9 Srootcb to jjolitics, iCifcvatuve, gvirultiut, Science, iltovalitw, nnb cncral intelligence. VOL. 13. STROUDSBUEG, MONROE COUNTY, PA. AUGUST 25, 1353, NO. 44. Published by Theodore Scliacti TERMS Two dollars per annum in advance Two dollars and u quarter, half yearly And if not paid be fore the end of the year, Two dollars and a half. No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except hi the option of the Editor. ID Advertisements not exceeding one square (ten lines) will be inserted three weeks lor one dollar, and twenty-five tents for every subsequent insertion. The charge for one and three insertions the same. A liber al discount made to yearly advertisers. IT7 All letters addressed to the Editor must be postpaid. JOB PBINTISG. Having n general assortment of large, elegant, plain and ornamental Type, we are prepared to execute every description of Cards, Circulars, llill Heads, Notes, Rlank Receipts Justices, Legal and other Blanks, Pamphlets, &c. printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms, AT THE OFFICE OF THE JEFFJERSOfflAtf. What They Want. BY BUND. The women, precious little souls! How can we help to love 'em? But how it makes their 'dander riz' To see us men above 'em! They can't content themselves to live, Amidst the pots and kettles, And waste their schemey, freaky .bfainp, To keep us stuffed with vituals. They ache to take the scythe and plow, And leave us with the dishes They'd realy like to get out doors, And then they'd wear the b b (what d'ye call 'em?) ily! what a figure they would cut Ajclcarin up' and loggin', 4 A raisin barns' and 'carryin brick' And mortar in the bargain. How strong their tender limbs would be! How sinewy and cordy! What rough and scaly hands they'd have! How tough they'd grow and hardy! And how they'd love to take their axe, And march into the forest, ' Some gloomy, cold December day, When the thermometer stands about five degrees below zero, and keep their blood in circulation by chopping all day long in the enow about knee-deep, and then to come home at night and find supper where it was in the morning and their better-half eff visiting a mong the neighbors. What a luxury! A California correspondent of the N. Y. Tribune, says:'Nevado is truely a Cali fornia village, built in and on a gold mine. Every bushel of earth, within a mile, contains gold. The sweepings of the street yield eight or ten dollars per day to those that wash them." I. 0. OF 0. P. Wm Curtis, Grand Secretary ,has issued the following annual report of the Lodges in this State for the year ending June 30th? 1853 The initia tions numbered 4,052; rejections, 423 ; admitted on card, 415 ; withdrawn by card, 740 ; re-instatements, 270 ; suspen sions, 2,366 ; expulsions, 70 ; deaths, 309; Passed Grands, 4,794 ; number of mem bers in this State, 44,122 ; total receipts, S173,254 81 ; 'number of members re lieved, 5,04, to the amount of S72,107 72 ; widowed families relieved 796, to the amonnt of S3,886 66 ; members hurried, 282 jiexpenses for burying the dead, $14, 052, 62 ; paid for education of orphans, $338 78; total expenditures, $91,380 81. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania is composed of 4,794 members, and has un der its jurisdiction 478 Lodges. A Singular Case. A Miss Read, of West Boylstown, took chloroform a few days ago for thc purpose of having a tooth extracted, Ehe was attaked with a severe pain in the head. Her friends supposing her dead, laid her out for burial, and began to pre pare for the funeral ceremonies; but their grief was unexpectedly turned to joy and astonishment, on finding that the sup posed dead began to revive! She event ually recovered the full possession of her faculties; but what is still most singular in her case, as we are told, she suffers violent pains in the head as regularly as evening approaches, and at length, and a bout the same hour each night, falls into a swoon very similar to that which in the first instance was supposed to have been the sleep of death. This case certainly presents a most remarkable escape from premature burial. Worcester Transcript. During a trial in a Massachusetts Court a young lad who was called as a witness, was asked if he knew what was the obli gation of an oath, and where he would go ft be told a lie, He said he supposed 'ho would 9 where all the lawyers 5Ycni," An industrious tradesman, having ta ken a now apprentice, awoke him tho first morning at a very early hour, by calling out tha't the family were sitting down to .the table. "Thank you," said the boy, turning over for a new napthank you ; but I never eat anything during thc night." Speaking of the revolution in China, a co-temporary says, 'the great tea ket tle is boiling.' From the Cincinnati Gazette. What the French Wear, AND HOW THEY WEAR IT. The French regard the American peo Til ft 111 mneli tfift R.nno lirrlir. na tliov rln the "outside barbarians" of the far-off islands of the sea; for they assert that they find an equally good market with' " , of his life, five wive?, and, at the time of each for the sale of rich and gaudy ar. , their own, which, by their great travel- bis doaUl as the father of forty-seven tides of manufacture. Thus a large pro- 1US propensities, would soon become u-lohildren! Whi,e Pesiding in pennSylva portion of the silk looms of Lyons are raal. It is time that the American . ear the old Bedstone Fort, hw wife constantly employed in the manufacture PeoPle ceasd ruIcrazy after European birth tQ fiv(J cbil(lren in elevcn of gaudy tissues for the North American ' f?slll?n3' Ifc " wolJ to remember too njonths. This extraordinary man, when market: while the finest and most costly at few French coats are made well; it Jn his 0Qe hunbrod and fourtb e mow. styles of the cloths and cassimeres of JS1- 1 T 1 K-A n.l,n.n r.. !. n UUU1 UUU UUU SU 1 uauj a. , customer as the United States. The Paris merchant sometimes complains when aak. ed for a fine piece of goods, in which his stook is dehcient, that all those styles arelr , carried off at higher prices than he can jTJ 13 a Sre,at aurdjty for a sensible peo- afford to cive, by tho American imnort ing agents. When an American, on en tering a tailoring establishment in Paris, announces, in reply to tho polite interro gatory which is sometimes put to him, tho name of his country, he is very apt to be saluted with a broader smile and a i greater convexity of the spine than the' "T Ban J ""er Ppie- xj win Citizens of other countries, followed by the j to be fl? onlf the sile f honnet remark, "Then you want to see the best! an affclclf2.in wTluch ho Freu1ch certaiuly goods we've got." The moral conveyed ,c"el Th 1L0Innfc3 arTe always tasty by these facts should not be forgotten. and P1(luan ' Thc Frencb m d,0 nofc The fact is ,we are a nation of envious, 1 P.uf so.uc 1luoney on. &cir backs, as money-making spendthrifts, and in tho,f,ltlier EnSsh or American women, but absence of titles, and those class distinc tions universally recognised in Europe, enrlflnvmir. bv n-andv disnlftr fn rklnnrt ourselves in advance of each other in thed,rf 3 admirably, and much more reason- world's appreciation. Our country offers the curious anomaly of possessing more aristocrats, and at the same time more republicans, than any nation in existence, It is tho aristocracy of broad-cloth, brown free-stone fronts and fast horses. Prom the fct that America drives its fashions from Paris, one naturally ar rives here with the idea that he will see at once in the streets of the city the best dressed people in the world. He is quite astonished to find how far he has been deceived. He sees much, very much less of fine goods in the street, particularly on tne men, and ne sees a mucn greater variety of style, both in London and in Paris, than in the large American cities. The latest style is confined to a very few persons comparatively few in compari son to the population, and few in compar ison to thc number of persons who con form to the changes of fashion in the large cities of America. Outside of that limi ted number one could not decide what was the reigning style, they are so diver sified. One cause of this deversity is, that no people pay so much attention to con trasts of person as the French; while an other very powerful one is, that money is less equally distributed than with ue,and fewer persons can afford to conform to the frequent changes of fashion. But frequent changes must take place in Prance; it is a national characteristic, , which is ground so deep into a French man's existence, that its influence runs through every action of his life, to be ar- rested onlv at his religion, and even to that he holds not too tenaciously. So j that, m some measure to compensate for the frequent change which is required, the French have acquired the habit of wearing a coarser quality of cloth than that which their manufacturers send to our country. The Emperor of France wears evory day coarser cloth than nine tenths of the "down-town" clerks of the American cities. In Paris, however, every one but the TTftrl'mfin nn rrn cm A of liic wnflr lrtnlro nnlf lam inclined to believe that it is thjThe young women are units in society. , ., i i t - general neat appearance which has m-i, j .a x. i. xi.: ri. ions from Paris and appropriateness not equal the English or American mod- York or London man in the streets of ' Paris by his back. The Parisians from home. Another follow the French style is, that the French neonle oarrv their clothes with such people carry their clothes with such in finite grace, giving to the most unnatural and out-of-taste styles an easy elegance that our- more awkward people cannot approach in any stjde which they may choose to adopt. It is rare to see a French fop, that is, what we understand by. a fop. There are plenty of men who pay as much attention to their clothes as with us, but their manner, when carrying n . i 'state occassions, are always dressed piain Certainly, for elegance , 7 . , . J , ... J . the French Stvlcs do ! " anu me pcopio iu. i iiULiuiiv nun r i.iiiiii mi sri" .t. in ; it .- u;: i-k iii 1 know whether he is English or American, ibe hoPed that th. exa,Te f ? c mpCr ! provided he be a fresh arrival, and earr home a11 acknowledge to be the per ' riM wit.li liim tfen ninfi, , wf.fection of a gentleman in his dress, will them, don't advertise their thoughts. It died and sixty pairs of woman's spring is amusing to look at our very young heeled shoes working ten hours. Steele men when they get on their first Paris pegging 82 pairs, and Bunker 78 pairs; out fit: a thing which soon takes place, i Steele's being at the rate of 84-5 pairs; unfortunately for them, for the longer man stays nere, tue more simply iiemmuie, ana jjuutcer 4-0 pairs per nour, dresses. I do think the most ludicrous or more than 34 pegs per minute to sighta man can see in Paris, is a freshly 'gether driving 41,920 pegs iu ten hours, arrived boy-aristocrat trying to be grace-.The last part of the work was performed ful in one of Dusautoy's best outfits for our genuine "blood )d" won't go to ahop that is not patronis sed by the JUtnperor. , ...I- If American fathers would give their sons whom they send here, one or two good suits, and then limit thc amount of sup- plies at "my bankers," until through the medium of their eyes they had learned a little good sense, they would confer a fa-l vour on thc boy and their purse at the same time. Although I have been here a year, and h have grown perfectly accus- ijressj a well-mad6 American tomcd to be q suit, (American made clothes are always J modified from the French.) whenever Ij .t L... , ., " it j encounter it still strikes me as the most ueuuuiui, iue mobt reobonaum, auu ui most tasteful; and there is no reason why the American people, who lead in so many juuuSai uuu u l Vr 5 aV Vt T J? the present moment,1 ill.. ikl) ir thft P I'll'M f i inf e r rt r r AAtffM It 1 "'"H " " uu , as these, with the sincerity and gravity which our people do. The women of Paris dress with much more taste, generally, than the men. They study contrasts more, and under stand that part of the dressing better per- i ii -it i- mi tnoy arrange it to better advantage. They are rather too fond of velvet trim mings and iewerlv; but otherwise thev ably than the men. Two st7les, however, now worn by the ban ton in Paris, I think will find little favour in America. They are the manteau, called Talmas, and a kind of silk for dresses with changeable, fanciful-shaped stripes running around the skirts in place of flounces, generally of a light brick-dust colour on black silk. The bonnets are round , very small, and reach forward only to the middle of the head somewhere in the region of vener ation. Like tho men, the women carry themselves so gracefully that they seem not conscious of it when extravagantly dressed. A habit prevails in France in regard to the dress of young unmarried ladies in thc wealtheir classes, so entirely dif ferent from our own system that it is worthy of mention. All young ladies, till the day of their marriage, must dress plainly and cheaply; they must not, even in company, wear jewelry, flounces or ribbons to any extent. The mother may carry into company ten times the value that her daughter can. And it is aston ishing how the old women of Franco do dress. One might very well take their modestly-dressed daughters at their side for a family instructress or a favorite ser vant. Not only must the daughters dress plainly and modestly, but they must never move out of sight of their mothers or chaperones, nor speak to a gentleman without permission, until they are mar ried; then custom allows4.hem to make up for lost time, and so far as I have been able to observe, they do make it up with a VCDSeancc . The study of the fashions is very apt to beeorae at once a mania with them, and unless they are gratified to the extent of their desire?, the husband very often becomes a sufferer in more ways than one. A Frenchman, however, cannot resist the fascinations of a French woman. and he generally yields to all her wishes, if he even sacrifices his hap pinesB in other particulars. A more in dependent, exacting, diplomatic, showy race of married women cannot be found. I The Jiitnperor and Jiimpress, whenever r . ... 1 . ' ., . thev appear in public, unless it be on pe or's ball is sure to bo ridiculed. One is surprised, just now, to meet so many i. 'plain-looking persons in corouetted car- 1 riages in tuo streets oi rans. xc is 10 exert a good influence in curtng the un- limited extravagances of Parisian artists " OIi"u " " Wft D"ai W1J uuvr """Cincinnati, during which he mowed one hips and the sleeves iare a clean foot of d of g, timotby sg ' ? clTotl The ?nsom ?f "ifying after in-lthe LoQdon st?le kas been growing con siderably lately; and it is not at all un common to see a fashionable Frenchman carying along-waisted paletot. Great Pegging Match at North Danversi On Thursday, August 4th, at Danvcrs, Mass. Alexander Steele, and John J. Bun- 'ker, on a wager of 8-5, pegged one hun- a, 'per hour, driving upwards of 35 pegs per j . while the blood was oozing from their fin- ger ends, notwithstanding which, Bunker i penormed tne usual amount or labor on Ui. - ii ,i the following day TllPrn ?a nn ni lo?rr In V!r!n!'i who believes it to be a bible-doctrine that, (for seven -.ears tcfore tn"e ena 0f the u n0 chHdren ar tobeborn; and that , . . . , :T . ,. gives her comfort, for at every fresh birth she hears of, she says to herself, well the seven year? at least have not jet begun." An Extraordinary Man. uavia Wilson, an oia revolutionary soM- &ud a J. of Nqw j d.. David "Wilson, an old revolutionary after a shorfc m jn Dearborn (Jounty Tml:nnnn a ,,,,?. 1833. nrmrl nn Imn- j drcd and , a 1 7 o seven years, two months and ten days. He had' at different periods cd one week for Esq. Pendleton, of Ham - ,. nnnni ri,; li,nf.n ',;! v if I ETe vas about five feet six inches in bight. His frame was not supported by riba' as the frames of ordinary men are, but an apparently solid sheet of bone supplied their place. He could hold up his hands in a vortical position, and receive a blow from the fist of a powerful man, on the latteral portion of his body, without in convenience. He served throughout tho entire Revolution, under General Wash ington, was engaged in. most of the Indi an wars since, and was the companion of Marion and Eodgers, and of many other distinguished early pioneers of our West ern and Southern wilds. Our readers may rest assured that this statement is correct, as we received it from Mr. Alexander Wilson, of North Madison, who is the forty-fifth child of the subject of this par agraph. Madison (la.) Banner. Western Music. We learn from a Western paper that a Western chap, who went to New York to purchase goods, &c, was invited to one of those fashionable parties so common in large cities. He was clearly a western original but said very little, until he found that the party wa3 not to close without an at tempt to corner him. At length, a bevy of laughing girls, by the merest accident in tho world, found themselves grouped about said western green one, in a most animated discourse upon music; and city playing. When all this had progressed just far enough, one fo the damsels, with head more adorned without than within, and in that peculiar parlor drawl, which fortunately no type can represent, accos ted the observed of all, with 'Do the ladies play music at the west sir? Original saw the game, resolved to win 'Oh, very universally, Miss,' waathe cool reply. 'Indeed! Why, I was not aware of that; pray do they use the piano, mostly ? 'Never, Miss; the only instrument out our way, is the Swinctte, and tho girls all play it' 'Oh' dear, I am sure I never heard of that before: do tell us what it is, and how they play it. 'Well: the instrument is a small pig; and each girl takes one of these under her arm, and chaos thc end of its long tail, and that brings the music.' The preconcerted ' come,' made no far ther progress; and for the balance of the evening our western ' green 'un' was the only lion of the show. The Hermit of Chicago. If any trafficker in romance wishes a hero for a fashionable dish of literature, we can supply him. On Lake Chicago there are a number of small and lovely islands, varying from ten to forty acres, lying high above the clear waters, and displaying a level surface, beautifully wooded with maple and lindens. Upon one of these smallest islands a young man has resided alone, so far as human companionship is concerned, for several years. Ho has a neal cabin, and culti vates a few acres of ground with his own hands, sufficient to supply him with the necessaries of lifo. He is a gentleman of education and fine lcterary taste, and has quite a library of well selected standard works. He seldom visits the settlements, but is always pleased to have peoplo to visit him, paying marked attention to his guests, and entertaining them in the best style his domicil affords. Why he has chosen this seoludechway of life, no one knows. He appears happy and content ed, neither a misanthrope; blunted to tho social enjoyments of the world by mis fortunes and disappointments, nor a bigo ted anchorite, nor yet a romantio fool. One of our city colporteurs in Cincin nati, some ago, when engaged in distri buting tracts among tho poor benighted ones about town, met with an amusing incident. Coming to an insolated build- - uunible pretentions, on the common, he opened thc door without tho ceremo ny of knocking, saying: 'Will you accept a tract oC the Holy Land?' meaning the four pages of letter g hQ had in bis hand The man of . ,thoh honso instantly replied : 'Yes, bejabers, a whole section if you give a good title. But I'd like to know if there btfmuch prairie or ague there to bother a poor devil!' Tho substance of the verdict of a re- cent coroners jury, on a man who died in a state of intoxication,' was-7-"deftth by hanging round a rum shop. Horses and Tobacco. N. P. Willis, Esq., gives the following hint whereby trees may be saved from being gnawed by horses, from which they suffer so much in exposed situations, when used as hitchiug posts: Strangers will tie their horses to the trees from which I can least spare thc bark they eat off, while their masters are rambling about, and I had just been wash ing the trunks of two or three evergreens with tobacco juice, (said to be a sixmonths disgustcr for the worst kind of crib-biter) when neighbor S , with his white locks flowing over his shoulders, and his calmly denial face beaming from under his broad b rimed hat, drove down thc av enue a moving picture among the beau tiful cedars and hemlocks that made them more beautiful than before. We tied his horse to one of the tobaccoed cedars, which the fine animal, a splendid bay, o pened teeth upon, and immediately back ed off to the length of his halter, taking an attitude of repugnance in which we found him on our return." A Philadelphia editor thinks, from the manner shirts arc made in that citv, there ought to be an "Inspector of common seiccrs." The editor went to the expense of a new shirt the other day, and.found himself, when he awoke in the morning, crawling out between two of the shortest stitches. Efcw S;ifciy Whiffictroo for Car liases. A new method of constructing whiffle trees for carriages, whereby the horses may be disengaged from the carriage by the driver, at any time he may wish to do so, has been invented by Elisha Harvey, of Whately, Mass. The method employed by the inventor, is the following. An additional short whiffletree or bar, is at tached in tho usual manner to each end of tho double whiffletree. The arms of these two bars or levers, are of unequal lengths, from the place where they are attached, the short distance beyond the farther end of the whiffletree, where it forms a hook to which the single wbiffle trees are attached; the longer ends of these bars, extend nearly o the centre of the double bar, at which place they form a fulcrum upon a slide bolt or lock, which passes through the whiffletree in front of the ends of the bars, and is retained there by means of a strong helical spring. When it is desired to liberate the horses from the carriage, the slide bolt is raised by the driver, by means of a cord or oth er covenient device, and thc opposite end of the bar allowed to swing round upon an axis at the end of the double bar, aud thus disengage the horse by liberating thc single whiffletree from the hook. Nr. Harvey has taken measures to secure his invention by patent. Scicntjic Amer ican. . An Auctioneer Caught in his own Trap. Smith, the auctioneer, is a very popular man, a wit, and a gentlemam. No per son is offended at what he says, and ma ny a hearty laugh has he prolonged by his numerous sayings. He was recently engaged iu a sale of venerable household furniture and "fixins." lie had just got to "going, going, and a half and a hall, going," when he saw a smiling counte nance, upon agricultural shoulders wink at him. A wink is always as good as a nod to a blind horse, or a keen sighted auctioneer, so Smith winked and tho man winked and Smith kept "going, going," with a lot of glassware, stove pipes, carpets, pots and perfumery, and finally the lot was knocked down. "To a who? said Smith gazing at the smiling stranger. "Who, golly V: said the stranger, " I dunno who." "Who, you,sir," said Smith. " Me, darned if I did," said thc stran ger. " Why, did you not wink and keep winking?" " Winking! Well T did; so do did you wink at me. I thought you winked as to say 'keep dark; I'll stick somebody for this lot of stuff: ' and I winked as to say I'll be darned if you don't mister! The Dead. Alive. A little girl about ten years of age, the daughter of one of our most esteemed citizens, was taken sick a few days ago, and on Monday evening, to thc poiguant grief of her parents, apparently died. The usual preparations were made, the room darkened, and the body enclosed in a shroud, with the intention of burying it yesterdny afternoon. But on yesterday morning the apparently dead girl revived and terribly frightened at the situation in which she found herself, with cries a larnied the household. She is since doing well. Norfolk News. A new political party, to be called the Ameriran party, it is said, is about to be formed in New York. jn-Potatocs are selling-for $18, per bushel, iu some parts of California. The Scolding Wife. Our pen trembles in our hand as we writo 'scolding wife,' for all curses and torments on the face of the earth, this demon is surely tho greatest. Her horrible temper has driven her husband long since to tho tavern, where, notwithstanding the ter rible penalty he will have to pay for the association, he meets, at least, with smiles and jovial companions. A man could lie down in 4hc swamps of Louisiana, with a mosquito sucking at every pore of hi3 skin, and bear it, with more equanimity, than the everlasting claclrof a scolding woman's tongue. What should be her pleasure the caro of thc household she makes a misery to herself and all around her and particular ly to her poor husband, who Has to listen if he expects peace and quietness when he comes home to a meal, to a re cital of all the details of trouble she has with the servants; how Billcy dropt a lit tle oil on the landing which she knows will never come out, and how little Eliza, being left to take care of herself, whilst she was looking after the servants, threw her spools of cotton into the fire, and lost every needle she had in the world. Thc husband, anxious to mollify thc irritation, says : 'Never mind, my dear, let us have din ner; I will bring you plenty of spools- of cotton when I come home this evening.' 'There, that is just like you; I declare, Mr. B., it is of no use of my slaving, and working, and saving, to make both ends meet with your extravagant ways. Heaven know?, your income is not so large, that you can purchase spools and needles when mischievous children choose to destroy them but it's just like you! What do you care about your poor wife working her fingers' ends off to make you comfortable? Not a bit, as long as your shirt buttons are attended to and your stockings mended that's all us poor wo men are worth.' 'But, my dear ' 'Don't dear me, sir ; I am not to bo smoothed down by any of your fine. words, for while I am about, I will have my say. j Do you see that, Mr. B.? Oh! you do it's ! a bit of cegar, it is. Well, tm sure and so, in spite of all I have said, you go to smooking in the bed-room this morn- ' ing, after I went down to see about break 1 fast. Upon my word, what will you do next? As though I hadn't worry and ! vexation enough with the servants, with their nasty habits, but you must add to ! them.' 'D n, it, madam, am I to hava my dinner?' 'There, that's right; begin to swear; it is so manly, to an unprotected female!' 'Soup madam!' 'That's right; go on, go on.' 'No, madam, I will go off.' A very straight (jpat tail is seen dash- , ing down the street, and, in a few minutes ; afterwards, an anxious, but quiet looking 'gentle man, is ordering ajnutton-chop at ; Victor's, and drinking au uncommonly strong glass of brandy and water. Mean time, thc devoted wife is amusing herself with the hysterics; but the only bad fea ture is she recovers. IV! 0. Delta. iHfterciice Between Religion anil Profession. There is a wide difference between re ligion and profession, as to their advan tages. To bend the knee, morning and evening, before the God of Heaven, in a spirit of formality, will avail but little, cither as to the direction, or consolation of life. It will not arm us against calam ity; it will not deliver us iu danger; 4t will not console u.s in afiliction; it will not guard us against tho wiles of temptation, or the frowns of persecution, llcligiou will do this; but not thc form of godliness. While thc countenanco of the Christian glows with the brightness of divine com munion the mere professor rises from his knees, with and understanding as dark, a heart as wavering, a will as perverse, passions as corrupt, as when he approach ed the throne of mercy. The first returns from the closet as a child who has held an inteacourse with a father, thc sccoud:, as a blind pagan returning from the tem ple, where he had been offering a few grains of incense upon the alter of an'uii knowu God. It is hard work fighting a Quaker, ft is.poor work scolding a deaf man. lib profitless working beating thc air. One sided 'VonYr overlies do not last long, aijijl generally end in victory, for. .the.iolcnt party. i I