afifCTjUCTlM-i - JJJU t. Jit II", f U1 miLUIMJX 1 TT7 PER COMPLAINT, J-JJL J:imI:cc, Ly-popsaa, Chronic or Jfcrvytis cil5it r, Blouses of tin: Hi iitieys, r.pd nil (licenses arising ftom a disordered .i;r cm Stomach, such as a constipation, in ward piles, fullness or blond to the head aridity ol the stomach, nausea, hoiittburn. di.git for food, fullness, or weight in the sit'ittarh. mr eructations, sittkii g or flutter : g u the pit of the stua h, swimming 01 the head, huirted and difficult breathing, flnt ter:n at the heart. ( hokiug or suflncntiiiig sensations when in a lyina posture, dimness if 4sinn. dot. or webs before the sight, fe er aiid dull pain in the head, deficiency ot rrspii.ttion. yellowness of tho skin & eyes pain in ihc side, ba k, rhest, limbs. &c. sud 'en Hushes o! heat, burning in the flesh, con i-tanl imaginings of evil and reat depression ol spim. can be cffertualiy cured by Dr. Hcxfland's celebrated German Bitters I'RKPARKD BY Ir Hi Jackson, hi the German Medicine Store, 120 Arch st. Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled if equalled by any other preparation in the United States, as the cires attest, in many cases after skil ful physicians had failed. These Hitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rec titration of diseases of the Liver and lessei glands, exercising the most searching pow ers in vipakneas and affections of the diges ine organ, they are withal, safe, certaii and pleasant. Read and be Convinced. From the Boston Bee. The editor said. Dec 22ul-Dr Uoojiand'." celebrated German Bitters for the cure ol Li ier complaint, jaundice, dyspepsia, chronii or nervobs debility, is deservedly one of the innst popular medicines of the day. These HiImts have been used by thousands, and a irieiivl at our elbow says he has himself re tejved an effectual and permanent cure ol l.wct complaint from the use of this remedy We are convinced that, in the use of these Hitlers, the patient constantly gains strength audiigoi a l.ict worthy of great considera smn. They are pleasant in taste and smell aod can he ued by persons with the most drlicate stomachs with safety, under any cir cumstances. We are speaking from e.vperi ence. aiu to tne afflicted we advise their use Scott's Weekly,' one of the best Liter rv papeiS published, said, Aug. 25 'Dr. Hoofianti's German Bitters, manufac iureri by Dr. Jackson, are now tccommended by some of the most prominent members ol the faculty as an article of much efficacy in rase ot female weakness. As such is the rase, we would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle, and thus save themselves much sick ness. Persons ot debilitated constitutions will find these Hitters advantageous to theii health, as we know fiom experience the sal Hilary elicit they have upon week systems."' More Evidence. The Il.-n. C. D. Ilineline, Mayor of the City of fTamden. N. J , says: IL'rfiantl's German Bitters. We have spen many flattering notices ofthis medicine, and the source from which they came induced us tu m-tke inqt.irv respecting its merits. Frurn inquiry we were persuaded to use it, and mut say we found it specific in its ac j:nii upon disease of the lier and digestive organs, and tiie powerful influence it exerts upon iirnous prostration is really surprising II raiiiis and strengthens the nen es, brins them into a state of repose, making sleep XfJieshtinr. "li lids medidine was more generally used (we aie -atfied there would be less sick nr&ff, as from the stomach, livei, and nervou g?y--tem the great majority of real and imagi nary diseases emanate. Have them in a iicalihy condition, and you can bid defiance to epidemics generally. 1 his extraordinan xiifditii.e ue would advise our friends who are at all indisjioaed, to give a trial it wih rr-ron rueod itself. It should, in fact, be in t-veiy faiiiily. xo other medicine can pro riorr s.. h evidences of merit." Evidence upon evidence has been receiv ed like the foregoing) from all sections ol Me Union, the last three years, and the strong hi it'Mimuny in ns iavor, is, tiial there is more of u used in the practice of the rculur 1 hvMciaris of Philadelphia, than all othei nostrums conbined, a fact that can eaisily be established, and fully proving that a scien mc preperauon win meet with their quiet iaprroval when presented even in this form That thi medicine will cure Liver Com plaint And Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as directed. It acts specifically up on the stomach and liver; it is preferable to ralomel in all bilious diseases the effect is immediate They can be administered to iemale or infant with safety and reliable ben-sc-fit at any i:uie. look well to the marks of the genuine. Thev have the written signatuie of 0. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name tfjluwn in the bottle, wiliout winch they arc spurious. For sale Wholesale and Retail at the Ger man SUdicinc iitore. No. 120 Arch street, one dKr below 6th, Philadelphia; and by tespec ltAt dealer? fipurally through the country. Prices reduced To enable all classes of invalids to enjov the advantages oftheir great xestorame powers Single Bottle 75 cents. For sale by Star bird & Strouds b"rg' Pa. Aug. 5, 1852. ly. OILS, TALLOW GREASE AND OrHO iVSINERAL PAINT. 300 barrels Machinery Oil. Price 75 cts, per gallon. 2500 gallons do do do 75 do in casks of various sizes. 200 barrels Botld Paint Oil. do 55 do 5000 gallons do do do do 55 do in casks of various sizes. doO barrels Tanners' Oil. Various kinds & qualities, fiom 35 toGUcts per gallon. IOUU gallons m casks of various sizes. Va rious kinds and qualities, from 35 to 50 cts. per gallon. 50 tons Tallow Grease, for heavy bearings, and coarse machinery, in barrels or casks, of any consistency required. l'rice 6 cents per pound. 150 tons Ohio Mineral Paint, fn barrels, at the lowest market price. Machinery Oil, warranted not to chill in he coldest weather, and considered by those using it equal to sperm oil. Boild Paint Oil, equal to linseed oil, other tuan lor white. I am constantly receiving large supplies is the above named articles, and my motto of ,'Sinall profits and quick returns:" B. F. POND. 50 Water St., (under the Pearl st. House,) New-York July 1, 1852. -6m 0S8I '61 08a 'Sjnqspnoag q?9qcziT ooq s,ptjoqsuiOfi ' g ois -oddo ifyoo.up pue 'jLUDouied eoiuoj,, 3t jo aopjo oq? Aj.o8q joop ?surj 'ssnoq ujiiaAip siq o 80UJO siq psAOuia-i bbjj ;i'tVl dL V A 3 M H O J, J. V 3? - s V MONKOIC COUNTY llJstlitaS "Tire E tivmsmro Cotsip'y Fg) the- rate of Insurance is one dollar on the thousand doars insured, after which payment no subsequent lax will be evted, except to cover actuai toss or damage by lire, that may fall upon mem bers of the company. The nelt profits arising from interest or otherwise, will be ascertained yeary, for which each member in proportion to his, her, or their deposit, will have credit in the company, .bach insurer in or with the said company will be a mem- bcr thereof during the term of his or her poicy. The principe of Mutua Insur ancc has been thoroughy tested has been tried by the unerring test of experi ence, and has proved successftu and be come very popuar. It affords the great est security against oss or damage by fire, on the most advantageous and rea- sonabe terms. Appicalions for Insurance to be made in person, or by letters addressed to JAMES U. WALTON, Secy. MANAGERS . John Edingcr, Andrew Storm, Silas L. Drake, Geo. 13. Keller, John S. Heller, James IT. Walton, M. II. Dreher, Kichard S. Staples, Joseph Trach, Kobcrt Boys, Jacob Slouffer, Charles J). Brodhcad, Michael Shoemaker. It. S. STAPLES, President. J. II. Walton, Treasurer. Slroudsburg, Sept. 23. 1852. HOUSES MADE SOUND BY TIIE f-lni'co n'niu'a Snppnl- Being a new and certain remedy fot the speedy asr oi Hcarcs, Bjr Sir James Lyndonton, Principal Farrier to his Royal Highness Prince Albert. nrHE nreat discovery contained in this lit JL tie work procured -Sir James his Ha run etcy. It is really worth its weight in gold u all who own or use Horses. It precribesa Ccr- tain and positive curefvrt he cares which any person can prepare. The remedy is belie and cheaper than any advertised Heave Powi uer, and is perlectiv sale, as any one can know who tries it. Horse owners know that many a valuable Horse loses half its price by this prevalent disease. The remedy pre scribed in this work will cure him and in crease his market vaiue, besides relieving the poor beast of a horrible complaint, simi lar to the Asthma in a man. The public can depend on this work; it is no catchpenny humbug. The articles prescribed by Sir James are all cheap and can be had at any store. To prevent imposition the work will oc sent in sealed envelopes. English prico four shillings and three nence sterling. American price, 1 per conv. Persons or dering Sir James" Work, are expected to con fine his instructions to their own animals. It will be sent to none others. An American Horse Doctor approoves of the above System! Read what he says: Appleton, Ohio, July 21, 1 551 Mr BuNBt.mrox. I have tried yourSecret for the cure ol Heaves, and approve o! ii very much. Yours, truh'i Witness, G. Long. S. Lake, Horse Dr. To procure this valuable little work. Ad dress, pott paid. JOHN DUNBERTOX, English Horse Doctor, American Agent for James Lyndenton's Horse Owner's Secret, New York Post Office. The Secret is sent by mailai ietterpnttagf LAW CIRCULAR. WrORTHI.XGTON G. S.NETIIEX, Wasb- ington, D. U., continues to practice law exclusively in the supreme court, and to attend to cases before Congress; to prosecute claims an settled accounts a gaiust the departments, bureaus, and boards of commissioner?; to procure pat ents lor invention, at home and abroad. and to obtain pensions and bounty lands; tocollect debts, dividends, legacies, and m heritancesin any part of the United states and loreiL'n countries: to make invest,- ments of funds in loans and stocks and W 4 ' on bond and mortgage, and to negotiate the purchase ana sale of loans, lands and patent rights in any state of the Union ludia Rubber Gioves3 Mitiens- & riOUNTRY MERCHANTS, in making J their purchases, should not neglect these desirable ami saleable articles. Their manufacture has been much mproved re cently and they are made very durable. Particular attention is requested to the Wool Lined Gloves and Milieus. They are indispensable in cold and wet weather. Ladies will find these Gloves use ful in any work that will soil the hands, at the same time thai they will cure the worst Salt Rheum or Chapped Hands immediately. They are made all lengths to protect the arms and wrists For sale by Wilcox, Billings & Co. No. 3 Church Alley, Phil'a Goodyear' 03 Ches nut street do. J. & II. Phillips, Pittsburgh, Pa- Falconer & Haskell, Baltimore, Md H. W. ShifTer, Charleston, S- C. Ban & Hickcox, Cincinnati. Ohio, and by all Rub ber Dealers in the Union. For sale at retail by Country Merchants generally. November 05, 1852 2m mm PALMER & SON TO ESPE0TFULLY inform the Mer chants of Stroudsburg and vicinity, that they have on hand and are manufac turing PURE TALLOW CA&DLSQ, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, and will keep constantly on hand a full supply, which they offer for sale at as low rates as can be had at any other establishment. Call before purchasing elsewhere. Stroudsburg, June 16, 1853. BrodSicad & Soberly, tSlfl WH0LESALE DEALERS IN f llBoots, Siiocs & Straw Goods, No. 135 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. April 14, 1S53. 3m. S!ronIvbnr?r and Easion Port- Jervis, Mauch Chunck and Scra?iton ! STACKS If ' MHZ ! The Slroudsbursr and Eastern mail line ofssanes, consists of excellent four how; coai lies, and leaves J. J. Postens' In dian Queen Hotel. Slroudsburg, Pa. even day except Sundays) at 7 (clock a. m. ar riving in Easton before the departure of th' cars for New York, or stages to Uethlehcm ami Allentown. ijTjr The following lines leaves Postens Indian Queen Hotel, Slroudsburg, Pa. ever Monday. Wednesday and Fiiday, returning on alternate d;iy: A line to Port Jervis, leaving at 7 o'clock a. m. via Uushkill, Dingman's Choice and Milford. Hettirning, leaves Port Jervis immediately after the arrival of the morning train of cars to New York, at about 3 o'clock a. m. A line to Alauch Chunk, leaving at 7 o'clock a. m. via Hrodheadsville, where it connects with Wheit Haven. lirp-j In Wi I Irps . rln i f nni! ilia vm j A line to Scranton, leaving I o'clock a. m. via Bartor.sville, 1 an tiers ville, where it connects with a line to Hones dale, and connecting at Scranton with the cars for the west. These lines hold out strong inducements to the traveling public passing through sec tions of the country which are as magnifi cent and picturesque as any in the Union. Having provided themselves with excel cellent coaches, good noises, and careful drivers, they feel confident that they will be enabled to ojve entire satisfaction to all who will patronize them. STOUFFER & OSTRANDER, August 19. 1S5-3. Proprietors. STOCK'S r . . " 'I I. s. S . i . VV 14-. .ITT M 1 . -Vt tl J. liu icsuno,'!! v in iiiui n wuu- whe'minrr. The proprietors arc dai y in receipt ot letters and certthicates, going to prove tt remarkab c efficiency to a! I cases ol worm, ootn in einioren ana a- du'ts. There ief given, and the immedi ate improvement of health which follows its use. has ca'ed the attention of physic cians to this artie'e, and they freely re-. commend & prescribe it m their practice, The retail price is 2o cents per vial which hrhifrs it. icUhin the mrens of all. the means of all acuon ui me system, au, iv i onic, wnicn I. January 10, 1647. ?ives t0I,e ad strength to the nervous sys t i ' .,, - iem, renewing health and vigor to all parts, I gave one bottle of of lhe body. 4th, A Cathartic, which acts Brmklfn, L. I do certify that ii..'i.r.iiiuwiuujia i iiimiuu luuij mu, I c .i t i iin Ai-'f aji I i iinA taw-- niti and in seven hours it nassed -23 larere worms. Anv rtnrson flonnnno- t us mav i i i , ,, apply tor lurtuer intormation at my further information at my rest- dence corner of York and Jackson st james McCaffrey Pongldrcpsie, N. Y. March 2, 16-14. I certify, that I took two vials of U. A. Fahnestoek's Yinnifuge. which I found to be the greatest cure for worms I have ever used. have been troubled with tape worms for a number of years, and I have never found so irood a medicine as J3. A. Fanestock's Yinnifuge. I ther fore recommend it. MARTHA CLIFT. The public is cautioned against coim tcrfeits and spurious articles, and to put no confidence in statements that ' Kohn stock's,' and S. Fahnestoek's Yinnifuge, are the same or as good as the only gen uiue article, which is B' A. FahncslQclJs Ycrmifvzc. For sale in Stroudsburg, bv T. Schoch. The subscriber hav ing purchased the entire stock of Clocks, Watch cs, Jctceiry, dc. of John $fS IL MeliCk,' UVVM r- n' t.A'JAS'Zi rving on me icaim iia- . "S Ling and Jewelry busi ncss in an us various lorms, anu in a man ner, he trusts, that will give the most entire satisfaction, not only to himself but to those trusting the above mentioned articles with him to be repaired. lie has renewed 1m stock by recent purchases in the ciiy of New lork, which, together with his former stock, makes his his assortment at this lime one ol the plendid ever before offered in Strouds- most s burg; among which may be found all the tesi fashions in the structure and embellish- ment ol dress Jeweiry, viz: Breast Pins, Ear Rings, ringer Rings, Gold Lockets, Snaps, Bracelets, Slides, Silver Spoons, Butter knives, and Britlania Ware, together with a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watch es, blocks, Perfumery, ore, together with all the articles that can be found in any es tablishment of the kind. Being an important as well as a skillful nart of his business, he flatters himself ho can give as general satisfaction to his customers and llir ntihlif mj mm ! ' " "nv uj UHjf as he intends to keep none but the best work men in his employ ; and feeling confident that all shall have entire satisfaction done them, he intends to de vole his whole time and attention to that important branch of his business. Anviln'nrr in hi linn tlmt i.n . on hand, will be promptly procured from the . city, by calling on the subscriber at his shop, nc i . ' i on iMizanetn street, two doors west of J. If Meiick's old siand. SAMUEL MELICIv Stroudsburg, May 0, 1852. WATERMAN & N.W. Comer Second and Mulberry Streets, E'2ti!n3!li5i;i. OFFER FOR SALE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TEAS, "I :OFFEB, I SKGA35, 1 JXOLASSE5, J At the Lowest Market rates. PiCES, &c. &c.J Those commencing New Stores are par ticularly invited to call. (X Attention given to Trodden. Philadelphia, January 27, fS53 -Uni. s 1 :fmM,u,m turn fc 500 CI3AH.JLEI?GJS, Whatever concerns the happiness and health of a people is al all times of the most valuable importance. 1 take it for granted that every person will do all in their power, to save the lives oftheir children, and that every person will endeavor to promote their own health at all sacrifices, 1 feel it to be my duty to solmenly assure you that worms according to the opinion of the most cele brated Physicians, are the primary causes of a large majority of diseases to which children and adults are liable; if you have an appetite continually chargeable from one kind of food to another, Bad Breath, Pain in the Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hard ness and Fullness ol the Belley, Dry Cough, Slow Fever, Pulse Irregular remember that all these denote worms, and you should at once apply the remedy: BIoboiss.acls.'s worm Syrup. An article founded upon Scientific Princi ples, compounded with purely vegetable sub-.-tances, being perfectly safe when taken, & can he given to the most tender Infant with decided beneficial effect, where Bowel Com- ZUP1'"1!1 Diarttca have made them weak and debilitated, the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup are such, that it stands with, out an equal in the catalogue of medicines, in giving tone and strength to the Stomache which makes it an Infallible remedy for those afflicted with Despepsia, the aston ishing cures performed by this Syrup after Physicians have failed, is the best evidence of its superior efficacy over all others. 'iTiae 'Jra3u Wo i sm ! This is the mosf difficult Worm to des Uoy of all that infest the human system. It grows to an almost Indefinite length, he coming so coiled and fastened in the Intes lines anu ommacn aiiecunrj mo tieaitn so sadly as to cause St. Vitus Dance, Fits,&c. that those afflicted seldom if ever suspect that it h Tape Worm hastening them to an early grave. In order to destroy this Worm a very energetic treatment must be pursued, it would therefore be proper to take G or 8 of my Liver Pills so as to remove all oh htrur tions, that the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm which must be taken in doses of 2 Table spoon's full 3 times a day, these directions followed, have never been known to fail in curing the most obsti nate case of Tape Worm. BSoJjcissack's "Liver Pills. No part oT man is more liable to disease ttan tho Liver, it serving as a fiiterer to purify the blood, or giving the proper secre tion to the bile; so that any wrong action ol the Liver affects the other important parts of the system, and results variously, in Liv er Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c- We should, therefore, watch every symptom that mi"ht indicate a wronji action of the Liver. I hese Pills beintr composed of Roots and Plants furnished by nature to heal the sick: Namely 1st, An Lapectoranl. which augments the secretion from the Pul monary mucus membrane, or promotes the pischarge of srereted matter. 2d, An -4- lerafive, which changes hi some explicable and insensible manner, the certain morbid aclion of lhe system. 3d, A Tonic, which i 1 n - t . in perieci narmony witn tne otner lngretii- ents. and oneiatmor on the Bowels, ami by- it .!. ... i. l- . i ...... , i peiun iue wnoie mass oi corrupt anu viua- l.ed MtiT' and purifying the Blood, which destroys disease and restores health. IT o F e tn a ! c s louwill find these Pills an invaluable medicine in many complaints to which you are subject. In obstructions either total or partial, they have been found of inestimable benefit, restoring thetr fractiontal arrange merits to a healthy action, purifying the blood and other fluids so effectually to put io liigiu an complaints wnicn may arise from female irregularities, as head ache, giddness, dimness of sight, pain in the side, Lack. &c None genuine unless signed J. N. IIo- bensack, all others being base imitations (LAgents wishing new supplies, and btore Keepers wishing to become Agents must address the Proprietor J. N. Ilobcnsack No 120 N. Second st., Phila., Pa. rtifc !?r ax 2 iPjn, Dr. fc. Stokes and R. Huston, Slroudsburg; II. Peters, jr. & co. Marshals creek; Staples c bhivley, Analomink; J. Bell, Experiment iMUIs . Jjrodhead V JJro. Dutotsburg ; II. & J. Kintz, Paradise ; J. Merwine, Merwines- burg; Daily & Tombler. Effort; Edinger & Marsh, 1 ennersville; Keller & Hoffman, j Ivellersville; and all dealers in drugs through out the county and State. Price, each 25 cents. March 10, 185 Cure of Consumption, Liver Comvlaint. Colds, Couerhs. AslhmaA Bronchitis, and all Throat and Lunir Com plaints. 1 have published a brief work on Consum- prion, wnicn contains an lnvatuanie recipe for the cure of these prevalent diseases, even in their worst stages, when friends and phy- sician3 have given un all hone. Tho Lun" la-hW.sfl prescribed in this work Cures withou the expensive aid of physicians or injurious use of patent medicines. In adopting this Sus tern of Cure the patient knows what he is .v- knows that he is not shortenning- his pays by the use of anodynes or mercurials. which may seem to Relieve but never Cure. He knows when using this Life-saving Bal sam, that lie is taking mild, pleasant, effica cious remedies, such as Nature prescribed lor tne ills her children suffer. The ingredi ents composing this Lung Balsam are obtain able (cheaply too,) wherever consumption exists, proving that Kvery ill has its antidote Consumptive patients may Rely on this receipt 11T ft . . au jjung complaints are removed by its use) I would not attach my name to it. had l douiit ol its ellicacy. The directions for preparing and uhing the Balsam are perfectly plain, l preler selling the Recipe to making tne uaisarn, as it enables peon e . to Make iiteirvwn medicine at a ; Cost. 1 wil p7.1 SCCre.1 o1 mal'lnK u Bals lsam, and lMe VaT '? USe ,or Sl' bu rn Go it 1 1 I coll t IY . 1 : but in uo case will I sell it for speculating purposes. Proof of its Goodness. Jackson, Mich. March 21, 1851. Doct. S.TOUSErSir: You wished me to let you know what effect your preparation of Medicine for Consumption and other dis eases had in my family. After the first ten days my wife gained in weight 3 lbs, relieved her cough, changed her countenance, and all appearances were better. My family would not be willing to do without it. It is a med icine much needed in Jackson there is many cases simular to my wife's. Tho Rev Mr. Hlanchard will write you for a recipe. Res pectfully yours. O. F. POOL. Address, post paid, (enclosing $1.) Dr. S. rOUSEY, 106 Nassau street. New York. - I'he work goes by mail under seal. OctoborG 7, 1551 -in JOHN ST05CES General Agent for Monroe Co. for the sale of Blake's Patent Fire-Proof Paint, or Arlificiai SlaSc, Which in the way of Paint is warranted to surpass in cheapness and durability any thing that has heretoiore been offered to the public. In no instance has it ever been known to crack, cleave off, or waste by fz'wie. He also has on hand a large and well Eelected stock of Groceries, Hardware, Stoves, &c. which have been purchased for cash and must be sold. Stroudsburg, January 13, 1853. "JOHN W.RUITOi-i'S CHEAP FASHIOMABLE On Elizabeth street, one door below Wm. Dean's residence, Slroudsburg, Pa. The subscriber having just com pleted a large and splendid as sortment of the lastest Fall and Winter fashions of Hats & Caps. invites the attention of his old patrons and the public generally to the largest stock ever offered in Slroudsburg, consisting of Men's moleskin, fur, silk and Kossuth hats of eve ry price and quality. His stock of Caps consists of silk plush, cloth, oil silk, oil Iin nen, and velvet. Boys hats and caps ol every description. E.adiei' fllsiffs. A superior article on hand. Also, a large assortment of Boots and Shoes of the latest style and of a superior quality. i?IroccGs and IFigsdiisgs. Dressed and undressed Morocoo, Kid and French skins. Yellow, pink, blue and white linings, and binding skins. Prunello and frongee; Boot and shoe trees; Lasts of every description, and a general assortment ol findings, illso Cotton & silk under-shirts. N, 13. Thankful for past favors and de sirous of a continuance of the same, he will sell at the New-York and Easton prices. JOHN W. RUXTON. November II, 1852. 1FTY DOLLARS Fobfkit. Dr. Hun ter will forfeit $50 if falling to cure any case of secret disease that may come under his care, no matter how long standing or af flicting. Either sex are invited to his Pri vale Rooms, 38 North Seventh Street Pilad'a. without fear of interruption from other pa tients. Strangers and others who have been unfortunate in the selection of a Physician are invited to call. I M POTENCY Through unrestrained indulgence of the passions, by excess or self-abuse, the evils are numerous. Prema ture impotency, involuntary seminal dischar ges, wasting of the organs, loss of memory, a distaste for female society, general debility, or constitional derangement, are sure to fol low. If necessary, consult the Docror with confieence ; he offers a perfect cure READ AND REFLECT. The afflicted would do well to reflect before trusting theii health, happiness, and in many cases their lives, in the hands of Physicians ignorant of this class of maladies. It is certainly im possible for one man to understand all the ills the human family are subject to. Every respectable physician has his peculiar branch, in which he is more successful than his brother professors, and to that he devotes most of his lime and study. YEARS OF PRACTICE, exclusively devoted to the study and treatment of diseas es of the sexual organs, together with ulcers .... , I nnnn hn nnrtu Ihinnt nncn nr puc Mtr.5 in "i uu' .wb. t....., ... ieacJ or bones, mercurial rheumatism, stric tures, gravel, irregularities, disease ansing from youthful excesses, or impurities of the blood, whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to offer speedy relief to all who may place themselves under his care. Medicines forwarded to any part of the United States; Price five and ten dollars per package. Nov. 18, 1852-ly. OFFICE TO PROCURE Soldiers9 Warranls. By a recent Act of Congress it is enacted, Fhat each of the surviving, or the widow or rninorchildren of deceased commissioned and noncommissioned officers, musicians, or pri vates, whether of regulars, volunteers, rang ers or militia, who performed military ser vices in any regiment, company or detach ment in the service of the United Slates, in the war with Great Britian, declared by lhe United btates on the eighteenth day of June 1812, or in any of the Indian wars since 1790 and each of the commissioned officers who was engaged in the military service of the United States in the late war with Mexico. and shall be entitled to lands as follows : Those who engaged to serve twelve months or during the war, and actnally served nine months, shall receive one hun dred and sixlv acres: and those who engaged to serve six months and actually served lour months, shall receive eighty acres; and those who engaged to serve for any or an indefinite period, and actually served one month, shall receive forty acres. Provided, that wherever any officer or soldier was honorably discharged in consequence of dis ability in the service, he shall receive the a- mount to which he would have been entitled if he had served the full period for which he putiengaged to serve. Under the above act. and the acts of Con gress generally, the subscriber offers his ser vices as agent to procure Land Warrants for those entitled to receive them, as above spe cified. He may be found at his office in Stroudsburg. S. C. BURNETT October 27, 1850. JnJiian (EUtecu fjotd, Elizabeth st., STitoupsnuna, Pa. Mt The undersigned respectfully in M ill forms his friends and the public gener JuiliilLally, that he has taken the above Hotel, known to the travelling community as 'Shive ly's Old Stand," and recently kept by Geo, Swartwood. The house is large, with ever convenienco for travellers and boarders. flie yards and stabling are extensive, and flvprv tlimnr in tbo prv lipst nrflor fnr llipnr? j & - , r comoaauon oi travellers anu otners. The proprietor will use every effort to have his table, chambers, bar. and every depart ment ol his house conducted in surh a man ner as to secure the approbation of his custo mers. The Stage office for the Easton, M. Chunk, Wilkes-Barre, White Haven and Providence stages will hereafter be at the above Hotel. Persons wishing to go or send with the a- hove slages, will please leave their orders at the Indian Queen Hotel. These lines leave this Hotel every Mon nay, .veunesuay, anu rriuay morning ai o'clock. , wr .1 I I l. 1 - - . m. JOSKPII J. POSTENS. January 1, 1853. Country Produce. Butter, eggs, &o. taken in exchange for any goods in my line of business. SAMUEL MELICK. Stroudsburg, Nov. 1 1852. u3L To whom it may concern To the intelligent the thoughtful, the philanthropic. Your at, tendon is respectfully invited to a new, or iginal, peculiar, and important work, ot 480 pages 18 mo., and containing nearly one hundred engravings, and entitled, EOTERIC ANTHROPOLOGY, BV T. L. NICHOLS, M. D. PRINCIPAL of the American Dydropath ic Institute, Educational and Thera peutical, at Portchester, N. Y., one hour's idstance from New York city on the New York and New Plaven Railroad. A com prehensive and confidential Treatise on the Structure, Functions, Passional Attractions and Perversions, True and False Physical nnd Social Conditions, and the most inti mate Relations of Men and Women, The title, Esoteric Anthropology, will seem strange to many, bul it is thoroughly appropriate. Anthropology is from Anlhro pos, a man, and Logos, a description. Eso teric, from Eso, within, signifies private, se cret, interior, and was used by the ancient philosophers to distinguish their private lectures, given in the intariors of their dwellings, upon the sacred mysteries of science and philosophy, to their chosen dis ciples, from iheir Exoteric discourses,whiclr were given to the public. Esoteric Anthro pology is, therefore, a private treatise on Human Anatomy, Physiology, Therapeutics and Obstetrics on the whole science of man plain in language, full and faithful iri illustration, and written with all the frank ness of a private letter, under the seal o professional confidence. It contains the highest and deepest truths in every depart ment of Human Physiology, with their indi vidual and social application; the true na ture and hidden cause of Disease; the con ditions of Health, physical and passional? all that information which every human bs- iiig needs, which few dare ask for, or know how to obtain, but which, amid the discord ances and depravities of civilization, is of priceless value. There are many subjects connected wills the broad science of Human Life, of thw deepest and most vital interest to man and the race, in regard to which a terrible igno rance every where prevails; an ignorance which is destroy inq the healths, shortening the lives, and sacrificing the happiness of miliums which threatens the power of na tions, and the perpetuity of races. Professional works on Physiology are dry, mechanical, or chemical, astonishingly ig norant, as well as technically incomprehen sible. The popular works are superficial, meager, and necessarily wanting in tho most important matters. The quack book ;ire full of errors, false in science, absurd in philosophy, mischeivous in morals, and base'y meccenary in their motives. In most cases these books are the advertising medi um of some specious charlatan, who wants patients, or letters of consultation, or who has some instrument to sell, or some nost rum to palm off upon the credulous. The world has need of a different book from any of these such a book as has never been written, and as cannot now be publish ed in the usual way, sold by booksellers, of hawked by agents or peddlers. The author of Esoteric Anthropology, a Teacher, a Physician, a public and prira'.s Lecturer on all branches of Medical Science, has writ ten this book with a frankness he never could have used in a work for the public, or one open to criticism. It i3 for his pupils and patients, for intelligent men and women, who wish to understand lhe deepest myste ries of life; especially it is for the noble and hereoio feiv, who are brave enough to exa mine and accept new truths, and wise e nough to profit bv them. There can scar cely be any important question, which any man or woman can ever need to ask a phy sician, to which this volume does not con tain an answer. It is so complete in this respect, that the author hopes and believes that no one who reads it will ever need to trouble himself with a professional consulta tion. It is henceforth his chosen method of medical instruction and practice, and in it he has performed lbs duty he owes man kind as a healer of the sick, a preervet of health, and a teacher of the Laws of Life. Among the subjects treated of in this work, are the following: Man, and his rela tions lo the Spiritual and Material Uuiverse Human Anatomy; the Chemistry of Many Principles of Physiology and the Active Forces of Nature; The Three Groups of Functions, Organic, Animal, and Genera tive; The whole Philosophy and Processes of Reproduction; The True Law of Marriage The Conditions of Health; Causes of Disease; Curative Agencies; Processes of Water-cure; Diseases and Treatment; Passional Diseases;. Diseases of the General System; Braiiv and Nerves; Respiration: Digestion; Genera tion; Gestation and Patturition; Lactation and the Management of Infancy, etc., etc-, including every important condition and pro cess from the beginning to the close of life, and containing especially 1. A clear and amply illustrated view of the structure of the human body, and all its. complex organism, male and female. 2. A full account of the functions of life, with such an illustrated description of tho evolution of the embryo, as has not before: been given. 3. All that is known of health and dis ease, with the means for the preservation of ihe former, and cure of the latter. 4. So careful an explanation of the whole process of gestation and childbirth, as will enable every woman to dispense with tho services of a physician or professional mid wife. Esoteric Athropolocv is plain and simple in language, full i:i illustration, aa comprehensive as the utmost curiosity caa wish, and without one line of quackery, or the remotest hinting at a fee. It must be evident that such a book, writ ten with the necessary freedom, and illus trated with fullness arid fidelity, must not be profaned. It is not for the counter, tho book-stall, the library shelf, or lhe center table. It is not to be offered for curious ex amination, nor urged upon those who can noi appreciate its value. It is advertised, that every one who needs it may obtain it if he will. Whether lhe social proprieties bo true or false, the auhor can not violate them, and he feels compelled lo keep this book truly esoteric, a private work, to be sent as a con fidential ansiver lo a professional consulla lion, and he trusts that no person will apply for it who ivill not make it a point of honor- to so consider it. To all such persons it will be sent BY MAIL, to any designated address, POST PAID, on the receipt of One Dollar, sent. free of postage, to T. L. NICHOLS M. D. Portchester, N. Y. PAPER HANGING. C. U. Warniclf, RESPECTFULLY announces to the cit zens of Stroudsbuig and the surround ing country, that he still continues the above business, and may be found at his establish ment on Elizabeth street. All orders for Pa per Hanging will be punctually attended tot and executed in lhe best style, upon the most reasonable terms. N. li. WINDOW SASH, painted and ulazed, of all sizes, constantly on hand ami tor sale at the above establishment. Stroudsbuig, Apul 15. 155, Iy