Sl)c Scffcvsonian. WHIG NOMINATIONS. FOR CANAL COMM1SSIONKK, MOSES I0 YVrVAE-IU LincasterCountv FOR AUDITOR (HT.RAI-, ALEX. Ei. MrCLl'RE, Fiaiiklm Co. SURVEYOR GENERAL, CHKESTIA ilSYISKS, Clarion Co. JUDOE OF THE SUPREME COURT. T52GS. A. I55JIE, Philadelphia City. On our first pago will be found an ar ticle from the Ohio Journal of Education, which applies to Pennsylvania as well as Ohio. Wc hope that all our readers will peruse it carfully. Court. The September Term of the several Courts of this County, commenced on Monday last. lion. Geoiige B. Barret, President, and Andrcio Storm and Abra ham Levering, Associates, ou the Bench. After the swearing of the Constables from the different township, had been gone through with, Judge Barret, deliv ered a very able and interesting charge to the Grand Jurors, and in the course of his remarks stated that he had recei ved a note, asking him the question, "whether Innkeepers had aright to open their Bars and sell liquors on the Sabbath day." His honor informed the Grand Jurors that the law gave tliem no such privilege, and refered them to the Act of Assembly of 1S34, relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors. The Grand Jurors then retired to their room, and during the course of the day, presented to the Court the following Beport, viz : j To Oic Honorable, the Judges of this Court, j The Grand Jury are satisfied from the j information they could obtain, that it is a general practice by the Innkeepers in the County of Monroe, to sell ardent spirits on the Sabbath day and it is the desire of the Grand Jury, that the Innkeepers throughout the County shall be notified to close their Bars on the Sabbath, and in case said notice is disobeyed, to enforce the law again:? t them. ELILIU POSTEXS, Foreman of the Grand Jury. The following cases were disposed of at the time of our g6ing to press. John Felkcrw. Peter Woodling. This was a suit brought by the plaintiff against the defendant for the detention of a wa gon. Verdict for plaintiff for $22 20. Beeder and Drcher for plaintiff, Davis for defendant. Commonwealth I's. Christian Miller. Indictment for an assault and battery with the intent to commit a rape on the person of Eve Ann Edinger, a child un der ten years old. Verdict guilty. Commonwealth vs. Philip Keyhart. Surety of ihe peace on complaint of Chatharine Steiger ; tried and case dis missed, each party to pay their own costs. William Clark vs. Keuiinerer et. al. This is a case of tresspass for the sale of personal property by the Sheriff, and was not yet decided when wo went to press. Agricultural Exhibition. The Agricultural Society of North ampton county, will hold its first Annual Exhibition at Easton, commencing on the 5th of October nest. This being the first effort made in the County, to bring together the various products of the Far mer, Mechanic, and citizens generally, it exp'ected that many will avail them selves of the privilege to compete for the various premiums offered by the So ciety. A general, invitation is given to the citizens of Northampton and adjoin ing counties to attend the Fair, and bring with them articles of their own growth and production. Such exhibitions as this Society pro pose making are full of interest, and pro ductive of great good, and we hope that the invitation which is so generally ex tended, will be responded to by a goodly number of the citizens of this County, in such a manner as will show a due ap preciation of the inportance of these ex hibitions. Fire The Tannery and Bark Sheds of Messre. Brakely & White, sit uate on Broadheads Creek, about five miles north of this place, together with the contents, consisting of about 1400 hides of sole leather, 861)00 worth of bark, and their entire stock of tools, was totally consumed by fire on Saturday evening last. There were in the vats a bout 11,000 hides, which is more or less damaged. Their loss is about 825,000. There was an insurance on the bVildin of SI 1,000 only. The fire was caused by the heating of the gudgeon of the bark mill. It is estimaied that not less than four million of dollars have been spent by Southerners this summer in sight-seeing and dissipation at the North. EST- The locos of this County held a mass meeting at the Court House last eve ning, the 2Sth inst. at which strong Bes olutions were passed, repudiating and an- nuling the nomination of M. M. Dimmick for President Judge of the 22d Judicial District, and strongly recommending the election of the Hon. James Madison Por ter, of Easton, for that office. Popular opinion appears to have set in in earnest against the election of Mr. Dimmick, as thc resolutions were carried by a large majority. Judge Porter appears to be entirely the favorite of the Democratic party of Monroe, for the important office of President Judge. Judge Barret made a very able speech in vindication of his own private reputa tion, in which he gave his opponents, who have been circulating false hoods about his sobriety, the severest, and most well timed lashing we have heard in a long time. Judge Porter was then called ou but declined making a speech on the ground of its being morally wrong for an one, looked upon as a candidate for a Ju dicial Office, to electioneer for himself. Ho declared his determination if elected to serve the full term of ten years, if hi life and health should be spared. The proceedings of the meeting will be found in another column. Close of the Crystal Palace. It is officially announced that the World's Fair at New York, will terminate at the end of December. The exhibition is as complete now as it can well be. There is a noble show at present, and ample time, during the next three months for all to visit it. Shipments of Coal from Pittsburg. The quantity of bituminous ooal ship ped from Pittsburg to the East the pres ent season, is said to be much larger than the amount sent through in former years. The quantity shippep to Philadelphia since the first of April is 19,497,310 lbs., and during the same time there were shipdep to Columbia, for transhipment to Lancas ter, Baltimore and Washington, 3,243, S54 lbs., makiug a total shipment of 1G, 716. 164 lbs. Unnatural Cruelty. At Iroutown O., Mrs. Marsh the wife of a respectable me chanic, was arrested on the complaint of her husband, on a charge of assault and battery with intent to kill, for beating her own daughter, a child of seven j-cars, with a rope until it was considered very doubt ful as to its recovery. A resolution has been introduced iuto the Kentucky Legislature, which pro vides "that the keeper of the Penitentiary shall procure a suitable chemical dye, such as will stain the cuticule or outer surface of the skin perfectly black, so that it cannot be washed off, or in any way re moved until time shall wear it away, and uature furnish a cuticule or surface, and that with this dye he shall have the noses of each male convict painted thoroughly black, and renew the application as may be necessary to keep it so, until within one month of the expiration of his sen tence, when it shall be discontinued, for the purpose of permitting nature to re store the feature to its original hue, pre paratory to the second advent of its own er into the world." Large Trees. Tho editors of the Yreka Mountain Herald, a California paper, vouches for the truth of the following almost incredi ble story: "In a forest called the Bed woods, on the Trinidad Bay, some twenty or thirty miles from the mouth of the Ra math river, on the northern sea coast of California, a region that has been but very little explored, a number of trees of very extraordiny size have been known since 1851 by the miners and others op erating in the vicinity. The largest of these trees is situated on Eel creek, and measures, two feet from its base, the al most incredible circumference of one hun dred and twenty feet? A second tree, lo cated on the Trinidad trail, between the Elk and Bedwood camps, which had fal len to the ground, accommodated 17 persons and nineteen cargoes or mule packs with abundant room for shelter for three weeks during the rainy season of 1851 ! A third tree on the same trail measures ninety-one feet in circumference one yard from its base, while a fourth, which is prostrate, is from seventy to eighty feet iu circumference, and two huu dred and nienty one feet in length a por tion of the top being broken off, at that? Painful Occurraace. We learn that a painful occurrance took place in the neighborhood of Towan da a few days ago, distressing to the par ties, and friends of the parties concerned. It appears that a temporary difficulty took place between Col. Jno. Hanson', nad a Mr. Warford, a brother of his merchan tile partner, and that some words passed, when Col. Hanson struck Mr. Warford a blow with his fist, thereby causing instant death. The blow was given without par ticular aim and hit him on the neck, cau sing a dislocation. If time h money, how much is roqusite for a fortune? UTp The September number of the Pennsylvania School Journal contains the proceedings of the State Teachers Association, which met at Pittsburg, August 5. We are glad to hear that there was such a good turn out, and hope they will keep tho ball rolling till they have attained their desired end. I hey have issued the following - CIRCULAR. It has been made the duty of the Ex ecutive Committee of the Pennsylvania Sf:ih Tnneher's Association to collect and compile a statistical account of the number and condition of the schools of every grade in the State. The object of this compilation is to learn the effect of our common school system upon general education; its effect upon our Colleges. Academies and other higher Institutions of learning; and to obtain data, upon which to base measures for its improve ment. In order to obtain the desired informa tion, a copy of the School Journal, con taining this Circular, marked,, will be ad dressed to some known friend of educa tion in every couuty in the State; upon the reception of which it is expected that each, considering this a sufficient notifica tion, will take immediate measures for procuring and returning reliable state ments, iu regard to the matter concerning which inquiries are now made. If any one to whom this circular may be addressed should be unable to under take the duty, it is hoped that he will make an elfort to obtain the services of some other competent person, or at least inform the committee of the fact, that some other may be selected. That the answers may be available for the purpose intended, it is important that they should not be in general terms, but specific; and, if possible, from person al observation, cither bv the person in quired of. or by others better acquainted with particular details, with whom he may communicate. They should also be concise, systematic, and rename. It is known to the committee that the duty imposed will require considerable labor labor unrequited in a pecuniary point of view. But is not tne improve ment of our schools and the elevation of our teachers a noble obiect? Is not the - - advancement of the cause of universa education worthy the sacrifice of time and toil? In other states and countries, the government, at great expense has employed meu to collect these statistics- Let it be hereafter said, that here the teachers and friends of education have gladly performed the self-imposed task, and freely presented the result of their labors as an offering to the good cause. Already, competent gentlemen, in severa counties, alive to the great importance of the work, have volunteered to traverse the whole extent of their -district for this purpose; and doubtless such there are and the committee hope to be so fortunate as to enlist them, in every county in the Commonwealth. The special subject of inquiry are as follows : 1st. What is the present number and condition of the Colleges, Academics, Fe male Seminaries, and other private schools in your county, giving the name and date of establishment of each; and what effect has the public school system had upon their number and patronage ? 2nd. Is your county well supplied with common school houses, and what is their present condition ? 3rd. Have you held a Teacher's In stitute in you county? have you a County Association of Teachers, or any other means for their improvement? and if so, what are their condition, times of meeting, number of members, officers &c? 4th. Has anr system of grading schools been adopted in your county, and to what extent? 5th. In what respects has the system of Free Schools been advantageous to the interests of Education? 6th. What arc the principal defects of the system, as it works in your schools; and what in your judgment would be the appropriate remedies ? Answers to be returned b' the 1st of November, to J. P. Wickersham, Mariet ta, Lancaster co., Pa. By order of the Executive Committee. Marietta, Aug. 19th, 1853. Will not some one of this county give them the desired information ? The New York Teacher also contains the minutes of their Association, which met at Rochester, a large number were present and all seem to have been anima ted in their purpose. The next number of the Teacher commences a new volume. We have marked some pieces from the Massachusetts Teacher and will publish them in due lime. We would again urge every teacher to subscribe immediately to one or all of these Magazines. They are published monthly at $1 per year. Keiv Jersey a Roman Catholici Dorcse. It is stated that bulls have arrived from Rome erecting Brooklyn, Long Island ; Newark, New- Jersey; Burlington Ver mont; and Portland, Maine, into Episco pal sees, and naming to the see of Brook lyn, the very Rev. John Loughlin, Vicar General of New York; to tho see of New ark, the Rev. J. Bailey, Secretary to the Archbishop of New York; to the see of Burlington, the very Bev. L. dc Gcebria'nd Aicar General of Cleveland; and to the see of Portland, the very Bev. n. B. Cos kery, Vicar General of Baltimore. Millerism. It seems that this delu siyn which raged so furiously several years ago, has not died out yet. There are two societies in Nashua, N. If., at the present time, who keep up Iline's midnight cry or yell. Some of them profess to believe that tho world will come to an end in 1854, and none of them can stretch its existence more than two years from this time, A Word to our Whig Friends. The second Tuesday of October is rap idly approaching, and behooves us to prepare for tho contest. Yc have a mil ticket in the held, and as goou a one as has been presented to the party for their support for years past. A determined and united effort to elect it can scarce fail of success. Our enemies have boasted and shouted over their victory at the last Presidential election, and have almost forced themselves to believe that the Whig party can never successfully rally again. Drunken with the glory of their success, they become oblivious of the fact that their power consisted alone m their unity; and in their reckless scramble for the spoils they have engendered animosi- ties and heartburnings among themselves, which has resulted in subdividing and distracting them to such an extent that a present perfect organization among them is impossible. By injudiciously interfering in the ap pointmentJ-made by the Federal govern ment, Gov. Biglcr has brought upon him self the enmity of many of his party friends, and has created a schism in the locofocb ranks that is felt to a greater or less extent in every county of the com m on wealth. The rapacity and recklessness of the locofoco speculators in the toil and sweat of the laborers on the Portage Bailroad, compelled the operatives there to refuse to work, until the money which had been earned by them, (and which at that time was in the pockets of these sharks,) had been paid; and thus an expose has been made which will iorcvcr, nereatter pre vent the laboring man from being gulled by tho specious professions of being the exclusive friends of tho poor and tho la borer, which have heretofore proved so potent m the mouths of locoloco orators and electioneerers. The publication of the bids for con tracts on the Portage Railroad, shewing in all instances that the work was let to the highest instead of the lowest bidder, has opened the eyes of the tax-payers to the manner in which the public funds are squandered, and their taxes thereby in creased; and this additional and conclu sive evidence of scoundrelism on the par of the Locofoco Canal Commissioners is certainly not calculated to strengthen the party to which they belong, or to induce honest men, or over burthened tax-payers to vote tor their candidates. The uncontradicted fact that the pres ent locofoco Survcor General and can didate for re-election, J. Porter Brawley was engaged iu the Portage Bailroad fraud, and was the recipient of money which was thus filched from the pockets of the tax-payers; and that he is also no toriously a common drunkard and sot, is conclusive evidence of the low estimate that the locofoco party put upon the sense of moral honesty, integrity and decency prevailing among the citizens of this State, and as an outrage upon their common sense must certainly be rescented by eve ry upright and true man, and will, un questionably recoil upon a party thus reckless of public opinion. This being the condition of our opponents distrac ted and split asunder by intestine broils unable to rally their force in solid col umn as heretofore, with a ticket that ex cites no feeling except one of indignation and contempt on behalf of a portion of it: what is there to prevent our success ? Let us therefore arouse take counsel together determined to succeed, and we will succeed. Never before had we so easy an opportunity of securing a victor7. Our own supineness can alone defeat us. Let none be dismayed at the cry 'the Whig party is dead:' it is but a ruse of the enemy. It is like the coward's whistle to keep the courage up; it needs but the ghost of the imagined dead to a risc, and the valorous whistle will sud denly sink to a tremulous quaver. It requires but a determined effort to prove to our opponents that if the Whig party be dead, its ghost is potent enough to drive them from the field. Therefore, Whigs, bo up and doing; get out a full vote and success is certain to crown your efforts. Bemember the darkest hour al ways precedes the dawn, and if you be aetive, zealous and vigilent, a glorous day will break for our party on the second Tuesday of October next. Somerset Her ald. Tho Mississippi Times (Holly Springs) of the 1st September, comes to us with the following announcement : 'The most astonishing parturition recorded in tho annals of the human race, we are inform ed occurred last week in the vicinity of Salem, Tippah county, in this State. Our information is from a gentleman of ver acity, who states that a lady in that neighborhood has just become the mother of seven children at one birth ! A mirfer, named Noah Odell, sixty years of age, died, on Sunday, in Boston bo tearful was he of losing his money, that he wore a chain round his body, to which was fastened a stout bag, in which the treasure was deposited. This he kept by him during his sickness, and upon it was fixed his dying gaze. In winter, it is related that he went to church three times a day, to save fuel at home, only leaving his bed to return to it. iUAMJiuTu usjos. 'vnen will won Al . 1 TT t n ders of the vegetable kingdom cease ?' On our table reposes an onion, raised in the garden of Mr. William II. Hess, in this city, which measures eighteen and a quarter inches in circumference, and weighs two and a half pounds. The lovers of this vegetable, as well as tho curious, are invited to call and examine the speci men above described San Francisco paper. New Orleans Bags. It is stated that Mr. Stiles, of Springfield, New Jer sey, a paper manufacturer, recently re ceived from New Orleans a quantity of rags, from which he caught a fever, sup posed to bo the yellow fever, and died in two days. Stroudsburg, Sept. 20, 1853. Hon. James M. Porter Bear Sir i We take pleasure in announcing to you, that, at a meeting ot the Judicial Uonier ees, composed of the counties of Wayne, Pike, and Monroe, met this day, you . ! T 1 I were put in nomination as ireswtui Judge of the 22d Judicial District, and we were appointed a committee to notify you or tne same. Knowing you as long and intimately , -. as we nave, it is unnecessary, hu uusb, iu add, that in executing the duties imposed upon us, it is to us a "labor ot love. Trulv yours, EDWA11U U. WUJjB, JOHN HUSTON, GEORGE NYCE, Middle S.mitiifield, Sept, 21, 1S53. Gentlemen: Your note of yesterday informing me of my nomination for the office of President Judge of the 22d Ju dicial District has been handed to me, at this place, on my return from the Pike 4 county court. I have not sought this nomination, as f think a Judicial office is one not to be sought. On the other hand, when tender ed to an individual by the people, it is an offer not to be declined, but lor serious con- siderations. I will therefore not decline the nomi nation tendered me by the Judicial Con ferees of the District, and if elected, by the people, will endeavor to discharge the duties of the station with fidelity. I am with great regard, your friend, JAMES M. PORTER. Messrs. E. L. Wolf, Geo. Nyce, John IIusto?i. AN ADDRESS To the citizens of the 22d Judi cial District, composed of the counties of Carbon, Monroe Pike and Wayne. Fellmv-Citizens . In briefly address ing you at this time, in pursuance of : Resolution adopted at the Judicial Con vention recently held in Stroudsburg, we sincerely desire to discharge the duty im posed upon us, under a just and proper appreciation of the importance of the subject. You arc now upon the eve of an impor tant election, when you will exercise the constitutional right of selecting some per son to discharge the responsible duties of President Judge of this Judicial District, for the period of ten years. As there is no office in the Government, which has such an immediate bearing upon every relation of life; whose influence is so ful ly felt throughout all the ramifications of human society, and which so thoroughly involves the grave questions of personal liberty, private property, and withal the solemn issues of life and death ; it is a subject that addresses itself to your sound est judgments, appeals with an eloquent tongue to your love of self and of kindred, and challenges, by the weightiest consid erations, your profoundest vigilence. Your duty in the premises, fellow citi zens, we conceive to be obvious, that of securing the services, in that honorable position, of one whose profound legal learning is commensurate with the high trusts imposed. Under all elective governments, the people have the sacred right of canvass ing the merits and qualifications of all those who are presented as candidates for any Office in their gift, and we de voutly hope that as long as this hallowed and time-honored privilege is vouchsafed to the people, they will honor it with a calm and judicious exercise. We beg leave to offer for your consid eration and support, the name of Hon. JAMES MADISON PORTER, as a suitable person for the office of President Judge in this Judicial District at the coming election. It would be an act of supererogation to dwell at length upon the merits and qualifications of Judge Porter, whose name is as familiar in this Judicial District as a household word, and who is known and acknowledged as one of the ablest and most distinguished lawyers in tho Commonwealth. In him every requisite that consti tutes a great lawyer or profound Judge, seems to be happily and harmoniously blended. His vigorous intellect, remark able memory, great acuteness of percep tion and rare powers of analysis, pecu liarly fit him for tho exactious of his hon orable profession, or the more grave and solemn duties of the Bench. His career at the Bar has been long and brilliant. Favored with an iron con stitution, he has borne up under the oner ous duties of an extended practice, not only in the Courts below, but in the Su preme Court, for the long and laborious period of forty years, and during that time his comprehensive mind has become elaborately stored with a vast, rich and solid contribution of legal lore, and he become known and honored at home and abroad for the depth and pungency of his legal arguments and admired for the bril liancy of his forensic achievements. Such an individual is James Madison Porter, to whom you can safely give your warm and cordial support at the ap proaching election A man alike distin guished for his intellectual attainments, for tho suavity of his demeanor and the kindness and beneficence of his heart. In concluding this brief address, Fellow-Citizens, we cannot refrain from con gratulating you upon the abundant as surances, that you have, that if Judge Porter is elected he will prove an able and efficient Prosiding Officer; that he will preserve tho Judicial ermine in all its purity, and be an ornament to our District. E. L. WOLF, GEOIIGE NYCE, JOHN HUSTON. September 23, 1853. Immense Importation or Iron. There arrived at the port of New York recenty, from Europe, an enormous quant ity of Iron, viz : 3941 tons, 5-148 bars railroad, 1297 tons pig, 34,629 bars and 1 n i tiyjoo Dunaies iron. Great ftlass Meeting of the DEMOCRACY OF MONROE COUNTY. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the Democracy of Monroe County, met at he Court-House in tho Borough ot Stroudsburg, on the evening of the 28th of September, instant Hon. William uverfield was caueu to the chair, and Rudolphus Smith, Escp: John Marsh, Esqr. John Bellis, .and Jesse Weiss, were appointed V. Presidents, and Otis B. Gordon, Esqr., and Si?non II. Smith, Secretaries. After the meeting was orn-anized. on motion, the chair ap pointed a committee to wait upon the Hon. George R. Barret and the Hon. Jame3 Madison Porter, and mvite those gentle men to address the meeting. Judge Barret made his appearance in pursuance of the solicitation, and made a very neat, anu appropriate speccu, m which his Honor declared that the of fice of President Judge of the 22d Judi cial District, had never been sought by him, but mat u an uusunavuu Humilia tion had been tendered to him he would have felt under obligations to have ac cepted it ; that in his opinion the of fice of President Judge should not bo sought after or electioneered for, but that the office should seek the man and not the man the office. The Honorable James Madison Porter was then called on for an address, he arose, and breifly declined making a speech on the ground that it was unbecoming any candidate for a Ju dicial office to electioneer for himself, that the office of President Judge was a high and honorable one, that he had never sought the office, but when tender ed the nomination, he had accepted it and was willing to serve if elected; that he had been informed it was reported that if elected he would serve but for a short time, and then resign. He said the best answer he could give to this allega tion, was a letter that he had written to a friend in Wayne County, to correct the same misrepresentation made in that County, and which he read as follows : Eastox, September 27, 1853. Dear Sir : I had supposed that my late letter to you, and my reply to the Committee informing mo of my nomination, in which I stated that if elected by the people, I would serve as President of the 22d Judicial District,, would be sufficient to satisfy my friends that T meant what I said, and I presume that they arc so satisfied. I learn, however, that cer tain persons have been industriously circula ting the report that if elected I only meant to hold the office a short timer and then resign. The whole course of my life, I think, nega tives the idea of my acting with duplicity or deliberately intending to cheat the people. That there may be no mistake about the matter, however, I say distinctly, that if elec ted I mean to serve out the term, if my life and health be spared. The Constitution re quire?, in its late amendment, not very wise ly I think, that the President Judges during their continuance in office, shall reside within the District for which ihey shall be elected, and if elected I shall certainly conform to this provision, I am very respectfully, yours. J. M. r OUTER. James Dickson, Esq. Honesdale On motion of James H. Stroud, Esck the following Resolutions were adopted en masse, to wit : Resolved, That we do utterly and en tirely repudiate the nomination of M. M. Dimmick for President Judge of the 22d Judicial District, as the Conferees from this County who voted for his nomina tion were not elected by a majoritj' of the votes cast at the Delegate elections: and as the meager majority for his Conferees in Pike county was procured by false and fraudlent means. Resolved, That we will extend to the Hon. Jas. M. Porter our warm, united, and cordial support, as we know him to be in every respect infinitely better qualified than his opponent. Resolved, That the man who will stoop to solicit votes for himself for so high, ex alted and dignified a position as that of President Judge, and who will descend to ask persons to vote for him, stating to them, 'that you know that I have always been your friend, &c. fcc.' is not deserving of the Office he seeks to attain, and wc cannot and will not therefore vote for Mr M. Dimmick. Resolved, That we have unbounned con fidence in the Hon. Geo. R. Barret, who has proved himself to be a learned, able, and upright Judge, and wc very much regret to lose his services when we have just learned to appreciate them. Resolved, That we request the Dele gates to the next 4th of March Conven tion to support the re-nomination of our most excellent and worty Governor, Wil liam Bigler. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the officers and pub lished in the papers of this Judicial Dis trict. 2, On motion Resolved, That this meeting' ao now aujourn sine aie. WM. OYERFIELD, Pres'fe. RuDOLrnus Smith, John Marsh, Vice John Bellis, Presidents. Jesse veiss, Olis B. Gordon, Simon II. Smith. Secretaries. JSSF-Thomas A. Budd, Esq., tho Whi - . .1 ' 1 l C a1 CI t O' uuuuuuuc ior uic ouprerae isencn, is a consistent member of the Methodist E piscopal Church, and a Trustee of Dick inson College. Sunday Always. By different nations, every day in the week is set apart for public worship: Sunday by the Christians p Monday by the Greeks; Tuesday' by the Persians, Wednesday by the, Assyrians; Thursday by tho Egyptians; Friday by the Turks; Saturday by the Jews. Add to this the diurnal revolutions, and it is apparent that every moment is Sunday somewhere. l&sy-Wool-buyera in Wyoming oounty; ; N. Y., have paid the farmers this season 8223,000 for wool. SS?The Constitution of tho United States was adopted on the 7th of Sep tember. 1787