 6s eyes
pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, &c. sud
den flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, con
stant imaginings of evil and great depression
of spiiits, can be effectually cured by
Dr. Iloojland's celebrated German Bitters
rr.EPARKn bv
S)r V iU Jackson,
at tbo German Medicine Store, 120 Arch st,
Philadelphia. Their power over the above
diseases is not excelled if equalled by
anv other preparation in the United States,
as the cures attest, in many cases after skil-.
ful physicians bad failed.
These Hitters arc worthy the attention of
invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rec
iification of diseases of the Liver and lesser
glands, exercising the most searching pow
crs in weakness and affections of the diges
tive organs, they are withal, safe, certain
and pleasant.
Head and be Convinced.
From the Boston Bee.
The editor said, Dec. 22nd-Z?r Hoofland's
celebrated German Bitters for the cure of Li
rcr complaint, jaundice, dyspepsia, chronic
or nervous debility, is deservedly one of the
most popular medicines of the day. These
Hitters have been used by thousands, and a
friend at our elbow says he has himself re
ceived an effectual and permanent cure of
Liver complaint from the use of this remedy.
We are convinced that, in the use of these
Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength
and vigor a fact worthy of great considera
tion. They are pleasant in taste and smell
and can be used by persons with the most
delicate stomachs with safety, under any cir
cumstances. We are speaking from experi
ence, and to the afflicted we advise their use
'Scott's Weekly,' one of the best Liter
ary papers published, said, Aug. 25
Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, manufac
tured by Dr. Jackson, are now iecommended
bv some of the most prominent members of
the faculty as an article of much efficacy in
cases of female weakness. As such is the
case, we would advise all mothers to obtain
a bottle, and thus save themselves much sick
ness. Persons of debilitated constitutions
will find these Bitters advantageous to their
health, as wo know from experience the sal
utary effect they have upon week systems."
More Evidence.
The Hon. C. D. Hineline, Mayor of the
City of Camden, N. J.,says:
4 Iloojland's German Bitters. We have
seen many flattering notires ofthis medicine,
and the source from which they came induced
ns to make inquiry respecting its merits.
From inquiry we were persuaded to use it,
and must say we found it specific in its ac
tion upon disease of the liver and digestiio
organs, and the powerful influence it exerts
upon nervous prostration is really surpiising.
It calms and strengthens the nerves, bring
ing them into a state of repose, making sleep
"If this medidine was more generally used
we are satisfied there would be less sick
ness, as from the stomach, liver, and ner7ouy
system the great majority of real and imagi
nary diseases emanate. Have them in a
healthy condition, and you can bid defiance
to epidemics generally. This extraordinary
medicine we would advise our friends who
are at all indisposed, to give a ttial it will
recommend itself. It should, in fact, be in
every family. No other medicine can pro
duce such evidences of merit."
Evidence upon evidence has been receiv
ed (like the foregoing) from all sections of
the Union, the last threeyears, and thestrong
est testimony in its favor, is, that there is
more of it used in the practice of the regulur
Physicians of Philadelphia, than all other
nostrums conbined, a fact that can eaisily be
established, and fully proving that a scien
tific preperation will meet with their quiet
approval when presented even in this form.
That this medicine will cure Liver Com
plaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after
using it as directed. It acts specifically up
on the stomach and liver; it is preferable io
calomel in all bilious diseases the effect is
immediate. They can be administered to
female or infant with safety and reliable ben
efit, at any time.
Look well lo the marks of the genuine.
They have the written signature of C. M;
JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name
qlown in the bottle, without which they are
For sale Wholesale and Retail at the Ger
man Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch street, one
door below 6th, Philadelphia; and by respec
table dealers generally through the country.
Prices reduced. To enable all classes of
invalids to enjov the advantages oftheir great
restorative powers.
Single Bottle 75 cents.
For sale by Starbird & Wallaae. Strouds
burg4 Pa. Aug. 5, IS52. ly.
300 barrels Machinery Oil. Price 75 cts.
per gallon.
2300 gallons do do do 75 do
in casks of various sizes.
200 barrels JJoild Paint Oil. do
5000 gallons do do do do
55 do
55 do
in casks of various sizes.
350 barrels Tanners' Oil. Various kinds
qualities, from 35 to 60 cts per gallon..
1500 gallons in casks of various sizes. Va
rious kinds and qualities, from 35 to 5G
cts. per gallon.
00 tons Tnllnw fJrcase, for heavy bearings',
and coarse machinery, in barrels" or
casks, of any consistency required.--
Price G cents per pound,
150 tons Ohio Mineral Paint, In barrels, at
the lowest market price.
Machinery Oil, warranted not to chill in
he coldest weather, and considered by those
using it equal to sperm oil,
Boild Paint Oil, equal to linseed oi), other
tnan for white.
I am constantly receiving large supplies is
the abovo named articles, and my motto of
, 'Small profits and quick returns:"
33. F. POND, 50 Water st..
(under the Pearl st. House,) New-York.
July 1, 1.852. Gin
Has removed his office to his dwelling
house, first door helow the ofiice of tho
"Jcffersonian Office," and directly oppo
site S. J. ITollinshead's hotel, Elizabeth,
Stroudsburg, Dec. 10, 1S50,