The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, September 08, 1853, Image 2

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    1 WWlllL!l'l(.l
Sl)e 3fctfcvs0ninn.
Thistxlny. SopIciJilM.':- 8, 1S5S.
ITIOSKS POlVa'Af- Lancaster County
ALEX. Si. IB 'CH..5JKK, Franklin Co.
surveyor general,
TfilOS. A. BUD!), Philadelphia City.
ESTTue Corner, Ston'e of the new
Presbyterian Church at Dutotshurg, will
he laid (Providence permitting) on Satur
day, the 17th hist, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
The ministers of all Christian denomina
tions and the public generally arc invited
to be present.
Reese Evans.
To morrow, the Oth iust., is the day
fixed upon for the execution of this un
fortunate young man. His confession
has been made and will be before- the
public in a few days. See notice in an
other column.
JXjA Sturgeon, weighing S3 pounds,
was caught in the Delaware Kiver, a
fhort distince below Belvidcrc, X. J., on
Friday last. It was caught in a fish
banket. Messrs. McMurtrio & Bean,
were the lucky chaps. This i, the second
".jc that has been taken in that neighbor
hood, within the last three weeks.
Whig Slate Convention.
VTe direct the attention of the reader
: j the Proceedings of the Whig State
Convention, which will be found on the
i"r5t page of to-days " Jcfj'crsouitn."
flesolutions. strongly unjins: the sale ol
the public works, were adopted. These
works are composed of the Eastern, West
ern, and Juniata divisions of the Canal,
and the Columbia and rortase Railroads.
Their orignal cost was 13,050,077, and
it is now proposed to sell them for the
ross sum of 813,000,000, and to place
tint amount at the credit of the sinking
fund for the payment of the public debt,
and to make annual payments to the same
fund out of the annual revenues until the
debt can be extinguished. The debt of
i'ic State is 541,474,000, with an annual
interest of about 2,000,000, and its rev
cnue in 1S32 was 3,351 ,7G7.
Mr. Budd, the nominee of the Conven
tion, is a ripe scholar, and stands high as
a member of the Philadelphia Bar. The
i it :r(sts of the great metropolis of this
tate demand that she should have a
representation on the Supreme Benchjan1
we trust that the initial, enthusiastic
support of the whole Whin party will
tiiumphantly erect him.
The Whig Nominee for Judge cf
the Supreme Court.
The Inquirer in referring to the action
of the Whig State Convention, speaks
thus of the Candidate selected :
It has already been announced in our
columns, that the Whig State Convention,
which assembled at Hutingdon on Thurs
day last, after due consideration, nomina
ted Thomas- A. Budd, Esq., of this city,
as the candidate of the part' for Judge
of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
The Convention was well attended, and
its proceedings throughout, were cordial
and harmonious. Mr. Budd is a promi
nent, able and influential' member of the
Philadelphia Bar. lie has had much ex
perience as a lawer, maintains a reputa
tion of the highcit character for manli
ness and integrity, while there are few
men who deservedly enjoy a greater de
cree of popularity among his profession.
Uc is modest and unobtrusive, and has
never sought public position. Calm,
thoughtful, well informed and ripe of
judgment, he possesses all the qualiGca-
tions for the di&tingui.-hed post for which
he has 1k?ch nominated, and will doublets
receive a liberal and enthusiastic support.
native of Philadelphia, widely known
and generally esteemed, the selection can
not but be regarded as judicious under
the circumstance, and it will be received
with marked favor. Among the delegates
of the Convention were many of the most
distinguished men of the State, and the
intelligence they gave of the prospects of
the cause and the party, was of the most
gratifying character. We look forward
to the results of the campaign not onl'
with hope, but with confidence. The
profligacy and corruption that have char
acterized the management of our public
works, have inspired a lively feeling of
indignation throughout the entire Com
monwealth, and the days of the existing
dynasty may be regarded as numbered.
The fellow Fever at New Orleans;
New Orleans, Sept. 3 The number
of deaths for the 24 hour3 ending this
morning was 11G, of which 87 were from
fever aud 9 unknown. The number of
deaths for the week was 955, of which
804 were from fever.
The whole number of deaths since the
2Sth of May is 9,544, of which 7,213
were from fever.
another despatch. J
New Orleans, Sept. 2. To day was
observed by fasting and prayer. The
stores were nearly al! closed, and business
generally suspended. The weather
throughout the day has been very sultry.
The number of deaths by the fever to-day
was 103, being seven more than yester
day. The epidemic now begins to create
havoc anions the better classes.
A Ln?iy Caiiioriilau.
A letter from California relates many
peculiar sights and incidents, one of which
is about a rich youn man having to turn
washer-wonian. "I have met a vounsr
man who at home moved in the best cir
cles of societ', and is a gentleman every
inch of him, failing to make anything in
the mines, went into a certain town, and
actually took in washing, and cleansed
for his bread, the filthy garments of those
who, at home, he would not acknowedge
as acquaintances. It was rather an amu
sing siht to sec him at the wash tub, soa
king and scrubbing the dirty linen of his
motley patron, swearing at his foil" aud
upbraiding his luck.
A J2;;:a 5ioS by :i Sianlto.
A letter in the Philadelphia Ledger
slates that a fjpw days ago a man named
Louman, storekeeper in Siddouburg, York
county, was out gunuing, when he discov
ered a large snake, and in order quickly
to secure it from running away he placed
the butt of his rifle, loaded with a ball at
the time, upon the body of the snake,
icith his hand directly across the niuzzlc.-
The snake, in its writhings to free itself,
coiled around the gunstock, and with one
of its coils struck the hammer, which was
down upon the cap at the lime, hard c
uough to discharge the gun, the contents
of which entered the ball of the hand
near the wrist, and, in a diagonal direc
tion, came out between the junction of the
little finger and the one next to it. Hap
pily no bones were broken.
Alberts, the Hangman Kidnapper
Bigler's friend Alberti is most unques
tionably a creature of the vilest character
that ever breathed the breath of life; and
it is strange that such a beast should com
mand the good of any one professing to
possess a heart, and strangestill that an
Executive of such a State as Pennsylva
nia could descend so low as to affiliate to
such a decree with such a scoundrel as to
release him from the Penitentiary and
turn him loose again to prey upon society.
The following picture of this fiicnd of
Gov. Biglcr is from the Philadelphia Reg
ister, and is as true as it is graphic:
Who has not heard of Alberti? lie is
the man in the black mask who figures at
every gallows scene. Ilis business is to
place the fainting wretch under the noose,
to adjust the knot under the left ear, to
let fall the drop and take charge of the
Important Invention. tri?en lions.
The Londan naners iust received an- Having accidentally come across the dates
nounce the following invention, which, if of the following inventions, we did not finow
the promises here given should be verified that we could make a better use of them than
is likely to prove ot extensive utility : to pass them over to nu some vacant corner
'John W. Bennett has discovered a vour mper. They may be of some con-
very effectual mean3 of preserving writ- venience l0 your readers for reference:
ings, charts, bank bills, and pictures, as w;nfi0.V3 Were first used in, 1180
well from injury by time as from forgery ChimneV8 in j,ouscs,
or alteration. The process is a most j ca(J pjj)CS j-or conveying water,
simple one. and consists merely of ruun- Tallow candles for lights,
ing a very delicate coating of gutta per- Spectacles invented by an-Italian,
cha solution over the surface of the arti- Paper first made from linen, iJ0
clc. It is perfectly transparent, and is Woolen cloth first made in England, -1331
best preservation. It renders it water- p. lrf in RnfTiami iGi8
proof, and the plan would thus be valua- circulation of human blood first discover-
sai'd to improve the appearance of pic- Art of painting in oil colors,
tares. By coating both sides of an im- Printing invented
, i , i i i WaiCllCS inn ii u in vjummuv,
portant document it can be kept in e - first noticcd
ble one tor ship charts. It used on bank cd by Harvey,
bills it woud be a most afficient means of First newspaper published,
itii ri . 1 nvnnnntlnn. A.nj-irl Jnoomtlnli no nn oHnr. I TiSi-ct cfooin M.nfTinO illV'IllPll.
r n - r 11 HSlVl "IMM fOC 1 1 11 T! f f Tin I 1111.11,111111-' 1 I 111U . lllUiJIUUUU HO UU 4llllrl I A. litJv uvv.t..
UU1 UW, if nun i)iynii:i ""J jinni, nj uuv i o i I j. tt rit t
I o... . . . . ill- .1. ii. i ir ii. T:.f tnn nlnntol in tnr II- Sin I ra.
needed to be told that Alberti was on the anon couia ue maue on uie lace 01 luo i . 7r . '
scaffold, that he looked curiously for the bill without removing the coating, which omui - j .
V-' l U li 1 1 1 I''i"' -
invented in bcot-
black stream to spout from his nostrils, it would be impossible to do without de- 0 )rintinr
and cracked his ribald iokes over the li- aestroying inc wnoie.- , - 173&
a . 1 mi 1 ll . .. . I
. li, ci . xi. Animal magnetism discovered by Mes-
i puuuu man ul me ouum ia inus po
ponderous marble jaws of the Peuitcntia- ctically limed by a local papcrf
ry vomited him out, that he might pur- A col'n complexion somewhat red
The October Election.
The approaching General Election will
be an important one, as the following
intc and County Officers are to be elec
ted, viz :
One Judge of the Supreme Court, fur 15 vears.
A President Judge, " 10
Jne Cnnai Commissioner, :j
.n Auditor General, 3
A Survey General, " 3
( )e Aleinber of Assembly, 41 1
A District Attorney, " 3
A County Treasurer, 2
' County Commissioner, " 3
A County Surveyor, " 3
)ne Countv Auditor, 3
rjrTjic State election
Totuljy, Oclobor 1 1th.
will be held on
Arrest for Larceny.
On Thursdayafternoon last the Police ar
rested William Johnson, (who is from the
'.oibltorhood of Stroudbburg.) for stealing
6231.50, all in gold, from ConJcy M'Gegen,
nt Freeuiansburg." He broke open the trunk
of .Mr. McGegen, in the cabin of his boat, in
winch was also a package of notes amounting
i' SCO, which the thief failed to find. When
Jimkih was arrested, the sum of 8119.50
'.vas found in his possession. He had expen
ded the balance in purchasing new clothing
nj some articles of jewelry, most of which
uas returned and the money recovered. He
r, nfeseed to the stealing was handed over to
Sheriff JJachmax, who will take good care ol
trie geijlleiisan until next court. Easlon Ar-
ntizeiis5 Baiil;, Caution!
Our neiirhborhood continues to be flood
ed with worthless notes of all denomina
tions, purporting to be on the.
Citizens' Bank of "Washington, D. C.
Citizens' Bank of Baltimore, Md.
Citizens' Bank of Cumberland, 11. 1
Citizens' Bank of Worcester, Mass.
They are all genuine notes of the (bro
ken) Citizens' Bank of Washington, D. C,
and are altered by erasing the word
Washington, aud pi'inting'in Cumberland,
or Worcester, &c. As this is done not on
the idalc, but on each note, they can with
the same case be altereuto any Citizens' j ,n.nj w ' , . . , .
Bank in the land, and we would advise all yourself is the best recommendation to
Sentence of a Land Wakraxt
Forger. Garrett G. Shufeldta German
lawver, was last week sentenced, by Jude
rngersoll, of the U. S. District, Cot: rfc, to
seven years' hard labor in the Sing Sing
Prison, for attempting to procure a land
warrant for Ann Sheridan on a forged
power of Attorney. The Judge said he
should have made it ten years had not
the jury recommended the prisoner to
mercy on account, of his wife and nine
children, who will thus be left destitute
of support.
Giir Staie Works.
The editors of the Ilolllidaysburg Reg
ister, in an article on the subject of the
evils and corruptions of the present sys
tem of carrying on our Public Works,
vcr' truly says :
What began in right, party politics has
corrupted for money. What should nave
been a monument of pride is now a mon
ument of shame. Our State improve
ments now breed more dishonestly, spec
ulation, and even petty larcency, than all
other hot beds of vice in our land. The
partizan idler aud drone; the party pimp,
and pauper the hold plunderer, and the
cunning cheat hide and harbor and get
fat and sleek along and upon our canals
and railroads. Enboldened by the suc
cess of their prodeccssors, and the easy
familiarity with which State officers, toy
with the public treasure, they become
impudent in their shame, and treat as a
pleasant joke, conduct which a few years
ago would have been called theft. The
most successful now, is deemed the most
g care of
sue it. Au execution was once expected
at Lancaster; Alberti volunteered an of
fer to the Sheriff to strangle the victim
handsomelv. and to receive, in full pay
ment of his services, the cord and corpse
Do not imagine quiet, gentle, milk-heart
creature; that he shrinks from the cy
Wry looks to scare the crows:
A monstrous great big cabbage head
A mamoth turn up nose.
Sabbath school established in Yorkshire,
England, 17S9
Electro magnetic telegraph invented by
Morse in, 1832
Dagucreotype process invented, 1639
Lewisloivn Farmer and Mechanic.
List of persons drawn to serve as Grand
reader, that there is shame in this Jurors at September sessions, 1853.
lturc; that he shrinks from the eye of Stroud Pugh Becker, George llans-
Havc You Seen the Comet ?
The tailed orb that recently hove in
sHit in the north-western section of the;
an. and lives in the darkest corner of oerJ Abraham Yetter, Abraham Metz- hSca of space' has been steadily pursuing.
sonic cellar or dungeon, afraid that honest gar ant zra Marvin. its voyage sunward during the past ton"
men wuo incei mm win Hiay mm. io ; iA -""""o'" xinio, jjh- uays, auu is now huppucuu w.ui; uui
he glories in the isolation m which he J "OT "u .lurnf .lr- -Koucrt iuc- as it can get to the centre ot our system,
lives. A grim smile plays over his coun- Xeily, and Frederick Smith. In-astronomical parlance, it ha3 reached
P J . t 1AT.i - a ., ,. 1 , . mm
ffMinnf-P. w ur mnn fm? .ho st.rAot in i. i.'ouuiio iaiuui lueizsar. ueoniu o. us nnri hi- i.n. or t hereabouts. J.iicre 1
. www ww I U ' W I I T
void meeting him. when children cease Uvmpe, and John Albcrtson. n0 chance of a collision, however, for al-
thcir sports at his approach, and huddle Tobyhanna John White, jr., Andrew though the long-tailed locomotive runs on
together like chickenshat dread the fell Eschenbach. a tingle track, it will not approach with-
swoop of a hawk; or when the 'freemen- Hamilton Jacoo btorra, Jacob nil- in thirty millions ot miles of old bol, un
ters of the low crrosrffcrics he favors hush Hams and Uharlcs b. JLtetnck.
their boieringandiioisy talk as he en- Chesnuthill Charles TI. Ileaney, Pe
tflr iir:xv nw.iv frnm thn rrmntor nnrl tCl AltCtnOSG ailU lUelCUOll- lVrCSJfC.
1onv -liifn fn flrinlr in silnno nnrl nlnno JldurCu JOSCPll
Those who have once heard his voice, arc
haunted ever after by its harsh and gra
ting tones. Speak to him, if you are cu
rious, and he will tell 3011, in his drawling
way, how his fiendish fancy has led him
to festoon winding sheets about his bed,
and curtain the winuows of his chamber
with the crave clothes of men he has hung.
But, thank heaven, there are not e-
Joseph Hawk and John
Elihu Postens.
less it should dart trom its orbit a con
tingency which the absence of blind cur
ves, switches, draws, and thick-headed
conductors, on the 'air Hues' above, ren
ders it in the highest degree iaiprobablc.
The brilliant visitor now pursuing its
narautheticnl ionrnev within our field of
T a C .1 x- T)..i:i ' .
ijizx, 01 persons uraw 10 fccrvc as x eui- s on waa first d seon-rcd at ( ott umtx.
j urors- at aepteniDcr terra, 1000 : hlst Jun Its aDT)arcnt. ?ize is about that
Ti t i. 1. :.. . -
xruiiiuisu oacuu xvauiei, wuxjjaumi 0r arfr0 taf r.n u !im it is :i .-ood dn
Bush and Frederick Deibler. mnr i,,,.;,.,.. t..... .r nT ,incn,.;n.
M. bmithheld William JLirankenheld. tou5 nf t
bmithueld Charle3 Postens, llobert
executions even here to enrich this J1' DePue George Kiuter Henry Eylen- Warren Wood
r. To supply his wants, he has bcrSer John Lusu, 1 cr J-urpemg in New York, charge
.1 has been arrested
'nd with t.lifi rnllirrv
T I I r 1 JO
cumulated with his business of hanman, icod uramer. and attempted murder of a pedlar,naraed
that of a kidnapper and slave-catcher. .UJlvLri;ujou vx. xaaw. uu opuuu Hiram Williams, near Uoxsackie, X. Y.,-
Iherc is not, 111 a southern paper, an ad- J on the iyth u!t
I tl 1 T I .....EI 1.1 I
vcrtisement of a fugitive slave, that does ouoUa ueorge uousei , nenry x- isn-
not una its way to AlDcrti. xno colored "''"jr Commission jirvirns bom hut AlhnrM knows it. bttoud&burg John lloglan and Joseph rn rj. . ,..,- . .
- - , 1 JT1 r 1 w-iviiiw. iuuicuui ilj I Ul. iUliiltlUU lil-
tlirouiiii his spies, ana compares his per- JJ-"U""i'""-3V'"- vs. y quirendo,
son with the advertisement description. tl JXUU1UJ J-'rantz. ulargaret Bush. j May 23, 1853,-
hVavfnl nf hnincf dnnnivnd bv his wr o.toh.l Hamilton bamucl bpraglo, Welchoir ... rm,rf nwn . nn mio.
in cil pion nn1
ed agents, he prowls about himself in the Bo3serd Joseph Frable and Henry Fen- direct a commission in the nature of a writ-
quarters where the negroes reside, peep- 1 . ,le ltlI,alICO niquirendo, to issue to James II.
1 o J 1 i ti T vrrr .1 .1 -vt?t 11 wr t-i , .1 . .- .
tJiiuivauu xauau n iuuows, iuicnaei u alto.v, rq. anil mat nonce oe served per-
Butz and William Tidd. sonally on iMafiraret Hush, and on each of her
Eldred Adam Brotzman. children, if within the County, and if not.
Tobyhanna Samuel G-. Eshenbach. LuPon lhose li,al are and by publication in one'
m r- ... .
Pocono Crideon Bnrnrr, Tflter Tran- newsPaPer' ?n mose not residing in the Loun-
1 rv jit inner inrofi ivon:rc Motrr , ir hnm.itin
v "' litUi.ll".
ing into houses, and entering them under
all sorts of pretexts. He is the evil gc
us of the region about Lombard street.
If a negro family hears a noise when scat
ed around the sunner table, thev look to
the window in fear, half expecting to see suo' Thomas Shivcly.
Alberti looking
who are not good judges to refuse all notes
upon every Citizens1 JSanJc, without re
gard to where they hail from.
There seems to be good reason to sup
pose that some one in our vicinity has a
stock of these notes, and altering and is
suing them in our midst as opportunity
The denominations so far noticcd are
20s, 10s, 3s, and Is.
We understand that some two or three
hundred dollars of these worthless notes
have been offered by different individuals
and at different times, at the Banking
office in this town: and alloircther the loss
to our citizens must have been considera
ble; but having frequently called attention
to these notes, we hope none of the read
ers of the Gazette arc among the suffer
ers. Mauch Chunk Gazette.
ST-Therc is a girl in Troy, Xcw York-
aged 12 "year?, of Prcnch parentage
whose face is almost entirely covered
with hair of a dark color and about two
inches long. She is intelligent, fond 0
books, and attends school regularly.
T. S.
Dekij State and National.
The Cincinnati JRailroad record, makes
the following estimate of the debt due by
the general and State governments, mu
nicipal corporations, Railroad Companies,!
and T)lival indiiM.4oK.
j . .UMlUUUli .
National debt, SG5,131,692
tziuio ueuts,
Municipal debt,
Ilailroad debts,
Mercantile foreign debts,
Private domestic debts,
This is a frightful aggregate, but it is
no larger than the reality. About one
quarter of it is held abroad or on foreign
areount, the balance among citizens of the
United States.
A few cases of Yellow fever have oc
cared in Philadelphia, within the past
month; but the general hoalth of the city
is remarkahlygood. '
Idlest Cosuiteafesfs.
Bank of the Empire Slate, N.Y. 2s,
Yiginctle An Indian and a man with an
axe sitting on cither side of a shield
Bight hand cattle and hogs; left, male and
female standing.
Union Bank, Boston, Mass. Yignclte,
steamboat, sailing vessels, kc.
Utica City Banl:,N. Y. 5s; altered
from 2.?, vignette two females reaper on
left end mechanic on right end.
Oriented Bank, New. York City 10
.altered from I3. Vignette, laborer, house
covered wagon, N:c.
Rhode island Union Bank 20s $ter
ed from Is. Yiginctte, ships, &c.
Manufacturer 's and Mechanic's Bank
Penn. 5s Vignette, female with book in
left hand, table with scales, mill', &c
House Mackerel. Mr. Wm. Alex
ander, while fishing last week, near Hock
L-od Ledge, aoout lo' miles from Portland
Manic, caught a horse mackerel, weighim
S00 lbs. 10 feet long, and 7 in circumfer
ence. He took him with a cod hook and
worrying him out, he finally secured
him. There being no one with him in the
boat but his little boy, he had to tow him
to a schooner, near, before he could take
him. It is a splendid fish, resembling in
all parts a mackerel, but on a giant scale
Figure five ou each end general appear
ance bad.
In Massachusetts there are six distinct
political organizations, National Demo
crats, Plain Democrat, Whigs, Prce
soiler, Temperance men, and ten hours a
day men all of whom hold their State
Conventions the coming month.
Somebody . stole a watermelon from a
patch in Fitchburg, the other night, and
eft a pocket-book on the grouud contain
ing live hundred dollars. The proprietor
of the patch advertises that he has a few
more melons left.
Richmond city has contributed $3000
for the relief of the New Qrlcans suffer
Mr. G. r. McLanc, of Mississippi, and
others, partially explored a cave last week
in Hulilcnburg County, about ten miles
south of Greenville. The cave was first
discovered last Winter by a person who
tracked several racoons into it. Mr. Mc
Lanc and his companions went in, as they
supposed, about two miles, when they
came to a pit which they could not pass
tor the want 01 a ladder, nut they saw
that the cave extended beyond. While
travelling the two miles, they discovered
eight or ten branches leading off in differ
ent directions, some of them apparentl'
larger than the direct avenue. A petri
fied monkey, as perfect in shape as if it
were alive, was found in the cave some
weeks ago, and we understand that it has
heen sent to the World's Pair in New
Brule Phv
The Parkersburg (Va.) Gazette says
the following strange incident was com
municated by one whose staid and truth
ful character is a sufficient gaurantee a
gainst hoaxing:
" While passing through a pparcely
settled seetion of an adjoining county re
cently, he found a farmerbrcaking ground
after this novel fashion dad held the
plough, which was propelled by two of
111s children, a hoy and a girl! About
one quarter of an acre was turned up in
this way, but much more remained to be
drugged over by this hapless yoke of hu
mans. There was a brute power behind
aud not before the plough. Out of re
spect for its other Inhabitants, we will not
name the county in which this brutal ex
hibition was witnessed.
with his nose
flattened against a pane. If a negro is
unprotected, Alberti finds a master for
him, which is the safer plan, or kidnaps
him, if nothing else will do. Once on the
track of a fugitive, ho follows it like a
slut-hound. Isothin
ry, corruption of officer,
any means arc good
in Tvnpl'pf. ihn reward nffnrrfl fnr n hn. Ceased.
r . .
man being
Samuel Weiss and Fred-
By the Court. From the Record.
M. II. DREIIER, Prothonolanj,
Is hefebv 'riven fn .himns I?nsli nml I.v.l.".,.
TTi-nai epl. Term, 153. Shank, chihimn of Margaret Rush, that the-
John Bowman and wife vs. the admin- Inquest in the above case will be taken at in'
crick Siglin.
Price Edward J. Molt
1 s a -m r- i - I ' ill . . 1 ,m r
" stons him Periu- istrators ot Uharnclc Vanvliet, deceased, n-ourt iuu.e, m me borougu ot biruiulfconrg,-
s lcrral chicanery Abraham Barry and wito. vs. the ad- r,u hj nay ui September,-
which enable him mmistratora ot unarncic anvliat. de- r ..T,.
William Trainer vs. Jacob B. Tecl.
John Felker vs. Peter Woodling.
September 8, 1833.
Perilous Encounter with a Shark.
On the 30th of April, while five young
Godfrey G reensweig's executors vs. -You; in Press and icill appear in a few dayug
Jonas Greensweig
William Clark vs. Peter Kemerer, A-
soldiers, stationed at Corfu, were sailing ,no3 n0ner and Francis H. Grattan.
along at a rapid rate, the boat in which
they were received a sudden shock as if it
jitso JLiEic, aJSs;trac!cr and
W. iF7 !tT.
Tried and convicted for the murder of
At the April Session of the Lnzernp rnnntv
Court, held at Wilkes-Bar re, Pennsylvania.
iiy Ivcv. Ji. I. Lmory, with an appendix by
Rev. Geo. Peck, D. D. Price 25 ennta. A
uuerat uiscount by the hundred. Orders
In pursuance of a Resolution adonted hv thn
n r . .. J .
vuumiuii council w tne xorougti ot Strouds-
John Merwine vs. Joseph Keller.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
had run upon a rock, which nearlT cap- at the suggestion of Joseph Kcifcr vs
sized her. One ot the soldiers having Charles II. Ileany.
looked over the side, perceived a large Joseph Huston vs. Charles Slutter,
shark swimming close to the boat, but it
disappeared on his throwing a bottle at ArcBituonl Last.
bout, and one of these was harpooned by Perry box, to the use of Philip Huf- companicd with the cash nddressud to tho
a soldier named Flowcrs.son of Mr. Flow-' smith assigned to Jacob Shafer vs. Jacob Accord oj the rimes" Wilkes-birre, Pa.,
i rm . . i i r i i - i i iv iii in ti i innnni t.
ers, cliimncv-swcepcr, ihcatre street, v an xmsKirK, " ..uu tu.
thn. nf thn rliafriWinn nf th September 8, lb'53
immediately dived, and the line being proceeds of the sale of the Jleal Estate of
entangled round the arm ot a shldier James Ilollinshcad on ven ex iNo. Dec
named Hanson, he was dragged into the Term 1840 and on ven ex No. 13, May
water. 1 lowers seeing Hanson about -term laoU.
thirty yards from the boat making for a L William A. Long vs. Henry Kintz and hurg, the undersigned hereby "ives notice
1. i i ii . i i .1 , t . rr i. )...!. :m . . "
rocs, turneu me uoac in mac aircctton iienry iietncK. . - WUI receive scaled proposals, at tho
and nearly overtook hiui,but, when with- George hventt vs. John Chambers and . cc 01 "couore bchoch, until the 20lh day
in about six yards of him, one of his com- Mary his wife. 01 ePleinDer, ;nst. fur the grading, curbing
Danions cried out that there was a shark In the matter of the Andifnra linnnn . m Pa,nS ot tho btreet m iront of the ful-
: x .i- tt i.n i Lri. .i: r .1 . 1. . lowi
going luwarus iiauboii. x1 iowi
knife which stuck in the side
plunged head first into the
ving underneath the shark turned himself ilouscr, dr., deceased. John Boys', occunied hv C S IMmnr 70
on his back, and thrust, the knife into the f Charles S. Palmer vs. William D. Kachnel VaiPs " 00
belly ot the monster in several places: but Brookes and Itcuben Ilarncr. VVm- Robeson, , SO
it was of little use, the shark having John G. Toluiic and Charles S. Palmer. famue Boys,
seized unon Hanson, and taken his lnrr nfF late nartnnrs t.mrlinn- nndnr Mm firm nf J-lj- otroud, Assignee ofM. D. Ro
a O l a ...w ...... vi i i
near the knee, blowers then endeavored J olmic & Palmer, now to the use of Chas.
to get his comrade on his back, but both o. Palmer vs. William D. Brookes
of them were nearly exhausted. He sue- Executors of Godfrey Grecnswei" de
-i . . - i j
ceeded, however, in getting him into the ceased vs. Jouas Greensweig,
joat, and wound up the wound with his In tho matter ot the citation upon the
hirt. When they reached the hospital executors ot Peter Fellenzer deceased
their unlortunate comrade was nearly .John Merwine vs. Joseph Keller.
1.11 1 i 1 I ft inr t ...
uoau v, un exnaustion, put alter a short Samuel Ward vs. William Bcllis
time recovered. While on their way they Executors of Godfrey Greensweig, de
captured the wounded shark, and towed ceased, vs. Joseph Greensweig.
ing lots:
Flowcrsseizcd a of the distribution of the Proceeds of tho street front; i t r tm i i
;ide of the boat, sale of the real estate of Jacob B. Tcel. 1, fo I
e water, and di- In the matter of the real estate of Jos. Friends' Meeting House ht 95 ! "
M. M. Burnet,
John Roys" residence
Store House lot
41 Office
" Vacant "
R. Roys' residence and ofiico
Win. Baker's, oc'p'd by S.varlvvood 50
P. S. Brown, M. Brown
C. Museh, Jj;trzeUier 50
Win. Clements " C. llummon M.
K. Jioys brick store
If; nn shorn. Tf wmVhnfl 93J nn.Aa ,l T;l,nlo0A T.;D1, T?M,1,.:1. Tl.:i.l ' ..'a .."h MorB 0
.u " . , :. " P. -l, - - l ,ou . uoolbaugiru, occupied bv Miller &
wiifii oiiiMif'fi i,ni ii'fr v?m Tnnnii n ,foi i 11 run mnirnr nr i in nntiiin inni. i t, 1 -
- j w3 " '"uiiu in no I v..w unu iicHniuii ui tiuauini x' OWIur oon
wit aim iuit-r Lrctis auministrators or J.
throat, the bone mangled to bits. The
body of the shark has been placed in the Adam' Gete deceased, for decree of snc- Elizabeth Colbert
Sailors' Home, of Corfu. cific performance of contract between Uiends' lot
said administrators and John Smith. Jacob Shoemaker's
YUT. Wrr. Tr. t : i l-Mllhn l rnsrrn oiiH .lonnK fUJl it. iiuaion
ir juun, iiicl. iii.iu. 1.11 iiiblil uuu r o imwu vuiiuu va.
lias recently occurred in Cincinnati in Carles Uawk.
which a lady was a maid, a wife and a I" the matter of the report of a road
widow, all in one day. Mrs. McDonnell. vicw in Middle Smithfield township.
wife of the man who was so cruelly mur- xn tlie matter of the report of viewers
dered on Front Street, had married her to cite and relay a road in Middle
husbaud on the morning of the same day Smithfield township.
on which the fatal affray occurred. At -Ln tlie matter of the report of viewers
morn a maid, at noon a wife, at evening to to lcato and relay a road in Paradise
a widowl township. '
m, . ZT7 In the matter of the report of viewers
B-l he painters of New York city are 0 ravPW n vnnri ; aA, j
on a strike for 2 per day. ISUoudTownaliip-. ' -
Boys', occupied by V. Clements 80
J. W. lluxton's- i
Win. Dean's
S. J. Hollinshoad's drug store iot
hotel lot
Pavement in front of .vacant lots to Bo 7
fuct wide. Those Who have made nrnnrrn
tions for paving arc not included in theaoove
30"' M
September 8, 1903.