THE GLORE- TIio Offirinl v "nW'J AND NEWSPAPER Pon prnmr th?i Z i Z f J h MarCh' , U,al that the idea jif such a paper as 1 propose io mane uie Ulouc originated in the mind of the Tather ofhis Country. He said lt is to be lamented that the editors of the different Gazettes in the Union do not more generally and more correctly (instead or stuffing thqir papers vutli scurrili ty and nonsensical declamation, which few would read it.they were apprised of the contents) publish the de bates in Consrrcss on all creat national questions. The principles upon which the difference ol opinion arises, ns well ab llie uccisions, huuiu men eome luny oeiore SpurKs s W ntings oi wdsnmgion, oi. io, p. bi. rn T-v -l 1IIE JJAII.Y ULOBG Tnv f!nvnnpjssmvAT. fimnr In surrendering my interest in the or2an of n omat nolitical nartv. 1 chnrishnrl ho .tinmen n rnntinmntT I ip nnnracj nn 51..1.P. nnd. if imssible. in timn. .n n,rf,r. i. fli i,!u,r nf t,o i;n nen. raa .t. j .i.-.l 1 ... i r. i,.r...:.i. ni mi' mi utiiii it- ii.fiii i hi 11 v nriri inn v win V. j the proceedings all stamped with the verily " 7 , ".iC U1 J' of an official record. From the passanc inrk. PapC?' . ll re(lUIres lhe o thr, lotm. of fnpml Wnchinoion. tvliic-h 1 . . b." . - ,:.i;if(l,. r...M; fr. f .l,o Ioks imnoriant kind orcatlv contrihntM to ... I turn ii' nns in np vvpioiinor mi lor iv iirh I r.. iiu,i B,flo.;,.n.i Ilia) .nni.u uuiiiiooiuiiui nova. Termer nrpp,lp,l in m nrooc f fectin- the reports of the debates in Congress ind (riving tliem the nilirinl Mn.r.n T nmv propose to send them abroad, in connection ' i with the news of the day, in such haste as shall outstrip full and accurate intelligence sent from the seat of Government in any other form whatever. It will even antici pate the scraps ol news lorwarded to cities within two hundred and fifty miles of Wash- lninon uy teiegrapn. ueiore me e veins inus transmitted are published in the morning papers, (for instance, of the city of N. York.) the Globe containing them will have reached the public 1 will have a corps of sixteen Reporters in Congress ; each in succession will take notes during five minutes; then retire, pre pare them for the Press, ptjt them slip by slip in the hands of compositors; and thus. while a debate is going on in Congress, it will be put in type, and m a few minutes after it is ended it will be in print. I shall by this means be enabled to send by the Express Mail of 5 o'clock p. m. for the East, West, and North, and by that of 9 o'- ciock p. m. lor tne oouui, an me proceeu-i ings of Congress up to the ordinary hour of i. r - .i c .i ii i nujnurnmuni. x nus ine accurate aeoaies c Congress will reach the cities two hundred and fifty miles from the Capitol before their daily morning papers are in circulation. The miscellaneous news I shall be care ful to rather from remote sections of the country hv telegraph. I will obtain from . 11 the Executive Departments, through official sources, the matters of moment transacted have quoted, it w be perceived that he r, , , , , , V "ai,u ,,l.l .Lie nfKn minht hn cnml.innd with "L0U d a .0l "U deb ihatofa regular newspaper; and it is certain 1 i ?nt C0S.1 ab"Ut that the ai the post office of that city by the Express 7, V ,rww.,"'':",B m"u.a a..u Mail of the previous night. The process by u,e'affs ,,s S.1X, dollars;n which this will be effected I now lay before f ComPte indexes will be made out and in them, and, through agents employed forM)Urg' viz: the purpose, all the city news of conse- quence in sufficient time to be put into the the Globe and mailed in the Express Mail trains. In this way I hope to create a new era in the dissemination of news from "Washington. Hitherto no newspaper has attempted to give authentic accounts of things done at ashinglon before the pub- lie mind ;t a distance had received its first impressions irresponsible telegraphic patches, or by letter-writers biased by peculiar uews. Washington has now become so great a center of political interest during all the vear the proceedings of the Executive De partments and the information collected by them even during the recess of Congress is of so much importance to the interests of every section of the country that 1 shall continue the publication of the daily paper permanently, with a view to become the vehicle of the earliest and most correct in telligence. It is part of my plun to reduce the price of the daily paper to half that of similar pa pers ; and thus I hope to extend its circula tion so as to invite advertisements. 1 will publish advertisements of the Government. To subscribers iu the cities I hope to sub mit such terms as will induce them to ad vertise their business in every village throughout the Union, where the Globe is -sent daily under the franks of members of Congress, all of whom take it, and some of them a large number of copies The installation of a new Administration nnd a new Congress portends much change in ihe course of public affairs as the result ifthe next sesssion. Many .vast interests which were brought up in the last Congress were laid over by'the Democratic majority to await the action of a Democratic Executive. The new modeling of the tariff; the new land system; the question of giving home steads, and making every man a freeholder who may choose to ecome one; the approx imation of the Atlaulic and Pacific oceans by a national railroad across the territory ol the Union, reform in the Army, Navy, and civil offices all these great questions, with a thousand minor ones, deeply affecting multitudes of men and every State in the Uuion, will, now being matured by public o pinion, come up for the Government's decis ion. These new issues, co-operating with old ones, coming up to be disposed of by new actors on the scenes at Washington, will be apt to modify greatly, if not alter es sentially, ihe party organizations of the country. To these elements of interest another is likely to be introduced by the interposition of the agitations of Europe. After nearly forty years of peace in Europe there is an evident restlessness that now seems fraught with tendencies threatening war; and if war comes, in all likelihood there will follow such universal change that the United Slates can searcely hope to escape its vor tex. Indeed, from late events it is apparent that our Government is already drawn into European difficulties . These circumstances are calculated io draw the public mind to wards the next Congress with much expec tation. The Daily Globe will be printed on fine psper, double royal size, with small type, (bievier and nonpareil,) at five dollars a year. TJie Congressional Globe will also be prin ted on a double royal sheet, in book form, royal quarto size, each number containing sixteen pages. The Congression Globe pro per will be made up of the proceedings of Congress and the running debates as given by the Reporters. The speeches which members may choose to write out themselves will, together with the messages of the Pres ident of the United States, the reports of the Executive Departments, and the laws passed by Congress, be added in an Appendix Formerly I received subscriptions for the Congressional Globe and Appendix separ ately. Hut this has not been found satisfac tory, inaemuch as it gave an incomplete view pf the transactions in Congress; and there fore I have concluded not to sell them apart, ppnsjdering that neighbors can have the ad rantage of both by clubbing in case individ. uals shall find it too origans o bp at the charge of both. To facilitate tho circulation of the Con nnpcs nnn fj nhn nn.l :. ... ..t : p" - - ".u ii iu auu;n niasters generally Joint j,hnion J, Joint Resolution providing for the distribution of the .... congress and tlic Debates thereon. W Uli a view to the cheap circulation of the laws of uiitjiuss ;mu me ueoatcs contributing to the ti tie inter prctalion thereof, and to make free communication be tween the representative and constituenc bodies : lie it resolved by the Senate and House of Rcprcsen Muti-a ui iuu uiiiiuu amies 01 America m congress as sembled, That from, and after the present session of ousress, me congressional uioocana Appendix, w Inch contain the laws and debates thereon, shall pnssfiee throiiL'li tho m-iilc .r Innrr ns l,r nVr "ch..Ti h iTiioi i shall be construed tn niithiir?i thn r.trnnlntinn r n. n'., .V V " . -...,.. i uaiiy uioue irec oi posiage. I Approved, August 0, IS52. as sen tne nauy utobe at hall the price T'" , Pbl,cat,,on.s' so, l Congressional "e anu "PP is sold lor nail ttie cost """") '"ios-wuia, anu u.i Per I his I can afford to do, inasmuch as subscription of Connress almost covers the cost ol composition, and this enablns me i ' I In cf.II fnr littln mnrn tUn iKA f : u.uu uui,,us lu rimourse expenses rnn nn v vm en , tl, ,r-. 1. ates in the eleven times " u,ul" ua 4 ouusuuuers iui uiu ue- uai" oiigrcss, uuai in iianuiy, ana as well rpnnriecl and nrmlort. l -1 a lie next session oi uonp;ress will be a I, 1 i i I, . lon one; and it is believed the Gongression al Glo'e f"r lxvi rcach -1'.000 r0-v,aI 3"ai, l'J3' M,u 1J3L 'U,)S f" '"ue o,oty ; nrifi inn irinT nnn hn mro rhi mr v f i (l l al quarlo pages four large volumes each session, it subscribers will be careful to file all the numbers received by them, I will supply any that may miscarry in the mails i nis worn increases in value as it crows old. 1 ne lust seventeen volumes will now command three times, and some of the subse qucnt ones tivice their original subscription price I he subscription price for the Congres sion is ended. Subscribers for the Daily should have their money here by the 5th, and focthe Con qression Globe by the 15th of December. The money must accompany an order for either the Daily or Congressional Globe. Bank notes current where a subscriber re sides will be received at par. JOHN C. RIVES. Washington, October 12, 1853. Valuable Building Lots a -v i i liT . t Vyt"pl)ClU5 VilOUtt X CllC Pursuant to an order of the Or phans' Court of Monroe County, Jmade at Stroudsburg1 in said Coun- SJty, on the 1st day of October 1S53, will be exposed to public sale on Monday, uie lst OI ovemer, xooo, at tne puonc 1 . f at l irn . .1 ti ll0Use ofJacob Knecht, the following- descri- ea "is, situate in tne iiorougn or cjirouus- iNo. 1. A Jot on the corner of Ucorge and Monroe Streets, 25 leet front by 9U- in depth to an eleven feet wide alley, No. 2. Adjoining- the above. 25 feet front on Monroe street, by 91A in depth to an elev- en feet wide alley. Also, a lot fronting" on George and Sarah streets. 25 feet front on Sarah street bv 91A in depth to an eleven feet wide alley. The above are valuable building lo'ts, beine situate near the centre of the Town, and along the line of the Delaware, Lehigh and Wyoming Valley Railroad. Icrms of Sale. One half of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, the balance in one year, to be secured by Judgment, with interest from confirma tion, Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M ALEXANDER FOWLER, Admor. By the Court: M. H. DREHER, Clerk. Stroudsburg, October 14, 1853. (Sjrccutor's 2Cotice. Estate of Phoebe Fowler, late of the Borough of Stroudsburg, deccscd. Notice is hereby given that Letters Testa mentary upon said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, will present them for set tlement, to ALEXANDER FOWLER, Ex'or. Stroudsburg, Oct. 1, 1853 Gt. bministraior'B 2Cotice. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad minstration upon the Estate of Abraham Fowler, late of ilacken Sack, Bergen County, N. J. deceased, have been granted by the Register of Wills in and for the County of Monroe, state of Pennsylvania, to the under signed, residing in the Borough of Strouds burg. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment without de lay, and those having claims against the same, will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to ALEXANDER FOWLER, Ad'or. Stroudsburg, Oct. 1, 1853 Gt. MARBLEYAE D. The undersigned respectfully begs leave to inform the citizens of Monroe county, that he has opened a new Marble Yard in the Bor ough of Stroudsburg, on Elizabeth street, nearly opposite the Union Hotel, where he will keep on hand American and Foreign Marble, and holds himself in readiness to fur nish Chimney Pieces, Xlubinct Marble, Mon uments, Tombs, and Head Stones, &c. de signed and executed with neatness and des patch. M. M. BURNETT, Agt. for Peter Smith. September 1, 1853. 3rn. JOHN H. STOKES General Agent for Monroe Co. for the sale of Blake's Patent Fire-Proof Paint, ob Artificial State, Which in the way of Paint is warranted to surpass in cheapness and durability cny thing that has l'eretoiore been offerdHHo the public. In no instance has it ever been known to crack, cleave off, or waste by time. He also has on hand a large and well selected stock of Groceries Hardware, iovcs,&c. which have been purchased for cash and must be sold. Stroudsburg, Junuary 13, 1853. CAUTION. All persons are hereby forbid not to hunt or make shingles or trespass in any manner upon ray property, under penal ty of the law. PHILIP MARTIN. Coolbaugh tsp. Oct 27, 1853. 3t. BLANK MORTGAGES For sale at this Office I clnnnl f-Mnrin (TniAtr tlm Annnnliv n .1 iuiuaii.i.u iu ouuoiiucia o-juii aiici iiiu sua- 155 5 5i;!!23f i n I'wu 81,000 REWARD. The above reward will be paid for the ap prehension of any person who will say that Isaac II. Loder docs not sell the cheapest and be&t Cabinet Furniture, at the P copies' s Cabinet-Ware Roohisoppo jgjyrjLZX site Robert Boy's store, in the borough of Stroudsburg,) this side of New York. The undersigned, having purchased the large and extensive Cabinet Ware Rooms lately occupied by Frederick Philips, would respectfully inform the citizens of Strouds burg and vicinity that he intends carrying on the Cabinet making business in all its various branches; and is now prepared to receive or ders and attend to all calls for every thing in Ins line or business. T. ho undersigned will keep on hand and furnish to order Good and Handsome Fursiitur?, as cheap as can be sold anywhere. The following articles can be examined in his Ware Rooms: Sofas, of various styles and patterns; Sideboards, Secretaries, Wardrobes, Bu reaux, of various patcrns. Cupboards, of different kinds; Card, Center, Side, Breakfast, and Dining Tables; Wash Stands, Twist, Small and Large Etagere, What-Notcs, Music Stands, Sofa iables, Tea Tables, Oval and Serpentine Tables, Chinese What-nots, Fancy Work- tables, Kcfrcshmcnt tables, Divans, and a general assortment of Cottage Furniture on hand and made to order. OT Varnishing and repairing done on short notice and on reasonable terms. A handsome assortment of Gilt. Mahoo-anv and Walnut Look III Glass nnrl Pint pro ramcs, of every description, will be constant ly kept on hand and made to order. w;2&SV J ..iuuk buiuua nvHUll IliUIU lilail1 made to order and in the best style, at short notice. A hearse will also be urmshed when desired. Lumber and country nroduceofall kinds tauen in exchange for Cabinet Ware, Give ' us a can before purchasing elsewhere. lie member tne place is onnosite Ti. TWs store. i j ISAAC II. LODER. Stroudsburg, March 24, 1S53. 00 Vmii AGBfiTS WAKTEB. Any good, active and intelligent man. with a small capital of from 830 to S100. can make large profits by engaging in the sale of tne lollowing ihuiiucio j.njurmaiwn jor ine reovLc : or A.,.7.-1 r..r i .? -r. Popular Encyclopedia of Useful Knowl edge. Two large imperial octavo volumes, containing 1700 paces. Peterson's History of the American Revolu tion. 500 large octavo pages, and 200 fine engravings. Frost's Remarkable Events in the History of A - rii i . , -'imvriuu. j. wo large octavo volumes, con taining 1600 pages and 700 engravings The best History of America published. Frost's Pictorial Life of Washington. A Oplendid book containing GOO octavo pages and 150 elegant Engravings. The cheap est Life of Washington ever published. loorc's HistoJy of the Indian Wars. Fine colored and Plain Plates. The True Republican. Containing the In augural Addresses and the First Annual Addresses and Messages of all the Presi dents of the United States, the Constitu tions of the most important States in the Union, &c, &c. Embelished witht Por traits of all the Presidents, engraved on steell, and a view of the Capital of the United States. 500 pases: 12 mo. Fos Book of Martyr's. A Splendid Family -tiition, large quarto, with 55 Engravings, beautifully bound in morocco, o'tU. Be Cormenin's History of (he Popes. 000 large octavo pages, with illustrations. Josephus Works Fine Edition, one large volume. Sturm's Reflections on the Works of God. St. Pierre's Studies of Nature. Mute's History of the World. A Valuable (general History. One large octavo vol nme, with handsome Engravings. Lives of Great and Celebrated Characters of all Ages and Countries. One large vol ume of 800 pages, with numeious Engra vings. Together with a number of other Works particularly adapted for Popular Reading. Murine most liberal discount? will be giv en to Agents ivho may engage in the sale oj the above Valuable Books. For further particulars, address (postage aid,) J & J. L. G1IION, Publishers, No. 98 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. October, 7, 1853. PLEASE TO READ TOIS. Book Agents Wanlcel. To Sell Pictorial and Useful Worcs for ihe kcar 1854. Wanted in every section of the United States, active and enterprising men, to engage in the sale of some of the host 3ooks published in the Country. To men of good address, possessing a small apital of from 825 to 1000, such in ducements will be offered as to enable hem to make from 83 to 85 a day profit. JSSrihe Uooks published by us are all useful in their character, extremely pop ular, and command large sale wherever hey are ottered. For further particulars, address, (post age paid.) 110JJE11T SEARS, Publisher, 181 William St., N. York. Report of lEio Gr.ssd Jury, Sep- le tea bet nerzsB, 2853. The Grand Jury, is satisfied from the information they could obtain that it is a general practice by the Innkeepers in the county of Monroe, to sell ardent spirits on the Sabbath day, and it is the desiro ol the Grand Jury that the Inu- ieepers throughout the count' shall be notified to close their bars on tho Sab bath, and in case said notice is disobeyed, o enforce tho law against them. ELIIIU POSTENS, Foreman of the Grand Jury. Stroudsburg, Oct. 1st. 1853. The above Presentment is directed to be published in all the newspapers in Monroe county, as notice to those inter ested, that they shall not, in future, vio- ate the law, wituout being answerable or it. By the Court. Jtv The subscriber has opened R ft a rl-jfiK onnninmAdnfn nil TTrliri m n v vor mm witn ineir custom. jonN n. MELICK. Stroudsburg, May 27. 1852. 0m. REMOVAL ! ! 3E822'g WHOLESALE AND HETAI! L Boot awb 0!)O MANUFACTORY! tg-SW The subscriber respectfuly informs fgrj nis customers and friends that ho lias removed his Bool and Shoe Manufac lory to the store room formerly occupied bv Joseph Sigman, in Northampton street, one door above Hamilton street, and between Mrs. E. H. Harmony's Millinery and Peter Pomp s Drug Store. He has just received a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, amone which are Cal Congress Boots, Enameled Congress Boots, Calf Napoleon Boots, Patent Morocco Na poleon Boots, Brogans, &c. for Getlcmcn and lioys. Also on hand a large assortment of Shoes lor ladies and Misses. Women s fashion ble Gaiters of every variety, made to order at short notice. A large assortment of Chil drens Shoes always on hand. GUM Shoes of all descriptions and kinds, which he is selling CHSAP FOE The goods are manufactured of the best materials and in the neatest and most fash ionable manner. He employs none but the best workmen about his establishment. Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore received, every effort will be made to merit a continuance of the same. TIIADDEUS SCHOCIL Easton, September lG, 1S52. Bi AdcS5insg:5a Elixir o the onlv medicine capable of curing the HEAD ACHE, in half an hour. Form erly, several days were required to relieve this distressing pain; whilst now the use of the Elixir will, in a few moments remove it entirely. Although but lately introduced to public notice, this wonderful preparation count thousands of advocates. It is very beneficial in Colds and Coughs, checking the most obstinate fit of coughing in a minute or two. This remedy is an invalua ble Family Medicine, in all sudden attacks of sickness. A single trial will be satisfac tory evidence of its efficacy. Price 25 cents per bottle. Prepared only by THOMAS S. PRICHARD, Office No. 118 Catharine street, above 3d, Philadelphia. CERTIFICATE : Allentown, July 9, 1852. Dr. T. S. Prichard Dear Sir : I have used the bottle of your "Elixir for Head ache," which you left with me a few weeks since, with, I think, decided advantage. J have for many years been subject to attacks of this distressing complaint, and certainly found relief in your preparation. Yourc respectfully, M. IIANNUM. For sale by Dr. Samuel Stokes, Strouds burg, Pa., wholesale agent. Samuel B. Keefer, Snydersville. W. S. Deitrich, Saylorsburg. John Merwine, Merwinsburg. David Chnstman, Christmansville. II. D. & J. K. Shafer, Pleasant Valley. July Ll, 1853-6mo3. B and JSafiii- ufaciu?ers 8450. Zs2 i3c2ilil Prizes. 8450. Volume IX of the Scientific American commences on the 17th of September. It is chiefly devoted to the advancement of the in terests of Mechanics, Inventors, Manufactur ers, and Farmers, by the diffusion of useful knowledge upon these important branches. It is edited by mea practically skilled in the arts and sciences, and is widely regarded as a Eound and able journal. Nearly all the Valuable Patents which issue weekly from tne 1 ate nt Uffice are Illustrated with Engravings, and the Claims of all the Pat ents are published in its columns; thus mak ing the paper a perfect Scientific and Me chanical Encyclopedia for future as well as present reference. The Scientific Ameri can is very extensively circulated its circu- ation in the last Volume exceeding 13,000 copies per week. It is in form for binding; each volume contains Several Hundred Engravings and over Four Hundred Pages of Reading Matter, with an Index. The practical receipts alone are worth to any i i ... . imiiy mucn more tlian tne subscription price. The Publishers offer the following valua ble prizes for the largest list of subscribers sent in by the 1st of January next: 100 will be given for the largest list; $75 for the second; 50 for the third : 45 for the fourth; 810 for the 5th; 35 for the Gth; 30 for the 7th; 25 for the 8th; 20 for the 9th ; 15 for the 10th; 10 for the 11th; and 5 for the 13th. The cash will be paid to the order of the successful competitor, immeadiately after January 1st 1854. Terms : One copy one year, 2; one copy six months, 1; five copies six months, 4; ten copies six months, 9; ten copies 12 months, 15; fifteen copies twelve months, 22; twenty copies twelve months, 28 in advance. Southern and Western money taken for subscriptions. Letters should be directed, post-paid, to Munn & Co. 123 Fulton-street, N. Y. Aug. 25, 1853. IIS POCKET jESCULAPfUS s 1 OR, EVERY ONE HIS OWN TIIYSICIAN. Tho fortieth edition, with one hundred engra- vmgs, showing Diseases & Malformations of the Human System in every reshape and form. To !SS the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. Sy Willsajia Yotaisg, 113. . Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of the JEsculapius lo his child. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations of married life without reading the Pocket JEs culapius. Let no one suffering from a hack nied cough, pain in the side, resless nighs, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dys peptic sensations, and given up by their phy sician, be another monument without con sulting the JEsculapius. Have the married, or those about to be married, any impediment read this truly useful book, as it has been the nmeas of saving thousands of unfortunate creatures from tho very jaws of death. ' Any person .sending Twenty five cents en closed in a letter, will receive one copy of this work by mail, or five copies will be sent for One Dollar.' Address, (post paid.) DR. WM. YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce st. Pfiladelphia. February 17, 1853 --ly.- OAP. Fine scented Soaps for wash- ing and shaving a1 so the ce cbrated shaving cream, for sale by SAMUEL MEIJCK H3RSCKKEND & ABLES'S 3 Jt ELIZABETH ST REE Five doors above the 'feffcrsonian' office This is the cheapest place to buy Ready made illotljinq, Soots & Sljote in the Borough of Stroudsburg, CLOT EI I KG! Less than City prices ! Quick sales and small profits! We have on hand the largest assortment of Readv-made Clothing. Boots & Shoes suitable for all seasons of the vear that can be found in this place, which we arc able to sell at less than City prices, and at per cent, lower than the same kind of goods can be had at any other establishment in town Vve buy our materials in large quantities di rect from the manufactures, by which we save 30 per cent, in our purchases. The Clothing we oner are all of our own manufacture, and not bought ready-made, H c also keep on hand a splendid assort ment of Gcntlmc7is Stocks and Handkerchiefs, of the latest style, and a variety of Trunks, Valises, Carpet-bags, DRY GOODS AND YANKEE NOTIONS. 0 Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for anything in our line of business. Cash or trade will be paid for 2,000 sheep sums. July 21, 1853. 3 mos. LlYERf STABILE. The proprietors of this establish mentarc prepared to furnish the pub lic with all the conveniences that can be required in this business. Having lately added new stock, it will be found that our new Omnibus is just the thing for parties on pleasure trips, marriage excursions, &c. We assure the public that our stock is all good and reliable, and are at all times pre pared to furnish every variety of vehicles. i'rices reasonable. Stable on William street, adjoining Katuz's Blacksmith shop. KAUTZ & HUNTSMAN. Stroudsburg, August 4, 1853. ly. Wits I Fits! Fits! THE VEGETABLE EXTRACT EPILEPTIC PILLS, For the cure of Fits. Spasms, Cra?nvs, and all nervous and Constitutional Diseases. Persons who are laboring under this dis tressing malady will find the Vegetable Epi leptic Puis to be tiie only remedy ever dis covered for curing Lpilepsy, or Falling Fits. Ihese Pills possess a specific action on the nervous system; and, although they are prepared especially for the purpose of curing ills, tney will be found of especial benefit for all persons afflicted with weak nerves, or whose nervous system has been prostrated or shattered from any cause whatever. In chron ic complaints, or diseases ot long standing superinduced by nervousness, they are ex ceedingly beneficial. Price $3 per box, or two boxes for $5. ersons out of the city, enclosing a remit tance, will have the Pills sent them through the mail, free of postage. For sale by Setii S. IIance, No. 108 Baltimore street, Balti more, Md., to whom orders from all parts of the Union, must be addressed, post paid. June 2, J. EPSTEST, Jg Has permanently located him Pry$ self in Stroudsburg, and moved u-3---'- his office next door to Dr. S. Walton, and nearly opposite S. Mclick's Jew elry store, where he is fully prepared to treat the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt- ble artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in the atest and most improved manner. Most per sons know the danger and follv of trusting their work to the ignorant as well as the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he is liable to lavesomc failures out of a number of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distance, it is fre quently put off until it is too late to save the tooth or tcetii as it may be, otherwise the in convenience and trouble of going so far. Icncethe necessity of obtaining the services of a dentist near home. All work warranted. April 23, 1S53, lGa,CI0u" Brick Just burnt and for sale by the subscriber. rhese brick are of a large size and of a su perior quality, and will be sold as low or ower according to quality than any other kick in the county. A portion of them are pressed or front brick. Said brick are made of the best material and will stand the fire with impunity, thus answering for the pur pose of building Bako ovens, &c. All ol which will be sold as low as any in the neighborhood. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange or Brick. SIMON GR1JBER. Stroudsburg, August IS, 1853 ly EVERY MAN IKS. OWN MILLER. Clark's Patent combined grindingand bolt- ng mill, is an invention which cannot fail coming into general use, turning out as it does from the wheat extra flour, superfine, middlings, ship stufYand bran, at a single op oration, and in the most complete manner. This ti uly scientific mill fills a space of but three feet in diameter, and five feet high, is worked by a single shaft, capable of grinriin"- and bolting from three to ten bushels of wheat an hour, and can be nronellcd bv anv nowor rom four horse, to any which may be desired. The entire cost of a mill calculated to make one barrel of flour to the hour, docs not ex ceed $100. Those desiring to purchase a mill, or the patent for counties or townships in Pennsylvania, are requested to addrews Wm. Ilcilntan, or call at No. 41 Brown street. Jhiladclphia. September 1, 1853. 3t. PAPER HANGING. "O ESPECTFULLY announces to the cit- JL j zona of Strondsbuig and the surround ng country, that he still continues the above business, and may be found at his establish mcnt on Elizabeth street. All orders for Pa per Hanging will be punctually attended to, and executed in the best style, upon the most reasonable terms. N. B. WINDOW SASH, painted nnd glazed, of all sizes, constantly on hand and tor sale at the above establishment. Stroudsburg, April 15, 1850. ly C22AEia.ES M5JSCHJ, ft Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds $! of furniture, cabinet-ware, coffins, etc ' i 1 at his stand on the Milford roud. two miles from Stroudsburg. (r7Reiidy-made coffins of all qualities and Hizes kept constantly on hand -and for sale at the lowest cash price. Octuber 1R5:.Iv. m fcooks & Sictttoucr) AT WHOLESALE. 88 John st. New York. Publishers, Booksellers, Stalkers, and M n nil fn ftii roro rC .1 - ... .....w.-..,.o , c,i;,j, uuscripuon Ol - having enlarged their manufacturing depart ment, and added a new Sales Room to iheir establishment, are now prepared to surtpVv booksellers and Country Merchants with ev. ery variety of Books, Blank Books cf Stationcnj, on the most favorable terms. Their stock of BLANK BOOKS, all of their own man ufacture, consists of all the various sizes and styles of Account Books, Memorandums, Pass Book;, Writing, Ciphering. Exercise, Time, Roll and Drawing Books, Bookkeep ing Blanks, &o. Diaries for IS5-3, sraeat variety. BOOKS in every department of literature, suitable for Schools, Academics, Colleges, School, Sunday School, Public and Pri- ate Libraries, Standard Works in Prose, and Poetry, Annuals and other books in fine bindings for the Holidays. JUVENILE BOOKS, of every descrip tion. Bibles, Prayer & Hymn Books in all their varieties. A!Iai:u?, RJussc Books &c. STATIONERY, plain and fancy, Eng lish, French cj- American. Slates by the case at Manufacturer's low est prices. All ol which thov will sell, at prices av eraging probably lower than any other Es tablishment in the city. Orders by Mail filled carefully and prompt ly, and at as low prices as if the purchasers were present. bo John, cor. of Gold Street, Ncic York. July 7, 1853. ' HIGHLY "SsVIPGRTAWT ! LATEST NEWS. New Boot and Shoe Establishment The subscribers would solicit the attention of the public to their new Boot and Shoe Es tablishment, just opened in Stroudsburg, first door below Barry's Hotel, where work of all kinds can be had either ready-made or made to order at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Ladies' Shoes of the neatest styles constantly on hand. Long experience in the business in all its departments, enables the subscribers to re commend their work to the public, feeling well assured tnat their highest expectations will be fully realized after giving it a fair trial. WITSEL & IIINTON. Stroudsburg, June 23, 1853.-tf. SABBIjE MB IflAKfrESB". The undersigned having lo cated himself in the borough of Stroudsburg, at the old Sad dle and Harness stand of Jas. N. Durling, on Walnut street, opposite the Washington Ho tel, would inform the public that he will keep constantly on hand a choice assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Wliips, Carriage Harness, Sulky and trig Harness, Team Harness, leather, cotton, aud icorsted Flynels, Trunks, Valises, Carpet bags, Curry-combs, Horse cards and brushes, and all other articles in his line of business, which he will uispose of upon very reasona ble terms. Work made to order at the shortest notice. His materials will be of the best quality. and as he employs none but good workmen. le hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage. His motto is "quick sales and small profits." Call and see for yourselves. Country produce taken in exchange for work. W. C. LARZELIER. Stroudsburg, March 17, 1853. N. B. Carriage trimmings for sale, and Carriages trimmed to order. New Whole Sale and Retail WINE & MUR STOKE. Slronds!rr, Pa. The undersigned would inform Land- sy!ords and the public generally, that they have justopencd the above business in Stroudsburg, in the store house formerly oc cupied by John II. Melick as a Jewelry Store, and have on hand a large stock of WINES AHD LIQUORS of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from the Custom House, which they are prepared to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea sonable terms. Our stock consists of French Brandy, dark and pale. Also, Peach, Black berry, Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy : Hol- and Gin, N. E. Rum; Irish, Rye and Apple Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala ga, Currant nnd Champagne Wine, &c. &c. Also, on hand a lurge stock of Bitters of all inds. Demijohns, from i to 5 gallons; bottles, and generally any thing that cau be asked for in our line. Landlords will find it greatly to their ad vantage to deal with us. We have no hired agents to sell and distribute liquors for us at great expense, which must be paid for by the consumer. Those dealing with us we intend shall be satisfied with the article they get, as well as the price, and whenever they are not, we will be pleased to have them return the tquor, and make the fact known, for we in- end to make it a permanent bnsiness, and can only do so by dealing honorably. All orders sent us, by stage drivers or others, will be promptly attended to, the same as though the person was present dealing for himself. July 8, 1852. P. S. POSTENS & Co. The Co-Partuership heretofore existing un der the firm of Palmur &. Pu-vuck, in the; manufacture of Candles, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The Books n.nd Accounts. .t i r- T 1 t arc in the hands oi jonn r aimer, la whom all indebted are rcqusted to make payment. rAii&ilSll &. PEARCE. Stroudsburg, June 1G, 1853. N. B. John Palmer & Son having purchast ed Pearce's interest in the Stock, the bus ness will, as heretofore, be carried on at the old stand, by John Palmer & Son, who ask a continuation of public patronage. A great variety of To's on hand and for sale cheap at tho variety storo of SAMUEL METfmc Stroudsburg, G, May 1852. Arc . t V 7 STROUDSMJIia. MONROS CQjtf?.y , PA. Office on DUahoh st-eotx formerly 6a euriaa hy ym. Davis Esn. " v " Iff! w May 1 H51 7