The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, November 24, 1853, Image 2
iiiir i ' 11 nnr-niiininm" oI!)c 3cffcv5oninn. 'S'liui'sday, November 2 Z, The Ohio Journal of Education, for November, is worth to any teacher the niMPrt for nn vpnr. It contains several practical article?, sonic of which wc intend transferrins to our column's. The Massachusetts Teacher is always n welcome visitor. The article from the Edinburg Review on Popular Education, in the United States, should be read by nil, but especially by those who grumble :it paying their school tax. (sodej's Lady's Book. 8- We copy the following from the "I'ittston Gazelle," and adopt it as our own. The Lady's Book for December has fllroridv been recoived at this office. The j lending engraving, "Christ Healing tin Sick," is the best evidence of the perfee lion of that art that ever came under our eye, and wc believe it is the only cor- ro.tit eonv of the original that was ever i ' - taken. The colored fashion plate in tli'n jiuniber the ladies will find "Excelsior,' "both as regards beauty and fashion; they will also find forty other engravings ol the most useful kind to them, some o which arc patcrns of embroidery, laces net-work,, edgings, kc. The reader'; taste has also been abundantly cared for by the many interesting and entirely o riginal articles which are to be found in this issue. Godey will commence in the .January number the best storj' ever writ ten by T. S. Arthur, which is being pre pared expressly for the Lady's Book. Kow is the time for you to subscribe, J in dies of Stroudsburg ! with the com mencement of the volume. Our wife would rather go without her Young Hy son any time (and she is passionately loud of it too) than miss the smiles of iiode, or a new dress either, thau be without his patcrns for making it. Orders for the Book accompanied with the Cash, received at this office. Send them along. Lafayette College, Wc learn by the " Eastonian," of the l-cth hist, that this Institution now num bers between seventy and eighty Students, and two years ago it numbered but a bout thirteen. We are greatly pleased at the indications of its future prosperity and usefulness. We understand that the two Literary Societies are devising plani by which they may erect two nctv Halls, for their occupancy, md are about asking the trustees for grounds to locate them upon. j&gTbe Grand Jury of Luzerne Coun ty at the November Term of Court, found a true bill against the Deputj larshalls for assault and battery com mitted on Bill Thomas, at Wilkcs-Barre, hi September last, while attempting to serve on him a civil procees. Ddnih of a U. S. Senator Charle3 G. Atherton, United States Senator from New Hampshire, died at Manchester, N. H. on the 11th iust. In the Martha AVashington case, on tri al at Columbus, a question arose as to whether an officer had a right, under any circumstances, to break the seal of a let ter addressed to another person. Judge Mi-Lean saidthat, 'if auy person opened si letter under any pretence whatever, he was liable to be prosecuted under the ost office laws. If suspicious letters came it would be bectter for the postmas ter to send them to the Department; the' had no authority to open thcrn, neither bad the marshal, police, nor that court." Massachusetts. The election iu this Stale last week resulted as follows: For Governor Washburn, Whig, GOJOtf; Bishop regular Pierce Loco, 35,779; Wales Hunker Lo ,co, 5,-170; Wilson, Free Democrat, 29,- 887; Scattering 224. The vote on tin . new Constitution was for it G2,G85, a r trainst it 57,726 so it is lost by 5.000 and upwards. The legislature stands (Benate 11 Whigs, 9 others, and 20 va oaneies; House 102 Whigs, 98 others, XU0 vacancies. The vacancies in the Senate will be filled b' the majority of that body; and those in the House by th maiority there. Massachusetts is herself again! The Constables iu Philadelphia, engaged in brining suits against the tav ern keepers for doing business on the Sab bath, are reaping a handsome rcmuncra tion'for attending to what the Court had doolared to be their duty. The penalty in each case is $4, half of which goes to the inferior. Some of the tavern keep ers have, however, got to be so cute that they get a friend to make the information end by an arrangement iu that way, save half of the penalty. L--jg.-,-,--", y,y-L': Mr. Dallas in the- Field.--The West Chester Jcjcrsoman and the Liricastcrian arc out in favor of Hon. Geo. M. Dal las for the next presidency. J33g" The population o r t ho I :?irMflnG ic two millions. The War ill ChiliaIfS Barb&tttiCSi The advices from China give shocking C accounts of the barbarities which are committed at the sacking of towns and on the field of battle. It is stated that in one engagement one thousnml were KIM, be- sides a large number who were drowned ii. .i I uy Deing pursued into tnc river; in anotu- cr, seven thousand were killed; in another seven hundred were burnt to death and threo hundred killed, only ninety prison ers having been brought in by the victors; but they had the heads of one hundred and fifty others. Numerous engagements nr monjinnrxl wlmrn ilmiKmu nnrici.n, I I mm. i,-1.,, r,i xiiu jjui iuiui .qiin;.u. tu iuu u.;uimiu I rti i. it e -- At.... ... I oi barbarous cruelty. Ulieuonc ol his officers is defeated he takes his head off. JJtci u, uiuu'iuiu, ia uuilllil-T 1UJ t? n i. :. ..i.i: r his swn head. SsC'Crgxcli From the Message of Governor Cobb to the Legislature wc learn that the pros- cut debt of Georgia is $2,035,472 and that the balance in the treasury on the o.nti, f nr.fM.ov ,vo R7a 9r,7 nrnnr , ' Cobb recommends a return to annual sessions of the General Asscmblj', and w v- w ....... w " fc. " " . . w v fci w sstate is prepared to acquiesce tnerein. Wo nlsnvpr-cnninioiiik Hip pv! nnsi'rm nf flio iavi giving judicial elections to tne people to the remaining cases Oi state omccrs e- . . lected bv the Legislature. In the event of the Lcmmon case being carried before the Supreme Court, he advises that the t..-.j uuuusa in uciiii;i ui uiu otaiu ui utuit.i ; , ... r .r i . sj'i-i. r i ' ? The message touches upon a sreat variety of local topics, and concludes by an al- j lusiou to the flattering prospect which the present condition of our Federal relations presents, now that the angry sectional strifes which at oue time threatened to disturb our domestic tranquility have so happily terminated. Ulan Territory, Wc have a month's later intelligence from the Valley of the Great Salt Lake the hnlf-wav house of Colifornia overland rn ttx i t i , advices, have been more quiet, only lull- ing a few men and running off with a small quantity of grain and vegetables, wuicii tne iuormons at tne time were i .i r , ,i i I the :aucu 111 uucu 01" "UU" LUU luu:iul1' l j r :i.v:i ants have so little faith in a continued peace that they have resolved to build a wall around Great Salt Lake City to pro tect the citizens from any sudden incur sion of the savages and render the city impregnable to foes. Heavy Robbery in New York. Mr. L. D. Geer. of Erie county. Penn.J while at the National Theatre, N. York, J ' oed of his pocuct book, containg 82500 hnlirvp5 fhrif t hp. niihlif mfl rrmPTif. nt rhplnfiinn i-,t lirtif itnnnf nt ftim- Y-rt.lwinrrs !i Iiiivn run vii rrnv hP.rfl. UllfikS in Lunalo and New xork City Railroad upon tlie miserable farce of bank govcrn Stock, a check on the Hollister Rank mct as a genuine reality, had salted at Buffalo, for S45S.44. and about S200 ' - ' " in money. A young man named James Balis, who was seen in the act of sound ing the pockets of others, was arrested on suspicion. Important Decision. The Supreme Court of this State -has not satisfactory. The public have cxten decided, in an appeal from the District ded confidence to the Roard of Directors rw nf a iini,nn,T Tr, !,., . . , , 7 , county was plaintiff that shares of Bank btoclc are not suDject to taxation lor county purposes. The following is the decision of the Court, as delivered by one t d, -r j of the Judges: fc j ue qucsuoii acre is, are suaies Ui Bank stock subject to taxation for county purposes? By the law of 1844, section 32, 'shares of stock in any Bank' are made taxable for State and county pur poses,' and section 33 prescribes the measure of the State tax and mode of collecting it. But all this was changed by the law of 1S50 regulating Banks. By its section 21, the tax on dividends is considerably increased, and by section 20 a direct tax is added on the stock it self, with a-proviso that the fctock shall not be subject to taxation for any other purpose; and tins provision remain? in a, a- the supplementary law of 1552, pamphlet laws, page 443, which repeals this direct tax; and the result is that the 21st sec tiou oi tuc act or ioou is tne only run for taxing Bank stock, and it is not taxa ble for county purposes. We cannot ap preciate the distinction that would make .1 1 a.ii i r i tne snares in tnc Hands or tne owners liable, while the capital stock is expressly exempt "And we can see reasons that justify M. e k..i. ,,.ii. r. - ..n IjUV; I-AUIIIIILIUII Ui UUlIiV SLUUft. jiuui an other than State taxes. The State needs this source of revenue for its own purposes aud it may not suit to leave it open to general taxation. Moreover, banks are not allowed to deal with their money as they please, and fix their own rate of dis count, and with such restrictions on tbem it might not be just to impose upon them the same burdens that can well be borne by the wealth that is unrestricted in the mode of its employment. Resides this, the burdengpf such taxation is very une qual, most of it escaping taxation by fa voritism, concealment, or carelessness. Picrei8 omsistcaey. The question among politicians has been, why has Gen. Pierce turned Judge Brousou out of the poft of Collector of New I ork, and retained Mr. O'Conor, the District Attoruev there, in office, although he has publicly placed himself Dy Judge Up i's Slc vituperated the official Unioi long newspaper article under bis own . 1 ,1. TT....1.. ! -1-1 Signsiturc, ana mcraurua uave even cuai- knged the administration to remove him? is said that Mr. O'Conor himself wrote w.tue lament ug v o ue turned out, when he sympathized and co- . nr,ai'.,(nil TiMfli .liidiTn KvnnQnn in nvnrv - j particular, to which Gen. Pierce returned h a most friendly and concilatory answer! The reason is said to be that the Collect- v w o M..f ,nn,. n(npr ! n,ul firnnnil ,1 . r... ...... TT l 1l iuc cubtom xauusu tu uiu, uut T. ..... . . T I strict Attorney na3 no patronage; ana, therefore, Mr. Mr.rev. who is a practical - . ...... .. . man ana on es on v at tnc " tne snons j - ciiln At titn AiincttriTi nnnt norn m , - kinS off tljc Dwtnct attorney s head. It ninv hfi fat tnere is nnotlier reason, iur. : ftnni i!) nmon "i inin oik -"inrfC uutu nui ujiunu tiiut tuu.iuuniyu. iJiuuuui a Protestant, is treated without ccremo- uy, but his Caiholio Friend cannot be so summarily disposed of. It will not do to deny that such religious considerations enter into political matters. The man is u f :..n.. J , ence. Most assuredly. Catholics havo as good a right as any other citizen to hold , ttlbilUUU A 1 ' .4 UlUVliU W LLllll. A- l liglous laith; but the oiheer, who knucfc- Uc frt o cl,rtr,i;ofrt rf fl,f IVnnmin,,; . and dare not even resent his taunts, is a . poor specimen of a Eepublican Chief Mag- istrato. Those who nrcfered Pierce to Scott because the former was the friend x of the Compromise Measures have had fWIr nrn5 nnonn,l in mrf. In: roppnf. nvPT.fs """" vj,vU 1 "J " v tr-.i- rni. i- i. ' 11 Pierce because thev could not trust Scott . . i for fear he would be under Catholic milu- ouce. C!in iearn somcuiing more iroiu iue - .1 r ii- uuiurciiii iiuatuiuui uivuucu iu jjiuuaun and 0"Conor. Fc7in. Rep. Thft FailllFC Of Ihe Batik Of Mas- silloiii The Wcstrcn papers speak in strong terms of the failure of the bank Massillon, which blew under 'very peculiar circum- stances." It was chartered m 1835 for twentJ Jcnrs- Capital stock 200,000, with privilege to issue S400.000. II 0f its stock to give him entire control of the concern. He employed about 8200 - uuu ot its bills in building the Chicago . J II . I. I .J. Al . 1 I ... 1 . 7. ',r. , . . .7 7 . . mi ;ii inn iiuuiuau: cu 1.11.11, 1 11:1 l ;i- liinmil, nt l r? tii 1 1 m iq in rnn Tnflror3 nt 1 ir Western farmers and laborers. Dwight has possessian of about $350,000 of its assets, it is said, and has lately failed in N 1. the bank goes down, ot course, with no means to redeem its bills. Nearly the en tire funds of the bank appear, from thi representation, to have been monopolized by one. man. ihe Cleaveland Herald says: "The officers of this one-man bank- must have known where its funds were, ' .1 . T , .1 .1. - 1 1 must iiavc. Deen awaro tnat lue ,eT would involve m a serious loss the mno- ccntj credulous bill-holders, who, looking IT it , 1 1 t 1 aowu tnc promises to pay issued Dy tnese .7 .n wi.. i ti. nal managers of this skeleton bank to render to the honest hard-working far mers of Ohio for the fraud perpetrated upon them? Do thejr say that the bank belonged to xUr. xnvight, and, line any other man, he has a right to do what he may like with his own! This answer is tne corns oi uuiccrs, in tne iuu uc ncfthat the affairs of that Bank-would be managed faithfully and honestly for the joint benefit of its stockholders and the public, and the absorption of the fun(Js of tha bank bY one man so cor- plctcly that its credit rested on the un- r J c ,u n , . . easy wave ot Wall street, was an outrage and a frau" Murder by a Madman in. Perry o On Tuesday the 8th inst., our commu nity was thrown into an excitement, by the report that a madman, who is a pau per in the Perry Co. (Penn.) Alms house near this place, had perpetrated a most horrid murder. On going to the spot the terrible report proved only too true. The following arc the circumstances con nected with the dreadful scene: In the afternoon the Steward of the Alms House, Mr. Balthazer, sent three of the paupers into the forest to cut wood, two Irishmen, and a German who is not considered a lu natic, though subject to fits of ungoverna able irrasibility. This man had been troublesome on former occasions, though latterly had behaved pretty well; he was a man of great strength. Soon after they commenced work, without any provoca tion whatever, indeed not a word was spo- on au? 0f rals?d hiS s'iarP nntl ueuv v uau auu unu uuu uuiuuuuuus uiuw avy hurried it in the body of the unfortunate Irishman, who stood just before him. The axe entered the right shoulder bone, pased through the ribs, divided the right lobe of the lung and separated the aorta; instant death of course ensued. After the deed was done he took up his axe and went home, where he was put in irons, and will be tried. An inquest was held over the body of the murdered man, and the verdict rendered in accordance with the facts stated. Yours, &c, 11. Wcisor. a n-..i.,.t :L iJwi,b SivtPor, nnntL rnnnd for steak, YT Boston has 22;000 legal voters. 3 Kii2z Prices. The New York Tribune descauts in the following manner respecting the universal rising disposition everywhere manifest: "Everything is going up except mor- als m this city. Houses are going up f up. People arc going Rents arc up. We do & nro rrmnfr up town. not know that they can go higher. Evc- rything eatable is constantly going up, up- Plour is so high at the grocer s that it re fuses to rise m the kitchen. A good ma ny will be put to raise bread, if flour rises n .1 i V any higher. v,oaj is so mgu uiub ujuujt i "1 ' - ' V.P" :T " ' auuu tu tiiu uuiiui. nuuin iiu-cittuuiiiL u i ifc takea tl grCat,deal of money, seven dol J P L - - - ars. to raise a tun. lurcwood must have urown on tall trees or it never would stand up at present prices. Butter is so high two aud sixpence per pound, tUUL ill IUU UUK iiU UWUU MUU! Iw.v. the snnnlvcomos from SO far ''UP country" there is nothing low about it, i IT J - . 1 excent quality. Potatoes havo been get- . ? il i 1 , v rm i i ii . tm" u u .uv. Mrwlo I linv Trtntr o Tier TViwin r. H'U ev tooK a rise wuen iney were dug, and it has been hard digging to make a tQ rcach fhem cyer ginco Bcef nn;ti.m. fnA nm. lufrh iror iuuuiiu u'vuu.i illo j s hurh rrifnr nnntm h tn niflU-O lin tor r -- i warranted as tough as any white oak. Our mutton all comes from mountain sheep. The price is above anything in the lov lands. I he price of pork is c- uough to make the buyer do what the pig dlu wucn uc was seizeu t0 bc Klcci. Chickens are all of the Shanghai breed. They arc high enough. Turkeys have 'n :ff f li, p,,n rown quite out of reach short as their legs are, are able to rise on ' WQW " ' Q - "'" Bu "F. - " , 5 pom.. V L cailllOl. I .UbU .1 quabb. milium a dollar. atcr, that used to run down to thp evel of common people, has ----- -- A l , now got a way of getting up above their reach. You have to come down ten dol- Us to make it come up trora the broton . .. ..-.. V- a. T-i-1" i 'e T i hist off at cost. e never hear oi such . tilings nOW. JliVCIl UlUUUy, lllUt usuu tu -IO J i I , i.:ii: - . , J!.i- 4. i i. i a drink. Every thing we eat, drink and m ft , , i r i i rni antt wear is ueign no, no, nigin New York Markets. York. Nov. 10. The New ork. lov. 10. I ho market for Flour this morning is somewhat un t settled. Western Flour is unchanged, with sales of 10,000 barrels. In bouth- crn, the transactions amount to 10U0 bar- rels at 7a7,12A. Wheat is steady, with sales ot 30,000 bushels at .i,ftai,u cents for Genesee, and 81,00 for Ohio. In Bye, 3,000 bushels were sold at 97 cents. Vyui u is suiui-buiug uttnii, b' sales of 30,000 bushels at 78a81 cents for mixed. Whiskey is lower. Sales of 300 barrels at 29a29 cents per gallon. Fast Trotting. On Saturday last a groat feat was performed by a horse on I w - ...... i i. n j. :ii u... inn.n 1 1 l'iiiiiiii iuu uuuhiiviih; nuw uuui, u. i. x.,, , i i x nonnn i. l.l was staked against 83000, that he would trot 100 miles in nine hours, a distance which he performed in S hours, 55 min utes, and 53 seconds coming out in nrimc order, nis owner then was in duced to trot him another mile on a pal try bet, when the noble animal fell dead This is the greatest trotting feat on rec ord; but the brutal winding up disgraces the whole affair. 0r Champagne is manufactured in France from the juice of the rhubarb plant. jScw Jersey Election. The official vote for Governor foots up as follows: Price 38,312 naywood 34,530 majority for Price 3,732. The Whole Story, The Albany Knickerbocker under the head of "Independence and Progress, ' tells the whole story of our nation's birth and progress in a remarkably short par agraph for a theme so comprehensive.- The style is rather racy, but decidedly "to the point. ' It is seventy-seven years ago to-day since Uncle Sam was born, aud what an eventlul seventy-seven years they nave been. Seventy-seven year3 ago, the U- nited States was a remote circumstance; they now compose the second commercial nation in the world. In three-quarter's of a century they have revolutionized the world, built up an empire, lieiced our mother, and lenced in a continent, in less than it took Methuselah to get out si -lit . 1 1 ot swaddling clothes, wo have made more canals, tamed more lightning, and bar- nessed more steam, and at a greater cost in money, than tho whole revenues of the world could have paid for the day he got out of his time. In seventy-five years we not only changed the politics of the earth, but its wearning apparel cot- ton shirts being as much tho offspring of the united states, as baiiot-uoxes and democracy. Since tho fourth of July, 177G, the whole world has been to school, ana wnatis nettor, nas learned more com- mon sense than was taught in tho previ- ous four thousand years. Tho problem of sen-government has been solved, and its truth made immortal as Washington' or yellow corn. Its adaption to all the wants of tho most aspiring nation has been made most signally manifested Un- dcr its harmonious working, a republic has grown up m an ordinary lifetime that 'would have taken another system of gov- eminent a thousand years to have bro't about. Yes, in less time than it has taken some green-house plants to arrive at maturity, we nave bunt a nation that has spread itself from Maine to Mexico, from the Atlantic to the iJacihic a na- tion that has . caught moro Mexicans, planted more telegraph posts, and owns more steamboats, than any nation that ever lived or ever will live. For all this. wo again say, thank God, aud praise Thomas Jefferson." B-There 'were 100,859 less votes poll- at our late election in Pennsylvania, than in 1852. . Arrival of the Arabia. Collon and Flour loth Declined' at Liv erpool. New York, Nov. 1 The royal Mail Steamship Arabia, with Liverpool dates to the 5th, being three days later than the previous advices ar- rived at her wharf at Jersey City at 0 o clock this morning, The news is of a very interesting char acter. In Liverpool, Flour had declined six nonce to one shilling ner brl. Wheat - . , , , e,l one .frith., per quarter . in. 1 i In Liverpool, Cotton had declined one- eighth on fair qualities and under mid dling descriptions. Middling remained unchanged. Middling Uplands were quo ted at 5i d The London Money Market presented no new feature. Consols closed at U4 being a decline of one eighth since the re ccipt of the Baltic's advices. The Bullion in the Bank of England is mcreasing, and monev appears, it auy- thing, to be easier. The elfect of the la test war accounts from the East were not known in England, as none were received but a few hours prcvions to the Arabia s , , -ir i -i .1 and bilvcr had been in great request tor v,v-i"" J 1 China and India, and prices had advanc ed. Turkey ami Iir:;si:i. The news from the East is ot a con flicting and contradictory character. The rumor however, is confirmed, that a Turkish force of 30,000 had crossed the Danube and it was announced that they had occupied Kalafat. It was reported that they had been attacked there and do feated by the Kussians in a pitched battle Omar Pasha, before crossing the Dan ube.addrcssed a spirited p reclamation to , ct;r;n ,lr. ...trmrKtn nnrl the army, stiring up their patriorism and declaring he would ''sacrifice his body and soul, to be revenged on the invaders of his country. He kept his word as to the Kussian e vacuation of the Principalities, and at the expiration of the fifteen days commenced , t hostilities in all directions, and ingoot! T il i ' c nK nni-nncf I liifitin tlin into nm n: iittpon -"; -""K i.iv. intvu. ..-n u days the Turks were actively employ J . ed in trims uui nun wuuus iu uuituiu uuiliu in transporting troops to certain portions of the Danube, from which they could cross with little further obstacle to the op posite banks held by the Russians. I he passage of the Danube by the Turks, under command of Omar Pasha Uvas effected without opposition The reason assigned for the evacuation 0f Kalafat by the Russians was the great mortality which prevailed among the troops in the different camps. It yvas rumored, however, that the Bus sians afterwards returned to Kalafat, and iu ;i pituiiuu uaiiiu nun ueiumuu iuu a. urna Trince Paskiewitch had left St. Peters burg for Bucharest, to take command o the Russian army m the Principalities main force of the Russians were in DOsition near Bucharest, where severa hundred pieces were posted, and every I I - i . nrcnaration made tor detencc .. n , n f liere wore rura0rs prevalent that Re 1 .A. chitl paci,a iiad retired from the Ministry The latest accounts from Bucharest re port that 2000 Turks had appeared o Guirgeers, and fired into the town. In the conflict, which is stated to have been very desperate, many Russians and Turks were killed. The Turks received the worst of it, and retreated up the river closely followed by the Russians At Kalafat it was reported that thcr were daily skirmishes between the Turks and Russians, though they amounted to nothing serious. The Turks respect all foreign property under the Austrian flacr v3 Another dispatch from Vienna, by way of Pans, under dato of Nov. 3d, an nounces that a battle had taken place near Kalafat between the Turks anti Russians. The Turks numbered 8,000 and the Russian force was only 2,500 Tho engagement was a desperate one, aud lasted about two hours, when the Russians retreated with a heavy loss. Prince Uortchakoff had left Bucharest for Karaiova. His departure produced a profound sensation. A battle was ex- pected to take place in that direction. A- Karaiova was full of Russian troops. Prince Paskicwitch was on his way to the Principalities' take command of the Russian forces jt was supposed that the-Russians would purposely allow a considerable portion of tho Turks to establish them sclves in Lesser Wallachia, in order to bring them to battle as soon as possible; I ' ami as the Russians felt confident of vie t0ry, they would, after driving back the Turks, quietly await a settlement of the affair on such terras as the great Euro- hem powers thought reasonable. The latest reports state that martial aw been proclaimed by tho Russians n Bucharest and in all the other towns of the Danubian Princinaltitics. All inter- course with the Turks was prohibitec un der pain of death, and any person found corresponding, with a Turk was to be suniuicrily executed On the 24th ult. the Turkish fleet weighed anchor and sailed for tho Black Sea. The combined fleets of England and France lie at Lapsa, in the Dardanelles. Tho Porte had despatched Namir paaha to Paris and London, on a special mission. All the Russian subiects in Turkey are placed under the protection of Austria. The endeavors of Austria were still directed towards inducing the Czar and the Sultan to adopt the Vienna note, and there were some hope of a success attciid- hnfr the effort. A refugee tumult had taken place at pera. The lastest telegraphic accounts report that there had been battles in Circassia Lml Dhnmstan. and that tho Russians wcr0 defeated by the mountaineers. TTmnnh and Enlish offinnrs worn arriv ing in Turkey in considerable numbers. Tho great European Powers wcrc'active- ly at work to eudeavor to clieck hoatiU- I ties. 3J.A With regard to the new note reported o have been drawn up when the Baltic ailed, it was said that the. Czar had con ented to accept it, on condition that England and France guarantee the ac ceptance ot the same by the bultan, which it is understood those countries decline doing, neither being disposed to use coercion m the matter. The Czar stated that this would be the ast proposition that he would make or accept. , . The Grand Council or tne jivan, ic was believed, had been called together to. consult on the subject. It was proposed in Constantinople to o- pen a loan in the United States. The following is the official proclama ion of Omar Pasha, addressed to the army previous to crossing the Danube : Imperial koldurs . When firm ana courageous, we shall engage the enemy; wo will not flee, Dut will sacrifice our body and soul with the full detcrmina- ion of bciug avenged. Look to the i r .iT7- i t lvoraul wii tne xvoran we nave sworni You are Musslemen, and I doubt not you are ready to sacrifice body and soul or your religion and Government; but it there be among you a single man afraid of war, let him say so, for it is dangerous to face the enemy with such men! Ho who is under the feehug of fear should be" employed in hospitals or other occupa tions; but he who remains with us, and turns his back on tho enemy, shall be shot. Let courageous men, who long to manifest their devotcdness to their re ligion and throne, remain. Their hearts arc united with God, and, if faithful to their religion, ther will prove themselves brave. Suddex Death. Enoch Walker, an old and much esteemed citizen of Sus quehanna county, was found dead in liis bed on Wednesday morning last. He had stopped to spend the night with Squire Rogers, at the Summit, ate sup per and retired in his apparent health. J he body was taken to Dimock; Susquc- hannh county, for burial. Friend Walk er has spent a lifetime in endeayonng to do good to his fellow men, aud seemed actuated alone by the principles of be nevolence and religion. Peace to hi ashes. Carlondale Tra?iscript. On the 12th inst. by Rev. J. F. Boone, Mr. Jame3 Snover, of Warren co. N. J., and Miss Sarah A. Kortze, of Monroe-co. Pa. On the 19th inst., by the same, Mr George Bertzler and Miss Eliza J. Nicols, both of Monroe co. On the 15th inst. by Rev. William Clark, Mr. Philip Cyphers, of Wilkcs Barre, Pa., and Amanda Fenner, of Ja, Smithfield, Monroe co. Pa. DIED. In Stroudsburg, on the 17th inst. Mrsv Adeline Dutot, widow of the late Anthony Dutot, in the S4th year of her age. At Marshal's Creek, on the 13th inst. Maria, wife of Daniel Casebeer, acd 27 years 9 months & 27 days; leaving a hus band and four children to mourn her loss. nMiot's Notice. In the Court of Common Picas of Monroe Cou nly. In the matter of the account of Charlton Burnett, committee of the Estate of Isaac llartna. Tho auditor appointed by said Court to examine and if necessary resettle the said account and make distribution, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Friday, the 16th day of December next, at ten o'clock A. M. at the office of Charlton Burnett, Esq. in Stroudsburg, when and where all persons interested can attend. F. STARBIRD, Auditor. Novembor 2-1, 1853 'It. 21 i mi nis tra t a x's Notice. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration upon the Estate of George Hag elauer, late of Smithfield townshid, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Wills in and for the County of Monroe, state of Pennsylvania, to the undersigned, residing in Smithfield township. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims a gainst the same, will present them duly au thenticated for settlement, to CHRISTIAN F. SNYDER, Ad'or. November 24, 1S53. Ct. ians iom1 Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of the County of Monroe, the following Real Estate, formerly of B.irnct Walter, late of Middle Smithfield township, in said county, deceased, will be sold at public vendue, on the premises, on Monday, the 19 th day of December next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, two cer tain messuages or tenements and tracts or pieces of land, situate in said township of Middle Smithfield, viz: No. 1, adjoining lands of Jonas Ilanna, William Overfield and John Mcrri hew, containing Seven Acres, be the same more or less ; about five acres of which is cleared and the balance timbcrland. No. 2, adjoining lands of Wil liam Overfield, John V. Coolbangh, Thomas Grattan, Martin Courtright, Emanuel Gun saules and John Mesrihcw. and containing Forty-six Acres, be the same more er less; about 14 acres of this tract are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the rcsidue thereof is well timbered. . iferf, T.he improvements are a irilih FRAME HOUSE, jyj4-jfjll8 feet by 23 feet, and a LOCf STABLE. There is a well and stream of water near tho door. The terms and conditions will be made known at the time and place of sale, by SOLOMON WALTER, Ad'or. By the Court. M. II. DREIIER, Clerk. November 21, 1853. Morses l"ora!e 7Trl "nc subscriber has at his stable CQ-Un this Borough, ten young Horses, well brok'c, for sale. JOnN PALMER, 'Stroudsburg. Jfov. 17 1853, -1