The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, August 18, 1853, Image 4

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    71' .
A-wortfbn tins subject-has just' boon
jmMidicd-''akjsb. ltbribmg, by Professor
iljlinmi, a Kasian Couuccllor of State
which .jofti4o Wwortfiy of the notice
i" ngrieulUtrists. Seiculific discoveries
iveetrc trroat encouragement from tiioKus-
rhxn government, notwithstanding the ill
:.-tvorwitii which that power is supposec
t regiml .political novelties. Mr. I3oll
linn, under the patronage of the Czar, an
n uncc the discovery of a remedy for the
-U.i to rot, and who knows but Russia
nriy accomplish t wo great t hings thisj'car
1 V ."ciwiig her Turkey and saving her po
! :locs at the same time? Mr Doilmau
assert from actual exnerienee that tiwr-
t '-My dried poUxiors will always produce
a crop-free from disease. This discovery
he made by accident, but confirmed it by
repeated subsequent trials, lie had con
trived a potato-setter, which hat! the bad
quality of destroying any sprouts that
might bo on the sets, and even of tearing
;;way the rind. ToUiardcn the potatoes
t-o as to protect them against this accident,
he resolved to dry them. In the spring
of I5f)0i he placed a lot in a very hot
i )ouj, and at the end of three weeks they
wi re dry enough to plant. The potatoes
.ime up well and had no disease.
Tbi's was looked upon as a mere acci-
nt; biit his seed potatoes having been
the next rear, a:
nd again pro-
timing a perfectly
sound crop, while the
i.ei-hboring crops were all deceased, the
rofesbor's attention was' drawn to the
j henouienon, and he made a lliird trial
i.i 132. This time all his own stock of
p t Uoes being exhausted, he was obliged
t purchase his seed, which bore unmis
t liwablc marks of having formed part of
.i crop that had been severely diseased,-
mic being quite rotten. After keeping
iln'ui for about a month in a hot room, as
i t fore he cut, the largest potatoes into
, larters, aiid the smaller into halves, and
1 ft them to drv another week- Accident
; ily the drying was carried so far that ap
j rehensioas were entertained of a very
1 id crop, if any. Contrary to especta
t'jii, however, the sets pushed promptly,
s-'.-A grew so fast that excellent young po
tatoes were dug three weeks earlier than
u ual.
This singular result, obtained in three
successive years, led to inquiry as to
whether any similar cases were on record.
In the course of the investigation, two
other facts were elicited. It was discov
orcl that Mr. Losovsky; of Witebsk, bad
for four years adopted the plan of drying
Lis sect! potatoes, and that during that
time there had been no disease on his es
t .tt. It was again an accident which led
t the practice of this gentleman. Five
; -j i s ago, while his potatoes were digging,
J. pat one in his pocket, and on returning
h jn.c threw it on the stove, where it re
mained forgotten till spring. Having
then chanced to observe it, he had the
curiosity to plant it. all dried up as it was
Mid obtained an abundant, health' crop
-iiice that time the practice of drying ha
been continued, and always with grea
success. Professor Bollman remarks that
it is usual in" llussia, in man places, to
&moke dry flax, wheat and rye: and
t Ii j west of liussia, experienced proprie
t rs prefer, for seed, onions that have
1 en kept over the winter in cottages
vithout a chimney.
i he second fa fit is this: Mr. TTasileiF-
f-k , of Mohileff, is in the habit of keep
ing potatoes all the year around, bystore
ing them in the place where his hams
are smoked. It happened that, in the
spring of 1852, his soed potatoes, kept in
the usual manner, were insufficient- and
he luade up the requisite quantity will
some of those which had been for a month
in the smoking place. JLhcse potatoes
produced a capital crop, very little dis
easeu, wuue at tue same lime tne crop
from the sets which were not smoke-dried
was extensively attacked b' disease.
Professor Bollman is of opinion that there
would have been no disease at all if tin
if ts had been better dried. The temper
aturc required to producotihe desired re
suit is not very clearly made out. Mr.
tollman's room, in which his first pota
toes were dried, was heated to about 72
degrees and much higher. By way of
experiment, he placod others in the cham
ber of the stove itgeif, where the ther
mometer stood at 13G degrees, and more.
lie also ascertained that the vitality of
the potato is not affected, evenuf the rinfl
is charred.
A method so simple, rational and aheap,
as is suggested above, cannot fail to rec
ommend itself to the attentiou-of every,
American farmer. Jf the remedy iscf
ficacious in Piussia, there seems no rea
fcon why it should fail in New England.
Ve have amplcfproof in experience that
the source of the disease is in the root it-J
self, and not in any noxious quality of
the soil or atmosphere froln which it de
rives its nutriment.
JKSButter should always pecluirned
in a room or apartment, the, Icupaj-aTeiof
winch is betwcen;thirLty ansix,fcyfde4'eVs;
AtVixtj, -butter $s ?fbMuSl. in
the greatest quantity.
$500 CIS A'Bi
nalever concerns the happiness nn
health of a people is at all times of the most
valuable lmporinnVe. I take it for grantK
that cverv person will do all in their power
to save the lives of their children, anil tha
every person will endeavor to promote thei
own health at all sacrifices. J feel n to b
my duty to solmenly assue you that worms
according to the opinion ol. the most ccie
brat erf Phvsicians, arc the primary cause
of a large majon'tv of diseases to whir
children and adults are liable: if you have
an appetite continually chargeable from one
kind of food to another, iJail Breaih, Pain
in the Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hard
ncss and Fullness ol the BelJey, Dry Cough
blow r ever, rinse irregular rcmumho
J hat all these denote worms, and you should
at once apply the remedy:
An article founded upon Scientific Princi
pies, compounded with purely vegetable sub
dances, being perfectly safe when taken, &
can be given to the most tender infant will
decided beneficial elTect, where Bowel Com
dainls and Drarktta have made them weak
and debilitated, the Tonic properties of mv
;nn yrup are such, that u stands with
out an equal in the catalogue of medicines
in.ivig lone and strength to the Slomache
wlmb makes ii an Infallible remedy fo
those afflicted with Despepsia, the aston
ishing cures pnrfotmcd by this Syrup aftci
rnvMcians nave lailetl, is the best evidence
ol its superior efficacy over all others.
TI:e Tape Worus !
his is the most difficult Worm to des
tfoy of ail that infest the hump.n system.
it grows to an almost Indefinite length, be
coming so coiled ami fasiened in the hues
um hum oiomacn anecung ine ncattn so
: . , l i - . t , .
saulv as to cause Ssl. itus Dance. it ? f
uini-uiose aniicieu seldom u ever suspeci
- 7 l
mat it is lupe Worm hastening them to ai
arly grave. In oruer to destroy this Worm
a icry energetic treatment must be pursued
would therelore be proper to take G or i
of my Liver Pills so as to remove all oh
struciions, that the Worm Syrup may aci
direct upon the Worm which must be taken
in doses of 2 liable spoon's full '3 limes
Jay, these directions followed, have nevet
jecn known to fail in curing the most obsli
nate case of Tape Worm.
Pi! 3s.
No part of man is more liable to disease
itan the Liver, it servinn as a filterer to
purify the bltod,or giving the proper secre
ion to the bile; so mai any wrong action of
the Liver afTects the other important parts
ol the system,.and results variously, in Liv
er Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c-
e should, therefore, watcfi every symptom
that might indicate
action of the
jiver. These Pills
being composed o
loots and Plants furnished by nalure lo heal
the sick: Nnmciv 1st, An Expectorant.
which augments the secretion from the Pul
monary mucus membrane, or promotes the
pischarge of srereted mailer. 2u, An .4
leralive, which charges in some explicable
and insensible manner, the certain morbid
action of the system. 3d, A Tonic, which
gives lone and strength lo the nervous sys
tem, renewing health and vigor to all parts,
of the body. 4ih, A Cathartic, which acts
in perfect harmony with the other ingredi
ents, and operating on the Bowels, and ex
pelling ike -whole mass of corrupt and vitia
ted matter, and purifying the Biood, which
destroys disease and restores health.
To SP m a I e s .
You will find these Pills an invaluable
medicine in many complaints to which you
ire subject. In obstructions either lotal or
oarUnl, they have been found of inestimable
benefit, restoring their fracliontal arrange
ments lo a healthy action, purifying the
blood andv. other fluids so effectually lo put
to llighr'ail complaints which may arise
from female irreeulaniies, as head ache.
giddness, dimness of sight, pain in the side,
back. &c.
None genuine unless signed J. N. PIo
bensck, all others being base imitations-
(LAgenls wishing new supplies, and
Store Keepers wishing to become Agents;
must address the Proprietot J. N. ilobensackj
No 120 N. Second st , Phila., Pa.
Agassis in Jloaroe CokjjIv. I
Dr. S. Stokes and It. Huston, Stroudsburg;!
II. Peters, jr. & co. Marshals creek; Staples j
& Shivley, Analomink; J. Be!"4, Experiment
Mills . Brodhead & Bro. Dutotsburg ; II. &
-'. ICintz. Paradise ; .T. Tuerwine, Merwines-i
burg; Daily & Tombler, Effert; Edinger &
Marsh, Femicrsville; Keller & Hoffman,
Kellersi illn; and all dealers in drugs through
out Ihe county and Slate
Price, each 25 cents.
March 0, 1353.
Ourc of Consumption,
Liver Complaint, Cold, Coughs. Asthma.
BroHchitisi and till Throat and Lung Com
I have published a brief work on Consum
ption, which contains an invaluable recipe
ur the cure of these prevalent diseases, even
in thfir worst stages, when friends ami phy
sicians have given up all hone. TlTe Lux
balsam prescribed in this work Cures vrithou
the expensive aid of physicians or injurious
useoi patent medicines, in adopting this Svs
tern of Gure the patient knows ichal he is us
ig knows that he is not shortennintr hi:
pays by the use of anodynes or mercurials.
which may seem to Relieve but never Cure.
lie knows when using this Life-saving Bal-
sam, tnot ne is laKing mild, pleasant, effica
clous remedies, such as nature prescrihel.
lor me ills Her children suffer. The inredi
ents composing this Lung Balsam are obtain
aoie (ciieapiy too.J wherever consumption
exists, proving that Every ill has Us antidote
Consumptive patients may Rely on this recap
(all Lung Complaints are removed by its
use; i.woum not atiacn mv name lo it. had
l doubt of its efiicacy. The directions foi
preparing and ubing ihe fialsam are perfectly
plain. 1 prefer selling ihe Recipe to making
udiaam, lis ii enemies ijeooie 10 luaKe
their oicli Medicine at a Trifling Cost. 1 wil
impart the secret of making the Halsam, and
me r amity rigni to use il, lor spl. but in uo
case will 1 sell it for speculating purposes.
Proof of i $ s Goodness.
Jackson, Mich. March 21, 1851.
Doct. 5. TO USE Y-Str: You wished me
lo lot you know what effect your preparation
f idedieine for Consumption and other' dis
enses Had in my family. Alter tue urst ten
days my wife gained in weight 3 lusnrelieved
nor cough, changed her countenance, and ar
appearances were boiler. &ly family would
not be willing lo do without it. It is a med
icine much needed -in Jackson there is many
cases simular to my wife's. The Itev Mr.
Jianehard will vvrile vou-fora recioe. Res-
ecifulJy yours. o. F.AQDL.
3 OIJSEY, 105 -Nassau stfWJifwiv Vnrit. JJ
if-he wortf ooBsr'bv mat m dfr spfn' r
Oaober 7rTS51-6m
Stro:i'Jsbnr;? akd Ensioas
Port JcrviSfMaitck Chitnchand Scranto.ii
Tho Stroudsburg and Easton
mail line of stages, consists of excellent four Coaches, and leaves J. .1. Postens' In
dian Queen Hotel, Stroudsburg, Pa. even-
day (except Sundays) ai 7 o'clock a. m. nr
riving in Easton before the departure of the
cars lor JNcw ortC, or stages lo I3elhlehem
and Allentown.
Ur 1 he following lmesMeaves Posiens
Indian Queen Hotel, Stroudsburg, Pa. every
.Monday, Wednesday and Friday, returning
on alternate days:
A line to Port Jervis, leaving
ai v o cloclc a. .M. via Jiushkill, iJingman s
Choice and"iMilford. Returning, leaves Port
Jervis immediately after the arrival of the
morning train of,cars to New l ork, ai aboul
8 o'clock a.
A,,.-,!.- 1
at 7 o'clock a. m. vin RrnHhcn.kvillo wi,,
il connects with to ViIkes-I3aie and
...... - wk.
Wheii Haven.
A line to Scranton. leavinsr at
4-o'clock a. ai. via Uartonsville, Tanners
ville, where il connects with a line to" Hones
dale, and connecting at Scranion with ihe ment of Human-Physiology, with their indi
cars for the west. vidual and social application; the true na
These lines hold out. strong inducements
10 tne traveling public passing through sec
lions of the couuiry which are as magnifi
cent and picturesque as any in the Union.
Hating provided themselves with excel
cellent coaches, good horses, and careful
drivers, they feel confident that they will be
enabled to give entire satisfaction to all who
will patronie them.
August 10, 1852. Proprietor
The testimony in its favor is over-
whe'mincf. The proprietors are dai y in
receipt of letters and certifiicates, going
to prove its remarkab e efiiciency to all
cases or worms, ootn m -cm aren ana a-
du ts. The re ief given, and the immedi
ate improvement of health which follows
its use, has caiicd the -attention of physic
cians to this artic e, and they freely re-
commend & prescribe it in their practice.
I he retail price is 2o cents per a7-
brings it within the means of all.
Brooldvn. L. I. Jannarv 1G. 1847.
j j ;
I do certify that I gave one bottle of!
ii. A.Jjahncstock s v irmifuge to my child,
md m scacu hours it passed 23 large
worms. Any person doubting this may-
apply tor further information at my resi
dence corner of York and Jackson st s.
james McCaffrey.
PougdreiJsie, IN. 1. March 2, 1844.
I certify, that I took two vials of B. A
Fahnestock's Yirmifuge, which I found
to be the greatest cure for worms I have
over used. I have been troubled -with
ape -worms for a number of years, and I
lave never found so good a medicine as
A. Fanestock's Yirmifuge. 1 there
fore recommend it.
The public is cautioned against coun-
torfcits and spurious articles, and to put
no confidence in statements that Eolm-
stock's,' and 'S. Fahnestock's Yirmifuge,
Jwi, T2SJ
. " I
. l
For sale in Stroudsburg, by T. Schoch
-m I
Ihe subscriber hav-
ing purchased the eniire
-slockof Clocks, Watch-
cs, Jewelry, &c. of John
V m m- I
II. Melick, intends car
rving on the Watch Ma
gSgS' king and Jewelry busi
ness in all its various forms, and in a man
ner, he trusts, that will give the most entire
satisfaction, not only lo himself but to those
trusting the above mentioned articles with
him to be repaired, lie has renewed his
slock by recent purchases in the city of New
York, which, together with his former slock,
makes his assortment at this time one of the
most splendid ever before offered m btrouds-
ourg; among wbicli may be found all the la-
test fashions in the structure and embellish
ment of dress Jewelry, viz: 13reast Pin3, Ear
Rings, Finger Rings, Gold Lockets, Snaps,
wi,ui.eici3,. ouues, uuver spoons, Duller
Knives, and Briitania Ware, together with a
large assortment of Gold and Silver Watch
es, Clocks, Perfumery, yc., together with
all the articles that, can be found in any es
tablishment of the kind.
ueing an important as well as a skillful nan
ui mo uusiness, tie uauers nimseif lie can
give as general satisfaction to his customers
r 1 - . - . . . - . .1
iuu uu; puuiic ns cun ue oono oy any one,
as he intends to keep none but the best work-
men jn his employ ; and feeling confident
thai all shall have eniire satisfaction done
thorn, heinteuds to devote his whole time-and
attention to that important branch of -his
Anything in his line that he may not have
on hand, 'will be promptly procured from the
city, by calling on the subscriber at his shop,
on jMizabeth streel, iwo doors west of J. II
Melick's old stand.
Stroudsburg, May G, 1852.
N.W. Comer Second and Mullxrvy Streets,
At the Lowest
Market rates.
h J tipse cojumonmugaNew .
ti c 11 la r 1 y j n v i t eij . t jtf ca J I .
ff?Vi ieuiior! gtn Tfi TbHfig .
Philadelphia, Jarluar'y 27, i.o33nr.
&S4) jiil
To w7iorn it may concern To Ihcintelligent,
the thoughtful, the philanthropic Your at
tention is respectfully invited lo a new, or-
iguial,. peculiar and important1 work, oJ
401) pages
1 8 mo., and
containing nearly
one hundred engravings, and entitled,
nv t. Ix'icuols, at. d
13K1NCIPAL of the American Dydropath
JL ic institute, liiducauonal and 1 nera
peutical. at Porlehester, N. Y., one hour's
idstance from New York city on the New
York and New Haven Railroad. A com
prehensive and confidential Treatise on the
Structure, r unctions, Passional Attractions
and Perversions, 1 rue and l'alse Physiea
nd Social Conditions, and the most mil
mate Relations of Men and Women,
The title, Esoteric Anthropology, will
seem strange to many, but it is thoroughly
appropriate. Anthropology is from Anlhro
pos. a man, and Logos, a description. Eso
teric, Irorn ,so, within, signifies private, se
cret, interior, and was used by the ancient
plnlosoDhers to distinguish their private
lectures, civen in the intsriors of their
dwellings, upon the sacred mysteries of
science and philosophy, to their chosen dis
ciples, from their Exoteric discourses, which
were given to the public. Jbsolertc Anthro-
hoIojtv is. therefore, a nrivate treatise on
IIu.,na" A natomy, Physiology, I herapeutics
i i iLi.t. n - i.n..,.L. i -v .
iiou ustuinua on mu wooiu m-icocu ui
man plain in language, lull and faithful in
i.iusuauon, anu w n en wu. ai me iranK-
professional confidence. h contains the
highest and decnest truths? in fivc.rv clnnnrt-
ture and hidden cause of Disease: the con
ditions of Healih, physical and passional;
an mat miormaiion winch every human be
ing needs, which few dare ask for, or know
how to obtain, but which, amid the discord
ances and depravities of civilization, is of
priceless value.
There are many subjects connected with
the broad science of Human Life, of the
deepest and most vital interest to man and
the race, in regard to which a terrible igno
rance every wnere prevails; an ignorance
which is destroying the healths, shortening
ihe lives, and sacrificing the happiness ol
millions which threatens the power of na
lions, and the perpetuity of races
Professional works on Physiology are dry,
mechanical, or chemical, astonishingly ig
norant, as well as technically incomprehen
sible. The popular works are superficial,
meager, and necessarily wanting in the
most'important matters. The quack books
iire full of errors, false in science, absurd
in philosophy, mischeivous in morals, and
basely meccenary in their motives. In most
cases these books are the advertising medi
um of some specious charlatan, who wants
patients, or letters of consultation, or who
has some instrument to sell, or some nost
rum to palm off upon the credulous.
i he world has need of a different book
from any of these such a book as has never
been written, and as cannot now be publish
ed in ihe usual way, sold by booksellers, ol
hawked by agents or peddlers. The author
of ii.soteric Anthropology, a Teacher, a
Physician, a public arid private Lecturer on
all branches of Medical bcience, has writ
t? i i i r t
ten mis dook wnn a iranicness he never
could have used in a work for the public-, or
one open to criticism. It is for his ounils
and patients, for intelligent men and women,
;v!l wh to understand the deepest mvste
ries nif? especially it is for the noble and
hereoio few, who are brave enough to exa
mine and accept new truths, and wise e
nough to profit by them. There can scar
cely be any important question, which any
man or woman can ever need to ask a phy
sician, to which this volume does not con
tain an answer. It is so complete in this
respect, that the author hopes and believes
that no one who reads it will ever need to
trouble himself with a professional consulta
tion. It is henceforth hi3 chosen method of
medical instruction and practice, and in it
he has performed the duty he owes man.
kind as a healer of the sick, a preserver of
health, and a teacher of the Laws of Life.
Among the subjects treated of id this
work, are the following: Man, and his rela
tions to the Spiritual and Material Uuiverse
Human Anatomy; the Chemistry of Man:
Principles of Physiology and the Active
Forces of Nature; Ihe ihree Groups ol
Functions, Organic, Animal, and Genera-
tive; The whole Philosophy -and Processes
of Reproduction; The True Law of Marriage
The Conditions of Health; Causes of Disease;
I a : ll .. f iit .
f . " A ' I T T
Diseases and Treatment; Passional Diseases
Diseases of the General System; lirain
and iervcs; itespiration; Digestion; (Jenera-
1T 1- . -r-x . . ' 1
tion; Gestation and Paituriiion; Jactation
UI1U lill. Ill II I I (1 ' I llll. I 1 L III I Illillll V- I'll' I'll I
.1 0 -V J ' "
j wu.Muu.aiiu pio-
cess from the beginning to the close oLiife,
and containing especially-
I. A clear and amply illustrated view of
1 . - f . t . ...
ne struciure 01 tne Human body, and all its
complex organism, male and female
2. A lull account of tho functions of life.
with such an illustrated description of the
evolution of the embryo, as has not before
been given.
3. All that is known of health and dis
ease, with the means for the preservation of
lbs former, and cure of the laiter.
4. So careful an explanation of the whole
process ol gestation and childbirth, as will
enable every woman to dispense with the
services of a physician or professional mid-
Esoteric A kihropologv is. plain and
simple in lancuaae. full in illustration, as
comprehensive as the utmost curiosity can
wish, and without one line of quackery or
the remotest hinting at a 'jec.
It must be evident that such a book, writ-
ten with the necessary freedom, and illus-
irated with fullness and fidelity, must not bc
pro aned. It is not for the counter, thn
uooiv-siaii, ine uorary sneii, or Hie center
table. It is not offered, for curious ex
amination, nor urged upon those who can
not appreciate ns value. It is advertised,
that every one who needs it may obtain it'
' -o
if ne will, wiietiier the social proprieties be
true orTalse. tho nnhnr mn nnt r;nin.o .1.
and he feels compelled to keep this book truly S
esoteric, a private work, lo be sent as a con- 5
fidcnlial answer to a professional consult,,. ft
professional consult,,.
lion, and he trusts thut no person will apply
for it who will not make U a point of kior
10 SO consider it.
loall such persons it will bo sent RV
MAIL, lo any designated address. POST
PAID, on the receipt of One Dollar, sent,
f,"Lp,:i,lJ,8T S T' L- KiCUQLs M. d.
t WlUWdlUll 111 I . I
3 ESPECTFUL.LY announces to the cit-
. zens of Stroudsburg and the surround
ing country, that he still continues tho above
business, and may be found at his establish
ment on Elizabeth street. All ordors for Pa
per flanging will bo punctually attended to,
mill u.ecuieu 111 Hie neslstvle. nnnn 1 m m?st
reasonable lerms.
j. .WND0W SASH, painted and,
giazeiiy.ot all sizes, constantly on hand and
iur suie ai ine aqoto csianiisiiuient. -
uvuauury, npru 1a, xoay. ly 1
ilJnlnal Fire Insurance Comp'y.
nphe rate of Insurance is one dollar on
the thousand doaVrs insured, after
which payment no subsequent tax Vi
be levied, except to cover actua toss or
damage by fire, that may fall upon mem
bers ot the company.
The nett profits arising from interest
or otherwise, wut be ascertained yeary,
for which each member in proportion to
his, her, or their deposit, -will have a
credit m the company. Each insurer in
or with the said company wi be a mem
ber thereof during the term of hfe or her
policy. The principe of Mutua Insur-
ance has been 'thoroughly tested has
been tried by the unerring test of experi
enco.. ana nas nroveu successim anu no
t t. n i it
comc very p0puar. It affords the great
t sccurity against oss or damng0 hy
five, on the most advantageous and rea-
SOiiabtC terms.
Applications for Insurance to be made
in person, or by letters addressed to
John Edinger, John S. Heller,
Andrew Storm, James H. "Walton,
Silas L. Drake, M. H. Drehcr,
Geo. 13. Keller, llichard S. Staples,
Robert Boys, Joseph Trach,
Jacob StouiTer, Charles D.TJrodhcad,
Michael Shoemaker.
11. S. STAPLES, President.
J. H. Walton, Treasurer.
Stroudsburg,. Sept. 23, 1852.
Horse Owner's Secret,
Being a new and certain remedy for the speedy
Cure of IScavcs,
By Sir James Lyndonton,
Principal Farrier to his Royal Highness
Prince Albert
npIlE great discovery conlained in this lit
JL tie work procured Sir James his Uaron
etcy. It is really worth its weight in gold t
all who own or use Horses. Jtprecnbesa Ccr
tain and positive cureforl hcllcaveswhich any
person can prepare, ihe remedy is betie
and cheaper than any advertised Heave Powr
der, and is perfectly safe, as any one can
know who tries it. Horse owners know that
many a valuable Horse loses half its price
by this prevalent disease, i he remedy pre
scribed in this work will cure him and in
crease his market value, besides relieving
the poor beast of a horrible complaint, simi
lar to the Asthma in a man. The public can
depend on this work; it is no catchpenny
humbug. J he articles prescribed by Sir
James are all cheap and can be had at any
store. To prevent imposition the work will
be sent in sealed envelopes. English prico
four shillings and three pence sterling.
American price, 91 per copv. rersons or
: : - . ti
dering Sir James' Work, are expected to con
fine his instructions to their own animals.
It will be sent to none others
An American Horse Doctor approoves of
the above bystem! Read what he says.
Appleton, Ohio, July 21, 1851
Mr- Dunberton, I have tried vourSecrei
for the cure of Heaves, and approve of it
very much. Yours, truly,
Witness, G. Long. S. Lake, Horse Dr.
1 0 procure this valuable little work'. Ad
dress, post paid,
English Horse Doctor,
American Agent for James Lyndenton's
Horse Owner's Secret,
New York Post Office-.
The sent by mailat letter postage
ortiiinqton C-. S.NETHEN, Wash
ington, D. C, continues to practice
exclusively m the supreme court, and
to attend to cases before Congress; to
.! ill!
prosecute ciauns an sctuect accounts a-
gainst the departments, bureaus, and
MAnMMd f t- r in rrsisrB -a h a a-. .
uuaiuo ui uuiuuiieaiuiiuid tu uiuuuiu XUIL-
cnts l01. invenhon. at home and nhmnd
j rt T,fo: ':na v ,i i '
f ud pensions and bounty lands;
" " t , wu uuuua, lugauius, sum in-
II. 1 Il I . I I
uerimuuuaiu any pan 01 me unueu states
and foreign countries ; to make invest
ments of funds 111 loans and stocks and
on bond and mortgage, and to negotiate
the purchase and sale of loans, lands and
patent rights in any state of the Union.
Just burnt and for sale by the subscriber.
These brick are of a large size and of a su
perior quality, and will be sold as low and
lower, according to quality, than any other
bricic in tne Uounty. A portion of them are
pressed or front, and cornice IJiick of differ-
em. kinds. Said Brick are composed of ma-
tetial that will stand .the fire with impunity,
thus answering for the purpose of building
bake - ovens, &c, all of which will be retailed
at tho following rates:
Pressed or front brick at 1 50 per hundred
west common hard buck DO do do
Best salmon do 75 do do
Best soft do 50 do do
Filling-in-brick 25 do do
N. Ii. All kinds of grain, at the highest
market price, taken in exchange for Brick,
and Cash not refused.
Stroudsburg, September 30, 1852.
Kiiuvm murvaj luiucus, tvu,
U their purchases, should not neglect
thesa desirabln nnd salenhln nrtirlfls. 'I'hfiir
manufacture has been much nmroved re-
centlv and ihev are made verv durable.
Particular attention is requested to tho
Wool Lined Gloves and Milieus.
I hoy arc indispensable in cold and wet
weather. Ladies will find these Gloves use
ful in any work that will soil the hands, at
the same time that they will cure the worsi
Salt Rheum or Chapped Hands immediately.
I hey are made all lengths to protect the
arms and wrists.
For sale by Wilcox, Billings & Co. No, 3
Church Alley, PhiPa. Goodyear's 63 Ches
nut street do. J. & II. Phillips, Pittsburgh.
Pa Falconer & Haskell, Baltimore, Md
ft. W. Shifler, Charleston,' S. C. Bart &
Hickcox, Cincinnati, Ohio, and by all Rub-
her Dealers in.the Unionf
-For sale at retail, bv Countr.v-Mnrrbnnis
-genera v.
lovemuer U5, l53.--2m.
Jaundice, -Dyspepsia' Clironic or
nervous ?cDimy, diseases 01
the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a disordered
Liver or Stomach, such as a constipaiion.'in
ward piles, fullness or blood lo the head,
acidiiv of the stomach, nausea, heartburn
disgust for food,, fullness, or weight in. the
stomach, sour eructations, sinking or flutter
ing at the pit of Ihe stomach, swimming or
the head, hurried and difficult breathing, flut
tering m the heart, choking or suffocatiing
sensations when in a lying posture, dimness
of vision, dots or webs before the sightfe
ver and dull pain in the head, deficiency of
perspiration, yellowness of tho skin & eyes
pain in the side, back, chest, limbs,' &crsud
den flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, con
stant imaginings of evil and great depression
of spit its, can be effecluallv cured by'
Dr. LTooJlaiuVs celebrated German Billcrs
Dr 31 Jacks on,.
at the German Medicine Store, 120 Arch st
Philadelphia. Their power over the above
diseases is not excelled if equalled by
any other preparation in thcJJnited States
as the cures attest, in many cases after skil
ful physicians had failed.
These Hitters are worthy the attention of
invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rec
lification of diseases of the Liver and lesse
glands, exercising the most searching pow
ers in weakness and affections of the diges
tive organs, they are withal, safe, certain
and pleasant.
Read and be Convinced.
From the Boston Dee.
The editor said, Dec. 22nd-i?r Hoojland's'
celebrated German Bitters for the cure of Li
ver complaint, jaundice, dyspepsia, chronic
or nervous debiliiy, is deservedly one of thc!
most popular medicines of the day. These"
Bilters have been used by thousands, and a
friend at our elbow says he has himself re
ceived an effectual and permanent cure of
Liver complaint from the use of this remedy.
We are convinced that, in the use of these
Hitlers, the patient constantly gains strength)
and vigor a fact worthy of great considera
tipn. They are pleasant in taste and smelJ
and can be used by persons with the mosJ
delicate stomachs with safety, under any cir
cumstances. We are speaking from experi
ence, and to the afflicted we advise their use.
'Scott's Weekly",' one of the best Liter
ary papers published, said, Aug. 25
'Dr. Hoojland's German Bitters, manufac
tured by Dr. Jackson, are now lecommended
by some of the most prominent members of
ihe faculiy as an article of much efficacy in
cases of female weakness. "As such is the
case, we would advise all mothers to obtain
a bottle, and thus save themselves much sick
ness. Persons of debilitated constitutions
will find these Hitters advantageous to their
health, as we know from experience the sal-
ulary effeel they have upon week systems."
More Evidence.
The Hon. C. D. Hineline, Mayor of the
City of Camden, N. J.,says:
Flonjland's German. Bitters. We have
seen many flattering notices ofthis medicine,
and the source from which they came induced
us to make inquiry respecting its merits.
From inquiry we were persuaded to use it,
and must say we found it specific in its ac
tion upon disease of the liver and digestive
organs, and the powerful influence it exerts
upon nervous prostralion is really surprising.
It calms and strengthens the nerves, bring
ing them into a stale of repose, making sleep
"If this medidine was more generally used
we are satisfied there would be less sick
ness, as from the stomach, liver, and nervous
system the great majority of real and imagi
nary diseases emanate. Have them in a
healthy condition, and you can bid defiance
lo epidemics generally. This extraordirlferv
medicine we would advise our friends who
are at all indisposed, to give a ttial ft will
recommend itself. It should, in fact, be in'
every family. No other medicine can pro
duce such evidences of merit."
Evidence upon evidence has been "receiv
ed (like the foregoing) from all sections of
the Union, the last threeyears, and the strong
est testimony in its favor5 is, thai there is
more of it used m the practice of the regulur
Physicians of Philadelphia, than all other
nostrums conbined, a fact that can easily be
established, and fully proving that a scien
tific preperation will meet with their quiet
approval when presented even in this form.
1 hat this medicine will cure Liver Com
plaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after
using it as directed. It acts specificallv un-
on the stomach and liver ; it is preferable 10
calomel in all bilious diseases the effect is
immediate. They can be administered to
female or infant with safety and reliable ben
efit at any time.
Look well to the marks of the genuine.
They have lho wriUen sigynaluriof c; M;.
JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name
- . . " " ...
qiown in tlio bottle, without wncti they arc;
x or sale W holesale and Retail at the Ger-
man Medicine Store, No. 20 Arch street, oW
door below Gib, Philadelphia; and by respec
table dealers generally through the country.-' ;
Prices reduced. lo enable all classes off
invalids to enjov the advantages oftheir great
restoratiro powers.
Single Bottle 75 cents. t
For sale by Stakbird & VAr.ia..E,.Strouds-
bnrji' Pa. A us. 5. 1352. -I v.
"oils, tallow grease;
300 barrels Machinery Oil.
Price 75 cts.
per gallon.
2500 gallons do do
do 75
in casks of various sizes.
200 barrels Boild Paint Oil.
55 do"
5000 gallons do do do
do, 55(da5
in casks of various sizes.-
350 barrels Tanners' Oil. Various kinds &
qualities, from 35 to GO cts-per gallon.
1500 gallons in casks of various sizes: Va
rious kinds and qualities, from 35 lo 50.
cts. per gallon.
50 tons Tallow Grease, for heavy bearings,,
and coarse machinery, in barrels oiv
cas,ks, of any consistency required. .
Price G cents per pound.
150 tons Ohio Mineral Paint, In barrels,. ate?';
tne lowcjt markctjpnee. t .-,. 4
Machinery Oil, warranted not to chill? itu7
he coldest weather, and considered by, those,
using it equal to sperm oil. .s
lioild l'mut Oil, equal to linseed oil. othctv
tnan for white. . ....
I am constantly receiving lanro sunnliesbf
the above, named articles, and my motto is;, -. '
,'Small profits and quick returns:"
B. F. POND. 5R Wn tor ?t
(under the Pearl st. House,) New-York. ;
July 1, 1852. Cm . . '. :i
llllB romoven liis nffirio to hifl dwollinrr-t..
. iiOrf I
house, first door -below tho office, of ithti .
"Monroe Democrat," and.dirtlQppd"
:sibS. J. lTollinsheatVs6;WlMictU
Street. 4
Stroudsburg, Dec. 19 1650,