z Thousands of Parents who upc Vermifuge composeil of Castor Oil, Calomel, &c., are not aware, that while they appear to benefit the patient, they arc actually laying the foun pations for a series of diseases, such asfaliva lion, loss of sight, weakness, of limbs, &c. In another column will be found the adver tisement of Ilobcnsack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disordes arising from those of a bilious type, should make use of the only genuine medicine, Ilobcnsack's Liver Pills. 0p-"ZJe not deceived" hut ask for Ilobcn sacks Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and ob serve that each hns the s;inture of .the Pro prietor, J. N HOBKNSACK, as none else are genuine. iiiiwii i w ii I'm ) nr if ii'ii REGISTER'S NOTICE. TOTICE is hereby given to all legatees and other persons interested in the estates of the respective decedents and mi nors, that the administration accounts of the following estates have been iilecl in the oTfice of the Kegii-ter of Monroe coun ty, and will be presented for confirmation and allowance to the Orphans' Court to be held at Stroudsburg, in and for the a foresaid county, on Tuesday, the 26th day of September, next at 10 o'clock, A. M. The final account of Joseph Frable, administrator of the Estate of John lloth, late of Eldrcd township, deceased. The final account of J)awalt Fisher ad ministrator of the estate of Michael Hawk, late of Chcsnuthill township, de ceased. The first account of Charles S. Frantz, administrator of the estate of Christian Singer, Jr. late of Jackson township, de ceased. The account of Charles Brake, ISxecn lor of the last will ami ttament of Joseph Drake, late of Stroud township, deceased. The final account of Elms Boiler, Ad ministrator of the estate of YvHliaui Bon scra late of ChesuulhiU township, de ceased SAMUEL 1! EES, jr., Raster. Piegi-ler's oiTice StroiuUlurj, I Aug. -", 1 B53. Mechanics. lnvrnfare fmi Ma ufitcl Brers 9-150. In .Silnilxl t' $. XiAamn IX of Hciwinc Auuru ommwmmc An th Hi of Hertener. It cinefty Ai led ic m airrncc tcreet?f .lfariws.-.--, Itmn . crs, ami Fmrmrt. ? :ho knowMge aptm tf - hnf.uiM It is odifcM 1m mo nroctic t of the in-. .e. a Vim arts 4 semcfy, tad wrdWy 9ttt4 a foud and ue j 4iroaL Now If all tire Vai.i aw.i: Patexiw which mm mmtif from the Vxrr.sr Ornrx Iu.rATK wit E.w .avings, and the Ci-ai? of all the Pat-' hxts are published iu'iU colomtt thu mak ing the paper a perfuct SciEJrnm axb Mb ciiAMcvi. ExcYuum:njA for future as well as present reference. The SotKXTWic Ameri can is very extensively circulated its circus latkm in the last Volume exceeding IS,0U0 copies per week. It is in form for binding; each volume contains Sevkr.yl IirxDRin Eno it avings and over Four Hundred Pages of lleadinir Matter, with an Index. The practical receipts alone are worth to any family much more than the subscription price. The Publishers offer the following valua ble prises for the largrst list of subscribers .sent in by the 1st of January next: 100 will be given for the largest list: 75 for the second: s?f0 for the third : $lo for the fourth; $40 for the 5th; $H5 for the Gth; 30 for the 7th; -25 for the 8l.Ii; $20 for the 9th; $15 for the 10th; $10 for the lltli; and $5 for the 13th. The cash will be paid to .be order of the successful competitor, imneadiately alter January 1st leui. Tmuis : Onecopv onevcor, $2; one copy e"ix months. $1; five, copies six months, $4; ten copies six months, $3; ten copies 12 months, $lo; fifteen copies twelve months, -$22: twenty conies twelvemonths. S2B in advance. Southern and Western money taken for .subscriptions. Letters should be directed, post-paid, to Mow & Co. 123 Fulton-street, N. Aug. 25, 1353. Valuable Saw Will and Machinery AT PRPATE SALE. The subscribers will sell at private sale their property, situate Coolbaugh township, Monroe county, Pa., one mile from Spruce Grove, containing 42-j acres, with the allow ance of G per cent.; about eight acres are cleared and the balance is heavily tun icred with hemlock, spruce, chesnut, beach, birch and maple. I nere is a ot of vounir and thrifty chesnut suitable for Uailrniifi tins: n lare nortion of the land would be good farming. The improvements consist of two Dwelling Moeescs, two Pt;ii)lep, a new Seilstead fucto- 'rv 13 by 24 feet; aw mill 20 by r50 feet, three stories high, the tow er stories contain the machinery for manu facturing bedsteads, and consists' of two turn ing lathes, two circular saws, planeing ina clime, morticeing machine and boring ma chine, a vaneer saw 5 feet in diameter, &c. The machinery is new and iu complete run ning order; the whole is propelled by a twen ty foot overshot wheel, and the stream no which this Mill is situated is a never failing one. The wheel can be raifed to thirty feet if desired. There are also four other water powers on the property, with from twenty to ti.irn. fot fi.11. The mill is about two miles from the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Wes tern .Railroad, now building, i here is about 1000 acres of timberland adjoining the above properly, which can be bought if desired. The property is a valuable one and worthy Ihe attention of any one wishing to engage in the lumbering business; and will certainly be sold, high or low, by the first of Novem ber, as the subscribers intend going west. A further description is deemed unnessary, as those wishing to purchase will view it for themscvles. . YOUTHERS & HOUCK. Coolbaugh, August 11, 1353. 5t. Notice to Contractors and Others. The subscribers have at their Mill the fol lowing described lots of Lumber, which they will sell cheap for cash, viz: G0.000 feet o! white pine, about 30,000 ft. siding, and about 40,000 ft. of inch boards; 25,000 ft. hemlock inch boards; a lot of dry spruce inch boards; 200 set Bedpost, ready turned; Birch plank, und a lot of Ncwill posts for stair-ways, fee. YOUTHERS & LIOUXC. Cool ban g-h, jjVugustld., 133. 5,t. . r EVERY MAN SIS OWN ROLLER. : Clark's Patent combined grinding and bolt ing mill, is an invention which cannot fail coming into general use, turning out as it does from the wheat extra flour, superfine, middlings.'ship stufTand bran, at a single op eration, and m the most complete manner. This, tiuly scientific mill fills a space of but three feet in diameter, and five feet high, is worked by a single shaft, capable of grinding aud bolting from three to ten bushels of wheat an hour, and can be propelled by any power from four horse, to any which may be desired. The entire cost of a mill calculated to make one barrel of Hour to the hour, does not ex coed $400. Those desiring to purchase a mill, or the patent for counties or townships in Pennsylvania, are requested to address Wm. Ucflman, orcalKat No. 41 Brown street, Philadelphia. September 1, 1353. St. "marble ya'bd. Tjio undersigned, respectfully begs leave to -inform the citizens of Monroe county, that he has opened a new Marble Yard in the Bor ough of Stroudsburg, on Elizabeth street, nearly opposite the Union Hotel, where he will keep, on hand American and Foreign Marhlc,r'M holds himself in readiness to. fur nish Chirr.net) Pieces, Cabinet Marble, Mon uments, Tombs, and Head Stones, Sic. de signed and executed with neatness and des patch, hi 11. BUHNETT, Afft. for Peter Smith. September 1, 1853. 3m. Ia ActaiuHg's Elixir S the onlv medicine capable of curing'thr I HEAD ACHE, in half an hour. Form erly, several days were required to relieve ihis distressing pain; whilst now the uso of the Elixir'will, in a few moments remove it entirely. Although hut lately introduced to public notice, this wonderful preparation count thousands of advocates. It is very henrflcial in Colds and Coughs, checking the most obstinate fit of coughing in a minute or two. This remedy is an invalua ble Family Medicine, in all sudden attacks of sickness. A single trial will be satisfac torv evidence of its efficacy. Prife 25 cents per bottle. Pcpnnred oulr lv TIIOMAS. PRIC'HAliD, Office iSn. IlS Catharine street, above 3d, Philadelphia. certificate : Alleolown. Julv 0, IS52. Dr. T. S. Prichard Dear St : I have used the bottle of yor "Elixir for Head ache," which you left with me j few weeks since, with. 1 think, decided advantage. 1 have for .many years been subject attacks of this distressing complaint, and certainly tuund relief in yonr preparation. Yours respect ;V iy. M. H ANNUM. For '. y Dr. Sarnue! Stokes, Strouds fMv. i'a., wholesale agent. Samuel 13. Keefcr. SnydersriNe. W. S. Dcitrich, Saylorsburg. Jhn-Merwinet Merwinsburg. David C!:ntnnn. Chiistmansville. H. T). J. K. Sliafer, Pleasant Valley. Jl? 1 ?, I -6 -uos. The above rewrird will be paid lor toe ap fMvnensioa of eny person who will say Uiai Isaac II- Loder does not sell the cheapest and beet CabinetaFuraiture, at the Peoples" s Cabinet-n arc Rooms, (oppo site Robert Boy's store, in the borough of Stroudsburg,) this side of Xew York. The undersigned, having purchased the large and extensive Cabinet Ware Rooms lately occupied by Frederick Philips, would respectfully inform the citizens of Strouds burg and vicmity thai he intends carrying on the Cabinet making business in all its various branches; and is now prepared to receive"crr ders and attend to all calls for every thing in his line of business. The undersigned will keep on hand and furnish to order Good and Handsome Jarnitarc, us chean as can be sold anywhere. The following article can be examined in his Ware Rooms: Sofas, of various styles and patterns: Sideboards, Secretaries, Wardrobes, Bu reaux, of various paterns. Cupboards, of different kinds; Card, Center, Side, Breakfast, and Dining i abies: Wash Stands, Twist, Small and Large Etaffcre, Wiiat-Notes, Music Stands, "Sofa Tables, Tea Tables, Oval and Serpentine Table. Chinese What-nots. Fancv Work tables, Refreshment tables, Divans, and a general assortment of Cottage Furniture on hand and made to order. fjf Varnishing and repairing done on short notice aud on reason sole terms. A handsome assortment of Gilt, Mahogany and Walnut Looking Glass and Picture frames, of every description, will be conitant- !v kept on hand and made to order. Ready-made coffins kept on-hand and made to order and in the best st vie. at nort notice. A hearse will also be furnished when desired. Lumber and country produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Cabinet Ware. Giro us a call before MMckasios: else a Here. Re member Ute place k apposite JL Boy's store. ISAAC II. IOXK3L LIMBH! TlifT PIW 9!UL AT r- ; : SA12, The iMfcwiftiH U -' Wednesday, 5qd. 21, l3t tuxi, containing nearly Fir 1irtdredc Acres of Und. The tract Jcoown ma "Readinjf'," bcintfae same on which George Linton has operated fur year, at id djoin lands of Hen ry W. Drinker David Thomas, Mixsell & Brown, and other t-on which there is erected a good SAW JEIL.E4, " " ) it if and Out Buildings, and every thing convenient for the manufacturs of Lum ber. This tract is favorably located, being near the Drinker Turnpike, which secures a retail trade for all the Lumber which can be made, at much better profits than can be re alized by selling by the wholesale, and with much less oxpense and risk. This would be a favorable location lor a .Leather Man-1 ufactory, having a good Water Power, and situated in a heayy Hemlock country. The Lackawanna and Delaware Water Gap Railroad, which is now under contract, pas ses within four or five miles of it, which, when finished, will make a chesp and quick conveyance to market, being only a few hours' ride from New Yofk. Any person? wishing to examine the property can do so by calling on Joseph McNeel, residing there on. The sale will commence at 12 o'clock, M..4 whan conditions will be made' known, .alio at- E-HRSCS-SKsftD: & ABLETS - HALL OF FASHION! mVE L I Z A 13 E T H S T R E E T . J Five doors above the 1 Jcjcr&onian' oSce, Str:sjSs2iurr, Pa, This is the cheapest place to buy Ready made (Hlotljtncj, Soots & 0ijo cs in the Borough of Slroudsbufg. cffoxEsawG : cilotbb i Less than City jtrices ! Quick sales and small profits! We hoYc on hand the largest assortment of Ready-made Clothing, Boots & Shoes suitable for all seasons of the year that can be found in this place, which we are able to sell at less than City prices, and at least 25 per cent. lower than the same kind of goods can be had at any other establishment in town. We buy our materials in large quantities di rect from the manufactures, by which we save 39 per cent, in our purchases. The Clothing we offer arc all of our own manufacture, and not bought ready-made. We also keep on hand a splendid assort ment of Gcnllmcns Slods and ILmdkcrchicfs, of the latest style, and a variety of Tnmks, Valises, Carpet-nags, DRY GOODS AND YANKEE NOTIONS. (jCT Produce ofall lfindtakcn in exchange for anything in our line of business. Cash or trade will be paid for 2,000 sheep skins. July 21, 1653. R mos. TQ CARPENTERS! Two or three good journeymen carpenters wanted immediately by the undersigned, to whom constant employment and good wages will be given. Q$ALSO, a boy between 17 and 18 years, wanted to learn the Carpenter and Joiner bu- sinoss. Apply ai mis omcc or,io AUGUSTUS CARMER. Stroudsburg, August A, 1S53. MVERY STABLE. The proprietors of this cstablish- Ift, mcntarc propaied to furnish the pub- i-J.-lic with all the conveniences that can be required in this business. Having latclv added new stock, it will he found that our siew Omnibus is just the thing fpr parties on pleasure trips, marriage excursions, ccc. . .1". . I 11 We assure lue puoiis mat our siock is an rood and reliable, and arc at all times pre pared to furnish every variety of vehicles, Prices reasonable. Stable on William street, adjoining Kama's Blacksmith shop. KAUTZ & HUNTSMAN. Stroudsburg, August 4, 1853. ly. Slroitisburg CiUa&cmg. The next quarter will commence Monday Anpust Sth. All the branches of a complete English and Classical course are thoroughly (aught Terms tor boys or gins inrcc dol lars, pavable immediately at the end of the - r Pino t a TT quarter. juwio vaiu. t . i i ItErEREtfcrx: Ail liiose who nave naa pu pils under mv charge. Juno 30th' 1953. Fits: FKs! Fits I THE VEGETABLE EXTRACT EPILEPTIC PILLS, For the cure of Fih Spasms, Cramps, and all Xtrcous and Constitutional Diseases. Persons who arc laboring under this dis tressing malady will find the Vegetable Epi leptic Pills to be the only remedy everdis covered for curing Epilepsy, or Falling Fits. Thede Pills mssess a specific action on the nervous system: and, although they are prepared especially for the purpose of curing Fits, they will be found of especial benefit fr ail persons afflicted with weak nerves, or whose nervous s-stem has been prostrated or shattered from any cause whatever. In chron ic complaints, or diseases of long standing, superinduced by nervousness, they are ex ceedingly beneficial. Price 83 per box, or two boxes for 85. Persons out of the city, enclosing a remit tance, will have the Pills sent them through the mail, free of postage. For sale by Skth S. IIasce. No. 103 Baltimore street, Balti more, Md., to whom orders from all parts of the Union, must be addressed, post paid. June 2, 1353. Jy. BE." J." JLWTZ, DEWTIST. Has permanently located him pftir in Qt-ni,!c!i!rfr ntwl trinVPfl fjja CUli ill Uliunuouuij;, u...u ... . his office next uoor to Dr. b Walton , and nearly opposite S. Ivlelick's Jew elrv store, where he is fully prepared to treat the natural teeth, and also to inserj. incorrupt ible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in the latest and most improved manner. JMost per sons know the danger and folly of trusting their work to the ignorant as well as the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a pprson may have, he is liable to h&vcFome failures out of a number of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distance, it is fre quently put off until it is too late to save the looJh or teeth as it may be, otherwise me in convenience and- trouble of going so far. Hence the necessity of obtaining the services if a dentist near home. All work warranted April 29, 1353, TO THE PUBLIC. The subscriber would hereby inform the mi bite generally, that he has taken the store- moot lormeny cccupieu uy vjuju ii. aimw, oppesite Jacob Knecht's tavern, and that he has latelv purcnasca n new 101 pf Goods which he will sell ei SKJZT-ZivF i o v ,or uasn or oumry pro duce. JOHN A. FLAGLER. Stroudsburg, Juno 2, 1853. 1 To MIU Wrightr! Eisht Mill Wrights wanted by the under signed, to commence work about the first of July. r KKLiiN Afs 1J JJUTui. Stroudsburg, June 1G, 1353. (ffifiptf Came to the premises of the subscri IgiLg hcr in Coolbaugh township, Monroe county, Pn. four young cattle, viz: two steers, one a dark red with white face, the other a bay : and two heifis, one a brindlo and tlfe other a red, supposed to be between two and three years old. The steers are about three years old. The owner or owners thereof arc hereby requested to come forward, prove pro perty, pay cilarges and take them, or they will be disposed of according to mw. DAVID COBB. July 1, 1853. 3t. Aug. 11 OAP. Fine seenied Soaps for wash in and shaving a'so tlie cc ebrated shaving cream, for sa'e by SAMUEL MELICK. Icad ami arose e. ii smiolv of Lad and Iron Pipe of niUsixW, on hand atajl tjmS, and-ifjir iSiil .rem -mm AT VIIOLESALE. . SS John st. New York. Publishers, Boolcscllcrs, Stationer and Manufacturers of every description of having enlarged ihejr manufacturing depart menu and added a new Sale's Room to iheir establishment, are now prepared to supply booksellers and Country Merchants with ev- ery variety oi Books, Blank Boohs Stationery. on the most favorable terms. Their stock of BLANK BOOKS, all of their own man ufacture, consists of all life various sizos and itvles of Account Books. Memorandums. Pass Book;-, Writing, Ciphering. I'.ercisi. Time. Roll and Drawing Books, Bookkeep ing Blanks, &c. 5s;tr:us for SS5'2, grnent vnuety. BOOKS in every department of literature, suitable for Schools, Academies. Colleges. School, Sunday School, Public and Pri vate Libraries, Standard Works in Prose and Poetry, Annuals and other books in fine bindings for the Holidays. JUVENILIS BOOKS, of every descrip tion. Bibles, Prayer & Jlymn Books in all their vatieties. (STA rtui UK y. plain ana jancy, Jg - hsh. l'rench & American. Slates by the case at Alnnutactuter s low- , . i est prices. All of which thev will ell, at prices av- craging probably lower than any other Es tablishment tn the cilv. Orders by Mail filled carefully and prompt y. and at as low prices as if the purchasers were present. S3 Join, cor. of Cold Street, icu) iorh: July 7, 1853. "HIGHLY EMPCRTANT ! LATEST NEWS. Boot ami Shoe Establishment The subscribers would solicit the attention of the public to their new Boot and Shoe Es- tablishment, just opened in btroudsburg, iirst at n IT. 1 ... 1- III door ueiow iarry s iioiei, wnere worn oi an kinds can be had either ready-made cr made to order at the shortest notice and on the uosi reubouauie tunus. ajiiuico uhum i icatest styles constantly on hand. Lonir exnericr.ccFih the business in all its departments, enables the subscribers to re- commend their work to the pu&ic, leeimg well assurca tnai uieir uigucbk uauwuuub will ho fuilv realixed after giving- it a fair ill. tUlUUU Stroudsburg. June 23, Lb'SS.-tf. The undersigned having lo cated himself in the borough ol Stroudsburg, at the old Sad dle and Harness stand of Jas N. Durhng, on Walnut street, opposite the Washington- tel. would inform the public that he will keep constantly on hand a choice assortment ol Saddles, Bridles Collars, Whips, Carriage Jiarness, Sulky and Cig Harness, Team Harness, leather, cotton, and icorsica Flynets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet bags, Curry-combs, Horse cards and brushes, and all other - articles in his line of which he will dispose of upon very reasona- blUT-.,n linrt.hr Rl,orlBatnolicc. Work made to order at the shortest notice, His materials will be of the best quality, and as he employs none but good workman he hopes to receive a liberal share or public patrofcage. ...Ci His motto is "quick sales anu sman proms. Cull and see for yourselves. oroduce taken in exchange for WOrK. Jjiii-i''-''-'1"1' Stroudsbur.rr. March 17, 1853. IT. B. Carriage trimmings for sale, and Carriages trimmed to order. i Vtholc Sale aisd Retail J StrccsdsbEK'iJ, l?ti. Tno undersigned would inform Land- felords and the public generally, tiiat they Jiave juslopened the above DUai.icsb m Stroudsburg, in the store House lormcny oo- IB a ouninrl hv Tniin If. Mnhrk as a Jewelry btore.K?. it a ,.rr.ai iQ lev! 1 ' ""l" " anu nave on nana a large siock ui ofall kinds and of the beat quality, direct from the Custom House, which they are prepared to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea sonable terms. Our stock consists ol l'rench Brandy, dark and pule. A'so, Peach, Black berrv. Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy ; llol land Gin. N. E. Rum: Irish, Rye and Apple Whiskey: Lisbon, Claret, Port, bwcet Mala ga, Currant and Champagne wine, &c. &c. Also, on baud a large stock of Bitters of all kinds Dcmiiohns, from l to 5 gallons; bottles, and llv anvthirirr that can be asked for m our line. " J o Landlords will find it- greatly to their ad vantage to deal with us. We have no lured agents to sell and distribute liquors for us at (rreat exnense. which must be paid for by the consumer. Those dealing with us we intend oUnii (,n .-ntionorl with thnarticlc they rret, as 3liU.ll UL 'i a - hnnevnr thev are not, wn will ho nleascd to have them return the tnuor, and make the fact known, fur we in- . i lA;.lin.r for himself. r .i.-'o low p PriSTE.VS &. Co. ?15sft?i?io23 f IFnrifaerblsip. Th Cn-Partnershin heretofore existing tin- i -i it - r II . .fr lii'iorfi.' ii ill' der ine nrm oi i - - -"yaZ i HI Ii 11 H Hi V . w !iu mutual consent. The Books and Accounts j . are in me nanus ui .iuuu luiuim, i. . n... all indebted are requsted to make pHynent PALMER & PEARCE. firnl1l1.bllr.o. June 10. 1853. N. B. John Palmer &, vSon hiving purchasi oA Pi-arce's interest in the fotock, the bus necs will, as heretofore, he carried, on at thH old stand, by John Palmer oi bon, who as.i n continuation of public patronage. A great variety of Toys on hand and "for sale cheap afc the variety store of SAMUEL MELICU Stroudburg', 0, May 1852, . For. sule at Jills Ofnct). In pursnanccofa Resolution adopt dd by th Common Council of the Borough of Strouds burr, the undersigned hereby gives notice that they will receive sealed proposals, at the office of Theodore Schoch, until the 2Jth day of September, inst. for the grading, curbing, and .paving of the.Stfbet in front of the fol lowing lots : Street fronting on lot of Charles Boys, de ceased, 1'IT feet. Friends' Meeting House lot 05 j0jin Boys', occupied by G. S. Palmer 70 Raehael Vfiils 100 Wm. P. Robeson, SO 30 Samuel Boys. J. II. Stroud, Assignee oflvi. J). Ro boson, 4,07 :!0 172 c 75 70 M. JL Burnet, . oJhu Bovs residence - " Store liousc'lot " Ofiice " " Vacant " 00 R. Boys' residence and oflicc I'lO Wm. Baker's, oe'p'd by Swartwood '50 P. S. Brown, AI. Brown V-3 C. aiusch, " J-arzelher tHj Wm. Clements C. llammon .! R. Bovs' ftrick store t Coolbaugb's, occupied by Jlillcr & Fowltr . 221) I. Boys', occupied by W. Clements .'50 Elizabeth Colbert .J0 Friends' lot "15 55 100 55 05 10(5 100 Jacob Shoemaker's R. Huston's ' J. W. Ruxton's yin. Dean's o t lTniMnel.nil' Amrr sunn Iut n jlntci jol I'nvnmcnt it) frnnf. of vacant lols to het 7 . . '."jtose who have made prrparii- tions for paving are not included in the above list. DAVID KELLER, 1 p J. I J. WALTON, , j b GEO. If. MILLER, 5 WELCf!OIR SPRAGIJ2, s JOILT EDINCER.' j g September 8, 1S53. Commonwealth ex relatione Caniiftision George C. Ransburry, j do lunatico in vs. quirendo, JIargarcl Busii. j May 2d, 1853. ti c ,ourt RWard an innucst in said case and . j;,.pnt a commission m the nature ot a writ jc ianatiCo inquirendo, to issue to James ii. ururo. i. and that notice lie served per- conally on il.'rgaret IjUSU, anu on eacn oi iier children, if within the County, and if not, .iIfgo tiiat ttre , Dv publication in one lM.VVspaper, on those not residing in the Conn- t ,lt je.lst jjn.ee weeks before the Iicarmw. the Court, t rom tue itecoro. AI. II. DREIIER, Prothonotary. ioiIcc Ts hereby civen to James Bush and Lydia Shank, children of Margaret Bush, thai the Innuest in the above case will be taken at the Court House, in the Borough of Stroudsburg-, on Wednesday, the 29th day of September, inst. at 2 o clock P. M. JAMES II. WALTON, September S, iso3. " ... Xoio in Press and tad appear ma few days, tie, aJiriiijiCf ;issi C3 FJBSSIOH OP Tried and convicted for the murder of LOUIS REESE, J Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania" ix bv Rev. Goo. Peck, D.D. Price 25 cents. A At the April Session of the Luzerne county A liberal discount bv the hundred. Orders ac companied with the cash addressed to the "Record of ihe Times'' Wilkea-barre, I'u., will be attended to. September 8, 1853. f WJ,tim Britk Just burnt and for sale by the subscriber fhese brick arc of a large size and of a su ueiior oualitv. and will be sold as low or lower according; to quality than any other4 Urick, in the county. A portion ot them aro messed or front brick. Said brick are made of the best material and will stand the lire with impunity, thus answering for. the pur f I Il.ii Ti.,1 All ol ... . ,, ,. ., in , ihp Ij hborhond Afl 1;jndg of pnjju(.e Llijen jn exchange f SIMON GRlJBEK. I oUDlJua.Juiy, .-vigi'ai i-, ioju j-j THE POCKET jESCULiPITS : Oil, EVERY ONE IIIS OAVS PHYSICIAN. The fortieth edition, with oiifl hundred engra vings', showing Diseases f-Jf Malformations of tur r. Human by stem in -every shaoe and form. To M whit h js adi'eJ a trea Disenses ol 'M-:$&tZ.,l& hf I-emalcs, being of th(- nanied people, or those cotitamptatiitB marriage T m nn fntlior Im ashamed ui present a copy .,.n a.xr,,iamus to his child. It may sate him frm an early grave. Let no young man nr.ter inin the setMel olisaiions ol i 1 1 jiiiiitf v. I , l v-(n 'it!nnt rt-adini? the Pocket As culamus. Let no one stiffeiing from a hark r,jeij cough, pain in the si.ie. reslcss i:hs or those about to be married, any impfiHuiont O W M I 1 1 J" . read this trulv useful boos;, as tt has been the niteas of saving thousan ls ol uniortunftU' creatures from the very java of death . Any person semljng Twenty five cents en cinsod in n ieuer, win receive une ry o 'his w,irk bv mail, or fne copies will be sent fur One Dullar. Address, (p st paid.) DR. WM. YUUiNU, No. 1 32 Spruce si. Philadelphia tehruary 1,,1HS.. iy. 0, B W Sk EST ISf. Atlorncy at Law, STUOttDSBUJtfi, MONHOE COITXT1T , PA. Office on Elmihsth stroafc,, formerly oc cupied l)y Win. Davis, Esq. ' May 8, 18ol, Tho subbonber hns opened his new Hotel and U ready to uccomiuoditia all who JV-Hy Pl vor hnh with .tttv,pstiii.. v JCKK N. STOKES " Gmtcral Agent for MQfrrP.e. fJ&fQI the sale of Blake's Pateul Firc-Preof Faint, Which in the way of Paint is warranted to surpass in cheapness and durability any ihiu that lists heriitotore been offered to the public. In no intii nee has it ever been known to crack, cleave ojf, or tcnslc by time. ygj?332j He alio has on hand a lurge and v,c" hC'L'cl(-'d stock of Wroccrios, Ea t5 wn re, Stoves, which have been purchased for cash and mut-t be sold. Stroudsburg, January 13, 1353. j CtiEAP FA8MJGWAi3!LE On Kuz.ibelh ?tieet, one donr below Win. Lean's residence, Stroudsburg, Pa. The sulsrriber havin just ronij ilelt'il a lare and splendid as snriment ol" the lastest Fail anil Winter fashions of Hals & Cajis. invites the aUrhtion of his old patrons ami ihe pmdic federally to the largest stork ttvvt ofiere.l in Stniudsburji. rmiiisting of Men? moleskin, fur, silk ami Kossuth hats of evi ry prire :md (piality. lli.s .stock of Cap c'onsi.sis of silk plush. chth. oil silk, oil Ifh nen, and velvet. Boys hats und caps of every dcsctipMou. , -4 A superior article on han l. Also, a large. assortRtetit of lioots at."i .Shoes of the latest sty le and o! a superior quality. 35 orotic j:x m.il Fends::;; Dressed and undressed Mornoo, Kid arid Fiench skins. Velhiv. pink, blue ami white linings, and binding skins. Pruuello ami fronep; Boot and shoe lrce; Lasts of every description, ami a general assortment' of iin.limis. -Uso Cotton & silk undcr-.shirs K, B. Thankful for past favors and dp-, sirnus of a rnn!uv.ianc-e of the same, he will soil at the N'ew- York and Kastnn prices. JOHN W. BUXTON. November 1 1, i8j2. : TlHToTJiKS'i'VVr-TiT." Dr Hun 1? ter will forfeit $50 if faliini lo cure any case of sec ret disease that tuny come under Ois rare, no milter how !mi: standing or af- flictms. Either sex are invited lo his Pri vate Ruoms,3B NorthSeventh btreet filid'a. without (ear of interruption from other pa tients. Strangers and others who have been nnfori'mate- in the selection of a Physician are invited to call. 1 Sl PUTl'i N C V Through unrestrained indnlrnre of the passions, by excess or self-abuse, the evils are numerous. Prema ture iinpotency, involuntary seminal dischar ges, wasting of the orpans, loss of memory, .!;.-t. T.r l'mrlfsni:tv. cplinrnl HfhifilV. (I lllintw ........ . -, . - t ' or constitional derangement, are sure to fol low. If nercssory, consult the Doctor with, eonfieenccr; he ofh rs a perfect cure RKAD&ND ItKFLECT. The afflicted would do well to reflect before trusting theic health, happiness, and in many cases their lives, in the hands of Physicians ignorant of this class of maladies. It is certainly im possible tor one man to understand all the. ills the human family are subject lo. Every respectable physician has his peculiar janrh, in which he is more successful than hisbrotiier professors, and to that Ledcvotcs most of his time and study YEARS OF PfUCTlCE, exclusively devoted to the study ami treatment of diseas es of the sexual organs, together with ulcers upon the body, throat, noae, or le, pains in head, or bo nes, mercurial rheumatism, stric tures, gravel, irregulaiitirs. disease arising fr.?m youthful excesses, or impurities of the ulooxL whereby the cmstilutiori has become enfeebled-, enables the Doctor to offer speedy relief to all who may place themselves under his care. Medicines forwarded to any part of the United Slates; Price five an-! ten dollars jer package. Nov. 1 3. !S3e-ly. " O FF L C E TO PHOCU liii Soldiers3 JLstsiti WarrsBa&. By a recent Act of Congress it is enacted Phat each of the surviving, or the widow or minor chih! reti of deceased commissioned and nonrommirjSipned olKoers, musirians, or pri-i vates, whether ol regulars, volunteers, rub ers or militia, whu performed military ser vices in any regimfnt. company or detach ment in the service of the united iMates, in ihe war with Great Uritraii, derlared by tho United Stales on the eighteenth day of June or in anv of the Indian wars since l tUO and each of the cum missioned officers who was engaged in the military service of Ui United States m t!i hue wor with iMexico, and shall be emitted to lands as fdknvs. TIkisc- wim engaged to serve twelve months or during the war, and actnuilj sencd nine irtonths, shall receive one mm dred and sixty acies: ami those wboengngod to serve iix nwuths and actually served lotif months, shall receive eighty acres? and ihose who engaged to serso lor any or an indefinite penod. .and actually served onO month, shall receive forty acres, rrovidei. that wherever any officer or s.ldier. v7as mnorably- discharged in consequence ol ms ability in the service, ho shall receive me a mount to which ho would have been ertiitied if he had served the firil period for whicn Its ptqengaged to serve. IT.i.h.r ihft nhvB net. and the acts of Cnti- ercsa generally, the subscritfer ofl'ers his see- vices as agent to procure innd w arram rm ilwi niiiletl tti lecelvt? them, as above stiO- i tied. He may ha fwtr.d a Ins nflictf hi Stroudsbuig. - S. U. 'JL KZstii l- 0, t.i'er -27. IB5P. . 3niinn (Duccn tjolcl, Elixalieth St., Stkoim!3vrg, Pa. m- 'llie ndrsined respecltullif frm his fueuds and the publir gHfc iifcallv,' that he has taken the above ll4ef. kttown t the vrarelhng community hh'SUiv iysOldSun.l,"nnd recently kepi ty una, rf wart wood. The houe i large, with ever convfco for travelteis and boarders. The vnnh Mid staoiing are e.vtenstvp. ami every l'hrg i the very Wax order lorihaac co.r.odatMn of Iravellers and tAhers. The proprietor will use every effort lohctve his table, eh -tubers, bar. and every tl'nfiitnu ment of his' house conducted in smh n man ner as to secure the approbation of hi.-x euatt mers. , . The Stage office for the Kaston. M. Chanr Wilkes-Uarre. White llavejiaitd Prov idfiw u stages will hereafter be ai the above IlnioL- Persons wishing to go or send with th bore stager,, wiSl pjvane "leave the if virjfgW at the looiau Q-.t-tm ILuei. y. lliese' Hyes leave thii lUiel evertyfAivi day, Wednday, and Friday luotiuMga a'cU" . jtKriu. posrKxu ; J.inimyl t . f .:.v.t,,... fcttir. eggs, vo' tutkon in exeJiange-Sitf atdiViri, Hue of burmi. 4 MB