The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, October 20, 1853, Image 2

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    i)C iicttcvsonian.
S'Esnrsrtay, OclulMr 20, BS53.
8rThc Official Returns of this County
will be found on the 3d page of to-day's
"Jeffersouian." Those marked thus (s)
are Whb'S ; those with a t are volunteers.
There were ten votes polled iu this Bor
ough for J. Porter Prawley.
The 22d judicial District saved!
The Peophs Candidate Trhnnpkant!
Jsnuml the tin-kcitles in Elizabeth street,
'Phe Dictators are routed Dinimick is beat.
It n fiords us a great deal of pleasure
in being able this morning, to announce
to our readers, that the election for Presi
dent Judge, in this, the 22d Judicial
District, on Tuesday the 11th iust. has
resulted in the triumphant election of
Hon. James M. Pouter, of Northamp
ton county, to that statiou, by a majority
of 341 votes, over lion. M. M. Dinimick,
the Dictators candidate.
The following is the official vote in (he
District, viz :
Porter. Dinimick.
1760 791
.-512 484
10BS 1273
035) 1 104
IPor&er's majority 344
ggzf Tbe money market in Cincinnati
is so much depressed, a dispatch says,
tht loans arc only obtainable to a limi
ted extent at from 1 S to 24 per ccut per
Xev Jersey. The Whig State Con
Teiitiou of New Jersey met at Trenton,
on the V-lth inst. Abraham Browning, of
(Tacndco. presided. Joel Haywood, of
Ocean county, was nominated for Gov
ernor. He received 433 of the 502 votes
cast; and was afterwards dcclaredunani
snonslv nominated. The Convention
passed strong Anti-Monopoly resolutions.
Sudden Death.
Mr. Ferdinand Heller of Hamilton
Tp., Monroe County, died at the resi
dence of Mr. Depue S. Miller, in Easton,
oo tbe 7 th inst The tiEastonian" says
Mr, H. formerly resided in Easton, but
returned to his bome in Hamilton in May
last. On the morning of the 7th he re
lumed to Easton in good spirits and ap
parently in improved health. Towards
evening: he felt somewhat unwell, and a
'bottt nine o'clock in the evening be calm
ly breathed bis last. He was a young
man of respectability and leaves many
warm friends to mourn bis loss. He was
of a consumptive disposition.
in Hem for Farmers.
The Milwaukie Wisconsin, states that
tbe United States Commissioner of Tat
cuts has addressed a circular to. Post
masters statins that the Bureau will have
for distribution, in the course of the current
year, many volumes of the Patent Office
.Report, both Agricultural and Mechani
cal, as well as a large amount and varic
ty of seeds. The circular accordingly
requests Postmasters to forward to him
the names of some twenty or more of the enterprising and practical residents
of each count', to whom Mechanical or
Agricultural Ilcports or seed should be
sent. Officers of Agricultural Societies
or Mechanical Institutes are desired to
give like information.
fit?- John Bigler has been re-elected
Governor of California.
TJa California Popular Vote
Will this year reach 80,000, it is said
The city of San Francisco polls 10,113
votes, being an increase of 2127 votes
since the Presidential election, when it
stood 79S6. The vote in the rural dis
tricts of the county has risen in the same
time from 430 to 850. The vote in the
city of Sacramento reaches 5530 now, a
gainst 4998 at the Presidential election.
Msrysville polls 1807 votes, Stockton 1
472 and Nevado city 1098.
t&- The Heading Railroad Company
are relaying a portion of their track with
new rails.
Pears are selling in Danville, Illinois,
at 10 cents per bushel.
The American Methodists have built
churches at the rate of three per week,
and printed books at the rate of one a
minute, during the past sixty years.
The next Congress will contain more
new members than any previous one.
2v early two-.thirds of the whole number
Jiave never been in Congress before.
The Laic Election.
The returns of the recent election in
Pennsylvania indicates the success of the
eutire Locofoco State ticket, by majori
ties varying from five to ten thousand
votes. The turn out was comparitively
small, and as usual, the defeat of the
Whigs is more owing to their apathy and
neglect than to the superior strength of
the oppositton.
The returns, fo far as received, are ex
tremely vague and uncertain. We gath
er from them however, that the Legisla
ture will be Democratic in both branches.
Of the new senators elected, the Loco
have gained one member in Allegheny,
one in the Cambria, Blair and Hunting
don district, besides carrying their candi
dates in Philadelphia count v, as well as
in the Bradford, Luzerne, Cumberland
and Armstrong districts. The state of
parties, if these reports are correct, will
probably stand as follows.
JJcm. Whigs. Native
Senators holding over 10 11 1
IVew Senators 8 3 0
13 14 1
The House will bo largely Democratic
probably 70 Locos to 30 Whigs, or
thereabouts. The reports are so conflict
ing and the vote so scattered that we are
unable, for the present, to give tables.
Easton Whin.
The Prize Fight between Yankee Sul
livan and John Morrisscy took place at
Boston Four Corner.-, on the lino of the
New York and Harlem Bailroad, in Put
nam count', X. Y., on Thursday after
noon. It created a great excitement in
the city, and the cars were thronged with
thousands of persons to witness the bru
tal show. Thirty-seven rounds were
fought, occupying 55 minutes, when Mor
rissey is reported to have been frightfully
bruised, his nose being flattened, and face
much disfigured. Sullivan was only
marked with a black eye. A row occur
red at this point, and Sullivan not hearing
his second call, Morrisscy was declared
tho winner, though it was claimed that
Sullivan was in reality. The stakeholder
was consequently advised not to give up
the 2000 prize. It is rumored that Sul
livan has agreed to place $4,000 addi
tional to the sum already up, and fight the
battle over again for the S-1,000, in one
day or sixty days.
Failure cf the Afeshanr-
The United States steamship Alleghany
returned to the naval anchorage at one
o'clock Saturday, after n absence of 31
days on her trial trip. We regret to an
nounce that she performed very badly.
and that this experimental excursion
resulted in a complete and absolute fail
ure on the part of the steamer. At no
time, under the most favorable circum
stances of wind and iide, with the appli
cation of both steam and sails, could her
speed be increased to a faster rate than
six miles an hour. Her machinery work-
ed wretchedly, and since the trial is in a
most shattered condition. Xorfold Ar
The Norwalk tragedy was rather a cost
ly operation for the New naven railroad
company. It has already paid two hun
dred thousand dollars to those who were
iujuricd, and to the relatives of those per
sons w ho were killed.
A Wild Man.
A man named Williams was lately
stopping at the United States Hotel, who
might justly be styled a "wild man." He
eat? nothing that is coked, nor drinks a
ny thing but water. His meats, potatoes
and all his vegetables, cabbage?, turnips,
ccc, are raw. He allcdges that he has
not eaten any cooked food for several
years, and that any deviation from his
present mode of living would most proba
bly cause his death. He resides in Iowa
and is on his way to Washington, to make
a purchase of some United States land.
Cincinnati Gazette.
Maine. Snow has fallen iu Franklin
and Oxford counties to the depth of about
six inches.
Snow to the depth of one or two inches
fell in the southern part of Oncdia Co.
N. Y., on Monday of last week.
A Mr. Robinson, a man much respect
ed and a Justice of the Peace, near Mil
ford, Ohio, was killed some weeks since,
in a singular manner. Mr. B. for some
cause .was whipping his dog, when the an
imal turned upon him and caught him by
the throat. While the dog held him in
this position his wife rau to the wood
pile, and with the axe aimed a blow at
the dog, but the moment she struck they
turned, and the blow fell upon the head
of her husband, which killed him in a few-
minutes. Mrs. I', is nearly deranged in
Snow accompanied by hail, fell in Sy
racuse on Monday the 10th inst. Ac
cording to the weather-wise this early ap
pearance of snow is indicative of a severe
winter. This storm has done much dam
age to fruit.
The WHkeslTuTe Slave ase.
A complaint for riot und assault and
battery has been made against the U. S.
officers who attempted to arrest the fugi
tive blave, Bill Thomas, recently, at
Wilkcsbarre. Warrants for their arrest
have been issued, and served upon them;
and they have been brought before Judge
Gricr, of the U. S. Court on habeas cor
pus. The Judge was to determine yes
terday whether they should respect the
process of the magistrate. In the prelim
inary examination, last week, Judge Grier
was as course and brutal as the infamous
Lord Jeffrey ever was, and as openly set
at defiance the plainest principles of the
law. He declared that if the complain
ant failed to substantiate his charge, he
would have him indicated for perjury; and
that he would have any man indicted
who should hereafter apply to the Stale
Judges for a writ of habeas corpus in a
slave case; would have the Judge indic
ted who should grant the writ, and the
Sheriff who should execute it. Diabo
lism never displayed itself'morc rcvolting
Iv on tho bench. Jlonesdule Dan.
A National Exhibition of horses will be
held at Springfield , Mass., on tho the 19th
20th, 21st and 22d of this mouth, and the
Committee announce that a large collec
tion of fine animals will be exhibited for
premium and for sale at that time. Let
ters of acceptance have been received in
answer to invitations to numerous distin
guished gentlemen, among whom may be
named Gov. Clifford, Hon. Bufus Choate,
lion. Edward Everett, Hon. William H.
Seward, Hon. John A. King. Hon. Mar
shall P. Wilder, and others. The list of
premiums is large and varies from 15 to
200. The exhibition is a novelty in its
way, and will doubtless prove very inter
esting, and have a beneficial effect in pro
moting the breeding of good horses.
Fight with an Eagle.
The Hunterdon (X. J.) Gazette says a
singular and extraordinary occurance took
place in Kingwood township on Tuesday
the 27th uit. As one of the children of
Mr. John Cowdrick was cutting corn near
Tomlinson's Tavern, a very iargc Bald
Eagle made a descent upon him, when he
gave it battle and proved victorious. After
a furious encounter the Eagle was slain.
It measured seven feet from tip to tip of
the wings. The only weapon of defence
the boy had was a-corn cutter.
2 J3 A company with a capital of
500,000. is forming in Boston for the
purpose of constructing a line of telegraph
from Boston to New York, having a cyl
inder two feet in diameter, by which
means it is believed that packages may be
transmitted from one city to the other in
fifteen, minutes.
The Northampton County Agri
cultural Society held its first annual Ex
hibition, at Ea3ton, on Wednesday
Thursday, and Friday of last week. It
was very largely attended, and was very
successful! as a first effort.
Ohio ! it is reported, has elected a Lo
cofoco Governor by some 40,000 majority-
XQ-Ice an eighth of an inch thick
formed at Cambridge, Md., last Tuesday
CSrThe Hon. Wm. Hiester died in
Lancaster county, Pa., a few days .ago.
gST'New corn is selling at Louisville
at 55 cents per bushel.
jjg"The estimated value of goods on
exhibition at the Crystal Palace, is set
down at 5,000,000.
JThe total contributions at the
Crystal Palace in aid of the Washington
Monument thus far amount to 5,035,38.
jBSTTf hat kind of a man do ladies like
best ? Why a husbaid-iuan, of course.
JGgjT- The Erie Railroad receipts for
September are 512,034 an increase of
nearly 140,000 over last year. The
Hudson Bivcr Kailroad receipts were
SI 44,0 d an increase of about 35,000
Heavy sentence : Dr. Urn. J.
Hunter, the marrying man, whose real
name is jSatuamel .J. Bird, who was re
cently arrested at Camden, N. J. for
bigamy, and who boasted at the time that
he had liccnly wives, has byen tried and
entenced to the New Jersey State Peni
tentiary, for a term of ten years. 'The
way ot the transgressor is hard.'
In all France, not a doath has been
caused by a railroad accident since the
summer of 1851!
Minister to France, at Las!.
Hon. John Y. Mason has been appoint
ed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Plenipotentiary to France. Mr. Mason
spent some time at the State Department
on Monday, and it is understood has ac
cepted the appointment. The mission to
China is said to have been offered to Geo.
31. Dallas, of Pennsylvania; but it is not
yet known whether he accepts.
TOT About a dozen prisoners are in
jail in Philadelphia, on charges of mur
der. 5. Draper, broker, lately failed "in M. Y,
Foreign News.
War declared Iy Turkey a
gaisssi Rmssbii.
Vienna, Monday evening, 3d "The
Divan, at the Grand Council held this
day, resolved upon a declaration of war
against llussia.
"Against the advice of the Four Pow
ers, the Sultan has signed the declaration
of war.
"Beport says that hostilities have al
ready begun."
The above despatch, telegraph to an
extra of the Chronicle, was known in Liv
erpool on Tuesday, but not fully credited.
The mails to hand on Wednesday morn
ing partly confirmed it. The London
Standard publishes the despatch without
uarantcc. The Globe says: "In pub
lishing the foregoing important intelli
gence, we would merely state that, al
though our own information docs not
authorize us to corroborate the main fact
of a declaration of war, it is of a nature
to warrant us in placing every credit in
the statement. That the Sultan had on
the 27 convoked a Grand Council, con
sisting of 120 of the principal Ministers,
Councillors, Pachas and others, that the
question of peace and war was submitted
to them by him, and that they had de
cided in favor of the latter alternative;
all this is bevoud a doubt. Such being
the case, our readers will see that all the
probabilities are in favor of the correct-
ness of
the main feature of the iutelli-
Other accounts inform us that at the
Grand Council despatches from Omcr
Pacha were read urgently counselling
war before the winter should set in.
It was further stated that Prince
Gortsehakoff was moving troops ns if he
intended to cross the Danube, for the
purpose of attacking tho Turkish position
at Roukchouk.
British funds materilly declined, owing
to the news from the East. Consols
closed Tuesday, 4th, at 70&, at which
business was reported.
Foreign Exchanges on London :
Amsterdam, 11.191; short, 11. 173,
Hamburg, 12.7 1; Antwerp, 25, 40, 45;
Frankfort, 120 a 121; Paris, 25 a 40;
short, 25, 10, 15; Vienna, 11.12; Trieste
11,15. Hates well supported.
The packet ship Isaac Wright had been
brought into Lcverpool. 20 deaths on
The Liverpool Underwriter Associa
tion had presented an address to Lieut
Pennsjlrasia election.
We give in to-day's paper unofficial
returns from a number of counties thro'
out the State, by which it will be seen
that the ''Dutcn have taken Holland'' a
gain; or that Locofocoism has again tri
umphed at the expense of Pennsylvania
interests. At the time of this writting
we have no means of knowing how signal
the victory may be: but enough is known
to settle the question, that the peculations
and frauds of the Canal Board, and the
imbecile and profligate administration of
Gov. Ligler, have oecu endorsed by the
voters of our tax-ridden Commonwealth
in a manner quite sufficient for all prac
tical purposes. The indications are that
tho vote has been light; and as usual, in
such instances, the Whigs have been the
greatest sufferers. Perhaps the friends
of reform have reserved their best ener
gies for the defeat of Bigler a year
he:ice; but to secure such a result beyond
peraurenture, a united and zealous effort
should hare been made to arrest the most
potent means of opposition success, by
wresting the Public Works and Public
Plunder from State officials.
For our own part, we have not been
disappointed, and have no regrets from
personal considerations. Success was the
only misfortune that could have befallen
us; and beyond the triumph of cherished
measures of Ileform, we felt no interest in
the issue. The office of Auditor General
is probably desired by and suited to Mr.
Banks, our successful competitor, and
we ieel like congratulating a man wl
has run more votes than we could run in
an honorable contest. However the fig
ures may foot up when the official returns
are made known, v.e have the consolation
that we have boon distanced by a gentle
man or unexceptionable character aud
unsullied purity; and one who, if but as
v.atchful and courageous as he is honest
and competent, would make one of the
nest State officers in the Commonwealth
We wish him a most successful official
career, while we shall take our old arm
chair and wait for 'the good time com
ing !' Chambcrsburg Whig.
Pennsylvania Agricultural Fair.
me fctato iair oi 1'iltsburg was atten
ded by an immense concourse of persons.
The accounts state that from thirty to fif
ty thousand spectators visiting tho exhi
bition daily. The cars of the Pennsylva
nia llailroad running to the grounds were
all densely thronged, as were also omni
busses and all other vehicles. It seemed
a holiday in Pittsburg, the whole popula"
tion having turned out for enjoyment.
Every avenue to the fair was crowded
from morning to night, and the fair pre
sented one dense mass of well dressed men
women, and children. The number of
strangers in Pittsburg was immense, and
was, in fact, limited only by the means
of getting there. The majority were from
Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Coun
ties of Ohio, comparatively few being from
cast of the mountains, Union,
Tho next Governor.
Wo find the following communication
in the Public Ledger of yesterday.
This is a propitious time to inquire as
to the proper man for the next Governor
of Pennsylvania. Mere party allegiance
has become but a slender shackle. Dis
tinctive party principles have nearly van
ished; some of them have been gradually
modified, and mutually adopted by each
party; others have been rendered obso
lete by the altered conditiou of the coun
try. The object of all honest and honor
able men now should be to elevate to of
fice the most upright and able men. Iu
looking over the names of the many
worthy men of the State, I can see none
so likely to uuite all parties as Garrick
Mallory. No one, lam sure could be
found who would do more credit to the
Gubernatorial chair.
Singular Marriage Custom.
A most extraordinary custom prevails
among the Vizres, a powerful tribe, oc
cupying an extensive district iu Ca
bul, among the mountains between Per
sia and India. It is, in fact, a female
prerogative that has no paralel among
any other people upon the earth, and
that reverses what we are in the habit of
considering the natural order of things
the women choose their husbands, and not
the husbands their wives. If a woman
be pleased with a man, she sends the
drummer of the camp to pin a handker
chief to his cap, with a pin which she
uses to fastend her hair. The drummer
watches his opportunity, and does this in
public, naming the woman, aud the man
is obliged to marry if ho can pay her
price to her father.
Great Cranberry Crop iu Minne
sota. The papers speak of the abundant
yield this year of this valuable fruit.
The berries are gathered both by Indians
and whites; the former generally pick
them by hand ; the latter use cranberry
rakes. Where they are very plenty, on
a smooth marsh, we have known one man
to rake twenty bushels in a day.
They are worth from 5 to 7 a barrel
in Minnesota. There are a great many
cranberries in Indiana and Michigan,
near Lake Michigan The regular price
there a few years ago was 50 cents a
bushel : now it is $2 to 3. So much
for railroads.
A Costly Necklace. The most val
uable articles of bijouterie on exhibition
at the Crystal Palace, is said to be own
ed in New-York. It is a pearl necklace,
which consists of a wreath of pearls with
one large diamond in the midst, and is
valued at fifteen thousand dollars. It is
said that a millionaire, recently appointed
by President Pierce to a diplomatic post
in Europe, offered fourteen thousand five
hundred dollars for it, but that price was
hi finclniialh
Elizabeth Clay, a pretty mulatto, hav
ing been deserted by John E. Murray,
her seducor, who had married another
girl, went to his house, and, finding him
alone, seated her self upon his knee, ana
commenced talking to him. During the
conversation, in which no suspicion on his
part had been excited, she suddenly pres
sed the muzzle of a small pistol, winch
until then she had kept concealed, to his
forehead, and pulled the trigger. He
fell to the floor, and died within fifteen
minutes. Elizabeth was arrested bv
omc citizens living in the vicinity, and
taken to tho Watch-House, in a state
bordering upon insanity. The poor girl
had no protector, and she avenged her
own wrongs.
TT5Mrs. Leland, of Nora, Illinois, ha?
given birth to a sou which has attached
to the middle joint of each little finger
by its proper stem, a perfect tomato. The
mother has bestowed unusual caro upon
her tomatoes in the garden, and honed to
havo them ripe before her confinement.
Tli6 specimens brought by her son were
about the size and state of maturity of
those in tho garden, and could not be
distinguished from them by the closest
CsgKThe Hon. Andrew Beaumont died
at his residence in this place on Friday
morning last, lie had been in infirm
health, and gradually declining for many
weeks. For years he was the leader of
the Democratic party in Northern Penn
sylvania, and had a strong hold on the
affections of the people of this county.
Mr. Beaumont represented Luzerne in
the Legislature of the State, and this
Congressional district in the Congress of
the United States, lie was appointed
Commissioner ot Public Buildings by Mr
Polk; and there were few offices in the
gift of the people, they were not proud to
bestow upon him. He was a kind hus
band and an indulgent father, and his
loss will be deeply mourned by his afflic
ted iamily.
The ingratitude of partisans, warmed
into political existence by his kindness',
no doubt hastened his decline. He de
served the lasting gratitude of the demo
cracy, and the respect of his opponents
tor the untlinclnng urmness with which
he adhered to his opinions of right, re
gardless of opposition and defeat. Peace
be to his ashes. Wilkcs-Barre Record of
the t imes.
The most effectual method of preserv
ing pumpkins, during tho winter, is to
select the largest and most .perfectly
matured, and having deposited a stratum
of dry straw on a close floor, place them
thereon not so near as to touch each
other, and cover them carefully with
straw, taking especial care to fill in the
interstices, or spaces between the pump
kins, till the receptacle is filled, or till
you have laid by as large
a quantity as
your inclinations or necessities require. I
The Sick Bachelor.
Here I am, a doomed man booked
for a fever in this gloomy room, up four
flights of stairs; nothing to look at but
one table, two chairs, and a cobweb;
pulse racing like a locomotive; head
throbbing as if it were hooped, with iron;
mouth as parched as Ishmael's in tho
desert; not a bell-rope within reach; sun
pouring in through those uncurtained
windows hot enough to singe off my eye
lashes; all my confidential letters lying
loose on the table, and I couldn't get up
to them, if you held one of Colts revolvers
to my head. All my masculine fricnds(?)
are parading Broadway, I suppose peep
ing under the pretty girte' bonnets, or
drinkiug 'sherry cobblers,' A sherry cob
bler ! Bacchus ! what a luxury. I be
lieve Satan suggested the thought to me.
Heigho ! I suppose the Doctor (whom
they have sent for) will come before long;
some great pompous iEsculapiu3, with
an owl phiz, a gold-headed cane, an ora
cular voice, and callous heart and hands
who will first manipulate my wrist, and
then take the latitude and longitude ot
my tongue; then punch me in the ribs,
and torment me with more questions
than there arc in the Assembly's Cate
chism; then bother me for writting ma
terials to scratch off a hieroglyphic
humbug prescription, ordering five times
as much medicine as I need; after which
I shall have to pay for it; and then ten to
one the apothecary's boy will put up
poison by mistake! Caosar how my head
spins round; Hippodrome racing is noth
ing to it.
Hist! there's the doctor. No! its that
iittle unregeneratcd cub, my landlady's
pet boy, with a bran new drum (as I'm ar
sinner,) upon which he is beating a cruci
fying tatoo. If I only had a boot jack
to throw at him ! No ! that won't do ; bid
mother wouldn't make my gruel. I'll
bribe him with a sixpence to keep the
peace. The little embryo Jew ! he says
he wont do it under a quarter ! Twitted
by a little pianoforc ! I, Tom Ilaliday,
six feet in my stockings ! I shall go fran
tic. 'Doctor is coming!' WeU, let him
come. I'm as savage as if I'd just dined
off a cold misssonary. I'll pretend to btt
asleep, and let old Pill-box experiment.
How gently he treads, how soft hi3
hand is; how cool and delicious his touch!
How tenderly he parts my hair over my
throbbing temples ! His magnetic touch
thrills every drop of blood in my veins;
it is marvelovs how sothing it is. I feel
as happy as a humming bird in a lilly
cup, drowsy with honey-dew. Now he's
moved away. I hear him writing a pre
scription. I'll just take a peep and sea
what he looks like 1 Cicsar Aggripinal
if it isn't a Female Physician ! dainty as
Peri and my beard three days' old !
What a bust! (Wonder how my hair
looks ?) What a foot and ankle ! What
shoulders; what a little round waist!-.
"Fever? I've got twenty fevers, and tho
heart complaint besides. What the mis
chief sent that little witch here ? She
will either kill or cure me pretty quick.
Wonder if she has any more masculine
patients ! Wonder if they are handsome?
Wonder if she lays that little dimpled
hand on their foreheads, as she did on
mine? Now she has done writing, I'll
shut my eyes and groan, and then, may
be, ho will pet me some more; bless her
little soul !
'Poor fellow?' she say1, as she hold
my wrist, 'his pulse is too quick.' In tho
name of Cupid what does she expect?
She tays as she pats my forehead with
her plump fingers. 'Sh 'sh! Keep cool
Lava and brimstone! does she take mc
for an iceberg ?
Oh, Cupid? of all your devices, this
feminine doctoring for a bachelor; is the
nc plus ultra of witchcraft. If I don't;
have a prolonged 'run of fever,' my name
isn't Tom Halhday?
She's gone ? And-
-I'm gone too!
A Hoosier Dodge.
They have a stringent anti-Liquor law
in Indiana, but manage to evade it to .v
great degree. The following, as related
by one of the county newspapers, is tb-
latest invention of the committee on 'warn
and means."
'On Sunday last, at the camp-ground
some four miles east of this, as a coupler
of bloods were seated on a log in tho
wood-, lamenting the scarcity of water'
and aDscnce ot anything stronger, at
cm.p walked up and offered to sell then
a small water melon which he held under"
his arm. They told him they didn't
want it; but he insisted that it was a
good melon, well flavored, and finally
thrust it under their noses, at the same
time removing a plug to show them ifc
was good. The effect was magical. It
was instantly purchased, and upon a
further examination, was found to con
tain about a quart of the pure juice of
the corn. Melons advanced.'
Wonders hi France
Near the villiago of Bessomas, In the
Loire Infericue, there is a woman who
for the last two years, after haying been
violently sick of an intermittent fever, is
now living upon a glass of fresh milk tl
day. She is, nevertheless, very strong,
and walks to church every sunday, adis
tance of three miles. In Belgium, a phe
nomenon more incredible has been known
for the last 35 years. There is living,
near Delft, in the villiago of Pynacker, a
woman who, since the month of May, 18
18. h as not swallowed a particle of food
and since the 10th of March, 1S22, has
drank neither wine or water. She is re
duced to a skeleton, but enjoys good
health. On the 10th of August last she
celebrated the GGth anniversary of her
birthday. Who will explain this wonder?
A woman of Bordeaux recently rnvft
birth to a wonderful child, whose eyes aro
placed on the cheks, and under each cyo
is a hole, which are its mouths. There
is a big hp under the nose, to which two
large teeth arc attadhed, and its forehead
is as round as a ball. Its legs aro curv
ed, and it has six fingers on each hand.
I his horrible beiug is alivo and kioking.
Who wants to buy him Where's Barnum?