The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, September 15, 1853, Image 1
t, nnim jiLiiMW -x i,iiimi n iiw ummmi. , , , ,, Ml , , , - - m , - V - ' - - Itafe - nuunn i 1 1 U!XM $)nwtc& to JJoiitics, fitcraturc, Agriculture, Science, iHomlitj), nub nicmi 3fatclliqciuc. VOL. 13. STROUDSBURGr, MONROE COUNTY, PA. SEPTEMBER 15, 1853. NO. 47. Ptillihcd ly Theodore Sc.hoch. TERMS Two dollars per :mnum in advanceTwo dollars and :i quarter, half yearly .nd if not paid bc foie the end of the year. Two dollais and a half. No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, fTPpnt :it tin- intinn .if tlm ldA,Ive,tise,nentS riot T exceeding one square (ten charge for one and three insertions the same. A liber- uucuum irr.uic ui jcariv au vol users. ius Ail letters .tuuressca 10 me tuuor musi ue post paid. JOB PRIKTISG. Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain and ornamental Type, we arc prepared to execute eveiy description of JiJAi& X iW. a : Cards. Circulirs Hill Heads, Notes. Blank Receipts Justices. Lesrai and other D.nnks. Pamnhlets. Ic. printed with neatness and despatch, ou reasonable Icrini, AT THE OFFICE OF TUOA Thc following lines from the New Orleans Picayune are pertinent to some impertinent persons in nearly every community: Is it anybody's butiticpa If a gentleman should choose To wait upon a lady, If tli Jndy don't refuse? Or. to speak a little plainer, v That the meaning all may know: Is it anybody's businepi If a ludy has a beau.7 Is it anybody's business When that gentleman does call, Or when he leaves the lady, Or if he leaxes at till! Or is it necessary That the curtains should be drawn, To save from further trouble The outside lookers-on Id it anybody's business J3ut the lady 'a if her beau Rides out with uiher ladies, And di.eMi't let her Know J Ie it a ny body's- busiueta But the gentleman's, if she Should accept another escort, Where he doesn't chance to be? If a person's on the side-walk, Whether great or whether small, Is it anybody's business Where that person means to call! Or if you see a person, As he's calling anywhere, Is it anybody's business What his business may be there! The substance of our query, Simply stated, would be this . Is it anybody's business What another's business is? If it is, or if it isn't, We would really like to know, For we're certain, if it isn't, There are some who make it so. If it is, we'll join the rabble, And act the noble part Of the tatiers and del'amers, Who throng the pwhlic niart; But if not, we'il act the teacher, Until each meddler learns It were better in the future To mind his own concerns. A german professor hud collected a val uable cabinett of curiositie?, which he highly prized. One morning a friend came to tell him of a very unpleasant cir- cum.-tancc that he bad seen a man get up a ladder into a window of the profess- or's house. ' ,T x ... . , , . , t. 'Into which window 7, cried the phi- ' r j losopher. , 'I am very sorry to say,' replcd bis friend, 'it was your daughter's.' ni, m7' BA ik Mhor 'mi almiwt. , . . , -r, Willi - frightened me; I thought he had been in- to the cabinet!' " Division of Labor.A certain preacher was holding forth to a somewhat wearied congregation, when he "lifted up his eyes n ft, iw nrl ViA ,nn,sf,r peJimg me people oeiow wuu cuesinuis il 1- 11 Til. 1 i i Dominie was about to adminis-ter, ez-ca thedra. a sharp and stringent reprimand for this flagrant act of impiety and dis- ... nipf hut. fh Jintifinntinnr him WMW V V J '-J O 7 bawled put at the top of his voice, "You mind your preaching, daddy, and Tl keep 'em awake 1" Yankee Courtship A love-lorn swain broke a wishbone with his "heart's queen," somewhere in N TTan,nshirp i xt V 3 -i c u , a "Neow what do you wish, Sally? de- rnandod Jonathan, with a tender grin of expectation. " "I wish T washopsum," replied the fair l msn . as ' iLf nrW damsel, "hansura aB CJueen , lOtory. " Jerusalem! what a wish!' rcpled Jon-1 athan, "when you're hansum 'nuff neow.'yjj pot seu my mother rum, when he But I'll tell you what I wished, Sally; I knows for Mr. Pease told him so-that I, ii-i i.:irnn ,rpro ?tarvin? Oh. I wisbpd vou was locked un in mv arms, we poor children were starting, uu, i wisned you was locKed up in my arms, and the key was lost 1" " i n and ten me "Come here, sonney, wbnt the four seasons are?' said a school mistress to a dirty-faced urchin. "Pep - uur, lliusiui u, auib a.iiv. " " what mammy alera seasons with," replied bnnfnl ivww ?if iVI Ycv& Tribune Aug. 5. "Hot Com." "Hot Corn ! Here's your nice Hot r I 1 i f aB?,0M?8 UOt SS h 3l irom o s we sat over the desk, this cry came up a soft plaintiff voice under our iwndow, jrj a j which told us of one of the ways of the f, te brandypur0 port" "Heid - poor to eke out means of subsistance m seickor Laer beer" poured down tins over-burdened, ui-ied and worse-. , lodged homc,of misery of so manywith-' i out means, who are constantly crowding! into the dirtiest purlieus of tins notorious-1 lv dirtr pitv whilo thov arc Cnosed to V .7. V' wuu. ,7 Z L.poscu the daily chance ot death trom soine sua ' .den outbreaking epidemic liko that now desolating the same kind of streets in' N. 0Hea and swallowing up its anus or victims irom tne same ciassoi. poverty-stricken, uncomfortably-provid- ed-for human beings, who know not how, or have not the power to flee to the healthy ; hills and green fields of the country. Here they live barely live in holes al most as hot as thc hot corn, the cry of rung in our ears irom aura. uu,fft 1 - I T - i J 1 4711 midnight. "Hot Corn ! hot corn I here's your nice uui, toiu, iuau up iu a iuiuu, uuuu-iiac voice, which seemed to have been aroused I by the sound ot our step as we were about entering the Park, while the Uty Hall j , clock told the hour when ghosts go forth Spring st.f the glare and splendor of a in spiritual manifestations half as strong ! upon their midnight rambles. We started, thousand gas lights, and the glittering , ly as some of the nincompoops of this as though a spirit had given us a rap, for cufc g)a3S of that,for the first tirao lighted ' world would have their long-eared listen , the sound seemed to come out of one of,up barroom of the Prescott House, so ers think, yet we do believe there is a tne iron posts wnicn stanu as senuneis o-, iver the main entrance, forbiding all ve hicles to enter, unless the driver takes the trouble to pull up and tumble out of the ,way one of the aforesaid posts, which is : not often done, because one of them often, , if not always, is out of its place, giving tree ingress to the court-yard, or livery- -fVlrt vstm3r? yv P fl.rt Oif TT TT nil TT.1.1V!-. in I consideration of the growth of a few mis erable dusty brown trees and doubtful colored crass patches, we call "the Park." Looking over the post we discovered the owner of the hot corn cry, in the per son of an cmanciated little girl about twelve years old, whose dirty frock was nearly thp color of the rusty iron, and - .ti thesoit blue eyes, that told ot the hot 1 scalding tears that were cursing their way over that naturally beautiful face. "Some corn, Sir," lisped the little suf ferer, as she saw we had stopped to look at her, hardlv daring to speak to one who did not address her in rough tones of j command, such as "give me some corn. you little wolf s whelp," or a name still more approbrious both to herself and mother. Seeing we had no look of con tempt for her, she said piteously, "please, buy some corn, sir." "No, my dear, we don't wish any; it is not very healthy in such warm weather as this, and especially so late at night." "Oh, dear, then, what shall I do?" "Why, go home. It is past midnight and such little girls as you ought not to be in the streets of this bad City at this time of night." "I can't go home and I am so tired and sleepy. Oh dear." "Cannot go home. Why not?" "Oh, sir, my mother will whip me if I go home without selling all my corn. Oh, Sir, do buy one ear, and then I shall have only two ear3 left, and 1 am sure she might let Sis and me eat them, for I ave nofc haa" anything to eat since mor- ning, only one apple the man gavo me, , ' J . f , ,i -f and one part ot one he threw away. 1 CQnH baTe stole a turnip at the grocery when I went to get to get something in the pitcher for mother, but I dare not. I did use to steal, but Mr. Pease says it is naughty, indeed I don t: and I don t tQ a bad girlj like Lizzj Smhhj ai,d SUe is ouly two years older than me, if she does dress fine; cause Mr. Pease S3yS sbc will be just like old drunken Kate, one of these days. Oh, dear, now there goes a man and I did not cry hot corn, what shall I do!" "Do! There, that is what vou shall wnose iace, nanus ana icet, naturally j ceaCje to be licensed by a Christian people, no one that knew her whom we were go white and delicate, were grimmed with (t0 send delicate little girls at midnight ing to find. Yes, we knew that good dirt until nearly of the same color. There ; through the streets crying "hot corn,' to Mrssonary, and she had told us of the were two white streaks running down from Support a drunken mother, whose first good words which he had spoken, but s , i i j i ii 4 that by and by she would ai do, as we dashed the corn in the gutter.). . J 4 . .J. c n , . , j 'ir, , t fc , ii invigorated with refreshing si l' "Go home; tell your mother you sold . fa , .L. 4, , . , , . . .7 i u i - i poisoned Avith thc sleep-inhal 1 J it all, and here is the money "'Won t that be a-lie, Sir? Mr. Pease nrs vrfl iniiRt nnr. tell lies. J "No, my dear, that won't be a lie, be cause I have bought it and thrown it a way, instead of eating it." "Hut, Sir, may I eat it then if you don't want it?" "No. it is not srood for vou: erood bread is better, and here is a sixnence to buy a O CJ 0& and there is another to buy some nice cakes for you & Sis. Now that is your mo - ley; don't give it to your mother, and don't 'stay out so late again. Go home earlier &J mgher yQu cannofc geJ1 aU your corn and .ou cannot keep awake, 'and if she is a good mother she won't whip you." 440h, Sir, nhe is a good mother some- j am FU the grocery man . ' t ood nian or be " ' . , k p r ,, . - wish all tne men were gouu nn.; then my mother would not drink that nastv liauor and beat and starve us "M""" 7 , i . 'cause there would be nobody to seu iib. And then we would have plenty to 'i down tho strcet toward 1 JxvifXy nut; juu uu v iu" u" wy v '.thai recking centre of filth, proverty and "miserv. the noted Five Points of T York. As we plouded up Broadway, looking iu here and there upon the palatial splen dors of metropolitan "saloons" we think that is the word for fashionable upper ,u" cass shops We allUOSt involimtari- Itt r?nr1 'Vinf. pnrn " ns Wn anvs tiin lint ;s'.it of tUat j under thc various ' M nf . r :nnnl(1 the hot throats of men and ah yes, of nnum fno Annahi nrs mav snmn lo . n. -i i,f fi, i,i .v,. gtone Q -n hot c0 tQ Jn a r xi 1 c j 1 r l. r for the purchase of a drink of the firery (irnrron thev are now invitin"- to a home in tbeir bosoms, whose cry in after years :n t,- i.n: : : jj j .:n thou-', hi Again, as we passed up on that street m b and thronged at midnight, as a C0Ulltry villiage at midday intermission of church service. ever and anon from some side street came up the cry of "hot pnrn hot, corn !" and ever as wo. heard . it and ever as we sbau through all years i 1 ,niMO , tiHirhf nf tW irirl onr U drunken mother, and the "bad man" at 1 i C3 O the corner grocery, and tbat hcr's was the 1 best, the strongest Maine liaw argument i wnicb had ever fallen upon our listening j er ; a .;t, a n fnrnorl fl, ortmnr nf iauded by the Press for its magnificence, dashed our eyes and almost blinded our senses to a degree of imagination that first-class hotels must have Fivr Point, 'denizen-making appurtenances, as this ! glittering room'; shamelessly open, inviting j t0 the strcet. when that watch-word cry. 1 Hke the pibrock's startling peal, came up from the near vicinity, wailing like a lost desk one evening, to go down among the spirit on thc midnight air "Hot corn, abodes of the poor, with a feeling of ccr hot corn here's your nice hot corn . taiuty that we should see or hear some- smoking hot hot hot corn." "les, yes!" 1 hear you cry it is a watchword a glorious watchword, that bids us to do or die until the" smoking hot, fiery furnace-like gates of hell, like this one now vawninir before us. shall a ' 2ias3 wa3 taken in a "fashionable saloon," or firt-class liquor selling hotel. "Hot corn,' then, be the watchword or nothing to inquire. We went down Cen all who would rather sec the grain fed to tre-st., with a light heart; wo turned into the drunkard's wife and children, than into the lneistimable hot maw oi me s whiskey still. Let your resolutions grow hot and strong every time you hear this midnight city cry, that you will devote, if nothing more. "Three grains of corn, mother, Only three grains of com," toward the salvation of the thousand e- qually pitiable objects as the little girl, iyuosb wan i u ui y iiuo uwu luu iiiuuttuu cause of this present dish of "Hot corn smoking hot !" From thc N. York Tribune Aug. 13. Hot Corn. About a week ago we published a little story under this title, detailing some of the sufferings which crime and miserv brinrr unon the noor of this City, and hinted at the cause. That ly indicates, as we see the flash of the story is not yet finished. The next lamp upon his dark visage, as hc ap night after the interview with that ncg- proaches with, that peculiar American lected, ill-used little girl, the same plain- . step which impels tho body forward at r.ft nc uiTt- nnm lmro'a ' railroad sneed. Shall we cct out of his 1111 il J Ul 11UI bUlli, UWU VU u, uuil w your nice hot corn," came up through our r.r.r.11 itrinrlmtr nn fh mil niir I . nil'. W 11 ft T" '"o"- " . the rain came droDnini? down from the overcharged clouds in just sumcicnt . .1 . .1 1- i ,u . . . . . ouantitv to wet tne inin siniiie carmuuii 1 J - - - - c ti nf flip nwnnr nf thnt swppk vnifir. without fTivinrr firr nn nrfrntarilp. f7criiisr for leav- iniT hor nnst. bnfnrn linr hard task was completed. At length the voice grew a 1 . faint, and then ceased, and then we Knew . . i that exhausted nature a ent that a ten- der house plant was exposed to the chil- liu" influence of a night rain that an iunocent little girl had the curbstone for a bed and an iron post for a pillow x- - awaken, not - umber, but poisoned witu tuc sieep-inuaiea miasma i i of the filth-reeking gutter at her tcet, which may be breathed with imgunity a- wake, but like the malaria of our South ern coast, is death to the sleeper. Not soothed by a dreamy consciousness of 1. hearing a mother's voice, turning the solt lullaby of 'Hush my child, lie still and slumber;" ..... . m but startling like a sentmel-upon asavago frontier post, with alarm at having slept: ' shivering with night air and fear, and finally compelled to go home trembling like a culprit to hear the hard words of a motberyes, a mother-but Oh ! what a mother cursing her for not performing an impossibility, because exhausted na- jture slept-becauae her child had not made a profit which would have enabled her more freely to indulge in the soul and body-destroying vice of drunkenness, , ii i i i 1 1 r . . i i to which she hadfallen fr when "my carriage" was "household words" which laucn irom an usiulu as one of the used to greet dcath . J. . , , L t striken neglected street sufferer. It was past midnight when she awoke o,i fnnA l.nlf it.h - - . - -r ju -u - ty stairs which led to her home. V c shall not go up now. In a little while, t 11 i 1 t reader, you shall see where live tho roor Tired worn with the daily toil for auuu is tue wonw oi an eoiior wno caters , tor the appetites of his morning readers we were not present the next night to note the absence of that cry from its ac customed spot; but the next, and next, and still on we listened in vain. True ! the same hot cry, oame floating upon the 1 mother, because she had not sold all her evening breeze across the park, or worm- j corn." cd its way from some cracked fiddle voice "Great and unknown cause, hast thou down the street, up and around the corn- brought us to her door?" Our friend er; or out of some dark alley with a brok-! started but did not comprehend the ex en English accent, that sounded almost pression. as much like "lager bier" as it did like j "Ue careful," said he, "the stairs are the commodity the immigrant, struggling very old and slippery." to eke out his precarious existence, wish- ".Beat her!" said we, without regarding ed to sell. All over this great proverty what he was saying, burdened, and waste extravagant City, at ) "Yes, beat her, while she was in a fc this season, that cry goes up, nightly ver of delirum, from which she has never proclamatingone of the habits of this late ,' rallied. She has not spokeu rationally supper eating people. J since she was taken. Her constant pray- Yes, we missed that cry. "Hot corn" er seems to be to see some particular per was no longer like the music of a stringed sou before she dies, instrument to a weary man, for the treble " Oh, if I could see him once more string was broken, and, to us, the harmo- there that is him no, no, he did not ny spoiled. ; voice to us? It was . , . . What was that but one of the ten thousand, just as mis- j erable, which may be daily heard where ; numan misery nasits aDocie. mat voice j as some others have, did not haunt us, ' but its absence in spite of all reasoning, 1 made us feel uncasv. We do not believe spirit in man, not yet made manifest, which makes us yearn after co-existing spirits in this sphere and in this life, and that there is no need of eoing beyond it. seeking after strange idols. We shall not stop to inquire whether it was a spirit of the "first, third or sixth sohere." that nromDted us as we left our 'thing of the lost voice, for that spirit i led us on; perhaps it was the spirit ot curiosity: no matter, it led, and we fol- lowed in the route we had seen that little one go before--it was our only cue we know no name had no number, nor knew would he know her from the hundreds just like her? Perhaps. It will cost Cross-st., with a step buoyed by hope; we tood at the corner of Little Water-st., and looked round inquiringly of the spirit, and mentally said, "which way now?" The answer was a far-off scream of de- spair. We stood still with an open ear, for thc sound of prayer, followed by a sweet hymn of praise to God, went up from the site of the old Brewery, in which we joined, thankful that that was no Ion- ger the abode of all the worst crimes ever eoiiceniratuu uuuui uuu iuui. xjlui.h, a steD anoroaches. Our unseen guide whispered "ask him." it-were r i. Li w question to ask a stranger, in a strange ! place, particularly one like him, haggard ! with over much care, toil or mental labor. Prematurely old, his days shortened by over work in young years, as his furrow cd face and almost phrensied eye hurried ' I o ! way before he walks over us? What if ' UU IS il UrilZV UlllUl XI Ui tile auillb MHO ... ,. . S, , fi right no false raps here. Xb 13 LUaii I I TT- MM. 1 ; goou luissiouu. .uaa lrnn mnrn f r rnrnrni rhfir. rlxn rT IHI11( mun. ... - . the I'M I the Ml huntinj misfort C i A ,1 ..t Kir Htii i r r I It All uiiiuume uiivuu w , j , are trcateu, insieau oi ueiug ruiormuu, or . i .1 1 i i . strengtueneu m ineir rcsoiuuou io reioru, ' by hard words rather than Prison Bars, , "Sir," said Mr. Pease, "what brings you here at this time of night, for I know .1 " 1 ' i i i i VIJ tnere is an oDjeci; can x ueip you: "Perhaps, I dou t know a foolish n.l.i.n n litfl.inl.ilti nnA ni thn niKArn. "" , djc, wim a uruubuu iuumi. uome witu me, tncu. There are ma- ny such. I am just going to visit one who will die before morning a sweet lit- .11 1 1 .1 .1 " tie gin, oorn in Deuer aaya, anu uying . now um yuu auau u tu talk about the ono vou would seek to save." We were threading a narrow alley, where pestilence walketh in darkness, and crime, wretched poverty and filthy misery go hand in hand to destruction. "Behold," said our friend, "the fruits of our City excise. Here the profit of mon ey spent for license to kill the body and damn the soul." Provcu by the awful curses and loud blows of a drunken hus band upon a wife, once an ornament of society, and exemplary member of a Christian Church, that came up out of the low cellars, which human beings call by the holy name of home. The fetid odor of this filthy lane had been more fetid by the late and' almost scalding hot rains, until it seemed to us that such an air was ouly fit for a charnal house. With the thermometer at 8G, at midnight, how could men live in such a place, below the surface of tho earth Has rum rendered them proof against tho effect of carbonic acid gas? Wo gr.onped our wy Rion to tu5 tooi . i ,.i r Pmnts nf Tw York, than a l l"J " J . which the water to be filtered is to b ' A Vlitww ' " " - , 1 I 4- I.. 1. I , 1 msi i micipal Authorities ot this Police o , T , , . tU , . , poured, and wincn will De iounu to now . . . . - : . . . 11:1s (runt! tini.. i Liiiiitv i uini lu uii. t t t r 1 . n r, and Prison punishing City,where ! J l"aim .A. 7 . out rapidly through tho sponge in an ex- " i 1 ii , the bread I thought you would not come. : j-ri,lM "l)P flmnM m. une is deemed a crime, or thc un- 'n a. 0 1 , c. ceedingly pure state. lue nannei rc- ' rnr in Si sjspo rrnnrl hvi Sisro fnn ' S . . r. of an outside staircase, where ourconduc-1 lor pauscu tor a moment caning our at-1 tention to the spot. "Here," said Mr. I Pease, "the little sufferer we are going to see, fainted a few nights ago, and lay all night exposed to the rain, where she was fouud and beaten in the inornin.' bv her speak that way to me he did not curse and beat me.' Such is her conveisr.tion. and that induced her mother t o send for JWU! he me, but I was not the mvi. come: sue says, every time I vi.-t her: for, thinking to soothe and comfort her. 1 promised to bring him. We had reached the top of thc stairs and stood a moment at the open door, where sin and misery dwelt, where sick ness had come, and where death would soon enter. "Will he come?" A faint voice came up from a low bed in the corner, seen by the very dim light of a miserable lamp. That voice. We could not be mista ken. We could not enter. Let us wait a moment in the open air, for there is a choking sensation coming over us. "Come in," said our friend. "Will he come?" Two hands were stretched out implor ingly toward the Missionary, as the sound of his voice was recognized "She is much weaker to night," said her mother, in a quite lady like manner for the sense of her drunken wrong to her dying child had kept her sober ever since she had been sick, "but she is quite de- lerious, and all the time talking about some man that spoke kindly to her one night, and gave her money to buy some , bread." j' "Will he come?" I "Yes, yes, through the guidance of the ; good spirit that guides the world, and ! ieads Us bv unseen paths through dark . jc(JS hc lias come'"' The Httlo emanciated form started up in bed, and a pair of beautiful soft blue . eyes gianced around thc room, peering through the semi-darkness, as if in search of something heard but unseen, "Katy, darling," said the mother, "what ' ttlf4 niqrrnr?' j ""yherc is ho mother? ' jieard bim cak " He is here, I jV- - , i...i . i 1 1 y - Ir i nl i f n V tmi V rt el 1 r There , lay uun u. you art: very sick. J.,- i .r.. i-i j yjiiiy ouuu, jusi cnee, let me put uiy , arms around j-our neek, and kiss you just ' as I used to kiss papa. I had a papa once, when we lived in the big house j there, there. Oh, I did want to see you j i to thank you for the bread and the cakes: was ungry, and it did taste so rrnrwl firm lit Hp mq fthp irn Irpfl nn firm she eatand eat, and after a while she went 10 sieep uuup, . uuruauu, auiix WBut to sleep; havn 1 1 been aleep a good while , . I 1 T x Q . tne rarK, anu someoouy stoie an my , .1 .i; 1 . corn, auu mv uiuiiiui uiuucu me iui u, 1 . f 11 i 1 1 -l U J t f. 1 but I could not help it. Oh, dear, I feel : sleepy now. I can't talk any more. ' . . r will comemother -don't drink- . ,ATu A h. i luuik .'iuuui;i iuuu u - "'Tis the last of earth," said the good an at our side "let us pray." m Header, nnstian reauer, nine ivaty i3 in her grave. Prayers for her are un- aviling. There are in this City a thou - sand iustsuch cases. Prayers for them are unavailing. Faith without works won't work reform. A faithful, prayerful Or pflsoliikion. to work out that reform :wh eh will save you from reading the recital of ennh friiHa nf Mia rum trA as this before you, will work together for your own and others' good. Go forth and listen. If vou hear a little voice crying hot corn, think of poor Katy, and j.i..,, ( : .i i... Tl. ui luu uusia ui luuuuuuba aiuin uy iuu ru- morseless tyrant, nan. Go forth and seek a better spirit to rule over us. Cry aloud "will he come?" and the auswer will be, yes, yes, he is here !" The amount of coinage at the United States Mint, for thu months of August was $2,514,731, and Sfj05,193 m bars.- mi "i k. 1 niwi xuc siiver coinage was sauu.uuu u,a, , ly in quarter dollar pieces. Durnni tne same montii tuore we con uu m V'Jrn niir & n vt " TqiS was 84,409,000 from California, and 543,- 000 from other sources, bilver bullion .. .. - nn - deposited, 860,000. n.ri I iviiiiiiir. vi'.t- .....f'T....ii.a . . . . i: 1 1 i . 1 . 1 1 . 1 - i"""1" "J" 1 O J "1 w J f l.n irsnsjor 1 itmiiriM(4 IHl.ltinir 1T1 UUJf Guaxo. Francisco Rivero, a commis sioner appointed in 1850 by the Peruvian I government to examine the Guana Islands j belonging to that Ilepnblio, estimates tho ! : :::' u:i ; :r i nuaniiiy oi guano on iureu taiuuua v .1 r y&u.unu tonav Qualifications foi tilC Legislature A 'Texan,' in announcing himself as a candidate for the Legislature, makes tho following statement of his principles : lleform is necessary. I am the man to effect in fact, the only man that can and will do it. I am a Jcfferaonian, Jackson Demo crat. In truth, I was so born. I am progressive. I may say, a FAST oue. I I go for the greatest good to the grcat ' est number. I am in favor of giving homes to the homeless, and houses to the hou-eless. I advocate the education of the mas.-jC3 by a tax upon wealth. I believe that earth, air and water, is a gift of the good God to all. That all are entitled to as much as is necessary for their use. More than this is a monopoly, and I am opposed to all monopolies. I I am in favor of banks, if a plan can bo invented to establish one to loan mo ney to the poor, industrious, honest I am a 'Young American.' I adopt their boundary East by th' rising, and West by th: .letting sun; North by tho Arctic expedition, and South as far as t ftti ... . .1 please, ilus a great country, aim les tl.m this would not suit our pur poses. I abhor old fogies, whether as politicians, v. arriors, husbands, or lovers. I wish this di-inctly understood. I disavow the cr of 'All things unto all men,' but adopt ir Jccidediy as regards the ladies. I am for women's rLhts on the largest scale. If we do not yi 'Id them eqaiity, I fear they will refuse to multiply and re plenish the earth, as they have threatened to do. And every unprejudiced mind must admit that they oecotne our wives not to please them.-eiVes, but us. I am too modest to enumerate all my good qualities and qualifications for office. I leave all self-praise to my competitors. I think, however, without vanity, I may say that, if elected, I will be more disting uished than any representative you have had. You will be proud of me. My name will be familiar to all, and daily seen in the public prints. I am an old Texan, one of the founders of Galveston. I have shed much blood for the good of the people. I have done the State some service. I ask, in return, your votes. I will goo moat of you before the election, and will address you before thc public. I am opposed to the practice of treat ing, but, when invited, will be happy to take a glass with any one. In this par ticular, I make uo distinction of politics. P. S. I forgot to say that I am in fa vor of the next war. Cheap Mode of Filtering Water. As efficient a filter as possibly can be constructed, may be made in a few min utes by any person, and at the cost of a very few pence. Procure a clean flower pot of the common kind, close the opening in the bottom by a piece of sponge, then place in the inside a layer of stones, pre viously well cleansed by washing; this layer may be very small; next procure some freshly burnt charcoal, which has not been kept in a damp or foul place, as it ntpidly absorbs any strong smucIIs, and e KnnAittAw f i 1 1 frwl i n rfl tinfif. fnr enroll , M,,M fl . nftmllir nnfi , F F. ' : , . n , ... thU hiro fi n oumu 44ii. a 8horfc dijStance of the top . r .fc wUh a of & nr , - . nf.rhflns i-.te nhce a D:cce e . , , n nvar W Ur.,rt . . j r- , f luiu, nu.v, uumivi v..j3- " nnnnli tn lir rnnnrl t( rim rT tlii nnt. nilt. , -.1 1 r i.ii :...:.i : ... I1U11UW 1U11UU, 1UIU the water, but the filter absorbs much of the dccavinn animal and vegetable bodies , actually dissolved iu it; when it becomes charged with them, it loses this power, beucc the necessity for a supply ot fresh cbarcoal at intervals. , j , n , n , n All immCBSC Peach OrcUacd. ' -v gentleman, named Davis, residing 1 1 i . i 1 Mb A ..It m Clermont county, unio, uas a puacu orchard of 100 acres, containing 17.000 trCCS. Mr. Dx'U. it appear, lCit 1 Ulla dclphia a few years ago, and purchased ui present farm-then considered the Vt one iu the neighborhood-ami set it out with peach trees, of twenty diner- ont varieties, from New Jersey. As the ,' ... , , " t c farmers iu that vicinity had tried for sev eral years previous to raise peaches for markrt, and had uniformly failed, they considered tho experiment of Mr. Davis a foolish one, and even went so far as to appoint a committee to wait on him aud advise him to abandon it, as it would cer taiuly ruin bim. He perserved, however, notwithstanding 5,000 of tho trees died . o ' . . .... . - f . . - . ntet, Th;3 WM E;x T ?;.i,i . In lefoO he gathered his first l yciau"u. -r f-m which Lo rcaHzed suffi?ioufc to W for ll5s and trees, and to leave 85()0 on hand. This season about K nMM , orA hr;nr. and ul- U.VUU Ul l liLi U1.W " . " j 1 11. t ready 7,500 kaskets have beeu sold, at ovcr$l pi?r basket. His net pvofits thia season are climated at 25,000. t A good old minister prayed for those of his congregation who. were too ' J i . 1 . proud to kneel and too l:isj t tiiiiU., smi! aim iu lui in a e