The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, September 22, 1853, Image 1

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Hlcuoteb to politics, Citeraiurc, Agriculture, Science, JHoralitj), anil fncral jfotclligcncc.
VOL. 13.
NO. 43.
PlftMIfc MSSlI
S?ullihel by TUeotloro Scltooli.
TERMS Two dollars per annum in advance Two
dollars and a quarter, half yearly and if not paid be
$01 e the end of the year, Two dollars and a half.
No papers discontinued unlil all arrearages arc paid,
except at the option of the Editor.
ID Advertisements not exceedins; one square (ten
ftnes) will be inserted three weeks J or one dollar, and
twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion. The
charge for one and three insertions the same. A liber
al discount made to ycarlv advertisers.
UZ? All letters addressed to the Editor must be postpaid.
Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain
and ornamental Type, we are prepared
toexecutecveiy descnitionol
Cards, Circulars, Uill Heads, Notes, Mank Receipts
Justices, Legal and other I)i nks, Pamphlets, &.c.
printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable
It is said that the following epigram
was suggested by a visit to the fleshy in
dividual now on exhibition in Boston:
All llesh is grass so doth the Scripture say
And grass w hen cut and dried, is turned to hay.
Now if old Farher Time his scythe should take,
Lord bless us ! what a hay-stack you wpuld make.
A Very Fast :lfan
The last arrival from California an
nounces the death of the celebrated
brigand Joaquin, after a life of robbery,
debauchery and murder. He was cap
tured by the kindred of those he had out
raged, who paid him the compliment of
cutting off his head and preserving it in
"We have read much of this man, and
we do not regret his fate, although cut off
in what they sail the prime of his days.
"We however, demur to the exultation
which some of the daily papejs make o
ver his exit. He was a fast man of the
fastest style; doubtless he committed ra
pine, robbery, niurder, and the whole
etcetera of outrage.
So did his brothers, the fast men of
Broadway. The only difference is, that
they proceed openly and legitimately,
while the other -effects his object hypo
critically. Indeed, if it comes to a very
close comparison, the .advantages are all
on the side of the California bravo, and
against the counterfeit of Broadway.
One is really a man, we admit, both vio
lent and irreligious, but the other is a
Both seduce, but mark; the difference;
the Joaquin swell carries his lady off
like a hero of a Bowery melodrama, and
wooes her as the lion wooes his bride.
Bad as this sounds, it is better than the
fraudulent stealthiness of drugged cordial
and the false oath of a Fifth avenue Jo-
Both rob; but orc does it openly, pos
Eibiy courteously. The lamented Joaquin
cut the throat of his victim in a very su
perior style before he rifled his pockets,
which he never did till he was in a state
of utter consciousness; not so tho Joaquin
of Broadway; they swindle their tailors,
glovers, hatters, jewellers, while in the
full possession of their senses, and leave
them to pine of a broken heart or bank.
Thus these Plutarchian comparisons com
pel us to give the verdict in favor of the
great original Joaquin, and to recommend
his contemptible imitators in great cities to
hide their diminished heads, which like
the captive in question, they most cer
tainly preserve in spirits by drinking at
every saloon in Broadway. JV. Y. Re
veille. Bachelor Buchanan
Few perhaps know the cause of the
lonely life of our Minister to St. James,
Mr. Buchanan. The story is briefly told.
"When in his early manhood he paid his
addresses to a'beeutiful lady of his native
city of Lancaster. Each became deeply
enamored, and they were engaged. On
a given evening she requested his com
pany to a party at a friend's, which
he declined on a plea of business
engagements. Circumstances rendering
it necessary, he, late in the evening gallan
ted a young lady to her home, and on the
way they met. Mortified and chagrined
at what she deemed unfaithfulness and
desertion, and imagining the worst, she
left the city early in the morning and re
turned a corpse Such is the sad story of
his early love; nor can the high places of
distinction and trust nutke him forget,
nor tho wreaths of honor that encircle his
brow, bury the memory of the early
Jovcu and lost. Bay Book.
A bacholor recently left his boarding
housej in which were a number of old
majds, on account of tho 'miserable jair1
pet before him at the table.
A young lady being told by a young
lawyer that in the country where he resi
ded they held Court four times each year,
exclaimed, 'La, me! why you ain't half up
to tbo business the young fellows here
come a courtivg three times a week.'
From the Scientific American.
Dampness in walls may be prevented,
and a more uniform temperature secured
in the rooms, by enclosiusr a stratum of.nsidcncc just out in the suburbs.
air in the wall paco of about three i tnoucn uo lmci planned to do so for some not bear the exertion of making calls a- j bamboo summer furniture, and accept of
inches, should be left between the outside i Ybe never had found tho place :mog Lcr neighbors, and Mr Miltimorc, our father's
. . . . . which exactly suited the whole family; 1 satisfactorily explained why she did not head clerk, had extended to them, to oc-
lialt brick, or stretcher, and the inner i and 0 it i,ad been delayed until the pres-J but the Misses Minnows tried to mis-! cupy River Cottage rent free, together
wall: this space may be commenced on the jent lime, when the necessity of doing so 'interpret her meaning, and set the rumor j with the use of that heavy furniture
the foundation course; where it is desirable was made more apparent, because his afloat that she was a proud, haughty wo- ' which had indicated such a want of taste
to have the basement story dry wheic it ll0usp in tnc citJ was t0 u"dergo sundry J man, who had no pretensions to the su- in the old proprietor!
. , ,-, , ' " " , .repairs. periority which she asserted, and never J That adversity teaches us lessions
is not it should be commenced at the j Mrs. Minnows was an ambitious wo-idled to conclude, by the information ; which prosperity fail to do, is often ap
first floor and extended around the bmid- niau; she had two daughters at a mar-'that Mr. Miltimorc, or Robert, as they parent. The superficial then recedes and
nnp. infh nf n.ioli nnrl nf fhoco mnnns fn n '
riht anle and both ones in the me
,c f"! .
plane, tor ties to connect the wall across
this space. Every three
them over it, about two feet
their ends half way across the
pon which they lay, so as to have them not '
over each other, but equally distributed (
Then cut wire about three-sixteenths C0IUParc vltn aimost anr ast father s cleric They did not add that he t whereon was inscribed, '-J? or sale, or to getting the ship oit Uie rocKSjfiooK uu-
otan inch in diameter for not thicker " iio i'jivi uui - uuu uiuuuuuuu juaptiiu, uuu 3 um; ui ( mi,, uuiii untu uunn, . 'x" ...v
i ' . . . ' , ! fore deemed it important that such alter- the most conscientious merchants on 1 unexpectedly, in a suitable time, she that i upon, and seeretud himself on the island,
than the joints m the wall are intended j at-lons should be made in their city resi- 'change. (was Laura Minnows, the chief one -to ! and the ship sailed without him. Glass
to be) into pieces, nine inches loner, bend dence as would give it a more imposing Minnows.' too. always confirmed what '. burlesnue and ridicule. Robert Miltimorc, ! remained here three years, subsisting in
along the space. It the space is not over saie, or to let," was looked upon with! The summer wore away, and the de
three inches wide, it may be closed at reference to their home, with a very clinin" health of Mrs. Miltimorc rendered
tho toD bv a heading course, whioh hp-1 earnest gaze. Such an one presented it-: her a great invalid.
in- fteltered from driving mins. nnrmfrn self wbea " R!ver Cottage," down that grateful some kind sympathizing fr
and eaves, will not conduct any water to ,
to the mnner wall. At tho ends of the
building it may extend to the top of the
joists, and the wall be dropped off theiolu man servaat tlH rasung over tue
i,;i-, c , i,..:n i i
. , . . i
ia, or may pe continued to tne ratters, j
At the door and window jambs the band 'had buried his wife, and the solitude with nought to have furnished their drawing
may be kept as usual, by clipping the; which he found himself surrounded, had j rooms for summer, with bamboo furni
headcrs; and at the chimney, the space led to acccPfc of-an offer-to establish a-tare; whereas there was only massive
may be stopped at the flues, and greater I commission house in Australia; and put- j heavy mahogany chairs and tables, which
11 I tin? his Children at board, he had that' tn tlinir nnrtnm Irnou-lnrlrrn wfrp nnr.
thickness of the chimneys will insulate i
of the chimneys
As atmospheric air 13 one of the very
worst conductors of heat, it will prevent
the wall from being suddenly heated or
chilled through by changes in the weath
er. In very cold climates it would be
better to have strips of sheet iron, three
and a half inches wide, laid along over
the space at the top of each story, with
one edge resting in the joint of the outer
wall, or upon the wires, and the other
leaning back against the inner wail so
as to be highest on the inside, and the
partition walls to extend across the space
and connect with the outer wall. This,
by cutting off the communication, would
prevent the air, as it acquired a more el
evated temperature by the heat of the
room in which the fire is kept, from ris
ing, and its place being supplied by the
colder air from other parts of the build
ing; rnd then by having duplicate sash in
tho windows, with a stratum of air be
tween them, the insulation would be com
plete. To prevent injury to the wall, from
the expansion of the enclosed air, small
openings should be left- between the ends
of the bricks, near the bottom of the spajie
about one half au inch wide, or not largo;
euongh to admit rats. The pieces of;
wire may be dipped in pitch or oil paint
to keep them irom rusting,
These pieces of wire may appear to be
a slender tie to many, but it should be j
remembered, that though a single hair is J
quite slender, a horse may be pulled out
ot the mire by his mane, and any re-1 mingled with which was some flowering
quired strength may bo attained by in- j creeper, that contrasted its pink or white
creasing the number of wires. But' hue with the glossy green which encir
placed as above recommended, the wires jeled it. And the smooth clear river that
would bind the wall better than it is of-J ran along below its banks, whence it de
ten done by the present mode of binding rived its name as "River Cottage I" Did
it with heading bricks, for as the tic is, not Mrs. Minnows and her daughters
hidden by the first course that is laid o-j speak of it, "as a love of a place," while
ver it, it is liable to be forgotten and ne-Mr. Minnows was consulting about thc
glected; and this may be one cause of the price and terms of payment with the
frequent falling of walls in our great city; ! gardener!
the wires acrjss the space will, at anyj NoWj Mr. Minnows was a man who
time, be visible, until the space is closed. ! was not very cspevt iu making a bargain;
For the imperfect mode of binding thc he ahvays thought matters over before he
outside wall, it would be better to leave decided; and while his family felt they
the space nearest to the inside wall, a were aiu0St jn aetual possession of River
the thm part would then be less exposed. . Cottage, Mr. Miltimorc had secured the
But superseding the old Flemish or Eng- ' m;aes, and was about Ycm0r.n,r thith-
lish bonds, with the present modes iui0r. Of course no one was to blame but I handkerchief with her tears, that the
common use, the gain in beauty is not' tne procrastinating man, who thought too young ladies were ohagriuod at being thus
commensurate with loss in strength, and'onfr Up0n tjG SUDJect; yet the female de- curtailed of their means, was of no ac
mechanics generally are too much in- pfrmout who desired the house and, couut to inexorable creditors: the vulgar
clined to sacrifice the latter to thc former, nnnlc wrp-ikpd their vengeance unon.vmcu asserted, "as they had danced,
Those, however, who acquire a character
for doing tho most substantial durable
work, should have the preference; they
at lcuai, uac icaamu wumu arises
By having bricks of
moulded, and every fifth
laid with them, the bond
might be preserved, without at all dimin
ishing the strength of the wall; but so far
as my observation has extended this has
not been done.
S& It is stated that the present area
of New Orleans comprises nearly forty
square miles, which is nearly double tlie:frpm a fresh water stream, affected - her
area of New York and even greater tuaii
that of Loudon.
The Washintoir National MonuriiGht"
is now 140 feet hirh.
From Thc Flag of our Union.
by MRS. e. wellmoxt. I
Mr. Minnows had taken his family to
J ride with a view of selecting a summer
!,.inMn r r. n .1 r. ,r.l, . Irl
uasiiiiuiu aiiu, auu uui; euu, w uu w uum ,
air. and be in keepiuff with her husband's i
! means v'-10 natl grown wealthy at a rapid
jrate. After much consultation with mas-1
. builders, both 3Ir. and Mrs. Minnows
? h( thaJ au cl"ltr
iuiivi; iiii till" it uuutu duauitu lu v i
whcreon wa writtcn . Tbis laco
or j
0U1. dmirin friends- i
. And why should they not alight and!
'survey the premises? There was one j
garden bed, and lrom him the mystery
why such a place should be in the market,
wag easily solvcd. It3 prcsent pvoprietor !
n, ru.,n .nLi
have spoacn about to be erected
uIt is indeed a lovely spot," remarked
the gardener: ''and will not long want
for a purchaser. I have had half-a-dozcn
applications this blessed da"
Mrs. Minnows winked at her busband,
and he inquired : " Do any seem disposed i
to take it, who have examined it
- " Only one sir, seemed settled in the
belief it was just what he wishedbr," re
plied the gardner. "lie had a feeble-
looking lady with him, and she said she
felt 'as if she should live a great while
longer, if she could brcatho these balmy
airs, sir.
"Do you know his name V
"lie left me his card, eir ; here it is.M
The young ladies read, " Robert Mild
more JTo. 10, Square."
Mr. Minnows laughed outright at the
announcement " Miltimorc, that used
to be my head clerk, wife," he aded.
"That ever he should think of purchasing
such a place as this?"
"But, father, he could not have saved
it out of the salary you paid him V
"Why, no," remarked Georgiana, "'for
you remember that old mother he sup
ported, and the crippled boy of a brother
he had. He took care of them both till
they died."
And now our part' turned their attcn
tion to surveying the beautiful grounds,
laid out with such artistic taste the lawn
so smooth and verdant the little sum-
mer-house on the hill that had an obser
vatory upon its top; yonder miniature
pond au aviary for birds, and a kennel
for hounds, while tho whole appearance
was made perfectly suburban by the
clinging vines which overran their sides,
the inn0cent purchaser. By a Btranae!
coincidence, however, the familes were
i brought to be neighbors, a situation being
. vacated which csactly suited Mr. iUin -
nows, as he could hire the premises for
Vr r:n: .... .P n..
i'iia. iu.uiuiiuio U3 urn: ui iuuihcoi
and most amiab e of women but she,
was destined to become a victim to that
fell destrover, consumption
" tieinci
, flat surface imou
, . o
, medical men assert as nroeeedin'
i,pnni, flnf mnd bar mor
health and made her more eufepb1od,-we
cannot say but her cough gfuw'inore
severe, the hectic flush came earlier upon
1 1 i 1,-1 -t" ii.i .
her cheek, her skin looked more strans-
tjarcnl. and her eves assumed a Hn-c"
courses lay 'concluded that a irranite front vrould ' nc lio rlifl w.i? n mv.atrv tlmv nmild nnt. centod of invitations to bo nresent at a i drif
apart, with highly improve the exterior, and being 'solve," would not have helped him in i wedding-party; and soon after Mr. Min- e
hrip- n.'iorccd to remove at no distant day, we , that particular. At any rate, tne Mm- ! nows, senior, became head clerk m the i
o i irr'icsv. rnmnnfift I jnr. was first vmirnrl nvl.,.nnl()nrnri t- !mi- V.f flm noi.fliKn
lone year: thus giving him an opportunity, tenuciMnercics extenueu io tuein wuere-i ' :
double width iu, decide upon the feasibility of making1 as, one who has lived on luxuries and ' f ' )00 he bole population) fled trom
of sixth course'an annual ummeP residence in the oounbeen accounted as aristocratic in his gen- J- . n l0i P0,03 dletl th
of all sfrnfnlms'..... L.i .lm-nnim, iini htir mh. Wf m brooklyn. but New 1 one escaped.
hue, which gave evidence of a rapid waste ,
in the physical 'energies. Yet there was
! the resolute snirit which surmounted all
outwavd decay, and led her often to direct
the horticultural management of some j
choice flower-beds which, she regarded '
Al-iVrith peculiar fondness. But she could i
IV . "I 1-- ? 1 1
Tamilian v soOKC oi mm: was ouco ouiv i
wavs conurmeu what .
his wifrt nnd iln.iifrlit.nM nssnrt.firl rnsnoRt.-!
1 ing his clerk; and had he sought for credit ;
ia the neighborhood, their continual 1
ilu'ntino- tlmt. "how m no.ild nflTorrl to liv !
'nows did not feel complimented by any
'particular acquaintance with the Milti-
She often felt how
W, LnrU, nlnf h,,nn,, thn nf. fit
found a show of social feeling in which
she greatly rejoiced.
The 31mnows always made it in tho
way of conversation with their neighbors,
to allude to the want of taste which "was
conspicuous at the Miltimores-"they had
,i . : i....
I supposed it was a great strain to pur-
chase lliver Cottage, it was rather the re
sult of necessary economy, than sheer ig
norance of being like other people."
In the course of the season, things
nil n tut p. d fhnir Mrs Milti-
more died, and asain tne old board
which first secured a purchaser was put
up, "For sale, or to let," inscribed upon
Mr. Miltimorc had ever demeaned
himself as a gentleman, and was univer
sally acknowledged as such by all who
knew him. To his wifo he was most de
votedly attached, and the Minnows tho't
it strange it should be so, as she had no
patrimony, and carried nothing but her
self with which to furnish the establish
ment she entered. Perhaps they were
not strictly to blame for their inference?,
since they had been taught by their
mother that thc true estimation in which
to hold a man, lay in the amount of his
wealth; and the greatest charm in a life
companion for such, consisted in the
tapestry, brocade and ornamental work
of which sho was possessed ! The very
idea that Mr. Minnows would have ever
become a bankrupt, would have sent his
sensitive wife into an hysteric fit, when
she was deciding upon eligible young
men with whom she could marry her
daughters. It was moreover a motto
with her, "that tho rich should help shop
keepers;" and was she not a consistent
lady when she selected at SteAvart's, a
shawl of a thousand dollars value, and a
scarf for each of her daughters, at one
hundred apiece, besides brocades and
embroideries to match? Yet she would
have disdained the idea of being thought
an extravagant tcoman! Thc truth was,
she regarded her wealth as always at full
tide, having no ebb.
It would be well, if somo ladies were
advised by their husbands of the real
state of their pecuniary resources. They
would know how to better adapt them
selves to the evolutions of the ever vary
ing wheel of fortune.
Most unexpectedly, just as the Min
nows were preparing for a winter's cam
nnimrn in Washington, where thev could
enjoy a "fashionable run" with those noil.' 'Why so?' was the enquiry. 'Be
they had flirted away thc summer months cause.' answerad thc little fiHlow, iyou
at watering-places, the astounding fact
was announced, that Minnows bad be
come bankrupt ! That Mrs. Minnows
bedewed many a richly embroidered
they must now pay the fiddler." -
And now comes the trying ordeal.
man rarely becomes insolvent who has a
prudent, well-ordered household; anclif
L nhnnnnhn rlnns flins fnll. tl.nsn nrn
by chance he does thus fall, these aro
ho may: for delay adds but new donuu-
. i 1 1 r 1 f 1
Fll,uulil ilu" LU , , lu
1J'11" Ul uumiuumuj, u mum au ,
to narrate in a highly fiuished sketch, the
1 i ; i i i- .
extravagances in wuicu bucn pcopic navo
induIgeU uot failing to comporo it with
thc inore creditable, consistent course,
ihciJ havc maintained.
i But how strangely events aro ordered
in this life! Mr. Minnows had-no sooner
failed-iu business, than Mr. Miltimorc
i ii . .1 y i
kindly stepped in as thc friend in need,
nD'l mauiTiH" inching lav in his nower
with which he could befriend them 1
"Were ever people more silenced,
chagrined and mortilied, than those who
were on the verge of accepting an oiler
from one whom they had so misreprc-
scnted 7 Saved, too, as they were, just
when they were forced to give up their
ll.. 1 1 ' I V I. -1.1 1 1
Liiu rum uuiv ioniums, xnu uiu uuuru
valkcd into church haiiLMii'' unon his arm.
and -when she came out,-shewas-addrcs-
sed as Mrs. Miltimorc I whereupon the
whole neichborliood marvelled', and ac-'
verifying the old caution, "let him that
thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he
tall. '
Eev. Mr.
-, a gentleman of fervent
piety and commendable modesty, made
an afternoon call in a family which con
tained a bright and beautiful girl of five
summers, and another of some nine or ten
weeks. The stately divine was ushered
into the parlor, where he found thr&s la- '
dies and tho children. In such company j
1 "
11 11,,I1 f ft lift lftC75 4ll.,,1 ft l I (' r -.
nity to the extent of saying a few words
to the eldest daughter. So he went on
' Well
u,ter. x uiuuv x bnau mite ner nome
I think I shall take her home
with me; I suppose you will interpose no
objection V
No answer but a surly look met this
Ton don't want your little sister; you
don t love ber; so 1 think i shall take her;
I may, mayn't I, Ellen?'
'Yes,' said Ellen, with a scornful and
mnrpff n In ;5 inn!: 'rmi mnv fnl-o lin- !mf
may take her, but
, i
juu uuu u immv juu uuu huh. ncr, no
,1 -U I,:7- r T
There is an editor in North Carolina
with seven bullets in his body received
in duels and street encounters
e find the following anvertise-
ment in the Williamsburg Times, and as
firm or liobert Mil ti more oc Co.. thus i
we have in our town several incorrigible Is uspd, and every attention paid to en
bid baches, we insert the lady's card for i "chiug the land, it is even now capable
, i . i i r . i of furnishing support to about 500 per-
her and their mutuaLbenefit. i ,i - i 1 1 t i t
T j sons; and there is no doubt but that m
HUSBAND WANTED. By a lady the course of a few years large tracts of
who has been twice married, is iu her ' other land on the side of the mountain
19th year, of fair personal appearance, will be brought into a productive state,
and thc owner of 12,000 in cash. A f The island is an extinct volcano, rising
man who can show that he 'is possessed ' almost 1,100 feet above the level of tho
c i , , , . sea. 1 he edges of the crater of this vol-
or a good character, and neither chews to- ' , n i
b ' v.ioiaj Ciimc mountain are eternally covered
bacco nor drink rum, has a manly appear-; v;th snow. Within the crater is a mair
ance and disposition, not inclined to find , uificent lake of pure fresh water, about
fault, and of good business habits will a- j one-third of a mile in diameter. This
lone be acceptable. Address S. 35. D. at ' lukc1is fe? b thc .mclted suo and ,ic
A i overflows in several torrents and cascade
this oflice. down thc sides of the mountain, supply-
:u communications strictly counacn-
tial. '
Good. Via overheard a queer
from a little fellow about six years of age , ceileut flavor, and totally unlike auytoth
a short time a. Tho smhinct woddin ! er sPecies fouml in the surrounding ocean
j .. 0 ,
cake5 had been introduced in the course
of conversation in which tho father was
taking a part. 'Father,' said the little
fellow, after having apparently reflecting !
intently on something, 4I shaut send you
j " V
i any of my wedding-cake when 1 get mar -
d'uhCt send me any of yours.'' Exchange
The New York Fxprcss 'm an article
on epidemis, says :
"Yellow fever visited thc city of New.
York, in the year3 1T41-42, 1701-93-98-09,
1S00-3-5-19-22. The deaths
i were us follows 732 in 1795; 2,080 in
: 7 T - n
"j llT- ,n
?S0 m ifiOoj-SJ ,n 1810;.i
; G70 in iaoy;
36G in 1822.
. . waa. neany uestroyeu Dy it
Tk .M 1 1 1 ,1 1 . ii .
in 17U.1
1793, and again in 179S. 4,081 per
ns died in 1793, and 17,000 (nopal a-
, 1 0,1 ,'J om tae city, m l Utf,
tho morta hfcv was anil .".0 (inn
x z n 1 1 niiii u l i ii . - -.
-nnnnJ.'.- 'V,.""u
, oeiai uousand died
and the greatest number of deaths in one
day was 117. Baltimore suffered from
this disease in 1793, 1319 and 1821."
There is an ox?liyKph'wi1ingtpwn, Ches-
' tor 'county, Pa., weighs; thousand
In 1805. 37.000 of tho inhabitants font
A SiJisiiJ;n- CoSosiy.
Capt. Gibson, who has become con
spicuous by his imprisonment by the
Dutch autliDrities of Java, has given the
following account of an Island he visited
in the Southern Ocean, named TtUtan
dc AcuvJm .
This island is situated about midway
between the Cape of Good Hope and
Capo Horn. In the year 181 i the Brit
ish frigate Pandora struck on a ledge of
rocks near this island, on her return home
from Bcnnal, laden with troops. One of
their number, Sergeant Glass, while the
troops were being landed, preparatory to
the meantime on tae fle&h or froats, which
j here abound, and also on shell-li?h, and
roots. By the expiration of f&iSYime ho
had succeeded in constructing a boat from
timber and other materials, and pro-
eeded with a cargo of goat skins to the
ape of Good Hope, some 1,G00 miles
distant. The time which he selected for,.
: his departure in this frail craft was dur
ing the prevalence of the westerly winus.
lie accomplished his perilous voyage m
A. W
After a .-hort residence at Cape Town
he married the widow of a soldier who
had died at the Cape; and with his wife
and a negro man returned to his solitary
ilonrl ' ifiin fnlrinrr tvifl lim viriniu
implements, seeds, arms, and ammunition,
together with other necessaries, which
were liberally furnished him by the
merchants of Cape Town. Here the
rrnnrl nnmln in win r I Mir fin imnnfPTOn r r
O X .
their marriage was seven daughters, who,
iUtlUiLSU illlU ill UIU Jl .
JL 11 U
result of
in tae
or time, were inarrie
d to
men from
American whalers
who oc
. These
' casonay touched at the island
. son-in-laws of the old man, in co
kh , th fc i had mad t, fc
son-in-law of his should leave the island,"
J settled down, and proved as prolific as
did thc original couple, so that the popu-
lation now amounts io eiguty-iour cuu-
dren, grand-children and great-grand -
children. The old Patriarch.
Glass, is
now 22 years of age, and as hale and
j strong as a youth of twenty; indeed, he
saJs he meas t0 livc 80 .vears lonSer
now 35 years of age, and as
so far
' L "
ivn?lf? Tr.irrnrif. flifi inrNmfnf
he will
J C .3
keep his word.
A remarkable fact should here bo
mentioned, that since the island has first
been settled by Glass, death has never
visited one or its inhabitants.
The amount of land at present availa
ble for cultivation on the island is a mere
, strip of about 250 acres, which is entire-
Jy devoted to the cultivation of potatoes
! and other esculents. But, as the spade
n,g the inhabitants of the island and ships
that sometimes touch there with excellent
water. The lake sometimes abounds
with a very peculiar kind of fish, of ex-
so that their origin is au interesting sub
ject for the investigation of the ichthyolo
gist. .?at
Capt. Gibson staid at this island for
three day, and only left il and its inter
esting inhabitants sooner than lie wished
j O ------
! from compulsion, a3 a dangerous storm
was brewing, and the coast afforded no
safe anchorage. The grand-daughters of
old Glass are described as remavknblo
for their health and beauty, and it would
not be strange if many more adventurous
Yankees should be inclined to settle thero
and marry into this patriarchal fraterni
ty. The women arc equally export with
the men in the use of the rifle, fishing
rod, and oar. and find no difficulty in ob
taining husbands, for whonithay make
excel litMit wives. With the men of the
original stock, however, thc case is dif
ferent, as women aro not in the habit of
going "a whaling;" therefore no women
come to the island. Wo aro informed
that there are now about nineteen young
men who would feel under great obliga
tions to some charitable ?Jrs. b'arulmiu.
One of tho young men took hi father's
boat and with two of his couhius proceed
ed to the coast of Africa, and made bold
to introduce himself to an ifc to resting
young Call re woman, who not being al -fected
with any of the pttctilios of uivi
lized life, readily accompanied hint home.
By her he has throo interesting children,
and she makos him au excellent v,tfc.
Site 13 dagoribed as of a bright brctwn
ttoniplexifiirithin-lippod, with'imrstrtight
hose, most interesting cast of ontfcunanoo
and a slender, agtle figure. Sire- haa
readily acquired tho Knglfb lfcngna,
and fpeaks it with vcmark.ible fluency.