(trPoisoNiKG.oea) Thousands of Parents who use Vermifuge composed of Castor Oil, Culomel &c., ore not aware, that while they appear lo benefit me patient, tney are actually laying the loun pations for a series of diseases, such as saliva tion, loss of sight, weakness, of limbs, &c. In another column will be found the adver tisement of Iiobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all dircctlv interested " in their own as well as their Children health. In Liver Complaints and all disordes arising from those ofa bilious type, should make Uecof the only genuine medicine, Hobensack's Liver Pills. CT-"Bc not deceived" but ask for Iloben sacks1 Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and ob serve that each has the signature of the Pro prietor, J. N IIOBENSACK, as none else tire genuine. REGISTER'S NOTICE. "j$TOTI0E is hereby given to all legatees J- and other persons interested in the estates of the respective decedents and mi iiors, that the administration accounts of the following estates have been filed in the office of the Kegister of Monroe coun ty, and will be presented for confirmation and allowance to the Orphans' Court to be held at Stroudsbursr. in and for the a- ibrcsaid county, on Tuesday, the 2Cth day of September, next at 10 o'clock, A. M. The final account of Joseph Frable, administrator of the Estate of John Both, late of Eldred township, deceased. The final account of Dawalt Fisher ad ministrator of the estate of Michael Hawk, late of Chesnuthill township, de ceased. The first account of Charles S. Frantz, ndmiuistratoi- of the estate of Christian Singer, Jr. late of Jackson township, de ceased. The account of Charles Drake, Execu tor of the last will and tettamcnt of Joseph Drake, late of Stroud township, deceased. The final account of Elias Donscr, Ad ministrator of the estate of William Bon scr, late of Chesnuthill tow'iitship, de ceased. SAMUEL BEES, jr.. Begister. Register's office Stroudsbure, ) Aug. 25, 1S53. ( ftlccftanicss Inventors and Mauu ufacturerst 450. Eh :f;i:riid E'rizc. 450. Volume IX of the Scientific American commences on the 17lh of Sontember. It is 4 chiefly devoted to the advancement of the in terests of Mcch an ics, Inventors, Manufacture vrs, and lanners, by the dihusion of useiul knowledge upon these important branches. It is edited by men practically skilled in the arts and science?, and is widelv regarded as a sound and able journal. Nearly all the Valuable Patents which issue weekly from the Patent Office are Ielestkated with Eng ravings, and the Claims of all the Pat ents are published in its columns; thus mak ing the paper a perfect Scientific and Me chanical Lncyclofedia for future as well as present reference. The Scientific Ameri can is very extensively circulated its circu lation in the last Volume exceeding 1S,000 copies per week. It is in form for binding; each volume contains Several Hundred Engravings and over Four Hundred Pages of Heading flatter, with an Index. The practical receipts alone are worth to any family much more than the subscription price. The Publishers offer the following valua ble prizes for the largest list of subscribers sent m by the 1st of January next: SlOU will be given for the largest list; 75 for the fecond; 50 for the third: $45 for the fourth; $40 for the 5lh; 85 for the 6th; 30 for the 7th; 25 for the 8th; 20 for the Olh; 15 for the 10th;S10 for the llth; and 5 lor the 12th. The cash will be paid to the order of the successful competitor, immediately after January 1st. 1S54. Terms: One copy one year, 2; one copy six mouths, 1; five copies six mouths, 4: tcn-copies six months, B; ten copies 12 months, 15; fifteen copies twelve months, 22; twenty copies twelve months, 23 in udvnncc. Southern and Western money taken for su bscriptions. Letters should be directed, post-paid, to Muxx & Co., 125 Fullori-slrcet, N. Y. Aug. 25, 1S53. Valuable Saw Mill and Machinery AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscribers will sell at private sale their property, situate in Coolbaugh township, .Monroe county, Pa., one mile from Spruce Grove, containing 425 acres, with the allow ance of G per cent.; about eight acres are cleared and the balance is heavily tiin-sj bered with hemlock,, spruce, cheenut,p beach, birch and maple. There is a -3 lot of young and thrifty ehesnut suitable for Railroad ties; a large portion of the land would be good farmiilg. The improvements consists of two two stables, a new Bedstead facto- rv 16 by 21 feet; Saw mill 20 by r50 feet, three stories high, the low er stories contain the machinery for manu facturing bedsteads, and consists of two turn ing lathes, two circular saws, plancing ma chine, morticeing machine and boring ma chine, a vanecr saw 5 feet in diameter, &c. The machinery is new and in complete run ning order; the whole is propelled by a twen ty foot oxershot wheel, and the siream no which this Mill is situated is a never failing one. The ivhcel can be raised lo thirty feet if desired. There arc also four other water powers on the property, with from twenty to thirty feel fall. The miil is about two miles from" the Delaware, Lacka wanna, and Wes tern Railroad, now buildiug. There is about 1000 acres of timbcrland adjoining the above property, which can be bought if desired. The property is a valuable one and worthy the attention of any one wishing to engage in the lumbering business; and will certainly be sold, high or low, by the first of Novem ber, as the subscribers intend going west. A further description is deemed unnessary, as those wishing to purchase will view it for themsevles. YOUTHERS & IIOUCK. Goolbaugh, August 11, 1853. St. Kofice to Contractors and Others. The subscribers have at their Mill the fol lowing described lots of Lumber, which they will sell cheap for cash, viz: 00,000 frei of white pine, abouX 30,000 ft. siding, and about 40,000 ft. of inch boards; 25,000 ft. hemlock inch boards; a lot of dry spruce inch boards; 200' set Bedpost, ready turned; Birch plank, and a lot of Newil! posts for stair-ways, &c. YOUTHERS & HOUCK. CoolbaugU August 11, 193. 5t. mum W W W W I !iULvrl EVERY MAN KIS OWN MILLER Clark's Patent combined grinding and bolt ing mill, is an invention which cannot fail coming into general use, turning out as it does irom the wheat extra Hour, superfine, miuunngs, snip stutt and bran, at a single op oration, and in the most complete manner. inis tiuly scientific null fills asnaceofbut three feet in diameter, and five feet high, is worked by a single shaft, capable of grinding aim Doiung irom three to ten bushels of wheat an hour, and can be propelled by any power irom lour liorse, to any which may be desired. me enure cost ol a mill calculated to-make one barrel of flour to the hour, does not ex ceed 400. Those dcsirinir to purchase a mill, or the patent for counties or townships m Pennsylvania, are requested to address Wm. Heilman, or call at No. 41 Brown street, Philadelphia. September 1, 1S53. 3t. MARBLE YAEDl The undersigned respectfully begs leave to inform the citizens of Monroe county, that he lias opened a new Marble Yard in the Bor ough of Stroudsbury. on Eliznboih stront. nearly opposite the Union Hotel, where he will keep on hand American and Foreign Marble, nu holds himself in readiness lo fur nish Chimney Pieces, Cabinet Marble, Mon uments, Tombs, and Head Stones, &.c. de signed and executed with neatness and des patch. M. M. BUBATETT, Apt. for Peter Smith. September 1, 1S03. G.n. IS the only medicine capable of curin the HEAD ACHE, in half an hour. Form erly, several days were required to relieve this distressing pain; whilst now the use ol the Elixir will, in a few moments remove ii entirely. Although but lately introduced to public notice, this wonderful preparation count thousands of advocates. It is very beneficial in Colds and Coughs, checking the most obstinate fit of coughing in a minute or two. This remedy is an invalua ble Family Medicine, in all sudden attacks of sickness. A single trial will be satisfac tory evidence of its efiicacy. Price 25 cents per bolile. Prepared only by THOMAS S. PRIC1IARD, Office No. 118 Catharine street, above 3d, Philadelphia. certificate : Allcntown, Julv 0. 1850. Dr. T. S. Prichard Dear Sir: 1 have used the bottle of your "Elixir for Head ache,"' which you left with me a few weeks since, with, I think, decided advantage. 1 have for many years been subject to attacks of this distressing complaint, and certainly found relief in your preparation. ' Yours respectfully, M. HAN NUM. For sale by Dr. Samuel Stokes. Strouds In rrr Pa., wholesale agent. Samuel B. Keefer, SnyJersville. W . S. Deitrich, fcaylorsburg. John Mcrwme, Merwinsburg. David Chnstman, Christmansvillc. II. D. & J. K. Shafer, Pleasant Valley July 14, lS33-G;nos. Si ,000 P.EWAEB. The above reward will he paid for the ap prehension of any person who will say that Isaac II. Lodcr does not sell the cheapest and best Cabinet Furniture, at the Peoples' gSagft, Cabinet-Ware Rooms, (oppo g?Jj:r4 site Robert Boy's store, in the side of New York. The undersigned, having purchased the lame and extensive Cabinet Ware Rooms lately occupied by Frederick Philips, would respectfully inform the citizens of Strouds burg and vicinity that he intends carrying on the Cabinet making business in all its various branches; and is now prepared to receive or ders and attend to all calls for every thing in his line of business. The undersigned will keep on hand and furnish to order Good and Handsome Furniture, as cheap as can be Eold anywhere. The following articles can be examined in his Ware Rooms: Sofas, of various styles and patterns; Sideboards, Secretaries, Wardrobes, Bu reaux, of various paterns. Cupboards, of different kinds; Card, Center, Side, Breakfast, and Dining Tables; Wash Stands, Twist, Small and Large Etagere, What-Xotes, Music Stands, Sofa Tables, Tea Tables, Oval and Serpentine Tables, Chinese What-nots, Fancy Work tables, Refreshment tables, Divans, and a general assortment of Cottage Furniture on hand and made to order. ("Varnifchingand repairing done on short notice and on reasonable terms. A handsome assortment of Gilt, Mahogany and Walnut Looking Class and Picture frames, of every description, will be constant ly kept on hand and made to order. Ready-made coffins kept on hand v-and made to order and in the best style, at short notice. A hearse will also be furnished when desired. Lumber and country produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Cabinet Ware, Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Re member the place is opposite R. Boy's store. ISAAC II. LODER. Stroudsburg, March 24, 1S5& LUMBER TRACT AND SAW Ml AT PUBLIC SALE. The subscribers will sell at public sale in Stoddardsville, Luzerne County, on Wednesday, Sepl. 21, 1353, next, containing nearly Five Hundreds Acres of land. The tract is known as 'Reading's," icing the same on which George Linton has operated for years, and adjoins lands of Hen ry W, Drinker David Thomas, Mixsell & Brown, and others, on which there is erected a good 5AW iTZtS.Dv, JWs ...i t..:i.:, l JlAS anu uui j-uiiui:jj;, sum utuiv -'a thing convenient for the manufacture of Lum ber. This tract is favorably located, being near the Drinker Turnpike, which secures a retail trade for all the Lumber which can be made, at much better profits than can be re alized by selling by the wholesale, and with much less expense and risk, llns would be 'i a iavoraoje location lor a i,eainer luan- iL ufaciorv, having a good Water Power, md situated in a heavy Memlock country. The Lackawanna and Delaware Water Gap Railroad, which is now under contract, pas ses within four or fiifc miles of it, whicli, when finished, will make a chenp and quick I I. I.. .. V.,.r conveyance lo marKei, uumg umy a ic hours' ride from i'ew Xork. Any persons wishing to examine the property can do so by calling on Joseph McNeel, residing there on. The sale will commence at 12 o'clock, M.,- when conditions will be made known, and at- tendance given by PHILIP G. ItEApJffG. & CO Stoddardsrille, Aug. 26,. 1558. . L . ADLER'S HALL OF FASHION I WE L I Z A B E T II STREET, Pive doors above the lJcffersoniatV office This is the cheapest place to buy Ready- made (Slloti)ing, Soots & Sjocb in the Borough of Stroudsburg. CILOTBIBSG! CEiOTfiJEBTG ! Less than City prices! Quick sales and small profits ! We have on hand the largest assortment of Ready-made Clothing, Bouts & Shoes suitable lor all seasons of the year that can be found in this place, which we arc able to sell at less than City prices, and at least 25 per cent, lower than the same kind of goods can be had at any other establishment in town We buy our materials in large quantities di rect from the manufactures, by which we save '30 per cent, in our purchases. The Clothing we offer are all of our own manufacture, and not bought ready-made. We also keep on hand a splendid assort ment of Gcnllmcns Stocks and Handkerchiefs, of the latest style, and a variety of Trunks, Valises, Carpel-bags, DRY GOODS AND YANKEE NOTIONS. 07" Produce ofall kinds taken in exchange for anything in our line of business. Cash or trade will be paid for 2,000 shcep- kins. July 21, 1S33. 3 mos. TO CARPENTERS ! Two or three good journeymen carpenters wanted immediately by the undersigned, to whom constant employment and good wages will be given. QzjALSO, a boy between 17 and IS venrs, wanted to learn the Carpenter and Joiner bu siness. Apply at tins omce or to AUGUSTUS CARMER. Stroudsburg, August 4, 1853. lYssrsr STABLE. The proprietors of this cstahlish f$fy mentare prepared to furnish the pub il2lic with all the conveniences that can be required in this business. Having lately added new stock, it will be found that our new Omnibus is just the thing for parties on pleasure trips, marriage excursions, &c. Yvc assure the public that our stock is all "ood and reliable, and are at all times pre pared to furnish every variety of vehicles. Prices reasonable. Stable on William street, adjoining Kituz's Blacksmith shop I TTT Z & HUNTSMAN. Stroudsburg, August 4, 1S33. lv The next quarter will commence -Monday August 8th. All the branches of a complete English and Classical course are thoroughly taught Terms for boys or girls three dol lars, pavablc immediately at the end of the quarter." LEWIS VAIL. IIkfhrexces: All those who have had pu pils under my charge. June 30th," 1853. F7!FUs I Fits ! THE VEGETABLE EXTRACT EPILEPTIC PILLS, For the cure oj Fits, Spasins, Cramps, and all A'crvons and Constitutional Diseases. Persons who are laboring under this dis tressing malady will find the 1 egctablc Epi leptic Pills to be the only remedy ever dis coered for curing Epilepsy, or Falling Fits. These Pills possess a specific action on the nervous system; and, although they are prepared especially for the purpose of curing Fits, they will be found of especial benefit for all persons afflicted with weak nerves, or whose nervous system has been prostrated or shattered from any cause whatever. In chron ic complaints, or diseases of long standing, superinduced by nervousness, they are ex ceedingly beneficial. Price 3 per box, or two boxes for So. Persons out of the city, enclosing a remit tance, will have the Pills sent them through the mail, free of postage. For sale by Sirrii S. Haxce, No. 103 Baltimore street, Balti more, Md., to whom orders from all parts of the Union, must be addressed, post paid. June 2, 1353. ly. R7 jrjLAWia, DEWTIST, Has permanently located him- t f t . T I J 1 a sen in rstrouusourg, anu movuu -- his office next door lo Dr. S. Walton, and nearly opposite S. Melick's Jew elry store, where he is fully prepared to treat the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt ible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in the latest and most improved manner. Most per sons know the danger and folly of trusting their work to the ignorant as well as the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he is liable to have some failures out of a number of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distance, it is fre quently put off until it is loo late to save the tooth or teeth as it may he, otherwise the in convenience and trouble of going so far. Hence the necessity of obtaining the services of a dentist near home. All work warranted. April 23, 1853, TO THE PUBptfG. The subscriber would hereby inform the public generally, that he has taken the store room formerly rccupied by George II. Miller, opposite Jacob Knecht's tavern, and that he . . has lately purchased a new lot fiSf&sH w" wuicn he will sell X!rlttitfv&&lov for Cash or Country pro duce. JOHN A. FLAGLER. Stroudsburg, June 2, 1853. tf. T; MtH Wrights ! Eight Mill Wrights wanted by the under' signed, to commence work about the first of July. FERDINAND DUTOT. Stroudsburg, June 10, 1353. ffifptf Came to the premises of the subscri btryLber in Coolbaugh township, Monroe county, Pa. four young cattle, viz: two steers, one a dark red with while face, the other a bay : and two heifers, one a brindie and the other a red, supposed to be between two and three years old. The steers are about three years old. The owner or owners thereof are hereby requested to come forward, prove pro perty, pay charges and take them, or they will be disposed of according to law. DAVID COBB. July 1, 1853. 3t. Aug. 11. 53 O AP Fine scented Soaps for wash- ing and shaving a'so the ce'obrated shaving cream, for sa'e by SAMUEL MELTCK. A general supply of Lead and IVon Pipe of all sizesi on hand- at till limes, anil lor sale iy DICKSON i5 SAMPJjfii Z Kastun, )v? 17, 165.1 -ly. Books & Stationery AT WHOLESALE. 88 John st. New York. Publishers, Booksellers, Stationers, and Manufacturers of every description of 2SASSr3K 20-2ES9 having enlarged their manufacturing depart ment. and added a new Sales Room to their establishment, are now prepared to supply Booksellers and Country Merchants with ev ery variety of Books, Blank Books Stationery, on the most favorable terms. Their stock ol BLANK BOOKS, all of their own man ufacture, consists ofall the various sizes and styles of Account Boohs, Memorandums, Pass Booki, Writing, Ciphering, Exercise. Time, Roll ami Drawing Books, Bookkeep ing Blanks, &c. laries fior IS5-S, raeat variety. ' BOOKS in every department of literature, suitable for Schools, Academies, Colleges, School, Sunday School, Public and Pri vate Libraries, Standard Works in Prose and Voctry, Annuals and other books in fine bindings for the Holidays. JUVENILE BOOKS, of every descrip tion. Bibles, Prayer & Hymn Books in all their varieties. STATIONERY. plain and fancy, Eng lish, French cj- American. Slates by the case at Manufacturer's low est prices. All of which they will sell, at prices av eraging probably lower than any other Es tablishment in the city. Orders by Mail filled carefully and prompt ly, and at as low prices as if the purchasers were present. 83 John, cor. of Gold Street, Nav York. July 7, 1833. LATEST NEWS. New Boot and Shoe EstabHssimezilt The subscribers would solicit the attention of the public to their new Boot and Shoe Es tablishment, just opened in Stroudsburg, first door below Barry's Hotel, where work ofall iinds can be had either ready-made or mauc to order at the shortest notice and on I he most reasonable terms. Ladies' Shoes of the neatest styles constantly on hand. Long experience in the business in all its departments, enables the subscribers to re commend their work lo the public, feeling well assured that their highest expectations will be fully realized after giving it a fair trial. WJTSJSL & 11 IN TON. Stroudsburg, June 123, 1653.-lf. Site "iff ui The undersigned having lo cated himself in the borough SSSSlfi Hc and Harness stand of Jas. iSwli ot oirouusuurg, ai me oiu oau' N. Durling, on Walnut street, opposite the Washington Ilo tel, would inform the public that he will keep constantly on hand a choice assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Carriage Harness, Sulky and Chg Iiarncss, 1 earn Harness, leather, 'cotton, and worsted Flynels, Trunks, Valises, Carpet bags, Curry-combs, Horse cards and brushes, and all other articles in his line of business, which he will dispose of upon very reasona ble terms. Work made lo order at the shortest notice. His materials will be of the best quality, and as he employs none but good workmen, he hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage. His motto is "quick sales and small proms. Call and see for yourselves. Country produce taken in exchange for work. W. C. LARZELIER. Stroudsburg, March 17, 1853. N. B. Carriage trimmings for sale, and Carriages trimmed to order. New Whole Sale and Retail c& LIC!UO STRESS, it o SlroEzdsbsars:, Pa. p The undersigned would inform Land IVjfejMiords and the public generally, that tlicy have justopened Ihc above business in Stroudsburg, in the store house formerly oc cupied bv John II. Mclick as a Jewelry Store, and have on hand a large stock of ofall kinds and of the best quality, direct from the Custom House, which they are prepared to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea sonable terms. Our stock consists of French Brandy, dark and pale. A'so, Peach, Black berry, Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy ; -llol-land Gin, N. E. Rum; Irish, Rye and Apple Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala ga, Currant and Champagne Wine, &c. &c. Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of all kinds. Demijohns, from I to 5 gallons; bottles, and generally any thing" that can be asked for in our line. Landlords will find it greatly to their ad vantage to deal with us. We have no hired agents to sell and distribute liquors for us at great expense, which must he paid for by the consumer. Those dealing with us we intend shall be satisfied with the article they get, as well as the price, and whenever they are not, we will be pleased to have them return the tquor, and make the fact known, for we in end to make it a permanent hnsincss, and can only do so by dealing honorably. All orders sent us, by stage drivers or others, will be promptly attended to, the same as though the person was present dealing for himself. July 8, 183-2. P. S. POSTENS & Co. The Co-Partnership heretofore existing un der the firm of Pawicr & Piunqs, in the manufacture of Candles, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The Books and Accounts arc in the hands of John Palmer, to whom all indebted are requstcd to make payment. PALMER & PEARCE. Stroudsburg, June 10, 1853. N. B. John Palmer Son having purchast ed Peareo's interest in the Stock, ihe bus ness will, as heretofore, be carried on at the old stand, by John Pu!m'er-& Son, who ask a continuation of public patronage. A great variety of Toys on hand and for sale cheap at the variety store of SAMUEL ME LICK. Stroudsburg, G, May 1852. BLANK MORTGAGES For snTo nfc this Office: ' BLANK DEED'S' For s.'ilo at this Oflioo. J? III 1 6, 1.00 REWAIiDi Rmawny from the undersigned on the 22t of Julv, 1853, William Johnso.v, an apprcn tice to the Rricklavin-r and Plastering busi ness. Had on when he left a pair ot over- hauls or checkered pants, anil, braid hat, ligni hair, middling lbnir. and is between 18 and 19 vears old, and five feet and six inches in heiirht. All persons are hereby cautioned not to trust or harbor him under penalty of the law. The above reward, but no charges, will be paid if said boy is brought back. SAMUEL DEAIIL. Stroudsburg. August 11, 1853. tor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Monroe county, to audit, and if necessary, re settle the administration account of Rudolph Weiss, administrator of Henry Weiss, late oi Chesnuthill township, deceased, and also to report what amount be deducted from the Real Estate to pay the debts of the said de cedent, will attcrcd to the duties of his ap pointment on the thirteenth day of Septem ber next, at 10 o'clock A. M. at his office, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, in said county, when and where all persons interested can attend if they sne proper. SAMUEL S. DREIIER, Auditor. August 11, 1853. 4 1. w,nm Svuk Just burnt and for sale by the subscriber These brick are of a large size and of a su peiior quality, and will be sold as low or lower according to quality than any other Brick in the county. A portion of them are pressed or front brick. Said brick are made of the best material and will stand the lire with impunity, thus answering for the pur pose of building Bake ovens, &c. All ol which will be sold as low as any in the neighborhood. All kinds of Produre taken in exchange for Hi irk. SIMON G RUBER Stroudsburg, August 18, 1833 ly DOCTOR TOUESELi?! TOE POCKET iESCULAPKS : OK, EVERY ONE HIS (NYM PHYSICIAN. The fortieth edition, villus, showing Diseases W & Malformations of the Vj Human Svstem in every 3ff l-A IS shaee and form. To lics on tlie Ureases of kr Females, being of the vVi?Jj TW highest importance to Vs. .. J7y married people, or those US c o r. t en i p I a i I n g m a n i a g e . E3y Wmir.m Ycnng, S3. E. Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of the Aesculapius to his child. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations fl married life without reading the Pocket Aes culapius. Let no one suffering from a hack nied cough, pain in the side, resleSs nighs, riervous feelings, and the whole train of Dys peptic sensations, and given up by their phy siri.in, be another monument without con sulting the Aesculapius. Have the married, or those about to be married, any impediment read this truly useful book, as it has been the rimeas of saving thousands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. Any person sendinj; Twenty five cents en closed in a letter, will receive one copy ol this work bv mail, or five copies will be sent for One Dollar. Address, (post paid,) DR. WM. YOUNG, No. 132 Spruce si. Philadelphia. February 17, 1853 ly. OFFICE TO PROCURE QoMiers5 IL-jmd Warrassts. By a recent Act of Congress it is enacted, That each of the surviving, or the widow or minor children of deceased commissioned and noncommissioned officers, muinans, or pri vates, whether of regulars, volunteers, rang ers or militia, who performed military ser vices in any regiment, company or detach ment in the service of the United States, in the war with Great Briiian, declared by the United Slates on the eighteenth day of June 1812. or inanvoflhe Indian wars since 17lJ0 and each of the commissioned officers who was engaged in the military service of the United States in the late war with Mexico. and shall be entitled to lands as follows : Those who engaged to serve twelve month or during the war, and actnalh served nine months, shall receive one hun dred and sixtv acies: and those who engaged lo serve six months and actually served lour months, shall receive eighty acres; and those who engaged to serve for any or an indefinite period, and actually served one month, shall receive forty acres, i'rovuieu, that wherever any officer or soldier was honorably discharged in consequence of dis ability in the service, he shall receive tne a- mount to which he would have heen entitled if he had served ihe full period for which he puiengagcd to serve. Under the above act, and tlie acts of Con gress generally, the subscriber offers his ser vices as agent to procure Land Warrants for those entitled to receive them, as auove spe cified. He may be found ai his office in Stroudsburg. S. C. BURNETT. October 27, 1850. jhibian (Queen fjoiei, Elizabeth St.. SntounsBUUG, Pa. The undersigned respectfully in forms his friends and ihe public gener iUv. that he has taken the above Hotel, known to "the travelling community as'Shive lys Old Stand," and recently kept by Geo, Swartwood. Tlie house h lar.qe, with ever convenient for travellers and boarders. Thn vnnls and atablinir are extensive, and every thing in the very best order for the ac comodation oltravellers anu others. rim nro!rietir will use every eliort to have his table, chambers, bar. and every depart- ment ol Ins house coniiucieu in sun: man ner as tU'seeuro ihe approbation of his custo mers. Tim Stnan office for the Easton. M. Chunk. tt7i!!rn-lt.irrf While Haven and Providence stages will hereafter bo at the above Hotel. Persons wishing to go. or send with ihe a bove singes, will please- leave their orders at the. Indian Queen Hold. These hues leave this Hotel every Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday morning at 7 O ClOCK. JOSEPH J. POSTENS. January 1 , 1853. Attorney nt Law, S'lMtOUDSmJllG, monkoe county, pa. Office on Elizabeth strcot, formerly oc cupied by Wm. Davis, Esq. -May 8, 1851. ' Country Produce. ' Butter, eggs, &c. taken in' axctwango for any goods in my lino of business. SAMUEL MmiCK. Stroudsburg, Nov.' 18, 182.- 3 ''A JCHW N. STOKES General Agent for Monroe Co. for the sale of Blake's Patent Fire-Proof Paint, or iiCifjia! SSafcj Which in the way of Paint is warranted to surpass in cheapness and durability' any thing" that has heretoiorc heeu offered to the public. In no instance has it ever been .known to crack, cleave of, or waste by time. , He also has on hand a large-and psirasj well selected stock of Mm - ids, Groceries, Hardware, S8ovcs,&c." which have' been purchased for cash and must be sold. Stroudsburg', January 13, 1353. JO H H V. K U 1 T 0 W CHEAP FASHIONABLE itf 4 fit On Elizabeth street, one door below Win. Dean's residence, Stroudsburg, Pa. The subscriber having just com pleted a large and splendid as sortment of the latcst Fall and Winter fashions of Hats & Caps, invites the attention of his old patrons and the public zenerally to the largest Stock ever offered in Stroudsburg. consisting of Men's moleskin, fur, silk and Kossuth hats of eve ry price and quality. His stock of Caps consists of silk plush, rlolh, oil silk, oil lin nen, and velvet. Boys hats and caps of every description. JLatfic' rfJsiffs. A superior ariicle on hand. Also, a large" assortment of Bonis and Shoes of the latest style and ofa superior quality. ITIorooos :iml Findings. Dressed and undressed jMorocoo, Kid arid. French skins. Yellow, pink, blue and whitri linings, and binding skins. Prunello and frongee; Boot and shoe trees; Lasts of every.- description, and a general assortment ot findings. -4Iso Cotton di silk under-shirts; N, B. Thankful for past favors and de sirous of a continuance of the same, he will sell at the Kew-York and F.nston prices. - JOHN W. 11UXTON. November 11, 1852. REMOVAL!! t ItbijiLti.LLZj ill Boot anu Sljoc MANUFACTORY!! ?t The subscriber respcrlfuij informs 'eiJ '"3 custumers an friends that ho hai ""removed his Bool and Shoe Manufac tory to the store room formerly occupied by Joseph Sigman, in Northampton street, one door above Hamilton street, and between Mrs. E. H. Harmony's rsillmery and Peter Pomp's Drug Store. lie has just received a large 'assortment of Boots a"nd Shoes, among which are Caif Congress Boots, Enameled CoiigrcSs Boots, Calf Napoleon Boots, Patent Morocco Na poleon Boots, Brogans, &c. for Getlemen and Boys. ' Also on Hand a largo assortment of Shoes for Ladies and Misses. Women's fashion ble Gaiters of every variety, made to order at short notice. A large assortment of Chil drens Shoes always on hand. GUM Shod of all descriptions and kinds, which he is selling CHEAP FOR CASH. The goods are manufactured of the besl materials arid in the neatest and most fash ionable manner. He employs none but the best workmen about his establishment. Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore received, every effort will be made to' merit a continuance of the same. THADDEUS SCIIOCH. Easton. September lfi, lS52 Every Family should have a copy; invaluable book, only 25 els. per copy Man knoic thyself. JyVx. HUNTER'S MANUAL & HAND JL' BOOK for the afilicled. Containing an outline of the Origin, Progress. Treat ment and Cure of eery form of disease; contracted by promiscuous Sexual Inter course, by Self-abuse, or Sexual Excess, with advice for their prevention, written in a familliar style, avoiding all medical tech nicalities, and everything that would offend the ear of decency, from the result of some twenty years successful practice, exclusive ly devoted to the cure of diseases ofa deli cate or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the above diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp toms and cure of the Fever and Ague, for twenty -five cents a copy; six copies one dol lar; will be forwarded to any part of the U nited States, by mail,, free of postage. Ad dress, postage paid. "Box, lf& Post Office; or the A uthor, 3S Ndrlh Seventh Street Phil adelphia. TC11FTY DOLLARS Fokfeit. Dr. TImi-t $J ler will forfeit $50 if falling to cure any rase of secret disease that may come under his rare, no matter how long standing or af flicting. Either sex are invited to his Pri ate Booms, 38 North Seventh Street Pilad'a. without fear of interruption from other pa tients. Strangers and others who have beeri unfortunate in the selection of a Physician are invited lo call. 1M POTENCY Through unrestrained indulgence of the passions, by excess or self-abuse, the evils are numerous. Pretttn ture iinpotency, involuntary seminal dischar ges, wasting of the organs loss of memniy, a distaste for female society general debility or conslitional derangement, are sure to ful low. If nccessarv, consult the Doctor witii confieence; he offers n perfect cure RFAD AND REFLECT. The afflicted would du well to reflect before trusting thetf health, happiness, and in many cases their Ihcs, in the hands of Physicians ignorant of this clas3 of maladies. It is certainly iin- possible lor one man to understand all the, ills ihc human family arc subject to. Every respectable physician has his peculiar rmmch, in which he is more auece-sstul than his brolhftr professors, and to thai he devotes most of his lime and study YEAPvS OF PRACTICE, exclusively devoted to the study and treatment of diseas es of the sexual organs, together with ulfers upon ihc body, thioat, nose, or legs, wins in head, or bones, mercurial rheunuitism, slric lures, gravel, irregularities, disease aiising" from youthful excesses, or impurities of Uio blood, whereby ihe constitution has hecomti enfeebled, enables the Doctor to offer speedy relief to all who may place themselves under his care. Modicine3 forwarded .to anv part of the United States; Price five and tun dollars per package. Nov. 18, lSoi5-ly. The subscriber has opono liis new Hotel niU is rendj itf accommodate all who may fla vor him with their custom. JOHN II. MELTQIvl StraiulsWg, 27j la. 0m, i h
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers