The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, October 06, 1853, Image 2

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    She 3cffcrsonicm.
ThHr!ay, October C, Ig53.
MOSES i'OWSA LancasterCountv
ron auditor cnxi:uAL.
ALEX. Mi. ITBrCI-UEfiK, Franklin Co.
CSmiSTf AX M VERS, Clarion Co.
T53. A. 3JDJ, I'lnl i lelphi.i Ctvi.
To cur Readers!
There will be no paper issued from
Ibis Office next week, in consequence o
Ihc indisposition of two of our hands
which has placed us so far be-hind-hant
with our work, that it will be impossible
for us to get out a paper on Thursday
nest. We hope our readers will bear
with us.
OSrOn the first page of to-day's paper
will be found an extract from the Spcecl
of Col. A. K. McClure, the Whig candi
date for Auditor General, to which we
invite the attention of the reader.
exposes the deplorable condition of our!
State finances, and the gross mismanage
ment of our public works.
03r Our Borough was considerably agita
ted, politic;. Uy, last week. Court was in ses
sion, and a great many persons from the dif
ferent parts of the County were in town. On
Wednesday evening the friends of Porter held
a meetinir. which was addressed bv Judge
Barrel, who explained his course, and handled
bis traducers and defamers unmercifully. The
meclinir was an off-hand one, got up upon short
notice, yet we do not recollect of ever seeing
the Courl-IIouse more crowded than it was on
that occasion. Strong Resolutions, denoun
cing the nomination of M. M. Dimmick, were
adapted by acclamation.
This meeting astonished the Dimmick men,
r5io immediately got out hand bills calling
meeting the next evening, and sent their
ronnpra in every direction to get their friende
fo conie in and attend the meeting. We
have heard of one, who went as far as Ches
mithill, 11 miles from here, and urged the
jieople lo ami out with their teams, &c. but
at ws no go no aid or comfort was received
from that quarter. The meeting took place
at Uie appointed time, but notwithstanding
the groat exertions used to procure a full
ihmiiC, ihe Porter men outnumbered the Dim
fmick(inen two to one. Reeder was permit
ted to nieke his speech, in which he proved
conclusively that Dimmick ought not to be
elected, lie said no one, who would stoop
to solicit voles for himself or electioneer for
himself was fit to be Judge ; and almost e ve
in body in this vicinity knows that Dimmick
3ms done this. After Reeder concluded, rcs
Intkms in fasor of Dimmick were offered, bu!
they were voted down. We never saw a
set of men so chop-fallen as the Dimmick
men were that night. They were beaten
and ifoey know it and felt it. From present
indications, we consider Porter's election sure
by a triumphant majority.
Tfee Washington National Monu
ment c
This great work designed as a tribute frotti
liiscotintrymen to the memory of the greatee
(Obieftai, and the iffott devoted patriot lb?
mmrii er saw, is now 142 feti hif h. A
wmlmt fnm tint BecrsUrr of the Bocittr i-
farwm m timt Um kmie uirmdf cawtrtamai
1a iis Trti, r rafNly 4mtmmkmg, mi it
MiO are rcaag. n
WIM t!.at H atlM I
Hlw Jatjanul lamwlMpte flat Carnaly wtli
pwrate tWae haaaaa, a4 !! la attia of
vtm to tbe eajact, waax taey c
poeite tbeir kalloU.
It Jfe
Ku Usm than five Uefcete for the Lagisk
mre bare already htm placed m iMtiMt
lie in Philadelphia. One by Ike Whigs,
oite y the Democrats, oc by the Na'tive A
jsorkrans, one by the friends of Consolidation,
aad .one hy the advocates Gf a Prohibitory
Ihjhoh- law.
The Wisconsin Methodist Conference have
iresolvcd to request the next General Confer
cn-ce lo specify an early day when slavehold
ers in the Methodist Episcopal Church shall
either free their slaves or leave the church.
The Grand Jury of Philadelphia have found
a true bill against Thomas J. P. Stokes, Laz
aretto Physician, and Mathew Vuudusen, jr.,
Quarantine Mas:er of the Port, charging
them with a misdemeanor in office, in per-
miuiiiir theharq. Mandarin to pass the Qua r
Miftinc grounds with yellow fever on board,
on the 13th of July last, without propt-r ex
mnination and cleansing, and allowing suid
barque to pss up the city, to the grout dam
age of the health and lives of the citizens.
This is Ihe vessel that brought the yellow fe
ver lo Philadelphia, which has carried off a
large number of citizens, ukhough the news
papers have been silent upon the subject till
lately, lest they should create a panic and in
cruasc Uie evil.
JOggrThe Siumase Twins, accompanied
'Jby two of their eiiil'drcn, arc at Montreal.
mj,. !.tj5AM-
B ,,ttsv1"i'-
Ti;is btins the last pipr we shall issue
i...r tlm Motion which takes dIucc on
Tuesday next,-we hope our readers will
not censure n lor directing ineir aaen-
lion to the Juugesmp question, aim asK
them whether they have given the matter
a character deserves: and one too. which so
acepiy interests ever7 payer in me
i i i . rn il l
The following, which we extract from
iho. "AT 7)7;j; m, nancr.
w' at. 1 Wiidaln. so fullv accords
, r ,
with our views on this question, that we
commend it to the attention of our read
aThe office is one of weighty rcsponsi-
bility: there is no other which involves
so largely the general welfare. The
duties which pertain to it, require sound
lUUUCluUIil, UAiuuoivu luiiiii nuuiuv-u,
J . ....
ana uie strictest integrity, in uieir piopui
discharge. Ana lie who nils it, snouia
be one who habitually curbs prejudice
with a light rein, and to Reason and Hu
manity, yields the privilege of judgement
and condemnation.
Tt is a station hiirh above bribery and
corruption, and must never be. made the
wager of partisan warfare if we would
:i -.I: t
preserve tiuaiiuo pure in iui uumiuiatiii-
" . i -x i at i
it the rcwara oi political cunning, or tne i
1 '
lunang-pcc oi interest, auu tue inuo-
cent may well tremble with the guilty;
for the peace and security of society
hano-s unon the canrice of the unnrinci-
ff nf iho
L j - -
n .! j n :. - re I
axecunvej out men saia, w .iu uiuuc
which essentially concerns every man;
thcrefore, let it be the gift of the people."
By an amendment to the Constitution of
this State, the office became elective: lei
us sec that it becomes not the reicard which
- .
faction bcslmcs nvon its leader.
In determining for whom his vote shall
be cast, every man should ask himself,
not "shall I honor this or that party
leader," but "who is the better qualified
by reason of wisdom and integrity?"
lu the lion. James M. Porter, wc
ii ii . -u
. . - ,
charge the arduous duties oi the office
with distingmshea credit to hnnseit, out
unquestionably to the satisfaction of all
honest men; and who will not only sus-
n l 1 1 1 i
. i , i ,.D n
tion acquired by nearly forty years sue-
e , e i- i - if
eessful nractice. of which anv man miht
..roll 1, nrnnd. nnd whiidi hut eomnara-
L- i e i
tively few ever reach. At the present
time, he is generally recognized as stand
in" at the head of his profession iu the
State, lie is distinguished no less for
correct judgement and strict integrity,
than for humanity and love of justice.
In every requirement he is just such a
man as the station calls for, and being
elevated to it, will make every man who
shall vote for him, proud of his privilege
as a freeman.
Let it be remembered that the term of
this office is ten years. In view of this, it
behooves every ma a to consider well the
importance of tht tnwt before owing to
a hasty eottclnaioM. It k m idie matter
to vote upon tiiii qaeataoe). A MOMtV
thought rtvtali tW hrstaUe coane
qtieMees that 4 ae nfa a ywtial or
fieet a4Maiatfcreiiiai tihmttm B-
M9wlr, tlw Acawst
mmi are t atakc, aa
Imd. Tea ktm m ffcit v rear4
ialiii4Bel laie iCm
it left
mmkmrn parti', f r ia ao fto-j
woajM iaiaatSi al
ml v the CUbi wto:
-....-ftiim nt
taafcem at jeew pmisfe te Toee ai alt
Xe ie ikea aJJ , hf m ieaag, ye vartatai
ly darov eatltty aat af lae aeatieei, ewd
kaoak 4em tka Bapaii te tbc kigaeat Wd
eVar. We kave toe Mtach coaSdtaec in
liht latellivnee of tke poaie af this Die
triei te aeliere taM capable of such a
Htanstrotte error.
Again, Judge Porter comes to 3011 from
another district, having "no friends to re
ward, and enemies to punish." His only
interests here will be simply and solely
the equal and impartial administration of
lie will look to neither this nor that
party, or faction for his election, but to
men of all parties, blended in a mas?,
leavened with a love of justice' and called
the "PEOPLE." Consequently, he will
feel under no obligations to the few as
distinguished from the many as a man
elected on party grounds will naturally
If elected, lie will become a resident
of this District during his term of ofiicc,
which he will fill to its close, life and
health permitting. He will come here
not to make his home in the shrivelled
heart of a faction, but in the great heart
of the people.
Although Judge Porter has always ac
ted with the Democratic party, we do not
support him as a Democrat, but because
he is eminently qualified to discharge the
duties of the office creditably. His po
litical preferences must not be taken into
consideration as qualifications, but left out
of the question entirely. The man who
votes for a candidate for judge merely
because he is a Whig, or Democrat, vir
tually declare that he ospocts favor from
mui towaiua inuii ui un yuunwi
which would scent of coruption in the
. ..1. ...
Most oi the treemen in tins district aie
acquainted with Judge Porter by rcpxi-
.g a3 &oy deljgbt tohonor
w:ti. ti,p:r rnfnronee. Every true man
must arouse to rescue the Judiciary from
fhn limuls nf n. faction, and 10U2C it With
I . 1 1 j. 1 1 ti- ,no rrVOtl
tne peopic 10 wuom aiuu t
Rise in Liquor. The retail liquor dealers
in N. Y. held a meeting last Friday evening
when it was resolved mat in consequence oi
. ..... r
llic riS11 111 ,e PrlC0 01 "ijl
ma lie a living uy suinn ul juuokui
and they will raise the price on the lstofOc-
tober. to ten cents per class.
Tj,e Bomi)ay Gazette snys it is a fact that
tj1G cntire population of India do not on the
average spend a sixpense (twelve cents) a
head, for clothing annually
.. . , , . T. . , ,t.,
03" The Philadelphia Register learns that
Uo Camdcn Ambo R:iilro;id Coinpany
have compromised with the Rev. James Pur-
viance, of Mississippi, formerly of Baltimore
who, with his wife and children, were injured
hn the collision of cars, on their road, on the
8th of August, by paying him $10,000 dam
ages. Mr. Purviance's foot was slightly hurt
his daughter's thigh broke, and his lady bad
,iurl In inc nTg-
. n f... i i ij3
Sale oi imnoricd Cattle
, , . r n.tT n,
took place at London, Madison couty, Unio
. - , h Fjftecn buus brought an av
orarrc of1200; two of them sold for 3000
cacj1 pjve cows sold at 6G00 to .$1300
Twontv-five Leicester sheep averaged $G9
Lnrh. A suflulk lioir sold for 200,
. 7'Aiiiff.-Tlie Nile
RppubUcan :iys pigeons are so nu-
morous in that section, that many farmers
jiavc t0 en,pi0y men with guns to keep the
w,r,u from the wheat fields while the wheat
is being housed
For Canal Commissioner
Mr. Pownall, is positively a
candidate a man of unblemished char
actcr of great practical knowledge of
business, and fitted for the importat office
for which he is presented to the freemen
of the Commonwealth. If you want a
reform in- the gross mismanagement of our
pablic work VQte for :,losLS p0WNALL.
me js commended to the voters of tin
county as a fit and worthy recipient o
their confidence and support
t Vili.lihc : aJiJ i I
This gentleman with all his disqualifi-
a i
cations, is up again for Surveyor General
k"ll'"u l o J
of thc State
tcr and habits, which disgrace the office
he holds, we have a specimen of his spec
ulations in the contracts on the Portage
Railway, where, by allotting contracts to
the highest bidders, the Canal Commis
sioners put into the pockets oi their favor
ites over $50,000. Erawley's share of
this was nearly 13,000, as will be seen
by the following bids and awards :
Section Twenty-six.
Hid by Morrison, Rli'-as iz Co., $ 14.000 00
ill.! bv D. II. Lutz anil Co.. ' 17.330 00
H:! bv M'Grutin. Ilcilvaiid Co., l'J,C05 On
Hid by Painter, Uornlor and Co., 17,660 00
Let to Ales Mc.C;mim n. contracted lor oy
J. Uniw lev and Jo's, lluily at 24.G30 00
Areragebid, ' 17.01U00
Loss to Common jccalth 7,551 00
Section T w enty-se v i:n.
Ui-l bv Morrison. Rhoads and Co., $ 14.070 00
lint uy M'G.ann, Kcily and Co., J5..00 ''(!
Bid bv Bark. Ba rrv and Co., 10.(70.0(
Hfi by Klitmds. Pouglasb and Co., 15,79.',' 0
Let to Alex. McCammun, contracted lo: bv
J. 1. IManlcy and Jos. Bailey, at 2(i,tiO() 00
Iii-iucmI. lj.355 50
w tt) Comwonwcallh, 5,121 50
Keadcr ! do you suppose Mr. Brawley
acrformed the contracts allotted to him
! Xot at all ! He immediately sold out the
t Jue'j 'r tuaD was k1" "y his competi
. Iw m) noeK-ted his SI 3.000 iust a
it wee intended he should. Do the hon-
aat taxpayer want to keep in office a man
unfit, who will thus speculate
Wfm Uae aabia
tke aabiie treasury ? Cut him of
MUST! an MY-Cits, an lion
prigki citizen.
J. Perter Btawive
jii a locofoco meeting in M'Connels-
Yit!, Fulton county, one of the speakers
unbosomed himself of the following:
You have heard of J. Porter Brawley
our candidate for .Surveyor General.
He is a man that I don't like, but 1 in
tend to vote for him. They say he
drinks that he is bloated, and fat with
whiskey, and I do not doubt it, but that is
no reason why he should not receive the
firm and cordial support 01 every Demo
crat in the State!'
That is an honest confession and one
which does little credit to the character
of this distinguished gentleman. The
private reputation of a man should 110
be blazoned forth in the newspapers, bu
in politics it is the custom and in this in
stance we think the exception is a proper
oue. This man J. Porter Brawley, i
before the people of Pennsylvania for the
office of Surveyor General of the state
and it is right' that his moral worth should
be inquired into; and what a volume of
corruption, dissipation and filth it recalls
to your view. lie has not only swindled
the state, but now asks to be permitted
to swindle it again. Such a man is a
spendthrift to the state, a pollution to so
ciety and a disgrace to an' party: and
did he seek alliance with any other than
the Locofoco party he would bo rejected
at once and treated with the contempt he
deserves. It is only for the people of
Pennsylvania to know him to ensure his
defeat. Did the whole community know
him as the citizens of Harrisburg he would
be beaten 50,000 votes in the State. We
hope to see the people make inquiries into
this man's merits, and we will be satisfied
that your verdict in October will be
against xnx,TlIarrisburs Journal.
It is not generally known, says the
Charlestown Courier, tha t in Barbadoes
there is a mysterious vault, in which no
one now dares, to deposit the dead. It is
in a churchyard near the sea-side. In
1807, the first coffiin that was deposited
in it was that of a Mr. Goddard; in 1808
a Miss Chase was placed in it; and in 18-
12, Miss J). Chase. In the end of 1S12,
the vault was opened for the body of the
lion. T. Chase: but the three first coffins
were found in a confused state, having
been apparently tossed from their places
Again was the vault opened to receive
the body of an infant, and the four cof
fins, all of lead, and very heavy were
found very much disturbed. In 1819, a
Mr. Brewster's body was placed in the
vault, and again great disorder was ap
parent among the cofiins. In 1819 a Mr
Clarke was placed in the vault, and, as
before, the coffins were in confusion.
Each time that the vault was opened,
the cofiins were replaced in their proper
situations that is, three on the ground
side by side, and the others laid on them
The vault was then regularly closed; the
door (a massive stone, which required
six or seven men to move,) was cemented
by masons, and though the floor was o
sand, there was no marks of footsteps or
water. Again the vault was opened in
1819. Lord Combermcrc was tben pros
cut, and the coffins were found thrown
confusedly about the vault some with
the heads down, and others up. "Wha
could have occasioned this phenomenon
In no other vault in the island had this
ever occurred. "Was it an earthquake
which occasioned it, or the effects of an
inundation in the vault?" These wer
the questions asked by a Barbadoes jour
nal at the time; and no one could afford
The matter gradually died away, unti
the present year, when, on the lGth o
Feb. the vault was again opened, and a
the coffins were again thrown about a
confuscdlv as before. A strict investijca
tion took place, and no cause could b
ml w
discovered. "Was it, after all, that the
sudden bursting forth of noxious gas
from one of the coffins could have pro
duced this phenomena ? If so, it is a
gainst all former experience. The vault
has been lienneticially sealed again
when to be reopened we cannot tell.
In Eugland there was a parallel occur
rence to this, some years ago, at Hautou
in Suffolk. It is stated that on opening
a vault there, several leaden coffiins, with
wooden cases, which had been fixed on
biers, were found displaced, to the great
consternation of the villagers. The cof
fins were again placed as before, and the
vault was properly closed, when again,
another of the family dying, they were a
gain found displaced; and two years after
hat, they were not only found all off their
biers, but one coffin (so heavy as to re
quire eight men to raise it,) was found
on the fourth step which led down to the
vault; and it seemed perfectly certain
that no human hand had done this.
The North Branch Canal,
An extent of ninety-five miles of new
canal, reaching from Pittstown, Luzerne
county, to Anthens, in Bradford Co., Pa..
will be brought into use for the first time
on the 15th of October, when water is to
be let into it by order of the Canal Com
missioners. Extensive orders for coal to
supply Western New York, it is said,
have been given. Prom Athens to New
lork htate line 2tf miles, distant, an ex
tensive canal is making to connect with
the New York junction canal, leading di
rect to New York. city. This work is to
be completed by the first of April next.
Fearful Epidemic in Cuba. A gloomy
picture of the state of affairs on the Island
of Cuba is presented in recent letters from
Havana. An epidemic of a chuleric na
ture, assisted by the pernicious fever, was
sweeping off sailors, soldiers, negroes, and
others, with frightful rapidity. Some es
tates, numbering from two to three hun
dred slaves, had been so reduced in the
space of a week, that there were scarcely
men enough left to bury the dead.
A "Bird" of Prey Caged. A heartless
villian named Nathaniel J. Bird, was a-
restecl in Camden, last week, on the
charge of Bigamy. Tt seems that he
made matrimony a regular trade ; for, to
this time, no less than six young women
have claimed him as their husband two
in Camden, two in Philadelphia, one in
Washington, and one in this city ! lie
boasts ot having twenty wives, and there
appears to be no doubt that he tells the
truth. Ihe ease with which he obtained
six of the number, renders it more than
probable that he found no difficulty in
wedding the other fourteen. He is well
known about Beading, having flourished
nere at intervals Uurmg tfio last five or
six years, sometimes under his real name
and sometimes under an assumed one.-
His last appearance was during the first
week in oeptemper, when, we believe, he
styled himself Dr. William J. Hunter;
and by that name, married a very res
pectable young lady of this city. He
soon deserted her, and, as has been dis
covered, went to Camden to prosecute hi?
matrimonial speculations. He is an ac
complished scoundrel, and deserves the
sovercst punishment. Heading Gazette
and Democrat.
There are nearly 250,000 Odd Felfows
in the United StatQs.
pccml Correspondence N. American and U. S. Gazett
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2, 1853.
S. European letter received in this city
i irixi iwuukiw uuuuvii.i 1 w,.w .
treating with Sweden and Denmark for
an alliance, onensive aim ucii;uaiu, a-
gainst Rusia, iu the event of France be-
coming involved in a war on the Turkish
' I r"
Tlussia is also cndoavourinir to
form an alliance with the same powers.
The people of Sweden and Denmark
in tavor or the
he Governmen
nnsition. thev will bide with France and
r 1 - j
Intelligence lias just reached this city
111 H," IU U LU CUIIUW UUUUI1UJ ivjv..w- 1
have occured between the opposing iorces
of the United States and Mexico, in the
Mesiila Valley diidculties wnicn, "
feared, may lead to a rupture of the peace-
ful relations at present existing between
ful relations at present
the two governments
Three Days Later irom Europe.
nxvjriijjx liuiruiixiix.
... -w. 1 I
Halifax, oepc. ov. xuu -""j"1
Mail Steamship America arrived her e
last evening, trom Liverpool, witu uatw
4i. i-rfircf , 12(5 nfissonircrs.
lu tuu nn miv o
i r j.
It was currently rcporteu, just prior iu
the sailing of the America, tuac tne
r - .- - ,i , ii .
Turkish troops had attacked the liussian
The Czar, it is said, agrees to abide uy
palities, Provided the Porte will accept it
niivn ?ininlf. and unaltered as it was
presented to him.
Anew Manifesto was expected irom
Itussia in a few days.
Placards were posted on the walls of
Constantinople by the war party, calling
on the faithlul to attack the Itussians
On a special demand from the repre
sentatives of the four great powers, the
Sulton consents to postpone issuing his
contemplated manifesto to his people.
The manifesto is to be couched iu very
warlike language, and indeed, it is to all
intents and purposes a declaration of war.
The -Turks are excited to the wildest
enthusiasm. The erection of armaments
, . , ,, . i
goes on briskly, and every thing is being
paid ior in specie
The new Turkish levy ot bU,UUU troops
cms made up rapidly. Detach-
were constantly marchinc
to join Omar Pasha, and a reserve corps
was fornnn-z at Adnanople, under Me-
- i
nemct x acua.
troops on the 30th ult
that the Russian commander had issued
orders to his troops there, setting forth
that Ilussia called upon them to annhi-
late paganism; and that those who op
posed the Czar would also be annihilated.
It was reported that the French Am
bassador urgently pursuaded the Sultan
i ii i . .1 i Tj. Zt.
to reciiu ms luuuiuuu uutu, uvun unci it
had been forwarded to St. Petersburg.
rni n r 4 i 1 T
jluc emperors or Ausina anu iussia,
and the King ot l'russia were to have an
interview at Olmutz Poland, on the 23d
i c, . , rn i-
of September. Ihe meeting was sup-
nnsftd to he for the nurDose of decidiuf?
unon the fate of Turkey.
There is little news of interest from
has received and declined an invitation
alliance witu France, out j - ' " V ' .a M ,wn ' rt3
ts will endeavor to main- gives uany uuu. m... t.
Tf fn,nn,i f ti- or nuiK. -Luis kui-;i ""- v"
I he Pacha of Lgypt promised to send I ' . . . . ,, J 1
the bultan 15,000 more troops. Irate r:TrF,, uns'ryvQ
advices frora Bucharest, Wallachia, state Pil r, , T'
to diue with the Liverpool Chamber of capital of from $25 to SE000, such in
Commerce. ducements will be ofiered as to enable
The cholera was through England, and them to make from 3 to 5 a day profit,
had made its appearance at London and JBSTThc Books published by us arc all
Livemool. Over 150 deaths from the
disease occurred at New Castle.
Home The Committee of the IIolv
Inquisition have again expressed their
condemnation of Uncle Tom s Cabin
characterising the book as damnable and
The dates from nong-Kong, China,
nro fn tliA 2.irl nl . n v. nnd trnni Knm-
1-inir fn flip 1 2th
J. . c .... -p
giiiat a.UiuU pvaxnuw a, x,u4-
man, anu me country was overrun wuu
The Indigo Crop was bad. Cotton was
From China the report is, that the
revolutionary army had not changed its
position. Iho lartars had made an at-
tempt to capture the city of Amoy, but
iiie latest. ic was rumorea on
Saturday that negotiations, in regard to
the Eastern difficulties, would be re-o-
pencu, instead ot war immediately talcing
1 . i i t ., ,,,1
from London, bringing the decision of
Lords Aberdeen, Russell, Clarendon and
Palmerston. Another courier started
immediately ior Coustantinopte, Dearing
a despatch to Lord Startford de Redcliff,
which, it was rumored in well informed
circles, enjoins him to employ every pos-
sihlo niPfins frt inrliinn the Sultan to ac-
nonf wltlinnf. flnlnv. the note of Vicuna.
uar .
ine intisu minisiur auu umu tu
allow the squadron to enter the .bospnorus,
and discmbarJc troops-ior tne purpose oi
. I' 11 . X.
causing the Sultan's decision to bo re-
'Pi, :a
. .. .1.
no disagreement
France and
relative to the
Turkish question
LIVERPOOL. Sept. 17. Tho Cotton
An ..11 t.
fl.v woo nf KttU nnntnWn rlfifilino until
lUUl V II UUU llbVlu mw
.u4. ur-. -r!:-
a uecune oi s
Sea Island. The threatening aspect ot
Eastern affairs, and the operatives' strike,
also aided to produce the decline.
All qualities of Breadstufls have con
siderably advanced, and there is a large
business doing at thc advancing rates.
Wheat has advanced Gd a 7d.
BSp-The admission to the Crystal Pal
ace is to be reduced hereafter, on Satur
day's, to 25 cents, to give thc laboring
classes a chance,
the Bank raised the rate of interest, when at the ensuing Election, and I therefore re
n. t, nnnmn icLoW, nlnsiim with spectfiilly solicit your votes and influence.
Ocatk of Lti Gov. Burns.
Cleveland. Seni. 80. Intelligence
has been received, here tbat Lieut. Gov-
crosae, U is., on tne aist insD, 01 nutou
, rt . r 11"
tjTakes the
nrprcn.c(i on Mond
Premium. We were
prercntca on monaay iasi, wmi apui-
-1 1 i. 111. AH
mnn of milk and cream, the product ot a
Utajcr one year oia m omit ...u v.
. -i 1 T..1.. i.:i. -.
Horns," anaacciucuiv i'V-"
. .,T
r exhibition. West Chester Jrfcrso-
p , ,
1CU tulluiti Jiiia
q nn a.e Farmers' Bank of
t f p VioTietle mail
ancasjei, Id mu
and woman, team, clog, C. Ob
np-h side well done.
oris on the farmers' Bank ot
BuciiS County Pa Vignette fe-
male aricuiiuriii iiiiijiuiijuiiisjj
. ' ,
M ft dc.c 'ZU on t?au:i uuiuci-
. between the signatures-
o o-prmino
HOt like prp.nuinO
There is a little girl, of French
parentage, living in Troy, New
York, whose face is almost cov
ered with dark hair, about two
inches long
All intelligent uuu cuiui j;i iai
Chmese merchant in oacraincnto,
California, advertises among oth
er articles of traffic "dried worms
for soup."
Dr. m. Whclan, of Ihe Uni
ted States Navy, has been com
missioned to be chief of the Na-
val Medical Surgical bureau. Iff
jjie pjace 0f rjr Harris.
,.77 .v
Sis-port of Slio 5r:iiaI .sniry, s-
Cua!er Term, 1853.
T, r , T . antiafied frora tho
. - - ; ' , , , . . f . . ;t
. ' , T , .
L. a Ll r
I 41.., nnMtii t f f irnrnn r r CAM orn Ann
f s,KWk fiv. nT,d it the
. x, c.. - , . T.,
aesire oi me uriiuu ui v xuii-
, .. , , - ... t.u
notified to close their bars on the Sab-
Stroudsburg, Oct. 1st. 1853.
The above Presentment is directed to
be published in all ihe newspapers in-
Monroe county, as notice to those inter
ested, that they shall not, in future, vio
tor lu.
late the law, without being answerable5
By the Court.
a r0in$ T&t-itiivif
; 7r , ir ; r
To iSe Pictorial and useful Works for
A T, ,c J
Wanted in every section of the United
States, active and enterprising men, to
engage in the sale of some of the best;
Books publisiied in the Country. Tc?
men of good address, possessing a small
useful in their character, extremely pop-
ular, and command large sale wherever
uey are offered
For further particulars, address, (post-
"ge paiu.;
1S1 William St., N. York
Tq yQim of MoHroc CoUlltV.
Fellow citizens:- respectfully olfer mysel f
at the solicitntion of many warm friends, ai
CQ- 0ctober clcctioilt f()r thc oRcc of
Dcnutv Surveyor.
If elected, I pledge myself to discharge thc
duties of the oifice with fidelity and to the
best of my ability.
Sept. 29, 1S53. 2t
To the Voters of DIoill'OC CoiUltV.
Fellow citizens: I rcspectly offer myself.
nt the solicitation of a number of my friends
to you for the ofhee of
County Treasurer of Moill'OC.
T , . . T , , , .,u
ir elected, i pieogc myseu 10 uiscnarge me
duties of the ofiicc to the best of my ability.
Hamilton, September 29. lS53.2t.
To tilC Voters of MoiU'OC Coillltj.
Friends and fellow Citizens: -Through
the solicitations of many of you lam induced
to offer myself as a candidate for thc ofiicc of
HcpiltV Surveyor
I J J 5
,a.thc ensuing general election, and respect-
Should 1 be elected, I pledge myself to dis-
c!ia the dutics oflhe oflicc wUh fil!elitr
and to lhe begt of ability your rrjetld
1 "
a(j rellow citizen,
Stroudsburg, Sept. 22, 1853. 3t.
i - -
AU l"v mvuivb uiin,
rtumu uizins:ni me request oi nu-
mcroua friends I have been induced to ofTer
myself as a candidate for the office of
I T1.JT ",... . I.
OoiUlty Com Ul I.VitOIlCr,
Should I be elected f pledge myself to dis-
charge the duties of the office with fidelity
and to the best of niv ability.
Chesnuthill, Sept. 15, 1853 3t
The subscriber has opened
his new Hotel and is rcadv to
Mjgaccomniodate all who may fa
vor mm witn tneir custom.
Stroudsburg, May 27, 1352, 6m,
. Imtli nnrJ in nnco SfH(l nnhfin 15 disohove-!.