111 --' 'y' )' ' ft' ' " Sbooteb-'to Politics, fitcroturc, Agriculture, -Science, iltomlitn, airt (Scnerol Intelligence. 13. .STROUDSBURG-, MONROE COUNTY, PA,' AUGUST "18, 1358. NO. '18, V. J' I? I i I Published iy Theodore Sclsocli. . TERMS Two dollars per annum in advance Two dollars and a quarter, half yearly and if not paid be foie the end of the year, Two dollars and a half. No papers discontinued until all arrearages arc paid, except at the option of the Editor. ID Advertisements not exceeding one square (ten lines) wilfbe inserted three weeks lor one dollar, and twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion. The charge for one and three msei lions the same. A liber al ilisnnn mmlp In vnnrlv mli'Pitiscrs. 113 All letters addressed to iiie Editor roust be post paid. - JOB PRINTING. 'Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain ' and ornamental Type, we arc prepared ! to execute every uescnpiionoi Cards, Circulars, Hill Heads, Notes, Ulank Receipts J Justices, Legal and other Illanks, Pamphlets, &c. nntcu'Tvun nearness anu aespaicu, on rcasonaoie mis, AT THE OFFICE OF THE JEFFERSON! A IV. Courage. . ' - ' v HY HAiiRY CORNWALL. - ' Courage! Nothing car. withstand -.-Long a wronged, undaunted land! If the hearts within her be . v True unto themselves and thee, -Thou freed giant, Liberty! . . : iOh! no mountain-nymph art thou, "r When the helm is in thy brow, And the sword is on thy hand, 'Fighting for thy own good land! - Courage ! Nothing e'er withstood " Freemen fighting for their good; Armed with all their father's fame, They will win and wear a name That shall go to endless glory, . ;Lik? the goods of old Greek Btory, Raised to heaven and heavenly worth, For the good they gave to earth. Courage! There is none so poor. ' Jnc a wrono endured) None so humble, none so weak, " But may flush his father's cheek; ' And his maidens dear and true, With the deeds that he may do Be his days as dark as night, ; , He may make himself a light. What! though sunken be the sun;-- ' There are stars when day is done! " Courage ! Who will be a slave, That hath strerigth to dig a-grave, And thciein his fetters hide, And lay a tyrant by his side 1 -Courage! Hope, howe'er he fly For a time, can never die! Courage, therefore, brother men! J Cry ''God! and to the fight again!' A man that now a day will write And not prepay his letter . Is meaner than the heathen's are; Who don't know any belter. - And if you'd take a fine tooth comb , And comb down all creation You couldn't find a meaner man . In this here mighty nation. ' . . SMALL. H ' '"A down-castian so legends said W' Offered a Eingle cent, If his young babes would go to bed Nightly, without their daily bread ! - Poor little things, they went. But, Ah! my story's not complete, 'For while the children lay ,TA11 wrapped in innocence and sleep, That father oft was k nown to creep ;- And steal that cent awav. M Marriage Scene in India, Bayard Taylor writes from Bombay as follows : 'Last night, on my wayhome from the Botantic Garden, I met a magnificent marriage procession in tne streets or tno native town. lurst came a very large number of beautiful children, in open carriages, the pearls and spangles on their dress glittering in the light of tor- ches, which were born iipon long poles and waved mridtous jubilee to sounds of music. Behind them were boys in jew- viuu iuww, vu. uu.oUa, ,cii holding golden fringed umbrellas over their beads. The music a piercing medley of fifes, drums, and flutes came next, and then the bridegroom, mounted on a white horse. He was a man of about twenty, qjad in splendid robes of white slik, all embroidered with gold. Uis turban gleamed with pearls and his cheeks and forehead were covered with .gold leaf. He was a living El Dorado, but sat so grave and motionless on his horse, looking straight before him, that he .might have been, taken for a bedizened statue, A servant holding a silver screen, resemblilig a fan, walked on each side of him, and behind him came the dowry "borne on men'ifheads. It was contained In twenty or thirty houses, arranged so jis to form a quadrangle with a temple in the centre "of lall.' Aman recently poked his head out froin 'behiud' 'the times,' when it was ta keu.offby a 'passing event.' " Trw . " A man attempted to seize a 'favorable " opporttn'ty,' a few-days since; but his holchslipped and he fell to the ground considerably injured. -- - , O i - The man who was 'struck ithaston .iehmeut' .without resisting ;it, .has-ibeen' senV as a "delagate .tb.thicxtTca'cetcon- vention. mm veDtion- . . ,L Border Scenes on the Susque hanna. My readers have doubtless noticed in the Advertiser, some years since, a nar rative of the remarkable escapo of John Harris from being burnt alive by the In dians, on the spot where Harrisburg, the seat of government of Pennsylvania, has been since built. That publication has been the means of bringing to light sever al interesting incidents connected with Harris and his wife, one of those pioneer mothers in whom the dangers and exi gencies of frontier life, develope the highest degree of.daring, compatible with exercise of that sound judgment which is of yet greater importance in that sphere of existence. Harris, as had been stated in the nar rative referred to, was a trader among two or three savage tribes, whose head quarters seem to have extended along the west branch of the Susquohanna, even in this day of improvement embracing some of the wildest mountain and river scenery in the United States. The wolf and the fox still dispute possession of ex tensive tracts in this region with the set tier, and even the panther and the bear I : 11 1 1 1 i A I. I their retreats, by the hardy mountaineers, ' who vary the toils of husbandry with re- laxations as the' deem it of the chase, rendered here, bv the character of the country, the most arduous species ofit in thc world. One of these tribes, be- lieved to be thc Muncies, an off-shoot of i D,uscaue tuc oiuer Bmc, auu uggus,ieu gtatea hag incrcased from i27B8,auu the Delawares, had built their wigwams I thy propriety of going down on the west lbg in 1843j t0 25)587,G68 lbs. in 1852 and settled their families, at the junction of the Susquehanna. 1 he party, Qr ifc bas doublcd. Me in England the of the west and north branches of the ! generally, judged it rather a decoy, to in-j c?ns tion ba3 increased nearly onc Susquehanna, on the site of the present duce them to rush into i the danger, which Qr from 40,203,303 lbs. in 1843, village of Northumberland. The towns of the others recceded farther into the wilds along the west branch It will be "recollected that a chain of posts was established during the provin- n n frovernmnnt of Pennsvlvania. PiOba- bly in 175G,by Gov. Porbes, extending in ml i from Philadelphia to . I'ort I'itt, now Pittsburg. One of thesi and had rendered himself acceptable to the Indians, who found it a great couve- ' j fnr. nnr ninnnA i ..Li .Hoi, fi,i,;nc no w -nnnrl. LU tlUUU IUU1 UtJllJw; wi JU ,1 uui , i K . . X -.1 cd, in their own neighborhood. Here ho liorl KrAiml.f. n Tlnw tho. fir PVPT RPPT. OT1 the baiiksof the Susquehanna, with other : from the bushes which lined the bank. implemcnts of husbandry, and made a Hams wasthe only one of the party that little clearins sufficient for a kitchen gar- escaped to toll the tale, the residue being j a u.r. ii t.h iTo; cither shot down in the boats or over- UCll, U11U IIUIU ilO UU111 UUUU Jjuuii founder of Harrisburg, believed to be thc only individual ever existing, that laid out a town at his birth place, and who,as , the first child of white parents, received 1 from that circumstance, a grant of four hundred acres of land, offered as a prem- , iuin by the proprietors, for thc settlement west of the then frontier parts of Eas- ; tern Pennsylvania Uerks and Lancaster counties. I After Braddock's defeat, one of the separated from their rifles The Indians British officers, on his way to Philadel-! attacked the party, after detaching a few phia, called at Harris' station, for the warriors to -intercept their retreat by a purpose of staying all night. Through narrow defile. The bank of the Susque LLglect of Lperson Ivhose duty it JT was to attend to closing thc port holes at sundown, they had been on that day left open. Tho officer was engaged in con versation with Mrs. Harris, with his back to the port-holes, and she facing them. shoulder, she heard the click and saw thc ; flash of a rifle. Without any cxclama- tion of surprise, or saying anything to ! interrupt his discourse, sheleaned to one j side where thp candle stood, and blew it out. The nbrt day the officer fell in ! with an old Indian chief and his attend- i ant, who acknowledged to him that ho i.' ifft. ui i,nn(j,n J i j i- i JmAT. ,a f ,nf heing drizzling, his powder had got wet i and tlQ iece b fire and be was un win;n fn ren(int, i,:a firo after the candle ! wag extinguished, for fear of injuring jjrq 3jarrj3 ft somewbat later dat when Pcnn. ! Wians had cstendednhemSelves west ,fthe xonegal Eettlemcnfc in Lancaster c alad formed a settlement on Povtnn HrPftlf. t .ft Tnrl nns linrrnn to fill- tertain great apprehensions of being final ly expelled from the country, and con verted measures, with thgir usual secrecy, for the extirpation of the whites. Having ascertained that they collected once a week for religious worship, they made their arrangements to attack Paxton meeting house, and cut off all the inhab itants at a single blow. They rendez voused in considerable numbers at a spot west of the Blue Mountains, and poured in on the settlement thorugh Monda Gap, about fourteen miles, from the Susquehan na, with such eclercity and secrecy as to station themselves in the thicket around the meeting houso, without the least sus picion having been formed by the settlers of any sinister designs." They had, how ever, missed one day in their reckoning, and iaken Saturday in place of the Sah bath, for their ambus.cade. As the usual hour passed without any of the whites making theft appearance, the Indians be gan to-suspect that they ' had ; in some way or other been put on their guard, and fearing injury to themselves, they broke up and made their way home with out loss of time, and as quickly and se cretly as they, had found J&cir way into the settlement. . The nextf'day the num ber arid character of lh6 tracks around, revealed to" the' scttWs 'the threatened council was held' on the spot)' arid" R was "danger: as well ' as the hostile intentions; 1 generally, of thli ravage eigliSf J'.'- A i . .. . -i .. i ii- ii - n . ... determined to dispatch Harris, with some that (he ran to the stairs, and in his agi forty others, well armed, to visit the In-'tation, made-but one step to their foot, dian villages, and ascertain, if possible, j During the dark hours, of the revolu their purposes. jtionary-struggle, when public credit was The company set out nest day, and onat the lowest ebb, and Congress had ap reaching the town on the opposite bank pealed to the public spirit of the Arneri of the SuSQuehanna. found a war party ! can people for aid in contributions of mo- assembled in council, painted and array-'ncy, provisions and clothing, Mrs. liar- . ed Willi war clubs. This, of course, left'ris left Harrisburgh at daylight, with one no doubt of their hostile designs, but in the face of these signals, the Indians dis- ,1 . f:,n.. -nro,.ric 1 uiuiuiuu uiij uiunuuuij luunugo wiittiua fltnir trliifp noinrliViors. nnd asserted their wi.w. " " -- 1 ' pared for their return, their route being well known to the Indians. Ihey had to cross the river some distance below, at the mouth of a little creek, where Selin's Grove is now built. Harris had with drawn for a short distance from the camp, ana was returning w u, mbu uu met uu .1 -i i- :l l i. i I old Indian whom he recognized as an in pacific intentions, the design being, if to Philadelphia, being one hundred miles SQ that can keep up a conversation prostvatinf malady, Cholc, a Morbus the possible, to put them off their guard.- j in one day, and paid the money with her , with Qn(J half of their tpnguc and with Leason wbch is now upon us r5ther thari The party of the whites reposed no con- own hands over to the committee appoin-1 anotber wilh the olhcr at thc same timcJ , , f . H d fidence in these protestations, but pre- ted by Congress to receive it. Such was j Alwi; ' t llie Molucca Islands, he as-! an observation ot it, ot late jcar,, during j- m..i ii.-i i l-t him for his life. The or turning ..w, .. his head, or even m in wto finrnvn nn . , rr r glancing at Harris for he was aware, on . iumuit vi' 1UiUiUK nia uuu, ui ttcu account of his friendly feeling to that in- UlVlUUUli UUUU no M uj luili) ,iui,vuvv, passed him, and in a hurried manner, s?ld Jobn Harri3 don k you cros? the nvcr. After starting for home, Harris men- tionett to uis company ims warning, as ne understood it to be, ot a meditated am-i supposea was aciuuuy uu r u, ; Darris then explained to his friends the "lation in which ho stood to the .Indian, avowing his cct0 ccro, and appealing to the party whether ... i . i . it ..i luV -w" T T , . r. , , tueir wornngu preparnuuu ii , , " . ., T7 A . stmate . and rather than separate from rncu, ailit afiV.r 7, - J Jnent, accompanied them on their route. Scacelv had the nrst i,i, i ,-. . , ,. 1 1 Ci1tt fhn firCT. MnflT. Ill wlllPfl thoy crossed, touched thc opposite shore, UCn U UWUUmiVU UFU "" taken at a disadvantage. lie swam the river across three, times to baffle the pur suit made in his chase. Harris generally rode a horse, which was well known to the Indians. On an other occasion, while the whites and In dians were on unfriendly terms, he had been with a party of thc settlers, hunting on the west side or the river, who had nn t rM-.ilnntlir Vit enmn o r p.ii m sin n c.p. hpcnmo and this afforded the only opening to the ford opposite tho settlement.' Harris was as usual mounted, and making his way clown to tho pass, when he found himself confronted by anr old chief, well known to him as Indian John who stood tno patn-way wuu u , shoot. He was compelled to risk he shot. Leaping instantly to the ground ? ungirthcd tho saddle, held t by he gths twisted over his arm, and vaulting on his horses back, stooped forwards raised the saddle and holding it m front bo as to form a shield he ru lied at his enemy at the top of his speed. The In- ' dian sprang to one side, disconcerted by P mnvomnnh nn( fnftrfnl i the sudden movement, and iearlul ot missing, reserved his fire. As soon as Harris passed thc foe, he swung the sad dle over his head, so as to form a protec tion for his rear, and pursued his way to tho river. Tho Indian fired, his ball taking effect on thcTaddle, tho rider and hoase escaping unharmed. One of the party, whose hoise had been shot down (a little Dutch Doctor,) had reached thc edge of the river, and when Harris overtook him there, begged with such earnestness, that ho would take him on behind him, that Harris could not resist bis entreaties, although fearful of encumbering his progress thro' the water with thc added weight. Jrle was accordingly taken' on behind, but they had hardly got fifty yards into tho stream, when a ball struck the doctor killing him instantly. The Indians were at the horse's heels' and tho humanity of Harris in place of endangering his cscope, had proved-the'meaus of saving his' life. A short time before the massacre at Paoli, Harris1 house had been made a depository of powder, to protect it from f!illiiifr into the enemv's hands in case uiviauai unit, xiau uuco ucuu mueuwu toiStates is said to have becn n the year o was where Har- ! own camp, inbicau ux iu iu.u6 iu xiUu- g t n tvorn l,niiq : IV aUVlCC J-UU IKUtV, UUYVU1, MOICUW- OJ Rnn they should penetrate into-the Lancaster , his pencil wrote against the name of one settlements. It was stored in the garret' who was of the bustling order: " Has of tho building, one barrel having been been accused of possessing talents. "An un headed and left open for retail purposes, other seeing it immediately, wrote un His ncro Hercules', already alluded to", der: fHe has been tricd-and acquited.' had been sent up to get'some grain from Q ' . the loff, and, having occasion to set the ca d gers,- ana. siowiy wuuuru.i 1 - 1 - ...ui; J- : ndle. down, stuck it into Uie open pow-, Koneu tue wani 01 a miu 1 a uc g h tbnt fnit.1,-. nro nil ' eV, which he took to be flaxseed. Fear-.aSked what his father tollqwed tor a liv- , ,u "l; u;" V 1 JJTml Option. Tlfd BVnrif MiTMc ' '.lt- nr..,. tt.,1.,.; fiintvol vnn n "Tin is n mo .hftriist hv tratle. leavmaAreiano. j'jio luu.uiuiu uu uu ... - . iliA :, ?, - .a5,r ing an acuiuum, iuia. u.,v..w, ..fa, -j. ""T:Vv 1 Zoloft At tho nfcse'nt rate-of cmi- Pb hcan says tt?aPtim now stono cinivcii and comprehended the danger at a glance, but he don't work at it any more." nonejelt. At tno pi escne rate pi cryi 1 J. cli ttent ana coinpreutuuc j . , - , . pration wh oh cannot bo less than 200,- at Pittsfield is to be used, for the wtfrstnp Beproving himsimpfor staong ncfte A 00,chieflv Ionian Catholics i.r a vcaM of CpdJalomCliy aAof tl Sptj.- ; OQt 1 0 - inm .tue angsr, Sulf iw alSrua hundred guineas, all the money tier nus band had on hand at the time, and ni.nnM'nr, imwoo i f. T.nnnncfhr flnrf.v-fivr ' wuttuguiguuioMu. .i.wwi.i.. , j - miles on the route: rode in that evening . the patriotism of that period Tea and Coffee Trade. The London Economist gives the fol lowing data with reference to the con- sumptions of tea and coffee in the United otfttM a V.nnU-nil ates and England : The consumption of tea in the United jiyoz, o os,uoa ids.; mJiingiana lewas, accord"i toourtradetables 54 724,615 ' P , -i 1 i , .t.n to , na (il T awuiuiug iu uui u, , lbs . g0 tbafc COMnmo neariy donbla as much tea in proportion to our numbers as the neonlo of the United States. In -however, they consumed 180,531, 1489 lbs. of coffee, while we onlyconsumec or. (aa S7R IViq sn flinf, hfivinrr reirard K h ' opulafcion tbey consume six times c coffeo tban wc consume. In ten g the . consumption of tea in the to 54',724,G15 lbs. in 1852. In the States thc consumption of coffee has increased, from 85,01 G,G56 lbs; in 1843, to 180,531, 480 lbs. in 1852 or it has more than doubled. In England the consumption of coffee has increased from 29,99,404 ' in 1851, to 35,044,370 lbs. in 1852 ov onc-sixtii. tuc population or tne has'increased from 18,155 561 to 000 or one-third. The consump tion of both coffee and tea m the States has increased much faster than the peo ple, from which wc see that they, like the ;for anfl lusurics as bey incrcase in English, are advancing in wealth, com numbers. The Last Coiiiinjlnisi) At a dinner party, a few days since, while champagne was circulating pretty freely, and jests were sparkling as sparkling wine, one modest young gentleman, who was engaged in the turkey department, suddenly proposed a conundrum: " Why are the most of people who eat turkey, like babies ?" A great silence followed, accompanied with deep reflection. No one could an swer, all seemed perplexed. The modest young gentleman blushed, and backed out of his own proposition, but an over- curious female relative detained him by the button of his coat, and he was com - polled, at the entreaties of the party, to give the answer, which was. " Because they are fond of the breast." Two middle-aged young ladie3 taintod, and thc coroner was sent for immediately to hold an inquest over the remains of thc young man, who was suddenly carried out. Sisterly Affection. At a 'protracted meeting" held whi lom, not a thousand miles from Ballston Spa, an ancient sister in tho church a rose and relieved herself as follows: " I sec young ladies here that seem to love cow-caws, furbelos, ribbons and la ces more than their Creator. I loved them once, and adorned my hat with French artificial flowers, bright colored ribbons, and sky blue trimmings, but I found they were dragging me domn to h 11, and 1 tooc them ojf ana gave incm to my sister " ilappings. ' I say, Bill, did you ever see the ta bles move by the aid of spirits froin thc spirit world?' 'No, Sam, but I saw a stool move, and it came towards rac with a perfect rusV 'Were you not a little frightened?' 'Yes, but I dodged it.' 'Who made it move, Bill?' 'Why,niy own sweetheart! she throwed it at me because I made fun of the way she puts her hair up in paper. 'Oh, get out, Bill ; you am ignorant of the science of knockers I mean spiritual doings.' 4 Well, if you'd a been there," you'd a thought thero was both 'knocking and spirit in the movement. A person looking over a catalogue of professional gentlemen of the bar, with A boy whose general appearance be to nrr. tf nointed Jinia timoro.on Monaay,;anu uis 11 0 on- -9111 Wonderful People A german Jurisprudent named Ilcn- ry Kornman, published a book in the jias published in the- Tribune the follow -beginning of the 17th century, in which . 0f treating cholera, morbus. ho details with becoming gravity some . , . , J tit seems to us to be worthy of attention! wonderous yarns. . . J In describing the wonders that arc to and trial. A remedy so simple, forsucli be found in the South Scathe tells us a serious and often fatal complaint, would that Diodorus, the geographer, writes Q 0f iucstimablc value : flmf Hirrf is nn ilnnd in if. whp.rn the 111-1 . i -i i . i ; , 1 " Vi " x, " . ,,..:- -i -r, i it inuauitants or urcccc ana itaiy ineir. l : ,i;:AnA r, tua ,.nntc LU11W LIU la ULt 1U bllU UU1U uuw aww.-, cum? ne ttH.1i inimitable si mnlieitv. that. :a : --u: ' i,j. which I have had but little to do witn in the Island of Ceylon, which is one of .general practice, I have come to thc con them, there is a nation with cars so large elusion that thc remedy for it is Ice. Kofc that they hang down to their shoulders, j ;cc waterj' nor even ice taken into the and that on another island close by it, moutb t0 'mclt and find its way into the there is a nation with cars still longer. t . . , Thc inhabitants of it are accustomed when Stomach as water, but crushed ice swal- thoy go to sleep, to lay down on one ear lowed, or Ice Pills, if you please. . . and to cover themselves up with thc oth- 'The primary scat of this disease is the' er !' This story, he informs us, is to be ! stomacb. 'Jhere the intense thirst and nnnri in t.Mnt COieDraiCU auiuor i'XUAiin-t found in that celebrated autnor iuaxim-i ' ilianus Transylvanus,f of whose celebrity, lnrwr, .nt this time of davunfor- ' timately ignorant'. A Knight of thc name perienccd in the mouth. There the ico of Pigafetta pledges his credit for thc should be applied, with thc view to ab truth ofit, as any of our readers may see,' sorb;nfr the morbid excess of caloric, or who chose to refer to his History of the. b r East Indies: To match this people, i t -b who made coverlets of their ears, the .distresses thc stomach, while the ice itself, worthy German informs us that there are j applied to the part affected swallowed a people in India who make a parasol of m 5maU lumps, not suffered to trickle their foot. This story rests on the au-! downrelievc3 it alraost certainly, thoritv of Solinus, who, in his odd chap-: . T , 'ui i if 'Persons takmf these Ice l itis, as 1 ter, cnlightenes the world by telling it, I J-- ia 0 that 'there is" a natio'n of one eyed people j have called them, to indicate that thc in India, who.. though they have but one secret of thc remedy proposed lies in tho leg, are endowed with singular fleetness. 1 tbe form and modc 0f administration When they want to protect themselves j haa in thc remcd itsclfhicli from the heat, they throw themselves on . t.1,ir- W.k. and recline under the shade,15 rcaly nthlS are sometimes an of their foot, which is immensely large.' A Biff SnaiiCi We understand that while Mr. iderstand that while Mr. Wbip, J jn to be alarmed at. but is favorable, on in the Bedford Valley, not far cont Tfrt5r; need bo n0 fcar. nberland, was mowing his mead-, ....... , . -f. r days since, he discovered the:Lefc thcicc bc taken frce1 and fc a farmer from Cuml r1VC o fnnr t track of some enormous reptile, and, upon ! following it up, came to the skin that had, the aid of any other medicine whatever: been shed by a snake, which, upon meas- am awarc that advice unasked is toff urement, proved to be twenty one feet !usually advicc unthanked: but I felt that inches Ion" This may seem to be a most - , , i marvellous snake story, but there are sev- the above fact should be generally known oral persons in this place, not remarkable and therefore I make no apology for ta- for credulity, who fully believe it. It was , told us as a fact, and we tell it a3 such. A Fact to Rememtjer. In thc course of an inquest in London, a Mr. Wakely observed that it would be well to acquaint thc public with the fact, that if persons in a house on fire had the presenco of mind to apply a damp cloth or handker chief to their mouth and nostrils they could effect a passage through the denset sninlrnr hut the surest mode WO'uld be to envelop the head and face completely in ; the damp cloth. Eubbs while recently engaged in split tinT wnnd. struck a false blow, causinir thestiek so flv up. It struck him on the jaw and knocked out a front tooth. 'Ah; ' J .1 "I:11 A.t;n I...... c.iin n fni I l'rt,l sani Jim iuiuuuuj; unu fuuu jrv, , , i i .1 i C .1 nave a a aentai o pB., I see.' 'Yes,' replied thc sufferer, 'ax-i- dental 1' And by such a pun be avenged himself upon fate. ! A lady, passing along thc streets of a northern city, noticed a little boy who; was scattering salt on the side walks for the rmrnosc of clearing tho ico which was very slippery. Well, I'm sure,' said the ladv. 'this is real benevolence. b.' 'No, it ain't, ma'am,' replied the boy 'Seen the Crystal Palace, Tommy V asked a littte urchin of a newsboy. 'Oh yes, I'se been up there several dif- fcreet times,' replied another newsboy as. they both stood in Nassau street, waiting for the Extras to come out. 'Wall, I knows a man that would give $500 to sec that are place' 'You do, Jim?' 'Yes, sir-ec.' . , r,....;' - 'And you know it, Jim TVs 'Yes.' 7 .'; ' 'Bet a quarter on't you don't; 'Done;' and the money. was put inBill Mulligan's hands. 'Now, who is he ?' Why he's a blind vian. Orr the trial of a person in Boston for violating the Liquor law, a witness, who was put upon tho stand to impeach anoth er, swore that "the character of the. wit ness" for thc Stato might bo go6d enough for common affairs, but on a fox huntjhe was the aU-ftretlcst liar he ever did see! The London. Times says: "In fifty years Ircland will bo Protestant to fcnian. - . fcbe Romnn Gat)l0iics of Trcand and oinidruu. will . selCtholiiue when tDoehis cjrt thusf f it ir- the iSi rdliittilcte inXreluinl af the vail" lec for Cholera Morbus. medical scnUcmnn of New York 2ir : ' Uiuiueu more uy my personal ovnnrlnnce. as an annual victim ot that r vnrv nommon tliourh vcrv worrvinst and o w w , ... characteristic of UlCUI UWUMlw J 1 1 l 1. UlSairreCaUIC UILLU1 - 1 1. i 'ii cuoicra moruus, origin, aimim-ii in larmed at the "shock" experienced in tho stomach. This is produced by the rapid loss of morbid heat, and is therefore noth- scarcely ever fail to give relief, without king up the brief space required for ita statement. f'Yery truly your friend,' , r'ft J. E. Sxodgrass, M; Di" -1 New York, &ine 24, 1S53. Order from the post-Officc Be-' mend Post Office Department, Aug. 5, 1853, Pursuant to authority vested in the Postmaster General, and by and with the advice sud consent of the President of the United StateSj (which advicc and con- jsent more fully appears by an instrument in writing this day filled in the Depart merit,) and with a view to make better . 1 .1. TT'l-.T no3fcai arrangements uetwecn tuc unueu 1 g and E particularly with thc It is hereby ordered, That from and af ter the loth of August, 1S53, thc postage on a single letter to Bremen, by the Bremen line, bo reduced from 20 to ten cts., which rate is to be charged; also, on letters to' and from Bremen, for all States beyond t rcmen . whosc postage to Bremen shall uot exceed five cents, the single rate. On letters for States beyond Bremen, whose postage to and from Brcmerf U over five cents, thc single rate between thc United States and Bremen shall.be fifteen in stead of ten cents the postage beyond, whatever it may be, to be added to tho said rate of fifteeu cents. On all pamphlets and magazines matt ed withiu the United States for, or. re ceived from, any foreign country, (except Great Britian, the British .North Amen- fcan Provinces, and thc west coast of South America,) the postage shall be aft he rate of one cent au ounce-or fraction of an ounce, instead of two cents, as es tablished by thc order of the 25th May last. And whenever the British govern ment shall reduce their postage on wortta of this kind, from thc present rata of four cents to one cent an ounce, the samV re duction may be made in the W SfaW 'postage to and from Great Britiari. Post'm'astefrenertil;' To Destroy Bedbugs. A simply and easy methqd of destroying this lohUisomo tormentor has been, discovered. .1 Ttec.ou sisU in spreading tho liquid from the-ripe cucurhber "ob'tho bbdsteafliT'anS suclHth- of places in' which ffiosBor. selves may ot new bonnets ami rtrtos critital cxi mi nation rhorcVf 1