The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, September 15, 1853, Image 2

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    4 -per .
vtl)c 3effcveonian.
Hi OSES I'OWSAl-E', Lancaster County
ALEX. Si. iTSrCZ-UCSED, FianUlm Co.
junon ok Tin: suiiu:in court.
T5IOS. A. E5U2e, lMnla.!e!pln.Ciy
The laying of the Corner Sione of the
new Church at Dutotsburg, has been
for the present.
)TjThc Locofocos of Northampton
count, have nominated Closes Bush and
Philip Johnson, for Beprescniativcsj and
Maj. Cope, for Sheriff. The party is
divided into three cliques, and we are in
formed that an unusual amount of warmth
:md illfccling was manifested by the dif
ferent factions towasds each other, at their
Convention, which, came off at the public
house of C. Hartzell, iu Lower Nazareth,
on Tuesday la?t.
jj-g- The friends of Temperance, of this
and Pike county, held their Delegate
Convention at the Court House, in this
lace, on Saturday last, and nominated
William Clark, of Middle Smithfield, "as
their candidate for Representative.
There are now tliTee candidates for Rep
resentative in this District, viz :
Abraham Edtnger, of Hamilton,
J. II. E y len berg l r, M. SmithSeld,v
William Clark, do.
The proceedings of the Temperance
Convention will be found in another col
umn Irn:tlficeitt Peach.
Michael 1L Dkeiier, Esq., of this
place, showed us a peach on Saturday
Inst, which he plucked from a tree in his
par Jen, and which for size and beauty,
i seels any thing of the kind we ever saw
produced in this County. It measured
i)i inches one way and 9i the other.
The Whigs of N. J. will meet in
("Snveiitioa at Trenton, on the 12th of
)i-t jber msi, to nominate a candidate for
i uI low X'evt;r at Thlfcd.s:s
vi!J, L.U,
The fill our in;; ftaderaeraent was nrrittca
.i the Mail bill from Thibodaux, ScpteM
1 r 2, yrkitk arrired at New Orleans on
v- 4ik Id 4: "Stores clewed town a-
t uilone4 101 csaes of reilow fercr
tj-tve dt aths Postmaster abscnt-
. . rks art dowa hk the irr.
- -T ,
V&- The IWoac liver wl Kew Orieattf
rrj Muck abatad--tbt deaths having
ii redttoed to aboi 50 per day.
illatc Fccr id Alalkic Duriuv iht
t,k ending with father 3d, j
r 19 deaths ia MobUe, of which unm
r 1 39 were from yellow ferer and 2tf
.n other causes. Ths daily Ht of
iths was: Anost 2Sth, 13 ; 32;
9; 31st, 16; Septeiaber 1st, 13:
ft'ew York i?2:trle:s.
Xic IV-, Sept. 10. Mour is firm;
1 the demand moderate. Wheat is
b ttur, this'nio ruing, with sales of 30,000
1 a bids at 1 40 a 1 45. Michigan & Ohio
live sells at 91 a 95. Corn sells at 83
ceiit. Whiskey, 26a29c per gallon.
Baltimore -RIarfcet.
Jjfikimor?, Sept. 10. The markets for
Lrt adst uffs this morning are firm, with an
inward teudencv. Coffee Sales for the
wii-k of 20,000 bags of Eio closing at
11. eents.
II ell Paul. A JSew Hampshire paper
sfjt-js that the administrator of the es
ttof the late Hon. llobert liantoul, Jr.
Irs recently received $-350,000 as h
Lire in the Illinois Central Kailroad, of
vl.ii h, it will be recollected, Mr. Kautoul
vas a warm advocate, both ia aad out
CuT There is a stalk of oora irf Ha
y.i. town cott.iitiitg en kmudrod oait.
There Is an invalid ia the Cincia
r..U DUpeosarj who whiatbw ooHtinuall v
la his sleep.
Pltiigkhig by Steam.
We see it stated in EnglUh papers that
the 3Iarqnis of Twoedale has succeeded
I'crfcetly in working ploughs by steam
power. The distinguished English agri
culturist, M:. Meche,iu a late article, says,
thcre can be no doubt but that very
fhortly, every agriculturist must use steam
power if he is to stand his ground in-the
race of agricultural .competition. The
want of it is already felt, if not seen, by
tLose who have not the means or the in
clination to use it. The time is approach
ing when a steam cmnue ou a farm will
be as common as the drill orthreshind
machine, although, like fhoni. lfhas to1
pass through the ordeal of dislwliefdoubw
and prejudice.
The Gomi&g Slcction iu ffiai-ac.
The iudioations are, that the coming c
lection in niainc will be one of the most
exciting that has occurcd there for many
years. uiic uiu iue uav- uui
moniously ail their nominations, the Dem
ocratic" party is completely rent assuhder.
That section of the party denominated
"Wild Cats," having triumphed at the
State Convention in the nomination of
Mr. Pillsburv for Governor, the Anti
'Wild Cats," or "Ramrods," a portion of
the Democratic party in favor ot tucpies
cnt liquor law of the State, have not only
nomiutatcd a separate candidate for Gov
ernor, but also separate Senatorial tick
ets. Heavy Robbery.
.The messenger of the "Newport (11; I.)
Dank was robbed on the 1st inst. on board
the steamer Perry, of a package contain
ing, it is supposed, from forty to fifty
thousand dollars. lie had put the bag,
contiining the money, on a scat, and
while his -back was turned for a moment,
another bag, precisely similar and con
taining packages of newspapers cut to the
size of bank bills, was substituted. lie
did not discover the robbery until he de
livered the bag at the Merchant's Bank.
- An unrlcrlakirts has been begun in
England, in which the co-operation of A
mericans is solicited. It is to raise the
sum of ?-j,000 for the benefit of the poor
persecuted Madiai who are now in exile,
and in want. In England it is proposed
to confine the contributions to a penny
each, in this country there need be no
such limit. Rev. Dr. Baird, or Anson
G. Phelps, Jr., Esq., of New York, will
receive donations.
Rcmrdy fv Weevil in Wheat.
One pint of salt sprinkled in every
bushel of wheat, will effectually prevent
the weevil. I have known it successfully
tried in several in-tances in Mississippi.
It is intended by some that it prevents the
orrnin from "crminatin'T. U hcthcr it
does or not, I cannot say. It can easily
be blown out by a common fan, when wan
ted for use.
So savs a writer in the Danville Regis
ter. It looked very much as if it would
answer. We have over and over again
recommend the grain bins to be well
cleansed out and sprinkled with powder
ed quicklime.
Riral Cities.
New-TIaven and Hartford, Connecticut
arc rivfl towns. Here is -a specimen of
their rivalry, copied from the Xew-IIaven
"Hartford is always trying to outshine
our city. Let ns do what we will, Hart
ford goes right off and does the same
thing. The other day, one of tho lady
passengers in the cars to this city was
made a mother in the ladies saloon, at
the ftaiioo hoas. Well irhat do the Hart
ford folks do, bat go and get no, the very
next day, a similar cac in the station in
that itr. When wiH people eaie to he
Wotcklixo, An;?. 39. Fttfal Acri
knl Ernhfhn of Poicikr. Yeaterdaj,
a dray loaded with 29 kets of powder,
of the kegs fell off, causing a irentendou
explosion. Wa!laton Kimbcrljf, are
saecUok eitisen of thu place, who was
dririag the dray was instantly killed.
Ills head was blowa entirely of. Jn r. v.
Sehanbere; was blown into the. river ad
fatatlr it) tared. The steamboat Sale
lng at the wharf was wneh damaged.--
The windows all alonjr Water street were
-birered the Sprigg House suffered par
ticularly. Several steamboats were dam
aged, and it is wonderful more Hres were
not lost. Thtfcxplosion shook the whole
cityt and caused much consternation and
excitement. The whole load of powder,
with the escepi.ion of one keg, exploded.
Hon. Thomas Benton, the old iron
hearted statesman, jrivcsus,in a few wordrj
the character of politics as it has been for
a Ion time, and is now conducted in this
couutr'. He remarks :
"The famous Madame Roland, when
mounting the scaffold, apostrophised the
statue upon it with this exclamation: Oh,
Liberty! how many crimes are committed
in thy name!' After whnt I have seen
during my thirty years of inside and out
side views, I feel qualified to paraphrase
the apostrophe, and exclaim: 'Oh, Poli
tics! how much bamboozling is practised
in thy- naaie.' "
The Poughkccpeie American says that
a Mr. Richard kosher, of Standfordville,
(Dutchess county, New York,) has for
the last fifteen years been unable to help
himself in the least. His jaws were set
some years since, and his teeth have been
broken, that food might he plaood iu his
mouth. The only jointe he is now able
to more are the extremes of his index
fingers and one or two of his toes.
Perk iVspedSo
The Louisville Courier thinks the num
ber of hogs the next season will be large,
particularly in Kentucky and Ohio. The
report is, that hogs in Indianna have been
contracted for at 2,90 gross, to be deliv
ered at the pens i n the fall, and that engage
ments are offered to be made at 'He. per
pound for pork deliverable in December.
jGJFirst class in sacred music, stand
up. How mauy kinds of metre are
'Throe, sir long metre, short metre,
and modi Iter by moonlight alone!'
, 'Who' told you that, you boob)T' -
'13111 Jones, sir!'
'.Go to your seaj.! .When sohbpl is ovqjr,
,we will try and (si b 1 j eii ,tiii J-: njf ,pf
a pickled cow-hide!' ,'
Temperance ConvenlioBt
Pursuant, to a call made by the friends
Cnnvftiition held in
the Borough of Stroudsburg, August u,
the several Townships proceeded to elect
Delegates, and-on this day, Sept r: 10th,
they assembled at the Court House and
organized, by electing John J. Angle, of
Mfddlc ScuithQeld, Prest., P. B. Prim
rose, of Middlo Smithlield, and R. S.
Staples, of Stroudsburg, Secretaries.
The following Delegates then presented
their credentials and took their seats:
Jackson Township John Bellis, Wil
liam Bellis, and Charles F. Kane.
Chesnuihiil William Keller and John
Hamilton Jacob Williams, William
Detrick, and Jacob Klinker.
Stroud Stroud Burson, James An
dree, and Gen. Robert Brown.
Stroudsburg R. S. Staples, G-arbutt
F. Gordon, and Isaac Louer.
Smithfield Samuel Dcitrich, George
V. Bush, and Henry Mann.
M. Smithfield. William Clark, P. B.
Primrose, and John J. Ansle
Tobyhanna William Ebauch and J.
U inters.
Pocono Will'inm B. Sebring, Antho
ny Sebring and Abraham Luken.
Paradise Abraham Transue, Peter
Dornblascr and O. D. Smith.
Price Evau T. Long and Geo. Ink.
Milford, Pike county IraB. Isewman
and T. II. Smith.
The President then reported tcihe Con
vention that letters had been received
from Messrs. Abraham Edinger and Ja
cob 11. Eylenborgcr in answer to a letter
sent them by a committee formed at the
recent Convention, asking them to pledge
their infiuenee and votes for a' Prohibito
ry Law. On motion, the following gen
tlemen were appointed a committee to ex
amine the above named letters, and 're
port to this Convention: Ira B. Newman.
Uen. liobert Urown, JacoD rviiniccr, ueo
V. Bush and William Clark. After a
short absence they returned and made
tho following report:
The Committee appointed to examine
the letters received from the Messrs. Ed
inser and Eylonberger, respectfully re
port, that after a careful examination of
their contents deem the opiuionsespressed
entirely unsatisfactory.
On motion, the Convention then pro
cecded to nominate and elect a candidate
to represent 2Ionro,e and Pike counties in
the next Legislature of this State. Where
upon WILLIAM CLARK, of Middle
Smithfield, was unanimously elected.
Mr. Ira B. Newman offered the follow
ing resolution, which was unanimously
licsolml, That we pledge our undivi
ded and unanimous support to the nomi
nee of this Convention.
llcsofccd. That the papers of Monroe
and Pike counties, and the Mirror of
Temperance" be requested to publisb the
proceedings of this Convention.
The Convention then adjourned.
J. J. ANGLE, Prest.
P. B. Primrose,
Ii. S. Staples,
New ?rk TrilaECi
The New York TrVmnc has appeared
in a beautiful new luit. and in point of
typography is not surpassed by any jour
nal ia the country. We have heretofore
on different occasions alluded to the mer
its of the Tributtt as one of the very best
dewspaper in the U. States, and wc can
only add now, that it enterprising pro
prietors are soaring neither labor or ex
pense to ktcp it immeasurably ahead of
ail its cotemporanes in every respect. It
is certain' the cheapest and most com
plete newspaper in the country, and its
columns contain nothing that could offend
the moat elevated taste. Price 8-3 per
annual. CJtamfjcrsburg Ulii".
Snfcnia&tial Sympath
No less a sum than 44,733 has been con
tributcd principally in the chief cities in
the North, to assuage the terrible calamity
under which the citizens of N. Orleans are
suffering. Let those who think the world
is getting worse that there is more in
humanitj' and irreligion in it than form
erly contemplate this stupendous chari
ty, in connection with the long class of
cases to which it belongs.
To this relief fund Geritt Smith, the
abolitiouist, contributed 81,000, exem
plifying the greatness of his heart and the
depth of his Christianity for had he vis
ited New Orleans he would have been
mobbed for his principles by the very men
to whom his charity has been given.
r&g A party of southern "bloods" came
to Philadelphia, and put up at a .first
class hotel. Having a room in the third
story, they engaged in a Epreo of the
most aggragated denomination. Having
be come as drunk as they very well
could be, they rang for more liquor. A
black waiter came up, but did not bring
the kind asked for. So one of the party
cooly took hold of the poor darkey and
threw, him out of the window upon the
sidewalk below. Presently the landlord
rushed up, exclaiming that the' killed his
waiter. "Oh. never mind, said the of
fending "blood," "put it iu the bill!"
A Good Shot. THe locomotive at
tached to the passenger train on the
Michigan Southern Itaiiroad, ran into a
drove of deer near Pine Station, a few
nights since, killing several of them,
which were found lying near the track the
next morning. They wero probably at
tracted by the locomotive. Chicago Jour.
Fifteen hundred dollars has been
contributed at' the Crystal Palace New
York, toward the Washington National
Monument. - .
They are building a new Court House
in Montgomery county, which is to cost
one hundred and twenty thousand dollars.
- Prolific. Jeremiah Gordon,living near
Waynotiborp,- Ify., has a brood . sow that
Uns hfiil sixty-one pigs iiuI'iiiotSths and
outftfitbis u'umbar he raised. nll'but" four.
ftiilsairses Removed from Ns Yoii
Notwithstanding tho fact that New
York has the reputation of bcin? the
. . L. .. , .
filthiest citv on this contiont, (of its size,
it AYill be seen trom tno toiiov.'ing omcir
.... . t r n rr
IV rw J I
rxo-nnv ftmf. nnv olf.r Kravsnmi-s we not
f 1 j
altogether idle duvinsc the month of Au
1 . '. a r. .
Eiist :
Number of Dead Animals
and Amount
of Butcher's Offal, and other Nuisan
ces, removed from the City during the
month of August, 1853.
Dead Horses :
" Cows .
Cats ' -
Hogs 1 ' .
Tons Butcher's offal, &c, &c.
" of other nusiance
" of refuse boncsj'&c.
Pounds diseased mutton.
Five hundred and seventy-seven dead
horses for one mouth, proves that New
York is rather a hard place lor Horse-
flfish. Eiirht hundred and cihiy-ttircc
don-s is also a large item-, but it is due to
the dog-pound, and fifty cents premium
for each prisoner. The whole bill is quite
imposing; but if the fermenting garbage
remainiu" in the streets was added, it
would be absolutely appaling. What an
immense Golgotha is this city of New
York, to be sure! What a paradise for
soap-makers, bone-boilers, and swill
milk What a horse market! W nat a
dnnot for diseased mutton! Yet we have
neither the cholera nor the yellow fever
How very strange! Brother Jonathan.
All accounts concur that there is
larire deficiency in the crop of Europe
butwe doubt very much whethor there
will be, in consequence thereof, anything
like the increased demand for train from
this country which is anticipated by many.
W e believe speculation has already car
ried flour beyond the price it can at pros
ent be sustained; it may be that prices e
ventually may reach a higher point than
the present, but, in ttie mean time, tuer
is. in our oninion. dancer of reaction.
Some of our cotemporarios express the
opinion that we have 'not the quantity of
wheat m the country to supply tnc wants
of Eurone. The New York Courier sup
poses the deficiency will be 18,000,000 of
quarters for England alone, while the en
tire production of the country will be but
19.0UU.UUU oi cmarters. or IoU.UUU.UUU
bushels. France, too, the Courier thinks,
will reauire l.oOG.OOO nuartcrs lrom a
1 ' '
broad. The Courier adds to this lucubri
ous picture:
"In large sections of Italy not half a
crop is expected. Spain complains of a
deficiency", and Sweden has so poor a bar-
vest inpropect, that sue is now iargei
importing irom tne name.
This, wc apprehend, is rather an csos
crated estimate, and should be set down
as the statement of an alarmist rather
than matter of fact. Private accounts
from England do not corroborate the Con
rief's estimate. It is conceded, however
that there is a deficiency, and that the
wheat crop oi the United fctates will
probably be wanted. There arc various
estimates of what will be the deficiency,
and the following authorities are nuotcd
------ o
as shoving the amount: Mark Lane Ex
press, estimate for France and England,
13.500.000 rmarters: Richardson & Co..
for England, 15,000,000 quarters; and
other authorities go as high as I3,uuu,-
n - y- T"V . - -
UUU quarters tor uvcafc untain, ana l
000,000 Tor France.
TIT3 Scene, (private parloiO Mr
Thompson, a rich merchant, spending the
evening with his brother and wife en
trance of Julia, their daughter, a girl of
six years.
Mr. T. My dear don't you love me?
j una jo aon t love you ac an.
Pa. ( who has an eve on his brother's
last will-and testament,) Oh, yes, Julia.
you love your uncle, aon t youi
J. No, I don't love him.
U. Why don't you love me?
J. Pa don't want me to tell.
Unsuspicious Pa Oh, yes, . my dear,
tell your uncle.
J. (after thinking a nfoment.)
Well it's because you don't die, and
leave me your money. Pa said yon
would but you don't.
.,: Grand Tableaux YVifc screams, hus
band swears, and uncle makes his hasty
A Disgusting Houston
Dr. Grant, visiting Mosul, thus de
scribes Shcrccf Pacha, the successor of
Mohammed Pacha :
He is, I believe, the most hideous man
I ever saw; four feet high, lame, crooked,
with only one eye, one ear and half a
nose. His face, "too, is most horribly
scarred with small-pox. His soul is a
perfect compound of every bad propensity
cruelty, craftiness, greediness and lust,
fie cuts off heads, strangles people, throws
others into the river generally for the
sake of their property, sometimes as it
would seem, mo rely for fun. I myself
saw him firing bombs among the people
just to enjoy their fright. Besides, this
horrid mointer, when he hears of girls to
his liking in any family, sends his kav
asses to take them into his harem. The
plaijc would be deserted, but he has walled
up some of the gates, and posted soldiora
at the others, to prevent the people
caping from his clutches.
It is very generally understood, that
Mr. Benton intends to run for the Presi
dency in 185G, without any reference to
Conventions. We trust that it may bc
so, and' that the force of National Con
ventions may be broken down, as the
Caucus system was in 1824. There is
no soundness in them, and their whole
moral weight with the people is destroy
ed. A correspondent of tho Journal of
Agriculture states that he Iia3 tor more
O 4 "
.. n ' ' T il I
thaiifturtpon years useu suipuur, as a cure uopreaaiions.oi inc micem ttiat .quarter -
n -ii . . - -' " l" ? I il - i" tl T. ' 1 I'll -llll1 . .1 " V- ir! .
tor miiifw on grapes ana -grceuiiouso jnat as uign; as; tvvxuyuqnar anq a juur uo
plants, and he has never kjiowu H' to fail. lmyc-bcen paid fyr a. 9,ftt4" ; . , lSl
A Slave. Case at Wilks-Barre.
On Saturday morning last, an attempt
was made by several strangers, to arrest
-C i I. :i i. ii. Hi,,.:,. TTfnl
one of tho waiter's at the Phceuix Hotel,
1 in this Borough, named William liiomas,
U .
claimed as a fucitivc slave. William
! 1 1 H. .1 ii nl
nveu several monins at iuc jjaic,
Hiilman, but for some lime past has heen
with Mr. Gilchrist. One of the strangers
claimed to be his owner, but as the man
waited on them at supper on Jmuay night,
and at breakfast next morning whn tho
attempt was made, without recognizing
him, we are inclined to doubt it.
Tho soene is described as exciting.
William is full three fourths white, and a
very well made, powerful mulatto. He
was seized irom behind while waiting on
the table at breakfast, by a large strong
man who clasped him round the waist.
Wc are unable to give all the actaus oi
the fight, it passed so rapidly, although
numbers saw it. 'Wc are told that five
men nicked out for the purpose, as, fitted
bv size and strength lor the business
struggled full twenty minutes with tms
one mulatto man, without being able to
secure him. At one time they had him
on the floor with a chair across his neck
and head, two or three men on the chair,
- . . 1 T "
the others trving to secure mm but he
throw them all off with a mighty struggle,
snapped the hand-cuffs put on him Iikq a
thread, and managed to get into tne yaru,
free. As he fled towards the river, the
cry was 'heard shoot him! shoot him! and
as he ran. several shots were fired from
the revolvers of his pursuers, one, it is
... - . - i i r i T J 1
said hitting him on the baclc oi tne neau.
He reached the water, and being unable
to swim, welded out as far as ho could,
intendin?? as he said aftewards, to drown
Imnsrtlf. rnthnr than be taken. Bullets
were seen to strike the water near him
When wc reached our office, it was said
he had come out and was Lying bleeding
and sick on the river bank, but the cry
was soon raised that he had again taken
to the water, and we went down to the
river bank', but the poor fellow had gone
nnf nf sielif. nn tllfi river. The U. States
Marshatls were too cowardly to secure
him. even when sick and exhausted nc
sat upon the bank of the river, or know
ino- him to be so injured as to be worth
less as a slave, they left him naked am
bleediug to die, seeing indignation cxpres
ii nrnb.-iblv
1 i 1. ,1 V. A - 1 T A fl 4V T
hearinsr a warrant had been applied fo
to arrest them they suddenly ordered
their carriage and left town.
The fugitive was seriously injured, be
ing bruised shamefully about the head
with bullets and slungshot, beside other
injuries from which he will probably nev
er recover.
Wo dare not trust our pen to express
feelings which gush up from a full heart
at this exciting and melancholy scene.
We will only now ask of those older and
wiser than wc are, it the 1'iigitive oiaye
Hisci lunii ii - " " j
Liaw, or any oliicv law oi tuu umuu u.
Pennsylvania, authorises the shooting of
1 1 il. !.-. a ...... mi
any human being within this common
wealth. Record of the Times.
The Kcsstiscky C;ivs.
"The announcement is made that anoth
er great cave had been discovered in
Kentucky, and exclamations of surprise
and wonder almost universally accomp
any the statement. Yet there is nothing
strange in the discovery. "Wherever what
is called the mountain limestone exists'
there caves are certain to bo found. Iu
.Kentucky this formation is almost uni
versal, so that the State may be called a
vast catacomb. This is especially true
of the Green River country, which is'
honcy-combed with sink holes and caves.
The popular notion is that the Mammoth
Cave is the only one iu Kentucky. The
truth is, it is the only one explored to
any extent, but that there are other,
though perhaps with no openings to the
upper air, every geologist will admit.
It is not impossible that continuous aven
ues, hundreds of miles long, lead under
whole counties in Kentucky. Almost ev
ery farm in the tobacco region stand on
hollow ground, even when not suspected.
There is a second world to most of Ken
tucky, a world below the surface, and one
grander, in many respects, than the world
jlbove. What cavernous horrors, what
beautiful stalactites, what wonders of
natural architecture, what'amphitheatres,
what domes, what bottomless abysses this
underground word reveals, thoe only
can realize who have explored it3 mys
teries. Never be surprised at hearing
that new caves havs been found in Ken
tucky. The whole State is one vast cave.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
Banquet of Ike Press
A splendid banquet of tho members of
the Prcjs took place at Syracuse on- the
2d. inst. About one hundred gentleman
were in attendance, and the company was
delightfully exuberant, in spirit.
Quito a string of toasts were read, some
of which were highly original. Here is
one as clever as its subject :
" Woman:'' The last and best of the
series: - If wc may have her for a toast,
wc won't have any bul-hcr.
And here is a spice of truth:
woe-it oiurht to be the pride of its con-
ductors to clevrtto its standard ot morals,
that its influence may bo more generally
for good."
Here is a strong one ;
By William Summers The Fugitive
Slave Act: A botched job, bearing the
De.iil's imprint."
And here is a tooth-scttter :
By R. R. Raymond: The file of tit
Newspaper'. A hard file for the old Ser
pent of Despotism to bite.
Hero is something juicy;
By M. Colony May our pwss be the
means of annihilating the wine press.
A Mr. Hitchcock, in Australia, adver-
tises that he will pay five dollars a head
tor a cart load ot cats, ''bo great are the
Buffalo Jlejnillic says :
"Officer Harris ascertained that a girl
named Jane Hall had come from Roches
ter for the purpose of having a regular
duel with Catharine llurley, they naving
chosen seconds, and repaired to the toll
bridge on Ohio street, for the engagement.
A large crowd assembled to witness iuo
. -vi . tt : r.
scene. As soon as possiuie, nanw
on the spot, and took the belligerents to
the watch-house.
Try-The Treasurer of the Crystal Pal
ace nas'thanded to the Committee of the
TTnward Association at New York, the
entire proceeds of the Exhibition on
Wednesday fast, amounting to the sum
of S1.S28. for the relief of the victims of
the fever at New Orleans.
Fellow Citizens: At the request of nu
merous friends I have been induced to offer
myself as a candidate for the office of
Coassaty Co m isussi ones,
at tho ensuing Election, and I therefore re
spectfully solicit your votes and influence.
Should I be elected I pledge myself to dis
charge the duties of the' office with fidelity
and to the best of rnv ability.
Chesnuthill, Sept. 13, 1S53. 3t
List of persons drawn to serve as Grand'
Jurors at September sessions, 1853.
Stroud Pugh Decker, George Rans
bcry, Abraham Yetter, Abraham Metz:
gar and Ezra Marvin.
M. Smithseld George Michaels, Eli
jah Quigly, John Turn, jr., Robert Mc-
Ncuy, and rredenck fcmnth.
Pocono Da nk-1 J.E&tzgar, George S.
Knipo, and' John Albcrton.
Tobyhanna Jdhn White, jr., Andrew
Hamilton Jacob Storm, Jacob Wil
liams and Charles S Detrick.
Chesnuthill Charles IT. Heaney, Pe
ter S. Altcmose and Melchoir Krcsge.
Eldred Joseph Hawk and John
Price Elihu Postens.
List of persons draw to serve as Petit
Jurors at September term, 1553 :
ti j i t? ,t 'n:i.i....
I -a r ri . . , 1 1 ! 1 1 - 1 .1
AL. bmithtieid vwuiam I'ranxcnumu..
SmithQeld Charles Postens, Robert
11. Depuc, George Kinter, Henry Eylcu
berger, John X'! Bush, Peter Turpeniug
and Jacob Cramer.
Polk George G. Hawk and Stephen
Stroud George Houser, Henr' Fish
er, Thomas Stone and George Lee.
Stroudsburg John Hoglati and Joseph
L. Keller, and John Musch.
Ross Anthony rrantz.
IxIlUllilUIl Oii.ijuci optajiiu, iutiv-nu..
TT IU C 1 CJ ' 1 . A1.i1i1i-.i r
jjosserd, Joseph Arable and ncury x'en
-r- -wt-.. . . "T" 1
Jackson Isaac Widdows,' Michael
Butz and William Tidd.
Eldred Adam Brotxman.
Tobyhanna Samuel G. Eshenbach.
Pocono Gideon Burritt, Peter Tran
sue, Thomas Shively.
Chesnuthill Samuel Weis3 and Fred
erick Siglin. ,
Trail Siisi, Sjl. Turns, S3S.
John Bowman and wife vs. the admin
istrators of Charrick Aranviiet, deceased.
Abraham Barry and wife vs. the ad
ministrators of Charrick Vanvliet, de
ceased. WilliamTrainer vs. Jacob B. Tecl.
John Felker vs. Pet
iter Woodling.
Godfrey Greeusweig's executors
Jonas Grccnsweig.
William Clark vs. Peter Kcmercr, A
mo3 Heller and Francis E. Grattan.
John Merwiue vs. Joseph Keller.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
at the suggestion of Joseph Keifer vsl
Charles 11. He any.
Joseph Huston-vs. Charles Skitter.
Levi King vs. Jacob B. Tecl.
Perrv Sox. to the use of Philin Huf-
smith assigned to Jacob Shafcr vs. Jacob
Van Buskirk.
In the matter of the distribution of the
proceeds of the sale of the Real Estate of
James Hollinshcad on yen ox No. 7 Dec.
Term 1849 and on veu ex No. 13, 3Iay
Term 1850.
William A. Long vs. Henry Kintz and
Henry Dietrick.
George Evcrittvs. John Chambers and.
Mary his wife. . , ,
In the matter of the Auditors Report
of the distribution of the Proceeds of tho
sale of the real estate of Jacob B. Tecl.
Iu the matter ef the real estate of Jos.
Houser, Jr., deceased.
Charles S. Palmer vs. William D.
Brookes and Reuben Harper.
John G. Tolmic and Charles S. Palmer,
late partners trading under the firm of
Tolmic & Palmer, now to the use.of Chas.
S. Palmer vs. William D. Brookes.
Exeoutors of Godfrey Green3wcig.de4r
ceased vs. Jonas Grccnsweig. -
In tho ipatter of the citation upon tho
T. -111 1 .
executors of Peter helleuzer deceased
John Merwino vs. Joseph Keller
Samuel Ward vs. William Bollis.
Executors of Godfrey Grecusweir. df-
ceased, vs. Joseph Grccnsweig.
Nicholas A. Lisk vs. Frederick Dciblcr.
Iu tho matter of the petition of Joseph'
Getz and Peter Getz administrators c
Adam Getz deceased, for deere.p. nf snn.
cific performance of contract bchyee.
said administrators and John Smith.
Philip Kresgo and Jacob Corroll vs,
Charles Hawk.
In tho matter of tho report of a roat
view in Middle Slnithfksld township. ' "
in the matter ot tho report of viewers
vocate and rolav a road in MidUlS
mitlifield township.
T .ii ii i
J-n mu muttor or mo report oi viewer
to to looato and relay a road-in Paradise
township.. '
A Duel among the Women-.
In the matter ot tho report, ptvjew
uLQi'iGWi a road in Su,6udshu'rgau3